Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
Manipulated when it comes to sentiment maybe, but regarding what happened with the election, it isn't just the Trump detractors that state Biden won the election fairly. I'm outside the US, and it isn't hard to judge what happened coming from voices in the media who have nothing to lose either way (whether Biden wins or loses, is what I mean by "either way" I'm referring to journalists and so forth, not politicians who would want Biden to win or to lose for partisan reasons).

I mean, really, it's only Trump and his supporters that are saying it was manipulated...there really is no evidence it was, and it's only his supporters who repeat this. I agree that there is bias against Trump when it comes to sentiment, but I don't believe anything was manipulated when it comes to the election, and in the absence of evidence you probably shouldn't either.
Thanks for explaining Uncle Ave. Where are you located? I am curious to know.

Truly the world is watching to see what will happen in America now. But what you are hearing is from mainstream media in America, from whence comes the vast majority of news. And just like what you see of us from Hollywood, it does NOT represent mainstream America. Mainstream America voted for Trump by a landslide; and what you hear to the contrary is a big LIE, which will soon be exposed. It is not exposed yet, only hinted at by reports that are vigorously denied, and so vigilantly that YouTube has a banner on any video on President that "Biden has been elected our next president!" How ridiculous! But they are desperate because they know it is about to crash down on them. They believe if you tell a lie often enough, it will be believed, and they will hold onto that mission until there is no one left who can believe them.

Yes, the evidence of the truth of the election is now suppressed, but not for long. The real election facts WILL become unbelievable, I am predicating. I don't expect you to believe me until you see the facts. I am saying it now so that you can be forewarned, and when you are surprised by truth, along with everyone else, you will have already heard that many, many people predicted this will come to pass.

But did you notice how our own President is silenced and censored? They say that people are realizing that if the very President of America can be silenced, then so can they, the regular folk.

A few places have not yet been censored and are able to speak and make videos, since, thank God, we are not YET North Korea and Communist China. Like this, from an independent network:

Interesting video from Fox news, a network that a house cleanse almost as much as the others - [Apparently for this one you have to actually click on the link.]:

Another independent network:

Prophets are saying that soon not only will the government be cleansed, but also the media.