Ladies and gentlemen, and children of all ages, watch as I now proceed to deconstruct sociotypes' Aushra-based VI template for SLE-Ti.

They wanted to draw first blood. I will now eat up all of sociotypes' exemplars by fitting each one into my VI templates.

Let's see how well sociotypes' aushra-based VI template for "SLE-Ti" stacks up against the best VI templates in the world for every socionics type and subtype. Not very well as you will soon see.

The Only Valid VI Templates for Socionics New Wave aka Stackemup Typology (Socionics-Side) EATS UP sociotypes' so-called "SLE-Ti" exemplars.

This is the correct and accurate typings for each of sociotypes' make believe SLE-Ti exemplars, as follows:

Tom Felton, David Carradine, Tim Blake Nelson: LIE-Te (
Evan Rachel Wood: IEI-Fe (
Winona Ryder: SEI-Si (
Jason Momoa: SLI-Si (
Rutger Hauer, Anthony Hopkins, Jerome Flynn, Meryl Streep: EII-Fi:
David Bowie: EIE-Ni (
Madonna: SLE-Se (
Sharon Stone, Sasha Gray, Lucy Lawless: SEE-Fi (

I just ate up sociotypes' "SLE-Ti" exemplars in like ten minutes.
Watch the interviews for these people as well...all obviously not SLE-Ti
My VI templates are far more crisp, tigher, sharper and accurate.
sociotypes got one actual SLE (Madonna)! but even still, came out with the wrong subtype, and Madonna is an obvious one.
So much for Sociotypes' Aushra-based VI templates....aka Fake Socionics