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    Introduction to Socionics

    Socionics is a theory of information processing and personality type, distinguished by its information model of the psyche, called Model A, and a model of interpersonal relations. It incorporates Carl Jung's work on Psychological Types with Antoni Kępiński's theory of information metabolism. Socionics is a modification of Jung's personality type theory that uses eight psychic functions. These functions process information at varying levels of competency and interact with the corresponding function in other individuals, giving rise to predictable reactions and impressions—a theory of intertype relations.

    Socionics was developed in the 1970s and '80s, primarily by the Lithuanian researcher Aušra Augustinavičiūtė, an economist, sociologist, and dean of the Vilnius Pedagogical University's department of family science. A. Augustinavičiūtė has later shortened her last name from "Augustinavichiute" to "Augusta" to make it easier to spell for foreigners. The name "socionics" is derived from the word "society", because A. Augusta believed that each personality type has a distinct purpose in society, which can be described and explained by socionics. Augusta created symbols to represent the functions described by Carl Jung and — together with a circle of fellow researchers/hobbyists — eventually created what is known as the "socionic model of the psyche" — a description of the psyche where each of the 8 information elements has its place in each person's psyche.

    The central idea of socionics is that information is intuitively divisible into eight categories, called information aspects or information elements, which a person's psyche processes using eight psychological functions. Each sociotype has a different correspondence between functions and information elements, which results in different ways of perceiving, processing, and producing information. This in turn results in distinct thinking patterns, values, and responses to arguments, all of which are encompassed within socionic type. Socionics' theory of intertype relations is based on the interaction of these functions between types.

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    by Published on 12-05-2011 03:31 AM  Number of Views: 97826 
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    7. Visual Identification
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    These particular portraits are from Ekaterina Filatova's book "Personality in the Mirror of Socionics" (2001).

    While the idea of visual identification or VI in application to Socionics types is often met with staunch skepticism, ...
    by Published on 12-03-2011 03:15 AM  Number of Views: 12038 
    1. Categories:
    2. MBTI
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    MBTI: A Closer Examination of Feeling & Thinking

    Jung's Feeling as Rational Function

    “What I mean by feeling in contrast to thinking is a judgment of value; agreeable or disagreeable, good or bad, and so on. Feeling so defined is not an emotion or affect, which is, as the words convey, an involuntary manifestation. Feeling as I mean it is a judgment without any of the obvious bodily reactions that characterize an emotion. Like thinking, it is a rational function. (p. 219)”
    -Carl Jung, Psychological Types

    Jung gives a good explanation of the validity of feeling as a cognitive function that I would like to touch upon. And I want to explain why feelers may have a lot of difficulty in explaining the nature of their understanding of things.

    Many associate the feeling types with irrationality, which is untrue in terms of the manner of which feeling serves as a judging function (this is without the association of emotions). Feeling as a function is not so much emotional subjectivity (or emotions at all), but the ability to feel the essence of something, and quite ...
    by Published on 11-30-2011 10:53 PM  Number of Views: 3488 
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    2. MBTI
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    Understanding the Archetypes through Eight Functions of Type: John Beebe's Model

    source: http://www.erictb.info/archetypes.html

    The key to understanding exactly how functions play out in each of MBTI's 16 types is the archetypes. Jung's larger theories included hundreds of archetypes, which are "character roles" of sorts (model of a hypothetical person in a particular role), within the psyche. A handful of these began to be associated with the function positions in each type, most notably by Jungian analyst John Beebe.

    First, we need to understand that functions (S, N, T, F) or "function attitudes" (Xe, Xi), are perspectives; not behaviors or skills-sets as they are often treated.
    These functions represent the different ways the emotions are brought into relationship with our higher mental operations. They carry what can be called a "sense of meaning" when brought into consciousness by the ego, and when not conscious, come out as felt reactions. In consciousness, they become the "interpreters" of these emotional events.
    Every person goes though life having to process both concrete and abstract information, and then make both impersonal, technical (logical) and personal, humane (value) judgments. Where our type theory begins; and the whole key to it, is in the way this processing affects us emotionally. The functions are differentiated when a greater value is given to those choices where emotion and reason are in synch. When we use a function that is destined to become "preferred", we feel an emotional investment in what we're doing, and we feel in control of our emotional life, so we keep on doing it. We tend to be more stimulated by the function. It then appears to "develop" or get "stronger", and behaviors associated with it will increase.

    We also should know something about Jung's division of the psyche or "larger Self".

    Archetypes are basically defined as "a way of organizing human experience that gives it collective meaning". The conglomeration of images, memories, and emotions surrounding an archetypal core, but unique to ourselves. So they too are tied to our emotional subsystems. This forms the basis of their connection to the functions.
    So one such human experience involves "heroically" solving a problem. That is one archetype. Another experience is supporting others. Another one is looking up to others to support us. And another involves finding completeness.

    While our type preference lies in the ego, which is the conscious part of the psyche, the archetypes lie in the unconscious part, specifically in the area that is "collective", meaning shared by all people.
    The easiest example of the unconscious is simply things we've forgotten. It's still buried in the memory somewhere; we just can no longer readily bring it up consciously. It may come up on its own through dreams, déja-vu's, sudden flashes of memory under stress, etc. Those are personal forms of unconsciousness. There are others that are collective, which are not based on our own memory, but nevertheless shape aspects of human existence such as our inherited images of male and female, good and evil, love and power, that are represented in all cultures.

    When we have individual experiences that fit into these particular collective frames of organization we are discussing, and form a pattern in us, they then enter the personal part of the unconscious, and become complexes. The archetype is at the core of the complex. And then the archetype forms an encasement around the function. The function then becomes the operational perspective or "world-view" of that complex.

    Thus we develop an inferiority complex around the inferior function, a superiority complex around the superior function, a "best auxiliary" complex (the caretaker) around the auxiliary function, and an "eternal child" complex around the tertiary function. (Beebe)

    However, the ego can still access the function apart from the archetypal "shell". Hence, what many people need to realize is that the function is not fated to be equal to its archetypal carrier. This leaves room for the functions to step away from their carriers and operate independently of what brought them into the ego, and for the carriers to go on being their archetypal selves in the background.
    It can then be removed from the context of the unconscious structure as needed. They wouldn't be made use of the same way a type preferring the function would. You could even recognize the standpoint a situation calling for the function requires, but the emotions felt in those situations won't be under conscious control.
    If not so referenced, then it remains conflated with one of the archetypal complexes, at the limbic level of emotional response.

    To sum it up, the different ways the functions manifest:
    by Published on 11-30-2011 02:55 AM  Number of Views: 9618 
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    Jungian Functions in Interpretation of J. H. van der Hoop

    The difference between MBTI Feeling and Emotion

    Later, I shall try to explain the distinction between emotion and feeling as revealed in their external manifestations. For the moment, let us see wherein lies the distinction between the internal experience of feeling and emotion, and what constitutes the distinguishing marks of feeling. If we compare sexual excitement with being in love, or anger with indignation, we note that in the two latter cases there is a much more definite structure. Sexual excitement and anger may be expressed in very various forms, while love and indignation aim much more at a definite form of expression. Thus feeling is more plastic than emotion.

    In the second place, feeling possesses a much closer association with its object. It is possible to vent one’s wrath on another person or on an animal, but indignation cannot so easily be displaced; it is also much easier to express sexual excitement in regard to a different person from the one who originally aroused it, than would be the case with love. Feeling seeks a certain plastic relationship with a certain object. Here I whole-heartedly agree with Shand and McDougall, ...
    by Published on 11-29-2011 01:25 AM  Number of Views: 3766 
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    The Physiology of Type: Jung's Four Functions

    So much has been discovered in the past ten to twenty years that it is now possible to be relatively certain about the physiological bases for Dr. Jung’s Typology. To start with , one can begin to understand the physiology of Jung’s four functions, by developing a working familiarity with the following physiological terms:

    • Functional Specialization
    • Werneke’s Area
    • Broca’s Area
    • Frontal Lobes
    • Posterior Cortical Convexity (Parietal, Occipital and Temporal Lobes)
    • Electrical Resistance
    • Cortical Electrical Efficiency
    • Preference
    • Competency Development
    • PASS (Prolonged Adaptive Stress Syndrome)
    • Corpus Collosum
    • Hippocampus
    by Published on 11-24-2011 12:58 AM  Number of Views: 59347 
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    3. LIE - ENTj
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    Logical-Intuitive Extrovert
    LIE – ENTj – Jack (Entrepreneur)

    To the LIE life is inconceivable without reasonably directed work. In order to obtain a good result he must operate effectively and maybe even take risks, ...

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