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Thread: Part I: Hacked and Death Threats

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    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Default Part I: Hacked and Death Threats

    The following is a story of what followed after posting an article on BLM a few months back

    Sorry, but my story will not be silenced. The purpose of me posting this is to exploit how many intolerant pussies roam these forums, behind the safety of their computer screen.

    I left out a TON of details, but this is the gist of what happened:

    Part I

    I thought it was just a regular day at work.

    I particularly loved this job; the location, the area, the people that I’ve worked with. Little did I know it’d also be my last day at work.

    All went well until during the day,

    I was visiting the forum and I see “Takedown” posting.

    It felt kinda suspicious because at the same time, people at work were

    acting “off:”

    –Co-workers hovering behind my back
    –Receiving strange mail that had a loud “bomb” beeper sound
    –Text messages getting deleted
    –Phone calls from Strange #s that repeatedly called
    –People with masks I’ve never seen before coming in
    –People with masks in their car waiting outside
    –The gate to close the shop was jammed
    –A software called “Drive uploader” was mysteriously installed onto my gmail.

    This was no coincidence.

    Some coordinated effort was happening in the background;

    Smoke screens, whistle blowers, fabricated stories weaved into similar stories, gaslighting, multiple characters, makeup artists, stalkers etc; these were all built-in and designed to confuse me.

    I decided to close early, and I sent my co-workers packing home early.

    I called the police and they escorted me out.

    All was well on the drive home except I noticed strange people following me in their vehicles.

    Was this paranoia?

    No because the next days that followed:

    –I got cyber-hacked…. (i remember the forum being completely silent that day)
    –A lot of shit happened hacking-wise, I'll leave the details out
    –I went to eat at Ihop and strange vehicles were circling around near us.

    At that point I was full of suspicion and I called the police again.

    An ambulance came (even though I resisted they kept insisting that I go
    get checked out)

    This was not paranoia that was baseless… But a sequence of events that justified
    this paranoia.

    I went to the hospital out of my will.

    On the way to the hospital, vehicles were following us (sounded like motor-cycles),
    they threw rocks at the vehicle.

    Later I was seen by the psychiatrist.

    I told her everything that happened, but by the look on her face, I could tell
    she wasn’t buying anything I was telling her.

    She didn't do shit.

    “I was in this alone” I thought.

    All I wanted to do was to physically punch the person/people that were involved in this, and injure them to the point that their eye sockets would come off, dangling down their face

    After being “evaluated” I was waiting in the waiting room to be escorted out…

    I thought “hmm…. why is this taking so long?”
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 09-24-2020 at 11:13 PM.

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    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Default Part II: Hacked and Death Threats

    Still waiting and waiting…

    I was in the psychiatric waiting room area, waiting to be escorted out.

    I was there for hours and hours.

    All of a sudden I got a flash of insight – something was off in the environment; the sounds , the nervousness I could read on the medical staff’s body language…

    There’s no way a patient could be waiting for this long to leave a hospital I thought.

    Then it dawned on me.

    My life was in danger as each passing hour was going by.

    They were gonna turn me into the mob outside.

    Yes there was a violent angry mob, waiting for me outside the hospital and nobody was doing a thing about it

    In a hurry I decided to run into the bathroom and call 911 (something that should’ve been done A LONG time ago)…
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 09-24-2020 at 01:46 PM.

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    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Default Part III: Hacked and Death Threats

    I was freaking out in the bathroom

    “How is nobody doing ANYTHING about what’s going on,” I thought to myself

    There were motorcycle noises, including shots of rifles RIGHT outside. This medical staff must be mentally ill.

    “Hey, Peter, we need u to come out of the bathroom” The whole medical staff was outside the bathroom I was in
    “I got diarrhea, leave me alone”
    One of the guy nurses decided to unlock the bathroom (wtf) and placed me in one of those quiet rooms with chairs and a TV.

    It was chilly. I requested a blanket and tried to calm myself down/sleep.

    But then I heard it:

    “We want Peter killed!!!” “We want Peter killed!!!” “We want Peter killed!!!”
    I must have had psychosis at that point or maybe I was mishearing things but I heard the crowd outside, loud and clear.
    “We want Peter killed!!!” “We want Peter killed!!!” “We want Peter killed!!!”
    I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I couldn’t believe what was going on.

    The only thing I could do at that point was pray.

    I told God,

    “If it’s in my destiny to get killed, so be it. But please, if you can, protect me.”

    All of a sudden,

    The room was filled with cops… about 3-4 on one side, about 2-3 on the other side.

    You should have seen the look on the medical staff’s face; one of shame and saltiness, that this supposedly “crazy” person just out-smarted all of them. The medical staff was extra nice to me from that point forward.

    But it didn’t end there.

    I looked up the TV screen and I saw a man wearing all red, carrying some kind of weapon, walking towards me.

    So, I guess this person was going to kill me if it wasn’t for the split second decision to go into the bathroom to dial 911.

    I felt sick…. From looking up at the TV, to hearing the chants outside

    “We want Peter killed!!!” “We want Peter killed!!!” “We want Peter killed!!!”
    It felt like some dream… But I felt safe from that point..

    The next thing I knew, I was strapped in one of those roller seats and inside another vehicle and headed to another hospital…
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 09-24-2020 at 01:49 PM.

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    Sounds like something out of one of the Bourne movies.

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    Should not have pissed of the Ministry for State Security my Friend.

    Stay Strong!

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    So what happened next? Are you writing this from the second hospital?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    Should not have pissed of the Ministry for State Security my Friend.

    Stay Strong!
    The Ministry for State Security can suck my dick
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 09-24-2020 at 11:11 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Sounds like something out of one of the Bourne movies.
    Yeah, it was exactly that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    So what happened next? Are you writing this from the second hospital?
    All good stories have cliff hangers
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 09-24-2020 at 06:13 PM.

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    Tell me when you get shot.

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    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    paranoid schizophrenia is exciting!

    No cliffhangers, plz continue the story! (ง •̀_•́)ง

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    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    paranoid schizophrenia is exciting!

    No cliffhangers, plz continue the story! (ง •̀_•́)ง
    Here's a preview

  12. #12
    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeruleum Blue View Post
    Tell me when you get shot.
    that's it?


    Last edited by Computer Loser; 09-28-2020 at 01:09 PM.

  13. #13

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    LOL this thread.

    There are entire reddit communities devoted to targeted persons.

    Mostly its the dopamine function gone totally haywire in connection to the ego complex trying to defend the self from perceived harm. A break down of what is "self vs other". There are probably PTSD factors here.

    People are also targeted in reality, but most are not that special. Do not be naive here, organizations are fully aware that over active pattern seeking is seen as a mental illness and exploit the advantages this brings. Although, how often this happens for normal Joe Blow is probably minimal.

    Unfortunately the medical community in regards to mental health really lack much brilliance and glibly categorize everything they see out of the DSVM as a malfunctioning persons in relation to the greater accepted cultural norms. All delusions in their eyes are self reinforcing ones, then they right a medical script, maybe prescribe some probiotics, get said person into CBT and give them vitamin B.

    A ton of hack Uni trained psychologists and psychiatrists standing on the shoulders of giants here. The prevailing idea is that said broken persons are "suffering" from broken perception unit and each thought they have is mearly fantasma. Never mind internal logic. Jung was actually the most compassionate, as he penned out the concept of synchronicties in regards to the individuals self narrative. This gave room for a lot more grace and integrity. That bug that flew through the window and landing on the table held meaning in the dream scape.

    Author's such as Philip K Dick has explored this topic frequently.

    "Kill the Others" Reads the billboard sign, as the President tells you that if you see "the Others, you must be one of them." Gaslighting is not unknown.

  14. #14
    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raTG13 View Post
    LOL this thread.

    There are entire reddit communities devoted to targeted persons.

    Mostly its the dopamine function gone totally haywire in connection to the ego complex trying to defend the self from perceived harm. A break down of what is "self vs other". There are probably PTSD factors here.

    People are also targeted in reality, but most are not that special. Do not be naive here, organizations are fully aware that over active pattern seeking is seen as a mental illness and exploit the advantages this brings. Although, how often this happens for normal Joe Blow is probably minimal.

    Unfortunately the medical community in regards to mental health really lack much brilliance and glibly categorize everything they see out of the DSVM as a malfunctioning persons in relation to the greater accepted cultural norms. All delusions in their eyes are self reinforcing ones, then they right a medical script, maybe prescribe some probiotics, get said person into CBT and give them vitamin B.

    A ton of hack Uni trained psychologists and psychiatrists standing on the shoulders of giants here. The prevailing idea is that said broken persons are "suffering" from broken perception unit and each thought they have is mearly fantasma. Never mind internal logic. Jung was actually the most compassionate, as he penned out the concept of synchronicties in regards to the individuals self narrative. This gave room for a lot more grace and integrity. That bug that flew through the window and landing on the table held meaning in the dream scape.

    Author's such as Philip K Dick has explored this topic frequently.

    "Kill the Others" Reads the billboard sign, as the President tells you that if you see "the Others, you must be one of them." Gaslighting is not unknown.
    best screen name ever

    Quote Originally Posted by raTG13 View Post
    LOL this thread.

    People are also targeted in reality, but most are not that special. Do not be naive here, organizations are fully aware that over active pattern seeking is seen as a mental illness and exploit the advantages this brings. Although, how often this happens for normal Joe Blow is probably minimal.
    A ton of hack Uni trained psychologists and psychiatrists standing on the shoulders of giants here. The prevailing idea is that said broken persons are "suffering" from broken perception unit and each thought they have is mearly fantasma. Never mind internal logic. Jung was actually the most compassionate, as he penned out the concept of synchronicties in regards to the individuals self narrative. This gave room for a lot more grace and integrity. That bug that flew through the window and landing on the table held meaning in the dream scape.
    Yup. Mental illnesses (such as depression) comes with the advantages of being more empathetic / being able to see details normies overlook. Many of the great leaders of our times had bipolar disorder / mental illness:

    --H itler

    etc etc

    See "First Rate Madness" by Nassir Ghaemi

    Unfortunately the medical community in regards to mental health really lack much brilliance and glibly categorize everything they see out of the DSVM as a malfunctioning persons in relation to the greater accepted cultural norms. All delusions in their eyes are self reinforcing ones, then they right a medical script, maybe prescribe some probiotics, get said person into CBT and give them vitamin B.
    Lolz. Pretty much. Nobody really believes me (especially the doctors) when I tell them what happened.

    It's like no, I'm not being paranoid because I'm just crazy, I'm being paranoid because there was literally a dude with an assault gun walking towards me lol

    And yea, the cookie-cutter approach is really annoying.
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 10-01-2020 at 10:51 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by raTG13 View Post
    LOL this thread.
    I don't find it funny

    People are also targeted in reality, but most are not that special. Do not be naive here, organizations are fully aware that over active pattern seeking is seen as a mental illness and exploit the advantages this brings. Although, how often this happens for normal Joe Blow is probably minimal.
    Truly overactive pattern-seeking *is* a mental illness. It doesn't always have to be fully prevented because in certain psychotherapies you do make use of it, but overactive beyond a point is overactive. No two ways about it.

    Unfortunately the medical community in regards to mental health really lack much brilliance and glibly categorize everything they see out of the DSVM as a malfunctioning persons in relation to the greater accepted cultural norms. All delusions in their eyes are self reinforcing ones, then they right a medical script, maybe prescribe some probiotics, get said person into CBT and give them vitamin B.

    A ton of hack Uni trained psychologists and psychiatrists standing on the shoulders of giants here. The prevailing idea is that said broken persons are "suffering" from broken perception unit and each thought they have is mearly fantasma. Never mind internal logic. Jung was actually the most compassionate, as he penned out the concept of synchronicties in regards to the individuals self narrative. This gave room for a lot more grace and integrity. That bug that flew through the window and landing on the table held meaning in the dream scape.
    Jung probably wasted some time there with analysing bugs like that but I think getting out of such a state without medication does require a lot of time anyway

    I think it's stupid not to give medication to a psychotic person because they are unlikely to come out of it on their own unless they are like some fucking special genius

    Basically, the psychotic state is high stress for the brain, sure you could say it's trying to figure itself out, but it's still done under high stress load due to unfavourable circumstances, so it's really idiotic to not give medication to them to lessen that stress.
    Last edited by grumpyvic81; 10-02-2020 at 02:32 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fireee View Post
    The following is a story of what followed after posting an article on BLM a few months back

    Sorry, but my story will not be silenced. The purpose of me posting this is to exploit how many intolerant pussies roam these forums, behind the safety of their computer screen.

    I left out a TON of details, but this is the gist of what happened:

    Part I

    I thought it was just a regular day at work.

    I particularly loved this job; the location, the area, the people that I’ve worked with. Little did I know it’d also be my last day at work.

    All went well until during the day,

    I was visiting the forum and I see “Takedown” posting.

    It felt kinda suspicious because at the same time, people at work were

    acting “off:”

    –Co-workers hovering behind my back
    –Receiving strange mail that had a loud “bomb” beeper sound
    –Text messages getting deleted
    –Phone calls from Strange #s that repeatedly called
    –People with masks I’ve never seen before coming in
    –People with masks in their car waiting outside
    –The gate to close the shop was jammed
    –A software called “Drive uploader” was mysteriously installed onto my gmail.

    This was no coincidence.
    Correct, no coincidence. Memory failures, phenomena similar to "deja vu" and such.

    Some coordinated effort was happening in the background;

    Smoke screens, whistle blowers, fabricated stories weaved into similar stories, gaslighting, multiple characters, makeup artists, stalkers etc; these were all built-in and designed to confuse me.

    I decided to close early, and I sent my co-workers packing home early.

    I called the police and they escorted me out.

    All was well on the drive home except I noticed strange people following me in their vehicles.

    Was this paranoia?

    No because the next days that followed:

    –I got cyber-hacked…. (i remember the forum being completely silent that day)
    –A lot of shit happened hacking-wise, I'll leave the details out
    –I went to eat at Ihop and strange vehicles were circling around near us.

    At that point I was full of suspicion and I called the police again.

    An ambulance came (even though I resisted they kept insisting that I go
    get checked out)

    This was not paranoia that was baseless… But a sequence of events that justified
    this paranoia.

    I went to the hospital out of my will.

    On the way to the hospital, vehicles were following us (sounded like motor-cycles),
    they threw rocks at the vehicle.
    Sounds like misinterpretation of sensory information getting mixed up.

    Later I was seen by the psychiatrist.

    I told her everything that happened, but by the look on her face, I could tell
    she wasn’t buying anything I was telling her.
    She probably had similar evaluations to the above.

    Though this story would be pretty good for a fiction book too if you want some compliment.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpyvic81 View Post
    I don't find it funny
    I say funny in a non-funny sarcastic sense.

    Truly overactive pattern-seeking *is* a mental illness. It doesn't always have to be fully prevented because in certain psychotherapies you do make use of it, but overactive beyond a point is overactive. No two ways about it.
    Absolutely. When it becomes a debilitation then it needs treatment. That's not to say there isn't some insight there, are we not training computers to compute strings of causes for us? This is why drug induced psychosis is a tragedy, you get the vision, but you fry your circuits, and add in PTSD which triggers paranioa, and everything becomes circumspect. Thats a frightening way to live, no way around that. You can't even trust your own internal logic at that point, even if what you see is true, you would be required to actively IGNORE it as a way out of paranoia.

    Somebody is out to get "me". "I" need to protect "my"self. Everything that goes wrong, or bad, was about "me". "I" am causing the bad things to happen. "Others" see "me" (through the mind), and are "looking at me" through my thoughts. And so on.

    There are people that suggest this state is a failed Enlightenment. And conversely, a degraded enlightenment, and if its early adult on-set, a failed development. Or something of the sort. In the end, fear underlies this all and its triggered by high alert pattern seeking. A person cannot even trust their own mind, even if they are correct, or incorrect. It almost doesn't matter either way. Ultimately they are both frozen in place, and stimulated to movement. They can't "be" in relation to the people, world, and system around them, and so are "broken" in a pragmatic sense. And this is in part true, one must fit in, in order to survive.

    Jung probably wasted some time there with analysing bugs like that but I think getting out of such a state without medication does require a lot of time anyway
    Ya he might have, but at least he opened the door. Same way Freud did when he showed us that childhood carries forward throughout the entire life of a individual.

    On this note, we used to think that it was God speaking to us through individual sign and symbols. Jung might have understood that people's own window of perception bring forth the signs the unconscious speaks to the conscious, and can do so through the awake state. I have been led to believe its a marriage of the two. Spooky action at a distance and I think we are only just starting to explore this with the science apparatus. There are alpha types, such as Rupert Sheldrake that discuss the possibility of the "bicameral mind."

    So, the problem lies thusly: is the external, non-casual world effected by x factors outside of our knowledge of them, does the outside world outside our minds and bodies have the ability to metaphysically change reality outside of the known mechanical means.... or, does our psychology expand into ways far more powerful then we give them credit, or is it a marriage of the two? Because, the phenomena of a a-casual seemingly effecting the casual through synchronicity DOES happen, and it happens to many people, right, and I think its at least worth a look at instead of outright assuming, through epistemological ways, that it's pure fantasy.

    Do I REALLY effect reality through my conscious/unconscious thought, or, is my mind only THINKING its doing this?
    Science has not answered this question. I can tell you it thinks it has. In my view, it hasn't. People are to afraid of a post-physical explanation and it comes with to much "God" baggage.

    In the same way, it cannot even explain what dark matter and energy are, or why mass warps space-time, or why looking at the results changes them, or how particles appear and disappear, and on and on.

    I agree to do it on your own without drugs is the challenge, but it's not impossible. Funny enough, the internet can and does bring you what you need to see. The spirit ghost, sorry, I mean algorithms are that good now. The method? Ignore what you see, and return to nature. Nature is the medicine, as corny as that sounds.

    I think it's stupid not to give medication to a psychotic person because they are unlikely to come out of it on their own unless they are like some fucking special genius
    If the emotional turmoil becomes so great the person cannot even function, then by all means give them a sedative to at least give the organism a fucking break from the mind. But remember, this is a band aid only, as the majority of pharmaceuticals are.
    User beware, these drugs come with their own consequences that will be adding to the hardship in the end. Nothing comes for free. Nothing. You get the relief, but also get the inevitable consequences they bring. That is not a moral statement. Things are the way they are. The "system" is not set up to be equipped for harmony. Its edict are all about efficiency and speed of treatment.

    Basically, the psychotic state is high stress for the brain,
    Yikes, right? Those of us in the know have seen it. But, maybe there is a plan here, and maybe some things were meant to happen. Emotions are the energy of change, and the energy of remaining the same.

    sure you could say it's trying to figure itself out, but it's still done under high stress load due to unfavourable circumstances, so it's really idiotic to not give medication to them to lessen that stress.
    Sure, but that is where I'm sure the vast majority of University trained technicians stop. There isn't enough brilliance, or insight to go further, although I'm sure most think they are doing it.

    I'm intrigued by the use of psilocybin, as well as ayahuasca. I think society deserves its new shamans, and not as some hokee, woo bullshit. The solutions are going to have to be multifaceted and staged for the person. And we are going to have to start thinking in terms of many seasons of time passing to get there. It won't happen over night. I think realistically you are looking at about 8-12 different seasons of time passing with working on it. A grouping of seasons in this context is winter to spring, spring to summer, summer to fall, and fall to winter.
    Last edited by raTG13; 10-03-2020 at 07:31 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by raTG13 View Post
    Absolutely. When it becomes a debilitation then it needs treatment. That's not to say there isn't some insight there, are we not training computers to compute strings of causes for us? This is why drug induced psychosis is a tragedy, you get the vision, but you fry your circuits, and add in PTSD which triggers paranioa, and everything becomes circumspect. Thats a frightening way to live, no way around that. You can't even trust your own internal logic at that point, even if what you see is true, you would be required to actively IGNORE it as a way out of paranoia.

    Somebody is out to get "me". "I" need to protect "my"self. Everything that goes wrong, or bad, was about "me". "I" am causing the bad things to happen. "Others" see "me" (through the mind), and are "looking at me" through my thoughts. And so on.

    There are people that suggest this state is a failed Enlightenment. Or something of the sort. In the end, fear underlies this all and its triggered by high alert pattern seeking. A person cannot even trust their own mind, even if they are correct, or incorrect. It almost doesn't matter either way. Ultimately they are both frozen in place, and stimulated to movement.
    Yeah, there is a view that psychosis is a version of transformation and healing but I really think it's at best only an attempt of the brain to do so, while under high stress. The higher the stress and the less external help, the less guaranteed for the attempt to actually do a healing transformation much.

    Ya he might have, but at least he opened the door. Same way Freud did when he showed us that childhood carries forward throughout the entire life of a individual.
    For sure

    On this note, we used to think that it was God speaking to us through individual sign and symbols. Jung might have understood that people's own window of perception bring forth the signs the unconscious speaks to the conscious, and can do so through the awake state. I have been led to believe its a marriage of the two. Spooky action at a distance and I think we are only just starting to explore this with the science apparatus. There are alpha types, such as Rupert Sheldrake that discuss the possibility of the "bicameral mind."

    So, the problem lies thusly: is the external, non-casual world effected by x factors outside of our knowledge of them, does the outside world outside our minds and bodies have the ability to metaphysically change reality outside of the known mechanical means.... or, does our psychology expand into ways far more powerful then we give them credit, or is it a marriage of the two? Because, the phenomena of a a-casual seemingly effecting the casual through synchronicity DOES happen, and it happens to many people, right, and I think its at least worth a look at instead of outright assuming, through epistemological ways, that it's pure fantasy.
    I do think our own psychology is very powerful and that we don't still understand a whole lot about it. Clicked on that link but this bicameralism theory doesn't seem logical in that to believe it you'd have to completely abandon evolution theory

    Do I REALLY effect reality through my conscious/unconscious thought, or, is my mind only THINKING its doing this?
    Science has not answered this question. I can tell you it thinks it has. In my view, it hasn't. People are to afraid of a post-physical explanation and it comes with to much "God" baggage.
    Well either you believe in a tangible reality out there around you or you don't

    In the same way, it cannot even explain what dark matter and energy are, or why mass warps space-time, or why looking at the results changes them, or how particles appear and disappear, and on and on.
    Gonna take time to explain the entire universe

    I agree to do it on your own without drugs is the challenge, but it's not impossible. Funny enough, the internet can and does bring you what you need to see. The spirit ghost, sorry, I mean algorithms are that good now. The method? Ignore what you see, and return to nature. Nature is the medicine, as corny as that sounds.
    I don't know what this method involves specifically.

    If the emotional turmoil becomes so great the person cannot even function, then by all means give them a sedative to at least give the organism a fucking break from the mind. But remember, this is a band aid only, as the majority of pharmaceuticals are.
    Yeah a band-aid of course, but it's needed

    User beware, these drugs come with their own consequences that will be adding to the hardship in the end. Nothing comes for free. Nothing. You get the relief, but also get the inevitable consequences they bring. That is not a moral statement. Things are the way they are. The "system" is not set up to be equipped for harmony. Its edict are all about efficiency and speed of treatment.
    Well the system gives us what we want.....popping a pill is so much easier for most people than going deep in therapy and introspection and correcting thinking errors and processing emotions and so on

    Yikes, right? Those of us in the know have seen it. But, maybe there is a plan here, and maybe some things were meant to happen. Emotions are the energy of change, and the energy of remaining the same.
    Sometimes this is true

    Sure, but that is where I'm sure the vast majority of University trained technicians stop. There isn't enough brilliance, or insight to go further, although I'm sure most think they are doing it.
    Getting insight that works out logically and is implementable in practice takes time.

    I'm intrigued by the use of psilocybin, as well as ayahuasca. I think society deserves its new shamans, and not as some hokee, woo bullshit. The solutions are going to have to be multifaceted and staged for the person. And we are going to have to start thinking in terms of many seasons of time passing to get there. It won't happen over night. I think realistically you are looking at about 8-12 different seasons of time passing with working on it. A grouping of seasons in this context is winter to spring, spring to summer, summer to fall, and fall to winter.
    With serious psychiatric conditions it does need years to get better I imagine

    I can't comment on the drugs stuff

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    Default Part IV: One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest

    I was supposed to write part IV of this story but I got lazy lol.

    I did, however, write a google review about the second hospital I was transferred to which I will repost here:

    StoneCrest Center (Detroit) Review

    Mixed feelings.

    I was medically gaslighted at U of M then transferred here (8/4/20)

    First of all, the pants they gave me was wayyy too large, so I was saggin my pants like a circus clown.

    As far as my feelings, I knew as soon as I stepped into the asylum I definitely did not belong;

    --patients yelling at the top of their lungs,
    --patients being wrestled with,
    --patients walking around with their butt cracks hangin out, etc etc.
    I honestly felt like some character in the movie, "One flew over the cuckoo’s nest."

    Medically, mixed feelings. I thought my PA doc was pretty cute <3, but she looked at me with an angry look on her face + the COVID mask… the struggle was real. I also felt like she wanted to diagnose me instead of help me framing questions like,

    “Are you hearing the VOICES???”
    and extending my stay (and losing my job as a consequence) just because I requested medication for sleep since my roommate whispered (on phone) “he’s here…” while we were both in the room in the dark.

    So cliche. *eyeroll*


    Staff wise, excellent; really friendly staff and helpful and encouraging. I could tell they have to deal with a lot of crap so I respect them for their patience.

    The only frustrating part was I got some weird letter sent to me 6 months later (with spam numbers on it) with a giant bill (even though I was told I met my deductible???) I tried calling both hospital and insurance but they gave me the run-around back and forth, like playing hot potato. I called each place at least 3-4 times (while @BudgieEnthusiast and others were mocking me), the last call being,

    “Oh they didn’t bill your insurance, your gonna have to give them a call”
    The emotions I felt while in the 2nd hospital:

    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 01-26-2022 at 12:21 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    I was supposed to write part II of this story but I got lazy lol.

    I did, however, write a google review about the second hospital I was transferred to which I will repost here:

    StoneCrest Center (Detroit) Review

    Mixed feelings.

    I was medically gaslighted at U of M then transferred here (8/4/20)

    First of all, the pants they gave me was wayyy too large, so I was saggin my pants like a circus clown.

    As far as my feelings, I knew as soon as I stepped into the asylum I definitely did not belong;

    I honestly felt like some character in the movie, "One flew over the cuckoo’s nest."

    Medically, mixed feelings. I thought my PA doc was pretty cute <3, but she looked at me with an angry look on her face + the COVID mask… the struggle was real. I also felt like she wanted to diagnose me instead of help me framing questions like,

    and extending my stay (and losing my job as a consequence) just because I requested medication for sleep since my roommate whispered (on phone) “he’s here…” while we were both in the room in the dark.

    Staff wise, excellent; really friendly staff and helpful and encouraging. I could tell they have to deal with a lot of crap so I respect them for their patience.

    The only frustrating part was I got some weird letter sent to me 6 months later (with spam numbers on it) with a giant bill (even though I was told I met my deductible???) I tried calling both hospital and insurance but they gave me the run-around back and forth, like playing hot potato. I called each place at least 3-4 times (while @BudgieEnthusiast and others were mocking me), the last call being,

    You reminded me of when my SLE brother got sent to the mental institution when he was 15. He was really drunk and my dad told the authorities he was suicidal.

    Now from my brother's perspective: he woke up in the hospital wearing only a hospital gown. He looked at the police officer and ran out the building. He was chased all the way down the street where he found a pay phone. My brother said the police officer was fat and therefore slow. He called my dad and all my dad could hear was my brother scuffling with the police officer.

    My brother was eventually sent to a mental hospital...Now, on the wall in the mental hospital you can read your rights. My brother pointed out these rights to the staff and they ignored him because he was a minor. He then proceeded to gather all the crazies in the hospital and convinced them they had every right to leave. They stormed the front desk and my SLE brother caused a small riot.

    The hospital staff called my parents and said "come get your kid right now"
    Last edited by chriscorey; 07-19-2021 at 02:53 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    LOL. That's awesome @chriscorey

    Unfortunately things like this is very common

    And at the time I had no idea what was going on because there was so much to process + they injected me with meds so I was basically a zombie.
    Yeah not much you can do if they hit you with the drugs right away.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    You reminded me of when my SLE brother got sent to the mental institution when he was 15. He was really drunk and my dad told the authorities he was suicidal.

    Now from my brother's perspective: he woke up in the hospital wearing only a hospital gown. He looked at the police officer and ran out the building. He was chased all the way down the street where he found a pay phone. My brother said the police officer was fat and therefore slow. He called my dad and all my dad could hear was my brother scuffling with the police officer.

    My brother was eventually sent to a mental hospital...Now, on the wall in the mental hospital you can read your rights. My brother pointed out these rights to the staff and they ignored him because he was a minor. He then proceeded to gather all the crazies in the hospital and convinced them they had every right to leave. They stormed the front desk and my SLE brother caused a small riot.

    The hospital staff called my parents and said "come get your kid right now"
    Good for him. I fucking hate those places and the power they have to keep you imprisoned when you're no harm to anyone else -- especially if you're a minor.

    Hey, guess what? If someone's suicidal, locking them up isn't going to make them any fucking happier or better-adjusted. The psych institution knows this but is more than happy to lock you up for money. It's very sick.

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    Default Part V: The 16 Types Twilight Zone

    PART V: The 16 Types Twilight Zone

    Alright so part V is from August 2020 to March 2021, which was basically my "Twilight Zone" moment where things started to come together for me.

    This part probably has the most content of all the parts and so much has happened. This part was also, by far, the most CONFUSING, as so many things were going through my head at the time (not to mention the gaslighting) that I'm not even sure of where I'd begin. (I'll write more detailed accounts later.):

    (perona and trashman)

    Here's a recap at least:

    --Brain being numbed out on Abilify
    --Awakening and stopping medication
    --Psychic Vampire Attacks from the 16 types forum
    --Workplace harassment
    --People following me into grocery stores
    --"Penis Meat" (Food poisoning)
    --etc etc
    Post hospital visits (during August 2020- November 2020), while they put me on antipsychotics; I knew my experiences were REAL and not simply imagined in my head. I still experienced non-stop harassment; from M hospital and P Health.

    M hospital. After my Drs appointment with Dr. C, I was instructed to get my blood drawn. When I went to the lab to get my blood drawn (whom I called beforehand, they told me to come in), they told me "your doctor didn't put in any order" and left it at that. They didn't offer to call or help; just left me in the dark.
    P Health. I called to get things figured out for my appointments. They constantly put me on hold and transferred me around non-stop. Because of this, my father called and straightened things out.
    This was similar to the insurance / medical insurance billing incident, which was proven to be a fraud.

    This was all very frustrating to me, which is why I eventually punched a hole through my own desk, and decided not to continue with medication, as it was leading me down the wrong path.


    I'll narrate the next phase of my life (~August 2021), best read with this music in the background :

    "4 months have past since the horrible events have taken place:

    Ever since then, @peteronfireee2 has been healing in the medical machine, a tank hooked up to a breathing apparatus and other various wires."

    "The vessel induces a blissful and soothing sensation of recovery.

    Most of the damage has been mental, and traumatic memories keep resurfacing, but fortunately @peteronfireee2 is from a race of beings that heal incredibly quickly, and no stupid

    Psychic Vampires will ever slow him down.

    Now mostly rejuvenated and restored (and with new tricks up his sleeves), @peteronfireee2 feels a lot better, but he still feels the dark forces of evil lurking around the corners.

    However, it's time for @peteronfireee2 to make his moves. After all, with God's help, he is a man on a mission.

    Where will he go next???

    The saga continues!!! "

    Quote Originally Posted by MrInternet View Post
    Mo' money, mo' problemz

    PART VI: Snakes in the Desert Place

    These are a few stories that took place between August 2021 to approximately December 2021

    Just a Coffee

    I was sitting, waiting for my cup of coffee. I look to my left and some person suddenly appears in my line of sight. It's funny though, this person is wearing the exact same outfit as me;

    --blue sweater,
    --gray sweat pants,
    --blue sneakers.

    "Must be a coincidence" I thought and shrugged it off. After getting my coffee, I decide to purchase some items in the store. While walking, a high school girl walks past me, having a conversation on the phone and I hear her say

    "heart attack"
    as she walked by.

    "Interesting" I thought.

    I heard from another group of people as they walked by.

    Anyway, there is a specific toothpaste I'm looking for, hydroxypalpitate, and I scan through the aisle to look for it. As I sift through the different boxes of tooth paste, I feel someone hovering behind me.

    "What are you looking for,"
    this strange woman asks.

    "Oh, it's like a specific tooth paste to replace the enamel for your teeth"
    "Oh,hydroxypalpitate, I'm a dental hygenist, blah blah blah"
    I thanked her for her input and decided to check out some clothes.

    There was some cool-looking shirts that were for sale.

    I was looking at the different sizes of shirts that were on the rack. A black dude was also looking in the same section as me.

    "Extra large?..."
    he said, I couldn't tell if this was a statement or a question, but for some reason I smirked.

    He saw me smirking, then said

    "How you gonna do us like that, man"
    I stayed smirking, saying nothing.

    I then proceeded to checkout; the store was crowded and jam packed; all the cashiers were busy.

    Suddenly, I hear:

    I guess cashier #23 is the line I'm going to then, I thought.

    As I lined up, I was holding some margarita cans but then like a goofball I dropped them all over the floor. A white woman, who was in front of me with her boyfriend, kindly helped me pick up the cans.

    I was thankful but then I braced myself for some weird interaction with them.... but nothing happened.

    I gave out a sigh of relief as I purchased my items and then headed toward my car....

    But then I noticed something odd...

    That same couple was parked right next to me.

    Sixth Sense

    I remember as a child, being in the living room chilling with my dad and brother. My dad was giving my brother a piggyback ride while he was asleep.

    The next thing I remember was a bunch of police officers (2 or 3) busting in and putting my dad in handcuffs.

    My uncle was also there, I think he was wearing a trench coat with his hands in his pockets. He didn’t say anything,

    They put my dad on anti-psychotics, and I remember going to the hospital ever so often to visit him.

    Supposedly, he was the smartest of all the siblings but unfortunately, “he got sick” was “the story” they’ve been telling me growing up.

    Fast forward to sixth grade (year 2000),
    I was on AOL, and someone with the screen name “Dr Donkey
    Balls" randomly messages me.

    As a child, I was terrified, as this internet stranger knew everything about me; my friends, my neighbors, and detailed / confidential information about my father.

    Is history repeating itself?

    I don’t believe in coincidences.

    And I also won't let history repeat itself

    Fahrenheit 911

    So ever since losing job, I 've been very inactive. I told myself I needed to get my health back in order.

    Mentally, emotionally, spiritually, I was good. In the physical department, however, I was rusty.

    I decided to sign up for a local gym membership, and I also invited my mother to do the same.

    I acted as my mom's personal fitness trainer; she'd run on the treadmill, and I'd stand beside her, sporting my black baseball cap, encouraging her every step of the way. My mother always wore a yellow T-shirt and black pants.

    I also loved to have a specific routine to follow;

    --the stair master,
    --lifting weights
    --abdominal twists

    One early morning, I decided to go to the gym alone to get a workout in.

    As I'm working out, I hear something peculiar;

    There's a group of girls next to me, and it appears that one of the girls is instructing the other girl how to do a specific exercise. She has a black baseball cap on.

    I thought.

    I decide to get a drink of water and I see, coming out of the locker room, an older asian lady, wearing the exact same outfit my mother wears when she works out - yellow T-shirt and black pants.

    Anyway, after getting a sip of my water, I look up and at that exact moment, a grandma walks into my line of sight, and does 1 repetition of abdominal twists, and walks away.

    "Just ignore it, whatever man..."
    I tell myself.

    "It's just a circus."
    I then proceeded to perform my workout, but then again, I heard something.

    "OH, he's just REALLY LONELY, don't worry about it"
    Some man and woman were having a conversation while they were bi-cycling in the aerobic section.

    I was curious to listen into their conversation so I walked up next to them.

    Immediately, one of the gym staff members approached us.

    "Is this man bothering you guys???"
    "CALL 911!!! CALL 911!!!"
    Immediately another staff worker approached me,

    "Are you OKAY??? Do you need HELP????"
    I immediately walked away from them as calmly as I could, but they kept following me,

    "Are you OKAY??? Do you need HELP???"
    I sat and waited on a chair, as I listened to the staff workers talking with the ambulance.

    "I needed to do something" I thought...


    Instinctively, I calmly walked over to the front desk,

    "Sorry, I have gas issues,"
    I told them, as I walked out of the gym.

    I gave out of sigh of relief as I just escaped this terrible nightmare.

    As I drove down the road, I heard a noise.

    It was a firetruck.

    It was driving down the road extremely fast, at least 60 MPH on a 40 MPH road,

    For some reason, it was driving towards ... me.

    I could hear the SIREN alarming louder and louder as it approached me.

    I decided to stay in place, not moving elsewhere but this truck was driving at me still at full speed.

    Then right before collision, it slowed down to normal speed,

    And it drove around me and

    Into the sunset.


    I was excited to be back in my hometown, and one thing that I liked was going to a particular restaurant - they made the best wings in town.

    When I walked in, the waitress sat me down in a booth.

    In the booth next to me sat a family; a mother, father, and a baby son.

    I sat down, facing away from them and tried to mind my own business.

    But I kept hearing the family conversing.

    I tried not to eavesdrop but the more I tried to resist, the more audible their conversation.

    ***Son starts crying***
    "Now son, what did we TELL YOU. You can't be SAD"
    "You can't be a BABY about EVERYTHING"
    They then exploded with a diabolical laughter

    I felt like I was in some terrible dream.


    Life is a dream, we're all waiting to wake up.

    All I wanted was to eat some wings in peace.

    I tried to ignore it by putting on my headphones and listening to some music.

    That worked pretty well, as I was able to drown out the evil laughter...

    Until I, again, noticed something strange:

    My cup of water ...

    It was vibrating and rippling, like the T-Rex scene from Jurassic Park.


    Then I noticed the table I was sitting at... It also started vibrating.


    My heart started to race at a million beats per minute.


    I decided to hightail it outta there.

    I instead went into another restaurant, because I was still hungry.

    When I walked in I told the waitress,

    "Miss, if you could, I'd prefer if you sat me near nobody else. I'd prefer not being able to listen on their conversations."
    She said, smiling. She wore pink crocs that squeaked while she sat me down.

    I didn't know what to order, so I looked down at the menu:

    "I guess I'll get the short stack special pancakes, please"
    After the waitress took my order, I handed her the menu and waited patiently.

    I was at peace, sitting silently by myself in the corner of the restaurant.

    But it dawned on me I wasn't alone;

    There was an old man. His handicap walker beside him.

    He was sitting directly diagonally from where I was sitting.

    His face was mostly jolly and cheerful,

    Until all of a sudden ... A disturbing, menacing look replaced his face.

    I only had one question,

    Why was this old man staring at me

    First Day of School

    Finally, after 7 months of waiting, interviews, screenings, and being up to date with my vaccinations;

    I was able to obtain two jobs;

    —one in the hospital setting
    —one in the retail setting
    It felt like the first day of school; had hair slicked back and wore the usual business casual. On the first day I was expected to work alone, but it was cool with me – I was actually confident in my abilities; being a 7-year veteran who has worked solo many, many a times.

    Unfortunately, all that changed as soon as I stepped into the building;

    –Phones were ringing non-stop
    –People came storming in, demanding they get their vaccines
    This was a little bit unusual for an innocent Saturday morning, but I gave it the benefit of the doubt.

    I first picked up the phone,

    “Hi it’s Peter”

    “Hi, are you giving the COVID vaccine for patients < 12 years of
    ***This was around the time COVID vaccine shots for patients <
    12 years of age were approved, and I made sure to study and prepare
    hard, as not much data had been released.***

    “Yes I am”
    “Well what dose and how long should a child wait under X condition?”
    “I’m not sure, but if you give me a minute I can look it up”
    "Oh, so you DON’T KNOW HUH, I guess that’s because
    YOU’RE IN TRAINING, I’d rather speak to someone THAT
    I hung up the phone, realizing...

    This was my first day, I wasn’t 100% comfortable with the system and I knew in my mind... This bombardment was their way of harassing me at work.

    I for sure didn’t want to make a deadly mistake, especially in mixing and administering vaccinations

    I resigned both jobs immediately.

    To be continued...

    Part VI: The Cackling Korean Witch

    I was at TJ Max with my parents. I was looking at some clothes when I heard something odd.

    It was some sort of cackling laughter.


    A Korean lady (she was speaking in Korean) and her friend were apparently exchanging some "funny" stories that deemed chuckle-worthy.

    I gave her the stink eye and she *immediately* recognized it.

    Anyway, I resumed shopping as usual and out of the corner of my eye, I see some dude randomly dressed up as a clown.


    I decide to walk over to the other side of the store and sit down.

    Then I heard it again,


    It was the Korean lady and her friend again walking by, only this time they were accompanied by some arab-looking dude (same dude I magically ran into at Meijer doing the same thing) that gave me the stink eye.

    I guess they were having a bad day

    (Or just terrible acting, who knows)

    Part VI: Mac and Cheese

    A man and his parents walk into Panera to have lunch.

    He notices its crowded.

    His mother sits down while the man and his father orders food at the Kiosk.

    The man, hears something in his peripheral awareness:

    "Mac and Cheese!"

    "Mac and Cheese!"

    "Mac and Cheese!"

    The man notices that there's a family with their children, and they were happily chanting "mac and cheese." This wasn't a big deal to the man, just something he noticed from his subconscious periphery for a quick second.

    Anyway, the son and father later grab the food.

    As the father is passing the food around,

    The mother is disappointed bc the father ordered the wrong thing.

    Whenever they go to panera, the mother always orders a salad.

    "What is this? I ordered a salad," the father said

    "Not Mac and Cheese."
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-14-2022 at 01:41 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    I was sitting, waiting for my cup of coffee. I look to my left and some person suddenly appears in my line of sight. It's funny though, this person is wearing the exact same outfit as me;

    --blue sweater,
    --gray sweat pants,
    --blue sneakers.

    "Must be a coincidence" I thought and shrugged it off.
    A trial run of your replacement?

    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    After getting my coffee, I decide to purchase some items in the store. While walking, a high school girl walks past me, having a conversation on the phone and I hear her say

    as she walked by.

    "Interesting" I thought.

    I heard from a group of highschoolers say as they walked by.

    Anyway, there is a specific toothpaste I'm looking for, hydroxypalpitate, and I scan through the aisle to look for it. As I sift through the different boxes of tooth paste, I feel someone hovering behind me.

    this strange woman asks.

    I thanked her for her input and decided to check out some clothes.
    She seems to know a lot about you.

    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    There was some cool-looking shirts that were for sale.

    I was looking at the different sizes of shirts that were on the rack. A black dude was also looking in the same section as me.

    he said, I couldn't tell if this was a statement or a question, but for some reason I smirked.

    He saw me smirking, then said

    I stayed smirking, saying nothing.

    I then proceeded to checkout; the store was crowded and jam packed; all the cashiers were busy.

    Suddenly, I hear:

    I guess cashier #23 is the line I'm going to then, I thought.

    As I lined up, I was holding some margarita cans but then like a goofball I dropped them all over the floor. A white woman, who was in front of me with her boyfriend, kindly helped me pick up the cans.

    I was thankful but then I braced myself for some weird interaction with them.... but nothing happened.

    I gave out a sigh of relief as I purchased my items and then headed toward my car....

    But then I noticed something odd...

    That same couple was parked right next to me.
    Sounds like you are being monitored. Maybe by the creatures that live in the 15,000 Angstrom band. They inhabit the fiber optic network of the internet, but they seem to be able to manifest in the real world. That, or they control people who do exist in the real world.

    But why are they interested in you?


    Seriously, there was a time when I would sit in a chair, late at night, and I could hear voices in the static on the radio dial when it was set between stations. This was back when you could still listen to the frequencies between stations. They say that a good portion of the radio static comes from patterns originating in the cosmic microwave background. Ancient voices from the beginnings of the Universe, calling out to me from the cataclysmic depths of Time.

    The voices were telling me what I should do.....

    I had to lay off the drugs and alcohol for a while before they went away.
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    Post hospital (August 2020- November 2020), while they put me on antipsychotics; I still experienced non-stop harassment; from U of M hospital and Packard Health.

    U of M hospital. After my Dr's appointment with Dr. Cornelius, I was instructed to get my blood drawn. When I went to the lab to get my blood drawn (whom I called beforehand, they told me to come in), they told me "your doctor didn't put in any order" and left it at that. They didn't offer to call or help; just left me in the dark.

    Packard Health. I called to get things figured out for my appointments. They constantly put me on hold and transferred me around non-stop. Because of this, my father called and straighten things out.

    This was similar to the insurance / medical insurance billing incident, which was proven to be a fraud.
    The medical business in this country is a crime.

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    Default Bloopers


    --As I sat down, I saw a couple sitting to the side of me. The guy was tense and I heard him say "I can't do it" under his breath to his gf

    --I went to the checkout line at a grocery store and in front of me was a mom and daughter. I had my arms crossed, looking at them with serious anticipation. The mom had this appearance (blood-shot eyes look) on her face as if she was saying, "...uh are we really doing this"

    --I parked my car and went into the store. I noticed my agent getting out of her car and walking in as well. I went back to my car. The agent went back to her car. Then I get out of the car again and walk towards the store. The agent does the same. I go back to my car again. The agent just walks into the store.

    --A store I was in was DEAD SILENT. So I started singing some gospel songs while shopping. The reaction was priceless

    --A group of people were walking as a pack, and they were muttering insults under their breath. I opened the door and held it open for them to walk through. They were confused

    --I was at church and the cars wouldn't let me leave the parking lot (they were blocking me). I roll the windows down and blasted some gospel music at them.

    --I was ringing up my stuff at the self-checkout, and I hear my agent having a serious conversation with the store worker girl about "getting shot in the chest" I replied with a sarcastic "I'm soooooo scared!!!!~~" and the store worker girl busted out laughing.

    --I was at work and they were "in position" to do their little theater. And just before their "performance" I walked to the other side of the building. They looked at each other awkwardly like "uhhh. oookay..."

    --Every time I have a gospel tract in my hand I want to share, everyone runs away for some reason (?) I feel like it's a great evangelizing opportunity

    The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
    1. 12 The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth.
    2. 13 The LORD shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming. Psalms 37:12-13
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 02-05-2022 at 06:41 PM.

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    Default Parts of Richard Bruce's Testimony I could relate to:

    Parts of Richard Bruce's Testimony I could relate to:

    --Weird vehicle harassment (which included both ground and air)
    --Vehicles following us
    --We both have no criminal record (before and after)
    --Complete nobodies
    --Friends and family completely "shut down" the instant you mention any of this stuff
    --Some kind of advanced technology that involves zapping the memory is involved
    --Some kind of advanced technology involving holograms is involved
    --One of their goals is to discredit you (drive you crazy)
    --If you talk with us, and ask challenging questions, we can answer them pretty easily. But it's weird, nobody really asks, but when they do, Satan will try to use it to discredit you
    --We both understand that this stuff sounds crazy to people
    --We really don't know everything that's happening.
    --We do acknowledge all this stuff has Satanic origins
    --The Mind Control programming has both Spiritual and Eletronic components
    --We both acknowledge the existence of demonic entities that in-dwell humans (different from shape-shifting reptoids)
    --There are multi-layered narratives, scapegoating and distortions happening
    --We both conclude that reality is actually darker than we perceive and society would lose it if they found out what was actually going on

    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    Bipedal Reptilian Lizard Man Paradigm in Gangstalking

    It's pretty rare to find testimonials by legit targeted individuals (a lot are fake to discredit TIs)

    Here's one by someone from California named Richard Bruce (he also happens to be Christian)

    I can relate (by my own experience), a lot of what he's saying is legit (particularly the weird targeting stuff)

    Richard does mention different classes of Demons;

    1) Demonic / Spiritual entities (the ones I focus on)
    2) Humanoid / Shape-shifting Reptoid/Insectoid (I have very little knowledge on this stuff)

    I can't fully verify the Reptilian/Lizard/Insect stuff lol, however,

    Richard Bruce's main points:

    --These Lizard people are very powerful and much smarter than humans
    --These Lizard people control/influence the police
    --These Lizard people don't want to be exposed or be known to the masses
    --These Lizard people will get others to gangstalk you to get you paranoid/discredit you (make the victim look crazy)
    --These Lizard people do something similar to the Men in Black Pen thing where you forget everything that happened

    I believe he's onto something, as all this can't be coincidence.

    I'm thinking it's virtually impossible to fully understand since Satan is pretty good at cover and deception of the masses, never mind much smarter. (Similar to fully understanding God with our limited human brains)

    A more comprehensive vid (not on youtube):
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 02-27-2022 at 07:14 PM.

  28. #28
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    Default Prayer is the Secret Weapon IV: A Million Times more Effective than Medication

    Prayer is the Secret Weapon IV: A Million Times more Effective than Medication

    Psychiatry, one of the biggest SCAMS of pagan society,

    Its done WAY more harm than good, mainly used by:

    --Governments as a means of control,
    --Modern liberal American sisses that want to cry endlessly underneath a label.
    Forced psychiatry, is literally a crime against humanity, as it's largely subjective and manufactured by Satan Himself.

    It's OKAY to be distressed at times;

    --Sometimes life IS a drain, and you just need a break away from everything. That's okay.
    --Sometimes you're just surrounded by morons (reptiles). That's okay.
    --It takes TIME to rebuild. Don't rush the process.
    --Many times it's spiritual. God is the #1 source of help
    Think of false "mental illness" labels as one of many tools Satan uses in his toolbox to enslave humanity (along with throwing on sissy "sanctions" "cancel culture" etc etc from the shadows)

    Pharmaceuticals for "mental illness" are simply temporary band-aids, many which have mind-numbing effects.

    Prayer and Rest,

    On the other hand,

    Is a million times more effective than slapping on some stupid mental illness label and forcing meds on someone

    What is forced psychiatry?

    Forced psychiatry, also known as ‘involuntary psychiatry’, ‘psychiatric commitment’, ‘involuntary treatment’, ‘forced treatment’, ‘assisted treatment’, ‘court ordered treatment’, ‘sectioning’, ‘psychiatric hold’, is the forced imposition of psychiatric interventions upon an individual by the government, against the will of the person targeted. Forced psychiatry has a long and grisly history dating back a couple hundred years that most people are aware of, but today, in the modern era, this controversial government practice hides in the shadows. Behind the closed doors of psych wards, government mental health system workers carry out violent forced ‘treatments’ against the will of those that are undergoing mental and emotional crises.

    To add to the silence, the stigma of being labeled a ‘mental patient’ and the trauma from these horrific experiences at the hands of the system prevents more people speaking out and fighting for their rights. Many forced into psychiatry have died at the hands of the system. While forced psychiatry may be an issue society would rather keep hidden and not talk about, this doesn’t make this controversy any less real, as millions of people worldwide have had psychiatry forced on them.

    Why is forced psychiatry so controversial?

    Nobody denies that people can become very overwhelmed with life, and experience extreme states of mind or exhibit problematic thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Everybody at some point in their lives needs support, and anybody can undergo a crisis, or periods of overwhelm that would get labeled ‘madness’, or ‘psychosis’, or ‘mental illness’. Growing numbers of people who’ve experienced these states of mind first-hand, and growing numbers of innovative mental health professionals, are beginning to see that society’s response to these problems has been part of the problem, not part of the solution.

    More and more people are coming to see the importance of freedom of choice not only in the solutions to mental or emotional problems, but the importance of individuals having the freedom to develop their own interpretation of their problems, even if that interpretation is at odds with the interpretation put forward by psychiatry.

    Any reasonable person will admit that labels of ‘mental illness’ are subjective, not objective, and that psychiatry, the dominant profession in this area, is an inexact science. Many would be aware also of the growing body of evidence that psychiatric drugs do cause damage to the brain and body when used long term, and do come with all sorts of risk/benefit trade-offs. Forced psychiatry is controversial because it imposes, by force, a choice made by others on the individual who is going through a crisis, this represents government forcing its interpretation of the person’s problems on them, and most brutally of all, forcibly altering that person’s body against their will. Forced psychiatry represents the ripping away of choice in what treatment a person may want, what interpretation of their problems they may have, and what solutions that person may seek to their problems.

    Forced psychiatry represents government making the assumption that drug-based psychiatry is the ‘only way’ to be responding to the disparate problems that get labeled ‘mental illness’. Forced psychiatry in a very real sense, hands the profession of psychiatry a state enforced monopoly on human emotional and mental overwhelm. But if we admit psychiatry is subjective, possesses no biological objective medical tests to prove its assertions that those it labels mentally ill have bona fide ‘brain diseases’, then it becomes orders of magnitude more controversial that government is granting this profession the power to enter your body by force, against your express wishes.

    Even doctors who can prove genuine bodily diseases with objective science, like heart surgeons do, don’t have the power to forcibly meddle inside your body. Yet this profession of psychiatry has reserved the right to force itself into your brain, this is at odds with every modern human rights ethic, and must come to an end.

    Forced psychiatry usually involves the targeted person losing their right to own their own body. This can be a life destroying experience, and is experienced by many survivors of it, as torture. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture agrees, and has as recently as 2013 called for the abolition of forced psychiatric interventions, as you’ll see in video below.

    Stripping basic human rights from people labeled ‘mentally ill’ is nothing new, governments, societies and those who choose to work in psychiatric wards have been dehumanizing ‘involuntary patients’ for generations. In fact, hundreds of thousands of people with psychiatric labels and other disabilities were murdered in the Holocaust. For generations, forced sterilization programs existed in western countries targeting those labeled ‘mentally ill’, only being abolished as recently as the 1970s. But societies still haven’t got used to the idea of extending equality to those considered ‘mentally ill’. Around the world, laws are on the books in most states and provinces, that make it legal for psychiatrists and their staff to forcibly drug and forcibly electroshock people. Even a forced ‘diagnosis’ can change the course of a life. Reaching out for help from the mental health system often comes at the cost of your basic rights, and many live in constant fear of being assaulted by the coercive and violent procedures that are central to modern forced psychiatry.

    People forced into psychiatry are overwhelmingly innocent people, very few are criminals, yet these law abiding people lose more human rights than even a convicted criminal loses in a super-max prison. Those targeted for forced psychiatry lose the right to own their own body. Forced psychiatry is often described by many survivors of it, as being experienced as a kind of biological rape. These practices are not ‘help’, they are human rights abuses. Forced psychiatry represents dehumanizing the most distressed and overwhelmed individuals in society, during their weakest moments of life. In mistaking violence for ‘help that people need’ we as a society have committed atrocities for too long against those who are at their weakest. Forced psychiatry often drives people to suicide, traumatizes people for life, and crushes their sense of humanity and dignity. There are better ways to help. And if you take the time to thoroughly explore the MindFreedom website you will learn about the growing movement that fosters innovative alternative approaches to these problems.

    Having been an ‘involuntary patient’ in the past, makes it easier for this status to be forced on you in the future. Your status as an ‘involuntary patient’ can be used as part of efforts to strip custody of your children from you, and to prejudice divorce and property settlement proceedings. Health insurance rates in some countries can be higher for people who have been in forced psychiatry. Even when you’ve passed away, your involuntary patient status may be used to contest your will. The complete list of lifelong devastating effects of being forced into psychiatry is too long to completely list here, it just goes on and on. Millions of people since psychiatry was first handed these powers by government, have been forced to live lives of humiliation and fear. Millions of people, over many generations, have had their lives and bodies mangled and blighted by forced psychiatry. Survivors of it are forced to live in fear for the rest of their lives, fear that they may one day be targeted against their will for such ‘help’. Can YOU be sure that if you ever had a mental crisis, that YOUR life would not be destroyed? Would you trust your loved one’s life to forced psychiatry?
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-05-2022 at 11:10 PM.

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