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Thread: Your parent's types

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    1404 Post(s)
    3 Thread(s)

    Default Your parent's types

    Adam Strange (LIE) - ISTP, ESTJ
    aisa - ESFP, INTP
    Aiss (INFP) - , ESFJ
    Aleksei (ENFJ) - ISTJ, ENFJ
    Alstroemeria - ISFJ, ISFP
    Amber (ISTJ) - ENTJ, ISFJ
    Anglas (ENTJ) - ISTJ, ISFJ
    anndelise (ENFP) - ESFP, INFJ
    April - INTP, ENFP
    Aylen (INFP) - ENFJ INTP~, ISTJ
    Azeroffs (ENTJ) - ESTJ, ENTP
    Bane (ENFJ) - ENTP, ISFP
    bionic (ENTJ) - , INFJ
    Blaze (ENTP) - INFJ, ESTJ
    BulletsAndDoves (INFP) - INTJ, ESFJ
    calenwen - ESTJ, INFJ
    Chae (ENFJ) - ISTP, ISFJ
    chips and underwear - ISTP,
    CILi - , ISFP
    Codie (INFP) - , ESFJ
    ConcreteButterfly - ENTJ, ESFJ
    Contra (INTP) - ESTJ, INFJ
    Crispy (INTP) - , ISFJ
    Cuddly McFluffles (ISFJ) - ISTJ~, ESFJ
    DaftPunk (ISTP) - , ISTP
    darya (ENFJ) - ISTJ, ENFJ
    dinki (INFP) - ISTP, ESTJ
    Director Abbie (ESTJ) - ENFP, ISTP
    DividedsGhost (ESFJ) - , ISFP
    Eliza Thomason (ENFP) - ISTP, ISFJ
    epheme - ISFP, ENFP
    EyeSeeCold (INTP) - , ESFJ
    Francesca Rose (INFP) - , INTP
    Galen (ENFP) - ESFJ, ISFP
    glam - ISTJ, ENFP
    golden (ENFJ) - ESFP, INTP
    Guillaine (ENFP) - INFP, ISTJ
    HERO (INFP) - , ENFJ
    inumbra - , ESFJ
    jewels (ENFP) - INTJ, ISFP
    Jenna (INFP) - , ENFJ
    Joven Erudito89 (INFJ) - , INFP
    JuJu (ENFJ) - ISTP, ESTP
    Krig the Viking (INTJ) - , INFJ
    lemontrees (ISFP) - ESTJ, ESFP
    LeShay (ESFP) - ISFP~,
    Logos (INTJ) - , ENFJ
    lungs (ISFJ) - ISTJ, INFP
    machintruc - ISFJ, ENFJ
    malna (INFJ) - INTJ, ENFJ
    Marie84 (INFJ) - ISTJ, ENTP
    Maritsa (ENFJ) - ESFP, INTP
    Martrix, The (ENFJ) - INTJ, INFP
    MasterfulMischief - ESTJ, ISFJ
    Mattie (ENFP) - INTP, ESFP
    meatburger (ENFP) - ISTJ, ISFJ
    Mediator Kam (ISFP) - , ESFJ
    mikemex (ENFP) - INTJ, ENFJ
    NorthernRose - INFJ, ESTP
    Nowisthetime (ISFP) - , ISFJ
    meals (ISTP) - , ISFJ
    Morcheeba (ENFJ) - , ESTP
    Myst (ISTJ) - LIE, ESI
    Narc (ENTJ) - INTP, ISFJ
    NewBorn STAR (ESTJ) - ISFJ, ISFJ
    octo (INFP) - INTJ, ESFJ
    Persephone - ESTP, ESTJ
    Pink (INFP) - ENTJ, ESTJ
    PistolShrimp (INFP) - ESTP, ISFP
    Pookie (INFP) - ISTJ, INFJ
    Radio - ESFJ, ENFP
    Raver (ENFP) - , ESFJ
    redbaron - ISFP, INFJ
    ryoka14 - ISFP,
    Saberstorm (INTJ) - ENFP, INFP
    Saoshyant (INTP) - , ENFJ
    sindri (INFP) - INTJ, ISFP
    SisOfNight (INFP) - ESTJ, ESFJ
    Slacker (ENFP) - ENFJ, ENTJ
    Sol (ESTJ) - ISTJ, ESFJ
    Starfall (INFP) - INFP, ENFP
    strangeling - ESTJ, ISFP
    Subteigh (INFJ) - ISTJ, ISFJ
    suedehead - , ISFP
    Supremacist (ISTP) - INFJ, ENFJ
    Suz (ESFJ) - , ISFP
    SyrupDeGem - INFP ENTP~,
    thehotelambush (INTJ) - ISTJ, ENTJ
    Typhon (ENFJ) - INTP, INFJ
    unefille (INFJ) - ISTJ, ESFJ
    Warlord - ESTP, ENFP
    willekeurig - ISTJ, ENFJ
    woofwoofl (ESFP) - , ESFJ
    Wynch (ENTP) - ESTJ, INTP
    xerx (ENTP) - ISTJ, ENFJ
    yellow82 (ESFJ) - , INTP
    Zed (INTJ) - , INFJ
    1981slater (ENTP) - ISTJ, ENFJ
    717495 - , ISFJ

    in '()' is generally the type a member thinks as own
    father, mother
    ~ - adoption parent


    types of brothers/sisters:
    Last edited by Sol; 09-11-2018 at 10:51 PM.

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