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Thread: Si Seeking in IEE/ENFp

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    Default Si Seeking in IEE/ENFp

    Besides looking for a Si dual or neglect about personal care/health, how does Si suggestive manifests in IEEs life?

    AFAIK, IEEs have +Si which means an interest in physical pleasure more than avoidance of physical discomfort, which match my experience.

    However I'm looking for personal experiences about IEEs with their own Si, observations from others about the topic are welcome.

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    Idk, but an IEE put me on to ASMR and they seemed real into it, that sounds kind of like a +Si thing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aki View Post
    Besides looking for a Si dual or neglect about personal care/health, how does Si suggestive manifests in IEEs life?

    AFAIK, IEEs have +Si which means an interest in physical pleasure more than avoidance of physical discomfort, which match my experience.

    However I'm looking for personal experiences about IEEs with their own Si, observations from others about the topic are welcome.
    I dunno where that +Si thing comes from, but from my own IEE experience, and observing other IEEs in real life, I can for sure say that IEEs first and foremost are in need of reduction of discomfort. A lot of distress in IEEs is caused by physical inconveniences in their surroundings, inconveniences they might not even be awarfe of and fight with stress reducing behaviors, which aren't even identified as stress reducing behaviors, but as normal. Many IEEs, especially undualized ones, are way to busy bees for their own good. And that is why the "Si-seeking" term is flawed: an undualized IEE doesn't know they are in need of Si, they only fall under its spell when they encounter it, and even then they might not even consciously notice. Obviously, dualized IEEs are better at recognizing Si, if only on an intuitive, subconscious level.

    I wrote about it in the following blogs:
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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    IEE values - not +.

    It comes from this btw:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Avebury View Post
    IEE values - not +.

    It comes from this btw:
    gulenko changed signs many times, the one who fits ime is -Si SLI and +Si for IEE. Each personality type has + and - in each element, I'm referring to this:

    and this:

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    My ex was IEE. Simple pleasures. A partner who can just be calm and connected to the environment. Sensuality. Walks, nature. Someone who helps them relax by their mere presence

    With ILE its almost the same but more emphasis on fun
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    My ex was IEE. Simple pleasures. A partner who can just be calm and connected to the environment. Sensuality. Walks, nature. Someone who helps them relax by their mere presence

    With ILE its almost the same but more emphasis on fun
    That's because of their duals, SEIs. 'SEI' is just another word for 'fun'. To emphasize how much fun, SEI is always spelled with capital letters!
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

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    One thing i notice is that ISTp's slow me down with their presence. I'll go see my friend and he will stoke up a bonfire, crack open a beer, sit in his chair, roll me a cigarette and we just sit there chilling out chatting about stuff. Its the type of shit that i just don't ever do, i rarely ever just totally relax i'm always jumping from one thing to another even if its internally. Its very calming because as someone else says i have a tendency to neglect myself in various ways. I'll forget to drink water, i'll sit on the computer for 5 hours straight without getting up, sometimes i wont leave my room on a beautiful sunny day for whatever reason and then walk outside at like 4:00pm and nearly blind myself. At work sometimes i'll take on way too much and not even realize i'm particularly stressed for 2 weeks until I start to actually get anxious. I go walking in nature a fair bit but i feel disconnected from my environment, like i'm not ever able to totally take it in. When i'm with my ISTp friend i tend to feel more connected to it all.

    Interestingly a few ISTp's i've met don't care that much about mess and can even live quite filthily, whereas my ESI mother hates it. I'm not overly bothered by mess. I was sitting in my clients house today with cigarette butts on the floor, trash around and while it was sad it didn't really disgust me i was able to ignore it fairly easily. That being said whenever my clients want to clean up i really enjoy cleaning their houses but i hate cleaning my own (not sure if that's due to my mum or what).

    I've met a few rare individuals who seem to really emanate a shit load of SI, its quite palpable from them. Haven't met one in a while so cant really recall how i felt about it.

    I do wonder what ISTp's see about ENFp's that they like. I guess it depends if they are pumping out more Fi or Ne. For my friend i have this kind of inner joy and kindness that seems to bubble out and i think he must find that reassuring and restorative but i'm not sure. In some ways when i'm really happy i seem to have the innocence of a little kid. I've noticed small kids seem to always want to talk to me and i think they kind of see something familiar lol.
    Last edited by meatburger; 10-02-2018 at 11:29 AM.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Some more funny examples of shit Si.

    • When i'm on the computer i'll start a movie, lay on my bed for 10 minutes, think of something get up and look it up, start it again, rinse and repeat.
    • I'll have like 15 tabs open and be doing 5 things at once.
    • I'll be in the shower and i'll think about wanting to write a post on 16types and actually feel like running out of the shower. I wont enjoy it or finish it properly, its more important that i get my thoughts out of my head. (just happened).
    • Wanting to do something at home i'll go buy something from the shop but be in a rush, i'll buy it and want to come straight home without looking around at people or what is going on in my very touristy neighborhood.
    • I can rush through chores because aint nobody got time for that.
    • Getting the most extreme migraines when younger by burning the candle way too hard
    • I like training like a powerlifter at the gym. Only i'll max out on squat and bench Monday, squat and bench heavy on Wednesday then deadlift max out on friday. I'll do that for three weeks in a row. Why am i so sore and fatigued? where are the gains? Why am i so anxious? Its a mystery.
    • Have no discernible routine at all. Bedtime between 9:30 and 12:30. When waking up do i have a shower first, have breakfast then brush my teeth? Who knows. I might just brush my teeth in my bed, eat my breakfast naked while enjoying the extra toothpaste tang. Get dressed then have a shower in my clothes. Ok not quite that bad.

    I cant really say how an ISTp would help but i'd imagine its to do with slowing down in general.
    Last edited by meatburger; 10-02-2018 at 11:46 AM.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    Some more funny examples of shit Si.

    • When i'm on the computer i'll start a movie, lay on my bed for 10 minutes, think of something get up and look it up, start it again, rinse and repeat.
    • I'll have like 15 tabs open and be doing 5 things at once.
    • I'll be in the shower and i'll think about wanting to write a post on 16types and actually feel like running out of the shower. I wont enjoy it or finish it properly, its more important that i get my thoughts out of my head. (just happened).
    • Wanting to do something at home i'll go buy something from the shop but be in a rush, i'll buy it and want to come straight home without looking around at people or what is going on in my very touristy neighborhood.
    • I can rush through chores because aint nobody got time for that.
    • Getting the most extreme migraines when younger by burning the candle way too hard
    • I like training like a powerlifter at the gym. Only i'll max out on squat and bench Monday, squat and bench heavy on Wednesday then deadlift max out on friday. I'll do that for three weeks in a row. Why am i so sore and fatigued? where are the gains? Why am i so anxious? Its a mystery.
    • Have no discernible routine at all. Bedtime between 9:30 and 12:30. When waking up do i have a shower first, have breakfast then brush my teeth? Who knows. I might just brush my teeth in my bed, eat my breakfast naked while enjoying the extra toothpaste tang. Get dressed then have a shower in my clothes. Ok not quite that bad.

    I cant really say how an ISTp would help but i'd imagine its to do with slowing down in general.
    Only 15 tabs? Sometimes I have 30.

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    The thought of having more than 5 tabs open at once terrifies me. But it's mostly because I don't even have a reason to have so many tabs open in the first place. My ILE friend, on the other hand, abuses tabs like crazy.
    My be
    d routine is sharp. Always 11 PM because I have to get up at 6-something AM for school (8 and 7 AM classes are a whole new level of Hell).
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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    Some more funny examples of shit Si.
    I can definitely relate a lot to those examples, more so in the post you made before it... I'm glad my girlfriend has at least better Si than I do. She's always jokingly complaining about how she has to essentially "manage" me and make sure I stay with better routines and habits and whatever. She keeps me more so in check but not in an overbearing way; it's helpful and appreciated.

    Also I startled my friend once. My computer was slowing down and he said "maybe you should close the 500 tabs you have dumbass." I do have legitimately 500 tabs open on my phone but on my laptop it's less.

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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    I'll go see my friend and he will stoke up a bonfire, crack open a beer, sit in his chair, roll me a cigarette and we just sit there chilling out chatting about stuff. ...Interestingly a few ISTp's i've met don't care that much about mess and can even live quite filthily
    Yeah, I'm like that too. Though IEEs especially N sub, need order and cleanliness otherwise they start quacking.

    I do wonder what ISTp's see about ENFp's that they like. I guess it depends if they are pumping out more Fi or Ne. For my friend i have this kind of inner joy and kindness that seems to bubble out and i think he must find that reassuring and restorative but i'm not sure. In some ways when i'm really happy i seem to have the innocence of a little kid. I've noticed small kids seem to always want to talk to me and i think they kind of see something familiar lol.
    Personally I just feel motivated to stay and do stuff with them in long term. They can change my mood quite easily and distract me with all their stuff, which is not bad, otherwise I tend to live in some kind of gloomy state. Personally I prefer Ne>Fi. I dont know if its about subtype or its simply because thats Ne seeking. I get along well in long term with alpha NT than with ExI for example, so yeah, I prefer Ne. And yes, their character resemble little kids, I find them entertaining, though not in an intellectual level, more like cute and surreal like some cartoon.

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    Quote Originally Posted by A Moderator View Post
    Only 15 tabs? Sometimes I have 30.
    If you're like me then 29 of them are some type of Si porn. For example "busty cheerleader in a buttermilk bath surrounded by candles" or "Massage therapist doing nude ASMR while client is on valium". Or is that just me?

    Quote Originally Posted by Feathers
    The thought of having more than 5 tabs open at once terrifies me.
    Which type are you? The thought of having 1 tab open terrifies me .

    I do think Tabs were probably invented by some Ne type. My EII friend showed me them when they first came out and my mind was blown.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mio Q
    I can definitely relate a lot to those examples, more so in the post you made before it
    Yeah it was an exaggeration i'm not like this all the time or even most of the time but i do notice these types of things often.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aki
    Personally I prefer Ne>Fi. I dont know if its about subtype or its simply because thats Ne seeking. I get along well in long term with alpha NT than with ExI for example, so yeah, I prefer Ne.
    You're the Si subtype? I totally get it, i think that Ne subtypes are a bit more light hearted, and dare i say it interesting than most Fi subtypes. Fi has more of a healing type of quality to it, feeling really connected to someone and feeling genuinely accepted etc. My Ne is quite subtle in some ways. I notice it mostly in overarching themes about how the world works and when i'm learning something new.

    Carl Rogers


    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Not only comfort but also health and dealing with the mundane, practical aspects of life like going to the store, doing chores.
    I recommend looking through Rick's old material, he wrote about this from time to time.

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    Pretty good at domestic stuff but not relaxed about it. I once watched one relentlessly scrub a table until it looked like OCD world and told her, “I think it’s dead now.”
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    Like the IEE goes over to the house and wow this couch is comfortable and then Cosmos comes on and they blaze out for the next 4 hours until midnight then crash.

    Those sorts of things.

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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    If you're like me then 29 of them are some type of Si porn. For example "busty cheerleader in a buttermilk bath surrounded by candles" or "Massage therapist doing nude ASMR while client is on valium". Or is that just me?
    Can't really speak for the buttermilk bath, but I'm a huge fan of the massage/ASMR/cheerleader motifs.

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    ASMR yes, please. Bit of a guilty pleasure, but I enjoy some of it, while some just really kill me on the inside. The roleplays are really pleasurable because I remember actually experiencing ASMR in kindergarten when other kids would pretend to be a doctor and me their patient. I was a voluntary lab rat when i discovered I actually get those tingles in my body, but they weren't so happy to see me nearly falling asleep after every check-up.
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post

    You're the Si subtype? I totally get it, i think that Ne subtypes are a bit more light hearted, and dare i say it interesting than most Fi subtypes. Fi has more of a healing type of quality to it, feeling really connected to someone and feeling genuinely accepted etc. My Ne is quite subtle in some ways. I notice it mostly in overarching themes about how the world works and when i'm learning something new.

    Not sure about Si. I score 1Te and 0, I feel more identified with D in DCNH.
    In the other hand generally I feel more concerned by healing and what's healthier than Fi types I've met. I agree about Fi need for connection and acceptance. I think Fi types are naturally tuned to supply LxE need to talk about their feelings, problems, deep concerns, etc. and that's what makes them feel secure, connected and accepted in a relationship.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aki View Post
    Not sure about Si. I score 1Te and 0, I feel more identified with D in DCNH.
    In the other hand generally I feel more concerned by healing and what's healthier than Fi types I've met. I agree about Fi need for connection and acceptance. I think Fi types are naturally tuned to supply LxE need to talk about their feelings, problems, deep concerns, etc. and that's what makes them feel secure, connected and accepted in a relationship.
    Ahh, ive never looked into that DCNH thing, it looks confusing but i'll have to take a look sometime.

    I guess what i mean is that Fi is kind of interwoven into how i interact with people at all times, there seems to be million different ways that i use it. Its in the way i look people in the eyes when i talk to them, show that i'm listening to them, accept them for who they are, reveal my own flaws to disarm them and open them up, approach certain subjects tactfully, When leaving a party i tend at least say goodbye to each person before leaving. Fi lends some understanding to the emotions of others so you know how to either avoid hurting them in the first place or have an idea how to soothe them. Its healing and affirming for the people who value it because it makes people feel they are ok and little less alone in the world i think. In a sense it works to some effect on almost all people (used in different amounts) because i think almost everyone enjoys being connected. I think Dale Carnegie was obviously a very strong Fi user.

    An example of my Fi to a LSE client the other day is my telling him straight out that i like him. I told him that he is a likable guy and that he should be able to find some good friends who don't take advantage of him for money and drugs etc. It was entirely genuine so i was able to pull it off. Its the truth, despite not liking himself very much and being addicted to meth i can see all the good parts of him. He told me that i was his favorite worker out of the 10 or so he has had in his life.

    I'm not really saying this to impress, more just because i find it interesting to talk about functions in general. Ne and Fi are very different in the way they are expressed. Ne on the other hand is a bit of a mystery to me.

    Anyway i've hijacked your thread about Si Seeking. I notice that it seems that i crave Te more than Si in general. That ISTp girl at work was talking about her holiday in Singapore and she said "oh and they store crude oil there" and then stopped. I was kind of left expectantly thinking she was going to elaborate. I imagine that's how my Ne would seem to her, almost like a small flicker then it dies away. Contrast this with my Sli-Te friend and he seems to know something about everything. I met a really intelligent ILI once, and he explained to me how a rocket takes off and travels through space and i was just mesmerised by how smart he was. I find too much Si can deactivate me, i feel like just soaking into a couch and doing nothing but i'm guessing its one of those things that i wouldn't realize how beneficial it is until i got it.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    Anyway i've hijacked your thread about Si Seeking. I notice that it seems that i crave Te more than Si in general. That ISTp girl at work was talking about her holiday in Singapore and she said "oh and they store crude oil there" and then stopped. I was kind of left expectantly thinking she was going to elaborate. I imagine that's how my Ne would seem to her, almost like a small flicker then it dies away. Contrast this with my Sli-Te friend and he seems to know something about everything. I met a really intelligent ILI once, and he explained to me how a rocket takes off and travels through space and i was just mesmerised by how smart he was. I find too much Si can deactivate me, i feel like just soaking into a couch and doing nothing but i'm guessing its one of those things that i wouldn't realize how beneficial it is until i got it.
    Its ok. Its an interesting talk.

    Anyway, have you ever considered EII? (just saying, not that necessarily you are one). The way you described yourself using Fi reminds me of my EII-Ne gf (who longed for a connection with ppl).

    My IEE hub seems to use Fi just as a tool to get positive response from ppl in order to get something done or enjoy his own warm feelings about stuff, lol. He seem to use Fi a lot to appeal at ppl he just met, but not in the way you described, but like being warm, attentive, respectful and considerate more than wanting ppl to open up about their feelings. In the other hand, as I said most Fi types I know are extremely into that, at the points at times of being asking me to literally open up about my problems or stuff. IEEs I know in the other hand seem too scattered or simply not enough interested in actually knowing details about ppls life or feelings.

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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    Contrast this with my Sli-Te friend and he seems to know something about everything. I met a really intelligent ILI once, and he explained to me how a rocket takes off and travels through space and i was just mesmerised by how smart he was. I find too much Si can deactivate me, i feel like just soaking into a couch and doing nothing but i'm guessing its one of those things that i wouldn't realize how beneficial it is until i got it.
    i feel like the other way around... like someone just talking about something with a very in depth explanation causes me to tune out of it real soon, no matter how interested I am. A lot of my friends are like that though so it's kind of an internal battle where I want to stay interested but it just makes me tired.

    Oh oh wait no I can listen to people explaining drama/controversy in depth for a super long time; that kind of stuff hooks me in.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mio Q View Post

    Oh oh wait no I can listen to people explaining drama/controversy in depth for a super long time; that kind of stuff hooks me in.
    lol mb iee

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aki View Post
    Its ok. Its an interesting talk.

    Anyway, have you ever considered EII? (just saying, not that necessarily you are one).
    I've never actually considered any other type for myself. I typed myself as IEE years ago in MBTI and i've not for more than a second ever doubted that. If i were to be an EII socionics would immediately cease to have all meaning. I know quite a few EII's and i love them to death, i think the differences between us are fairly stark.

    The way you described yourself using Fi reminds me of my EII-Ne gf (who longed for a connection with ppl)
    I mean there is a lot of variation between people within types. subtype, enneagram, upbringing, culture, values, life experience etc can produce some pretty interesting combinations of people. Even whack variations like me

    y IEE hub seems to use Fi just as a tool to get positive response from ppl in order to get something done or enjoy his own warm feelings about stuff, lol. In the other hand, as I said most Fi types I know are extremely into that, at the points at times of being asking me to literally open up about my problems or stuff. IEEs I know in the other hand seem too scattered or simply not enough interested in actually knowing details about ppls life or feelings.
    I probably just have stronger Fi than him and also value it more. Its probable that i am like a 2/3 point Fi subtype which might be kind of rare. I was also speaking partially in the context of my work as a mental health worker where i am required to build a connection with people and help them with their life problems. I actually don't really aim to have people open up about their problems to be honest, although they often do. I have en EII-fi friend and i agree he actually really does seem to aim to get people to open up. I'm more interested in being close to people, getting them to like and trust me etc. What i described is very subtle by the way its so central to how i deal with people that you wouldn't really be able to tell i'm doing it consciously.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    How about this?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aki View Post
    How about this?

    You win. I cant for the life of me work out what you mean by that. A dude packing some serious heat next to a girl eating a wrapped up pine cone? I reverse image searched it and google didn't even know but it suggested 'psychology'.

    Where are you from Aki? Japan?
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    70 tabs open here all serving a purpose so should I consider being an Ne type.
    Husband has 4 tabs open. One incase he wants to order burgers tonight, another for booking plane flights incase I decide to go on a short holiday with him, another for reading the news and one he thought he had closed which was about his updated DNA results I suggested he check.
    This is our regular pattern/behaviour.

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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    You win. I cant for the life of me work out what you mean by that. A dude packing some serious heat next to a girl eating a wrapped up pine cone? I reverse image searched it and google didn't even know but it suggested 'psychology'.

    Where are you from Aki? Japan?
    I wasn't responding specifically to you.

    The image is a russian artwork for SLI/IEE duality, I guess the SLI sword is the caregiving attitude while the IEE eating chocolate is his Si sweet tooth suggestive.
    And no, I'm not from there.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shay View Post
    70 tabs open here all serving a purpose so should I consider being an Ne type.
    Not necessarily. Leading with a perceiving element could explain things.

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    there's something off about associating swords with Si

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    there's something off about associating swords with Si
    Please contact the artist to tell her that your stereotypes don't match with her representation of Si.

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    ok do you have an email for me?

    it actually kind of looks like the guy with the sword is disgusted with the child at his feet, maybe its an LSI letting IEE enjoy their last meal which happens to be a pine cone

  34. #34
    Disbelief Jung
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    ok do you have an email for me?

    it actually kind of looks like the guy with the sword is disgusted with the child at his feet, maybe its an LSI letting IEE enjoy their last meal which happens to be a pine cone
    No, its delta quadra. And no, you'd have to look hard on the internet to contact her.



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    yeah ive seen those before, they're cool drawings but it doesn't mean anything except the artist thinks they represent the quadra somehow

    the artist can be wrong, not to mention we're taking your word for it. i wouldn't be surprised if you just translated it wrong and your "SLI/IEE dual" was, in fact, "LSI about to kill IEE because otherwise they were going to die anyway in a protracted agony because they ate a poison pinecone, having mistaken it for a candybar"

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    yeah ive seen those before, they're cool drawings but it doesn't mean anything except the artist thinks they represent the quadra somehow
    that's obvious but you were the one commenting.

    You are the one with lipstick btw and your dual is the bitter one ^^

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    yeah well since someone drew a picture of something it must be true

    i always wondered why political cartoons were a thing, and now I realize its because they persuade small minds easily

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    yeah well since someone drew a picture of something it must be true

    i always wondered why political cartoons were a thing, and now I realize its because they persuade small minds easily
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  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    I'm happy to know that you enjoy your coprophagic habits.

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