Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi View Post
some advice you never asked for: Just take your whatever-type, stick to it as long as it makes sense to you. You don't have to prove anything to anyone.
I agree with this with one caveat: be open to changing your type as new information is available. For example, I have typed myself INTp for the time being despite some thinking I'm INTj, though I haven't had enough relationships (impersonal, personal, business, etc.) to type myself on the basis of IR. Instead, I read through the profiles (carefully), found that I don't relate to Ti base as much as I do Ni base (after thorough reflection, though I'm still contemplating this) and went from there. As I obtain more IR information, I can reevaluate my type on that basis and try to reconcile that information with information I have already accumulated.

Moreover, type has a tendency to fluctuate when you're either uncertain of what you want or who you are, so waiting until you've comfortably settled might be the best way to be certain about your type. I don't know about your situation financially, mentally, emotionally, etc. so only you can determine whether you're "ready" to be typed. Typing too firmly preemptively leads one to idealize themselves to something that isn't true. I've found myself falling into this trap in recent months - I always have to remind myself that I'm not at the stage where I can be completely certain about these things.