16T has a nasty bug, and it is pissing me off, I only coped half of what I wrote and the rest is lost..

Anyhow, rewriting the first half..

My esoteric ability has always been there, I had psychical happenings since two years of age, I would always predict the winning race horse track in San Diego, and garner my parents 800 dollars each time this had been.. Then, I had recurrent dreams of Gargoyles spewing frequencies at me from 4-5 and onwards till 8 ish.. And I’d never been exposed to such a thing.. There are other things, I do not feel comfortable in writing of. So when you say my intuition is an adaptation and was something I have developed, you couldn’t be more wrong.

I had intuited all the patterns of letters, numerous and words to where I could read baby books under one by myself and started becoming a fluent reader at the age of 2 1/2..

This is myself as baby https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachmen...80a5a5dc4a54a&..

There has been a baby picture with myself having all these endless baby books and elementary school books around me, but I cannot find it as of now, it was a very Ne ish picture from my infancy, with all the potentials of various books, intuiting their patterns, even the way I turnt them upside down was rather Ne ish, looking at them from all possible angles.

On the other hand, my sensory stuff has developed artificially, such as my intense focus on aromatherapy, which is more of a coping mechanism to cover my deficits in those areas.. Same with drawing, I am trying learn and suck with the details of it all.

I haven’t escaped myself, I have escaped the world, so you are inaccurate there. I am too into myself, the opposite of “escaping” this, but I’ve escaped the world and my surrounds. Now, some of your post is very ableist and doesn’t look at the inherent deficits and disabilities I have, relevant to most environments. I have the executive capacities of self-monitoring and organization of a child’s. I have caught things on fire with my inability to keep track of my surroundings (then you tell me I’m an Se dom in mbti, when they are automatically aware of what’s around them in their hands and in their environment and notice physical qualities)..

Now this is what is adaptive and a coping skill in me—extreme fixation on Si topics. This is why I thought I could have mental Si in scs, but it’s probably a super Id fantasy, as it is unconscious https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachmen...aae55ccc16fa9&
@qaz00 ^ couldn’t reply to your message because of the 16T bug. I can’t upload from camera roll either.