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    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Default Rating Socionics Tests Project

    I'm posting this thread before I forget the idea, so I intend to come back to it at some point and devote myself more fully (possibly).

    I've linked new members to the "Socionics Tests" thread (where there a list of numerous tests) a few times bow, but I felt dissatisfaction when one such member took a test that I believe was far from satisfactory (my personal opinion of course). If ratings and commentary could be provided, this would be good, and perhaps the tests could be ordered accordingly. (The Sociotype test at the top, if I recall, is actually a good one, or is likely to be a good one, if I do not know of it, so if new members simply did that test, that would be an improvement).

    I think a reasonable criticism is that showing a preference this way might end up with unnatural bias...that's not for me to have to consider anyway!

    In any case, just rating them may be of some wider use, and of course will allow you to collect many test results together. (I suggest you don't rate tests that you had a significant role in putting together however ).

    Either: give each test a score, or rank them in approximate order of preference. Perhaps if you are unable to finish a test because of your displeasure towards the test, you could put this at the bottom, or maybe you'll think it better to simply not rate it.

    Useful commentary might include approximately how long it took you to take the test (vaguely), and how difficult you considered it to be.

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    Kinda pointless for me to take them, tbh. I always get EII unless the results are very clearly purposefully reversed due to the creator doing J/P switch and working backwards from the assumption.

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    Oh, and Olga. Seems she rejects the notion of EII in her tests, as I have to be violent to be any form of Fi.

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    Note: I may change my ratings to a different scale at some point, and may also make them less harsh. I do not mean to be too overly critical in my ratings: I have noticed (in my opinion) that a test could be significantly improved merely by changing a few minor aspects. I have mentioned which results I got, although this isn't supposed to affect my rating.
    To Be Completed!

    1. The Original Socionics Test by

    My result:
    Your Sociotype:*EII-2Ne**(INFj)*
    Ethical Intuitive Introvert - The Empath

    Other Possible Types
    LII (INTj): 87% as likely as EII.
    IEE (ENFp): 69% as likely as EII.
    ILE (ENTp): 61% as likely as EII.

    Link to this result:

    I was highly surprised to get the result I did (that matched my self-type & subtype). I found choosing between the options in each of the two sections of the test very difficult (and in a fair number of cases, simply did not indicate a preference), so I suspect that my result comes from comparatively limited number of “clear” choices. I did not like the test because of this (I feel that in a test, the test-taker should feel comfortable in their answers for all elements, and not feel like they are second-guessing or otherwise feeling lost). I also dislike the utilisation of Reinin dichotomies for some (if not most/all) of the questions. I formerly gave this test a 2 out of 10, but I have flip-flopped and now give it a 8 out of 10. I think the utilisation of Model-A, quadra values, and its manner of asking you to decide between the various IMs does it credit. I give it a slightly higher score than test No. 2 (The Extended Socionics Test) because of uncertainty about the exact soundness of the photo questions in test No. 2, as much as I see the value in them. I completed it in under 10 minutes.

    2. The Extended Socionics Test by
    I was expecting to not like this test as it mentioned a VI element. However, this was probably a highly misleading statement. I thought that section of the test was actually very good. The questions before that were also well-written. It was good that questions could be skipped, but I felt that in many cases, the questions were splitting too much into binary opposites. I thought this had a good use of Model-A theory. I give it a 7.5 out of 10. I completed it in 13 minutes.

    My result:
    Your Sociotype: LII-2Ne TiNe (INTj)

    Other Possible Types
    EII (INFj): 92% as likely as LII.
    ILI (INTp): 73% as likely as LII.
    ILE (ENTp): 66% as likely as LII.

    Link to this result:

    3. Sociotypograph Reinin Dichotomies Test by Mikhail Zhilkin
    I spent about 5 minutes with this before I got bored with it. I looked at description of the dichotomies briefly: if I did not have some knowledge of them, the descriptions in the Zhilkin test would be especially inadequate. You would probably need 10 to 15 minutes or more if you had no knowledge of them. Choosing dichotomies I was sure of gave me no type whatsoever. I give the test 0 out of 10.

    4. Inconsiderably Finite Indefinite Socionics Test by Subteigh
    I will not comment on/rate this (other than this sentence).

    5. Socionics Test by

    I believe I skipped 11 out of 40 questions, which seemed rather high considering the nature of the questions (questions that did not involve a scale...agree vs. disagree etc.). Part of this was due to difficulty in comprehend the question, due to it being written in poor or clunky English. I also think it was due to me taking issue to its emphasis on cultural norms at times, and perhaps Socionics stereotypes. The binary nature of most of the questions (which is a typical issue I find with most tests, not just this one) compounded the problem somewhat. I give the test 5 out of 10 (slightly less than the middle point on my scale). I completed the test in under 12 minutes.

    My result:
    You can see results for all sociotypes
    Possible maximum for one sociotype - 400

    This is your result:

    INFJ(Dostoyevsky) - 220
    INTJ(Robespierre) - 205
    ENTJ(Jack London) - 175

    INTP(Balzac) - 170
    ENFJ(Hamlet) - 165
    ISTJ(Maxim Gorky) - 155
    ISFJ(Dreiser) - 150
    INFP(Yesenin) - 145
    ENTP(Don Quixote) - 125
    ISTP(Gabin) - 120
    ISFP(Dumas) - 115
    ESFJ(Hugo) - 115
    ENFP(Huxley) - 115
    ESTJ(Stirlitz) - 105
    ESFP(Napoleon) - 105
    ESTP(Zhukov) – 55

    Note (perhaps mostly to myself): on one question (which was a choice of four options), I could not really decide between “Sensuality, ability for empathy, ability to give advice in difficult moral situations.” and “Knowledge, ingenuity, ability to find an answer to many questions.”, but decided to go with the later.

    6. Shortened Online Form of Talanov's Inventory

    My result:
    I completed this test within 35 minutes. (I did not include the time spent filling in of demographic data etc. at the top of the form, as it was not relevant to giving me a test result. I answered "I know socionic theory more than 3 years and able to detect other's' types", because it did not feel satisfactory to answer any other way, and also, that my level of confidence in my self-typing as an EII was 70%). I thought the test was good, although far too long. My result was LII (although I did score INFJ in terms of E vs. I etc. traits!). I give it an 8 out of 10. (Although the results has a graph displaying Reinin trait scores, which suggests that the scoring may be unduly affected). I believe this test alone would be preferable to having to the answer the IM-element questionnaires on this forum.

    7. Mnemonic Table of Socionic Types by
    I give this a 7 out of 10, although would rate the article higher if I was not assessing it as a “test”. This is a very good resource for learning and refreshing knowledge about the Socionics types (and some mega-groupings: groups of 8, 4, and 2, although the manner of the division here is of course somewhat arbitrary). The descriptions are very succinct, with well-chosen words, and none wasted. Perhaps they are too brief to be of wider use however.

    When I first saw this resource years ago, I typed myself as LII using it (in agreement with how I then self-typed myself (I now type myself EII)). Now when I see it, I find it difficult to assign myself as an EII. It feels difficult to take the description\s (for those relevant to EII) as universally applicable to myself: I feel that such assessments of interpersonal dynamics are not something I can objectively say is a forte of mine. The single LII description still seems like the best fit, even though my interest in the “world of human relations”, the Humanities etc. (as described for the four NF types) vs. the “hard” sciences is so blatantly obvious to me, it is difficult to immediately recall why I would have ever thought otherwise (probably because I was especially detached growing up).

    I estimate that it would take about 5 to 10 minutes to consider the table here, with further visits being recommended.

    8. Associative Socionics Colour Test (SCT) by Olga Tangemann
    I completed this in 11 minutes. I found the colour questions a little hard to answer (not just the process of considering the question, but not feeling too confident with my final choice. I am somewhat skeptical of the validity of typing via colour preferences (while I think general trends may be true, e.g. introverts choosing muted colours, I am not sure if this can be usefully used to determine Information Element preference. The test-maker may however have good justification for such questions! I can only give the test a 4, unfortunately, and yet I feel the majority of the test would rate far higher than that.

    My results:
    Esenin. IEI often has feelings about the outcome of some actions or situation, being able to say whether the outcome is good or bad, but most of the time not able to explain why or what exactly will happen. Often they are lost in their dreams or thoughts, not noticing what is going on around them. They can influence the emotional atmosphere in a company of people, though the more people are present, the harder it is for the IEIs due to their introversion

    9. Socionics Test by Hugo
    I completed this in less than 90 seconds (let's say three minutes, to include the downloading/extracting of the test and the reading of the intro page).
    I give it a 4 out of 10. I considered the questions and the format interesting. The statements were clear and well-written, and it was easy to grasp the exact behaviour being described. However, it was perhaps too short, unnecessarily limiting type possibilities based on a small number of choices, and perhaps had no or little use of Model-A theory (this is true of other tests, but I felt this test was especially limited in this way, in light of the way it matched up statements for you to choose between).

    If the “Mnemonic Table of Socionic Types by” (No. 7) had been made into a test of the exact kind as this, I would probably have rated it (The Mnemonic Table “test”) lower than I rated the Hugo test.

    My result:
    Your proposed types are: INTp, N subtype OR INTj, N subtype

    10. Socionics Type Assistant TURBO by
    This naturally only took about a minute to complete (I do not think it would take more than about 2 minutes). I give it a 3 out of 10, as I consider it too simplistic...too binary...too MBTI-like. In reality, I would not have been able to complete the test as I could not choose very well between "F" and "T": there is no way of getting to the next question by skipping or giving a neutral answer. I found it somewhat difficult to choose between "P" and "J" also, although "J" is probably somewhat a better representation of myself. (My result essentially was "INXj", or perhaps "INXp", in thw way of representing types!). I cannot really rate it as a true Socionics test.

    11. Socionics Type Assistant TURBO XL by
    I give this a 5 out of 10, although I'm unsure it merits a rating, as it seems to be scored like a MBTI test rather than a Socionics one. As a personality test (rather than a Socionics-specific one), I would give it 7 out of 10, even though the questions/statements seemed less satisfactory than those for “The Original Socionics Test” (at, which I gave a 2. (I think because this test did not seem to be describing behaviour in terms of the Socionics perception of the types and IMs). I completed it in less than 5 minutes.

    My result:


    12. Socionics Type Assistant v1.6 by
    This test took me 45 minutes, which was a rather long time. The number of items could have been reduced. I thought the format of the test (with its two stages) was interesting, although it still has the problem of being a MBTI-style dichotomy test. That some/many of the words were "negative" descriptors is possibly a problem, as in some cases, I imagine that a person would not identify with the implied (or actually stated) fault. This issue may partly be negated by the two stages, and having words of similar but varying degrees of extremity for a trait. I felt that this style of test may work well for typing somebody else (i.e. with you choosing words you thought best matched them). It would perhaps have to be significantly revised for such usage however. I give it 5 out of 10 as a Socionics test, and 6 out of 10 as a Jungian personality test. (My rating is thus 5 out of 10!).
    My results:

    I got INTp as my final result after a decider question.

    13. Socionics Test based on Information Elements
    This took me about 8 minutes, although it would probably have taken 10 to 15 minutes if I had not taken it before. This is similar to the Type Assistant TURBO XL test in that it determines your type based on single-word traits. However, this test is superior in that it allows you to give a score for each word (rather than merely selecting or omitting them), and also because it measures your score in terms of Ego block Information Elements rather than MBTI-esque scales. I give it a 6.5 out of 10. I believe it would be beneficial if the test had short definitions for each word, as I found that even with words I use regularly, it was necessary to clarify the distinct meaning intended (this does not affect my score of the test however).
    My results:

    14. SOLTI Socionics Test (a 700 question version of no. 6?)
    Apparently not available to take.

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    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    1. The Original Socionics Test by

    I think this is one of the better socionics tests. Maybe not quite as good as the Talanov one below it but still pretty good overall. There is some aspect of quadra values and functions incorporated into the test, so it's not just all dichotomies. You get your type, your subtype, a list of other possible types to consider, and a pie chart graph of quadra values.

    I always get LII-Ne on this one.


    2. The Extended Socionics Test by

    Similar to the above but I give this one a little lower rating because I think the VI component is rather questionable. Sometimes my results are a little off because of that. Like I'll get ILI-Ni instead of LII-Ne.

    4. Sociotypograph Reinin Dichotomies Test by Mikhail Zhilkin
    This didn't work for me, but some people swear by it. Some of the Reinin dichotomies I think are rather questionable in validity. It works better if you only pick the few you are absolutely sure of rather than trying to answer every one.

    4. Inconsiderably Finite Indefinite Socionics Test by Subteigh
    You have a test? Cool. Do you have the link for it?

    5. Socionics Test by
    Some of the questions and translations are a little strange but this best was better than expected and better than some of the socionics tests out there. It gives you a score for each type.

    6. Shortened Online Form of Talanov's Inventory
    160 questions is the shortened form believe it or not. I heard the original had over 500 questions that they whittled down to 160. This test has been more extensively researched and thought out than some of the others. It's still not perfect- some of the Reinin dichotomy scores are questionable but as far as socionics tests go, it's probably the best one. You get a score for each of the 16 types, each of the 8 functions, and each Reinin dichotomy. It will also show you how you compare to the 'typical' representative of your type. This test helped me clarify my LII vs. EII confusion. I scored LII overall but I did score higher on Fi and ethical than would be expected for an 'average' LII.

    7. Mnemonic Table of Socionic Types by
    I agree with Subteigh's analysis. Not really a test, but you could use it as a tool to 'speedread' people. A bit simple perhaps but it seems to work. I could be either INTj or INTp in this one. 7/10

    8. Socionics Test by Hugo
    It's not letting me download this one without WinZip.

    9. Socionics Type Assistant TURBO by
    This reads much more like a Myers-Briggs test than a socionics test. It focuses on dichotomies like MBTI rather than model A functions or quadra values.
    I fluctuate between INTj and INTp on it.

    I don't recommend the other tests on either, they have the same sort of issue.

    10. Gulenko Test
    It is dichotomy focused like the above but the questions seem more well thought out even if the translation is a bit awkward. Still there are better tests. I got INTp on it. 4/10

    11. Other tests
    There are various tests I've seen floating around on sites such as HelloQuizzy and Ok Cupid. They claim to test for Reinin Dichotomies, Quadra values, or ranking of socionics types. They don't seem to be particularly accurate to me, the results seemed way off when I took them.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    A couple more:

    12. Jack Oliver Aaron's Test
    Yes, he made a test. I can't seem to find it though, he might have taken it down to refine it. It heavily relies on quadra values and clubs. 7/10, probably rate it a little higher after the revision. Some questions I found very difficult to answer, but I did get my self-typing of LII.

    13. Associative socionics tests
    I don't buy into the Associative Socionics theory but I will say the tests are fun to take even though you should definitely take the tests with a grain of salt.
    I got IEE or something weird like that on it.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    4. Inconsiderably Finite Indefinite Socionics Test by Subteigh
    You have a test? Cool. Do you have the link for it?
    16types discussion thread: ( you have already taken it)
    direct link:

    (and link to collated test links (although as you probably indicated, it is not exhaustive: perhaps I will hunt down other tests when I have rated the ones in this thread):

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Ah, I believe that Sociotype test I mentioned heavily involves the Reinin dichotomies, so yes, I would be inherently dissatisfied with it, but I will have to take it at another time.
    I always get IEI-2Ni on the extended but on the original I get IEI-0. That is the test I often direct people to but I like your's and have started to include it when suggesting tests for socionics. There is another one on okcupid that gives me SLE. I think it is a really old one and not sure if it is still available.

    I like JOA's quiz too and got my self-type on it. Olga's are fun. I got my self-type on one of them but ILI on the image associations.

    I have taken most of the other's you mentioned, I get IEI on them before I knew anything about what an IEI result looks like. The most recent one posted by @bg on the forum I got IEI but lower Fi than the average IEI and scored higher on Fe. I took other versions of it before but the phrasing of some things, like the Ti and other logic questions, put me off.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Russian tests
    4. Reinin Dichotomy Calculator by
    This would probably take 5 to 10 minutes if I did it properly, but would take much longer if you wish to comprehensively read up and "grok" the Reinin dichotomies (which may never truly happen). Read my earlier thoughts on Reinin dichotomy tests, essentially. At least with this one, it allows you to "not answer", or give different values/weights to each answer. I limited myself to answering to the extremes of "Yielding", "Static", and "Emotivist", although with the exception of "Emotivist", I probably do not resonate as strongly with them as that (as far as I can comprehend them). I avoided answering the Extraversion/Introversion, Sensory/Intuition, Thinking/Emotion, Irrationality/Rationality (note: these are probably poorly translated in some instances) bits, as I do not consider them true Reinin dichotomies, although as it happens, this does not affect my scoring of the test. I rate it 0 out of 10. (@Aylen)
    My results:
    Based on choosing on three dichotomies:
    25% - ENTP (Дон Кихот, ИЛЭ)
    25% - ESTP (Жуков, СЛЭ)
    25% - INFJ (Достоевский, ЭИИ)
    25% - ISFJ (Драйзер, ЭСИ)

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    A couple more:

    12. Jack Oliver Aaron's Test
    Yes, he made a test. I can't seem to find it though, he might have taken it down to refine it. It heavily relies on quadra values and clubs. 7/10, probably rate it a little higher after the revision. Some questions I found very difficult to answer, but I did get my self-typing of LII.

    13. Associative socionics tests
    I don't buy into the Associative Socionics theory but I will say the tests are fun to take even though you should definitely take the tests with a grain of salt.
    I got IEE or something weird like that on it.
    I believe it's called "yall" or "yell" re: joa's test

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    A couple more:

    12. Jack Oliver Aaron's Test
    Yes, he made a test. I can't seem to find it though, he might have taken it down to refine it. It heavily relies on quadra values and clubs. 7/10, probably rate it a little higher after the revision. Some questions I found very difficult to answer, but I did get my self-typing of LII.
    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    I believe it's called "yall" or "yell" re: joa's test
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Oliver Aaron View Post
    I have a SurveyMonkey account and have been doing similar things for the beta phase of my test:

    I think you may be thinking of this test: (the test url is:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post

    I think you may be thinking of this test: (the test url is:
    No, not that test. I made my own one on SurveyMonkey, but I am still trying to refine it. Got new ideas for v.4
    Founder & President of World Socionics Society

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Oliver Aaron View Post
    No, not that test. I made my own one on SurveyMonkey, but I am still trying to refine it. Got new ideas for v.4
    I rather liked how your test morphed based on what you answered.

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    iPsyght thinks that you are: Intuitive Ethical Integrator (IEI)

    I liked it but not surprising since I got my self type for the second time on this test. I wouldn't know where to put it on scale of 1-10 but high up there because it is pretty easy distinguish what applies to me and what doesn't.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    I believe it's called "yall" or "yell" re: joa's test
    That test on that site is broken due to their use of JavaScript and https. They should at the very least migrate to the http domain. Which is good actually because man in the middle attacks can occur when you do it improperly.

    Man in the middle:

    You <-> Net <-> Server
    You <-> (Hacker) <-> Net <-> (Hacker) <-> Server

    As is quite obvious, this is a basic way to phish / sniff the IP and all the other, more delicate data.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post

    I think you may be thinking of this test: (the test url is:
    This thing gave me IEI then SEE?

    lol the fk

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    I have a few tests too. Associative test and a subtype- test.
    School of Associative socionics:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olga View Post
    I have a few tests too. Associative test and a subtype- test.
    You have four tests, don't be modest now

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy8419 View Post
    Oh, and Olga. Seems she rejects the notion of EII in her tests, as I have to be violent to be any form of Fi.
    What does it mean? Which test are you talking about?
    School of Associative socionics:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Person View Post
    Tests are fun, but ultimately illusive. What people need to be able to type themselves with true confidence is a solid understanding of many types irl, and to study how their functions are valued--the live melding of cognitions among those of the same quadra. I think seeing the types in action is the most key part, as the reality of Socionics begins to click with experience and loses its hypothetical air. Understanding the quadras is an intuitive dynamic process no matter how idealistically we wish a quick understanding would be carved in stone. Definitions can only vaguely hint at all the real manifestations you can go richly observe and take part in.
    I think using the idea of quadras (or other such divisions) is not ideal, and can actually be counterproductive. It leads to over-idealising of certain values (whether real or imagined), and is likely to make you less objective than you would otherwise be. They create artificial divisions that don't actually exist, and otherwise unnaturally polarises the behaviour of people. This was a large part of the reason why I wished to get rid of the Quadra subforums at one time, although it was never a realistic prospect for various reasons.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Person View Post
    I disagree really, but I disagree with the inaccurate associations people give quadras. Quadras are incredibly obvious, they're the main dynamic processes I've observed existing in reality of chemistry, and not quite sure how someone can understand Socionics without first observing them.
    I think to say that "quadras are incredibly obvious" demonstrates an acquired bias that inherently undervalues the other intertype relationships.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Person View Post
    Intertype relations do exist ime to a vaguer degree; they're not as clearly characterized, as human interaction is a bit more complex than such model constructions. Every type utilizes the most their primary function, ultimately varying upon the others and clinging to their valued processing. Modeling types into anything more ime is a kind of pretend.
    The intertype relations are a foundation block of Socionics. Unnecessarily grouping types into quadras may not improve your understanding; it may more often mean you are rigidly clumping people into blocks for no real reason. They also lead to theories such as "quadra progression", which, while may occasionally be fun, or even be of some value, are far less helpful than attempting to understand intertype dynamics between actual individuals.

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    Where's this Jack Oliver Aaron's test, or does it not exist as of now?

    edit: or is this it? retrieved this link from this thread:

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    That's it. The morphing one.

  31. #31
    President of WSS Jack Oliver Aaron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Yes, I believe that's the one, (unless there's more than one!) @Jack Oliver Aaron
    Might as well wait until v.4. It's nearly done.
    Founder & President of World Socionics Society

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    @Subteigh: Rate my test at

    Bear in mind that I am still working on it and the site in general is still WIP.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    That test on that site is broken due to their use of JavaScript and https. They should at the very least migrate to the http domain. Which is good actually because man in the middle attacks can occur when you do it improperly.

    Man in the middle:

    You <-> Net <-> Server
    You <-> (Hacker) <-> Net <-> (Hacker) <-> Server

    As is quite obvious, this is a basic way to phish / sniff the IP and all the other, more delicate data.

    Wait, non, this was the mention you mentioned about the problems on my site... lol I asumed it was about that Jell thing.

    Thanks again for bringing it to my attention. Now to figure out how to fix things...

  34. #34

  35. #35
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Default test @Reficulris

    I give this a score of 4.5. The material for the questions is of sound quality, and the test heavily utilises Model-A theory, which is very much in its favour in my view. However, I felt that 8 options for each question was too many to choose from, and that I do not believe it would be clear to the average test-taker (those with no or little Socionics experience) what exactly was being asked (...or psychoanalysed, essentially). I believe that research has shown that typically, humans are not able to graduate levels of "like" or "dislike" beyond 4 or 5 grades (e.g. from high to low) with such scoring remaining especially meaningful: this point isn't quite valid in regards this test, but my point is that 8 options for each question will feel too much of a challenge for individuals to consider. Also, especially with a small number of questions, it may make the final result less likely to be representative of the test-taker's actually type. (I think my score essentially reflects how taxing it was on the brain for me to complete).

    With the statement "I'm indifferent and bored about the fact that:"
    - I believe this was possibly assessing the Hidden Agenda?
    I felt that the statement in conjunctions with the options seemed possibly rather like double negatives (depending on how the question was meant to be understood?), and thus was difficult to answer. In addition, I felt you had to understand Model-A or guess whether the question was asking what your weakest aspect of your personality was, or whether you were somewhat good at something but that you do not "enjoy" it.

    The statement "A point of frustrating pain is when people point out that:"
    - I took to mean was asking about your PoLR function, but I believe that test-takers could just as easily (if not more so, because they may be more aware of their area of expertise than their weakness) think it is asking about their Base function.

    It took me just under 14 minutes to take the test. (I think it has various grammatical and spelling errors that make it somewhat difficult to read, but that did not affect my rating). I felt that it was a test that I had to think a lot about my answers, so my result seemed a little artificial to me.

    My result:
    EII - INFj - Dostoyevsky - Humanist / Empath

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