
I've got a video link attached which answers some questions. I've tried before on this forum and the video wasn't the best so I've redone it so I'm not holding the camera. Hopefully it's better suited for typing. It is a long video over an hour long so don't watch all of it. Skipping to random parts, especially nearer the end, should help find data so you're typing me and not my persona.

I've been previously typed as ILI or LSI.
I disagree with the LSI typing because I'm not a sensor. I'm too detached from my environment, the present moment, keeping my environment tidy and such. I find it stressful to think about my physical environment for long periods of time. I don't have Ne POLR. Looking at others perspectives is a strength of mine not a severe weakness, which again is further evidence of being an Intuitive. I have a broad range of intellectual interests which seems flat out contradictory to Ne POLR hence LSI or ESI typings.