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Thread: World War III is Coming (Matthew 24:6)

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    Default World War III is Coming (Matthew 24:6)

    World War III is Coming (Matthew 24:6)

    While everyone's attention is currently on Russia/Ukraine,


    That Germany has suddenly just quadrupled their military spending:

    $113 billion

    Contained in the historical accounts of Germany’s military ambitions in the 20th century, we see a spirit at work in that nation, driving them to exert control over Europe. This reached a fever pitch under Adolf ****** in WWII, and then, like magic, it all went away, seemingly for ever more.

    Certainly no one could imagine a Germany under, say, Angela Merkel, ravenously snatching up satellite nations like the Rhineland and Poland. Her successor started off as a snoozer, nothing much happening under the hood, if you follow what I mean. But Russia attacks Ukraine and in under 72 hours,

    Germany reverses 77 years of policy regarding military buildups, weaponry, and now they are even considering restarting the draft and conscripting soldiers. In the blink of any eye, everything changed, Europe’s giant is once again awake. Just pray the Lord comes and gets us as He has promised, and soon.
    Do you think that's a coincidence?

    Also consider,

    From a Biblical Perspective,

    God likes to do things in THREES and SEVENS:

    WWI- Involved Germany and Jews (First global war)
    WWII- Involved Germany and Jews (20 years later, lasted 7 years)
    And now,

    WWIII- May once again, somehow involve Germany and the Jews.

    Some Rabbis have predicted a Third World War,

    Yisrael Meir (HaKohen) Kagan, one of the most influential rabbis of the early 20th Century known as the Chofetz Chaim, taught that the pre-Messiah War of Gog and Magog will be fought in three stages:

    The Chofetz Chaim predicted that yet another war was imminent and would come. He predicted that 25 years after the end of the last war, another war will break out that will make the first seem like child’s play. The Chofetz Chaim’s prediction was, admittedly, slightly off. World War I ended in 1918, 21 years before the outbreak of World War II in 1939.

    He went on to predict that 75 years after the second war, the final and greatest war will break out, making the second seem even smaller
    When you further study the Bible,

    You'll realize that Satan (Ruler of this World) is the one who ultimately moves the chess pieces around.

    Russia/China won't dominate as NWO superpower, Satan will cause them to fail miserably.

    Instead, a NWO government + EU will rise (Revived Roman Empire),

    The next "biblical wars" will be @ armageddon (gog/magog) - See Damascus thread

    Until then (and you can take me to the bank),

    A WWIII is on the horizon

    And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. Matthew 24:6
    Endtimes Prophetic Timing

    The 7-year tribulation starts at Rev 6 (aligns with Matthew 24 and Luke 21) with the opening of the first seals (Wars, famine, pestilance, death). Notice right before, in Rev 5, the elders that are mentioned is the church. Therefore,

    Rev 6 and onwards refers to the full 7-year tribulation appointed only for Israel/Jews/Tribulation Saints. This implies that the church is not appointed to the full 7 year (Pre-Tribulation rapture Thread).

    There will be nuclear war (WWIII) but the church most likely won't be there to experience it fully bc they will be raptured away by then (though the church may start to see it come to fruition before the rapture)

    Germany to Boost Military Spending in Latest Historic Shift


    Germany will channel 100 billion euros ($113 billion) this year into a fund to modernize the military, Scholz said Sunday in a speech to a special session of the lower house of parliament.

    By 2024, the government will spend at least 2% of gross domestic product each year on defense, he added, in line with a NATO target that Berlin has consistently failed to meet.

    Scholz had been widely criticized by opponents and allies alike in recent weeks for what they perceived as dithering and weakness in the face of Russia’s mounting aggression toward Ukraine.

    In the past few days he has announced a series of radical changes to long-entrenched German policies following the full-scale attack ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin on the former Soviet republic.

    Even before the invasion, Scholz halted the certification process for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline built to bring more of the Russian gas his country heavily relies on.

    On Saturday, he abandoned Germany’s traditional rejection of supplying weapons to conflict zones and gave way on expelling Russian banks from SWIFT, the system used for trillions of dollars worth of transactions between thousands of banks around the world. The willingness to supply Ukraine with military equipment including surface-to-air missiles and anti-tank weapons is in many ways the most dramatic move.

    Such a wide-ranging rethink from Scholz and his government came unexpectedly and prompted suggestions that Europe’s biggest economy may finally be ready to punch its weight in the international arena, discarding decades of reluctance linked to its role in the 20th century’s bloodiest conflicts. Ukraine’s ambassador to Germany, who was in parliament Sunday, called it a “truly historic moment.”

    Germany’s Pivot:

    100 billion euros for new fund for military spending:

    --Annual defense outlays to rise to more than 2% of GDP.
    --Work with EU partners to build fighter jets, tanks.
    --Purchase armed Heron drones from Israel.
    --Increase gas storage volume by 2 billion cubic meters.
    --Purchase additional natural gas on the world markets.
    --Establish a national coal and gas reserve.
    --Build LNG terminals in Brunsbuettel and Wilhelmshaven
    German defense spending in recent years has been hovering at around 1.5% and actually declined slightly as a share of output last year, according to NATO figures. That has led to criticism that the armed forces are consistently underfunded.

    Germany has reduced the number of its battle tanks to 300 from 4,700 since 1989 and the number of warplanes to 230 from 390, according to a report in Der Spiegel magazine. The number of troops has dropped to 180,000 from more than 300,000.

    Friedrich Merz, the leader of Merkel’s Christian Democrats, signaled Sunday in his speech to parliament that the party is ready to work with the ruling coalition on agreeing the financing for the defense fund.

    As well as ramping up defense spending, Scholz also pledged to do more to protect energy supplies, including increasing gas-storage volume by 2 billion cubic meters, establishing a national coal and gas reserve and swiftly constructing two LNG terminals on the north coast.

    Belarus Warns of WWIII

    “Today we must stop the war,” Lukashenko stated. “I would not even call it ‘war’ right now: It is still a conflict. Another day or two and there will be a war. In three days – a meat grinder.”

    Lukashenko claimed that Russia had nothing to gain from the war and the “only beneficiary” was the US with the goal of “putting Europe in its place and removing competitors.”

    “Russia does not need this. They have ammunition, cartridges, machine guns, and enough people to solve the problems that Russia wants to solve,” he said.

    He went on to claim that Belarusian and Russian people in Ukraine were being beaten and poisoned.

    President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko

    “They started beating them, poisoning them,” Lukashenko claimed. “They threaten us with terrorist acts.”
    Lukashenko denied that Belarus was actively involved in the war except for “two or three rockets” which were fired on February 2. Belarusian rocket were detected on the border.

    At that referendum, 65.2% of the people voted to change the constitution, revoking the country’s non-nuclear status. This opens the way for Russia to transfer nuclear weapons to Belarus for use against Ukraine.

    “If you (the West) transfer nuclear weapons to Poland or Lithuania, to our borders, then I will turn to Putin to return the nuclear weapons that I gave away without any conditions,” Lukashenko said from a polling station.

    The referendum also granted lifetime immunity from prosecution to the president once he left office.

    It is important to note that Rabbi Yisrael Meir (HaKohen) Kagan, one of the most influential rabbis of the early 20th Century known as the Chofetz Chaim, taught that the pre-Messiah War of Gog and Magog will be fought in three stages. The Chofetz Chaim, born in 1838, lived through World War I but passed away in September 1933, six years before the outbreak of World War II.

    While the world was still reeling from the aftereffects of what was dubbed the Great War, or the War to End All Wars, the Chofetz Chaim predicted that yet another war was imminent and would come. He predicted that 25 years after the end of the last war, another war will break out that will make the first seem like child’s play. The Chofetz Chaim’s prediction was, admittedly, slightly off. World War I ended in 1918, 21 years before the outbreak of World War II in 1939.

    He went on to predict that 75 years after the second war, the final and greatest war will break out, making the second seem even smaller
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-03-2022 at 08:19 PM.

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    Default Potential Deception(s) Happening Behind the Scenes

    Potential Deception(s) Happening Behind the Scenes

    Hmm, there's no way Putin has been planning this for 8 years,

    Only for his troops to be slaughtered at this extent in Ukraine, who are not really known for their military presence.

    It may be possible he is purposely sacrificing (?) his troops to justify using nuclear weapons later. I'm not sure.

    Going by how Satan runs the world,

    There's (again) probably some kind of deception taking place beyond the mainstream headlines + propaganda,

    Which again, puts the masses back to sleep,

    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post

    The World is a giant Puppet Show

    Like boiling a frog alive, slowly over time, these *lies* start out small.
    These beliefs (lies) would be processed in our thoughts, words, and actions.

    And over-time, slowly, we'd continue walking down the wrong path.

    It'd be like putting a blind-folds on someone, misguiding them down the wrong path for years and years.

    What an Evil this would be. But this is exactly how the Devil works
    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    A Cornered Fox is more Dangerous than a Jackal

    The globalists have lost control.

    The people are not buying the mandates. Average, non-conspiracy theorists, are rising up in large numbers.

    To the globalist elites, they must be "dealt with."

    After reviewing the facts, it is apparent to me that the globalists are going to enact a

    Long-term and a Short-term strategy.

    The "short-term" strategy consists of assigning scapegoats to temporarily slow down and gas-light the rising consciousness of the people that are *finally*
    waking up in large numbers.

    However, this would be only a temporary fix.

    When the people recover from what is coming, they will rebound with a vengeance.

    This will require a "long-term" strategy:

    From a 4D perspective and knowing how these Satanic creatures think,

    Whatever this "thing" turns out to be...

    Will, again, most likely be enacted all across the globe.

    And again, it will potentially be so horrific and deadly, that "dissenters" will be afraid to speak against it.

    Lets also not let US simply off the hook either,

    Here is a Devil's advocate article that potentially paints some motives on the other side:

    The Crisis In Ukraine Is Not About Ukraine: It’s About Germany – OpEd

    February 16, 2022
    Mike Whitney

    The Ukrainian crisis has nothing to do with Ukraine. It’s about Germany and, in particular, a pipeline that connects Germany to Russia called Nord Stream 2. Washington sees the pipeline as a threat to its primacy in Europe and has tried to sabotage the project at every turn. Even so, Nord Stream has pushed ahead and is now fully-operational and ready-to-go. Once German regulators provide the final certification, the gas deliveries will begin. German homeowners and businesses will have a reliable source of clean and inexpensive energy while Russia will see a significant boost to their gas revenues. It’s a win-win situation for both parties.

    The US Foreign Policy establishment is not happy about these developments. They don’t want Germany to become more dependent on Russian gas because commerce builds trust and trust leads to the expansion of trade. As relations grow warmer, more trade barriers are lifted, regulations are eased, travel and tourism increase, and a new security architecture evolves. In a world where Germany and Russia are friends and trading partners, there is no need for US military bases, no need for expensive US-made weapons and missile systems, and no need for NATO. There’s also no need to transact energy deals in US Dollars or to stockpile US Treasuries to balance accounts. Transactions between business partners can be conducted in their own currencies which is bound to precipitate a sharp decline in the value of the dollar and a dramatic shift in economic power.

    This is why the Biden administration opposes Nord Stream. It’s not just a pipeline, it’s a window into the future; a future in which Europe and Asia are drawn closer together into a massive free trade zone that increases their mutual power and prosperity while leaving the US on the outside looking in. Warmer relations between Germany and Russia signal an end to the “unipolar” world order the US has overseen for the last 75 years. A German-Russo alliance threatens to hasten the decline of the Superpower that is presently inching closer to the abyss. This is why Washington is determined to do everything it can to sabotage Nord Stream and keep Germany within its orbit. It’s a matter of survival.

    That’s where Ukraine comes into the picture. Ukraine is Washington’s ‘weapon of choice’ for torpedoing Nord Stream and putting a wedge between Germany and Russia. The strategy is taken from page one of the US Foreign Policy Handbook under the rubric: Divide and Rule. Washington needs to create the perception that Russia poses a security threat to Europe. That’s the goal. They need to show that Putin is a bloodthirsty aggressor with a hair-trigger temper who cannot be trusted. To that end, the media has been given the assignment of reiterating over and over again, “Russia is planning to invade Ukraine.” What’s left unsaid is that Russia has not invaded any country since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and that the US has invaded or toppled regimes in more than 50 countries in the same period of time, and that the US maintains over 800 military bases in countries around the world. None of this is reported by the media, instead the focus is on “evil Putin” who has amassed an estimated 100,000 troops along the Ukrainian border threatening to plunge all of Europe into another bloody war.

    All of the hysterical war propaganda is created with the intention of manufacturing a crisis that can be used to isolate, demonize and, ultimately, splinter Russia into smaller units. The real target, however, is not Russia, but Germany. Check out this excerpt from an article by Michael Hudson at The Unz Review:

    The only way left for US diplomats to block European purchases is to goad Russia into a military response and then claim that avenging this response outweighs any purely national economic interest. As hawkish Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, explained in a State Department press briefing on January 27: ‘If Russia invades Ukraine one way or another Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.’ (America’s Real Adversaries Are Its European and Other Allies, The Unz Review)

    There it is in black and white. The Biden team wants to “goad Russia into a military response” in order to sabotage NordStream. That implies there will be some kind of provocation designed to induce Putin to send his troops across the border to defend the ethnic Russians in the eastern part of the country. If Putin takes the bait, the response would be swift and harsh. The media will excoriate the action as a threat to all of Europe while leaders around the world will denounce Putin as the “new ******”.

    This is Washington’s strategy in a nutshell, and the whole production is being orchestrated with one goal in mind; to make it politically impossible for the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to wave NordStream through the final approval process.

    Given what we know about Washington’s opposition to Nord Stream, readers may wonder why earlier in the year the Biden administration lobbied Congress NOT to impose more sanctions on the project. The answer to that question is simple: Domestic politics. Germany is currently decommissioning its nuclear power plants and needs natural gas to make up for the energy shortfall. Also, the threat of economic sanctions is a “turn-off” for Germans who see them as a sign of foreign meddling. “Why is the United States interfering in our energy decisions,” asks the average German. “Washington should mind its own business and stay out of ours.” This is precisely the response one would expect from any reasonable person.

    Then, there’s this from Al Jazeera:

    Germans in the majority support the project, it is only parts of the elite and media who are against the pipeline…

    ‘The more the US talks about sanctioning or criticizes the project, the more it becomes popular in German society,’ said Stefan Meister, a Russia and eastern Europe expert at the German Council on Foreign Relations. (“Nord Stream 2: Why Russia’s pipeline to Europe divides the West, AlJazeera)

    So, public opinion is solidly behind Nord Stream which helps to explain why Washington settled on a new approach. Sanctions are not going to work, so Uncle Sam has flipped to Plan B: Create a big enough external threat that Germany will be forced to block the opening of the pipeline. Frankly, the strategy smacks of desperation, but you have to be impressed by Washington’s perseverance. They might be down by 5 runs in the bottom of the 9th, but they haven’t thrown in the towel just yet. They’re going to give it one last shot and see if they can make some headway.

    On Monday, President Biden held his first joint-press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the White House. The ballyhoo surrounding the event was simply unprecedented. Everything was orchestrated to manufacture a “crisis atmosphere” that Biden used to pressure the chancellor in the direction of US policy. Earlier in the week, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki repeatedly said that a “Russian invasion was imminent.” Her comments were followed by State Department flak Nick Price opining that the Intel agencies had provided him with details of an alleged Russian-backed “false flag” operation they expected to take place in the near future in east Ukraine. Price’s warning was followed on Sunday morning by national security advisor Jake Sullivan claiming that a Russian invasion could happen at any time maybe “even tomorrow.” This was just days after Bloomberg News agency had published its sensational and utterly-false headline that “Russia Invades Ukraine”.

    Can you see the pattern here? Can you see how these baseless claims were all used to apply pressure to the unsuspecting German chancellor who seemed oblivious to the campaign that was aimed at him?
    As one might expect, the final blow was delivered by the American president himself. During the press conference Biden stated emphatically that,

    If Russia invades … there will no longer [be] a Nord Stream 2.. We will bring an end to it.

    So, now Washington sets policy for Germany???

    What insufferable arrogance!

    The German chancellor was taken aback by Biden’s comments which clearly were not part of the original script. Even so, Scholz never agreed to cancel Nord Stream and refused to even mention the pipeline by name. If Biden thought he could sandbag the leader of the world’s third biggest economy by cornering him in a public forum, he guessed wrong. Germany remains committed to launching Nord Stream regardless of potential flare-ups in far-flung Ukraine. But that could change at any time. After all, who knows what incitements Washington might be planning in the near future? Who knows how many lives they are prepared to sacrifice in order to put a wedge between Germany and Russia? Who knows what risks Biden is willing to take to slow America’s decline and prevent a new “polycentric” world order from emerging? Anything could happen in the weeks ahead. Anything.

    For now, Germany is in the catbird seat. It’s up to Scholz to decide how the matter will be settled. Will he implement the policy that best serves the interests of the German people or will he cave in to Biden’s relentless arm twisting? Will he chart a new course that strengthens new alliances in the bustling Eurasian corridor or will he throw his support behind Washington’s crazed geopolitical ambitions? Will he accept Germany’s pivotal role in a new world order— in which many emerging centers of power share equally in global governance and where the leadership remains unflinchingly committed to multilateralism, peaceful development and security for all– or will he try to prop up the tattered post-War system that has clearly outlived its shelf-life?

    One thing is certain; whatever Germany decides is bound to affect us all.
    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    All this going on reminds me of modern prophets prophesying that the U.S. would be nuked by Russia and China (20+ year old prophecies). Then the Hopi prophecies of the end of the 4th world seem to suggest the U.S. (Turtle Island) would be bombed. Well, here's to hoping it doesn't happen. I believe these conflicts are also spiritual and indicate a shifting of the global consciousness.
    I do believe we're the final generation. There has never been a convergence like this before. I don't see this turning around. But I'm rather calm because this has been foretold that things would get worse.

    Accepting Jesus in your life and keeping your affections on the thing above, not on things of the earth, is the only hope there is.
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-03-2022 at 10:59 PM.

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    All this going on reminds me of modern prophets prophesying that the U.S. would be nuked by Russia and China (20+ year old prophecies). Then the Hopi prophecies of the end of the 4th world seem to suggest the U.S. (Turtle Island) would be bombed. Well, here's to hoping it doesn't happen. I believe these conflicts are also spiritual and indicate a shifting of the global consciousness.

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    Default Distraction for the criminal COVID follies

    Distraction for the criminal COVID follies

    By goading the West into severe economic sanctions and banking de-platforming, America just fell for Putin’s tactical genius and unleashed a series of events that will inevitably spell the demise of the dollar and the collapse of America.

    And Lets face it. Putin invading Ukraine has been a wonderful distraction for the criminal COVID follies perpetrated on its citizens by the US and western governments:

    Whilst you’ve been distracted by Russia’s Invasion, the UK Gov. released a Report confirming the Fully Vaccinated now account for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths in England
    There has always been a plan to destroy the US in order to bring in the New world order one world government. This most certainly is not just the west falling for Putin's trick, but is more of a concerted effort by the US Cabal and other world leaders to destroy the US economic hegemony and to bring in a new world government. More specifically to bring in a one world digital currency.

    This one world digital currency is all that is needed to enslave the entire population of the planet

    When the dollar collapses, America will be plunged into lawlessness, chaos and destitution. Most commercial transactions will simply cease to function, causing a near-immediate halt to deliveries of everything (food, fuel, replacement parts, vehicles, tractors, etc.).

    You don’t have to be a genius to figure out that America’s cities will burn while gun battles rage in the streets where Democrats de-funded the police

    U.S Biolabs in Ukraine

    The US Embassy removed around 2p.m. all their Ukraine Bioweapon lab documents from their website.

    These labs are co-run by Fauci’s EcoHealth Alliance and rumor is Russia’s entire military operation right now is unofficially to either secure and/or destroy these labs and gather evidence.

    Could it be that Russia isn’t at war with Ukraine but is just focused on destroying those biolabs? Can we truly say RUSSIA IS NOT AT WAR WITH UKRAINE?

    The United States have EIGHT (8) bio-weapons (military) labs in Ukraine. They are NOT run by China or Russia, but by ONLY the U.S.


    Why aren’t the Russian armed forces killing civilians all around them? This is why – They are not after the Ukrainians. The civilian Ukrainians received guns to protect themselves from the fleeing cabal & their corrupt Soros military. [GAB]

    Fauci at the helm of the covid 19 pandemic the man who literally funded Gain of Function research on that EXACT TYPE OF VIRUS (bat coronaviruses) that shut the world down for more than a year, he funded this research at the Wuhan Biolab. The mainstream would have you believe that the virus originated at the WET market a mere ONE mile from the Wuhan biolab. It’s more than coincidence and it was MOST likely a lab leak intentionally or unintentionally. It’s obvious to those who can think that Fauci has been the fox guarding the henhouse. The website provided above has indeed removed all the fact sheets, go look for yourself.


    --Both sides have evidence of evil
    --Do not trust mainstream media
    --Globalists are on both sides
    --Elitists want you asleep so you don't know what's going on
    --All this stuff is very confusing; but it's designed that way on purpose
    Nuclear Radiation and COVID Vaccine

    Five billion people now injected with mRNA gene therapy can be easily killed with low levels of ionizing radiation from ANY source

    So right now, all across the world, there are about five billion people who have received covid vaccination injections (source) which are actually experimental gene therapy treatments that alter their DNA and suppress their DNA repair mechanisms. All that is necessary for globalists to kill those five billion people is to unleash a new source of low-level ionizing radiation that circulates across the globe… and then let physics do the rest.

    Starting to get the picture of how evil these globalists really are?

    This nefarious goal can be achieved by the globalists in any of the following ways:

    • Unleashing a new nuclear “accident” in Ukraine or anywhere else.
    • Setting off a nuclear bomb anywhere in the Northern hemisphere, including doing so as a false flag event to blame Russia.
    • Detonating a dirty bomb anywhere in the Northern hemisphere, potentially as an act of nuclear terrorism.

    In any of these three scenarios, ionizing radiation is released and spreads across the globe due to winds. Various radioisotopes likely to be released in these events include iodine-131, cesium-137, strontium-90, plutonium-241 and others. These isotopes have various half-lives that will unleash intense iodine-131 exposure for about 10 weeks or so, followed by cesium-137 which will contaminate soils, waterways and the food supply for about 300 years (that’s about 10 half-lives). Strontium-90 has a similar half life and decay time.

    No one will be able to escape the radiation exposure in the Northern hemisphere.

    When mRNA vaccinated people are exposed to low levels of ionizing radiation, they will immediately start growing a swarm of new micro tumors across their entire body

    A normal, healthy person with functioning NHEJ can repair ionizing radiation damage, especially if the exposure is spread out over time. But mRNA vaccinated people have lost around 90% of that repair capability. This is why mRNA-injected people are already experiencing 2000% increases in cancer rates, anecdotally reported, and it’s why we’re seeing shocking increases in all-cause mortality as reported by several life insurance providers

    The addition of a new source of global, low-level ionizing radiation would be devastating to those who have taken the mRNA injections. They would lose genetic integrity across their bodies, with tissues and organs mutating into non-functioning attempts at blood vessels and protein strands. In effect, these people’s own cells would turn against them, and it wouldn’t be long before they would suffer catastrophic failures of one or more organs or organ systems such as the circulatory system. During autopsies, it would appear as if their bodies were ravaged by a sudden wave of cancer (similar to acute radiation poisoning, but acting more slowly).

    Importantly, these deaths would be diagnosed as cancer deaths, not vaccine deaths. And if a nuclear bomb could be blamed on Russia in any way, then Putin could be the scapegoat for global cancer deaths and the near-extermination of humanity.


    The U.S. Senate on March 3, 2022, approved a measure that would end the national emergency over COVID. Covid ends and the Black Plague goes away after a bill is passed, saying so. And just like that, after 2 years to flatten the 2-week curve, Covid seems to be ending because they say so. The Black Plague that took the lives of BILLIONS (according to the lying news media), just vanished, as if it never was happened (although many still wear their security blanket masks of compliance.) Cognitive Dissonance at its best.

    Isn't it funny how the USA started a war over Weapons of Mass Destruction, but never found any in over twenty years, yet Russia found these secret US bioweapon labs in less than two weeks?

    BREAKING: Russia publishes documents which show Ukraine was working on biological weapons near russian borders — such as Anthrax and Plague & that the pentagon has instructed to destroy them — violating article 1 UN prohibition of biological weapons. — These are US funded labs
    Add on top of that Child Trafficking...

    Ukraine is one of the most prominent countries in Europe for trafficking humans, with over 260,000 Ukrainian trafficking victims in the last 30 years. Soros and Hunter Biden are directly connected to these human trafficking rings, making millions off of other peoples misery.

    Sounds about right for the US deep state

    Satanic / Occult groups are intimately linked to the intelligence networks and they operate at a global scale (hence the involvement with Black Markets), leading to organized crime.

    A lot of western intelligence agencies will also use these Satanists to do side work, and its been this way for a long time. (Hence all the mind-control and MK-Ultra stuff)

    "Law enforcement" are co-opted by these groups to cover up crimes and murders by these satanic groups.

    These Satanic groups are also responsible for the promotion of most of the degrading and extreme porn we see today. They actually take pride in doing this, doing this on purpose to degrade society.

    In another example,

    In the Satanic Kingdom, Power is gained when they would compromise very powerful political figures through sexual operatives by intelligence agencies. (This shouldn't be a surprise, as we see cases such Savile, Epstein, etc.)

    U.S Biolabs in Ukraine

    Coronavirus was developed in Ukraine and was shipped to Wuhan's lab in 2015 for safekeeping and future use. Why Ukraine? My best guess is that China wanted plausible deniability and did not want to get pinned for gain-of-function research in a manner that would implicte their leaders for future war crime hearings.

    Isn't it interesting to note that the US was working with Russia, China and Iran in Ukraine. This means that the plot to release the government-destroying, civil liberties evisceration was an internation plot and I would expect that Soros and the World Economic Forum was providing direction. The research continues.
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-11-2022 at 12:03 PM.

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    Default Russia/Ukraine: Biblical Symbolism of a Bear (Daniel 7)

    Russia/Ukraine: Biblical Symbolism of a Bear (Daniel 7)

    According to Daniel 7,

    Bear = Russia
    “And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had
    three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.Daniel 7:5
    Here we have three ribs in its mouth, devouring much flesh.

    Three Ribs = Ukraine + Other nations

    Devour much flesh = Destruction from War (Deut 32:42)

    So why does BEAR represent Russia?

    According to (Proverbs 28, Hosea 13:8, 2 Samuel 17),

    15 As a roaring lion, and a ranging bear; so is a wicked ruler over the poor people.
    “For, said Hushai, thou knowest thy father and his men, that they be
    mighty men, and they be chafed in their minds, as a bear robbed of her whelps in the field: and thy father is a man of war, and will not lodge with the people.”
    “I will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps, and will rend the caul of their heart, and there will I devour them like a lion: the wild beast shall tear them.”
    Bears attack when they are robbed of their babies.

    Ukraine is Russia's babies. Russia feels she is being robbed of her babies.

    One leg: East Greek Orthodox
    Other leg: West Catholic
    Revived Roman(Iron) Empire (Daniel 2, Col 3, Rev 17, Rev 18)

    Macron calls for European Army


    French president Emmanuel Macron said EU leaders would meet to discuss plans to pool military resources on March 10 at a summit in Versailles. Mr Macron supports the creation of an EU army and the plans could lay the groundwork for that force in the future. He has called on the EU to make itself able to act independently of the US and Nato. Europe had to accept it must “pay the price for peace,” Mr Macron, who condemned Mr Putin’s “lies”, said. “We cannot let others defend ourselves; whether on land, at sea, under the sea, in the air, in space or in cyberspace,” Mr Macron said in a televised speech on Wednesday night. He added “Our European defence must take a new step”. Plans for a 5,000 strong EU rapid response force, which could be deployed to crisis zones around the world are expected to be discussed at the defence summit.


    Macron’s verbal attack came as the government seeks to push through parliament legislation that will make vaccination compulsory to enjoy cultural activities, use inter-city train travel or visit to a cafe from January 15. No longer will it be possible to have a recent test or a recovery from Covid to qualify for the country’s Covid pass. But the government was incensed when the opposition joined forces on Monday to hold up the passage of the legislation through parliament. Macron said: “I am not going to put them (the non-vaccinated) in prison, I am not going to forcibly vaccinate them. “And so, we have to tell them: from January 15th, you will no longer be able to go to the restaurant. You will no longer be able to go for a coffee, you will no longer be able to go to the theatre. You will no longer be able to go to the cinema,” he said. “When my freedom threatens that of others, I become irresponsible. An irresponsible person is no longer a citizen,” the president said.


    The key measure announced by Macron will make the EU Digital Covid Certificate — commonly called “health pass” — mandatory in all cultural venues, including cinemas, theaters and concert halls starting on July 21. Starting in August, the health pass will be mandatory in cafes, shops, restaurants, as well as trains and planes, among other places. The pass launched on July 1 and is meant to facilitate travel within Europe and ease the pressure for multiple tests by allowing people to receive a QR code once they get tested or vaccinated and use it as official proof.
    Let's also not forget about the

    Iran Nuclear Deal 2022,

    Since its first inception in 2015,

    It's like the monster that just doesn't die (2018), and keeps coming back to life (2022),

    The implications of the US lifting sanctions on Iran;

    This frees up “frozen funds” that allows Iran to make trades with the rest world.

    There’s only one caveat.

    US: “You have to pinky-swear you won’t spin your centrifuges and make nuclear weapons!!!”

    Despite Iran’s constant aggression:

    Having armed militia in IRAQ, attacking places like

    –Saudi Arabia,
    –UAE, and
    –other states,

    The US is assuming lifting the sanctions will have Iran,

    “Play fair / nice.”

    As we have been shown time and time again,

    This mindset stems from a Spirit straight from Hell;

    The Demonic Spirit of Jezebel

    The Law of Compromise shows us that,

    “The party that compromises is the weaker party,”

    And like what happened in Afghanistan,

    America compromising here is a sign of weakness.

    Iran will absolutely take advantage of this.

    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-06-2022 at 10:11 PM.

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    World War III is NOT coming. I know you already know my view on this, Peter, but I just have to briefly say so, to spare some people from turning to fear, which this announcement is meant to do. I realize you are trying to spread the fear so you are not alone in it. Misery loves company. But you do not need to fear this horrible scenario of destruction that the evil ones intend for our world and seem capable of, but this will NOT come to pass. God says today: Be not afraid. Their plans for you will not come to pass. I will protect you!

    Instead, this is judgment time for the evil elites who run the world, who want your destruction, who plan to run the world. "You wil have nothign and you will be happy!", right? No. God's plan is differnt. Soon the world will prosper as God pours out his blessings so we can live as He always intended us to live. In the Bible, we see, always, when God acts to save a nation: horrible destruction for one side and great prospeerity for the other. God's judgment of the truly evil is coming now and their time is almost over - and they know it! All their plans have failed. They are losing their money, and they want war to rebuild their fortunes. It will not happen! God is clear on that. Exposures will come this month. When they begin it wil be relentless. March, truly: In like a lion and out like a lamb.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    World War III is Coming (Matthew 24:6)

    While everyone's attention is currently on Russia/Ukraine,


    That Germany has suddenly just quadrupled their military spending:

    $113 billion

    Do you think that's a coincidence?

    Also consider,

    From a Biblical Perspective,

    God likes to do things in THREES and SEVENS:

    And now,

    WWIII- May once again, somehow involve Germany and the Jews.

    Some Rabbis have predicted a Third World War,

    Yisrael Meir (HaKohen) Kagan, one of the most influential rabbis of the early 20th Century known as the Chofetz Chaim, taught that the pre-Messiah War of Gog and Magog will be fought in three stages:

    When you further study the Bible,

    You'll realize that Satan (Ruler of this World) is the one who ultimately moves the chess pieces around.

    Russia/China won't dominate as NWO superpower, Satan will cause them to fail miserably.

    Instead, a NWO government + EU will rise (Revived Roman Empire),

    The next "biblical wars" will be @ armageddon (gog/magog) - See Damascus thread

    Until then (and you can take me to the bank),

    A WWIII is on the horizon

    Endtimes Prophetic Timing

    The 7-year tribulation starts at Rev 6 (aligns with Matthew 24 and Luke 21) with the opening of the first seals (Wars, famine, pestilance, death). Notice right before, in Rev 5, the elders that are mentioned is the church. Therefore,

    Rev 6 and onwards refers to the full 7-year tribulation appointed only for Israel/Jews/Tribulation Saints. This implies that the church is not appointed to the full 7 year (Pre-Tribulation rapture Thread).

    There will be nuclear war (WWIII) but the church most likely won't be there to experience it fully bc they will be raptured away by then (though the church may start to see it come to fruition before the rapture)

    Germany to Boost Military Spending in Latest Historic Shift


    Germany will channel 100 billion euros ($113 billion) this year into a fund to modernize the military, Scholz said Sunday in a speech to a special session of the lower house of parliament.

    By 2024, the government will spend at least 2% of gross domestic product each year on defense, he added, in line with a NATO target that Berlin has consistently failed to meet.

    Scholz had been widely criticized by opponents and allies alike in recent weeks for what they perceived as dithering and weakness in the face of Russia’s mounting aggression toward Ukraine.

    In the past few days he has announced a series of radical changes to long-entrenched German policies following the full-scale attack ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin on the former Soviet republic.

    Even before the invasion, Scholz halted the certification process for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline built to bring more of the Russian gas his country heavily relies on.

    On Saturday, he abandoned Germany’s traditional rejection of supplying weapons to conflict zones and gave way on expelling Russian banks from SWIFT, the system used for trillions of dollars worth of transactions between thousands of banks around the world. The willingness to supply Ukraine with military equipment including surface-to-air missiles and anti-tank weapons is in many ways the most dramatic move.

    Such a wide-ranging rethink from Scholz and his government came unexpectedly and prompted suggestions that Europe’s biggest economy may finally be ready to punch its weight in the international arena, discarding decades of reluctance linked to its role in the 20th century’s bloodiest conflicts. Ukraine’s ambassador to Germany, who was in parliament Sunday, called it a “truly historic moment.”

    Germany’s Pivot:

    100 billion euros for new fund for military spending:

    German defense spending in recent years has been hovering at around 1.5% and actually declined slightly as a share of output last year, according to NATO figures. That has led to criticism that the armed forces are consistently underfunded.

    Germany has reduced the number of its battle tanks to 300 from 4,700 since 1989 and the number of warplanes to 230 from 390, according to a report in Der Spiegel magazine. The number of troops has dropped to 180,000 from more than 300,000.

    Friedrich Merz, the leader of Merkel’s Christian Democrats, signaled Sunday in his speech to parliament that the party is ready to work with the ruling coalition on agreeing the financing for the defense fund.

    As well as ramping up defense spending, Scholz also pledged to do more to protect energy supplies, including increasing gas-storage volume by 2 billion cubic meters, establishing a national coal and gas reserve and swiftly constructing two LNG terminals on the north coast.

    Belarus Warns of WWIII

    “Today we must stop the war,” Lukashenko stated. “I would not even call it ‘war’ right now: It is still a conflict. Another day or two and there will be a war. In three days – a meat grinder.”

    Lukashenko claimed that Russia had nothing to gain from the war and the “only beneficiary” was the US with the goal of “putting Europe in its place and removing competitors.”

    “Russia does not need this. They have ammunition, cartridges, machine guns, and enough people to solve the problems that Russia wants to solve,” he said.

    He went on to claim that Belarusian and Russian people in Ukraine were being beaten and poisoned.

    President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko

    “They started beating them, poisoning them,” Lukashenko claimed. “They threaten us with terrorist acts.”
    Lukashenko denied that Belarus was actively involved in the war except for “two or three rockets” which were fired on February 2. Belarusian rocket were detected on the border.

    At that referendum, 65.2% of the people voted to change the constitution, revoking the country’s non-nuclear status. This opens the way for Russia to transfer nuclear weapons to Belarus for use against Ukraine.

    “If you (the West) transfer nuclear weapons to Poland or Lithuania, to our borders, then I will turn to Putin to return the nuclear weapons that I gave away without any conditions,” Lukashenko said from a polling station.

    The referendum also granted lifetime immunity from prosecution to the president once he left office.

    It is important to note that Rabbi Yisrael Meir (HaKohen) Kagan, one of the most influential rabbis of the early 20th Century known as the Chofetz Chaim, taught that the pre-Messiah War of Gog and Magog will be fought in three stages. The Chofetz Chaim, born in 1838, lived through World War I but passed away in September 1933, six years before the outbreak of World War II.

    While the world was still reeling from the aftereffects of what was dubbed the Great War, or the War to End All Wars, the Chofetz Chaim predicted that yet another war was imminent and would come. He predicted that 25 years after the end of the last war, another war will break out that will make the first seem like child’s play. The Chofetz Chaim’s prediction was, admittedly, slightly off. World War I ended in 1918, 21 years before the outbreak of World War II in 1939.

    He went on to predict that 75 years after the second war, the final and greatest war will break out, making the second seem even smaller
    Quoted for future reference.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    Potential Deception(s) Happening Behind the Scenes

    Hmm, there's no way Putin has been planning this for 8 years,

    Only for his troops to be slaughtered at this extent in Ukraine, who are not really known for their military presence.

    It may be possible he is purposely sacrificing (?) his troops to justify using nuclear weapons later. I'm not sure.

    Going by how Satan runs the world,

    There's (again) probably some kind of deception taking place beyond the mainstream headlines + propaganda,

    Which again, puts the masses back to sleep,

    Lets also not let US simply off the hook either,

    Here is a Devil's advocate article that potentially paints some motives on the other side:

    I do believe we're the final generation. There has never been a convergence like this before. I don't see this turning around. But I'm rather calm because this has been foretold that things would get worse.

    Accepting Jesus in your life and keeping your affections on the thing above, not on things of the earth, is the only hope there is.
    Quoted for future reference.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    Whilst you’ve been distracted by Russia’s Invasion, the UK Gov. released a Report confirming the Fully Vaccinated now account for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths in England
    You don't seem to understand statistics.

    "Between 8 December 2020 and 11 March 2021, 90.2% of all residents in England aged 70 years and over had received at least one dose of a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine."

    For care homes, where people are especially at risk and especially likely to die generally (not just from coronavirus), vaccines are supposed to be mandatory (i.e. close to 100%). And people who are at risk due to underlying health conditions are more likely to have had the vaccine on average.

    So: The people most likely to die from the virus due to NOT being vaccinated are more likely to have been vaccinated.

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    Default Putin wants an Empire. Globalists want a World Empire

    Putin wants an Empire. Globalists want a World Empire

    Whoever is the president of the US is a globalist crook and a traitor to the US and a democratic fraud, having never received one vote. And he or she, being the chief of the armed forces, engineered the Afghanistan disaster to tempt Putin into Ukraine. Afghanistan was an open invitation to Putin.

    It was basically the globalists telling him:

    We have succeeded in neutralizing the US and UK military power. You are free to do whatever you want

    Putin does not want WW3. He wants an empire. Whereas the globalists want a world empire and they need WW3 to expedite that goal..

    The big danger here is WW3. We should do everything possible to avoid it. And the way to do that is to show Putin who he is dealing with and to undo the pathetic optical moral and tactical display we put up in Afghanistan.

    It will be a fine line, to attempt to show Putin we mean business, without triggering WW3. But if we lose Ukraine WW3 is almost a certainty. Whereas if we win Ukraine WW3 is dead.

    Build Back Better

    The globalists have infiltrated the five eyes governments (the UK, the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) sufficiently to engineer the catastrophe of Afghanistan which was the invitation to Putin to invade Ukraine. Sufficiently to engineer absurdly repressive and totally counterproductive lockdowns and mask and vaccine mandates.

    Their next play is to trigger WW3.

    The destruction of WW3 is the foundation from which the globalists want to build back better.

    I mean you have to knock down first before you can build back better.

    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post

    The World is a giant Puppet Show

    Like boiling a frog alive, slowly over time, these *lies* start out small.
    These beliefs (lies) would be processed in our thoughts, words, and actions.

    And over-time, slowly, we'd continue walking down the wrong path.

    It'd be like putting a blind-folds on someone, misguiding them down the wrong path for years and years.

    What an Evil this would be. But this is exactly how the Devil works
    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    A Cornered Fox is more Dangerous than a Jackal

    The globalists have lost control.

    The people are not buying the mandates. Average, non-conspiracy theorists, are rising up in large numbers.

    To the globalist elites, they must be "dealt with."

    After reviewing the facts, it is apparent to me that the globalists are going to enact a

    Long-term and a Short-term strategy.

    The "short-term" strategy consists of assigning scapegoats to temporarily slow down and gas-light the rising consciousness of the people that are *finally*
    waking up in large numbers.

    However, this would be only a temporary fix.

    When the people recover from what is coming, they will rebound with a vengeance.

    This will require a "long-term" strategy:

    From a 4D perspective and knowing how these Satanic creatures think,

    Whatever this "thing" turns out to be...

    Will, again, most likely be enacted all across the globe.

    And again, it will potentially be so horrific and deadly, that "dissenters" will be afraid to speak against it.
    The U.S. Senate on March 3, 2022, approved a measure that would end the national emergency over COVID. Covid ends and the Black Plague goes away after a bill is passed, saying so. And just like that, after 2 years to flatten the 2-week curve, Covid seems to be ending because they say so. The Black Plague that took the lives of BILLIONS (according to the lying news media), just vanished, as if it never was happened (although many still wear their security blanket masks of compliance.) Cognitive Dissonance at its best.

    They NEED WWIII: Biden, Soros, Globalists and the Media

    You are getting sleeeeeppppyyyyy~


    President Joe Biden and the media desperately want you to believe Russia is the bad guy and Ukraine is a little angel. They want you to fall in love with underdog Ukraine. They want you to support America getting involved on behalf of Ukraine.

    If you want to stay asleep, take a blue pill and refrain yourself from reading further.

    If you want a red pill,

    Please, continue reading.

    To get your support, they need the media to sell you a bill of goods. But it just doesn't add up:

    First, Biden is the one who funded Russia's invasion. Biden killed our pipelines, killed coal and banned drilling, which made us dependent on Russian oil -- which made Russia filthy rich and arrogant. Biden paid for this war.

    Second, if Russian President Vladimir Putin is the "bad guy," if Russia is evil, why is Biden continuing to buy billions of dollars of oil from Russia every day? Does this make sense?

    Unless it's pure "commie theatre."

    Connect the dots. Biden is a feeble, feckless old puppet with dementia. George Soros pulls Biden's strings. Soros is on the side of Ukraine. Soros recently said the whole world must support Ukraine. It's been reported Soros funded Volodymyr Zelenskyy (comedian turned president turned war general) and then installed him as president of Ukraine -- one of the most corrupt nations on the earth.

    Keep in mind, evil billionaire Soros is obsessed with hatred for America. He desperately wants to destroy our country. Soros has funded the invasion of our borders. He helps pay for illegal aliens (many of them criminals, MS-13 gang members and murderers) to enter America.

    Soros also funded and elected all the horrible, communist district attorneys across America. Soros' DAs are hellbent on destroying America. They have turned our big cities into killing zones where murderers run free without even posting bail while law-abiding citizens are stripped of guns and persecuted for defending themselves.

    Soros has paid for the destruction (BLM riots) of America. Soros is one of the most evil enemies in our history. If Soros funded the leaders of Ukraine and put them in power, this has to be a trap. Ukraine must be a "bad guy."

    “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” 1 Timothy 6:10

    Now we come to the mainstream fake news media.

    The Rothschild-Funded Marxist, degenerate news media, that is,

    Has the media ever told the truth in the seven years since former President Donald Trump came down that escalator? It's been nonstop lies, fraud and propaganda. The media tells you any lie that advances the cause of Democrats, Soros and the destruction of America.

    Now after seven years of lies and propaganda, suddenly you trust the media? You believe this one time they're telling the truth? This one time they have America's best interests at heart? Even though (pure coincidence) Soros is on the same side as the media. They're all one big happy family on the side of Ukraine.

    Last point, Globalist Reasons:

    One way or the other, Globalists will use Ukraine to wage war on Russia for three reasons:
    1) Russia rejects Globalism and its mono-polar world
    2) Decadent West, "the Empire of lies" led by the Rothschild, has been hating Russia for ages
    3) Russia rejects LGBTQxyz, which according to Prince Charles, is a deadly sin worthy of being cut off from international finances (his speech in Davos 2019)
    Now, I'll tell what I think:

    1: I think this war is a WMD: a weapon of mass distraction to get your mind off the disasters Biden has created at home, including open borders, massive inflation, vaccine mandates crippling the economy, the worst crime wave in history, the worst retreat in U.S. military history from Afghanistan and $6-per-gallon gas.

    2: This is pure "wag-the-dog" theatre to save Biden from the worst polls in modern history. Instead of hating Biden, they want you to hate Putin.

    3: This is all part of Soros and Klaus Schwab's "Great Reset." They want to make us all obedient serfs and slaves. They need World War III as a distraction while they destroy America and capitalism and take your freedoms away.
    Here's my conclusion. I'm not "for" Russia. I'll never be a fan of Putin. He's out for only himself and a new dominant Russian empire. I'm not telling you to take Russia's side. They are "bad guys."

    But I know if Soros is behind Ukraine, then Ukraine is also a "bad guy." If Soros wants us involved, I know this war is not in America's best interest. I know the media is feeding us a load of lies and propaganda -- under Soros' direction.

    This isn't war, it's commie theatre. It's a WMD: weapon of mass distraction. Don't believe a thing you read or see coming from the fake news media.

    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    Potential Deception(s) Happening Behind the Scenes

    Going by how Satan runs the world,

    There's (again) probably some kind of deception taking place beyond the main stream propaganda + headlines
    Lets also not let US simply off the hook either,

    Isn't it funny how the USA started a war over Weapons of Mass Destruction, but never found any in over twenty years, yet Russia found these secret US bioweapon labs in less than two weeks?

    Add on top of that Child Trafficking...

    Ukraine is one of the most prominent countries in Europe for trafficking humans, with over 260,000 Ukrainian trafficking victims in the last 30 years. Soros and Hunter Biden are directly connected to these human trafficking rings, making millions off of other peoples misery.

    Sounds about right for the US

    The Beast System will Absorb America

    The rise of the Beast System (NWO) will be a clown world, a flip flopping of everything.

    It will be communism on steroids implemented on a world-wide scale.


    In order for the Beast System to emerge, it needs to absorb enough power.

    America is currently in the process of destroying itself so that it can be absorbed into the system.

    As an example,

    Instead of depending on ourselves for oil reserves, we rely on other countries (such as Russia), to further weaken and dissociate from ourselves to be absorbed into Satan's NWO.

    When WWIII breaks out and sufficient power is absorbed from all nations,

    The Beast System will arise out of the ashes, with the Harlot / Whore riding on top of it (Roman Catholic Church).

    Right now,

    It's currently poking its head out of the water, not quite ready to make its debut. Systems are currently being set in place, waiting for the right opportunity.

    This stuff is beyond repair.

    And if you think,

    Some "President", Some "Shwami", Some "Grand Pupaz",

    Is going to come in and change the morality of the world,

    I highly recommend you get a check-up.

    A check-up.

    Lets just keep it at that.
    World Economic Leader (2016) Discusses Plans for Chipping the General Population

    Game over
    Charles Schwab is a modern bond villain
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-11-2022 at 07:04 PM.

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    Default Beginning Stages

    Like I said,

    We're basically in the beginning stages of WWIII, and it's not a surprise to me that our military is deploying all these nuclear war control planes and doomsday planes

    Every day they've been flying a few of these - that is not normal. They are definitely concerned about some kind of nuclear war with Russia.

    Now tensions between the US and Russia are the highest that they've ever been, higher than the Cuban missile crisis, it's a very serious situation.

    Normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a cognitive bias which leads people to disbelieve or minimize threat warnings. Consequently, individuals underestimate the likelihood of a disaster, when it might affect them, and its potential adverse effects. ... About 70% of people reportedly display normalcy bias during a disaster.
    In general, conservatives tend to view the world as unsafe in comparison to liberals, who tend to view the world as safe. This is why conservatives tend to spring into action and disarm threats as fast as possible (proactive) while liberals tend to sit back and wait until something actually happens (reactive)

    During a time of war or crisis, it is better to lean more proactive (assuming you want to protect your own country)

    During a time of relative peace, being reactive works out okay
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-12-2022 at 02:30 AM.

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