Quote Originally Posted by Toro View Post
I remember Gulenko saying that sensors are better suited for visual identification methods since they are more apt to pick up on subtle visual cues. I think VI typing belongs in the same category of "body language analysis" that is used law enforcement interrogations.


Body language experts are common and accepted in other fields, but VI in socionics is still challenged by some. With both I think its more an art than a science, funnily enough the article I linked says something similar about body language reading.
I don't find body language all that helpful when typing celebrities or historical figures, but what you can observe is manner of speech and facial expressions. are the eyes focused on the surrounding, expressive, curious, does the person speak in a fast and precise manner, do they not think or pause all that much between sentences etc. that points to extroversion, but it's not a common trait among harmonizing extroverts. for introverts: are the eyes unfocused, looking to the side or the bottom, is there a slower manner of speech, more pauses etc. might not apply to dominant subtypes

Quote Originally Posted by Vis View Post
BTW Trump is not SLE. He's a (definitely twisted but also somewhat idealistic) gamma extrovert (more likely SEE) who's pretending to be SLE, maybe because he really sympathizes with/believes in beta values, or he wants to get more beta votes. Possibly both.
this will just derail the thread tbh