
I'm new here, but I've been reading about socionics for a while, and MBTI before that, and I wanted to ask a question.

I am troubled by the fact that I keep being attracted to the beta quadra despite having very little in common with their way of thinking and being. I've had multiple crushes during my teenage years on IEIs, actually I've had crushes almost exclusively on IEIs, (I've sort-of promoted them to demigods in my mind, way before I know it was even a personality type... just boys with the combination of understated gentlemen-ness and incredible insight, and a certain elusiveness) who are my quasi-identical, my ex was one and it was a trainwreck that somehow left me a lot more wrecked then him (in retrospect I think we followed the clasic victim-infantile line of him feeling sorry for himself and me wondering what's wrong with me that I can't make him happier and more pleased with me). Then I had another crush on another IEI which took me another two years or so to get over, and now I've finally had to admit to myself that I am in love and in a sort of platonic-ish but romantically and emotionally charged relationship with my SLE (my conflictor!) friend.

Has anyone else experinced something like this? What could be the cause of this?