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Thread: Cash me ousside, how bow dat?

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    Default Cash me ousside, how bow dat?

    Danielle Bregoli

    Seems SEE or SLE to me. First impression SLE. Of course wanting her to be SEE for obvious reasons
    But I'm pretty sure she's too tough, also witty to be SEE.
    Reminds me a bit of Connor Mcgregor, actually, also gives 0 fucks about what people think, and confidence through the roof, very admirable


    LOL this chick is fkin hilarious, watch the first 6 seconds

    Wait, she's 14? lmao? Feelsbadman

    Anyhow I think SLE, anybody agree?

    P.S how do i make this thread NSFW? this 14-yo is making me feel tingly in my pants

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    I think that she has low Se/ high intuition and she seems very aware of what she puts out ethically, especially for her age. Also she doesn't seem to be looking for ethical validation at all so not Fe HA.
    When I watch her I feel like she needs either someone to punch her in her face or to tell her that it's time to go to bed. I would go for either Se or Si HA.

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    @Number 9 large @YXPR both of your posts are creepy toward her. Pedophilia and punching people is wrong and harmful, try to make up your minds it's not healthy for you either. It's not about her, it's you. It's also not "just words", it supports real crimes. It also makes you assholes no reasonable person finds funny/edgy/relatable/powerful/respectable/cool/strong/sexy or lovable. You're only lowering yourself.

    Hm I see you liking their shit @Cosmic Teapot @kalinoche, pay more attention you're only making it acceptable.

    I already know how the replies to this post will look like but at least think about it before ya'll either get defensive or start attacking this which is neither surprising given your uneducated and violent, egocentric mentality. Now go ahead throw more offenses, come on.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Pedophilia and punching people is wrong and harmful
    Learn something new everyday

    It's also not "just words", it supports real crimes.
    What does a joke have to do with supporting crimes

    You're only lowering yourself.
    It's called satire, part of having a sense of humor

    Hm I see you liking their shit @Cosmic Teapot @kalinoche, pay more attention you're only making it acceptable.
    Yeah, stop raping kids @Cosmic Teapot @kalinoche . People these days...

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    Here we study the example of a distraction technique:

    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    Learn something new everyday
    When it's obvious to you then why do you engage in it? Because you know it's harmful and would like to get away with it. You don't, by the very nature of this reply. Be more responsible and less immature.

    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    What does a joke have to do with supporting crimes

    It's called satire, part of having a sense of humor
    Jokes are power in disguise. He who laughs and humiliates strives to dominate, stripping a person off their humanity and integrity. It was so unhumorous that one cannot tell the difference. A good joke doesn't involve violence or being attracted to having sex with kids. When I threaten to choke you unconscious, please giggle happily because the satire is so excellent - see how this demonstrates what the case is? Why do you think language reminiscent of domestic violence is funny? Tell me. The joke missed its aim, it's rather worrying. Are you actually okay? A person who says things like that has probably experienced harmful things themselves, I am sorry for this and hope you find perspective and health.

    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    Yeah, stop raping kids @Cosmic Teapot @kalinoche . People these days...
    They don't rape. People like you do, who actively convey these attitudes. Supporters are the ones that keep you out of jail. Your reply and shifting are quite unreflected, disappointing but not a big surprise. I hope this will stay in your mind. Well you already bothered answering, goal achieved, you listened

    Go on replying with just anything and I know you take this to heart.
    Or insult me so I know it hit a spot.

  6. #6


    @Chae, what was the initial offence?

    maybe this is a bunch of bs but my understading is that:

    Her mother had an agenda and apparently there is some strong enmeshment the girl is trying to break free from. She does that by playing on what comes natural at this point in her life; boundless energy stemming from a newfound sexuality. It seems so eye-catching because that is the only tool that she can virtually track in order to become her own person. In one of the videos, there is a quite recent photo of her and the mother. They are smiley and hug each other and the girl looks all sporty and covered up. It is likely that the mother has been infantilizing her daughter and at some point the girl felt that her mother is not who she appears to be and the mommy dearest image fell apart. The first time the mother was on the show, she was a doe-eyed, covert damsel-in-distress and was trying to cover up her cooch. The daughter tries to beat her mother using her mother's means but this still works in favor of the mother because she can act demure. The mother is one step ahead and the tropes work.

    This is not about being sexualized by much (?) older people from the tender age of 13/14, this is about her being conditioned to believe that the only way to exist is by being a caricature. The girl has been trying to get the locus of control in her hands. After the show, it remained in the hands of her mother who ''turned out to be right after all'' because not they have money and are famous. The girl is on her way to becoming a Kardashian. Dr. Phil and her mum both won. Dr. Phil called her mum out on wanting to sell her daughter, therefore the mother is the reason why his educational trip did not ''reform'' the girl. The mother got her daughter an agent and now have a youtube channel with videos that get millions of views. Now the mother and the daughter are some sort of partners in crime.

    with this in mind, in my opinion, it is more oomphy to target problematic primary caregivers than horny people (be them young girls or old men).

    Chae, what I get from this is that you are very much against objectification and I find this very worthwhile. However, a different kind of objectification can cause the same effect.
    Last edited by Kalinoche buenanoche; 07-03-2017 at 12:48 AM.

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    @kalinoche you did miss the point completely, or was the elaboration just for the topic itself?

    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    Wait, she's 14? lmao? Feelsbadman

    P.S how do i make this thread NSFW? this 14-yo is making me feel tingly in my pants
    Quote Originally Posted by YXPR View Post
    When I watch her I feel like she needs either someone to punch her in her face
    Speaks for itself, it's transparent, don't even see the need to discuss futher.

  8. #8


    @Chae, I cannot really tell. You appear to have a more pristine and explicit thought process that champions itself. What I go for at this point is adding more parameters and see where the pieces fall.

    In hindsight my clicking on the like button does appear to be thoughtless*. I did like her confidence and perseverance (most likely because she is the opposite of me when I was her age). It is indeed the counterphobic kind of confidence.

    *However, I do not regret it, especially since you made me post something more elaborate than usual
    Last edited by Kalinoche buenanoche; 07-03-2017 at 01:25 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kalinoche View Post
    @Chae, I cannot really tell. You appear to have a more pristine and explicit thought process that champions itself. What I go for at this point is adding more parameters and see where the pieces fall.
    Hm, okay good.

  10. #10


    @Chae, will society get safer if people become less vocal about what arouses them?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    When it's obvious to you then why do you engage in it?
    Engage in what? Pedophilia?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Jokes are power in disguise.
    Uhm, okay

    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    He who laughs and humiliates strives to dominate, stripping a person off their humanity and integrity.
    Or they're just trying to have a laugh. You should try it sometime.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    A good joke doesn't involve violence or being attracted to having sex with kids.
    That's your opinion. Your opinion isn't law. @Myst this is what I meant by people thinking their morals and values should be law, and if you don't adhere to their rules they try to make you look bad. So goddamn annoying.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    When I threaten to choke you unconscious, please giggle happily because the satire is so excellent - see how this demonstrates what the case is?
    Uh, no cuz that wasn't funny

    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Why do you think language reminiscent of domestic violence is funny?
    Anything can be funny. Depends on your perspective.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    They don't rape. People like you do,
    Wait, you're calling me a rapist now? LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Go on replying with just anything and I know you take this to heart.
    Yeah, I'll defend my right to free speech, thank you very much.

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    I like your analysis @kalinoche. Personally tho I think bad parents are troubled themselves while men who fuck young teenagers are just opportunistic and taking advantage so I give more leeway to the former. (not putting number 9 in this category ftr even tho I thought it was gross)

    Cash me outside girl seems SEE in the videos to me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    I like your analysis @kalinoche. Personally tho I think bad parents are troubled themselves while men who fuck young teenagers are just opportunistic and taking advantage so I give more leeway to the former. (not putting number 9 in this category ftr even tho I thought it was gross)

    Cash me outside girl seems SEE in the videos to me.
    Personally tho I think men who fuck young teenagers are troubled themselves.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kalinoche View Post
    @Chae, will society get safer if people become less vocal about what arouses them?
    Very on-point question. Arousal is stigmatized and tabooed as well as a method of objectifying (=owning, controlling, ruling), making negative dangerous manifestations even more intense and tempting due to prohibition and repression, and more negative as it isn't arousal with good intent. If people become less vocal either the focus shifts to healthier expressions, becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy, creating safety. The other outcome is that making it even more silent fuels the stigma-hate-violent outburst dynamic, increasing safety threat. The latter appears likelier to me, asking for changing the problem with arousal attached with harm at the root. You even implied their connection by linking it in your sentence.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Personally tho I think men who fuck young teenagers are troubled themselves.
    Maybe you should talk to them about it and not me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Personally tho I think men who fuck young teenagers are troubled themselves.
    Yes. This is why @Number 9 large uses Transkarian logic, hopeless case. The part he didn't answer was the one if he's okay which says everything. The words left unspoken are the most important ones, the rest is just ego and image for all of us.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    The part he didn't answer was the one if he's okay which says everything.
    I left it out because it was ad hominem. The fact that you don't respond to my points and retort to ad hominem is very childish and usual when people run out of solid arguments in a debate.

    I mean, I could probably figure out why you dislike that I sexualise this 14yo as a joke so much, it's probably cuz you're ugly af no man will ever touch you, and secretely you are jealous. But hey, that doesn't add to the discussion does it now?

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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    Maybe you should talk to them about it and not me.
    Well, I'm not the thought police.

    Personally, the youngest woman I've slept with was 22 (I was 25) and the greatest age difference has been seven years (both younger and older), and I think anything much beyond that is opening yourself up to potentially very difficult problems. But I can see that when it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and has feathers that it is hard not to think of it as a duck. That does not mean I'm going to be preparing Duck a l'Orange tonight.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 07-03-2017 at 03:07 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Well, I'm not the thought police.

    Personally, the youngest woman I've slept with was 22 (I was 25) and the greatest age difference has been seven years (both younger and older), but I can see that when it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and has feathers that it is hard not to think of it as a duck. That does not mean I'm going to be preparing Duck a l'Orange tonight.

    @kalinoche had the most sensible things to say about this, frankly.
    Where did I ask you to be the thought police? I don't give a fuck about your sex life.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    I mean, I could probably figure out why you dislike that I sexualise this 14yo as a joke so much, it's probably cuz you're ugly af no man will ever touch you, and secretely you are jealous. But hey, that doesn't add to the discussion does it now?
    I disliked it cuz I've been a troubled 14 yr old girl. Which is why I don't like Adam coming in here telling me what's up like he understands it better than I do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    I left it out because it was ad hominem. The fact that you don't respond to my points and retort to ad hominem made me seem right in my case
    All arguments are personal, ad hominem is default. You used it yourself, "You should try it sometime" and the "That's your opinion" "your opinion isn't law" part. And you still didn't answer the question, stop evading it. You fear the answer as you are vulnerable but I understand to some degree. Your perpetual tactic is shifting the focus away from the real questions i.e. why you deem battering to be humor. There is no perspective. Only (potential) perpetrators like it to be light and funny, someone who is at risk (girls like her) would never do this. You are too transparent that's why it's boring to counter the arguments, and probably even dangerous since you use most methods abusers apply. You're pretty fucked up and need help + need to be kept away from others with your violent attitudes. We're on a forum with a pedophile also supporting the beating of women. This requires change. But me saying that to you won't enlighten your mind, only you can do this. Yet now the thought is in your head, that's enough, be kind and don't hurt others. A person who loves themselves could never hurt another in the way you suggest covertly in jokes. So the essential thing I want to convey at the core of all this is not hating yourself and projecting it violently or in a sexually exploitative manner

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    I mean, I could probably figure out why you dislike that I sexualise this 14yo as a joke so much, it's probably cuz you're ugly af no man will ever touch you, and secretely you are jealous. But hey, that doesn't add to the discussion does it now?
    Lol. Actually, lungs is quite pretty. She has a nice voice, too*, and she seems to be able to get laid when she wants. She's just doing the moral ESI thing here, because you touched on the subject that she's most sensitive to.

    *This surprised me. I thought she'd sound like a saw hitting a nail because some of her posts can be so harsh, but no. Her voice is warm and intelligent. Go figure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Lol. Actually, lungs is quite pretty. She has a nice voice, too, and she seems to be able to get laid when she wants. She's just doing the moral ESI thing here, because you touched on the subject that she's most sensitive to.
    Im not even mad at him? And he wasn't talking to me. You're so out there.

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    Real girls don't care when they are insulted by their appearance since that's not where they get their value from, unlike others who want to define them that way to make them weak. It's rather futile still, just a portrait of the one who does the insulting.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    Im not even mad at him? And he wasn't talking to me. You're so out there.
    I didn't follow the thread that closely. But @Chae is pretty attractive, too.

    I guess it pays to get your facts straight.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I didn't follow the thread that closely. But @Chae is pretty attractive, too.
    Adam, it's irrelevant. And now you sound like the old guys finding young people sexually attractive that you just criticized, the irony.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Adam, it's irrelevant. And now you sound like the old guys finding young people sexually attractive that you just criticized, the irony.
    Hey, just because I'm old enough to be effectively dead to 30-year olds doesn't mean I'm not a good judge of attractive.

    I have my sights set on someone a bit older than 40, tho. Cultural markers are more important than you might think.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Hey, just because I'm old enough to be effectively dead to 30-year olds doesn't mean I'm not a good judge of attractive.

    I have my sights set on someone a bit older than 40, tho. Cultural markers are more important than you might think.
    Deflected, another boring one. That's obvious but it's still not relevant. While we're at it - it's rude to tell you what to do but I advise you to generally not plague the forumites with your constant private life elaborations with even some intrusive things in it, nobody likes or needs it. It can't be that you're that unaware which makes it even more counterproductive. So is this post but I feel that you should know. You've already heard @lungs say it before so listen, that is the important point here. Find moderation at least.

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    Cash me ousside girl = obvious SEE

    anyways this drama is stupid I'm out
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Lol this got way too serious.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pookie View Post
    Lol this got way too serious.
    Nah. In any case, the discussion was better than the video. I just watched it, and it is exactly why I don't watch TV any more.

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    I mean. It's better than creeping pervy comments. But I didn't think the second post was bad.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    first thought - jailbait
    *reads part of thread*
    second thought - why is Chae taking a joke so personally. I guess she would have gave me shit for saying "jailbait"
    *reads more of thread*
    third thought - why is Lungs being a douche to Adam for giving her an impersonal opinion. Always in crusader mode I guess...
    *reads more of thread*
    what does any of this have to do with pedophilia and why is Adam calling people pretty anyway...
    *reads rest of thread*

    Quote Originally Posted by Daddy Lessons View Post
    anyways this drama is stupid I'm out
    ...let's be duelz/dualz.

    Thoughts on type: ghetto esfp-se

    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The magic of socionics. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    All arguments are personal, ad hominem is default.
    That's just not true. Try looking up ad hominem before you speak

    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    You used it yourself, "You should try it sometime" and the "That's your opinion" "your opinion isn't law" part.
    Yea the you should try it sometime is ad hominem though, making you look humorless. But everything else is just directed at what you had to say.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Your perpetual tactic is shifting the focus away from the real questions i.e. why you deem battering to be humor.
    Actually it's your tactic to shift the focus away from my arguments onto me and my motives, which is ad hominem and does not actually prove anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    You are too transparent that's why it's boring to counter the arguments
    Wow, nice insult to my intellect. Nice way to avoid debating me also.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    You're pretty fucked up and need help + need to be kept away from others with your violent attitudes.
    Wow, what a kind thing to say. Just because I disagree with you I am fucked up in the head? And you advocate to lock me up?
    That's some statement, there. It's actually people like you who are very dangerous. Reminds me of North Korea, where if you insult the leader you get locked up.

    People thinking they got moral highgrounds are the worst, especially those who don't listen to reason.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    We're on a forum with a pedophile also supporting the beating of women.
    I never said that I supported pedophilia or the beating of women.
    I merely advocate freedom of speech. Freedom of speech also entails freedom to joke about anything.
    You have a problem with that. So I naturally try to defend myself through debate. I explained why I think what I posted can be seen as ethically sound, as finding something funny always comes down to the perspective of the subject. So really there is nothing you cannot post, that isn't ethical. Therefore it's actually unethical to forbid posting certain things, because they might ''offend''. Anything can offend. So that is no argument.
    It's unethical because you restrict happiness of others by trying to limit their freedom. I, for one, don't try to limit other people's freedom by making jokes, so I guess it is me who has moral highgrounds here.

    You retorted with ad hominem, which is what people usually do when they can't think of any counterarguments. Typical.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Yet now the thought is in your head, that's enough
    No, that really isn't enough. Learn the difference between making a sexual joke about an underaged girl and enticing the act of pedophilia.
    Stop using the ''slippery slope'' fallacy as some kind of argument. It's like saying people who play violent video games will automatically commit violence in real life.
    It just doesn't work that way. Thinking/wondering does not equal doing. I can also think myself as being a great cook. That doesn't make me a great cook.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    So the essential thing I want to convey at the core of all this is not hating yourself and projecting it violently or in a sexually exploitative manner
    Who said I hated myself? Even if I did it makes no difference in the matter. Stop trying to shift attention from the real issue

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    For her I have thought SEE-Se CP 6 Sx/So. But She could easily be Beta, I mean c'mon...
    LSI-Se 836 Sp/Sx

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    i found the initial video sad, but the resulting discussion most interesting!

    also is it just me or is typing people hard? its like this chick could be almost anything--she's only a teenager... she's manifesting Se valuing as far as I can tell but that's about it; who knows what she'll be like in a few years? (although this goes to some of the sadness, it feels like shes on a somewhat negative trajectory)

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    That's just not true. Try looking up ad hominem before you speak

    Yea the you should try it sometime is ad hominem though, making you look humorless. But everything else is just directed at what you had to say.

    Actually it's your tactic to shift the focus away from my arguments onto me and my motives, which is ad hominem and does not actually prove anything.

    Wow, nice insult to my intellect. Nice way to avoid debating me also.

    Wow, what a kind thing to say. Just because I disagree with you I am fucked up in the head? And you advocate to lock me up?
    That's some statement, there. It's actually people like you who are very dangerous. Reminds me of North Korea, where if you insult the leader you get locked up.

    People thinking they got moral highgrounds are the worst, especially those who don't listen to reason.

    I never said that I supported pedophilia or the beating of women.
    I merely advocate freedom of speech. Freedom of speech also entails freedom to joke about anything.
    You have a problem with that. So I naturally try to defend myself through debate. I explained why I think what I posted can be seen as ethically sound, as finding something funny always comes down to the perspective of the subject. So really there is nothing you cannot post, that isn't ethical. Therefore it's actually unethical to forbid posting certain things, because they might ''offend''. Anything can offend. So that is no argument.
    It's unethical because you restrict happiness of others by trying to limit their freedom. I, for one, don't try to limit other people's freedom by making jokes, so I guess it is me who has moral highgrounds here.

    You retorted with ad hominem, which is what people usually do when they can't think of any counterarguments. Typical.

    No, that really isn't enough. Learn the difference between making a sexual joke about an underaged girl and enticing the act of pedophilia.
    Stop using the ''slippery slope'' fallacy as some kind of argument. It's like saying people who play violent video games will automatically commit violence in real life.
    It just doesn't work that way. Thinking/wondering does not equal doing. I can also think myself as being a great cook. That doesn't make me a great cook.

    Who said I hated myself? Even if I did it makes no difference in the matter. Stop trying to shift attention from the real issue
    No to all of this.

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    @Chae don't tell us what to do. We are not children and can think for ourselves.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strangeling View Post
    first thought - jailbait
    *reads part of thread*
    second thought - why is Chae taking a joke so personally. I guess she would have gave me shit for saying "jailbait"
    *reads more of thread*
    third thought - why is Lungs being a douche to Adam for giving her an impersonal opinion. Always in crusader mode I guess...
    *reads more of thread*
    what does any of this have to do with pedophilia and why is Adam calling people pretty anyway...
    *reads rest of thread*

    ...let's be duelz/dualz.

    Thoughts on type: ghetto esfp-se

    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The magic of socionics. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    @strangeling, I was responding to something that wasn't said. Fairly typical of me.

    As for the rest,

    When I was a boy, I discovered science fiction stories, and one of the first ones I read was a story about a group of galactic patrolmen who crash land on a planet unknown to them. Their captain dies in the crash, they can't repair their ship, and no one will rescue them. As they begin to explore their surroundings, they discover an abandoned city, desolate for a long time. However, one of the patrolmen is telepathic, and his mind accidentally "touches" the mind of an individual from a hostile warrior race in the city. He recoils in shock, and I very well remember the author describing the patrolman's reaction as being a result of him having been a prisoner of that race, before being rescued.

    This struck a deep chord in me. My father spent time in the military, fighting. My mother is a narcissist and on some level, had been trying to mentally replace "me" with her corrupted version of me since I was small. I entirely sympathized with the mental "touchiness" of the patrolman. He had been through a very bad experience, and was now very, very sensitive to intrusions into the defensive boundaries that he had been forced to build in order to survive.

    It was something I could relate to. That passage was one of the most memorable parts of the book, and I returned to it years later, trying to figure out why it meant so much to me.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 07-03-2017 at 05:45 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strangeling View Post
    why is Lungs being a douche to Adam for giving her an impersonal opinion.
    why is Adam calling people pretty anyway...
    Meditate on this for awhile.
    Also reflect on the phrase "impersonal opinion."

    Just some impersonal advice. Take it or leave it, sexy I hear you're gamma so i know you'll see things my way once you mature a little I'll be sure to pm you more advice later. You might not like it right away, but give it time and once you're enlightened enough to know what's good for you you'll be in the palm of my hand, you beautiful gamma brethren.

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