Quote Originally Posted by Magna View Post
Quote Originally Posted by poli View Post
He's not really dry or serious like serious Te/Fi quadra IMO, he plays around with his emotions much more, as though he 'shares' them with whichever group of people apprehended, in thine sequence yielding of extroverted ethics (to be completely literal with the term so there's no confusion. extroversion in the Jungian/Socionics sense.) But I can see from interviews some trace of what you're talking about, in that he's a logical type and will be an attempt at fluently logical, dry, over emotional flavor. I notice this with ILEs just as much as any T. The major problem I see is his adherence to the external emotional factor, one is not only apparent but in some vivid demonstration of traces of establishment perceived by the subject, where no LIE would even think of it. But 'external emotional factor' is such a vague set of words, yet a vivid term, so where's the compromise? It lies within the examples of types.
You answered your question. Trust your own brain and not the idiotic masses. Nothing about Fe leading contradicts his behavior.

Now call me crazy, but what would you say Poli makes sense for conan from those descriptions? I'll tell you what, anyone that picks Ne and has been a member of this forum for many years should be shot and killed.

Oh, thank God. Somebody that actually grasps what the functions mean.

Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
I still think the EJ temperament fits better than EP. Just sayin'
It definitely does. I have no problem with people typing him any of the EJ types, even if I'm certain he's Fe leading, but jesus christ, some of you have been members of this forum for many years and haven't even learned the functions.

You could actually learn something here. You are wrong.

And this is not EP behavior, people. If you've been a member of the forum for years and can't grasp that, then get a new hobby or something; you're wasting your time.

Way to over commit on the Ad Homein fallacy buddy. Insulting people doesn't make you more right than they are, it just makes you look like a douche bag. You've only been here for a few months and you have the arrogance of someone who has been here for years, pathetic.