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Thread: Democrats: What if?

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Default Democrats: What if?

    (Borrowed heavily from @Aylen's email in another thread,. Not to pick on Aylen, but I have little time to make this point, and Aylen, your points seems representative of many here. So I am working with that to clarify your and others thinking.

    The following in Blue, I think, is what most Democrat's think:

    1. Supposedly, only Trump rigs elections, and Trump was trying to do something tricky to win votes by asking them to vote in person. So Biden is direct and true. More honest, anyway.

    2. Supposedly, people turned out for Biden in droves. They did NOT turn out in droves for Trump. Biden is the American people's pick!

    3. All the Media says Biden won, and they tell us that Americans picked Biden, so, it must be true. The media basically mostly tells us the truth. The media cares pretty much about truth, honestly and integrity!

    4. Trump's plan to encourage voters to vote in person was actually "not well thought out". [Trump is not smart, so, he can't have been onto anything of any significance].

    5. Trump's telling people in NC to vote twice, in person and by mail, to test the system was NOT motivated by Trump wanting people to easily see the truth of Democratic voter fraud! Trump just wanted voters to commit fraud on his behalf.

    6. When Trump complains that the election wasn't fair, he is just a whiner, because obviously there is nothing of substance to this allegation. Nothing happened in this election that is of any of significance to the American people.

    7. Trump doesn't seem upset (Did you notice? I did.) This must be because he is a magical thinker or something. Or he can't process reality and is in some kind of strange happy positive place? Because, after all, what is there to be positive about?

    Okay, WHAT IF? I am asking you, Biden voters, and there are so many of you here at the16T, and @Adam Strange - I wonder what you think becasue I really respect your Socionic opinions if not your politics, and @Aylen -, because I looked at what you wrote becasue I am interested in your thoughts, and I thought it was representative of what other Democrats think, so I used it for this post: What if things are not what they seem right now? What if:

    1. It wasn't Trump but Biden, Harris and the Democrats who truly rigged the election, and it is about to be PROVED?

    2. What if the American people turned out in DROVES for TRUMP, and NOT Biden? What if Trump won American votes by a LANDSLIDE - and he is who America wants, and it can be proved beyond a shadow of a doubt?

    3. What if not only the above is true but the MEDIA was fully aware of the fraud and took an active role in perpetrating it? What if Biden and Harris were proved fully aware of and cooperated with the fraud?

    4. What if Trump asking North Carolina to do the above actually WAS a test of the fraud being perpetrated in the system?

    Re: 5., 6., 7., and ALL of the above:

    What if it is revealed that Trump expected massive voter fraud since he got voted into office and actually did something massively pro-active about it in all these years, using his superior intelligence and incredible drive to put into place the biggest STING OPERATION in the HISTORY OF THE UNTIED STATES?

    What if the reason Trump does not look upset at a "loss" right now is becasue he is completely certain he did not/will not lose? What if it turns that his relaxed demeanor is Trump 'biden' his time, letting the frauds dig themselves in deeper, to make the treason charges stick?


    Does that seem impossible? Because I expect it to happen, and I am not the only one. Many of us are have great hope, and great peace in that hope, that fraud is about to be exposed in full, and that justice will be done.

    So want if this is true? I want to know! What would be your reaction or your response? Would you be surprised? I hope so! I hope naivety/ignorance is what makes people vote for the most radically pro-abortion candidates it the history of the nation. I don't think the majority of Americans went to vote for these truly sick and sorry persons. I think they voted en masse for Trump. I think many blue states went RED. I think we will learn that Republicans won a lot more than the presidency! I can't wait to see the REAL numbers! Because I love it when the truth comes out! And the numbers WILL be real, and AUTHENTIC!

    The media mocks Trump for talking about "authentic votes", but "authentic" is the KEYWORD here and they know it. They know what is coming so they are priming you to think it is something NOT real. Biden and Harris' "happiness" looks FAKE to me, because they HAVE to know they have LOST, and the Media wants them to play this pretend in their usual effort to create division in America. Yet the reality of real, countable "authentic votes" will soon be exposed. I can't stay up to explain more, but the keyword here is watermarks. The long-planned huge sting operation involves watermarks on ALL authentic ballots. The watermarks will expose the actual votes. That is what I have learned, and I believe it.

    I don't have an inside view of the politicians or the media. I am listening to intelligent persons who are experts in their fields and also to people who claim to be prophets of God whom I discern to be truthful. God doesn't let anything big happen without sending his prophets to foretell it. I know that means little to many but it is the truth. What I have heard also fits in my observations. I think Trump is extremely intelligent and amazingly resilient and I think he GETS THINGS DONE like no other president in history. I KNOW he is whom God wants for president because he speaks pro-life and that is what matters, above EVERYTHING. Because without life you don't have ANY of those other things. It starts with the gift of life and without that you have noting. Life comes from God and it is NOT ours to take. Abortion is an intrinsic evil and we have slaughtered MILLIONS of lives in their country, and only by the mercy of God we ahve not felt His justice for that. We killed unique and precious souls that we NEEDED on earth, that earth was robbed of. [Those black lives matter, too! Every black life matters!] It is also an act of violence against the mother. And anyone who claims that Roe v. Wade resulted in LESS abortions has something perversely wrong with their noggin. You can no longer think. Only parrot senseless things.

    God wants America to have a president who will decrease, not increase abortion, and Trump is His man for the job. Millions of Americans have prayed and prayed and prayed for this day, and I believe God will not let their prayers and their votes go in vain. God will act. I believe with God's help, and some very smart people who care about America and care about truth, the truth and all it's rot will be exposed. The Media's ugly core will show, and they will fight extremely hard to stir up strife, division, hatred and violence. That is what they want for America.

    But in the face of that, millions of us are praying for peace. Black, white, and every color - we stand strong in this, and we fight with prayer. We have faith, and heavenly hope.

    Sound crazy? I don't care. But what if I am right?

    So what I want to know is, what if the above is true? How would you feel about your Democratic party, and what the Media tells you to think? It would not be surprising to me. But would it be to you? I would hope so.
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 11-10-2020 at 02:24 AM.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    Sure bro
    It's pretty damn obvious that this election was "finessed" as it were. Hence why I'm not at all worried no matter who "wins" the election. See, either Trump gets his second term despite the fraud, or Biden gets it but Trump's legal case makes it patently obvious to anyone with half a brain that he only won because of fraud and the hopelessly corrupt system simply elected to preserve itself (i.e. over half the population concludes our "democracy" is a farce and acts accordingly).

    I've said it in other threads in regards to the latter outcome. Mises hit the nail on the head. Governments, all governments, ultimately rule by the consent of the grand majority. Either by active consent or passive resignation to their fate. It ain't gonna be active and a 44m to 41m divide isn't nearly enough to encourage passive resignation. A mere 7 percent numerical advantage? When we 41 million folks have seen what our ideological/intellectual opponents look like by and large? You think I don't judge my odds of taking on the average Land Whale/Soyboy who barely understands how farming/gardening, fire building, and fucking logistics works in a bar brawl/war are significantly against my chances of victory? Hell, dumb fat danger haired and flabby limbed fucker probably can't handle the recoil form a .22 pistol, let along how to aim properly using perfectly zeroed iron sights! No, FPS vidya games don't count (as if most of them are fans of that genre of game or any other type of "challenging" game at all).

    Point is, we know our "enemy" is weaker than us mano a mano, so they'd need a rather significant numerical advantage to beat us. An advantage we now know for a fact, without a shadow of a doubt, that they do NOT have. Ya wonder why there's no riots from our side? It's because we're confident we'll win given how blatant and obvious it is to anyone with an IQ north of 75. And if we don't, well, perhaps you'll be willing to join us once you see the farce laid bare before your own lying eyes. We'll accept you, give you a hug and not even blame you for your opposition. You were brainwashed by the enemy after all. Most of us were at one time, not a thing we can hold against you. You'll find that the average "right-winger" like me is far more accepting and tolerant than any SJW .

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    (Borrowed heavily from @Aylen's email in another thread,. Not to pick on Aylen, but I have little time to make this point, and Aylen, your points seems representative of many here. So I am working with that to clarify your and others thinking.

    The following in Blue, I think, is what most Democrat's think:
    1. Supposedly, only Trump rigs elections, and Trump was trying to do something tricky to win votes by asking them to vote in person. So Biden is direct and true. More honest, anyway.

    2. Supposedly, people turned out for Biden in droves. They did NOT turn out in droves for Trump. Biden is the American people's pick!

    3. All the Media says Biden won, and they tell us that Americans picked Biden, so, it must be true. The media basically mostly tells us the truth. The media cares pretty much about truth, honestly and integrity!

    4. Trump's plan to encourage voters to vote in person was actually "not well thought out". [Trump is not smart, so, he can't have been onto anything of any significance].

    5. Trump's telling people in NC to vote twice, in person and by mail, to test the system was NOT motivated by Trump wanting people to easily see the truth of Democratic voter fraud! Trump just wanted voters to commit fraud on his behalf.

    6. When Trump complains that the election wasn't fair, he is just a whiner, because obviously there is nothing of substance to this allegation. Nothing happened in this election that is of any of significance to the American people.

    7. Trump doesn't seem upset (Did you notice? I did.) This must be because he is a magical thinker or something. Or he can't process reality and is in some kind of strange happy positive place? Because, after all, what is there to be positive about?

    Okay, WHAT IF? I am asking you, Biden voters, and there are so many of you here at the16T, and @Adam Strange - I wonder what you think becasue I really respect your Socionic opinions if not your politics, and @Aylen -, because I looked at what you wrote becasue I am interested in your thoughts, and I thought it was representative of what other Democrats think, so I used it for this post: What if things are not what they seem right now? What if:

    1. It wasn't Trump but Biden, Harris and the Democrats who truly rigged the election, and it is about to be PROVED?

    2. What if the American people turned out in DROVES for TRUMP, and NOT Biden? What if Trump won American votes by a LANDSLIDE - and he is who America wants, and it can be proved beyond a shadow of a doubt?

    3. What if not only the above is true but the MEDIA was fully aware of the fraud and took an active role in perpetrating it? What if Biden and Harris were proved fully aware of and cooperated with the fraud?

    4. What if Trump asking North Carolina to do the above actually WAS a test of the fraud being perpetrated in the system?

    Re: 5., 6., 7., and ALL of the above:

    What if it is revealed that Trump expected massive voter fraud since he got voted into office and actually did something massively pro-active about it in all these years, using his superior intelligence and incredible drive to put into place the biggest STING OPERATION in the HISTORY OF THE UNTIED STATES?

    What if the reason Trump does not look upset at a "loss" right now is becasue he is completely certain he did not/will not lose? What if it turns that his relaxed demeanor is Trump 'biden' his time, letting the frauds dig themselves in deeper, to make the treason charges stick?


    Does that seem impossible? Because I expect it to happen, and I am not the only one. Many of us are have great hope, and great peace in that hope, that fraud is about to be exposed in full, and that justice will be done.

    So want if this is true? I want to know! What would be your reaction or your response? Would you be surprised? I hope so! I hope naivety/ignorance is what makes people vote for the most radically pro-abortion candidates it the history of the nation. I don't think the majority of Americans went to vote for these truly sick and sorry persons. I think they voted en masse for Trump. I think many blue states went RED. I think we will learn that Republicans won a lot more than the presidency! I can't wait to see the REAL numbers! Because I love it when the truth comes out! And the numbers WILL be real, and AUTHENTIC!

    The media mocks Trump for talking about "authentic votes", but "authentic" is the KEYWORD here and they know it. They know what is coming so they are priming you to think it is something NOT real. Biden and Harris' "happiness" looks FAKE to me, because they HAVE to know they have LOST, and the Media wants them to play this pretend in their usual effort to create division in America. Yet the reality of real, countable "authentic votes" will soon be exposed. I can't stay up to explain more, but the keyword here is watermarks. The long-planned huge sting operation involves watermarks on ALL authentic ballots. The watermarks will expose the actual votes. That is what I have learned, and I believe it.

    I don't have an inside view of the politicians or the media. I am listening to intelligent persons who are experts in their fields and also to people who claim to be prophets of God whom I discern to be truthful. God doesn't let anything big happen without sending his prophets to foretell it. I know that means little to many but it is the truth. What I have heard also fits in my observations. I think Trump is extremely intelligent and amazingly resilient and I think he GETS THINGS DONE like no other president in history. I KNOW he is whom God wants for president because he speaks pro-life and that is what matters, above EVERYTHING. Because without life you don't have ANY of those other things. It starts with the gift of life and without that you have noting. Life comes from God and it is NOT ours to take. Abortion is an intrinsic evil and we have slaughtered MILLIONS of lives in their country, and only by the mercy of God we ahve not felt His justice for that. We killed unique and precious souls that we NEEDED on earth, that earth was robbed of. [Those black lives matter, too! Every black life matters!] It is also an act of violence against the mother. And anyone who claims that Roe v. Wade resulted in LESS abortions has something perversely wrong with their noggin. You can no longer think. Only parrot senseless things.

    God wants America to have a president who will decrease, not increase abortion, and Trump is His man for the job. Millions of Americans have prayed and prayed and prayed for this day, and I believe God will not let their prayers and their votes go in vain. God will act. I believe with God's help, and some very smart people who care about America and care about truth, the truth and all it's rot will be exposed. The Media's ugly core will show, and they will fight extremely hard to stir up strife, division, hatred and violence. That is what they want for America.

    But in the face of that, millions of us are praying for peace. Black, white, and every color - we stand strong in this, and we fight with prayer. We have faith, and heavenly hope.

    Sound crazy? I don't care. But what if I am right?

    So what I want to know is, what if the above is true? How would you feel about your Democratic party, and what the Media tells you to think? It would not be surprising to me. But would it be to you? I would hope so.
    I can do "what ifs" just fine but I prefer narrowing things down to probabilities. Did you even look up Trump's connection to Norman Vincent Peale?

    This is what I said.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Reminder: The only one who tried to rig the election was Trump.

    Trump told his supporters to vote in person and not to vote by mail. That is because he put his croney in charge of the post office hoping he would be able to delay delivery past the deadlines to receive votes in each state. I was getting mail for neighbors and vice versa. I have packages still lost in transit.

    His plan was not well thought out. People turned out for Biden in droves for early voting and returned ballots early by mail. My neighbors who waited too long to vote by mail used drop boxes. Trump also told people in NC to vote twice, in person and by mail, to test the system. I don't know if he won NC or not but just sayin'. He wanted his voters to commit fraud on his behalf.

    This is what you get when you vote a reality star into office, a diva throwing a fit because they aren't as popular as they thought. I am so sick of Trump whining about how people are so unfair to him. Suck it up princess, the world isn't fair but that doesn't mean the election wasn't fair.

    Donald Trump has a type of magical thinking, kind of like LOA, which has served him pretty well in the past. His guru was Norman Vincent Peale. Right now his brain can't process what is happening. His feelings are hurt and he is angry. It's going to take awhile for him to come to terms with his new reality. One he won't take responsibility for creating. Look up Norman Vincent Peale.

    I have always believed Biden would win. I turned off the news because I was picking up the stress and moods of others from it so I am not up to date on numbers.

    Edit: Apparently I was slow on the draw for some of this. @kingslayer beat me to it.
    I have a "what if" for you... what if you are wrong about everything? Just something to think about.

    Edit: I am a LPR so I can't vote. I'm not a democrat. I will register as an independent, breaking from family tradition, when my citizenship goes through though, in case I want to vote in the future.
    Last edited by Aylen; 11-10-2020 at 01:12 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    It's pretty damn obvious that this election was "finessed" as it were. Hence why I'm not at all worried no matter who "wins" the election. See, either Trump gets his second term despite the fraud, or Biden gets it but Trump's legal case makes it patently obvious to anyone with half a brain that he only won because of fraud and the hopelessly corrupt system simply elected to preserve itself (i.e. over half the population concludes our "democracy" is a farce and acts accordingly).

    I've said it in other threads in regards to the latter outcome. Mises hit the nail on the head. Governments, all governments, ultimately rule by the consent of the grand majority. Either by active consent or passive resignation to their fate. It ain't gonna be active and a 44m to 41m divide isn't nearly enough to encourage passive resignation. A mere 7 percent numerical advantage? When we 41 million folks have seen what our ideological/intellectual opponents look like by and large? You think I don't judge my odds of taking on the average Land Whale/Soyboy who barely understands how farming/gardening, fire building, and fucking logistics works in a bar brawl/war are significantly against my chances of victory? Hell, dumb fat danger haired and flabby limbed fucker probably can't handle the recoil form a .22 pistol, let along how to aim properly using perfectly zeroed iron sights! No, FPS vidya games don't count (as if most of them are fans of that genre of game or any other type of "challenging" game at all).

    Point is, we know our "enemy" is weaker than us mano a mano, so they'd need a rather significant numerical advantage to beat us. An advantage we now know for a fact, without a shadow of a doubt, that they do NOT have. Ya wonder why there's no riots from our side? It's because we're confident we'll win given how blatant and obvious it is to anyone with an IQ north of 75. And if we don't, well, perhaps you'll be willing to join us once you see the farce laid bare before your own lying eyes. We'll accept you, give you a hug and not even blame you for your opposition. You were brainwashed by the enemy after all. Most of us were at one time, not a thing we can hold against you. You'll find that the average "right-winger" like me is far more accepting and tolerant than any SJW .
    Thanks for the word salad, but I'm not hungry.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Thanks for the word salad, but I'm not hungry.
    Its really weird, in Canada, its the conservatives from the Deltas who love Trump. I never really understood this.

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    I have been absorbed in my work with little time to spare, but I have put thought and prayer into this election, between things. @Aylen asked me above: what if you are wrong about everything? Aylen, I think you didn't answer my question about what if you are, though. Maybe because it seems to you too remote a possibility for you to entertain it?

    To answer yours I would say I am not there yet where I can imagine it. So many prophets have said he would be president and so many have prayed. I am AMAZED and sobered by the amount of people who are praying very deeply for Trump - and God - to triumph. I have never seen anything like it in my whole life as a Christian. It is totally unprecedented. It is the most unity between practicing Christians that I have ever seen. Also for me, since summer, this is the most sustained amount of regular prayers I have ever prayed in my life, and my daily prayers, primarily for God's hand in this election and for our nation, have tripled that of the prayer in my entire life. It feels like MORE than tripled, because I have been so busy; it has been difficult somedays to make time. I have never prayed this much for a thing. And at the same time I have made this change, I am finding people everywhere who have simultaneously done the same thing. Like we all had the same thought. An army of prayer warriors from every walk of life. It is instant unity. And I keep hearing that people all around the world are praying for us, and the end to the cheating corruption in our elections.

    God just does not ignore this kind of prayer. I think it is fueled by the massive and increasing loss of innocent life. Tonight I heard the Massachusetts Republican (RINO) Governor this week signed as law for abortion to be allowed up to the moment of birth! And babes born alive, after attempted abortions, can be killed! Horrible! We are like China, already! And yet, I am filled with hope and I know that hope is not from me. It must be from God.

    Whenever I waste my time reading any of the ridiculous lying media propaganda hype, I can start to get discouraged. I can always find instant hope listening to prophets - there are SO MANY! It is unprecedented! - and they are all saying the same things. Don't give up. God promises He WILL act. We WILL have justice. It is so strong, these prophetic messages. One said tonight: "January is for Justice. February is for Fury. March is for celebration." The prophets are all assuring: God will act, the lies and fraud will be clearly exposed. God will act as mightily. We are now posed like the Israelites at the Red Sea with the army pursing us. It is frightening. We feel alone. But God is about to act mightily to save us from the lies, the cheating, the fraud, and the most of all the bloody horror of the massive slaughter of innocents. The liars and the frauds and the cheaters in government and in the media have had there day, but their day is nearly done! It will all be exposed. Government leaders will be out of office. God will clean house.

    And I believe it, because the blood of the innocents cries out from the earth and that is one of the times that God acts! Another reason is injustice, and this election stinks with injustice. It is over the top with it, as are our elected officials. But God will come with vengeance and justice. That is what the prophets say. And they say that Trump will be the next president. And I believe it.

    I started to doubt, on Epiphany. I was shocked by the behavior of the Trump supporters, shocked this is so against what i have seen personally with Trump supporters, but it is typical of the hate, ugliness and aggression I have seen from the left. I have done a lot of driving since October, and I have seen how the supporters are everywhere, and it is all the same. They are salt of the earth types -that is always notable. They are peaceful. They are not violent. They are prayerful! And I saw footage of the Trump supporters gathering in Washington, and they were the same. So prayerful! So joyful! They are praying for God to act and thanking him, in faith, before they see Him act. How could they turn different and start crawling and climbing and shoving into the Capital? Well that's because it wasn't them, it was Antifa, and if you have had that hidden from you in the news, because the official news media is the only place you get your news, that is going to change soon, too, because the prophets say because God will expose to ALL the lies and corruption, and the corrupt will be weeded out! That has to mean the entire media system.

    That is what the so many, many prophets are saying. They are in UNITY on this. I began to wonder, these prophets, so many are Protestant, they don't have the fullness of faith, but yet, I know many Catholics, mis-catechized in our faith because of our "deep church" bishops, do not have the fullness of faith, so that so many Protestant's are actually more Catholic in practice (unknowingly). I know God speaks to Christians and believers everywhere. But I wondered, was I not listening with enough discernment? So I asked myself what prophet am I COMPLETELY confident in, and that is clear - it is the Prophet of Loretto. He said back in the 80's that Trump, that playboy millionaire, would someday lead America back to God, and I BELIEVE IT. So I asked, can Trump do this when he has lost his landslide election by fraud, with the media giants banning him from Facebook, Twitter and Parler? Well since I don't believe Trump will do this as a evangelicals speaker, I say, no. It is not likely, at all. So yes, I do believe what these prophets say, so many of them, of every stripe, that he WILL be president. God says (though these prophets) "Trump is my Trumpet". The prophets are telling us to be at peace, because God will act, and mightily, this month. So I am expecting that surprise. Except it won't be a surprise for me. There will be so much rejoicing!

    These media giants, corporate giants, government s giants, these liars, cheats, and frauds, seem all-powerful but they are ants compared to the power of God, who WILL act to defend the innocent and for justice. I wait on Him to act. He is the Mighty One. He is good and He is just. He is our defense. I trust in Him.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    The following in Blue, I think, is what most Democrat's think:

    1. Supposedly, only Trump rigs elections, and Trump was trying to do something tricky to win votes by asking them to vote in person. So Biden is direct and true. More honest, anyway.
    Not really... I didn't think any of the previous Republican wins (George W, Trump) were rigged. Though I would like the electoral college gone. Popular vote only, one person, one vote, the end. The electoral college overrides the popular vote which I find unacceptable. I don't think the Biden win was rigged either. I think that Trump started this story early bc he feared he would lose so then when he did lose, he'd already been building it in the imaginations of his supporters, so he was able to convince them even more about it.

    I do think Biden is more honest than Trump, but that isn't to say I think he is honest!

    2. Supposedly, people turned out for Biden in droves. They did NOT turn out in droves for Trump. Biden is the American people's pick!
    2008: Obama 69,498,516 (52.9%); McCain 59,948,323 (45.7%)
    2012: Obama 65,915,795 (51.1%); Romney 60,933,504 (47.2%)
    2016: Clinton 65,853,514 (48.2%); Trump 62,984,828 (46.1%) - note Clinton won popular vote, Trump won electoral
    2020: Biden 81,281,502 (51.3%); Trump 74,222,593 (46.9%) according to The Cook Political Report

    By popular vote, Biden won. But it seems there was much more voter turnout for 2020 in general, so you could say people came out in droves regardless. That said there was better democrat turnout by these numbers than in 2016, and the percentage win was greater than in 2016, so this "in droves" statement probably is more accurately applied to the democrat voters relative to the republican voters.

    3. All the Media says Biden won, and they tell us that Americans picked Biden, so, it must be true. The media basically mostly tells us the truth. The media cares pretty much about truth, honestly and integrity!
    It's possible for the media to have an agenda and also be correct that the election results weren't fraudulent. Also, the news media did not count the votes. They merely reported the count. I mean really compare things between 2016 and now. In 2016 Trump ran on a more populist right wing platform promising change; in 2020 we've had this nasty pandemic situation, these economic problems, a lot of chaos from Trump over the last four years, and not really that much payoff on his grandiose promises. It makes sense that people would vote him out after all that even if they don't like Biden/Harris much. (Sure the left-leaning news media LOVES Biden/Harris and wants to portray it as if everyone who voted for them loves them too, but that they have their agenda doesn't change the vote exactly. Although, how they tried to push more fringe Democrat candidates out of the media spotlight IS something that might affect the vote. They do have their slight influence.)

    4. Trump's plan to encourage voters to vote in person was actually "not well thought out". [Trump is not smart, so, he can't have been onto anything of any significance].
    Idk about this. I know he wanted to make a big deal about mail-in voting as part of his election fraud argument set-up, so ofc he would encourage ppl to vote in person and um imply that perhaps they should intimidate other voters at the polls lol. I'm not sure I'd argue anything he does is "well thought out." It needn't be taken personally, now we have Biden who cannot think either. Sometimes a moron is just a moron.

    5. Trump's telling people in NC to vote twice, in person and by mail, to test the system was NOT motivated by Trump wanting people to easily see the truth of Democratic voter fraud! Trump just wanted voters to commit fraud on his behalf.
    Well, he does do everything for himself. Sorry if you haven't noticed.

    6. When Trump complains that the election wasn't fair, he is just a whiner, because obviously there is nothing of substance to this allegation. Nothing happened in this election that is of any of significance to the American people.
    Pretty much. He wants to win, he will do anything to win, he doesn't care if he really won. It's all about him. This is the kind of person he is. (To translate to Fi, I'm saying he is a "bad person" lol.)

    7. Trump doesn't seem upset (Did you notice? I did.) This must be because he is a magical thinker or something. Or he can't process reality and is in some kind of strange happy positive place? Because, after all, what is there to be positive about?
    I don't follow his roller coaster temperament this closely. He might be a magical thinker, as I suspect in my non-professional, non-expert opinion, that he is afflicted with narcissistic personality disorder. Oh dear.

    Late edit: I don't think either side is very helpful to the vast majority of the ppl. I'm a bit skeptical that either side can change much and am not sure if they have any real power over all the wealthy individuals and corporations that pay them.

    Also, didn't notice how old this thread was... so none of the current info would have been available to OP. Sorry about that!


    Quote Originally Posted by raTG13 View Post
    Its really weird, in Canada, its the conservatives from the Deltas who love Trump. I never really understood this.
    i think this is true in the US as well... it reminds me of Dario Nardi's strange Defender Si definition:
    Act as an anchor. On guard, and guard others. A firm sense of culture and history. Stick with the strongest impressions from your upbringing. Prefer convenience and familiarity. Block big changes. Traditional. Aim to civilize.
    Imo, Delta STs can be incredibly conservative and traditional. I wouldn't see it as "revolutionary" but more feeling backed into a corner such that one's way of life is being threatened. I feel like there is internal strife in delta between the STs and NFs. NFs often push for change and STs often resist it. I suspect liberal deltas usually represent the NFs having won out and conservative deltas the STs having won out. (Also I don't always necessarily mean people, but the disposition of NFs vs. STs in delta.)

    The recent "storming of the capitol" seemed quite Delta ST to me. It didn't have really an Se revolutionary vibe from my pov.
    Last edited by marooned; 01-11-2021 at 01:11 AM.

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    @eliza Thompson, if these prophets are wrong, will you reconsider your belief in them?

    Besides your belief that Trump will somehow reverse Roe v. Wade, why do you think Christians should support Trump?

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post

    i think this is true in the US as well... it reminds me of Dario Nardi's strange Defender Si definition:
    Imo, Delta STs can be incredibly conservative and traditional. I wouldn't see it as "revolutionary" but more feeling backed into a corner such that one's way of life is being threatened. I feel like there is internal strife in delta between the STs and NFs. NFs often push for change and STs often resist it. I suspect liberal deltas usually represent the NFs having won out and conservative deltas the STs having won out. (Also I don't always necessarily mean people, but the disposition of NFs vs. STs in delta.)

    The recent "storming of the capitol" seemed quite Delta ST to me. It didn't have really an Se revolutionary vibe from my pov.
    I agree. There was plenty of the "violent side" of Si in the storming. Randomly a good chunk of the people storming you could get a good VI look at were Si egos. Se valuers don't have a monopoly on violent actions.

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    sry to say this, but ppl storming the capitol didn't seem particularly... bright tbh.

    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    I agree. There was plenty of the "violent side" of Si in the storming. Randomly a good chunk of the people storming you could get a good VI look at were Si egos. Se valuers don't have a monopoly on violent actions.
    when Gammas and Deltas try to ruin the fun:

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    democracy as the power of a majority
    capitalism as the power of a minority with big money
    do not match

    there is no democracy in capitalistic states. there is the dictatorship of a minority (<10%) of millionaires and near

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    @Eliza Thomason, if these prophets are wrong, will you reconsider your belief in them?
    My belief is in God and it is to God that I pray about this election. I prayed rosaries, the most powerful weapon on earth. The opposition is huge; gov't officials and the media lie to the people and the people believe, and not only that, they dictate to the people what they are supposed to think and feel and believe and the people swallow it whole. So it seems impossible! But nothing is impossible to God. God is my Rock, my ever present help in trouble. I am troubled about the state of our country, I am troubled about the dictatorship and the Marxist goals of the left. I am troubled about the end of democracy, and that elections can be stolen, and of foreign interference in our elections. But God is my refuge and my help. That is Who I believe in. I believe God will hear our prayers and He will act. He is telling us now through prophets that the evil deeds done in darkness WILL be exposed, and that is the hope I hang onto, in spite of all appearances and the lying stories of the media. And the hate of the left and of the media is DIABOLICAL. It is a supernatural source of hate. It is powerful, but God is more powerful.

    God has a plan, and I believe it is for revival. Yes, these many prophets are saying that, and I have to believe because I do believe the Prophet of Loretto who said that Trump will bring America back to God. I can see with Biden/Harris that cannot happen. They will outlaw Christianity, or at least lay the foundation for that. That will never happen with Trump on duty. Did you hear his Christmas message? Wow! My heart swelled hearing it. I felt such peace of God, such hope hearing it from the President. The real Christmas story at Christmas! Unheard of! The bet believers in England were impressed, having, like us, never heard a REAL Christmas message from a head of state!

    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Besides your belief that Trump will somehow reverse Roe v. Wade, why do you think Christians should support Trump?
    Because Trump is not only who the peole voted for overwhelmingly by a landslide, he is also God's pick for the next four years, which is obvious since the other party is diabolically pro-abortion. God hates the killing of innocent life, and he will act and intervbene against this evil. Because any other political issue matters NOTHING if you don't have life, if it has been taken from you by having your limbs torn off in the womb while you silently screamed, everything other right means NOTHING if you don't have life. God HATES it. I want what God wants.

    I have been watching more and more prophets, and I have heard two comment also that it is UNPRECEDENTED how much people are praying. So we can see already that Hermit (Prophet) of Loretto was is RIGHT - Trump is really bringing America back to God. I feel I was already "with" God, but this election has made it more so. And so many that I meet, it is the same. There is unity among us, we are untied in fervent pray and united in unshaken belief that God WILL act. We are pray because the enemy is more powerful than us, we cannot defeat it. But the enemies of God think they have to act to get their agenda so they are violent.

    The people who gathered at the capital this week were peaceful, happy people, gathering to make their opinion known but trusting GOD to bring justice. I saw lots of footage, that the media hides but can be found elsewhere online, of happy praying crowds, people singing hymns of praise as they approached the capital, calmly and slowly. I also saw footage of the police earlier that day welcoming Antifa off the train and escorting them to the capitol. They were already there when the crowds arrived, they carried Trump flags to make it looks as if they were Trump fans but you can see their pictures online and you can see the pictures they published earlier this years of themselves as Antifa members. The same people. And I saw footage of the police at the capital egging the Trump supporters into the capital building, motioning them in! And the media is still today telling stories about violent MAGA activists! What liars! But the prophets say this is going to be exposed soon, and the the liars will be taken down. They will be replaced! Good riddance! Only God can do this, and I believe he will. The prophets are saying there will be the biggest shakeup this nation every when all these deeds of darkness are exposed for everyone to see.

    Here is a couple of prophets that I have watched recently (out of many others who also feel trustworthy to me), also telling more about how this is going to happen, according to what they are convinced they have been told about these events to come (they say, as many others have, that there will be a great cleansing that will shock the nation and the world):

    "2 Presidents. 2 Inaugurations" [perhaps meaning one after the other?]

    "God just showed me HOW Trump will actually rightfully sit a 2nd term"
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 01-13-2021 at 07:57 AM.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    I love this lady:

    One commenter says below this video on this video says, "This election is about God vs satan, good vs evil, light vs dark. It's not just an election it is warfare." That describes the general common feeling among all the Christians praying right now. That is what this election is all about. Good vs. evil. It's that clear.

    Some gems from the video:

    "Donald J. Trump WILL be our president again."

    "Everything they set to do to him, and against him, it will FAIL" I believe it!

    'With God on his side, who can be against him." Yes.

    "When you don't know what else to do, all you can do is run to the Most High God, and He will fight your battles" Amen!
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 01-13-2021 at 07:58 AM.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Love this lady:

    One commenter on this video says, "This election is about God vs satan, good vs evil, light vs dark. It's not just an election it is warfare." That is the general common feeling among all the Christians praying.
    Maybe you should pay more attention to the G.K. Chesterton quote in your signature.

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    Chronicles 7:14 " If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    @FreelancePoliceman, maybe you are going with these prophets

    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Default Another respected Prophet says:

    [4 min. video]: ["God is going to clean out the news media. Rebuild and restore them because there is no spirit of truth in them right now."

    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Default Another prophet

    This is Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj. Prophets all over the are watching and praying and they have prophetic words for us.

    The video is 5 min. 57 seconds.

    This man's whole message is powerful. He is truly a man of God. He concludes:

    "America will be made great again. Not only in the natural, but also in the spiritual... The promise, the covenant that He had made with your forefathers, from the day they had consecrated and dedicated this land to the living God, God had made some covenants and promises with them. And those covenants and promises will reach their zenith in the next term. So you want to [have] a righteous man in the office who will open greater doors of freedom, for the Gospel of the kingdom of God, to go the length and the breadth, from the east coast to the west coast. God is extending his grace for this nation, one more time for America for the next four years."

    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 01-13-2021 at 07:59 AM.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    lol it wasn't rigged, Trump just failed to appeal to his original fan base. I think people mostly woke up that he wasn't really going to do anything to improve their own lives or to 'shake up the system' that they wanted. His narcissistic posts just got tiring after awhile - even in the beginning I was amused at them but I think it just got old.

    And I respect your faith, but I highly doubt God is just going to come down and make everything right with a lightning bolt- sorry. I agree with you there are some really shady and duplicitous assholes in the upper echelons of society though. But I also refuse to see it as a left-right thing because I think doing that is a mistake.

    And those same people you don't like and claim are left-wingers or "Democrats", in my experience there have been some creepy right-wing Republican 'Deep State' folks as well- one who emotionally and psychologically abused me and many others when I was a minor.

    Assholes are attracted to power- because they are assholes. Not democrat/republican or anything like that. Only God can truly judge- yet everybody else does it anyway. Everybody wants to play God, not many people want to truly do as Jesus commanded, eh?

    And maybe you/we shouldn't demonize them either, even though they are so obviously demonic to us. Maybe they are just like you, trying to do what's right in their own way & failing miserable at it as only God can do "right", but I guess that is too nicey-nice IEI/SEI like. Yeah just let God fry them all... it looks 'cooler' anyway than AoE healing. I don't know, sorry.

    Every human is like, sees the Pure Demon in other people but not themselves- because when you see it in yourself, you have to truly take responsibility ((hard and scary when it's so easy for everybody to just blame others and point fingers, myself included)) and you're not popular or liked at all, you have to be okay with being destroyed in the wrath of fires as Demons do etc- and not many people have the balls to do it, why do you think ethically conflicted and self-loathing SLE hunks are so hot?

    left/right is usually too vague for me to understand what the person is referring to. If you mean you shouldn't abuse or torture somebody for being different or black/gay/woman/Owlkin or whatever- then I guess I'm very left-wing in that sense, but I don't think you should be all authoritative with your message either - especially if the situation doesn't really warrant it as that's pretty ass-y too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    lol it wasn't rigged
    Lol it was rigged.

    I don't really care to present a case but I'll write a little on it;

    Basically, it's hard to put together a compelling case quickly within weeks - this stuff usually takes YEARS to put together.

    As an illustration, imagine losing $10,000 from your home. The very next day, you find $10,000 in your brother's pocket. However, this would not be considered "evidence" according to the courts.

    So things like a big pile of biden votes appearing in the middle of the night suddenly is not considered as "evidence" and unfortunately there wasnt enough time to find something more definitive.

    Republicans are also too dumb to simplify their case and not united AT ALL, never-mind Barr throwing Trump under the bus. Democrats are good at coming together and marketing their shit: "NO EVIDENCE" plastered all over the news is all it took to strike the nail in the coffin and it was game over.

    I did, however, find it annoying that democrats/everyone lashed out on Trump even though they've wrongly accused him of rigging the 2016 election for 4 years. They don't play by the same rules. Lol
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 01-13-2021 at 01:38 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee View Post
    Lol it was rigged.

    I don't really care to present a case but I'll write a little on it;

    Basically, it's hard to put together a compelling case quickly within weeks - this stuff usually takes YEARS to put together.

    As an illustration, imagine losing $10,000 from your home. The very next day, you find $10,000 in your brother's pocket. However, this would not be considered "evidence" according to the courts.

    So things like a big pile of biden votes appearing in the middle of the night suddenly is not considered as "evidence" and unfortunately there wasnt enough time to find something more definitive.

    Republicans are also too dumb to simplify their case and not united AT ALL, never-mind Barr throwing Trump under the bus. Democrats are good at coming together and marketing their shit: "NO EVIDENCE" plastered all over the news is all it took to strike the nail in the coffin and it was game over.

    I did, however, find it annoying that democrats/everyone lashed out on Trump even though they've wrongly accused him of rigging the 2016 election for 4 years. They don't play by the same rules. Lol
    No, they didn't. Unless you are not talking about the same people.

    Also the rest of your post basically agrees that there is no evidence of election fraud - as far as we know. Noone is saying that something may not come out later - but based on the available evidence, there was no fraud. But what do you expect them to do? Postpone the result of an election because there is "suspicion" that there might be voter fraud? In the absence of proof?

    Also I doubt this type of thing takes years to prove, at the age of the internet. Edit: I mean finding evidence to build a case upon shouldn't take years, an investigation itself could take a while, however. But since there is no evidence to begin with, it may actually take forever...

    Also, how do you explain that republican congresspeople won the same elections in the states Trump lost? Or is the system rigged just against Trump, and not against Repubilcans? It sounds to me more like a paranoid fantasy that Trump uses to manipulate people.
    Last edited by Ave; 01-13-2021 at 02:49 PM.
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    The problem with the OP is that we're looking at "what ifs". Who cares about what ifs? You don't even understand or know what actually happened, not that the information isn't there, you just don't want to see it?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    No, they didn't. Unless you are not talking about the same people.

    Also the rest of your post basically agrees that there is no evidence of election fraud - as far as we know. Noone is saying that something may not come out later - but based on the available evidence, there was no fraud. But what do you expect them to do? Postpone the result of an election because there is "suspicion" that there might be voter fraud? In the absence of proof?

    Also I doubt this type of thing takes years to prove, at the age of the internet. Edit: I mean finding evidence to build a case upon shouldn't take years, an investigation itself could take a while, however. But since there is no evidence to begin with, it may actually take forever...

    Also, how do you explain that republican congresspeople won the same elections in the states Trump lost? Or is the system rigged just against Trump, and not against Repubilcans? It sounds to me more like a paranoid fantasy that Trump uses to manipulate people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee View Post
    I'm sorry if that was harsh against you Peter, that wasn't my intent.

    I just get kinda upset because it feels to me like people are being manipulated by Trump and his close circle into believing conspiracies that benefit him.
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee View Post
    Lol it was rigged.

    I don't really care to present a case but I'll write a little on it;

    Basically, it's hard to put together a compelling case quickly within weeks - this stuff usually takes YEARS to put together.

    As an illustration, imagine losing $10,000 from your home. The very next day, you find $10,000 in your brother's pocket. However, this would not be considered "evidence" according to the courts.

    So things like a big pile of biden votes appearing in the middle of the night suddenly is not considered as "evidence" and unfortunately there wasnt enough time to find something more definitive.

    Republicans are also too dumb to simplify their case and not united AT ALL, never-mind Barr throwing Trump under the bus. Democrats are good at coming together and marketing their shit: "NO EVIDENCE" plastered all over the news is all it took to strike the nail in the coffin and it was game over.

    I did, however, find it annoying that democrats/everyone lashed out on Trump even though they've wrongly accused him of rigging the 2016 election for 4 years. They don't play by the same rules. Lol
    Yes, it is hard to put together a case quickly but I believe what credible believers/prophets are saying unanimously - that something big will happen soon. They all say that the lies, fraud and works of darkness will be exposed. They say EVERYONE WILL KNOW. They say the house will be CLEANED. Justice WILL prevail. Suddenly, and in a BIG way that no one will miss. What has happened in the darkness will be exposed to the light for ALL to see. No more confusion about the truth. And that cannot happen without God's intervention. But we have stormed heaven praying for this, and we believe the Lord has heard our prayers, because He is Good and He is Merciful. These prophets keeps saying that when this nation was founded it was consecrated to God in covenant, and He will keep His covenant, in spite of how we have been - which is most sorrowful.

    It is probably obvious to you, like it is to me, that God is sustaining this man in a truly supernatural way. How could he still stand with dignity, after being the target of such constant onslaught of diabolical hate for so long? Clearly God is helping him. So many attempts to bring him down and he is like silicone, it's all non-stick for him. It is remarkable.

    "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

    We are the people called by His name, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    When I read posts like this my brain skips like a scratched CD while I try to access the levels of sheer despair and disbelief required to feel an emotion appropriate to the ridiculousness of what is being said and believed.

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    lol it wasn't rigged, Trump just failed to appeal to his original fan base. I think people mostly woke up that he wasn't really going to do anything to improve their own lives or to 'shake up the system' that they wanted. His narcissistic posts just got tiring after awhile - even in the beginning I was amused at them but I think it just got old.
    I think it was very much and hugely rigged. I respect and understand that it does not seem so to you. I believe you have been deceived, like a massive number of Americans, and that you will soon see the actual truth for yourself, at the time everyone else sees it. That is, everyone who also stands with you believing that Biden won the election fairly. He did not, not at all, and I believe that soon everyone will see this truth beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    There are always some who will not believe a thing because the power of their will not to believe what they do not want to believe will hold out, but, I personally expect that when God soon acts, it will become an extremely difficult belief to hold onto.

    Also, I used to also believe, probably because of the across-the-board big media stories, that Trump did not do anything to improve our lives. It was actually not until this summer, when I began to pray in earnest over our president, the election and our nation did I completely change my mind on that. I believe he did what he said he would do, and I have never seen that so strong in any president. I believe he will go down in history, after his next four years, as the greatest president in our nation's history. (At least one of them! Our first was pretty exceptional!)

    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    And I respect your faith,
    I believe that and I appreciate that very much. Thank you. It is a gem in these times where basic disrespect is rampant. And I believe God will reward you for that respect.

    In fact, I have a premonition (not a prophecy; I am not a prophet) that this means you will someday share my faith. : ) Because what comes to mind is a time when I showed respect for a faith I did not believe, years ago, at the time I was getting my Masters. I made, quite uncharacteristically for me, a very bold statement in class, defending the need to respect Catholicism. (I was a Christian at the time, but to me Catholicism was, at least, questionably even a Christian faith). I spoke boldly during a critique, in front of the whole class, and the professor leading it, who was hostile to my faith, turned shades of red and purple in silent fury when I made it, but there was nothing she could say in the face of the truth, a truth clearly and silently acknowledged by the rest of the class. Because the teacher had been praising and fawning over an artwork a fellow student had made disrespecting Mary - whom I did not consider a particularly important person - just a vessel God used for His purposes, I am ashamed to say now. Then years later, I most unexpectedly came to believe in the truth of Catholicism, when I didn't want to - because I loved my faith practice as it was, and becoming Catholic caused me much loss of what I held dear. It was a highly inconvenient belief at the time - yet, I felt great joy to discover the truth of Catholicism, and I could not say no. And at this time grief and great joy I remembered that long-ago statement I'd made in defense of Mary, a person unimportant to me at the time, and I felt my new treasure of faith was due to the grace of Mary, our Mother's powerful intercession. A reward. Because you can't out-give God.

    I wish that joy for you someday, BndD. I believe you will have it.

    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    but I highly doubt God is just going to come down and make everything right with a lightning bolt- sorry. I agree with you there are some really shady and duplicitous assholes in the upper echelons of society though. But I also refuse to see it as a left-right thing because I think doing that is a mistake.
    That's okay, I don't expect you to believe, but I believe you will when God acts fast and strong like lightening, and justice truth and prevails, and everyone sees it. : )

    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    And those same people you don't like and claim are left-wingers or "Democrats", in my experience there have been some creepy right-wing Republican 'Deep State' folks as well- one who emotionally and psychologically abused me and many others when I was a minor.
    I don't like liars and deceivers in the media at all, or in politics, and certainly both parties have them. Yes Republicans too have lots of deeply creepy deep state folk. In the same way my beloved Catholic Church is overflowing with "deep church" bishops right now. Something is going to happen soon with all that, I do believe. And in the Republican party there is also a large group of RINO infiltrators. (DINOs being a much more rare breed).

    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Assholes are attracted to power- because they are assholes. Not democrat/republican or anything like that. Only God can truly judge- yet everybody else does it anyway. Everybody wants to play God, not many people want to truly do as Jesus commanded, eh?
    Yes, politics are chock full of of power seekers. And power corrupts. So it really stinks in that arena. Only the exceptional can resist temptations and avoid corruption. I think Trump is one of those rare exceptions, and it is because God has chosen to assist Trump, to accomplish His purposes. Who knew a man with his past would become great? But I believe he will, in the end, be seen for the greatness I believe he has already manifested. God uses whom He wills. And we know, in the past, God has often used the most unlikely persons to accomplish His purposes. Prophets now tell us that God says, "Trump is My trumpet". I am believing that. I think later, after the truth comes out for all to see, many will also believe it.

    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    And maybe you/we shouldn't demonize them either, even though they are so obviously demonic to us. Maybe they are just like you, trying to do what's right in their own way & failing miserable at it, as only God can do "right", but I guess that is too nicey-nice IEI/SEI like. Yeah just let God fry them all... it looks 'cooler' anyway than AoE healing. I don't know, sorry.
    I like you nice IEI ways, BandD. : ) Yes, I agree, and also think that most of those who consider themselves left are people just like me, trying to do my best and often failing. Yes, only God can do "right". I also think there are those on both sides who are truly evil, especially because, as you point out, politics is full of corrupt power-seekers. But stealing the election from the American people - - and I respect that many folk genuinely do not believe, at this time, that this happened - - is a great evil that will take down our nation if that action is allowed to hold. But God is our help and He has heard our prayers and He will not let it happen! (In spite of appearances to the contrary, today).

    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Every human is like, sees the Pure Demon in other people but not themselves- because when you see it in yourself, you have to truly take responsibility ((hard and scary when it's so easy for everybody to just blame others and point fingers, myself included)) and you're not popular or liked at all, you have to be okay with being destroyed in the wrath of fires as Demons do etc- and not many people have the balls to do it, why do you think ethically conflicted and self-loathing SLE hunks are so hot?
    Yes it's true we sure find it so crystal clear to see the faults of others while being blinded with a big plank in our own eye. And SLEs have their attractions to be sure. I dated one for awhile many years ago! He was a nice guy and not scary. I was also attracted to, but afraid to date, one or two others...

    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    left/right is usually too vague for me to understand what the person is referring to. If you mean you shouldn't abuse or torture somebody for being different or black/gay/woman/Owlkin or whatever- then I guess I'm very left-wing in that sense, but I don't think you should be all authoritative with your message either - especially if the situation doesn't really warrant it as that's pretty ass-y too.
    Well I am not sure, either, but I know that being prolife automatically puts me to the right. And it is the issue that trumps all others, so, that is the pile I get put in.

    The vast majority of folk in both piles are against torture and abuse of anyone, and despite what the media-liars are telling us to believe, the vast majority of both parties believe all persons should be respected for their life and existence, no matter their color, gender or orientation. So I don't believe there is a divide there. The clear divide is Anti-Abortion/Prolife vs. Pro-Choice-To-Abort/Anti-Life (for the weak who can't defend themselves).

    Another divide we can see is a tendency to smaller gov't/more freedom vs. big government/less freedom. And these in recent days, especially since the start of covid when they removed all comments from all media stories, another agenda is becoming crystal clear: Free speech, vs. NOT.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    I'm sorry if that was harsh against you Peter, that wasn't my intent.

    I just get kinda upset because it feels to me like people are being manipulated by Trump and his close circle into believing conspiracies that benefit him.
    I understand this sentiment, but I do believe that it is not the Trump supporters who have been manipulated, but the Trump-detractors, who have been manipulated by the overwhelmingly united voice of the influential Trump-haters - the only ones whose voices are allowed in the big bandstand right now. I respect and understand your not seeing that at this time, and that is not your fault. It is a reason why God has to intervene to expose the darkness to the light. He will soon!
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    I think Eliza Thomason is my mom.

    it’s like they are the same person lol
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    I understand this sentiment, but I do believe that it is not the Trump supporters who have been manipulated, but the Trump-detractors, who have been manipulated by the overwhelmingly united voice of the influential Trump-haters - the only ones whose voices are allowed in the big bandstand right now. I respect and understand your not seeing that at this time, and that is not your fault. It is a reason why God has to intervene to expose the darkness to the light. He will soon!
    Manipulated when it comes to sentiment maybe, but regarding what happened with the election, it isn't just the Trump detractors that state Biden won the election fairly. I'm outside the US, and it isn't hard to judge what happened coming from voices in the media who have nothing to lose either way (whether Biden wins or loses, is what I mean by "either way" I'm referring to journalists and so forth, not politicians who would want Biden to win or to lose for partisan reasons).

    I mean, really, it's only Trump and his supporters that are saying it was manipulated...there really is no evidence it was, and it's only his supporters who repeat this. I agree that there is bias against Trump when it comes to sentiment, but I don't believe anything was manipulated when it comes to the election, and in the absence of evidence you probably shouldn't either.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
    I think Eliza Thomason is my mom.

    it’s like they are the same person lol
    Well she is a wonderful person, right? : D
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    ... Yeah just let God fry them all... it looks 'cooler' anyway than AoE healing....
    No one will rejoice to any "frying" of liars, cheaters, those trying to manipulate of with falsehoods and those seeking to ruin our country and to take freedom and democracy away from us. Most people, particularly most Christians, do not rejoice at others sufferings. But yes we look to God for justice and we will rejoice to see the deeds of darkness in the light and true JUSTICE for the offenders. They should be thrown out of office, and replace with newer, truer replacements, and their careers should be over for GOOD. And they should be jailed for any jailable crimes, like TREASON.

    [I can't figure out what AofE healing is though.]
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    Manipulated when it comes to sentiment maybe, but regarding what happened with the election, it isn't just the Trump detractors that state Biden won the election fairly. I'm outside the US, and it isn't hard to judge what happened coming from voices in the media who have nothing to lose either way (whether Biden wins or loses, is what I mean by "either way" I'm referring to journalists and so forth, not politicians who would want Biden to win or to lose for partisan reasons).

    I mean, really, it's only Trump and his supporters that are saying it was manipulated...there really is no evidence it was, and it's only his supporters who repeat this. I agree that there is bias against Trump when it comes to sentiment, but I don't believe anything was manipulated when it comes to the election, and in the absence of evidence you probably shouldn't either.
    Thanks for explaining Uncle Ave. Where are you located? I am curious to know.

    Truly the world is watching to see what will happen in America now. But what you are hearing is from mainstream media in America, from whence comes the vast majority of news. And just like what you see of us from Hollywood, it does NOT represent mainstream America. Mainstream America voted for Trump by a landslide; and what you hear to the contrary is a big LIE, which will soon be exposed. It is not exposed yet, only hinted at by reports that are vigorously denied, and so vigilantly that YouTube has a banner on any video on President that "Biden has been elected our next president!" How ridiculous! But they are desperate because they know it is about to crash down on them. They believe if you tell a lie often enough, it will be believed, and they will hold onto that mission until there is no one left who can believe them.

    Yes, the evidence of the truth of the election is now suppressed, but not for long. The real election facts WILL become unbelievable, I am predicating. I don't expect you to believe me until you see the facts. I am saying it now so that you can be forewarned, and when you are surprised by truth, along with everyone else, you will have already heard that many, many people predicted this will come to pass.

    But did you notice how our own President is silenced and censored? They say that people are realizing that if the very President of America can be silenced, then so can they, the regular folk.

    A few places have not yet been censored and are able to speak and make videos, since, thank God, we are not YET North Korea and Communist China. Like this, from an independent network:

    Interesting video from Fox news, a network that a house cleanse almost as much as the others - [Apparently for this one you have to actually click on the link.]:

    Another independent network:

    Prophets are saying that soon not only will the government be cleansed, but also the media.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Well she is a wonderful person, right? : D
    Actually, she really is! I love my mom
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    As somebody that is firmly and probably always going to be an "independent" because I can't stand the bickering of either side, I have no sympathy for the Republicans here because they have been saying that Democrats have been falsely voting for years, if not decades, but done nothing about it; and now because they lost in a hugely polarizing election, the Republicans are using this as fuel to have a giant meltdown. Really, it's not hard to read between the lines here. Republicans lost, even if enough cheating caused a change in the outcome; and if the Republicans can't show enough evidence to get the courts to overrule the election or step in and force a revote or something of that nature, then the focus needs to be on preventing it in the future, not burning down the capitol and murdering everyone in fun as that might be (in a way)...I mean jesus Anubis, how ridiculous does this need to get?
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    Default Specifics on how this "lightening" event will play out

    How will this sudden change of truth and justice play out, this even that will surprise America nd the world? How can trump be our next president, how can this change that has to happen soon come about? Here are two prophets that I trust explaining more how they say God told them it would happen:

    "Robin Bullock: 2 Presidents, 2 Inaugurations" [9 min., 36 sec.]
    - You can skip to start at 4.0 min. to hear a very wise explanation of how Biden cannot hold that office because of having no authority. It is a true spiritual perspective.- But if you just want to hear what he has to say prophetically about 2 presidents, start at 8 min.

    Here is another prophet I trust, Chris Yoon:

    This one is called, "God just showed me HOW Trump will actually rightfully sit a 2nd term" quote from Yoon's video, "Even the Media will be shut down... It will shock America, shock the world."
    For a great understanding of who Christ is and understand where he is coming from as well as wise words about the situation we are in, and information concerning other nations colluding to change our votes, as well as politicians like Pelosi as well as judges, watch the whole video.

    editing to add: youtube removed this very swiftly for "violating youtube guidelines"". Too much information about WHAT EVIDENCE THEY HAVE for election fraud. Truly the media needs a serious cleanse! So GLAD they will be shut down for a time! But know they are afraid of the young prophet Chris Yoon! Here is Chris' video today, called "Thousands are messaging me about their dreams of Trump winning & a coming revival":

    1/12/21 Prediction from prophet Sharell Barreras: "Every Goliath will fall".
    1/13/21 - Today Robin Bullock says God told him "It is TIME for Jack Dorsey". Bullock did not even know who Dorsey was; someone with him had to explain who it was. Bullock did not have any indication what God meant by "time for", only that he heard that statement from God. But I read that Twitter now has lost 5 billion after censoring Trump. If that is any indication of what "time for" means, it is clearly not good time Dorsey is in for. And when allows His name to be connected to thing, you know to expect perfect justice.

    Another, who also speaks of Trumps accomplishments! He speaks the truth:
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 01-13-2021 at 10:46 PM.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    I'm sorry if that was harsh against you Peter, that wasn't my intent.

    I just get kinda upset because it feels to me like people are being manipulated by Trump and his close circle into believing conspiracies that benefit him.
    Nah it's fine man lol. But I'll add one last thing here regarding all this stuff:

    1. I honestly don’t care about turning the election around, and I certainly won't be spying on Biden for the next 4 years

    2. What I do care about; accepting results that are fair, not skewed and unfair

    3. Election was rigged. More examples of “smoke” to share for future reference:

    --Mainstream media, big tech’s censorship (Hunter Biden) and misinformation campaign.

    Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive

    Hunter Biden

    --Direct ballot stuffing, invalid ballots, and all the shenanigans that went on with that.

    --Illegal mail-in voting

    --Dominion software stuff

    --Hundreds of whistle blowers that are election workers/poll workers/ballot counting workers/USPS workers that have signed sworn affidavits under 5-year perjury terms that said, “yes here is the election fraud that I saw going on.”

    --Statistically speaking, how is it possible that Joe Biden got more votes than any president (80 million) in US history when he was arguably the worst candidate ever.

    --Biden spent the majority of his campaign time hiding in his basement. Those times that Biden came out of the basement, he was a gaffe machine and never seemed to show or generate any kind of enthusiasm

    --Donald Trump also gained 11 million votes. There was a red wave. Had massive rallies wherever he went.

    --Many ballets had “Joe Biden” checked off, with the rest of the ballet empty (lol wtf)

    --Some towns had more ballots than registered voters

    --Republican watchers were sent out of voting rooms, threatened with bodily harm, not allowed to witness signatures

    --Windows in voting places were blocked with cardboard to hide the opening of huge bags of ballots delivered during night after polls closed.
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 01-14-2021 at 08:28 AM.

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    Default Edification for believers : )

    If you love Our Lord, these videos will bless your heart:

    This is called, "President Trump Brings Worship in the White House This is why we love the president" [2 min., 39 seconds]

    This one is "Massive Worship in the White House Rose Garden. This is why we love President Trump!" [1 min., 30 sec.]

    This blessed me so much this Christmas! The Presidents Christmas Message, a REAL Christmas message by our own President, by a world leader. Wow! A-maz-ing. [2 min., 35 sec.]

    And ug! Contrast that to Joe and Jills. Here it is:

    "Merry Christmas happy holidays. ...We hope you'll consider limiting travel and the size of your family gatherings!... Our celebrations are "dimmed" ... Merry Christmas happy holidays.

    They get the booby prize for that message.
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 01-14-2021 at 01:55 AM.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    For @ Uncle Ave, and others abroad who may have not heard a point of view other than the mainstream media. There are alternative reporters, including, this time, but not every time for sure, Fox News (I think they see the writing on the wall that the media is about to be CLEANSED, and they are endeavoring to stay in the game!) (That is just my take on it).. so here are some TRUE versions reality here:

    /\ Good point about the Media and the Democratic party: "Authoritarianism cloaked as moral righteousness". And a perfect example of this from a Mississippi Democratic Rep: Senators (who happen to be Republican) should be put on the "no fly" list, typically reserved for terrorists! It's insane. Truly, the Democratic leaders in this country are the driving force of the Cancel Culture of our day. America was great when freedom of speech was respected!
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 01-14-2021 at 03:49 PM.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Is this what the Internet is going to look like for the next four years?

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