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Thread: Demascus

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    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Default Road to Demascus

    Last edited by Computer Loser; 09-07-2020 at 02:58 PM.

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    Last edited by SGF; 09-07-2020 at 09:08 AM.

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    Default Isaiah 17:1; The Road to Damascus (Armageddon)

    ***This thread will focus on mainly prophecies related to ISRAEL***
    Isaiah 17:1; The Road to Damascus (Armageddon)

    The Destruction of Damascus will occur at the 2nd-coming (Armageddon).

    What we are seeing today are precursors brewing in Israel and Syria that will lead to fleeing and persecution during "The Great Tribulation" or at the 3.5 year midpoint (Ezekiel 39, Rev 19, Matthew 24) and then the destruction of Damascus at the 2nd coming (Isaiah 17, Amos 1) at the end of the 7-year tribulation.

    All this stuff you're currently seeing will be nothing compared to the real deal.

    A good news source:

    Amir Tsarfati – Telegram

    The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. Isaiah 17:1

    According to Isaiah 17:1, over 2500 years ago, the prophet Isaiah prophecies that Damascus will be a heap of ruins :

    "The burden of Damascus behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap."

    If you look around Damascus / Syria right now, you have Iran and its proxies, especially Hezbollah that continue to move weapons around.

    Now with the United States, with its weakened influence right now over in the middle east + Israel with its weakened government, things might get a little interesting.

    Make no mistake about it - Hezbollah, Iran and it proxies are gonna use this time to continue to move weapons around, especially around the Damascus area ...

    This is almost like poking a bear, daring it to act,

    "I dare u to do something, u didn't do anything with Afghanistan, now we're gonna walk all over you and dare u to act!!"

    Source: Watchmanonwall88

    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-13-2022 at 04:22 PM.

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    *This* is the bigger threat to American geopolitical strength, not Iran getting the nuclear bomb:

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    *This* is the bigger threat to American geopolitical strength, not Iran getting the nuclear bomb:
    I think that sending medical supplies to Iran is a good idea, and Trump pulling out of the nuclear treaty was a very bad idea.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I think that sending medical supplies to Iran is a good idea, and Trump pulling out of the nuclear treaty was a very bad idea.

    It's impressive that Iran has maintained an industrial economy in spite of fairly extreme sanctions. They even do scientific research in spite of academic boycotts against Iranian researchers, denial from scientific conferences, and restrictions against the export of scientific equipment to Iran.

    I hate sanctions. I hate the sanctions against Cuba, the genocidal sanctions that were leveled against Saddam's Iraq, and the ones currently being deployed against Russia.

    I'd go further than that: The sanctions on North Korea should be lifted too. That country needs more food, not less. I'd even wager that, given a binary choice, it would rather be an American rather than Chinese ally.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post

    It's impressive that Iran has maintained an industrial economy in spite of fairly extreme sanctions. They even do scientific research in spite of academic boycotts against Iranian researchers, denial from scientific conferences, and restrictions against the export of scientific equipment to Iran.
    Plus, most of the Iranians I know hate the religious leaders who run Iran, although the Iranians I know are not typical representatives of their country.

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    I wonder whether our neoliberal and neoconservative elites ever question the source of Russia's desire to destabilize the West — why they allegedly funneled money into Trump's election and Brexit, and why they operate Twitter troll farms. Could it be that our confrontational attitude is causing it to lash out like a cornered animal? If we were trading instead, they just might have an incentive to ensure the stability of Europe and the United States.
    Last edited by xerx; 02-07-2022 at 04:52 AM.

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    @peteronfireee2, every time I read one of your posts, I get this urge to get in the car and go buy a Burger King Whopper.

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    Russia has a GDP per capita of about $10,000, and the Ukraine has a GDP per capita of $3,700 and grows potatoes for export.

    The Road to World Domination:

    Step 1: Invade Ukraine.
    Step 2. ----------
    Step 3. Profit!

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    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    The moves by Russia is to haul Ukraine back into Russia's sphere of influence.

    Putin's decision probably stems from his vision of restoring Russia's glory back to the days of the Soviet Union and his assessment that the U.S. and the West are currently in a historic low point that would allow him, in tandem with China (+Turkey and Iran) as a rising power, to create a multivalent world order.

    It is safe to assume that if the Russian plan to take over Ukraine pans out in one way or another, it may also entail dramatic consequences for Israel and the Middle East. The Iranian threat to Israel and other Arab countries in the region will only grow.

    Iran will benefit from the escalating rivalry between the U.S. and the Russian-Chinese strategic axis, which sees Iran as an ally against the Americans.

    On the positive side, this moves prophecy "one step closer" towards

    Israel vs Everyone

    (Double Application Prophecy _)

    Power Dynamics 101: The Law of Compromise

    The implications of the US lifting sanctions on Iran;

    This frees up "frozen funds" that allows Iran to make trades with the rest world.

    There's only one caveat.

    US: "You have to pinky-swear you won't spin your centrifuges and make nuclear weapons!!!"

    Despite Iran's constant aggression:

    Having armed militia in IRAQ, attacking places like

    The US is assuming lifting the sanctions will have Iran,

    "Play fair / nice."

    As we have been shown time and time again,

    This mindset stems from a Spirit straight from Hell;

    The Demonic Spirit of Jezebel

    The Law of Compromise shows us that,

    "The party that compromises is the weaker party,"

    And like in Afghanistan,

    America compromising here is a sign of weakness.

    Iran will absolutely take advantage of this.
    Russia and China will be taking notes.

    Give a time limit, otherwise you're just scaremongering with no rationale.

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    @peteronfireee2 no Christian can say what "Jesus" looked like, when he was born, or when he died, nevermind when he will return.

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    War has officially started

    Russian airstrikes are hitting all the major cities in Ukraine

    Putin declares a "special military operation" to demilitarize Ukraine

    He further claims that it's NOT an occupation of Ukraine

    Russian forces enter Ukraine from Crimea

    Explosions heard in some cities in Ukraine such as Kramatorsk

    Explosions in Kiev

    War is in a matter of minutes.

    It's the middle of the night (6am Moscow), Putin is giving a speech to explain why (9:46pm ET)

    Magog = Scythians

    Greeks used "Scythia" to refer to the region north and east of the Black Sea.

    Today, that includes, not just Russia, but also Ukraine.

    Whatever Putin's motivations (and there are many),

    According to prophecy,

    Ukraine will eventually come under Russian control.
    Why didn't we set up air defenses?

    We knew something horrible was going to happen

    This is what happens when "leader" politicians fall asleep

    The UN is useless; nobody cares about speeches and sanctions.

    Now people will die for zero reason.

    God bless the innocent

    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    During the Syrian civil war, I watched a lot of ISIS videos. When Russia intervened, some ISIS fighters posted a video trash-talking Russia in each of their native languages. They all took turns saying "We will make Syria a graveyard for the Russians". Finally, they got to the Russian guy, and he also said it (in Russian). Russians truly are a masochistic people.
    Putin will go to hell.

    I just hope this doesn't go nuclear anytime soon

    This shouldn't have happened if the leaders were adept and took this seriously

    "If anyone interferes, you will face consequences greater than anything you have faced in history

    SMS from Russia to Ukrainian Soldiers:

    "Russia is going to defeat your army in two days"

    "Return home while it isn't too late"

    "There's still time to save your life and leave the JFO zone"
    This is classic psychological warfare being played by Putin and Russia against the local militias and militaries standing against him. They will continue to move into Donbas and the rest of Ukraine


    Russia will eventually take over Ukraine, deny their rights, institute a Russian government, etc etc

    Russia will gain a lot from taking over Ukraine's economy (+China's help), so any kind of sanctions placed (something that should've been done in the beginning) won't do too much.

    Sanctions will include taking out the Nord Stream pipeline which runs from Russia to Germany.

    As far as a war, not sure if the US/NATO will declare a war over Ukraine only

    They'll most likely let Putin do what he wants unless something drastic happens

    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    The two separatist groups of Donbas (Donetsk and Luhansk) have requested Putin to come into their territory,

    A tactic Putin is pulling off to say,

    "Hey I'm not invading, they asked us to come, they want to be independent and they need our help"

    But as expected,

    Putin isn't going to stop there, he's going to keep going,

    At least until somebody stops him.

    He may go for Kiev, the Capital.

    More Russian troops will be entering.

    If one things for certain,

    Putin is showing his true colors, his ugly face unveiled now for all to see;

    A tyrant that forces his will upon everyone else.

    This is just the beginning.

    But remember,

    Keep an eye on Damascus/Israel,

    Russia is keeping an eye on Israeli forces, with troops in Syria as well. Russia has told Israel to stop the airstrikes
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    It's almost like China.

    Seriously, for every child born, every additional person, you need an additional law so that everyone can just get along.
    Speaking of China, I'm sure they are taking notes

    Prophetic Significance of Russia Taking Over of Ukraine

    1- Remember the Ezekiel 38/39 wars will most likely NOT occur in Church Age. Though the precursors are being set now

    The Ezekiel 38 War aligns with Rev 20 (End of the 1000-year millennial reign)

    The Ezekiel 39 War aligns with Rev 19 (Near the end of the 7-year tribulation)

    2- It Emboldens the Enemies of Israel- ex: Iranian proxies, Hezbollah. The lack of military response from USA and NATO is noted.

    3- Because of the lack of military intervention, Israel knows they can't count on USA/NATO (Starting to see the Israel vs Everyone Precursor)
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-12-2022 at 02:33 PM.

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    Default Precursors for Gog/Magog (Ezekiel 38/39)

    Precursors for Gog/Magog (Ezekiel 38/39)

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Give a time limit, otherwise you're just scaremongering with no rationale.
    I'm just a guy in a hoodie living in the suburbs, I have no idea..

    It's God's call in the end - He can let these things come to pass very soon, or he can even extend it.

    Looking at the overall prophetic timeline, it does seem things are converging around the world + like time is running out (for the Rapture) - but this could also be my human, fallible bias making that assessment.

    The Ezekiel 39 wars, however,

    Should occur near the end of the tribulation (although we are seeing the PRECURSORS now)

    The Ezekiel 38 war occurs at the END of the 1000-year reign

    Ezekiel 38/39 tells us about a GOG/MAGOG;

    GOG (KING)
    = The person in charge of MAGOG

    MAGOG (REGION) = Communists (Russia) + Muslims

    Ezekiel 38 / 39 Battle of Gog and Magog.

    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-12-2022 at 02:36 PM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    Putin will go to hell
    He'll be running it in a week, assuming that Margaret Thatcher isn't already there.

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    Default The Bloody Path of Armageddon

    The Bloody Path of Armageddon

    In His first coming,

    Jesus came for mercy, grace, love.

    In His second coming,

    Jesus will be about wrath, justice, holiness, and righteousness.

    In His first coming,

    He came to shed HIS BLOOD for you. (Suffering Lamb)

    In His second coming,

    He's coming to shed YOUR BLOOD. (Conquering KING)

    This will be about taking back what rightfully belongs to Him.

    No "equal rights" non-sense will stop what will happen.

    Here is Jesus' Road Map

    1. From 3rd Heaven (Rev 19:11, Joel 2:4), through the

    (Habakkuk 3:15, Genesis 1:6) and to

    The clouds at Mt. Sinai
    (Matthew 24, Deut 33, Jude:14)

    Jesus will be with Christians (saved ones who were raptured before), on chariots and horses.

    “The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run.”

    2. Paran Seir and 3. EDOM (Judges 5:4-5, Isa 63:3)

    "Treading on winepress" refers to the process of making wine from grapes, except this will be blood shedding of nations. Squashing you like grapes, that is.

    “I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was
    none with me: for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment.”
    Hence you have, the

    "King's Highway" Red, Bloody Carpet for the King (Numbers 21:22)

    4. Dibon and Heshbon (Jer 28:47,43)

    Here the unbelievers will be fleeing, being devoured by fire

    “They that fled stood under the shadow of Heshbon because of the force: but a fire shall come forth out of Heshbon, and a flame from the midst of Sihon, and shall devour the corner of Moab, and the crown of the head of the tumultuous ones.”
    5.Crossing the Jordan River and passing Jericho (Habakkuk 3:6)

    6. Mt. Olives (Acts 1, Zech 14:3)

    7. Final destination, Jerusalem (Zech 8)

    The east side sanctuary will be shut but Jesus and His Saints will pass through inside, where Jesus will reside as,

    "King of Kings" (Ezekiel 44:1-3, John 20:26)

    The Birds will be Eating your Flesh at Armageddon (Ezekiel 39)(Rev 19)

    FYI, WWIII is not Armageddon.

    No nuclear weapons be used at Armageddon.


    Armageddon will actually be a "throw-back" war,

    Where horses will be used (Why / How this happens, we're not sure. An EMP attack possibly?)

    Some other things that distinguish Armageddon

    --The Anti-Christ and False prophet will be thrown into the Hell
    --Damascus should be destroyed into a heap of ruins around this time
    --The enemy's weapons will be burned and used for fuel for 7 years
    --The birds will gather and eat the flesh of the enemy (FEAST OF FOWLS)

    “That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both
    free and bond, both small and great.”
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-06-2022 at 07:55 PM.

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    Default Israel Inserts itself into Ukraine Invasion

    Israel Inserts itself into Ukraine Invasion

    In Israel, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett flew, on the Sabbath mind you, to Russia to have a sit-down with Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine invasion. But before departing Israel for Moscow, Bennett had a private phone meeting with…(drum roll, please!)

    Emmanuel Macron,

    And when the meeting was over, Bennett flew to Germany who is ramping up their war machine for the first time since Adolf H I T L E R was in charge. (See WWIII thread).

    “I have no idea what Bennett was doing in Russia,” Rabbi Navon wrote. “If he mediates between Russia and Ukraine – I wish he will succeed, although it is hard to believe.”

    “And regarding the question of breaking the Sabbath: Instead of involving such important strategic and security interests of the state of Israel – mainly regarding the activities of the IDF in Syria – it seems clear to me that the Prime Minister of Israel should act on Shabbat as well.”

    Rabbi Navon then cited a well-known principle that is behind the Torah mandate that requires violating the Shabbat in order to save a life:

    It is hoped that by violating one Shabbat, many more Sabbaths, we will be able to keep many more Sabbaths.

    “Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.” Habakkuk 1:5
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-13-2022 at 04:19 PM.

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    Bad News:

    Putin says Russia to use Middle East volunteer fighters

    Putin enlists 16,000 Middle Eastern mercenaries to fight in Ukraine: Russia announces 'volunteers' from abroad will join fight while warning it will strengthen its border against NATO

    • Vladimir Putin has given go-ahead for up to 16,000 volunteers to be deployed
    • Middle East volunteers will be deployed in Donbass region, Sergei Shoigu said
    • Putin also asked for plans on possible fortification of Russia's western border
    • Russian leader also met with his Belarus' counterpart Alexander Lukashenko
    Good News:

    15,000 Russian Jews moving to Israel.

    That number alone is more than the entire 2021 Jews moving to Israel, and this is not including any Ukrainian Jews counted yet.

    God is busy pulling in more and more Jews back to their homeland (as prophesized in Bible):

    Jeremiah 23:3-6 "I myself will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and will bring them back to their pasture, where they will be fruitful and increase in number. I will place shepherds over them who will tend them, and they will no longer be afraid or terrified, nor will any be missing," declares the LORD. "The days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will raise up to David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land. In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. This is the name by which he will be called: The LORD Our Righteousness."

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx

    It's impressive that Iran has maintained an industrial economy in spite of fairly extreme sanctions. They even do scientific research in spite of academic boycotts against Iranian researchers, denial from scientific conferences, and restrictions against the export of scientific equipment to Iran.

    I hate sanctions. I hate the sanctions against Cuba, the genocidal sanctions that were leveled against Saddam's Iraq, and the ones currently being deployed against Russia.

    I'd go further than that: The sanctions on North Korea should be lifted too. That country needs more food, not less. I'd even wager that, given a binary choice, it would rather be an American rather than Chinese ally.
    I don't think I'm all that impressed by Iran trying to continue to do what Iran has always done. Well, maybe impressed, but not at all surprised, which is what people usually mean by impressed.

    Israel Inserts itself into Ukraine Invasion
    Teehee insert

    Jeremiah 23:3-6 "I myself will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and will bring them back to their pasture, where they will be fruitful and increase in number. I will place shepherds over them who will tend them, and they will no longer be afraid or terrified, nor will any be missing," declares the LORD. "The days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will raise up to David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land. In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. This is the name by which he will be called: The LORD Our Righteousness."
    Unless you, you know, believe there's a New Covenant and this passage does not refer to ethnic Jews as a group.

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