Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
Ich werde auch zur Labertasche und dann fange ich an dummes Zeug zu erzählen wenn mein Blutalkoholspiegel zu hoch ist.
interessant. Ich habe in mehreren kurzen Beschreibungen von ILEs gelesen, dass sie unter Alkoholeinfluss sehr gesprächig werden. hier ist mal ein Beispiel:


ILE: characterized by changes of states: joyful events - thirst for activity, increased talkativeness, racing thoughts; sad events - depression, slowness in reactions and thinking. An elusive turn of events is enough for a change in mood. At times: center of attention, instigating - other times: closed off and silent. At times: overcomes complex obstacles, achieves professional success - other times: periods of feeling suppressed; first very active and talkative - then slow and sparing of words. Cheerful and lively in society. Among their own can grumble, be hypochondriacs. Good at talking, articulate, has a way with words, may be very talkative under the influence of alcohol. Deep emotions, mood swings are typical: sometimes lively and fun - other times quiet and modest. After a stimulating event continues to "vibrate" on the tone of excitement or seriousness, although the event itself is already "off the agenda". He is easily moved, soft-hearted, compassionate. Admiration and awe before great works of art. Sometimes suicidal inclinations.

Kevin Wolter - ESI


Alexander Böhm - ILE