Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
That makes sense, I honestly feel the same way about LII Ti vs LSI Ti. It’s easier for me to explain things in specifics than it is to generalize. That’s one of the reasons duality offers greater informational exchange than mirage and semi-duality.

For example, my functions are +Fi and -Ne (and corresponding -Te and +Si):

My dual is +Te and -Si.
My semi-dual is -Te and +Ni.
My mirage is -Fe and +Si.
My activator is -Si and +Te.

Only type other than the dual who has the same signs is your activator. Neither the semi-dual nor the mirage supplements the 5th and 6th functions in the way you expect. It’s like giving a dehydrated person juice instead of water. The person’s thirst is quenched, but was that really the drink they needed?

Sharing signs makes it easier to find common ground for interaction, though.
According to Gulenko, your benefit ring and your supervision ring has the same signs with you and your dual. We don't share the signs with our activator partner.