As I said in my introduction, I'm wondering what you will type me as. I skipped some questions in the questionaire because they were pointless for me or I couldnt be bothered. Feel free to ask me anything or go deeper on the questions so you might actually get something meaningfull out of it.

What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?

Currently studying ui/ux design. Did a gamedesign study but that was a waste of time. Worked for a while on a desk job but I went crazy from boredom and iritation work hard not smart mentality. This while the job was completely pointless with shit pay and long travel time, so I started my new study where I could be creative.

What are your values, and why?
Kindness, loyalty, trustworthyness, wisdom. I think its always good to know things so you dont fuck shit up, while its always good to be there for others.

What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
Sit at my pc. Browse the internet for interesting stuff. Play games and play vr stuff on my rift, vrporn isnt that interesting btw. Watch series(Chinese stuff lately since its so different), read fantasy books sometimes and some manhwa.

Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
Don't talk much with them because I generally avoid talking to people if I think it's a waste of time. My parents and I get along alright, they constantly tell me to do shit and be ethousiastic which annoys me though. My few friends are more diplomatic about that which I like about them. They drag me along to do new stuff which is also nice.

What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
People that I feel like I have a connection with while being entertaining for me. I like it when a girl is forcefull and confident yet kind.

What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
I rarely have conflicts tbh. The last 1 I had I asked my parents how much pork they had left and that I didn't really like it that much. Apparently I said it with an angry face and I was too blunt resulting in them being angry which resulted in me being angry and just walking off to do my own thing. Conflict is usually like that.

How would your friends describe you?
Stuff I've heard from multiple people in the last months: way too quiet, too much with his head somewhere else, nonchalant, uncaring, blunt, dry, loyal, actually nice. Monotone voice. The friend who does whatever he wants and doesn't get screwed by life(I disagree, I wouldn't be single and have my own place if I did D. The friend with the near permanent resting bitch face unless he is for some reason happy. Actually super weird friend.
Guy they go to if they don't understand something, have a stupid idea or if they want a slave to play VR games at.

What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
Always have an opinion, stops them from making mistakes, good at predicting and planning. I don't know what I like about myself...

What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
Too inactive, blunt(even by Dutch standards), unenthousiastic. "can you be more happy"<no. I dislike that I can sit on my ass all day doing nothing but sit in lala land.

In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
See above.

What things do you dislike doing? What things do you enjoy more than others?
I dislike big parties, especially with people I don't know. Repetitve tasks that require me to pay attention. I enjoy doing absolutely nothing, preventing people from doing stupid shit or intentionally let them do it for a good laugh.

What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
Finish my uni, get a job, don't die yet. yeah I dunno

If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
Invest the money and probably do not do too much different from what I do now.

What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
I like it when people do what they like while helping others. I dislike hardworking people who don't have an idea about what they are actually doing, especially if they tell you to work hard as well or you're a piece of shit. It's pointless.

What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
Do the dishes every day, keep the front of my desk+ the floor clean so theres no dirty shit stopping me from doing what I need to do. It's nice to not trip and die while in VR. Other than that it's a mess and I don't do much other than waiting for the cleaning lady who comes once a week.

How do you behave around strangers?
In typical Dutch fashion I completely ignore them untill they talk to me, I'll tell them whatever they need to know but I'm not going to help them. Won't stick around longer than needed. If I actually have to do something with the strangers I have little confidence in how to get good contact with them.

How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
Frown, frown some more and just do my own thing. If its repeated I might snap and start shouting and telling them how dumb/shit they are and why that's the case, this also happens if someone does this to one of my closer friends.

What is one common misconception that people have about things? Explain why it is wrong.
That they know everything.

What did you do last Friday?
Slept, showered, ate lots of food, ate a kapsalon. Had a presentation of my project to end my quarter at uni. Started writing an essay about the project, mostly did the setup so I could take a break and chill to play some Beatsaber(vrgame) and watch the new Star Trek episode. Thats about it.

What is your biggest accomplishment?
I didn't die when I was born way too early

What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
Atheist. Religion is a good base to treat people well but other than that I have some strong believes against religion but there is no point in preeching that.

What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
I'm not tied to any party and I don't really care/think there is a point to care as long as someone isn't going to fuck over the entire country. I have some interest in US politics but thats mostly because I think everything there is cultist mud slinging from 2 sides with a ton of corruption.

What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
History, interested in what people did in the past and how it became what we have now. I was good at math and art but I disliked them.

Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?
Last 1 I went snowboarding but I was sick so Ill take my US vacation. Went around callifornia-Vegas-grand canyon. Was alright, other than the mexican fodo I disliked the food though, so little taste and the fruit tasted like chemicals. D:

What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?
pretty much the same as now, quiet, blunt, a bit weird, not paying atention to others that much. I was more creative but I wasn't nearly as cynical as I am now though.

What was your high school experience like?
Always got excluded and blamed for shit done by other kids, didnt perform well because of it.

How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
The emotional idiocy with politics

What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?
Get something else

Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?
I generally don't have the energy for it, if I get a leadership role I will go anal on details/planning unless I can give tasks to others. I rather not have a leadership role.

How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?
Rarely, mostly happens if people constantly push me down or want me to behave and act like others all the time.

What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?
There is no purpose/meaning. Leave this place better than how you came here, gl with that though with all the polution and other shit

How do you dress or manage your appearance?
I put in as little effort as possible to look acceptable, which seems to be good enough.

Do you like surprises?
Not much is a surprise. If really a surprise, no