Bukalov A.V.
Published in "Socionics, mentology and personality psychology", N 1 (2000).
Original article in (English) (Russian)
See also:
The Clock of the Socion
On Waves of Aging and Renewal
More articles on Social Progress and Quadra Progression
Evaluate Your Chances in Business Competition
Integral Types and Ethnosocionics (Socionics.us)
Integral type (Wikisocion)
Socionics Interpretation of the Russian National Character as IEI-INFp
Typing Religions, Teachings, and Movements (Socionist blog)
Classification of Art Movements by Quadra
Articles on Small Groups
Related discussions:
Integral Types of Countries/Nations
Integral Types
Integral types and quadra of major corporations
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Betas breaking laws and integral type of Russia
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**Note: Many grammatical edits and re-wording have been applied throughout to improve readability, though the meaning and intent of the original content has not been changed. Links to outside sources have been added throughout the article for the purposes of providing further information about various terms, events, and public figures mentioned in the article. These links were not part of the original text online.
Throughout its development, socionics, the theory of informational metabolism, has developed a range of new intellectual technologies used in teaching methods, investigation of interpersonal relations in the family, psychotherapy, staff management, formation of effective teams and groups, and the development of artificial intelligence systems. The article outlines the potential use of socionic political technologies in the implementation of social, economic, administrative, and armed forces reforms, as well as in public administration, the conducting of ideological election and advertising campaigns, as well as implementing and conducting effective domestic and foreign policy.
Keywords: socionics, psychology, sociology, humanitarian technologies, social technologies, informational technologies, political science, armed forces reform, administrative reforms, education, information technology, staff management, education, ethnology.
The purpose of any technology is to increase the efficiency of the social and productive activities of a person and of society as a whole, and to improve living conditions. The theory of information metabolism of an individual and of the social mentality - socionics* [1-6] - during its development has contributed to the creation of many humanitarian, social, political, and information technologies related to this world and human activities, covering all spheres of life and the activities of society, the state, and civilization.
* The Russian Academy of Sciences has admitted Socionics as a discovery in 1995. And its founder - Aushra Augustinavichute - has been awarded with a diploma of discovery and P.L.Kapitza medal.
> Table of intellectual socionic technologies.
> 1. Humanitarian technologies.
> 2. Social technologies (management, production, business).
> 3. Socionic technologies and society.
> 4. Conclusions.
Table of intellectual socionic technologies.
Humanitarian technologies | Educational methods, organization of educational systems, family, psycho-informational compatibility, models of mentality and their practical application; psychotherapy; deep psychoanalysis, medicine. |
Social technologies | Staff management (employee recruitment and placement); "integral type" informational portraits of organizations; identification of weaknesses; creation of highly effective teams for specific purposes; administrative reforms; economic reforms and their ideological support; reform and reduction of the armed forces; formation of "brainstorming" groups and quality "work cells". |
Political technologies | Integral socionics; ethno-socionics; identification of ethnos and state mentalities; methods of propaganda and agitation, advertising; formation of ideologies, conducting domestic and foreign policy; election technologies while taking into account the mentality of voters; interaction of politicians and nations; international relations; interactions between countries; systemic interactions between ethnoses and super-ethnoses; issues of state information security; creation of the state's image abroad; development of legislation, the scope of law. |
Informative technologies | "Human-system", "operator-computer" challenges; types of interaction with technical and electronic systems; new information processing technologies; adaptive interfaces; creation of artificial intelligence. |
1. Humanitarian technologies.
The structure of the human psyche has been developed and described in effective models in socionics, which are reflected in the types of mentality (the so-called types of information metabolism). Socionic descriptions of the types of mentalities give us a deep understanding of the thinking style, motivation, and actions of a specific person, including the strengths and weaknesses of his mind, and the ability to perceive and process different information, shared by him through aspects of the informational flow. Because of this, socionic methods can be applied to pedagogy, or methods of teaching. Characteristics of information assimilation are determined by a person's type of mentality (or psycho-informational type). Therefore, socionics can recommend forms of training and stimulation for students, especially teaching methods for different types of groups, and the appropriateness of teaching certain subjects at certain ages. Socionics also provides the opportunity to create optimal study groups, which result in a considerable increase in the performance and discipline of the students [35, 36, 50, 63].
With knowledge of socionic methods, teachers and educators can effectively communicate with students both at a personal level, and at the group level. Socionics offers new technologies for organizing the educational process and for optimizing training [30-32, 64-66, 70]. It is possible to increase the amount of educational material while also increasing the degree of assimilation of information. The load on the students' psyche is reduced because he works on his most developed mental (psycho-informational) functions, along with reasonable exercise of his less developed functions. In this way, the application of socionic technologies in pedagogy makes it possible to intensify the educational process in conditions of "information explosion" with more complete development of the individual students. Knowing the basics of socionics also helps parents to more adequately approach the educational process of their children and to determine their natural inclinations. Socionics is actively used in work with teenagers to resolve their problems [60, 61, 63].
Socionics also broadens the methods of deep psychoanalysis, allowing for more effective treatment of a number of mental disorders [40-44, 46, 82]. For example, effective socionic methods were developed for patients being treated for substance abuse, and demonstrated good results [59, 75]. Knowledge of the psycho-informational structure of a type allows one to give informed advice on career guidance and professional competence [33, 34, 74, 76]. These recommendations are supported by many years of research of real production teams by staff members at the International Institute of Socionics [24]. It is necessary to note that socionic methods are highly effective, practical, and operate at a deeper level than other technologies, such as neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). In particular, socionics allocates 8 (16) differentiated channels (corresponding to 16 types of people) within its own model of the psyche's structure, in contrast to 3 (4) in the NLP model.
Socionic methods not only describe the structure of the individual psyche, but also predict interactions and relationships between people. Socionics distinguishes 16 types of relationships — from the most attractive and comfortable to those of conflict. Understanding the nature of these relations helps to solve a number of problems in interpersonal relationships, including aspects of psychological and sexual compatibility. Research of married couples has shown that family relations are subject to the laws that were discovered by socionics [22]. Socionic technologies are used in family consultation (relationships between parents and children, parenting issues, etc.) [56, 60, 61].
In medicine, it was found that assigning people to certain types of groups enables allows for more effective group psychotherapy. It was also found that assigning patients to groups with comfortable socionic relations significantly reduced (by 1.3 to 2 times) the time they stayed in the hospital ward (after an operation, in recuperation, etc.); this was due to these groups' optimal psycho-informational interactions. At the same time, adverse relations in small groups results in the exacerbation of chronic psychosomatic diseases, or the emergence of new ones [62, 79, 83]. Also discovered was the predisposition of psycho-informational types to certain diseases, connections were traced back to the concepts of traditional Asian medicine, and recommendations were offered for a prevention of a number of diseases [3].
Socionic methods have proven to be an excellent tool for use in the humanities, such as philosophy, literature, linguistics, and history [37, 39, 48, 51, 54, 58, 73, 76, 77].
2. Social technologies (management, production, business).
Socionic knowledge allows one to more effectively organize business management or production. First, this means the best recruitment and placement, while taking into account psycho-informational compatibility, which provides both business and psychological compatibility. Thus, it is possible to create a cohesive team of associates with high efficiency, in which there is mutual reinforcement and support of each other. The International Institute of Socionics staff members have studied more than 70 enterprises in the countries of the CIS [Commonwealth of Independent States: former Soviet republics]. The research has shown high efficiency of the application of socionic technologies in management during the reorganization or creation of groups of any type — administrative (managerial), industrial, commercial, law-enforcement, service, or trade — for a given task, while taking into account the leader [19, 15, 24, 33, 34, 38, 49, 52, 62, 68, 69, 72]. In addition, it is possible for manufacturing teams to create quality work cells, as by the Japanese example.
However, socionic methods also allows us to form groups that resolve tasks much more effectively than randomly assembled ones. This same applies to the problems of "brainstorming". With the help of socionic technologies, it is possible to form problem-solving groups in which a resonance occurs between individual psyches and a "collective hyperbrain" is formed. Repeated experiments carried out in the International Institute of Socionics show a high level of overall performance in such groups. A complex problem is solved in a short time (8-12 minutes) due to the multilateral consideration of all its aspects. Such teams in group management are very effective. At the same time there are groups in which the transfer of information is difficult, and problems are solved with great difficulty.
It is obvious that in a competitive market, socionic technologies offer significant advantages to organizations that use them. Knowing socionics, it is also possible to evaluate your business partners, to predict their behavior, their degree of reliability, to develop a strategy for business negotiations, and to determine the prospects for cooperation. Socionics helps us to understand motives of other people, and thus makes it possible to make decisions regarding modalities of co-operation with various partners.
Social socionic technologies allow us to determine the level of comfort or discomfort of each member of the team, and his efficiency within the team. In addition, knowledge of the integral type of a group as a whole also helps the leader to manage it more effectively, and to understand the problems and processes occurring within it. By analyzing the socionic factors of the interactions within a management unit, the International Institute of Socionics staff members made a prediction that a team would go on strike, half a year before it had taken place. It could have been prevented if these warnings had been heeded. The reason for the strike was poor psycho-informational interaction in the company, and the inability for the company to react adequately to problems of the team [24]. Socionic analysis of the activities of an enterprise or firm can determine its weaknesses, its degree of vulnerability to changing market situations or the actions of its competitors, and allow it to take the appropriate actions.
The distribution of functional roles in a team or a small group is closely linked to the socionic, psycho-informational structure of the team. This allows for a purposeful formation of resonant groups in scientific, humanitarian, social, productive, technological, and other fields depending on the task [15, 17, 19, 83]. Currently, the International Institute of Socionics, together with IASC (USA, California) is developing a training program in socionic technologies for employees of personnel service enterprises, within the framework of secondary higher education.
Socionic methods have shown to be effective in business structures, in banking groups, insurance and brokerage companies, in management teams, in industrial teams of various structures (mining, construction, production of beverages, mechanical engineering, repair, transport, IT departments, etc.), in trade (from individual stores to associations), field service, medicine, and tourism [24]. In the field of aviation studies, studies have shown the necessity for socionics application when manning the crews of the aircraft [45]. This is also true for crews of space ships, submarines, ships navigating the ocean, crews of combat vehicles, groups of special forces (firefighters, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, special forces troops, etc.), and for Arctic expeditions and others.
Socionic technologies can play a special role in reforming the armed forces. The reduction of an army while preserving, or even increasing, its combat capabilities can be achieved by a wide application of socionic technologies. Units that are assembled using socionic methods to ensure maximum psycho-informational compatibility may experience a synergetic increase of efficiency by several times in comparison to arbitrarily assembled teams [24]. This especially applies to micro-units serving in sophisticated techniques: air defense divisions, crews of combat vehicles, and service and technical support. Thus, the consistency of work calculations will dramatically reduce the damage of equipment by young soldiers. In addition, it is possible to predict an increase in the quality of troop command and control, an improvement of morale in military units, a reduction in the amount of unauthorized bullying and hazing, desertions, and so on. This also fully applies to border troops, as border guard outposts represent closed groups. Thus, socionic technologies allow for the revealing of human potential and to use the psycho-informational resources of both the individual and social mentalities.
Many aspects of design and architecture concern the social technologies produced by socionics: what for one type of person is pleasant and harmonious, for another can look ugly or disharmonious. Therefore, accounting for another type of aesthetic-information values allows us to offer the best options in this area. The problems of engineering psychology are also closely related to these problems. With the help of socionic methods it is possible to create engineering solutions for the design and decoration of an area, as well as technical devices and systems that are optimally suitable for workers. In addition, developing new methods for the tasks involving "human-system", "human-computer", that optimize interaction of people with complex technical and electronic systems, while allowing for their own psycho-informational perception and reactions [12]. This is especially important in the management of such systems, as in nuclear power plants, chemical plants, missile systems, and so on, where human error can result in disastrous consequences.
By socionic methods it is possible to determine the types of interaction humans have with technical systems, and also to predict the tendencies of the development of such systems [25, 29]. In socionics, the discovery was made of new laws of structuring human consciousness by different amounts of information, including memory and thinking. This creates new opportunities for advertising, management, and the creation of new computing algorithms and systems of information processing [18]. Currently, work is underway on the use of socionic methods in artificial intelligence systems, because only by taking into account a real psycho-informational structure of mentality, as is described in socionics, will we have the opportunity to fully simulate human intelligence. Similar works is being conducted on the creation of an adaptive computer interface, adapted to a specific operator or user [12].
3. Socionic technologies and society.
Socionic technologies allow one to work effectively with collectives of any level of complexity, using the laws of functioning of their psycho-informational space, and are a great complement to sociological research methods. Research of the population affected by the failure of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant carried out by the Institute of Sociology of NAS of Ukraine jointly with the International Institute of Socionics, has allowed us to make specific recommendations for social work with migrants [7, 23].
Methods of integral socionics have given us the opportunity to establish a clear structure of the mentality of an ethnic group, or ethnos. Knowledge of this structure, a system of perception and evaluation of reality, along with cultural and historical features of an ethnos and its state structures, has helped to create a number of social and political technologies directed at optimal management of the ethnos or the state, including improving their conditions life and existence. Thus, identifying the integral types of ethnoses or nations helps us to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a specific ethnos, the sources of its problems and difficulties, and to give specific recommendations for overcoming or compensating for them [8, 11, 16, 37].
Presently, the International Institute of Socionics has investigated in detail the psycho-informational structure of most major ethnic groups and states of Europe, America, and Asia, in order to build an effective psycho-informational model of functioning which describes well the processes taking place in these countries. For example, the structures of the Russian, Ukrainian, and American ethnoses are given above in Figure 1. Both the strengths and problems of each ethnos are clearly visible. The business ("money") logic () in America's psycho-informational structure is a leading function of perception and action of the American mentality, which determines the level of economic development of the country and its leading role in this field at a global level [9]. At the same time, in the Russian and Ukrainian psycho-informational structures, this function is in a problem zone — hence the difficulties with the implementation of economic reforms in the absence of a focused program of psycho-informational adaptation of the country's reforms [11].
This knowledge of the psycho-informational structure generates appropriate social technologies for the state government. It is possible to easily determine the feasibility of certain steps as they are accepted by a society. For example, the economic reforms in Russia under the leadership of Yegor Gaidar were carried out based on recipes developed by the Western ethnoses and those countries' particular mentalities, which are very different from that of Russia. Failure to take into account these circumstances has caused an unexpected, huge jump in inflation as a result of the reaction of one type of mentality on the actions of a different type of mentality [11]. Meanwhile, thanks to the integration of the psycho-informational structures of the peoples of Russia, Ukraine, and other countries of the CIS, it is possible to propose recipes for optimal economic and social reforms with minimal costs.
Socionic methods can readily determine the systemic nature of tensions and instability in a society, and the nature of its political, social, humanitarian, and cultural preferences, as well as identify and rank the motivational structures and cultural attitudes of the people or ethnos, including their regional variants. Our study of the problems of alcoholism and drug addiction have shown their clear connection with the structure of an ethnic group's mentality (e.g. Russia). On this basis, it is possible to propose specific social programs in order to combat these problems [19].
The discovery of the structural evolution of ethnoses and states as a psycho-informational system (the so-called law of quadra progression [Bukalov, Gulenko, 1988]) allows us to adequately describe and to predict historical and sociopolitical processes taking place in a society [14]. Socionic technology was an excellent predictor of political processes [8]. Things that happened in Russia in the 20th century: the rise of the totalitarian USSR state and its disintegration processes of "perestroika" (restructuring) and the formation of the new Russian state and other countries of the CIS. According to the president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yuri Osipov, these things are misunderstood and unexplained phenomena. The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has a similar opinion. Meanwhile, that which is unsolvable by outdated traditional approaches is easily solved by socionic methods. They allow us not only to analyze current events, but also to actively influence them, to send them in the necessary direction, by using knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of any social group: a team, party, nation, ethnos, or state.
So, socionic analysis of sociopolitical processes has allowed us to make a number of conclusions from 1989-1999 [8]:
- The frequently debated issue over the possible directions that Russia's historical development could take after World War I got an unambiguous resolution: the arrival to power of the Bolshevik party led by Vladimir Lenin, as the structure of a dual ethnos had no alternative, and was clearly predetermined over the entire course of historical development.
- With the same model, it was concluded that the inevitable disintegration of the USSR into separate states occurred under conditions of the third quadra (Gamma)'s leadership (as a group of types with a similar mentality), led by Мikhail Gorbachev and induced the so-called process of perestroika (restructuring). This prognosis was proven in 1991.
- We made a prediction of the results of the Russian presidential election on the basis of quadra progression and the model of the mentality of the Russian ethnos, which was proven with the election of Boris Yeltsin.
- Analytically, it was shown that quadra progression, by influencing the psycho-informational structure of the state and the system of its priorities, temporarily results in a collapse of the economy and a lowering of the population's living standards. The amount of free information in a society, uncontrollable by the state, increases dramatically (see Figure 2 below).
- We formulated a conclusion about the futility of the Soviet coup attempt on 19-21 August 1991 (by the second quadra, Beta), and similar to it, about the period of domination of the third quadra (Gamma).
- Socionic analysis of the interaction between the parliament of Russia led by Ruslan Khasbulatov ( SLE) and the president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin ( LIE), was done in 1992. This analysis has shown that the contradictions between the integral structures of Beta quadra (the parliament) and Gamma quadra (the president and his team), regardless of the individual relations of Social Order (Benefit) between Yeltsin and Khasbulatov, led to an inevitable confrontation based on the aspect of strong-willed sensing (). This power interaction resulted in the 1993 events in Moscow (attack of Ostankino, and shelling of the Russian White House). The vice-president of Russia, Alexander Rutskoy ( LSI), by virtue of his belonging to the second quadra (Beta) in these polarizing conditions of opposing forces, was on the side of the parliament.
- We concluded that some political analysts' predictions - that Boris Yeltsin aspired to dictatorship - were not justified. This is because the first president of Russia belonged to the third quadra (Gamma), which is characterized by the Reinin trait of Democracy, which would rule out such a scenario.
- We made a prediction regarding the significant success of the LDPR political party led by Vladimir Zhirinovsky to its election to State Duma of Russia. This success was not expected by any sociological school, however it naturally followed from the special relations between Zhirinovsky's type of information metabolism and the mentality of the Russian ethnos.
- Disintegration of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRYu) into separate independent states (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Macedonia, and Serbia with Montenegro) is another example of a proven prognosis.
- In the beginning of 1994, the author made a prediction using the model of ethno-socionics about the distribution of chances for the candidates for the position of the second president of Ukraine in the following sequence: Leonid Kuchma, Leonid Kravchuk, and Volodymyr Lanovyi, which was proven in practice.
- A similar analysis of possible results for the election of the third president of Ukraine showed that Leonid Kuchma had the highest chances of re-election, by virtue of favorable intertype relations of Activity with the mentality of the population of Ukraine.
- Vladimir Putin's popularity and approval of his actions by the majority of the Russian population is due to its psycho-informational resonant quadral interaction with the mentality of Russians [11].
Socionic technologies help to carry out economic and social reforms with peak efficiency, including effective reorganization and reduction of the administrative apparatus, personnel selection at all levels of public and corporate governance, to form the necessary decisions and implement them with the appropriate ideological and propagandistic provisions, all while taking into account the mentality of the population. The same range of issues also concern reforms in the armed forces, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and other services, and the reduction of their staff, while preserving or increasing efficiency of their operations.
Thus, political socionic technologies allow us to determine the structure of the population's mentality of any particular region, and to successfully influence its mood. Such technology gives politicians an opportunity to conduct effective election campaigns, both on the regional and on the state levels, concentrating forces, resources, and money on specific, well-defined areas that are especially important for the given electorate, instead of their irrational use and dispersion. This also concerns the creation of images for politicians, authorities, political parties, other public and commercial organizations, presenting their actions in the best light in the media, as well as the effectiveness of commercial advertisement and marketing.
The reforms in a society are inseparable from its legal aspects. Each society produces aspects of the law, both formal and informal, according to its mentality, policies, and so on. Many legal aspects of the totalitarian state, and especially its power aspect, and prison system, have remained virtually unchanged despite the disintegration of the USSR and collapse of the Communist system. A number of "blanks" were formed in the legislation, which allowed for the abuse of office, in order to commit economic and other crimes. Actually, "black holes" in the economy derive from "white spots" in legislation. Socionic methods help to find out and to eliminate such "blanks", and this promotes development of a society, including its economic and legal stability [25].
1st quadra, Alpha (α) | A maximum of free information circulating in a society, and a minimum of its implementation (materialization). |
2nd quadra, Beta (β) ........................ |
The formation of a centralized (and towards a totalitarian) governance structure, with the implementation of large-scale projects, is accompanied by a sharp decrease of free information circulating in a society: it is transformed into a "project of the century". |
3rd quadra, Gamma (γ) | "Restructuring": an increase of freely circulating information is accompanied by a collapse of the administrative-command system: its economical, social, and productive structures. |
4th quadra, Delta (δ) | The stabilization phase: almost all free information is connected with the material, technological, and other achievements of a society. A minimal quantity of innovative ideas; conservatism. |
The problem of forming a state ideology and its consecutive implementation at all levels is especially important. It is obvious that an effective state could not exist without a clear ideology. Political socionic technologies allow one to create such an ideology that would be acceptable to the overwhelming majority of the population, and would be the stabilizer in a "de-ideologized" and disoriented post-Communist society.
By virtue of the knowledge of the structure and mentality of nations and ethnic groups, socionics can analyze international relations, which frequently are the sources of conflict. The features of interaction of various nations in multinational states, such as Russia, are well described. This same applies to the problems of organized crime, which frequently has a regional or national character. The specialization in the activities of Caucasian groups is well described by methods of ethnosocionics. However, international relations are part of the interaction of states and nations in the international arena. Many aspects of relations between countries can be described by means of integral socionics. The majority of conflicts are associated with collisions of state mentalities as expressed in their foreign policies. The clash of the USA with Iraq or Serbia or with other countries, and the conflicts between Israel and the Arab states, are naturally explained by integral socionics [8-11, 71].
Relations between carriers of the Japanese and American mentalities, between American and Russian, American and Ukrainian, Russian and Ukrainian, are also easily described. It is obvious that knowledge of the features of national mentalities is necessary both within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in other foreign economic organizations. Such organizations such as the European Union are also similarly described. Socionics can give direct recommendations for specific interactions with the state and its leaders, and a forecast of their actions. This also concerns the state of mind and possible actions of the politicians who could come to power. Their real deeds are very much known to differ from pre-election slogans.
Socionics also allows for the description of the psycho-informational structure of corporations and international organizations, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This allows one to evaluate the acceptability of the recommendations of these organizations in one country or another: because it is no secret that the majority of the IMF projects in developing countries were unsuccessful due to the ignoring of national mentalities and cultural features. At the same time, taking into account this phenomenon helps to create by socionic methods adapted programs of economic development which are not in strict contradiction with local customs and traditions. A properly organized information campaign in developed countries could ensure that wide public circles have investment in and a positive attitude regarding the activities of the government concerned, both in its domestic and foreign policy.
It is necessary also to note that socionics allocates natural groups with with similar types of mentalities. This concept can be applied to super-ethnoses, for example: Western European, Slavic-Russian (Orthodox), Arab-Muslim, Latin American, and others represent such groups of types in socionic terms. The characteristics of mentality groups such as these super-ethnoses consist of certain similarities and the same relations to other groups. For example, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia form a group that is mentally distinguished from the other countries of the former USSR, and now of the CIS. They gravitate towards the Western European super-ethnos. It was not by chance that on the level of everyday consciousness, the citizens of the USSR considered the Baltic states the "Soviet West".
The interaction of super-ethnoses has a systemic character, and clashes between them have especially serious consequences. The wars in Yugoslavia after its disintegration were especially bloody because of the confrontation between 3 super-ethnoses: Slavo-Russian, Western, and Muslim. On the contrary, the disintegration of the USSR had a peaceful character due to the dominance of the Slavic-Russian super-ethnos, and an absence of collisions with other super-ethnoses. Integral socionics allows us to analyze similar contradictions and to formulate principles of effective advocacy and outreach in other super-ethnoses in order to form adequate perceptions of information. Otherwise, information and motivations of different mentalities are not perceived: opinions will affirm themselves in the public consciousness regarding the malicious behavior of another super-ethnos' representatives, the necessity to punish them, and the introduction of political, economic, and military sanctions. Therefore, political technologies developed by socionics could become an effective tool of a state's foreign policy, and a tool for its information security maintenance.
4. Conclusions
Thus, socionic technologies cover all spheres of humanitarian, social, productive, economic, and political activities of man. Socionics acts as the meta-language, allowing one to operate a huge amount of information in a curtailed, packaged form. This is similar to how matter with a small mass, according to Albert Einstein, contains huge energy. Human civilization is entering a new phase of development, in which information technologies, such as the Internet, are crucial. Socionics, in turn, offers psycho-informational technologies which allow the human consciousness to be on the same level as the achievements of information and electronic technologies. It is known that when human thinking is behind the technical development of a society, this results in a large amount of social problems.
Being an independent organization, the International Institute of Socionics is open for cooperation with state, public, and private structures for training in socionic technologies and their practical application. New and existing socionic technologies stimulate, in turn, the development of new information technologies, thus accelerating the process. It is obvious that societies, countries, and states fully using socionic methods and technologies have a significant advantage against societies and states that do not use them. The economic jump that some countries of the CIS (especially those deprived of energy or other natural resources) want to make is hardly possible without intensive application of socionic technologies at all levels of society and state organization. The countries and societies which cannot, or do not want, to use socionic methods can lose their advantage in due course. At the same time, for developing countries, and for countries experiencing periods of reform, socionic technologies can become a real tool which will help to make a qualitative leap in the economic, industrial, social, scientific, and defensive spheres, and to occupy a worthy place in the 21st century.
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[[SIZE=1]QUOTE=godslave;1611329]This is from Wikisocion on Fe not from Aushra's book "The socion". That excerpt is not about Fe, most of the
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