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Thread: Celebrities we know, seen in Heaven

  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Maybe a better example would be the urge for chocolate or something like that. Or over-eating. Daily instinctual disturbances that make us deviate from how we want to actually live. They are "demonic" very close to the definition of the word.

    Ive been reading "Alchemy, an introduction to the symbolism and psychology" by Marie-Louise von Franz (LII). First chapters.
    Ah, I didn't mean (at least consciously) sexual urges exclusively. It's a more general impotency than that.

    Your phrasing is interesting. I don't see the problem of overeating or a craving for chocolate as anything like the sex drive. The first two are mostly unconscious; you may try to overeat or find chocolate without realizing. But my sex drive is much stronger; it's difficult to be unaware of it, and it absorbs my conscious thinking into it. That I consider demonic, in the sense of something close to experiencing divinity.

    Anyway, thanks for the recommendation. I'm heading to bed, but will begin reading it when I wake up.

  2. #82
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    Why do you talk sort of similarly to a guy I talk to named Vap who also is LII (and he is a 5w6, which you probably are).. You talk older, so you probably are older like him too.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    Why do you talk sort of similarly to a guy I talk to named Vap who also is LII (and he is a 5w6, which you probably are).. You talk older, so you probably are older like him too.
    Are you talking to me? If so, I don't put much stock in the Enneagram, but I consider myself 5w4, the 4 wing being why I keep trying to talk about myself so much. Lol. Also, I'm 22. Still young and dumb, unfortunately.

  4. #84
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Ah, I didn't mean (at least consciously) sexual urges exclusively. It's a more general impotency than that.

    Your phrasing is interesting. I don't see the problem of overeating or a craving for chocolate as anything like the sex drive. The first two are mostly unconscious; you may try to overeat or find chocolate without realizing. But my sex drive is much stronger; it's difficult to be unaware of it, and it absorbs my conscious thinking into it. That I consider demonic, in the sense of something close to experiencing divinity.

    Anyway, thanks for the recommendation. I'm heading to bed, but will begin reading it when I wake up.
    Lets find an example of an urge that is clearly 1) bad for you or a disturbance in your life 2) clearly non-ego. Someone who has an addiction and wants to stop but cant. Alcoholism could be it.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Lets find an example of an urge that is clearly 1) bad for you or a disturbance in your life 2) clearly non-ego. Someone who has an addiction and wants to stop but cant. Alcoholism could be it.
    I mean, overeating seems to fit those criteria. I just thought it was interesting you included sex drive with overeating/chocolate craze, since as I said, they don't seem very similar to me.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    I mean, overeating seems to fit those criteria. I just thought it was interesting you included sex drive with overeating/chocolate craze, since as I said, they don't seem very similar to me.
    Right. I see them all as belonging to the instinctual autonomous psyche. So the same realm, the "lower regions" although different in quality. Urges that errupt into consciousness and we have to deal with them somehow
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    i feel like a heaven with thrones and chests and dresses and so on is kind of materialistic and worldly... i always thought it would be rather difficult for the mortal mind to understand, that it wouldn't really be "physical." but um i guess it could always be like when the star trek characters visit the q continuum and they try to make it into a tangible place the humans can fathom...

    but i mean if heaven is about nice things, it kind of really IS a place on earth... lol

    the rapture will probably need to happen before humans have a chance to make their lives on earth more of a paradise, as on earth they would move towards prolonging life (trying to find a way not to die through science) and dreams of utopia... it would be satan rushing to artificially create the heavenly paradise in competition with god.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    I'd prefer you look back. I will refer you to 2010 and 2019.

    2010- Accuracy of the Bible / Jesus as a historical figure
    - God vs Spaghetti monster
    2019- We are all Michael Jordan
    2019- Jesus as a historical figure Part II / Why RationalWiki + Richard Carrier sucks
    2020- Something can't come from nothing
    2020- Theology / Greek Mythology / Faith / Evolution
    2021- Demons
    2021- Prophecy
    2021- Endtimes
    Do you believe Elvis is still alive? There have been millions of sightings since 1977.

    The difference between Elvis and Jesus Christ is that there is a far greater level of confidence that Elvis existed.

    The gospels are not a valid account of a historical figure. They include events that are known to be impossible. You wouldn't accept the texts of other religions as being historical if they mentioned supernatural claims, like Athena fighting against the Persians.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post

    you ignored the previous post I made about Paul (somehow Christians always manage to do this), but you've said this:

    I challenge you to make the case for being saved by faith-alone without citing Paul. As a special challenge, try citing Jesus' words to do this.
    I will answer more later - I am going away for at least a week - but I just want to say, there is not case for this b ecause just "faith Alone" is not right. I once believed it but I definietly changed my thinking which was a part of eventual conversion to Catholic; so now I am with catholuics, Orthodox, and most of the Protestasnts (who mostly don 't believe in Faith Alone by practice, at least).

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    RE. the bolded part, Christianity's clean distinction between the divine and the worldly is hard for me to accept. It always seemed rather arbitrary.
    I'll get to it next week!

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    Why do you talk sort of similarly to a guy I talk to named Vap who also is LII (and he is a 5w6, which you probably are).. You talk older, so you probably are older like him too.
    Isn't it amazing how personality type can come through so explicitly, even when all you see is the person's written words here on the16T?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Do you believe Elvis is still alive? There have been millions of sightings since 1977.

    The difference between Elvis and Jesus Christ is that there is a far greater level of confidence that Elvis existed.

    The gospels are not a valid account of a historical figure. They include events that are known to be impossible. You wouldn't accept the texts of other religions as being historical if they mentioned supernatural claims, like Athena fighting against the Persians.
    Circular reasoning son. You dismiss others' experience of miracles because of your own lack of experience of miracles. You assume miracles/supernatural claims are impossible.

    Why don't you investigate the variety of miracle reports in our modern time, from all over the world, instead of being stuck on your anti-supernatural bias.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    Circular reasoning son. You dismiss others' experience of miracles because of your own lack of experience of miracles. You assume miracles/supernatural claims are impossible.

    Why don't you investigate the variety of miracle reports in our modern time, from all over the world, instead of being stuck on your anti-supernatural bias.
    You have a bias against all non-Christian supernatural claims. Why don't you investigate your lack of self-awareness?

    You did not answer the question.

    There is more evidence for Elvis Presley still being alive than Jesus Christ.

    If it is possible for this myth concerning Elvis to arise within years of 1977 in the age of mass media, then it is certainly possible for the Jesus Christ figure to be invented two thousand years ago. We have no idea who wrote the gospels. Even their later attribution to the four so-called evangelists does not give them an identity. It is meaningless to say there were hundreds of eyewitness accounts of Jesus Christ when none of their accounts can be independently verified. You believe that Jesus Christ is still alive. All you have to do is produce the body - not a big ask.

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    How exactly? By my own careful discernment I see a pink haired woman who is insisting to me that I believe her about things that are impossible to disprove or provide any evidence for. I personally don't like to assume that people are ill intentioned or just lying about things, but I need a damn good reason before I believe someone knows anything at all about the afterlife. What is your process for discernment exactly? Can you describe an objective methodology which you use to determine if you should trust a supposed prophet?
    Well I am not expecting you to believe, or make a judgment either way. I am just sharing it as a point of interest, and I am saying that I believe it.

    Discerning false prophets: Do they clearly prophesize a thing that does not happen? (Not referring to things that just haven't happened yet). You can't always "find" that evidence quickly, but you can find out whether trusted prophets (who do have discernment) trust them. Do they say anything against scripture, or the clear teaching of the Church*? Because then they are out. However, they can personally hold some theological errors, which is normal, but not if they clearly say God actually spoke about something that is against scripture. Is the person humble and not self-agrandizing? Kat is, and that was confirmed to me when I saw (in pink, 1st page here, post #18) that she grew up having humilty and faith modeled strongly from her parents. Does what she say move me nearer or further from God? Does what they say give me fear and anxiety, or do I feel a peace inside?

    I have discerned many false pophets. Just one example of many: A month or two ago, just when I was feeling anxiety for loved ones taking the covid jab, I came across a youtube video of a "prophet" I hadn't seen before with a grabbing-title about vast numbers of deaths comng. jab. So I listend to the whole thing. She said God told her 350 million deaths! How fearful and depressing.

    Although I did not discern in just that one viewing, of one video, any direct lies (I could have missed them), afterward I felt an inner warning against her. I did not feel any peace or comfort of God thinking about what she said (and if it was of God, I know that God gives peace with even bad news, if it is from Him). Instead, when I felt my peace had been robbed. Also I noticed there was an aspect to her delivery that felt way off, that I had not seen ever before in other prophets. I felt there was a lack of confidence and too much about "me", and I did not discern the peace of God coming from her. So that was enough for me.

    And since then, I have seen no other prophets say such a thing. But what I do hear over and over from differnt reliable prophets is that God is soon bringing the greatest spiritual revival ever seen in history to the whole earth, and it will be accompanied by many miraculous healings. Miracles of healing will be commonplace. So I am quite convinced that that woman was a false prophet.

    *Church teaching, for me, means the dogma and doctrine of the Catholic Chruch

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    @Eliza Thomason I just watched several videos of Kat saying that Trump would win in a landslide, and that certainly didn't happen. Why isn't that enough to disprove her in your mind? She also had another video in which she said she took a picture of a demon that was over the roof of her house. She insisted several times that she wasn't joking, she literally whipped out her phone and snapped a clear picture of a demon. Why hasn't she shared that picture with anyone? Isn't it suspicious that she would hide something which would boost her credibility so much if she just shared it?
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    @Eliza Thomason I just watched several videos of Kat saying that Trump would win in a landslide, and that certainly didn't happen. Why isn't that enough to disprove her in your mind? She also had another video in which she said she took a picture of a demon that was over the roof of her house. She insisted several times that she wasn't joking, she literally whipped out her phone and snapped a clear picture of a demon. Why hasn't she shared that picture with anyone? Isn't it suspicious that she would hide something which would boost her credibility so much if she just shared it?
    Deuteronomy 18:

    ...the prophet who intentionally speaks a word in My name, which I did not command him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die. Now if you say to yourself, "How will we know the word that the Lord did not speak?" If the prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, and the thing does not occur and does not come about, that is the thing the Lord did not speak. The prophet has spoken it wantonly; you shall not be afraid of him."

    Deuteronomy 13:

    Everything I command you that you shall be careful to do it. You shall neither add to it, nor subtract from it. If there will arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of a dream, and he gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder of which he spoke to you happens, [and he] says, "Let us go after other gods which you have not known, and let us worship them," you shall not heed the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of a dream; for the Lord, your God, is testing you, to know whether you really love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul. You shall follow the Lord, your God, fear Him, keep His commandments, heed His voice, worship Him, and cleave to Him. And that prophet, or that dreamer of a dream shall be put to death; because he spoke falsehood about the Lord, your God Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, and Who redeemed you from the house of bondage, to lead you astray from the way in which the Lord, your God, commanded you to go; so shall you clear away the evil from your midst."

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    I feel my point about how heaven is so mundane and worldly has been missed... It just wouldn't be mundane I'm sorry.

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    @<a href="" target="_blank">Eliza Thomason</a> I just watched several videos of Kat saying that Trump would win in a landslide, and that certainly didn't happen. Why isn't that enough to disprove her in your mind? She also had another video in which she said she took a picture of a demon that was over the roof of her house. She insisted several times that she wasn't joking, she literally whipped out her phone and snapped a clear picture of a demon. Why hasn't she shared that picture with anyone? Isn't it suspicious that she would hide something which would boost her credibility so much if she just shared it?
    I don 't know aboot the demon picture but I don't doubt it since it is not uncommon to see a demon-possessed person. I believe her; the truth is stranger than fiction. The spiritual world is more real than the one we see. Here Robin Bullock talks about an infamous demon-possessed person - whom God identifies as a jackal, that we have all watched. This video is all good, but to keep it short, hear what he says about identifyingthe demon you we ahve all seen speaking, starting at 6:50min.: (excellent discussion on WOKE in the first five minutes, I am pretty sure. Nice try, demons. YOur "woke" won't last. And if that demon video seems out of left field right now to you, soon it won't.

    Kat told the truth: Trump won in a landslide. She is still saying it, because it is the truth. Yes, the wait for this reality to manifest is stretching us believers, and it can't have been easy for those prophets saying those words when it appeared not to be happening, but they all stood strong - just like Kat's dad did in post #18, in pink, on the first page of this thread. He believed, when there was no reasonable reason to believe. But God's timing is perfect. If the truth had come out in January then it wouldn't have been believed by many and the media had not yet been exposed (soon it will for all) and they'd have led a ralley against it and the deceived people woudl be disgruntled. Everything had to be exposed, and finally, it will the exposrures will be here, within the week. When the trump is restored to where he belongs, there will be dancing and celebrating in the streets. Not just by Republicans either. By everyone. Also it is prophesized that the Democratic party will soon be over and done forever soon, because of what many of the corrupt leaders did (not jsut the voter fraud); they ruined it, and all the people, horrified by what they learned, will say good riddance! Also before long we be saying goodbye to the media as we know it, because the media will be all new in 2022.

    What we see on Sunday July 4th will be only the start of the exposures. God will bring it all to light. It already is happening, but the media is hiding it from us.* But God will expose it.

    Also more word on Sunday: Something of God in Nashville, Tenn. will be big on that day.

    So much is going on right now that the prophets are revealing; it's just been multiplying by the day for the past weeks and this week is crazy! I can't follow it all because I am trying to leave for out of town. I shouldn't be up so late, but I just wanted to answer this.

    *[As I mentioned somewhere above, Robin Bullock said that at a recent event God showed him the state of the souls of current prominent politians when they were talking, and many/most (not all) of the Dem leaders right now know they are over and done. Details above, somewhere.]

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    Biden isn't woke, he's bs-ing... It's the same reason the CIA and military ran "woke" ads. Since you're not a dem mb you don't see how it's that a lot of dems see ppl like Biden as lying scum. It's just Trump was worse so what can you do.

    I personally have no political representation and I know many on the left don't, but what can you do when both choices are fucking awful?

    I can't stand Biden and I thought it was disgusting how he was put ahead of better ppl (eta by the disgusting left elitist media). Him and Harris both suck.

    Also if anyone thinks Biden is some kind of socialist they are an idiot. He's a neolib, a centrist, a right sympathizer... He is bound by his donors and a weak pathetic moron.

    Just accept we are alone, the ppl you worship in politics are lying to you, they serve a tiny wealthy minority and they don't care if you rot. That is the truth. Mb you could see if you were more of a true negativist.
    Last edited by marooned; 07-01-2021 at 04:43 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    I don't know about the demon picture but I don't doubt it since it is not uncommon to see a demon-possessed person.
    But she didn't say it was a demon-possessed person. She said that there were angels and demons doing battle over her roof in the sky and she got a picture. Is it really not suspicious to you that the entire world hasn't seen this picture by now? After all it'd be photographic evidence of the supernatural. Why would she not show that? I think the most reasonable assumption to make is that she took no such picture. I'm very curious to know why you don't think that is a reasonable assumption.

    Also what's happening in Nashville on the 4th? Isn't that a rather ominous thing to say given January 6th?
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post

    Just accept we are alone, the ppl you worship in politics are lying to you, they serve a tiny wealthy minority and they don't care if you rot. That is the truth. Mb you could see if you were more of a true negativist.
    Who Biden and Trump are will soon be clear to all. Trump is no saint, but He is God's best for us in that office for this very time, and he is not evil. When everythign comes to light, I believe you will think so, too.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
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    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Who Biden and Trump are will soon be clear to all. Trump is no saint, but He is God's best for us in that office for this very time, and he is not evil. When everythign comes to light, I believe you will think so, too.
    Why was Trump's name listed 16 times in Epstein's black book?

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    Everyone: Communists, Catholics and Brzezinski is in on it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Who Biden and Trump are will soon be clear to all. Trump is no saint, but He is God's best for us in that office for this very time, and he is not evil. When everythign comes to light, I believe you will think so, too.
    I'm sorry but your attitude is that you want to override the votes of over half the country. It's like you don't respect the results or everyone else. And although reality will show your nonsense in time, you will never see it.

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    They're probably both pedophiles- I just think you are blind to Trump's pedophilia because of the right-wing agenda and he's effectively manipulating you. ((as Adam Strange likes to point out, Trump used to register as an Oprah-loving democrat anyway)) To think Trump is somehow doing God's work is completely laughable- look at how he mocked and treated special needs people. Doesn't seem very Jesus like does it? I can't believe the Delta quadra takes the moral high ground over crap like that.

    Anybody- left or right, that deep in politics or the 'Deep State' isn't a good person and probably does all sort of sick shit. Abuses innocence, if not sexually- then in other horrible ways as it is. I know a Republican who worked in a leftist institution - but she was a right-winger. And she pretty much was a horrible abusive narcissist. I would probably want Trump as president over Kamala Harris though personally speaking- but both of those choices are pretty awful. They need a constant cycle of fall guys/scapegoats to avoid deflection to themselves.

    "Politicians are a lot like diapers. They need to be changed frequently- and for the same reasons." One of my favorite quotes lol.

    Very good question about Epstein's book FreeLance Policeman lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    I'm sorry but your attitude is that you want to override the votes of over half the country. It's like you don't respect the results or everyone else. And although reality will show your nonsense in time, you will never see it.
    Biden and his fraud cronies, his freinds in high places, are all DONE. They are done, NOW. They aren't even in the White House now. You will see soon. The ceiling is poised to crash and there will be a big mess.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Biden and his fraud cronies, his freinds in high places, are all DONE. They are done, NOW. They aren't even in the White House now. You will see soon. The ceiling is poised to crash and there will be a big mess.
    So what happened on the 4th?

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    I saw people starting to move out of my neighborhood in the nineties, with new people moving in. The people who moved out were moving to the country for the fresh air and larger homes, and the people who were moving in were accepting smaller homes in the city and more crowds. I noticed it, but I didn't know at the time what it meant.

    They were sorting themselves into country Conservatives and city Liberals.

    I think this has been bad for the country, because the two groups don't talk to each other like they once did. And it's easier to demonize people that you don't know well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    They're probably both pedophiles- I just think you are blind to Trump's pedophilia because of the right-wing agenda and he's effectively manipulating you. ((as Adam Strange likes to point out, Trump used to register as an Oprah-loving democrat anyway)) To think Trump is somehow doing God's work is completely laughable- look at how he mocked and treated special needs people. Doesn't seem very Jesus like does it? I can't believe the Delta quadra takes the moral high ground over crap like that.

    Anybody- left or right, that deep in politics or the 'Deep State' isn't a good person and probably does all sort of sick shit. Abuses innocence, if not sexually- then in other horrible ways as it is. I know a Republican who worked in a leftist institution - but she was a right-winger. And she pretty much was a horrible abusive narcissist. I would probably want Trump as president over Kamala Harris though personally speaking- but both of those choices are pretty awful. They need a constant cycle of fall guys/scapegoats to avoid deflection to themselves.

    "Politicians are a lot like diapers. They need to be changed frequently- and for the same reasons." One of my favorite quotes lol.

    Very good question about Epstein's book FreeLance Policeman lol.
    No, Trump isn't a pedophile.

    As to the strange idea that Trump could be used by God - God's ways are always amazing, and we cannot fathom the mind of God. God uses just regular people, "cracked pots" as they sasy, to accomplish His purposes. God is able to do that. The people God uses to acomplish his purposes include, but are not all Saints. [But God would NOT use a pedophile, so Trump is NOT that]. "God's ways are not our ways" and God's ways do surprise us. God in fact calls Trump "My trumpet" and we will see "sooner than we think", what God means by that.

    We will soon see God's covenant with our founding fathers fulfilled, and freedom will reign, starting here in America and then into the whole world. Many astounding things will happen very soon in our country that will make the people thank God in great joy as the world watches in hope. God's plan is already executed, already happening, starting with the dismantling, which is in progress - though they are hiding it. But very soon, it will ALL come out, and we will all see. How God is going to use this man that many people think He could not possibly use, as one of many of His instruments to execute His plan, we will see. But use him He will.

    So many prophecies of God's astounding plans for our nation! Here is one dear to the heart of so many praying Christians: God said He would put in place five Supreme Court Justices of HIS choosing, and through them and our processes of law, Roe v.Wade WILL be overturned. Soon. Because the blood of the innocents has cried to God from the ground, just as did the blood of Abel, and God has heard. Well, there are only 3 of God's chosing in the Supreme court now, so where will the other two come from? We are told: Two supreme justices will step down in disgrace. This will happen soon. The heat is on NOW, says, God, and exposures that have begun now will con tinue all summer and into the fall.

    Trump has in particular two qualities that God will use for His purposes. [And I do not lean on my own understanding here, this is instead the insigt of the Prophet of Loretto, a truly saintly man] and that is that Trump is 1) extremely intelligent - not a virtue for sure, just a quality - and also, 2) Trump is a man who REALLY knows how to get things done, rapidly.

    God is going to take those qualities He gifted him with, and we are going to see what God can do with them. Because God will now accomplish His will, and it just happens that Trump will be one of God's instruments. (We all have been given gifts that God can put to use in astounding ways!)

    This has been a most unusual couple of weeks for me to the point where the days just aren't long enough to do and to process all there is to do and process. But in spite of this, you, BandD, have been on my mind a LOT, and a big part of that is I feel I have not responded to you properly here and I need to revisit this thread and remedy that, and I will do that when, Lordwilling, the dust settles down a bit for me. I keep thinking things will settle but it keeps going. Its just been crazy - partly because God is doing amazing things! Hallelujah! So I will get back to this thread. BTW I like your new icon picture here on the forum for your name! LOL.

    [I didn't see FP's Epstein post but hopefully I can find it quick and respond quick.]
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Why was Trump's name listed 16 times in Epstein's black book?
    I have no idea. I did not follow this Epstein affair. But Epstein means something big in these times, and I think what it means is that all the sick pedophile and sex trafficing life connected to edpstien will be exposed for all to see, soon. But absolutely I believe Trump being a pedophile is NOT coming out in that exposure. Whatever the reason for Epsteins 16 mentions of Trump will be exposed, as well as all the truth. Soon.

    So I am not following or knowledgable of this Epstein stuff, but a very odd coincidence [they say coincidences are actually "God-incidences"] is that just last night I did a quick research research into yet another great person of God that God is using these days, to find out more about just who he is, and on his FB, and there was this jarring pic of him (with a friend? relative?) wearing this tshirt below, with that slogan I had never seen before, and it seemed a very strange thing for this guy to wear. But if he wore it, there is a good reason, and I expect that reason to be something we will all understand soon, with the upcoming explosive exposures.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    So what happened on the 4th?
    I will get to this in a couple of days, Lord willing! A lot happened! But I know I left it hanging here, and I will remedy that soon. (It did not happend just as I interpreted what I heard, but omigosh it happened!) More later.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I saw people starting to move out of my neighborhood in the nineties, with new people moving in. The people who moved out were moving to the country for the fresh air and larger homes, and the people who were moving in were accepting smaller homes in the city and more crowds. I noticed it, but I didn't know at the time what it meant.

    They were sorting themselves into country Conservatives and city Liberals.

    I think this has been bad for the country, because the two groups don't talk to each other like they once did. And it's easier to demonize people that you don't know well.
    So true! The American people, whom evil powers sought so long and feriously to divide, will unite soon! God is going to make it happen! He is able!
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    White people are beyond saving

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    To minimize the narcissistic abuse and bullying Trump does as simply being a 'cracked pot' - and then falsely assume that he's some instrument for God... I don't think that's very wise or intelligent. There's zero evidence that Trump is truly working for God other than your own faith & your own Fi liking to him.

    Trump is my dual though- and I do often like how he throws Deep State Te assholes into a tizzy. He really gets under their skin and pisses them off and it amuses me. I think most of them deserve every second of it- because they're not good people either. But to assume that he wouldn't do the same thing to me if he knew me in real life is naive ((even if we are duals)) - and also the entire point of the Kill Bill movie franchise really haha.

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    Thank you though @Eliza Thomason for the nice words about my avatar. She's perfect for me isn't she hehe. I always wanted her as an avatar and just needed Se pushing from others to finally do it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Thank you though @Eliza Thomason for the nice words about my avatar. She's perfect for me isn't she hehe. I always wanted her as an avatar and just needed Se pushing from others to finally do it.
    It a fun one. I am that way only more "serious" in my worrying about other peoples problems that they didn't ask me to worry about... More merry, less serious, more Fe, less Fi woudl help...

    My EII friends's SLE husband tried to initiate family camping and she went along with the attempt just so she could say she tried it. Now she has this on her fridge:

    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    @Eliza Thomason Welcome back. Haven't seen you post in awhile ^-^
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
    — James Russell Lowell

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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    @Eliza Thomason Welcome back. Haven't seen you post in awhile ^-^
    Thank you! Yes, I am a bit overwhelemed with all that is going on, in our world and nation and what the prophets are saying. So much is happening, so much I am learning. How to explain? Except the media is hiding HUGE things. I want to write here but am faced with how to write these amzing things that will then need explaining - too much to those whose news source is mainstream media. Their cognitive dissodance moment will happen soon enough. So, I don't need to bait it to come sooner when it can irritate anyway, and I don't want conflict. It is easier - and more exciting - to read right now. So many new things to grasp! So I keep reading and learning more and ther puzzle pieces fit and it is amazing.

    Also this week is more training for a new job but I haven't heard the schedule yet andhope to romorrow. I need to finalize and prepare for a full week of summer school teaching next week, which I need to design.

    God is going to act big in America soon and we will have real freedom and liberty that will encourage the world. And then this freedfom and liberty will move out to renew other nations, and the world will rejoice in the Lord! The rejoicing will frighten governments.

    At Fatima, our Blessed Mother warned that Russia would spread her errors to the world, but in the end her Immculate Heart would triumph. Yes, we have seen Russia's errors spread throughout the world, and the devil seemed to be winning here, but that is over - more over than it seems right now. I believe we are on the verge of seeing that triumph Mary told us of. At least I think it is that. I do know that what is coming here in the USA and then the world is HUGE, and it is by God's hand we will know true liberty in America. God's liberty.
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 07-19-2021 at 04:21 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    @Eliza Thomason I just watched several videos of Kat saying that Trump would win in a landslide, and that certainly didn't happen. Why isn't that enough to disprove her in your mind? She also had another video in which she said she took a picture of a demon that was over the roof of her house. She insisted several times that she wasn't joking, she literally whipped out her phone and snapped a clear picture of a demon. Why hasn't she shared that picture with anyone? Isn't it suspicious that she would hide something which would boost her credibility so much if she just shared it?
    Sorry I didn't answer this sooner. The problem is our media is lying to us and hiding thr truth. One of our supreme court justices has been arrested, and probably also Biden and Pelosi. And 23 statge givenors! Really that is huge,a nd it is hidden. Butit will come out! They can't hide it for long. They are powerful, these evil leaders, but they will NOT win and the media as we know it will be completely dismantled. God's hand of justice is already moving.

    Trump won by the biggest landslide in the history of the USA. I hear today, an I believe it, that he is still president and has been working behingthe scenes, headign the militarty as Biden-fraud is not. Biden is not just a fraud, but an evil snake, the very worst. This will c ome out.

    No, though I see what your are saying, when you have watched Kat as much as I have, or just a fraction of what I have, you see a whiole picture. I watched her with muchreserve at first, but she is for real. Yes, God uses all kinds, ev efn pink haired ladies. Well, noot ALL kinds. He never uses evil p[eople. But good c omesin all shapes and sizes and kinds.

    Kat is focused on the great good of God. So she isn't goign to give evil that much time of day. To me, showign pic tures of the demons is like posting pics of narcissists - it only makes them happy. Like if an narcisist goes to jail for an evuil thing, he will be all excvited abot gettgin his pic in the paper. And the good things God is doign are just more right to befocusing on.

    So I take these prophets for what they are saying. If I ever catch them in a lie or an untruth, or a wrong focus, then I would drop them forever. But Q's that come up, like yours ("Where is the picture she spoke of?") I just trust God that if I need to know a thing I will get the answer eventually, and if I do n ot then God will giv e me a peace about it. I have learned so much and my joy has really deepened this summer. I want to share it! But many people have to see to believe, like the doubting Thomas - - who, by the way, never doubted after that, and for the rest of his life was known for his GREAT faith! And I am joyfully expecting the same end for those who doubt now! Because God, and His great and mighty love, mercy and justice is soon going to be very hard to miss!

    If you want to find good prophets to listen to, look at Elijah Streams. Good prophets are there. So many. They also have Elijah Clips, shorter videos. The videos made by other people who clip original videos and make teir own channel of these - tons of people do this because these true prophets have many followers, so youtube is always recommending the prophets I like from these video channelsthatare niether Elijah Satr4eams of these people's own webistes. But these peoples video clips are usually confusing because the dates are wrong(which you care ab out for prophecty), or the titles don't match the clip (which can b e confusing).

    Amazing men and women of God include Robin Bulloch (Alabama), Kat Kerr (Florida), Hank Kunneman (Nebraska), Timothy V. Dixon (Georgia), Manuel Johnson (L.A., California) Amanda Grace (NY) Donna Rigney (Florida). But there are many others you can see on Elijah Stream s that are good, too!

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