
Although I am using the MBTI-style type designations here, do not assume your MBTI type is your Socionics type. Really, it's best to forget what you know about MBTI while on this(or any other) Socionics site. However, in general, the E types are usually the same while the I types are typically their J-P counterpart(ie MBTI ISFP will be Socionics ISFJ).


Socionic Perspective: The Craftsman


soft blankness; internal independence; hard to impress; not easily excited; (emotionally) cool

Model A Analysis
intellectual creative
shyness role
estimative suggestive
personal knowledge concrete art

Socionics Description - From http://www.socioniko.net/

©I.Weisband, Working Materials, 1986.
©Translated by Dmitri Lytov, edited by Lev Kamensky, 2002.

  1. An iceberg in the ocean. He is obstinate, reclusive, almost always equally cold and enigmatic. His movements are quiet, precise, and very economical: other people often get an impression that his results disproportionately exceed the efforts invested. He is characterized by non-ostentatious quiet persistence and reliable accomplishment of everything he commenced, internal responsibility for deeds and modesty. Like a typical Briton, he is not ostentatious in his attitude towards work, as well as not demonstrative in revealing his feelings at all. At first he may seem to do everything coolly, carelessly. But gradually it becomes clear that his unhurriedness reflects his general tempo of life: a combination of relaxation and perfection.
  2. Talented laziness. Unlike The Searcher, he will scarcely spend his energy for futile work. He is a born inventor, but he does not hurry with the implementation of his ideas, until conditions for maximum effect will ripen. He is proud of his capability of not doing unnecessary things; adores comfort and conveniences. When performing common tasks together with somebody else, everything very easily and without pressure from his side goes the way he likes. All space accessible to him is organized ideally for work and rest. He is an aesthete who completely trusts his taste. He dresses very neatly, with taste, but as a rule not challenging convention. His skin is sensible: "a princess on a pea" must have been said about a woman of this type.
  3. Reserved richness of emotions. It is his aptitude for hiding emotions under the mask of inapproachability and coldness that makes them finely ‘polished’ and expressive (there are many actors among representatives of this type, e.g. Vladimir Vyssotsky, Adriano Celentano). He is calm under any circumstances, but calm in a different manner. He remains cold and unapproachable when he loves, and does not hurry to trust feelings of his somewhat frivolous dual (The Psychologist). He is very jealous and mistrustful: he is horrified that his emotions will be ridiculed. In dangerous situations he stubbornly fears nothing, approaches the source of danger very calmly. This is his best move – to go directly towards the opponent, and the stronger one shall prevail. This is also the main pose of the actor Jean Gabin - impertinence, non-compliance, internal correctness and courage. The more lonely he is, the more unapproachable.
  4. Goals and methods. Sometimes he may be mistaken for a lazybones and a chatterbox, especially when being without his dual for long: he speaks a lot but does nothing, as if waiting for something. In such a situation he is really waiting: for a scream for help. He will not work without a goal, and is not capable of inventing goals himself. Only The Psychologist, the ardent enthusiast, has a key, which starts up the precise and flawless mechanism of The Craftsman. As a reward The Craftsman considers the joy he has brought by his labor. He judges about sincerity of others by voice inflection, which automatically mobilizes him. Both desire and joy are often best expressed by his dual – The Psychologist – who is in addition a great specialist of finding talents and admiring them sincerely. And The Craftsman has to be a favorite, for he does not tolerate equal rewarding regardless of contribution. Only sincere feelings expressed by the eyes and intonations can win him over.


Intertype Relation Chart

ISTP Computer Function Analysis

Oldham Style: Adventurous

Basic Pleasure Basic Fear
adventure routine

Oldham's Type Description

  1. Nonconformity. Men and women who have the Adventurous personality style live by their own internal code of values. They are not strongly influenced by other people or by the norms of society.
  2. Challenge. To live is to dare. Adventurers love the thrill of risk and routinely engage in high-risk activities.
  3. Mutual independence. They do not worry too much about others, for they expect each human being to be responsible for him- or herself.
  4. Persuasiveness. They are silver-tongued, gifted in the gentle art of winning friends and influencing people.
  5. Wanderlust. They love to keep moving. They settle down only to have the urge to pick up and go, explore, move out, move on. They do not worry about finding work, and live well by their talents, skills, ingenuity, and wits.
  6. Wild oats. In their childhood and adolescence, people with the Adventurous personality style were usually high-spirited hell-raisers and mischief makers.
  7. True grit. They are courageous, physically bold, and tough. They will stand up to anyone who dares to take advantage of them.
  8. No regrets. Adventurers live in the present. They do not feel guilty about the past or anxious about the future. Life is meant to be experienced now.

Source:Oldham, John M. and Lois B. Morris. The New Personality Self-Portrait Rev. ed. New York: Bantam, 1995.

Likes Dislikes
  • adventure
  • excitement
  • conniving
  • manipulation
  • exploitation
  • being a loner
  • autonomy
  • strength
  • victimizing others
  • being predatory
  • breaking the rules of society
  • looking out for oneself
  • being an aggressor
  • being one of the "haves"
  • being on the attack
  • getting what you deserve
  • routine
  • boredom
  • being abused by society
  • a "dog-eat-dog" world
  • exploitation by others
  • weak and vulnerable people
  • being a victim
  • being a patsy or wimp
  • being a "have-not"
  • being attacked
  • not getting what you deserve

Disorder Perspective

The personality disorder which is a pathological representation of the Adventurous personality type is the Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Basic belief: People are there to be taken. Thinking strategy Attack

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (American Psychiatric Association, 1994, pp. 649-650) describes Antisocial Personality Disorder as a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three (or more) of the following:

  • failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest;
  • deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure;
  • impulsivity or failure to plan ahead;
  • irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults;
  • reckless disregard for safety of self or others;
  • consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations;
  • lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another.

The individual is at least 18 years, there is evidence of Conduct Disorder with onset before age 15 years, and the occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of Schizophrenia or a Manic Episode.

Typical Beliefs

  • I have to look out for myself.
  • Force or cunning is the best way to get things done.
  • We live in a jungle and the strong person is the one who survives.
  • People will get at me if I don't get them first.
  • It is not important to keep promises or honor debts.
  • Lying and cheating are OK as long as you don't get caught.
  • I have been unfairly treated and am entitled to get my fair share by whatever means I can.
  • Other people are weak and deserve to be taken.
  • If I don't push other people, I will get pushed around.
  • I should do whatever I can get away with.
  • What others think of me doesn't really matter.
  • If I want something, I should do whatever is necessary to get it.
  • I can get away with things so I don't need to worry about bad consequences.
  • If people can't take care of themselves, that's their problem.

Copyright 2004 Jimmy Cartrette. All rights reserved.