I haven't seen a good new test around here for quite some time so I've decided to add this one. I know it's more MBTI than socionics, but I think it was fun and interesting, definitely worth a try. http://sakinorva.net/functions

My results:
Fi (39)>Ni (38.7)>Ne (36.7)>Te (21)=Ti (21)>Fe (18)>Si (9.5)>Se (8)

I usually score higher on Ni than Fi on these things, but most of the time the difference between Fi and Ni is almost nonexistent for me. I like to see that I'm getting better at Te as I'm becoming more mature. My Te used to be just as bad as my Se, but lately it's been getting better and better. I'm not surprised by the low Fe, I need to work on being interested in other people more, because I really lack that attribute.

grant-brownsword function type ENFP
axis-based function type ISFP
most likely myers-briggs type INFP