I did plan to get a tattoo (not very seriously tho) when I was still in middle school, but I never thought about getting those big and flashy ones, I was always more into stuff like:





Well, looking at them now, I still think they're really pretty and if I were to get a tattoo, it would be something like this. Will I tho? Not sure, probably not, because:
1) I have a very low pain tolerance, so I'm afraid it would be too painful for me,
2) I'm not sure if I wouldn't regret getting it in 10 or 20 years,
3) and if I would, if it would be easy to get rid of it (I've heard that for now, not every laser tattoo removal is succesful and scar-free)

So yeah. I'm kinda torn, my heart says 'yay!', but my mind says 'not so fast'.