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Thread: Is this an Si tendency?

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    Default Is this an Si tendency?

    Someone I type as SLI has a tendency to be very particular about sensations and will take action based on subtleties I wouldn't even notice, such as the stuffiness of a room. One thing I notice is that she often refuses to try new foods because something about the texture or appearance disturbs her. She often mentions that something is uncomfortable and then either avoids it or does something to change it.

    I always saw Si as being about leisure, freedom, and enjoyment. That kind of fussiness about physical sensations is something I can't understand. Is it just Delta Si that's like that? Is Alpha Si more open to doing things and ignoring discomfort, or is that still the main focus? When I think of comfort and discomfort, I think of how I would rather have a job I enjoy than a higher paying job I don't like at all. But that's completely different from not wanting to eat chicken strips because they're a little bit dry.

    Is this really what Si is like, or is it just that this particular SLI is overly picky about sensations most people would hardly notice?

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by isptn View Post
    Someone I type as SLI has a tendency to be very particular about sensations and will take action based on subtleties I wouldn't even notice, such as the stuffiness of a room. One thing I notice is that she often refuses to try new foods because something about the texture or appearance disturbs her. She often mentions that something is uncomfortable and then either avoids it or does something to change it.
    Yes its Si imo

    I always saw Si as being about leisure, freedom, and enjoyment.
    Thats too general. Si is different internal impressions evoked by objects.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    I dunno. I'm imperceptive but hypersensitive.

    Can you see an image when you turn the brightness up really high? Probably not.

    Likewise, I can't feel the details of the environment because I feel everything to a higher degree, the brightness of the world is really distracting. I can say I'm uncomfortable but not why...

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    Quote Originally Posted by isptn View Post
    Someone I type as SLI has a tendency to be very particular about sensations and will take action based on subtleties I wouldn't even notice, such as the stuffiness of a room. One thing I notice is that she often refuses to try new foods because something about the texture or appearance disturbs her. She often mentions that something is uncomfortable and then either avoids it or does something to change it.

    I always saw Si as being about leisure, freedom, and enjoyment. That kind of fussiness about physical sensations is something I can't understand. Is it just Delta Si that's like that? Is Alpha Si more open to doing things and ignoring discomfort, or is that still the main focus? When I think of comfort and discomfort, I think of how I would rather have a job I enjoy than a higher paying job I don't like at all. But that's completely different from not wanting to eat chicken strips because they're a little bit dry.

    Is this really what Si is like, or is it just that this particular SLI is overly picky about sensations most people would hardly notice?
    I'd say yes, this is typically Si lead behavior, or maybe mobilizing/demonstrative.

    When I think of comfort and discomfort, I think of how I would rather have a job I enjoy than a higher paying job I don't like at all. But that's completely different from not wanting to eat chicken strips because they're a little bit dry.
    Si is both of these things but the first one arguably has Fe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by isptn View Post
    she often refuses to try new foods because something about the texture or appearance disturbs her
    This looks as capriciousness of N type.

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    there's a distinction between being picky and simply not being a gourmand which I think needs to be made. LSI might spend 14 hours a day studying and only eat the meals he prepped over the weekend, which might be like chicken and rice, and do that for 9 months straight, but it doesn't mean in principle they're against novel foods. its that it doesn't line up with their goals. whereas someone might flunk out of school just to ensure they're getting a frequent change of impressions, or even because they're sufficiently picky about what they eat. in any case I don't think Ne is something that determines those sorts of things per se, because Ne is the picture of the outer situation, not this idea that people are chomping at the bit for its own sake to experience new sensations specifically. that is more like valued Si+ as it pertains to cuisine. I know quite a few LSI chefs/bartenders who are really into food and beverage but they have a different take on it, which is not so much about enjoying the process of discovering the new or alternatives +/- Ne,for its own sake, but refining and perfecting an idea or process +Ti +/- Ni/Se. In other words, any type can come by their interest in a variety of ways, and picky eating is something more I'd call akin to like autism or some other disorder that could effect any type. sort of like being a food racist or something. there are many ways to come by it. I guarantee there are very many Ne Si dom picky eaters and its not a Ne polr thing. I actually think the demonstrative 4d Si makes it someone less likely because creative Se has them "making do" under restrictive conditions which means they often don't allow themselves the luxury of being picky if it comes down to interfering their broader goals (strong willed sensorics control). in the Army the guy eating a lizard in the field is far more likely to be LSI than SLI for example. In other words, they may not be very interested in alternatives for their own sake (Ne ego) but neither are they necessarily "picky." it would be a mistake to label types that don't go out of their way to explore and find enjoyment in that process as picky, since picky is an active restriction on their diet whereas simply not being exploratory does not preclude trying new things should the opportunity arise, it just doesn't seek to explore and create those opportunities. honestly picky eating seems like a failure of upbringing to me in this day and age, unless there's some real food allergies or sensitivities going on. Just spitballing I feel like LII is probably the most fussy about what they eat. they seem most likely to be be the chicken tendies 4 lyfe kind of person, but again I don't think its specifcally type related
    Last edited by Bertrand; 12-13-2017 at 11:07 PM.

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    @Bertrand, yeah I agree with you. Some time ago (and this might be somewhat unrelated) i made the point of writing about IEE friend who made a *point* of changing environments for no reason or would give trivial reasons like she didn't enjoy the sense of humour at this city she was living in etc, things like that.

    In this case i'm not sure if it's Si (what the OP mentions), but i'd say it does sound like Ne-Si valuing at least

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    right, to call LSI picky is like calling IEE lazy if they switch jobs a lot. It mistakes the proxy for the rule, which is eating a lot of the same food might be mistaken for being picky, but it may not be the real cause. In the same way not holding a job for long might be laziness or it could actually be a very diligent employee who moves around a lot for reasons other than unwillingness or inability to perform, in principle

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    This looks as capriciousness of N type.
    True. None S type that I've met is 'picky'. I just have met picky intuitives.

    I can understand caring about comfort, but thats very far from pickiness. Though, maybe can be interpreted as such by some I suppose, depending on your concernings. I mean I can be considered as 'picky' by some ethicals in regards of emotional display or joining to groups for example.
    Last edited by Faith; 12-14-2017 at 01:45 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Syrup View Post
    True. None S type that I've met is 'picky'. I just have met picky intuitives.

    I can understand care about comfort, but thats very far from pickiness. Though, maybe can be interpreted as such by some I suppose, depending on your concernings. I mean I can be considered as 'picky' by some ethicals in regards of emotional display or joining to groups for example.
    I don't know if the SLI I described could actually be considered picky, but it can seem that way to me because I can't understand why these subtle sensations and impressions should keep someone from doing things or at least trying something once, or at least it's not something I can relate to at all. When she doesn't want to try a food, it's not because she's had it before and didn't like it. It's because the texture or appearance evokes negative sensations, even just thinking about eating it. Meanwhile, I will eat almost anything once to find out what it tastes like, whether I like it, or just simply to be able to say I've eaten it before. I don't think I've ever had that kind of subjective sensory impression, I would hardly notice the texture of the food, or at least it's not something I'd pay attention to in the way she seems to.

    I do know an SLE who is a picky eater, though. It seems like he wants to have exactly the food he wants, when he wants it, in the way he wants it.

  11. #11
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sorrows View Post
    Yeah it's more about maintaining an inner self preservation or homeostasis. But this varies greatly by Si user. ESE and LSE might be more willing to be energetic and expend more effort in their interactions than SEI or SLI. I love to socialize but avoid loud places or staying too long or late.
    That's the feeling one gets from Si base types, but that doesn't say much what Si actually is. The actual Si experience is the myriad of impressions that different objects, materials etc evoke in us. It's a subjective "wrapping" around the object. Si is felt by the person as being out in the environment though (not as an inner thing, although that's what it is technically). Socionics still needs to improve it's understanding of Si imo. Jung is much better, but he has to be read very carefully.

    Everybody probably has these inner impressions, it's just that one needs Si to sense them

    Si in ESE often shows itself as attention to details.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    One thing I can be very paranoid* about is food. It just seems so suspicious what you put inside of you. Gives me creeps. Is it safe? Will it make me puke? If I categorize it as in product family that I don't like then there might be a change that I do not like it. Besides several plants have defense mechanisms against you. There is a reason why you do not like something. It is to protect you.

    *)It is totally human free condition. I'm not afraid of being poisoned.
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    Fussy eating is an N thing.

    Edit: Some other stuff for the sake of it.

    Si can and often is about hedonism - Si types will likely just dive into their food, relaxing on the couch or whatever, unless they've got some other gig going on, fitness etc.

    Fussy eating about an overconcern of health, how it affects the digestion system etc, is Si PoLR - but most likely Si Hidden Agenda, with the obsession over it but poorly orientated.

    ILI type I know - especially when dieting, she eats lots of weird things, stuff that smells funny, is a little sensitive to it's criticism.

    Something else too - I notice especially at work, that N types are a little more hesitant to eat in front of others, myself, this isn't a concern, same with the SEE I work with - as I said to her, we eat 'normal' stuff.

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    its like saying autism is a T thing, I mean yeah it probably predominates among those types but it can strike anyone and they don't seem to be causally connected. Ns are probably more likely to be picky eaters but it doesn't mean N causes picky eating anymore than T causes autism. if anything its probably the other way around, where picky eating manifests as bizarre intuitions about food, kind of like what troll enumerated above

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    Quote Originally Posted by Syrup View Post
    True. None S type that I've met is 'picky'. I just have met picky intuitives.
    They may be peaky in a food with more meaningful reasons like taste. To reject even to try new one because of a look is nonsense. Except it's some exotics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sorrows View Post
    This seems accurate. Ironically Se leads will offend be accused of being hedonists because they are aggressors but it is the Si types that seek out pleasant experiences more. IME SLI is the biggest hedonist- in that they seem of all types to have the strongest aversion to anything not pleasurable. They also have the lowest tolerance for the moodiness, whining, strong emotions etc. of others. They will just kind of "exit" the conversation or room.

    Se leads and creatives can have a "gruffness" that allows them to endure a lot of unpleasant situations if they are determined. Se is not so much correlated with pleasure as it is with success, hierarchy and conquest.
    For sure. They often get mixed up - mostly by N types who being poor at 'S', attempt to approach it from a logical or a 'rational' perspective, to try to explain it within their own lens of environment detachment.

    Take Rasputin for example, classically he's described as an example of Si gone extreme - a real headstrong rush into hedonism, he's typed SLI. I agree with the typing for what it's worth, even just by VI alone.

    Lot of the times superficial behavior can be mistaken, at least on forums.

    An SLI can and often does find themself on a one way path for hedonism - excessive drinking, risky situations and experiences - hard living, all in pursuit of Si. I've been there myself, and pull back a little from it now. It's why you hear about 'hard living' songs where the person(s) involved got into really bad times - physical hard living situations, but they got out in time to tell the tale. That person is often an SLI type, TV shows like Sons of Anarchy is quite delta in that respect, although romanticized of course, but it's all about hard living biker stuff, sensation rush seeking, personal morals and codes of honor, outside the system all very SLI like. Same as the TV show Vikings too.

    The other side of SLIs is of course peaceful living, harmonious etc, but Si can take that path too. It depends on a lot of factors, but it's why SLIs can be described as delinquents etc, especially when young: those types eventually settle down.

    I think a difference, when you think about it, is that Si is ... defensive, in that 'it' pursues these things for it's own end - kind of selfish pursuit of hedonism, in that way it's defensive from the external (as all introverted functions are, as they try to skirt around the external), but Se is more expansive. An Se type say SLE who's that way inclined, will want to increase their power, influence, willpower etc, for an SLI that way inclined, it's more about stubborness, internal obstinance, to pursue these things, hence again, 'delinquents' etc in those regards.


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    @Scarper oh yes. Actually SLI belongs to Hedonist group of Keirseis Temperamets along with SEI, SLE and SEE. Thats probably the reason why you have heard that Se types are hedonistic @sorrows.

    Strat portrays SLI too as probably the most individualustic type, so you are right again Scarper.
    And better dont talk about anarchy because my dad is LSE too, and I've a lot of experiences about that from home. I think that anarchy goes hand to hand with the Aristocratic trait of deltas. We rarely want to submit to unnecesary rules of any kind and its pretty hard to convince us or change our minds. I think duals or partner is pretty much the only one who we can voluntarily obey or be convinced by if so.

    What you are describing reminds me a lot of the Oldham Adventurous description, which seems like a pathological description of the type.

    Anyway, I agree with almost everything in the portrait except the parts that say being an aggressor, predatory and victimizing others, lol, but if you take into account that the pathological side is Antisocial I suppose it take its place in there. Also it makes sense with SLI having 3DSe in their vital (instinctive) block. I have been considering for a while now that pathologic or mentally unbalanced person moves a lot in their Vital Block (7th and 8th functions), which would means that the Ego functions (the part of personality that ppl use to be in touch with and adapt to reality) is damaged, what do you think Scarper?

    Also yes, I know the part of hard living, I used to drink, smoke and swear a lot when younger. When I made a psychological test for working in a company, it said tjat I had intolerance to frustration, lol. They employeed me anyway and I drop the job a year after.
    Last edited by Faith; 12-14-2017 at 07:04 PM.

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    Talanov types Rasputin as ILE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    This looks as capriciousness of N type.

    she spits out all the food she tries haha
    it's a thing some self-pres last do i've seen. she's sx/so.

    Also this is something mentioned in type 6 by riso/hudson:
    Rigidity in diet causes nutritional imbalances ("I don't like vegetables"). Working excessively. Caffeine and amphetamines for stamina, but also alcohol and depressants to deaden anxiety. Higher susceptibility to alcoholism than many types.
    But I can't say it's anything I've observed in 6s? Trisha isn't 6 but it's in her tritype.

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    Who's picky: S or N?

    ILE living by himself usually amasses an incredible mess, but at the same time he expects sensory vigilance from the people who live next to them and are pretty picky about the food

    Not very critical towards external appearances, undemanding in food.

    This is a person of heightened sensitivity: poorly reacts to sultry air, unpleasant odors, uncomfortable shoes and clothing, unsightly appearance of people or food.

    The IEI is very picky about the food and makes high demands out of it (normative sensing of experiences):

    For example, if circumstances fold such that the SEI is unable to eat out on lunch breaks, and instead is forced to eat junk food on regular basis, this will dismay him

    Not picky about food and design of the his living space.

    ESTp is not a picky eater: he expects food to be plentiful and filling, it should not be some sophisticated food, butit should be fresh and esthetically pleasing.

    Often, he is a food gourmand. Observes cleanliness and standards of hygiene.
    I could swear that I've read something about ILI's being super picky about food (like IEIs) but I can't find it

    In food it is unassuming, eats that will put on the table - as long as the dishes were clean.
    often indifferent to food and decorations.

    Likes simple but healthy food[...]At home he is unpretentious, doesn't need sophisticated food.

    There it is. Some are Ns are picky and others not so much. So there is no clear distinction wether Ns are picky about food or Si-leading types are picky about.
    Often it depends on the individual IMO. IME EIEs do like food more than the description indicate and LIIs can be unbearably picky while I know ILEs who don't care what they eat and ILEs who are willing to pay extra money for gluten free vegan food with 100 vitamins and whatever. My SLI friend is very demanding of food but can eat whatever is served anyway (as long as it's reasonable to eat it- not too salty, good preparation...). Personally I've been very conservative in my tastes but I love trying new dishes (Same goes for my ESE and SEI friends) while my ILE brother, when he was a child, never wanted to try strawberries because they were new to him. The SLEs and SEEs I know couldn't care less about food - which does not mean that it's true for all ESXps. My own experience just a tiny sample size.
    Last edited by Cosmic Teapot; 12-14-2017 at 07:43 PM.

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    great post thanks, "picky eating" is practically an ethical judgement that's starting to get thrown around. the bottom line is anyone can be picky. it seems like LII is most picky from my point of view, but as this thread shows everyone has their own idea of what "picky" looks like, hence its not really helpful to peg it to a function or even a type so much as it is to notice the ways in which it can manifest (which vary according to personality)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Syrup View Post
    @Scarper oh yes. Actually SLI belongs to Hedonist group of Keirseis Temperamets along with SEI, SLE and SEE. Thats probably the reason why you have heard that Se types are hedonistic @sorrows.

    Strat portrays SLI too as probably the most individualustic type, so you are right again Scarper.
    And better dont talk about anarchy because my dad is LSE too, and I've a lot of experiences about that from home.

    What you are describing reminds me a lot of the Oldham Adventurous description, which seems like a pathological description of the type.

    Anyway, I agree with almost everything in the portrait except the parts that say being an aggressor, predatory and victimizing others, lol, but if you take into account that the pathological side is Antisocial I suppose it take its place in there. Also it makes sense with SLI having 3DSe in their vital (instinctive) block. I have been considering for a while now that pathologic or mentally unbalanced person moves a lot in their Vital Block (7th and 8th functions), which would means that the Ego functions (the part of personality that ppl use to be in touch with and adapt to reality) is damaged, what do you think Scarper?

    Also yes, I know the part of hard living, I used to drink, smoke and swear a lot when younger. When I made a psychological test for working in a company, it said tjat I had intolerance to frustration, lol. They employeed me anyway and I drop the job a year after.
    I think that's really interesting.

    I haven't thought about mental illness/pathological for a while, but, thinking about it again, I think some of it can come from an over-emphasis on the mobilizing function. An example of extremes would be the crazy cat lady (Fi mobilizing) the XLE who's constantly performing, joking, being loud, as comical as possible - even going to the stage of creating arguments with everyone, just to be noticed to get attention (Fe mobilizing). So I suppose that is unbalanced, in the socionic/functional sense.

    I don't know if we can relate the vital block to being unbalanced, but you know, I think it's possible ... I'm trying to think of some examples, but for sure your going to have a very lost and confused ... and confusing person.

    I agree that that the Oldham Adventurous description sounds like a pathological description. I may have been many things, but being an aggressor, predator or victimizing isn't among them, mostly i'm just an oaf haha.

    I remember doing a personality test for a working in a company, it said I didn't like being told what to do haha, that was a difficult one to explain to the boss, but they employed me anyway. I think I left in slightly under a year.
    Last edited by at sirac son of sirac; 12-14-2017 at 07:25 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    great post thanks, "picky eating" is practically an ethical judgement that's starting to get thrown around. the bottom line is anyone can be picky. it seems like LII is most picky from my point of view, but as this thread shows everyone has their own idea of what "picky" looks like, hence its not really helpful to peg it to a function or even a type so much as it is to notice the ways in which it can manifest (which vary according to personality)
    I don't think its ethical is more intuitive and the lines CT posted is just from the SLI Si subtype. Plus it doesnt fit too well with the -
    When one listens to reasoning coming from a minus (–) function, observes the behavior and the reactions on this function, an impression emerges that the person, while possessing an extensive "minus zone", is trying to "anchor" him/herself somewhere in the "golden middle" in order not to lose the wide-reaching grasp, the scale, the globality in the "minus", but also to not overlook details on the "plus". Thus, SLI ("Gabin") and LSE ("Stirlitz") do not seek to bring comfort and cleanliness to an ideal state, but rather they remain in a zone of acceptable discomfort. In clothing there is also a tendency to remain in the "golden mean" – comfortable, convenient, but not too refined and sophisticated, not disharmonious, but also not a perfect fit, rather something in between. However, if there is a situational necessity, they may well submerge into the "plus" and create a combination that will amaze with its sense of taste, with its selection in colors, and how it fits them them, where every detail will be thought out. Often this search of the "golden mean" becomes reflected in responses. X

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    Quote Originally Posted by Syrup View Post
    I don't think its ethical is more intuitive and the lines CT posted is just from the SLI Si subtype. Plus it doesnt fit too well with the -
    I still think that + and - functions are better described with function blocks, that is, Si blocked with Te is going to be a little more tolerant to discomfort, due to the nature of Te production.

    But, I suppose + and - help to encapsulate an overall trend. I need to read up more on these things, I prefer mostly the basics.

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    right but golden mean itself implicates ethics

    aristotle said there's a million ways to miss the target but only one way to hit it, which is actually the origin of the word "sin" which is an archery term for (in)accuracy

    anyway I get what you mean in that you think picky eating is objective because they're screwing up their Si but the value of Si is itself in question when it comes to differing personalities, and hierarchy of values is an ethical stance

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    It's Si, but not necessarily Si lead or ego. The hypersensitity aspect described sounds like Si but not fully developed.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sorrows View Post
    SLIs seem to seek out my opinion....its rather confusing. Its almost as if they are curious about ESEs and how we think, and want to figure it out? Being an Fe valuing lead, who is their supervisor I would assume they would avoid me. What are you thoughts on ESEs?
    ESEs are nice ppl and I can feel comfortable with them. I can act normally, I don't feel any pressure to perform or be certain way, even when they are Fe and I'm Fe PoLR I dont feel any preassure of them in my PoLR, they are like alkaline to me. Which is good. They can talk a lot, though. Which actually is good too, because irl I get really drained of talking too much. Anyway I can talk to them, they like to listen patiently and I know they would give their honest opinion.

    I just ask their opinion to ppl I think are sincere and who I trust. So yeah, in case of friends or family I can ask once in a while for ESEs opinion. I trust that they are good natured and try to be objective and fair with advices even if they are ethicals.

    Naturally as ever type, they have their flaws too. But in general I'm in positive terms with them and our relations are free of tension.

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    Sorrows you are so ESE its not even funny. Please take that as a neutral comment, or better yet compliment.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sorrows View Post
    In the ESE Si would be strong on attention to details, and strong aversion to unpleasant stimuli. For whatever past prior experiences, I avoid bars as much as possible. My mind just conjures up this visual of a smokey dark crowded room and I immediately come up with an excuse why I can't meet someone for dinner there. Even if I have fun with someone if the location is somewhat unpleasant or the meeting time starts late I will try to re-direct the location, or make an excuse.

    Excellent memory for visual-spatial experiences. It is like a data bank of images filled with detail going back 5-10 years.

    When I am shopping sales staff will make clothing/make-up recommendations but I am fairly assertive in the sphere of materials goods and know exactly what I am looking for, and I generally ignore trends completely. I like well-made, (hand-crafted objects if possible) quality is important. Little details are important.

    I find it especially annoying when a sales person will bring me clothes as a suggestion to the fitting room "oh this would look great on you" or "this color is beautiful-you'll love it". For me, its an instant reaction to materials, fabric, colors, style etc. etc, and I don't take Si suggestions for whatever reason from others. Even health care/diet suggestions, when people say things like "we should eat less carbs" or something along those lines, I just have this internal sense of what is right for my health, home, shopping needs etc and I don't really care what public opinion is of the latest diet plan, as I will do my own research and make lifestyle choices based on an internal sense of what I like and dislike.
    So much this post. ^^


    Belongs in the ESE discussion session forever.

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    I'm not picky about food. I love food so, so much... almost all food.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sorrows View Post
    Well at least it is settled. Sometimes I do consider IEE or SEE. This thread was one of my favorites....which only shows how much I LOVE Si.
    Well the Si knowledge is so clear and I nod my head because it jives with my understanding. Regardless of your type you get Si and how it presents in the real world.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sorrows View Post
    Remind you of your roommate?
    Lol you remember... and yes absolutely. Literally everything you said. We would travel to the States periodically to get good prices on seemingly (to me) insignificant little products and greater FOOD selection. Funny though you mention the tjing anout clothing and fabrics and I am the exact same way: can instantly pick out suitability based of textures, colour, shape, "look", and also instantly gauge how I will be precieved wearing said item.

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    Quote Originally Posted by isptn View Post
    Someone I type as SLI has a tendency to be very particular about sensations and will take action based on subtleties I wouldn't even notice, such as the stuffiness of a room. One thing I notice is that she often refuses to try new foods because something about the texture or appearance disturbs her. She often mentions that something is uncomfortable and then either avoids it or does something to change it.

    I always saw Si as being about leisure, freedom, and enjoyment. That kind of fussiness about physical sensations is something I can't understand. Is it just Delta Si that's like that? Is Alpha Si more open to doing things and ignoring discomfort, or is that still the main focus? When I think of comfort and discomfort, I think of how I would rather have a job I enjoy than a higher paying job I don't like at all. But that's completely different from not wanting to eat chicken strips because they're a little bit dry.

    Is this really what Si is like, or is it just that this particular SLI is overly picky about sensations most people would hardly notice?
    It is all really very simple: the Si in SEIs is about comfort creation, whereas the Si in SLIs is about discomfort avoidance. SEIs focus on the 'positive', SLIs focus on the 'negative'.

    Or to make it a little bit more complicated: SEIs avoid discomfort (unconscious) by creating comfort (conscious), whereas SLIs create comfort (unconscious) by avoiding discomfort (conscious). A subtle difference in means and goal. It is a huge misunderstanding that e.g. SEIs are into ignoring discomfort, it is in fact the very motivation for their comfort creating attitudes and they do it so well, you wouldn't even notice that their ultimate motivation is about discomfort avoidance, as a psychological personality trait. Take away an SEIs means of creating comfort, and all their latent psychological issues will soon appear at the surface.
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

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    Quote Originally Posted by sorrows View Post
    The only downside is that of all types ESE can come off as persnickety or "princess" like because we boldly state our Si preferences, and are fairly quick to complain if something does not meet our standards.

    LSI: Let's have lunch at Chipotle.
    Me: Yeah but the furniture there just feels cold. It's wood and concrete.
    LSI ?
    Me: Let's get the order to go and eat it at home.
    That search to become 'perfect', or rather - for it all to be perfect, is tied in with XSE's mobilizing function - the hidden agenda.

    ESE's being extraverted ethical put an emphasis on things being perfect in their relationship sphere, which can mean a reflection of your friends, your partner, the surroundings, where you're seen, can be viewed by you as a reflection of yourself.

    Gulenko's recommendation for ESE

    'Learn to balance you demands and wishes with the real life. Be tolerant of people, develop a more sympathetic attitude towards their shortcomings. Remember that there are no ideal people. With excessive emotional pressuring you can destroy harmony of relationships.'

    Ne can help give a perspective on peoples talents, abilities, why their doing things, how they can improve, and for places too, so it helps ESE by not just having to make sometimes depressive or worrisome judgements based on what's there, but by seeing the potential for improvements of the situation involved.

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    Quote Originally Posted by isptn View Post
    Someone I type as SLI has a tendency to be very particular about sensations and will take action based on subtleties I wouldn't even notice, such as the stuffiness of a room. One thing I notice is that she often refuses to try new foods because something about the texture or appearance disturbs her. She often mentions that something is uncomfortable and then either avoids it or does something to change it.

    I always saw Si as being about leisure, freedom, and enjoyment. That kind of fussiness about physical sensations is something I can't understand. Is it just Delta Si that's like that? Is Alpha Si more open to doing things and ignoring discomfort, or is that still the main focus? When I think of comfort and discomfort, I think of how I would rather have a job I enjoy than a higher paying job I don't like at all. But that's completely different from not wanting to eat chicken strips because they're a little bit dry.

    Is this really what Si is like, or is it just that this particular SLI is overly picky about sensations most people would hardly notice?
    My ILE ex dated a SLI girl who was exactly like this. She wouldn't eat sushi for example because she didn't have any trust for raw fish. It amused and surprise him but eventually he interpreted it in a negative sense, as her being backwards in some way and too closed off to anything new.

    There have been attempts by different authors to describe such differences using the function signs. If you go by Stratiyevskaya's explanation of +/- signs the minus indicates an involutionary property that 'takes a step back', withdraws or eliminates, devolves, goes against the forward progression of time - link. The plus sign indicates and evolutionary property that progresses forward, 'takes the next step ahead', creates, and accumulates.

    SLIs have minus-Si (-Si) while SEIs have plus-Si (+Si), so their Si reactions are expected to be different within the sign theory. The -Si steps back and withdraws or eliminates the unwanted sensations, barricades them off, expresses distrust towards them, avoids discomfort and unpleasantness, while +Si progression is directed forwards, towards accumulation or creation of something pleasant, towards finding that sweet spot. Duals have alternating +/- signs on their functions and in this way their functions complement each other. While SLI's have -Si and -Fi their dual the IEE has +Fi and +Si that make up for this.

    Another thing to consider when thinking about Si is that socionics descriptions of Si strongly overlap with enneagram's Preservation instinct SP - link. Anyone who has strong SP instinct will seem like they are rather picky about stereotypical Si matters, but a lot of that pickiness and fine attunement to their environment and resources will originate from Preservation being their primary value.

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    I can't imagine being a picky eater can really be attributed to type. The pickiest eaters I know are an LSE, ESE, IEI and SEE. But I also know people of those types that aren't picky at all, especially SEE. Being very particular about your environment, lighting, clutter, etc., is definitely Si though.

    I myself fall somewhere in the middle. I like very flavorful food. I'm weird about certain animal products and meat though. I can't even watch someone eat crab out of the shell for instance. I couldn't eat fish with head or bones. I won't eat organs of animals either though I wish I didn't have these hangups.

    And for the aesthetics of a room or whatever, I rarely notice any of it unless it's disgustingly dirty to the point of smelling or if it's so cluttered my movement is restricted. I try to care more for the benefit of the other people I live with though. And if I lived alone I wouldn't decorate anything or ever rearrange shit. My SEI, ESE and SEE roommates are constantly moving shit around. I'll admit I usually appreciate the changes after the fact, but I can't see the point during and think it's a waste of time/boring.

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