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Thread: Your typing of forum members (archived '15-'17)

  1. #681
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    @Jeremy8419 I'm curious what take your 143 IQ mind has about my type so far, and if it falls in line with my Alpha NT self-type. Reasons are appreciated.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    @Jeremy8419 I'm curious what take your 143 IQ mind has about my type so far, and if it falls in line with my Alpha NT self-type. Reasons are appreciated.
    Don't really know what my views on you are, as I haven't developed an internal impression of your personality to fit into a system.

    Have you given an overall life situation to each of the four Quadra?

  3. #683
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy8419 View Post
    Don't really know what my views on you are, as I haven't developed an internal impression of your personality to fit into a system.

    Have you given an overall life situation to each of the four Quadra?
    Fair enough, better you wait until you are confident then give a half-baked answer. As I've stated before I relate the most to alpha, I very much prefer lighthearted environments where people aren't breathing down each others neck even if it means less opportunity for acquiring things. I don't feel the slightest bit of guilt for being lazy or unproductive at home and hate it when people pressure me to do chores when I'm in my private zone. I've never initiated major fights with family members and my life situation is pretty stable, to the point of boredom unfortunately.

    Alpha as I said is what I feel the most at home with.
    Betas can be inspirational to me at times but other times seem too rough and shortsighted.
    Gamma seems a bit narcissistic but I can still respect their desire to get somewhere in this shitty world as long I'm not a part of whatever they have in mind.
    Deltas seem to make for easy acquaintances but they get irritating to me after a while with their moral preaching and mundane way of life.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    Fair enough, better you wait until you are confident then give a half-baked answer. As I've stated before I relate the most to alpha, I very much prefer lighthearted environments where people aren't breathing down each others neck even if it means less opportunity for acquiring things. I don't feel the slightest bit of guilt for being lazy or unproductive at home and hate it when people pressure me to do chores when I'm in my private zone. I've never initiated major fights with family members and my life situation is pretty stable, to the point of boredom unfortunately.

    Alpha as I said is what I feel the most at home with.
    Betas can be inspirational to me at times but other times seem too rough and shortsighted.
    Gamma seems a bit narcissistic but I can still respect their desire to get somewhere in this shitty world as long I'm not a part of whatever they have in mind.
    Deltas seem to make for easy acquaintances but they get irritating to me after a while with their moral preaching and mundane way of life.
    Try equating the Quadra to life situations (your choosing), and see how it affects your thinking towards Socionics.

    Alpha - individuals voicing themselves to individuals
    Beta - formation and securing of family
    Gamma - families/groups in relations to other such
    Delta - families/groups being assisted by individuals
    Alpha - Friends and dating
    Beta - Family
    Gamma - Inter-family
    Delta - Grandparenthood

    Just food for thought on alternative ways of looking at the Quadra. You can then, with your own comparative analysis of life situations, then place individuals as which of 4 types you see them as in their present life situation (Quadra) and which you think they will be like when they progress into the next. You can also take that life situation, and then sub-divide it into the four Quadra, etc.

    It's off-topic to what you were asking, but it gives an alternate view of things lol.

  5. #685
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    Off the top of my head:

    Alpha: Getting together with family for movies, taking trips, exploring the wilderness
    Beta: Going to the gym, acting loose with friends
    Gamma: Finding a good job, going to school
    Delta: Caring for old relatives, fixing up the car/house

  6. #686
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    Off the top of my head:

    Alpha: Getting together with family for movies, taking trips, exploring the wilderness
    Beta: Going to the gym, acting loose with friends
    Gamma: Finding a good job, going to school
    Delta: Caring for old relatives, fixing up the car/house
    Hmmm... That's more like the regular Quadra for immediate situations. How about on an expanded time level though?

    Try taking a cycle of something, like: Meeting to being in a relationship, birth to death, adulthood to baby being born, etc., and divide it up into stages and label them Quadra (Quadra succession).

    Sort of along the same lines of this, but applied to cycles and sub-cycles of life.

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    Lets look at the cycle of College:

    ILE: Idea of going to college
    ESE: Emotional hype of idea
    SEI: Smoothing of things surrounding idea
    LII: Logistics of idea and finalizing

    EIE: Promotion of college into form
    SLE: Acquisition of resources for college
    LSI: Overly structured plan for college
    IEI: Plans go out the window once starting

    SEE: Interests between classmates form
    LIE: Pushing interests and gambling efforts
    ILI: Restraints of interests vs pursuits
    ESI: Passing morality required to succeed in college

    LSE: Hard and diligent work day by day
    IEE: Sporadic search for possibilities by graduating
    EII: Education is to help others not the self
    SLI: Organic finishing of college and return to ILE

    So, this is an example of the stages of the Socion through the life situation of "college", which those in the process of college will fall into one of the TIM's as far as college is concerned. But what of the life situation of "formal education?" Although one could be in the alpha, beta, or gamma stages of college, they would simultaneously be in the delta stage of the life situation of formal education, which they have spent 12+ years on thus far. What of the life situation of adulthood to gaining one's own family? Of their career? Of their passionate pursuits? Of their life? Of their lineage? Of their nation? Of their own 5 minute idea they humor?

    The point is not to say "I am most certainly XYZ," but rather to take a step back and see that we are all each of the types, when considering the various life situations of multiple overarching layers, and when dealing with others, say "you know, the life situation I am focused on may be different than yours, but in a different context... I've been there, and I understand. I may not be able to give the specific information and advice you need, but I can tell you my similar story, and, hopefully, that piece of my heart makes a difference."

    When people say what type they are, when they at least have their own viewpoints for the 16 types, what they are really saying is not that they are "always xyz," as we are all always all of the types. What they are rather saying, is that their worldview is the manifestation of their own internal self forever within that TIM's purpose in time throughout all the cycles of their lives. I happened to be born with quick intellect and high energy. And my moment in time happens to be the EII. I still have the letter my preschool teacher sent home with me saying after I finished my art project that I went and helped show others how to do theirs. And it repeats throughout my life. Over and over, I am here not to be here, but to help others be here. Is your moment that is "you" when everything else ends and the next idea begins? Are you an ILE? Only you can know that, but it's a good one too. After all... If a classmate hadn't spoken up and picked that art project from nothing, then I never would have found that moment in time, nor would anyone else have found theirs.

  8. #688
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    Mmmm ok I see what your getting at. I'll do one for the lifecycle of a typical person:

    Alpha: Infancy-Childhood

    ILE: Curiosity in the outside world, mass absorption of experiences
    ESE: Playfulness and delight in game playing
    SEI: Development of harmonious and long lasting friendships
    LII: Receiving basic education and acquiring an understanding of how the world works

    Beta: Teenage-Young Adulthood

    EIE: Formation of one's inner social circle and cultural identity
    SLE: Resisting the control of parents/guardians and becoming self-sufficient
    LSI: Developing discipline and following an orderly lifestyle
    IEI: Letting loose in search of a romantic and meaningful life

    Gamma: Adulthood

    SEE: Creation and expansion of social contacts in order to open more doors
    LIE: Risky investment in a career or social organization
    ILI: Managing decisions made and coming back down to earth
    ESI: Developing a code of ethics to enable a more stable life

    Delta: Middle age and beyond

    LSE: Dutifully working to build a solid foundation for the rest of life
    IEE: Acting chaotically and impulsively to remedy boredom
    EII: Passing on belongings to family/charity and achieving peace through good-will
    SLI: Returning to one's roots and learning to take pleasure in the simple things once more

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    Mmmm ok I see what your getting at. I'll do one for the lifecycle of a typical person:

    Alpha: Infancy-Childhood

    ILE: Curiosity in the outside world, mass absorption of experiences
    ESE: Playfulness and delight in game playing
    SEI: Development of harmonious and long lasting friendships
    LII: Receiving basic education and acquiring an understanding of how the world works

    Beta: Teenage-Young Adulthood

    EIE: Formation of one's inner social circle and cultural identity
    SLE: Resisting the control of parents/guardians and becoming self-sufficient
    LSI: Developing discipline and following an orderly lifestyle
    IEI: Letting loose in search of a romantic and meaningful life

    Gamma: Adulthood

    SEE: Creation and expansion of social contacts in order to open more doors
    LIE: Risky investment in a career or social organization
    ILI: Managing decisions made and coming back down to earth
    ESI: Developing a code of ethics to enable a more stable life

    Delta: Middle age and beyond

    LSE: Dutifully working to build a solid foundation for the rest of life
    IEE: Acting chaotically and impulsively to remedy boredom
    EII: Passing on belongings to family/charity and achieving peace through good-will
    SLI: Returning to one's roots and learning to take pleasure in the simple things once more

    Hahaha. Read IEE between "mindlessly working hard" and "work is for other people" and thought, ohhhhh so that's a mid-life crisis LOL.

    That's good. Now do a few more mentally to yourself. Maybe picking whichever stage you are in from your total lifecycle and subdividing just that stage into the 16 stages? Once you get a few of them mentally, try and look at each of your TIM's by those stages from the socionics TIM models and descriptions perspectives, and from that context try and see how you really are just like those TIM's within their respective contexts. E.g., if you're in SEE in your total lifecycle, try and see how in the context of your total lifecycle, you really do match everything SEE. And then the rest of your respective TIM's for the cycles you pick and outline. Try and do the same for some of the people you're close to as well.

  10. #690
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy8419 View Post
    When people say what type they are, when they at least have their own viewpoints for the 16 types, what they are really saying is not that they are "always xyz," as we are all always all of the types. What they are rather saying, is that their worldview is the manifestation of their own internal self forever within that TIM's purpose in time throughout all the cycles of their lives. I happened to be born with quick intellect and high energy. And my moment in time happens to be the EII. I still have the letter my preschool teacher sent home with me saying after I finished my art project that I went and helped show others how to do theirs. And it repeats throughout my life. Over and over, I am here not to be here, but to help others be here.
    This is an interesting viewpoint. In my life I have dealt with a lot of loss. I have been 'put" in the dying path of others over and over. Even witnessing life and death situations where I had to make quick choices. I was put in charge of taking care of my dying grandfather when I was a teen and it has followed me ever since. I have always felt I am here to help people leave here not be here. I guess to talk about my ideas of what awaits after this life which I have been doing since childhood. I have drawn 100s over the years, when I was more active in metaphysical groups, who actually listened and didn't automatically dismiss me as a lunachick.

    I do it with a tinge of reluctance and more than once questioned, "why me?". The dying people I have spent last days with seemed comforted by what I said even if I didn't consciously think about what to tell them. It is different for each person. I don't mention god unless they are religious. I used to have an aversion to saying god but this probably got me over it. It is like the right words come and they work even if they are not part of my conscious belief systems.

    Over the years it feels more like a burden and I know that is just my attitude because of how many people I was close to that died. It would probably be easier with random strangers. People suggest I volunteer for hospice but it is not what I want to do. I do not want to seek death but if it shows up I will have a talk with it. I am due for a long break though. No one wants to be seen as an angel of death. hahah I have never done anything to cause a death just to be clear. I know someone reading might go off imagining the unimaginable about me cause they are just wired that way.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    This is an interesting viewpoint. In my life I have dealt with a lot of loss. I have been 'put" in the dying path of others over and over. Even witnessing life and death situations where I had to make quick choices. I was put in charge of taking care of my dying grandfather when I was a teen and it has followed me ever since. I have always felt I am here to help people leave here not be here. I guess to talk about my ideas of what awaits after this life which I have been doing since childhood. I have drawn 100s over the years, when I was more active in metaphysical groups, who actually listened and didn't automatically dismiss me as a lunachick.

    I do it with a tinge of reluctance and more than once questioned, "why me?". The dying people I have spent last days with seemed comforted by what I said even if I didn't consciously think about what to tell them. It is different for each person. I don't mention god unless they are religious. I used to have an aversion to saying god but this probably got me over it. It is like the right words come and they work even if they are not part of my conscious belief systems.

    Over the years it feels more like a burden and I know that is just my attitude because of how many people I was close to that died. It would probably be easier with random strangers. People suggest I volunteer for hospice but it is not what I want to do. I do not want to seek death but if it shows up I will have a talk with it. I am due for a long break though. No one wants to be seen as an angel of death. hahah I have never done anything to cause a death just to be clear. I know someone reading might go off imagining the unimaginable about me cause they are just wired that way.

    What you describe would be the moment through which you perceive the world and your relation to it. All people go through those moments, but "your world" happens to be through such moments.

    There's no copyright or fee on those exercises. Take time to do them yourself in your own way. Given that you can cut and splice life into a limitless number of life situation progressions, one or more of them will place you into a less grim TIM period. After you adjust your views to see how such a TIM is most certainly true in that context, it will give balance to you in some regards.

  12. #692
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy8419 View Post

    What you describe would be the moment through which you perceive the world and your relation to it. All people go through those moments, but "your world" happens to be through such moments.

    There's no copyright or fee on those exercises. Take time to do them yourself in your own way. Given that you can cut and splice life into a limitless number of life situation progressions, one or more of them will place you into a less grim TIM period. After you adjust your views to see how such a TIM is most certainly true in that context, it will give balance to you in some regards.
    Last edited by Aylen; 03-04-2016 at 12:38 AM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  13. #693
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post

    Stream of thought...

    I am not much of an in the moment person. I tend to look at my life from a bit of a bird's eye view unless it is something really pleasant or horrible that brings me into the moment and I think that is just how it should be for me. I have to have this degree of distance while still feeling connected. I have had problems achieving balance in this but it is getting easier. I do believe that to get over something you have to move through it and not around it. My purpose is to experience things intensely and deeply then put them into my vault for safekeeping so that when the time comes I have my own relevant experiences to share in almost any given situation. I also believe in being grateful and wanting what you have but being open to good things coming to you. I give to people quite often and I get it back hundredfold. I have always been lucky that way. I probably learned it as a child in church or something and it is pretty much the law of attraction too. I do not believe we have to self sacrifice to be helpful to others. It can be win win for everyone without anyone compromising what is most important to them. Just have to be really creative about it.

    If you read my life story I am pretty sure you would find a lot of it grim and disturbing even though I don't particularly see it as grim or disturbing anymore but objectively I can see and agree with others who do and don't usually waste time explaining why I would not change one thing. Just tiring sometimes. There is a reason I am still here despite trying to find the escape button many times.

    I have had more than my share of "luck" in money and love to make up for the darker stuff but love and money alone are not completely satisfying. I need that link to the otherside. It's like a lot of bad things and good things came hand in hand simultaneously. It is what it is. In hindsight I see those things as gifts. For example my ex, and his mother, left me in their wills after we broke up, intentionally, to the dismay of his gf of a (couple of years) at the time. I was not even thinking about money when he died. I could care less about it. Now that time has passed I am grateful for the things life has handed me even when I turned my back and chose to struggle on my own for awhile.

    I have a pretty clear view of myself as a spiritual being I am not sure what kind of human being I am meant to be but I have been trying to choose the kind I want to be for many years now. I have a very strong aversion to certain things. One is being called kind, helpful or nice because of people I know who publicly flaunted how kind and helpful they were when I knew what else they were and it was anything but. Now I am suspicious of people who claim to be kind, helpful and moral human beings. The ones who were actually kind and helpful to me didn't usually make a show of it unless they were a bit flashy to begin with but that is a different type of person than I just mentioned . I know this is only based on my experience and I work on not automatically associating new people with the people in my past. I believe that most people are basically "good" and will help their fellow man even if there is no reward or recognition but many have a darkside that they will do just about anything to hide. How is that for inner conflict.

    I guess I have come to view death as my constant companion and not an enemy to fight. I leave that to doctors and those who have a different story to live. Sometimes I would love to be able to erase all traces of my ever existing here when I die even if it meant people consciously forgetting me. Not because I think less of myself but just because it doesn't matter much once you are done with this particular dimension of reality. When I was a young I had this uncomfortable feeling that if I died no one would come to my funeral it almost turned into a fear. It started when I was 13 and attended the funeral of my bf. His funeral was standing room only. I felt like I was overwhelmed by so many people and I guess I imagined that I would still feel that way when dead. I was also kind of embarrassed at 13 that I didn't have that many people who would even care so it was a popularity thing too, to a certain degree. :/

    Whew wtf did I just post here. hahah
    Oh, I didn't mean "in the moment" as in "in this moment," but rather in the sense of the time period of each cycle that is IEI. For instance, in my college example, IEI is the time period after you have all your courses set, planned, stuff together ready for school, and then on the first day, you take the plunge and everything previous just washes away; the bifurication of Beta's previous structure into emotions of the unknown possibilities into the future; IEI. And in Muddytextures, the point where one leaves the systems of their youth to go out and "find themselves." Or in your original one, the point in where you display emotions into someone else's journey into the great unknown. These are the moments of IEI. Although all the other parts of the clock of the socion happen with you in various overarching and overlapping time periods, the ones which define you as "you" in your own eyes are the IEI ones.

    Look at mine and muddytextures, where do you currently fit in with such, and ask yourself how, in that context, you really do display all signs of such.

    Also, what you write about helping is in the EII section of the article I linked on this page. It's got a humorous part too lol

  14. #694
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    @Birdie SEI or ESE
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Default 55th st Washington

    Stop that. Don't just randomly enforce your opinions on people.

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    malna has most possibly extraverted type.
    If the moving of my messages was made by her ask, then she does not hold Te arguments against her naive position what says for possible Fe-valued type. My messages about her type are there and there.
    Last edited by Sol; 03-10-2016 at 01:28 PM.

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    Sol, don't forget...

    Extrovert = 1
    Introvert = -1

    Real Life = 1
    Internet = -1

    Extrovert in real life = 1*1 = Extrovert behavior
    Extrovert online = 1*-1 = Introvert behavior
    Introvert in real life = -1*1 = Introvert behavior
    Introvert online = -1*-1 = Extrovert behavior

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    Yeah, like I don't see how this could be.

    It's gotta be XxxXXxxTrolololoXxXXXXxxX!


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    Hey @Sol!

    I remember you once said I reminded you of an xLE. How did you reach that conclussion? Based on Jung terms or MBTI terms or Socionic terms?
    (also why would be nice)

    ...come on, don't fail me now !

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    subteigh, thanks for typing me the worst type of all time

  21. #701
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antennae View Post
    subteigh, thanks for typing me the worst type of all time
    Was it an ST? Lol

  22. #702
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    SEI: Inumbra, Pink (?), bulletsanddoves, Olly, BG,
    ILE: Hitta, Jeremy8419, Reficulris, Holon, MuddyTextures, Mu4, Suz, End, Transkar, Aquagraph, Gilly
    ESE: William
    LII: Ouronis, Noki, esq, Chips and Underwear, Esaman, Aestrivex

    IEI: Starfall, crazedrat, Strrrng, Glam, Silke (?), Pookie, Aylen
    SLE: Ananke, Kill4me, Satan, Jessica (?)
    EIE: McBain, Persephone, Summerprincess (?), Mega (?), Golden, Guavadrunk, Aivonaima (?), Darya, ScarlettLux, Jet City Woman
    LSI: Allie, InvisibleJim, Jimbean, LSI Pole Ninja, Miss Baby Doll, Amber, Squark

    ILI: Scapegrace, Jarno, Capitalist Pig, Contra (?)
    SEE: Dolphin, Woof, Aixelsyd,
    LIE: Narc, Adam Strange (?), Totalize
    ESI: Lungs, Blackburry, Kalinoche

    SLI: Park, Words
    IEE: Galen, Kim, The Whole English (?), Workaholics Anon, Eliza Thomason (?), Sapphire
    LSE: Daft Punk, leckysupport, Joy, Director Abbie
    EII: Wacey, Uniden, Kimu, Maritsa, Person, Agarina, Radio, Minde, Subteigh (?)
    Last edited by suedehead; 03-17-2016 at 10:39 AM.

  23. #703
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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    ILI: Contra (?)
    Well, now I'm curious what the alternative is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Contra View Post
    Well, now I'm curious what the alternative is.
    I get the vague impression that you could be my dual (hence LIE), although ILI fits better archetypally.

  25. #705
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    Clarifying some of my reservations:

    Pink: SEI>IEE
    Silke: IEI>EIE (it's a bit of a long shot, but I think she's saliently Ni-ego + Fe-valuing, and rational temperament as well as an object>subject focus would make sense based on the general vibe of her posts. Vaguely reminds me of Golden and Guavadrunk diction-wise)
    Jessica: SLE>SLI
    SummerPrincess: EIE>IEI
    Mega: EIE>LIE
    Aivonaima: EIE>IEI
    Contra: ILI>Ni-LIE
    TheWholeEnglish: IEE>some other Ethical type, not Gamma SF
    Adam Strange: LIE>Te-LSE
    Eliza Thomason: IEE>ESE
    Subteigh: EII>LII
    Last edited by suedehead; 03-15-2016 at 04:40 PM.

  26. #706

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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    SEI: Inumbra, Pink (?), bulletsanddoves, Olly, BG,
    ILE: Hitta, Jeremy8419, Reficulris, Holon, MuddyTextures, Mu4, William, Suz, End, Transkar, Aquagraph, Gilly
    LII: Ouronis, Noki, esq, Chips and Underwear, Esaman, Aestrivex

    IEI: Starfall, crazedrat, Strrrng, Glam, Silke (?), Pookie, Aylen
    SLE: Ananke, Kill4me, Satan, Jessica (?)
    EIE: McBain, Persephone, Summerprincess (?), Mega (?), Golden, Guavadrunk, Aivonaima (?), Darya, ScarlettLux, Jet City Woman
    LSI: Allie, InvisibleJim, Jimbean, LSI Pole Ninja, Miss Baby Doll, Amber, Squark

    ILI: Scapegrace, Jarno, Capitalist Pig, Contra (?)
    SEE: Dolphin, Woof, Aixelsyd,
    LIE: Narc, Adam Strange (?), Totalize
    ESI: Lungs, Blackburry, Kalinoche

    SLI: Park, Words
    IEE: Galen, Kim, The Whole English (?), Workaholics Anon, Eliza Thomason (?), Sapphire
    LSE: Daft Punk, leckysupport, Joy, Director Abbie
    EII: Wacey, Uniden, Kimu, Maritsa, Person, Agarina, Radio, Minde, Subteigh (?)
    ...and I'm where?

    Why do I always have to be the special one? Oh great, call me Jose

  27. #707
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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    ...and I'm where?

    Why do I always have to be the special one?
    Because you smell and are portugese, Jose.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mega View Post
    Because you smell and are portugese, Jose.
    Why do I notice these things...?

    You misspeled Portuguese. fml smh

    Besides the point, it's not especially hard to smell when you are in a warm climate

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    @Anglas LIE final
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    Besides the point, it's not especially hard to smell when you are in a warm climate
    As in a warm climate smells everything around, so to recognize the smell of a concrete object should be harder.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anglas View Post
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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  33. #713
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    As in a warm climate smells everything around, so to recognize the smell of a concrete object should be harder.
    Well, the smells during the 35C are surprisingly hard to differentiate, so you must be true. Unless you pass by a dumpster

    Also @Maritsa, did you really what him? lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    Well, the smells during the 35C are surprisingly hard to differentiate, so you must be true. Unless you pass by a dumpster

    Also @Maritsa, did you really what him? lol
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    @Maritsa -- do you type the word "final" after certain typings as a reminder to yourself, so you don't come back and reconsider later when you may have forgotten why you typed the person that way? I ask bc that's the kind of thing I would do (the senseless reconsideration, not necessarily the "final" labeling
    Last edited by SongOfSapphire; 03-21-2016 at 12:01 AM. Reason: change erroneous ! to ?
    "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is." - Yogi Berra

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    Quote Originally Posted by sapphire View Post
    @Maritsa -- do you type the word "final" after certain typings as a reminder to yourself, so you don't come back and reconsider later when you may have forgotten why you typed the person that way! I ask bc that's the kind of thing I would do (the senseless reconsideration, not necessarily the "final" labeling
    I'm not good at organizing so I came up with a system and that didn't work so I decided to stick to final as a means of giving closure to something so I don't go back to it mindlessly and in disorganized confusion. If someone can find a method that works I'd appreciate input

    IEE and EII have a lot of similarities except IEE are more willful and direct with others and their wants.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Anglas mb ENFP

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    @QuickTwist ISTj LSi final
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    SLE: Ananke, Kill4me, Merky
    EIE: McBain, Golden, Gilly, Jadae, ScarlettLux (SEE?)
    LSI: InvisibleJim, LSI Pole Ninja, Miss Baby Doll, Myst, DJ Arendee

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    SEE: Dolphin, Woof, Aixelsyd
    LIE: Narc, Mega, Anglas, Adam Strange, Totalize, FDG (SEE?)
    ESI: Lungs, Blackburry, Kalinoche, Amber, Jet City Woman (LSI?), Allie, Suedehead

    SLI: Park, Words, Jessica
    IEE: Galen, Kim, Gem, Workaholics Anon, Eliza Thomason (?), Sapphire, applejacks
    LSE: William, Director Abbie
    EII: Wacey, Uniden, Maritsa, Person, Agarina, Radio, Minde, April, Subteigh, Birdie (?)

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