Ben I love your channel but the one on supervision was almost unlistenable because of the echo. It probably has to do with using speakers + a freestanding always on (or automatically activates on hearing sound) mic. What she needs is to set up push to talk so the mic automatically mutes when she's not talking and therefore doesn't pick up the speakers and loop it back through. or just get a headset. I will literally buy her a headset if you give me the relevant information, just so I can listen to these without such insane irritation. Also can you just use the 3 letter socionics code for types, its really unclear who supervises what when we're not sure if a person is ENFJ or INFP and she's talking about INTJ. I take it to mean she could be either EIE or EII and is talking about ILI, but even if I know that its not clear to me that even they know that. It introduces a shitload of ambiguity into the topic where I'm already trying my hardest to imagine what it is they're getting at just in describing the interpersonal anecdotes