Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
Thankfully my type doesn't depend on what you, personally think.
And that is why you're not an Fi-ego.

Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
And, considering your typing errors
"Typing errors"? I'll concede that I've misunderstood the definitions of the information aspects, but I rarely commit a typing error.

Quote Originally Posted by anndelise View Post
perhaps that's why you don't see any Fi/Te in your area. It's not because they aren't there, but because you're not recognizing them.
lol you can think that if you want, but defining Fi as "Implicit Field Statics" is a lot different than seeing it in practice. It's funny: in a lot of ways you're smarter than me, and that makes you better at understanding the theoretical aspects of socionics, but when it comes to actually seeing types for what they are, you're fucking clueless. I suggest you peruse the following threads of mine, as they might help you get a handle on what the types actually look like: