Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
Apparently they don't work well enough! Sometimes it still happens!
So, what, no one should use condoms because their efficacy is slightly less than 100%?

These countermeasures work in fair weather, when there's enough cohesion for them to go into effect. But in a vacuum, there is no such context. In a vacuum, we only have individual behaviors. And the individual behaviors on aggregate for men, in a vacuum, assuming no outside forces pressure them otherwise, is that they don't intrinsically care about the fate of children like mothers do, they just wanna nut, because they don't experience the radical psychological alterations upon pregnancy that make them bonded to the offspring they didn't just grow.

That's the point. The fact that there's a far greater tendency for the man to abandon the woman and child than there is for the mother to just dump the baby in a river shows that men aren't attached to children in the way women are.
Sure, I also doubt men tend to be as attached to their children as women. But it's still not common for men to dump their babies in rivers. And I've known enough men who've had children to recognize that their personalities and priorities seem to change significantly after their partner gives birth. Sure, it may not be as drastic as what the mothers go through, and it may not always be strong enough to keep them from abandoning their kids, but the fact that this tendency sometimes fails doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I also don't think you can abstract an individual human from a group. We're social beings. Our personalities, self-identities, and motivations are shaped almost entirely by others. There's no vacuum into which you can abstract a human; there is no "human nature" outside the group. There's a reason solitary confinement drives people to insanity.