EIE (ENFj) Profile by Stratiyevskaya
Socionics EIE ENFj Jessica Biel.png
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Extended EIE Profile by Stratiyevskaya
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Ego Block: 1st Program Function - Fe Extraverted Feeling
For the EIE the world of human experiences and feelings is not only a topic of interest and observation, but also his primary "workshop" and "laboratory" – here he both creates and studies.
To study the human soul, to see the source of a person's pain and sufferings, to show the depth of his experiences and emotions, to understand the emotional motives behind a person's behavior with all their apparent contradictions – in this the EIE sees his predistination; he was born for this, and with this he will be engaged his entire life regardless of his actual worldly occupation.
Not one from EIE's circle of acquaintances will be left without his "emotional effect": to whom he will turn with a minor joke, to whom – with a sharp quip or a ruse, to whom – with sophisticated irony; the EIE reflects the soul of any person as if in a mirror. He can lead any person into his "theater", into his "emotional game", into his "workshop-laboratory".
The EIE often refers to the object of his jokes with an affectionate irony and an aire of lenient superiority, as if he is now positioned above him, in some other world, where the entire absurdity and awkwardness of the behavior of his subject of his attention is particularly evident to him.
EIE's jokes usually have mystifying and mystic black humor undernotes. ("Daniel, here's what I have done for you ... – are you scared?! - I've left you some food. If you don't eat it up, I will then... – scared?! – I will eat it myself! And only try to not drink the milk. I will feed it to the dogs!! – scared now?! No, not you - the milk of course!..")
Creating an oppressive, tense situation comes naturally to the EIE. He can accomplish this in almost any state – good mood, poor mood, from boredom, from having little to do. A minor occasion will suffice. And suddenly metallic notes, strict intonations, and hammered articulation appear in EIE's voice, and a heavily fixated gaze, and timed pauses (during which the EIE deliberates on the continuation of his "monologue").
Around each person the EIE creates a certain emotional field which he "charges" either positively or negatively at his own discretion by constantly expressing his attitudes regarding this person's ethical and personal qualities; moreover, the EIE formulates these statements not as his personal point of view, but as general and already prevailing opinions, which he personally would only be happy to doubt. Since all of this is presented in the form of subtle hints, accompanied by the most expressive mimicry, EIE's conversation partners immediately feel themselves intrigued, and, imperceptibly to themselves, they fall under EIE's social and emotional guidance and influence, becoming "obedient marionettes" moved by the strings of such, as it seems to them, well-wishing and personable conversation partner.
It is very difficult to recollect yourself in time, and to come out of EIE's "charming" social influence - here the EIE immediately acts so offended, disappointed, and filled with regret, that his conversation partner begins to feel awkward for his tactless behavior; seemingly there remain no other options than to voluntarily subject oneself again to EIE's emotional and social influence.**
Putting on either intentionally indifferent, or mysterious, or saddened look, the EIE attempts to draw attention and intrigue everyone who can possibly witness him in this state. Subconsciously, the EIE uses any opportunity to find suitable objects for his emotional influence, most ideal of which is of course his dual Maxim (the LSI), who needs exactly this nature and style of interaction. **
The EIE is most of all annoyed by absence of interest in this "play-acting" and by someone's deliberate unwillingness to become an "actor" or at least a part of the "audience" **. Staunch and impenetrable indifference and lack of involvement in EIE's ethical and social games - this is truly one thing before which the EIE is completely helpless, and it is the very thing he fears the most. The EIE is especially wary and worried by people who "keep a mind of their own" (although it's difficult to be more "on one's own mind" than the EIE him or herself).<br>
[**Translator's note: This profile seems to be centered on describing EIE's of enneagram "image triad", particularly the 3w4. ENFjs of other enneagram types may not relate to such focus on image crafting and purposeful orchestration of one's role and presentation, and conversely people of other sociotypes who are on 3/4 enneagram axis may relate to and exhibit some of the above mentioned traits. Care should be taken to not mistake enneagram's image triad for Beta NF types.]
Any representative of this type, independent of age and occupation, is usually able to coordinate and manage his mimicry, tone of voice, and intonation magnificently well. Due to this ability, the EIE is able to favorably predispose his or her conversation partners, and then do with them whatever he or she wishes, meanwhile obtaining from them the maximum of information. If the EIE so desires, he can make a person calm down and lower his guard, inspire him to sincerity, and persuade him of anything he wishes. Sometimes, the opposite happens, and the EIE will literally "shackle" a person by fear and anxiety, trying to completely subordinate them to his will, and necessitating them to trust him completely.
Hamlet – is a director of human emotions, a director of states and moods. To any person the Hamlet will "assign" precisely that state or mood which he considers necessary to assign. Such emotional "management" is usually done from Hamlet's own considerations, interests, suspicions, and assumptions.
Regardless of the scale on which a representative of this type unravels his activity, whether he is a politician or a low level employee, the EIE with perfection wields his entire arsenal of methods and tools needed to forge a necessary to him public opinion, with the aid of which he then intends to direct the actions of people around him into a specific predetermined course. The creation of a formal or informal groups within an already existing system, the emergence of a new formal or informal leader and the displacement of the existing leadership, the changes within hierarchical layers of the system, the exclusion from the group of those who have interfered with his "rearrangement of forces" – all of this is a sphere of EIE's never ceasing activity, independent of his age, occupation, location, and his current social position.
Arrangement of forces within a hierarchical system – this is the main area of EIE's personal and objective interests, and the most important sphere of his activities. It is extremely important for the EIE to not only find the already existing informal leader, but to also reveal a potential leader. The EIE then forges his relations in current group relative to this future, potential rearrangement of forces and potential change of leadership. For this reason, representatives of this type strive to be in the know of what each person has "on his or her mind". (The EIE is especially interested in and wary of people who are internally independent, who place themselves outside of career, outside of gossip, outside the "interests of the collective", outside of "public opinion": such people are difficult to understand for the EIE, and precisely for this reason they seem particularly worthy of suspicion to him.)
The EIE cannot imagine a life without a struggle. To put this more precisely, the EIE cannot imagine life outside of a state of a struggle. He always has something to fight for, to strive towards, and always someone to do this with. If there is no goal – he will come up with one, if there is no enemy – he will find one. In any case, he won't sit around without a purpose. It is typical for representatives of this type to create obstacles for no reason, solely in order to overcome them. Then life immediately becomes more interesting and eventful for them.
Moreover, these "obstacles" are often of social and ethical nature – some intrigue is stared based on fictional gossip or on EIE's personal suspicions and assumptions; then some kind of process of "fermentation" starts within the group, some kind of splitting into subgroups, into "camps" of "enemies" and "friends", of "like-minded people" and "dissidents", those who are "with us" and those who are "against us." Additionally, the EIE won't allow anyone to remain outside of this process of "fragmentation"; people who refrained from choosing sides or who were absent and didn't play a part in this process the EIE doesn't tolerate for one simple reason – the EIE is intolerant of indifference (to his problems, his interests, his activities). He does not suffer apathy and inattention. In part because he himself does not understand such a state of mind in principle, and thus he does not accept it from others. This is too unnatural for him.
Hamlet – is always a rebel and a restless soul. This is not only Maxim Gorky's character of Danko, who lit up the way for the people with his glowing heart, but also the "petrel bird" who heralds a storm on the sea, and the "lone sail" who is searching for this storm. (Many members of this type, without being aware of this themselves, behave and hold themselves in a very provoking and cocky manner, which is especially evident in their childhood and adolescent years.)
For example, the EIE sometimes looks for a quarrel simply because everything is "too calm and quiet", and this for him is alarming, and frightening, and irritating. By and large, the EIE does not believe in peace and quiet. If the "pool of water has gone too quiet" then there are bound to be "water gremlins" in it, and they have to be identified. It is exactly in such orientation and attitude that the EIE sees the highest manifestation of civic duty and loyalty to the existing regime. (It should be noted that EIE's type of mind has been "programmed" for viability and effectiveness in extreme situations – for periods of totalitarian systems, in the era of violent upheavals in history. To survive in such troubled times and to get through them – this is the most important social and biological challenge for this type of personality. This is why the EIE is characterized by such traits as ethical maneuverability, foresight, prudence, loyalty, and political "farsightedness", as well as the desire to get into the higher levels of the hierarchy, in order to obtain certain advantages in critical situations.)
The EIE is always politically active, always attentive towards his rights and stances as a citizen. He is irritated by an attitude of indifference towards matters of social and public importance. He is annoyed by the type of person who simply lives and exists, who wants to simply keep his peace of soul and mind. The EIE hates "philistinism" and commonality. He can for some time "play" a game of family comfort and idyllic atmosphere, but to "get caught up in mundane life" this he won't allow for himself. Moreover, he will consider this to be a kind of personal degradation. (Some female representatives of this type are very annoyed by society's requirements for women to "lock" themselves into their family circle. Such requirements adversely influence their character, and lead them to turn family relationships into "arenas of military-political struggles".)
The EIE is able to give any, even the most insignificant domestic episode, an "ideological and political" coloration, and on this basis proceed to develop an active social life for himself. It may be someone's anniversary date or someone else has fallen ill - the EIE is already organizing a public collection of money and extending the necessary services. He is busy and bustling more than anyone else, and, most importantly, he is advertising his own initiative, that is, the fact that it is exactly him who heads this initiative. ("Here we have all ..." discussed, decided, appointed, organized, endorsed, supported ... and so on and so forth)
At any age, in any environment, in any situation the EIE puts a claim to leadership. The EIE can find a suitable audience always when he needs it. Give him just a pretext, and already he feels as if at the podium. He is no longer simply talking but "delivering a speech". Moreover, he can hold a public rally without any reason - for this he only needs to be in the right mood (if the "soul burns" or "anger takes a hold"): then the audience will be found, and the topic will be selected. (Unlike Don Quixote (ILE), who can rally anytime, whenever and wherever he pleases, and not always in the language of the people around him, the EIE very carefully chooses his listeners. He always know whom and how he can agitate.) Reproving, condemning, "putting labels", pointing fingers - all of these are not only EIE's self-expression, but also methods of creating a community spirit and shaping the public opinion. And on larger scales - a way of "doing politics" and "making history".
Become the initiator of some undertaking or project, bringing new people to become involved in it, organizing them, leading them - with all of this the EIE eagerly engages himself. And he doesn't have to be a politician for this: he simply needs to "get into the flow of things", to guess the "right" direction and take the "necessary" initiative.
It should be noted that in his social initiatives the EIE is very farsighted and prudent. If he has started something, it wasn't by accident - there is always a long-term goal to it, a calculated goal, not just for the goodness of his heart. (What the EIE does from the goodness of his heart he does not demonstrate and advertise to the public - you never know how others would react to it: What if by these "good deeds" he will get into trouble? For example, a representative of this type for many years in secret from his wife financially helped all of his relatives - a little bit to everyone, to some from his salary, to others from his awards. But he warned everyone: "Don't tell my wife - she should know nothing about this!" There wasn't a single instance that he forgot to make this mention.)
EIE's leadership is also supported by the fact that he or she is was always a born talented actor - and this is EIE's most valuable quality. He is an actor in life, and in the theater (and in history and politics). When the EIE comes on stage, the audience and cries and laughs with him. (And when the EIE "comes to politics" the laughing people remain less and less.)
Many members of this type become distinguished actors, directors, poets, and musicians of the time. As long as the EIE has an audience, his inspiration is inexhaustible.
Ego Block: 2nd Creative Function - Ni Introverted Intuition
If we consider people's emotions as material in the "creative laboratory" of the EIE, then time, in his understanding, is that tool or that furnace by which this material gets tempered and processed. For the EIE it is not enough to create a person's "emotional model" - it's also needed for it to mature "over time", it is necessary to show the nature of a person (that is, the model of his behavior) in the process of its development. The EIE needs to show how it was in the past and how it will be in the future.
The quantity of emotions experienced per a unit of time – this is the formula that expresses EIE's way of existence, his "technological regime".
The EIE imparts an impression that he is able to sense physically the duration of any stretch of time: for him a unit of time is like a living cell that lives with the life of the emotions that fill it. EIE-musician has his own sense of rhythms and tempo - for him there exist micro-rhythms and micro-tempos - and in this lies the secret of his musical expressiveness. The concept of "duration of a note" for him means "the duration of a life of a note", so much each of his notes is saturated by the finest nuances, living with a bright emotional life within a specific destined to it instant. EIE-performer is always recognizable by his skill to maintain note and pause, by his ability to create his performance on the interplay of tempos and nuances of emotions. (Just as EIE-dancer is distinguished by precise coordination of movements, which correspond to the finest musical plasticity, as well as by exceptional expressiveness of gestures. His movements and gestures "unravel" over time as a bud of a flower, his expressiveness builds up, so that spectator is able to witness him, and understand him, and empathize with him.)
EIE-politician knows magnificently well how to manipulate time: he sees the advantages of the development of a situation in time, he knows how "to heal" a problem over time, and he knows how "to grow" a problem over time i.e. he knows how to use time as unique garden where the problem "ripens" to that moment when it can be presented to society in the most convincing form. Hamlet knows how to materialize time, how to make it tangible. He knows how to make others feel the significance of the moment, even if this moment lasts for decades.
The EIE can use his advantages in time, which were granted to him by this or that situation. For example, during wartime an EIE-politician can request an armistice in order to get a temporary respite and use it for the benefit of his own side: to relocate troops, to build up new forces, etc. After resting and collecting forces, he can set up a new "tumult" or "provocation" and thus obtain a reason to renew military actions.
The EIE knows very well knows how to coordinate his activities in time. Whatever he does, it always seems to be very proper in time (i.e. timed well). Any EIE is always a splendid strategist; therefore, each of his activities and actions is pre-determined by purposes and tasks of his final plans, which in turn can be sufficiently flexible. (For example, for EIE-politician the state of war is sometimes more necessary than the final victory in it. Moreover, EIE frequently feels disappointed precisely when the final goal of his actions has already been achieved. Having already grown accustomed to hyper-active, oversaturated with events life, the EIE finds it difficult to switch to another, less active mode of operation - in this situation he feels that something has gone missing from his life, something is lacking, the sensation of the missed or not completely realized possibilities.)
For the EIE it is very important to be confident in the opportuneness of his own actions. And for this very reason he or she must always be properly informed about everything. The EIE is afraid of not having enough information in that which concerns him and which is important to him, as this might lead him to act inopportunely, or worse, to lag behind, which the EIE tries to avoid at any cost. During critical situations, the EIE usually precisely coordinates his activities and actions in time: he usually tries to deal the first blow, moreover this blow must be completely unexpected and stunning with its attacking force: for too much has been put on the stakes. For this reason the EIE needs that people around him share their information and their plans with him. And for this very reason the EIE is wary of people who seem calm and secretive, who remain uninvolved in what worries him: perhaps they already know how to get ahead? Perhaps they have already obtained what he is trying to attain, and this is why they are so calm and sure of themselves?
The EIE is always interested in the experience of other's mistakes and errors. He thoroughly studies them and tries to draw useful conclusions to avoid making the same mistakes himself in the future. But whatever his own negative experiences might be, in the critical situation the EIE acts as his own feelings and intuition guide him to act, even if it goes against reason and common sense. Possibly this is why fanaticism and fanatic self-renunciation are characteristic of the representatives of this type. Many "terrorists-kamikadze" can be found among people of this type. ("Similarly to a match that has burned out but squelched the flame.") The EIE in any historical era can see the highest destiny in giving up his life for an idea, even if this idea has been born in a small circle of his friends and is shared only by a few people. For this very reason a fanatically predisposed representative of this type won't see any large misgiving in taking hostage innocent people, even from his own camp: there is no greater honor than to die for an idea (so let there be at least some use from the "common life" of these folk).
The EIE simply cannot be a passive observer of important historical events. Even working as journalist, international reviewer, or a speaker in news programs and political telecasts, a representative of this type delivers material very tendentiously and purposefully, as if attempting to create around the illuminated by him question a specific public opinion, with the aid of which he as if expects to coordinate the actions of the chief politicians and to direct them to a specific course of action.**
[**Translator's note: EIEs who have enneagram's social instinct as their last one may not fully relate to this strongly socially oriented profile of their type.]
The EIE is characterized by a sense of historical predistination. He may feel himself a part of a historical process, a part of the epoch, the bringer and the spokesman of its ideas. (His tendency for political and civic activity is another reason why he may feel disconcerted and upset by someone else's principled indifference to politics and unprincipled loyalty to some interests.) The EIE can often be seen working on the "ideological front" with sincere enthusiasm and results, which nevertheless does not prevent him from expressing sincere disappointment concerning "historical mistakes" made by his leadership, for he better than anyone else sees the unfavorable trends, tendencies, and outcomes in the social and political spheres of common life.
EIE's life may have periods of bright, emotionally saturated life, filled with the interesting, "large scale" projects and activities; and there can be the periods of prolonged waiting for his "star hour". Moreover, this later period is no less important for the EIE than the first one, and even with its apparent idleness in reality it is no less saturated with activity. This can be the period of EIE's invisible activity, the period of his "preparation" for the decisive moment. It is completely unimportant which deed the EIE will commit in his "star hour": this can be a coup d'etat, a brilliant speech in the parliament, a magnificently orchestrated play, a terrorist act, which signifies the beginning of new historical epoch. The main thing is that in his "star our" the EIE "will enter into the history".
The EIE "sees" time on "large scale" and plays with time to also on "large scale". The small, immediate punctuality is not always important to him; he may live by the schedule he has outlined for the day, or he may not. This is not important to the EIE. The EIE is much more interested in upcoming global scale changes, as well as historical accuracy and the opportuneness of his own actions. It is important to him to organically enter and blend with the epoch, in order "not to be the log, which lies across history".
The EIE understands the nature of one or another epoch, and is able to feel its "slogan". He is able to see analogies and patterns in the alternations of historical periods of time. He also frequently feels nostalgia for that epoch which resonated with him by its ideology, in which ideas close to him in spirit were popular and widespread. And if the EIE doesn't find a place for himself in today's society, he lives in its past.
Super-Id Block: 6th Activating Function - Se Extraverted Sensing
To say that the EIE possesses some special energy, drive, persistence, and significant volitional potential - would be an exaggeration. EIE's drive is more similar to a fixation. Neither can the EIE be called "decisive", for he is inclined to experience doubts and fluctuations. The EIE is also not characterized by any special "push-through" powers. He is always in need of someone who would hustle and exert themselves on his behalf.
The EIE himself does not yield to direct volitional pressuring, but he also resists it with difficulty, since it requires too great of physical exertion and strain than he can provide.
Nevertheless, all of these problems are easily are solved if the EIE is endowed with many jurisdictions and powers within the framework of a specific social system. Then, he can unwind and work with an enormous energy without being fatigued.
The higher EIE's position - the more possibilities he sees for himself. Hamlet is inclined to misuse power. He is capable of using it to assert himself. The awareness of his own authority greatly inspires and activates him. (However, such awareness of his limitless power and authority is dangerous for Hamlet - it converts him into an evil demon, who entertains himself by ruling fates and lives of people.)
To work within the framework of some system is especially beneficial for the EIE, at least because in this case he's already "settled" somewhere and only needs to show himself and what he can do, which is no problem for him. The EIE is flexible and dynamic worker; he knows how to quickly assess the situation and swiftly adapt to new working conditions. He respects the system of hierarchical systems, respects authorities and his higher-ups who have been acknowledged in this system. He respects other workers of this system by whose labor it is maintained and upheld. Within the framework of system the EIE lives conveniently and comfortably. And he is only glad to occupy some position within it.
Sometimes, foreseeing the looming crash of his system, the EIE prepares for possible ways for retreat, and for retention and safeguarding of at least a part of it, on the basis of which it will be possible to recreate its nucleus in the future. When EIE's system is destroyed, he attempts to restore and reconnect the surviving parts to this nucleus, to give them a new slogan, to fill them with relevant meaning, thus preparing it for an advance in the future.
The EIE who has fallen out of his system and who could not find for himself another place in society - is a tragic sight (this is Charlie Chaplin's depiction of an "unemployed drifter").
The EIE finds it difficult to keep himself structured and organized, and make himself do something by his own willpower - for this he needs a willful impulse from the outside. Only his dual the ISTj is capable of keeping the ENFj organized by willful actions - with this the ISTj is usually strict and unwavering. Any other means of influencing the ENFj are usually ineffective: trying to persuade the ENFj verbally, he will simply continue and direct the discussion into the needed to him course, get himself another break while he is talking, and remain with the same opinions. From direct pressure the EIE will also slip away: he'll either become angry and upset, put up a "scene" of his victimhood from vile oppressors, or make witty jokes and start up some comedy.
On the other hand, an ENFj who is interested and wholly absorbed by his occupation does not need to be pushed to work. The most deserving and hardworking representatives of this type, who have achieved for themselves exceptional creative successes, can serve as models of endurance, fitness for work, determination and purposefulness. Although for their excessive physical strain and exertion, they sometimes have to pay with their brilliant and nevertheless short-lived career.
When the EIE is absorbed by work, he may not take his health and his physical capabilities into account. Here, the guidance of his dual the LSI proves to be very appropriate: the ISTj, as has already been mentioned, is exceptionally sensitive and attentive to the states of his dual partner; when EIE's strengths wane, the LSI can switch him to another less strenuous activity or even forcibly insist that he take a break and get some rest.
When the EIE is dualized, there is always a person near him who can coordinate his work and distribute the tasks such that he doesn't overwork himself. By this the LSI creates an optimal regime for his dual for his productive and creative work.
Super-Id Block: 5th Dual-Seeking Function - Ti Introverted Logic
It's difficult to find logical explanations for EIE's actions. At times this should not even be attempted. An impression arises that the EIE sees himself outside of logic and facts. That is, he personally is persuaded by concrete logical arguments, but himself may like a child reference some irrelevant or made-up fact, especially if this information cannot be verified. He can often manipulate arguments and facts at his own discretion and to support his own statements, but he really dislikes and fears it when someone does this to him.
The EIE is always happy for a chance to obtain some necessary or interesting information. Sometimes he does this in a casual way, having first put his conversation partner in a relaxed state, he seemingly unintentionally ask him about some important matter. The EIE often presents him or herself as a constructive, friendly, and attentive conversationalist, at times acting as a kind of curious skeptic, who gently points out some contradictions or omissions in the stated, thus provoking his conversation partners to convincingly argue with him to try to persuade him, thereby releasing to him what they know, informing him about the current state of affairs, as well as disclosing their intentions, plans, and beliefs, and showing their cards to him.
In the opinion of many representatives of this type, science should never be outside of social problems and issues, politics, and public opinion. Moreover, it should actively work for the people and the social system, and serve their needs and ideals. Thus, the direction of scientific research and development should be set in accordance with the humanistic and social needs, projects, and goals of the social system that subsidizes these developments. Having such view, the EIE can combine scientific and ideological activities. True, the consequences of such approach don't always go for the benefit of science. History knows of several examples when some representatives of this type turned the field of scientific research into "ideological arenas", and scientific conventions and reports - into political and personal tournament grounds.
To conduct successful scientific research and development work, the EIE must be persuaded that he is working on the right track - this is especially applicable to new, experimental, not yet sufficiently studied scientific fields.
The EIE often acts in a way that doesn't abide by reason and common sense, since his emotions often predominate over reason. For this very reason, he finds it difficult to be calm and objective, especially for long periods of time. Thus his own understanding of what is objective often consists of that which is convenient and beneficial to himself, and supportive of his goals, statements, and views.
Sufficiently often the EIE exhibits a bias in selection for the "objective information" he's going to use; sometimes he chooses it in a very deliberate, streamlined way - everything depends on which goals he is trying to reach with it. Furthermore, the "objectivity" of the EIE often depends on what state and mood he's in. For example if he is asked to write a recommendation letter when he is upset by something, he may write an "objective, truthful characteristic" with openly critical comments. On an occasion the EIE may provide an analysis when on part completely contradicts the other.
The EIE sufficiently frequently "gets caught" on his own illogicalities, contradictions, and "streamlining" of the facts that sometimes no wish remains to "catch" him at this any longer. Moreover, when the EIE caught and exposed, he or she behaves like a child: acts frightened, worried, fixated, preoccupied, and finally completely entangles and confuses him or herself.
The EIE generally finds it difficult to be logically sequential and consistent. The facts with which the EIE operates are sometimes so chaotically arranged and adjusted to his views, that little of a cogent sensible argument can be observed, only some emotional or ideological trends and proclivities.
Nevertheless, the EIE greatly values the ability to speak out clearly, laconically, and relevantly in other people. Occasionally he tries to memorize someone else's statements or arguments and use them at a convenient time in his own speech, which sometimes consist exactly of a chain of laconic yet expressive and memorable aphorisms.
The EIE can give a clear definition to any concept only in the case when he has thoroughly studied it himself, but if he is asked to provide an explanation in his own words, then most likely it will be something that is far from the truth, or even opposite in meaning.
The EIE respects people who don't miss minor contradictions and omissions, who account for every detail in their assessment of the situation, who are able to figure out everything openly and thoroughly. In essence, the EIE always needs someone who is able to disentangle that which he has so meticulously entangled, someone who has remarkable power of observation and memory, someone who can provide him with the right reference or information, someone who can give him the right instruction or a verified method.
As a summmary: to complement him in his everyday life, to constantly introduce order into his thoughts, affairs, projects, and documentations, the EIE needs precisely such a partner as the LSI; moreover, he is necessary to him as a breath of air. Without the LSI, many of EIE's dreams and intentions will remain as fruits of his hopes and imagination.
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