On Waves of Aging and Renewal: Progress Orientation in Combination with Jungian Aspects
We wanted to rebuild the world, wanted to do better,
came out of humility and through this destroyed ourselves and the world.
M.M. Speransky
1. Two paths of development
1.1. General philosophical interpretation
In philosophy, the word
development is taken to mean spiral-like progression from simple to more complex forms. Two vectors influence the trajectory of this development. The first vector is a horizontal one. It leads to cyclical repetition and is based on the internal rhythms of the system. The second vector is a vertical one. This vector ensures that there is no stagnation and overcycling within the system. Every turn stands above the previous one. Rhythm of the progression of these turns has a probabilistic factor.
Development as ontogenesis is essentially a programmed unwinding of the existing potential. The Latin word
evolution in its semantics represents this path of progress very well, consisting of unwinding, unpacking, of quantitative growth of the existing embryo.
On the other hand, development as epigenesis is the very birth, the appearance of qualitatively new forms, sudden outbreak of a new life [1]. The Latin word
involution conveys the essence of this process - it is the folding, the packaging, the build-up of a critical mass of energy.
Thus, evolution unwinds the spiral of development into a straight line, while the involution, conversely, winds it back up, thereby creating new frontiers of growth within the system. If development is imagined not as a spiral but as a broken line stretching from left to right, then the break points and the areas that surround them represent epigenesis, involution.
It is interesting to compare socionic connotation with mathematical meaning of these terms. The word
evolution in mathematics denotes the operation of deriving the root; involution has the reverse influence - raising to the power. The meaning of these two
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