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Thread: Try this socionics test -

  1. #121

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    socionics test -
    Section A

    1. I am very interested in solving complex issues and unraveling a tangle of contradictions.
    2. Thanks to my imagination and seeing different solutions to the problem, I quickly find a way out of difficult, complicated situations and troubles that seem hopeless to others.
    3. I love everything unusual, mysterious and enigmatic.
    4. I always consider the problem from an unexpected side.
    5. Completely new and unusual insights occur to me often and I try to convince others to see my point of view.
    6. I love to argue, as I instantly notice the weaknesses in interlocutor's statements (or reports, speeches, proposals, projects, works of art or machines and equipment) and I can find good counterarguments.
    7. I quickly discover imperfections/flaws of almost any person.
    8. I hardly tolerate being subordinate or given orders.
    9. I perfect myself, my abilities and skills, in order to increase the chances of achieving my goals quickly.
    10. I think and compare things a lot, noticing contradictions and inconsistencies.
    Section B

    1. I am prone to create beautiful/harmonious images in my mind.
    2. I'm very curious, I try to imagine various scenarios and often intuitively anticipate the consequences of any actions or changes; I believe in fate.
    3. My ideal is a life in an atmosphere of art, in beautiful surroundings, comfort and well-being; I would like to live in the last century or in the future.
    4. I could not work in a hospital, because I cannot stand the hospital environment (odour, the appearance of patients etc.).
    5. I like anything unusual, beautiful, informative, food for though: I love music, art, theater, books.
    6. My opinion of myself matters more than opinions of other people. love music, art, theater, books.
    7. I treat people with irony, but I don't humiliate them.
    8. I am internally inconsistent and unpredictable in my decisions.
    9. I need to engage in art, as it is a means of expression.
    10. I act in order to surround myself with beautiful things (harmony, elegance, aesthetics, works of art).
    Section C

    1. I am an impulsive person looking for trouble.
    2. At any moment I am ready to immediately respond to any attack against me and I love to answer the opponent with a crushing blow.
    3. When I am humiliated, I am hurt and I feel a strong desire to take revenge.
    4. I prefer struggle and difficulties to stagnation and monotony: I mobilise quickly, take control of the situation. I can be strong and steadfast, the victory should be mine.
    5. I can confidently coordinate actions of others, as well as sense weak points of every situation.
    6. I'm in my element during fights, arguments, rivalry, competition or war.
    7. I make active efforts against all that is not consistent with my feelings and views.
    8. I would like to be the first and break all records.
    9. I'm a risk taker, but if I have to, I can bring myself to the most severe self-discipline.
    10. My mind works better when someone opposes or resists me.
    Section D

    1. I willingly do work which is connected with the need to convince people, to raise their spirits, instruct, assign tasks, manage, give commands.
    2. I become more active during the work program that increases respect or sympathy that my associates give me.
    3. If I have to chastise people for mistakes or wrongdoing, I do it in a "fatherly" way (without anger and humiliation.)
    4. I like to participate in various public meetings where I can make an impression on others.
    5. I am attracted to flashy and noisy spectacles, like battle scenes, races, sports (hockey, football etc.).
    6. I love to take care of others and I'm willing to find solutions to their material, business, and physical problems, but I prefer to take care of myself on my own, because I know what I need.
    7. I prefer more earthly pleasures, which include: contact with nature, food, work, love, rest.
    8. I love to please others, to be the centre of attention, to infect people with optimism.
    9. I easily make impact on others, I can manage them flexibly and efficiently.
    10. I act diplomatically to earn a good reputation of credibility and to maintain high position.
    Section E

    1. I try to be a competent person. I do everything at my own pace and high quality and don't like hacks.
    2. I treat people harshly, but fair.
    3. I have an interest in various technologies and constantly improve my work to make sure of its high quality.
    4. I am rational in spending money, and I always save for unforeseen occasions.
    5. I find it difficult to accept other people's ways of working. I know better how to make it easier, better and more profitable.
    6. I see no reason in enthusiasm for things that don't bring material benefit.
    7. I am confident that I can overcome difficulties in my work and get the best results.
    8. I often have a passion for the work that decreases fatigue and leaves me in a good mood.
    9. I don't change my lifestyle even if people don't agree with it.
    10. I get the most pleasure from doing useful and necessary things.
    Section F

    1. I'm a mature and principled person, guided by logic and common sense, not feelings and moods.
    2. I love order, systems and sequences.
    3. I'm believed to be secretive and reserved, because I'm wary and distrustful towards people.
    4. I'm good at work that requires classification and systematisation. I'm able to work with figures, tables, graphs, I can clearly systematise accumulated information.
    5. I always know how to logically justify my conclusions and decisions.
    6. I love strict analysis. I can identify contradictions in arguments and reasoning of others.
    7. I like solving problems with the help of my knowledge, resulting in harmonious, consistent, orderly system.
    8. I love solving problems that require consistent, strictly logical approach.
    9. I can easily understand algebra.
    10. I am uncompromising in defending my views, intentions, plans and projects.
    Section G

    1. I'm a very emotional person, feelings mean so much to me that because of them I'm capable of great sacrifices.
    2. I'm an optimist and I hope for better future.
    3. My mood often changes and I can't help passing it on to others; I start and end arguments easily.
    4. I often perceive people and events in a romantic way.
    5. I love to share my experiences and make others respond to them. I can show how much I love and hate.
    6. I tend to see the world through pink-coloured glasses.
    7. I'm always interested in moods of others and I know how to influence people, make them experience certain emotions and feelings.
    8. I love daydreaming without any practical purpose.
    9. My mood is often characterised by swings between fear and hope.
    10. For the sake of peace of mind, an opportunity to find rest and dream, I'm willing to sacrifice a lot.
    Section H

    1. I prefer to make peace with people, avoid conflict and disputes.
    2. I easily/quickly to adapt to new conditions and requirements.
    3. I prefer to be a homebody.
    4. I would like to be able to rest whenever I want.
    5. I like to provide special assistance to people, to be useful, selfless and to please others.
    6. I can feel for people who experience failures and troubles as if they were my own.
    7. I agree that I'm a malleable person: I often yield to pressure of people and circumstances.
    8. Calm and not very hard/tiresome work suits me best.
    9. I'm trying to iron out misunderstandings, to reconcile opponents.
    10. I prefer to meet in private.

  2. #122

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    Ne: 25
    Ni: 26
    Se: 11
    Si: 10
    Te: 10
    Ti: 15
    Fe: 22
    Fi: 20
    Last edited by Fair Phantom; 04-28-2015 at 12:04 PM.

  3. #123

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Se: 26
    Ti: 25
    Te: 11
    Ne: 11
    Si: 9
    Ni: 8
    Fe: 4
    Fi: 4
    Redid it from January

    Ti: 28
    Se: 24
    Te: 16
    Ni: 12
    Si: 9
    Ne: 8
    Fi: 5
    Fe: 3

    Pretty similar really.

  4. #124

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    socionics test -
    Section A

    1. I am very interested in solving complex issues and unraveling a tangle of contradictions.
    2. Thanks to my imagination and seeing different solutions to the problem, I quickly find a way out of difficult, complicated situations and troubles that seem hopeless to others.
    3. I love everything unusual, mysterious and enigmatic.
    4. I always consider the problem from an unexpected side.
    5. Completely new and unusual insights occur to me often and I try to convince others to see my point of view.
    6. I love to argue, as I instantly notice the weaknesses in interlocutor's statements (or reports, speeches, proposals, projects, works of art or machines and equipment) and I can find good counterarguments.
    7. I quickly discover imperfections/flaws of almost any person.
    8. I hardly tolerate being subordinate or given orders.
    9. I perfect myself, my abilities and skills, in order to increase the chances of achieving my goals quickly.
    10. I think and compare things a lot, noticing contradictions and inconsistencies.
    Section B

    1. I am prone to create beautiful/harmonious images in my mind.
    2. I'm very curious, I try to imagine various scenarios and often intuitively anticipate the consequences of any actions or changes; I believe in fate.
    3. My ideal is a life in an atmosphere of art, in beautiful surroundings, comfort and well-being; I would like to live in the last century or in the future.
    4. I could not work in a hospital, because I cannot stand the hospital environment (odour, the appearance of patients etc.).
    5. I like anything unusual, beautiful, informative, food for though: I love music, art, theater, books.
    6. My opinion of myself matters more than opinions of other people. love music, art, theater, books.
    7. I treat people with irony, but I don't humiliate them.
    8. I am internally inconsistent and unpredictable in my decisions.
    9. I need to engage in art, as it is a means of expression.
    10. I act in order to surround myself with beautiful things (harmony, elegance, aesthetics, works of art).
    Section C

    1. I am an impulsive person looking for trouble.
    2. At any moment I am ready to immediately respond to any attack against me and I love to answer the opponent with a crushing blow.
    3. When I am humiliated, I am hurt and I feel a strong desire to take revenge.
    4. I prefer struggle and difficulties to stagnation and monotony: I mobilise quickly, take control of the situation. I can be strong and steadfast, the victory should be mine.
    5. I can confidently coordinate actions of others, as well as sense weak points of every situation.
    6. I'm in my element during fights, arguments, rivalry, competition or war.
    7. I make active efforts against all that is not consistent with my feelings and views.
    8. I would like to be the first and break all records.
    9. I'm a risk taker, but if I have to, I can bring myself to the most severe self-discipline.
    10. My mind works better when someone opposes or resists me.
    Section D

    1. I willingly do work which is connected with the need to convince people, to raise their spirits, instruct, assign tasks, manage, give commands.
    2. I become more active during the work program that increases respect or sympathy that my associates give me.
    3. If I have to chastise people for mistakes or wrongdoing, I do it in a "fatherly" way (without anger and humiliation.)
    4. I like to participate in various public meetings where I can make an impression on others.
    5. I am attracted to flashy and noisy spectacles, like battle scenes, races, sports (hockey, football etc.).
    6. I love to take care of others and I'm willing to find solutions to their material, business, and physical problems, but I prefer to take care of myself on my own, because I know what I need.
    7. I prefer more earthly pleasures, which include: contact with nature, food, work, love, rest.
    8. I love to please others, to be the centre of attention, to infect people with optimism.
    9. I easily make impact on others, I can manage them flexibly and efficiently.
    10. I act diplomatically to earn a good reputation of credibility and to maintain high position.
    Section E

    1. I try to be a competent person. I do everything at my own pace and high quality and don't like hacks.
    2. I treat people harshly, but fair.
    3. I have an interest in various technologies and constantly improve my work to make sure of its high quality.
    4. I am rational in spending money, and I always save for unforeseen occasions.
    5. I find it difficult to accept other people's ways of working. I know better how to make it easier, better and more profitable.
    6. I see no reason in enthusiasm for things that don't bring material benefit.
    7. I am confident that I can overcome difficulties in my work and get the best results.
    8. I often have a passion for the work that decreases fatigue and leaves me in a good mood.
    9. I don't change my lifestyle even if people don't agree with it.
    10. I get the most pleasure from doing useful and necessary things.
    Section F

    1. I'm a mature and principled person, guided by logic and common sense, not feelings and moods.
    2. I love order, systems and sequences.
    3. I'm believed to be secretive and reserved, because I'm wary and distrustful towards people.
    4. I'm good at work that requires classification and systematisation. I'm able to work with figures, tables, graphs, I can clearly systematise accumulated information.
    5. I always know how to logically justify my conclusions and decisions.
    6. I love strict analysis. I can identify contradictions in arguments and reasoning of others.
    7. I like solving problems with the help of my knowledge, resulting in harmonious, consistent, orderly system.
    8. I love solving problems that require consistent, strictly logical approach.
    9. I can easily understand algebra.
    10. I am uncompromising in defending my views, intentions, plans and projects.
    Section G

    1. I'm a very emotional person, feelings mean so much to me that because of them I'm capable of great sacrifices.
    2. I'm an optimist and I hope for better future.
    3. My mood often changes and I can't help passing it on to others; I start and end arguments easily.
    4. I often perceive people and events in a romantic way.
    5. I love to share my experiences and make others respond to them. I can show how much I love and hate.
    6. I tend to see the world through pink-coloured glasses.
    7. I'm always interested in moods of others and I know how to influence people, make them experience certain emotions and feelings.
    8. I love daydreaming without any practical purpose.
    9. My mood is often characterised by swings between fear and hope.
    10. For the sake of peace of mind, an opportunity to find rest and dream, I'm willing to sacrifice a lot.
    Section H

    1. I prefer to make peace with people, avoid conflict and disputes.
    2. I easily/quickly to adapt to new conditions and requirements.
    3. I prefer to be a homebody.
    4. I would like to be able to rest whenever I want.
    5. I like to provide special assistance to people, to be useful, selfless and to please others.
    6. I can feel for people who experience failures and troubles as if they were my own.
    7. I agree that I'm a malleable person: I often yield to pressure of people and circumstances.
    8. Calm and not very hard/tiresome work suits me best.
    9. I'm trying to iron out misunderstandings, to reconcile opponents.
    10. I prefer to meet in private.

  5. #125
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    Ne = 19
    Ni = 21
    Se = 7
    Si = 4
    Te = 18
    Ti = 20
    Fe = 7
    Fi = 13

    My opinion on the test aside, the results are consistent with my self typing.

  6. #126
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    Just redid this.

    It looks like I'm clearly some Ne ego type. But which one?

    3 way tie between Ne, Ti, and Fi

    Ti, Fi, Ne: 21
    Te, Fe: 17
    Ni: 12
    Si: 9
    Se: 6
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  7. #127

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    Just redid this.

    It looks like I'm clearly some Ne ego type. But which one?

    3 way tie between Ne, Ti, and Fi

    Ti, Fi, Ne: 21
    Te, Fe: 17
    Ni: 12
    Si: 9
    Se: 6
    Coincidence that the T/F are equal? lol.

    I don't think the Fi questions are very good though... so nothing really excludes LII here for you

  8. #128
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    Ne 18
    Ni 14
    Se 6
    Si 10
    Te 17
    Ti 17
    Fe 17
    Fi 13

    Some questions on the test are not consistent with described functions, however, overall I got the result which doesn't contradict with my type. Although based on the scores, could almost equally probable be ILE or LII

  9. #129

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    Quote Originally Posted by Scientist View Post
    Ne 18
    Ni 14
    Se 6
    Si 10
    Te 17
    Ti 17
    Fe 17
    Fi 13

    Some questions on the test are not consistent with described functions, however, overall I got the result which doesn't contradict with my type. Although based on the scores, could almost equally probable be ILE or LII
    This definitely seems to match ILE more closely than LII.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    This definitely seems to match ILE more closely than LII.

  11. #131

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    Ne 23
    Ni 21
    Se 7
    Si 15
    Te 14
    Ti 15
    Fe 14
    Fi 21
    Last edited by winniep; 05-07-2015 at 06:30 PM.

  12. #132

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    double first post. so charming !

  13. #133
    alklonth's Avatar
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    Ne - 19
    Ni - 16
    Se - 11
    Si - 14
    Te - 23
    Ti - 13
    Fe - 9
    Fi - 11

  14. #134

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    socionics test -
    Section A

    1. I am very interested in solving complex issues and unraveling a tangle of contradictions.
    2. Thanks to my imagination and seeing different solutions to the problem, I quickly find a way out of difficult, complicated situations and troubles that seem hopeless to others.
    3. I love everything unusual, mysterious and enigmatic.
    4. I always consider the problem from an unexpected side.
    5. Completely new and unusual insights occur to me often and I try to convince others to see my point of view.
    6. I love to argue, as I instantly notice the weaknesses in interlocutor's statements (or reports, speeches, proposals, projects, works of art or machines and equipment) and I can find good counterarguments.
    7. I quickly discover imperfections/flaws of almost any person.
    8. I hardly tolerate being subordinate or given orders.
    9. I perfect myself, my abilities and skills, in order to increase the chances of achieving my goals quickly.
    10. I think and compare things a lot, noticing contradictions and inconsistencies.
    Section B

    1. I am prone to create beautiful/harmonious images in my mind.
    2. I'm very curious, I try to imagine various scenarios and often intuitively anticipate the consequences of any actions or changes; I believe in fate.
    3. My ideal is a life in an atmosphere of art, in beautiful surroundings, comfort and well-being; I would like to live in the last century or in the future.
    4. I could not work in a hospital, because I cannot stand the hospital environment (odour, the appearance of patients etc.).
    5. I like anything unusual, beautiful, informative, food for though: I love music, art, theater, books.
    6. My opinion of myself matters more than opinions of other people. love music, art, theater, books.
    7. I treat people with irony, but I don't humiliate them.
    8. I am internally inconsistent and unpredictable in my decisions.
    9. I need to engage in art, as it is a means of expression.
    10. I act in order to surround myself with beautiful things (harmony, elegance, aesthetics, works of art).
    Section C

    1. I am an impulsive person looking for trouble.
    2. At any moment I am ready to immediately respond to any attack against me and I love to answer the opponent with a crushing blow.
    3. When I am humiliated, I am hurt and I feel a strong desire to take revenge.
    4. I prefer struggle and difficulties to stagnation and monotony: I mobilise quickly, take control of the situation. I can be strong and steadfast, the victory should be mine.
    5. I can confidently coordinate actions of others, as well as sense weak points of every situation.
    6. I'm in my element during fights, arguments, rivalry, competition or war.
    7. I make active efforts against all that is not consistent with my feelings and views.
    8. I would like to be the first and break all records.
    9. I'm a risk taker, but if I have to, I can bring myself to the most severe self-discipline.
    10. My mind works better when someone opposes or resists me.
    Section D

    1. I willingly do work which is connected with the need to convince people, to raise their spirits, instruct, assign tasks, manage, give commands.
    2. I become more active during the work program that increases respect or sympathy that my associates give me.
    3. If I have to chastise people for mistakes or wrongdoing, I do it in a "fatherly" way (without anger and humiliation.)
    4. I like to participate in various public meetings where I can make an impression on others.
    5. I am attracted to flashy and noisy spectacles, like battle scenes, races, sports (hockey, football etc.).
    6. I love to take care of others and I'm willing to find solutions to their material, business, and physical problems, but I prefer to take care of myself on my own, because I know what I need.
    7. I prefer more earthly pleasures, which include: contact with nature, food, work, love, rest.
    8. I love to please others, to be the centre of attention, to infect people with optimism.
    9. I easily make impact on others, I can manage them flexibly and efficiently.
    10. I act diplomatically to earn a good reputation of credibility and to maintain high position.
    Section E

    1. I try to be a competent person. I do everything at my own pace and high quality and don't like hacks.
    2. I treat people harshly, but fair.
    3. I have an interest in various technologies and constantly improve my work to make sure of its high quality.
    4. I am rational in spending money, and I always save for unforeseen occasions.
    5. I find it difficult to accept other people's ways of working. I know better how to make it easier, better and more profitable.
    6. I see no reason in enthusiasm for things that don't bring material benefit.
    7. I am confident that I can overcome difficulties in my work and get the best results.
    8. I often have a passion for the work that decreases fatigue and leaves me in a good mood.
    9. I don't change my lifestyle even if people don't agree with it.
    10. I get the most pleasure from doing useful and necessary things.
    Section F

    1. I'm a mature and principled person, guided by logic and common sense, not feelings and moods.
    2. I love order, systems and sequences.
    3. I'm believed to be secretive and reserved, because I'm wary and distrustful towards people.
    4. I'm good at work that requires classification and systematisation. I'm able to work with figures, tables, graphs, I can clearly systematise accumulated information.
    5. I always know how to logically justify my conclusions and decisions.
    6. I love strict analysis. I can identify contradictions in arguments and reasoning of others.
    7. I like solving problems with the help of my knowledge, resulting in harmonious, consistent, orderly system.
    8. I love solving problems that require consistent, strictly logical approach.
    9. I can easily understand algebra.
    10. I am uncompromising in defending my views, intentions, plans and projects.
    Section G

    1. I'm a very emotional person, feelings mean so much to me that because of them I'm capable of great sacrifices.
    2. I'm an optimist and I hope for better future.
    3. My mood often changes and I can't help passing it on to others; I start and end arguments easily.
    4. I often perceive people and events in a romantic way.
    5. I love to share my experiences and make others respond to them. I can show how much I love and hate.
    6. I tend to see the world through pink-coloured glasses.
    7. I'm always interested in moods of others and I know how to influence people, make them experience certain emotions and feelings.
    8. I love daydreaming without any practical purpose.
    9. My mood is often characterised by swings between fear and hope.
    10. For the sake of peace of mind, an opportunity to find rest and dream, I'm willing to sacrifice a lot.
    Section H

    1. I prefer to make peace with people, avoid conflict and disputes.
    2. I easily/quickly to adapt to new conditions and requirements.
    3. I prefer to be a homebody.
    4. I would like to be able to rest whenever I want.
    5. I like to provide special assistance to people, to be useful, selfless and to please others.
    6. I can feel for people who experience failures and troubles as if they were my own.
    7. I agree that I'm a malleable person: I often yield to pressure of people and circumstances.
    8. Calm and not very hard/tiresome work suits me best.
    9. I'm trying to iron out misunderstandings, to reconcile opponents.
    10. I prefer to meet in private.

  15. #135

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    socionics test -
    Section A

    1. I am very interested in solving complex issues and unraveling a tangle of contradictions.
    2. Thanks to my imagination and seeing different solutions to the problem, I quickly find a way out of difficult, complicated situations and troubles that seem hopeless to others.
    3. I love everything unusual, mysterious and enigmatic.
    4. I always consider the problem from an unexpected side.
    5. Completely new and unusual insights occur to me often and I try to convince others to see my point of view.
    6. I love to argue, as I instantly notice the weaknesses in interlocutor's statements (or reports, speeches, proposals, projects, works of art or machines and equipment) and I can find good counterarguments.
    7. I quickly discover imperfections/flaws of almost any person.
    8. I hardly tolerate being subordinate or given orders.
    9. I perfect myself, my abilities and skills, in order to increase the chances of achieving my goals quickly.
    10. I think and compare things a lot, noticing contradictions and inconsistencies.
    Section B

    1. I am prone to create beautiful/harmonious images in my mind.
    2. I'm very curious, I try to imagine various scenarios and often intuitively anticipate the consequences of any actions or changes; I believe in fate.
    3. My ideal is a life in an atmosphere of art, in beautiful surroundings, comfort and well-being; I would like to live in the last century or in the future.
    4. I could not work in a hospital, because I cannot stand the hospital environment (odour, the appearance of patients etc.).
    5. I like anything unusual, beautiful, informative, food for though: I love music, art, theater, books.
    6. My opinion of myself matters more than opinions of other people. love music, art, theater, books.
    7. I treat people with irony, but I don't humiliate them.
    8. I am internally inconsistent and unpredictable in my decisions.
    9. I need to engage in art, as it is a means of expression.
    10. I act in order to surround myself with beautiful things (harmony, elegance, aesthetics, works of art).
    Section C

    1. I am an impulsive person looking for trouble.
    2. At any moment I am ready to immediately respond to any attack against me and I love to answer the opponent with a crushing blow.
    3. When I am humiliated, I am hurt and I feel a strong desire to take revenge.
    4. I prefer struggle and difficulties to stagnation and monotony: I mobilise quickly, take control of the situation. I can be strong and steadfast, the victory should be mine.
    5. I can confidently coordinate actions of others, as well as sense weak points of every situation.
    6. I'm in my element during fights, arguments, rivalry, competition or war.
    7. I make active efforts against all that is not consistent with my feelings and views.
    8. I would like to be the first and break all records.
    9. I'm a risk taker, but if I have to, I can bring myself to the most severe self-discipline.
    10. My mind works better when someone opposes or resists me.
    Section D

    1. I willingly do work which is connected with the need to convince people, to raise their spirits, instruct, assign tasks, manage, give commands.
    2. I become more active during the work program that increases respect or sympathy that my associates give me.
    3. If I have to chastise people for mistakes or wrongdoing, I do it in a "fatherly" way (without anger and humiliation.)
    4. I like to participate in various public meetings where I can make an impression on others.
    5. I am attracted to flashy and noisy spectacles, like battle scenes, races, sports (hockey, football etc.).
    6. I love to take care of others and I'm willing to find solutions to their material, business, and physical problems, but I prefer to take care of myself on my own, because I know what I need.
    7. I prefer more earthly pleasures, which include: contact with nature, food, work, love, rest.
    8. I love to please others, to be the centre of attention, to infect people with optimism.
    9. I easily make impact on others, I can manage them flexibly and efficiently.
    10. I act diplomatically to earn a good reputation of credibility and to maintain high position.
    Section E

    1. I try to be a competent person. I do everything at my own pace and high quality and don't like hacks.
    2. I treat people harshly, but fair.
    3. I have an interest in various technologies and constantly improve my work to make sure of its high quality.
    4. I am rational in spending money, and I always save for unforeseen occasions.
    5. I find it difficult to accept other people's ways of working. I know better how to make it easier, better and more profitable.
    6. I see no reason in enthusiasm for things that don't bring material benefit.
    7. I am confident that I can overcome difficulties in my work and get the best results.
    8. I often have a passion for the work that decreases fatigue and leaves me in a good mood.
    9. I don't change my lifestyle even if people don't agree with it.
    10. I get the most pleasure from doing useful and necessary things.
    Section F

    1. I'm a mature and principled person, guided by logic and common sense, not feelings and moods.
    2. I love order, systems and sequences.
    3. I'm believed to be secretive and reserved, because I'm wary and distrustful towards people.
    4. I'm good at work that requires classification and systematisation. I'm able to work with figures, tables, graphs, I can clearly systematise accumulated information.
    5. I always know how to logically justify my conclusions and decisions.
    6. I love strict analysis. I can identify contradictions in arguments and reasoning of others.
    7. I like solving problems with the help of my knowledge, resulting in harmonious, consistent, orderly system.
    8. I love solving problems that require consistent, strictly logical approach.
    9. I can easily understand algebra.
    10. I am uncompromising in defending my views, intentions, plans and projects.
    Section G

    1. I'm a very emotional person, feelings mean so much to me that because of them I'm capable of great sacrifices.
    2. I'm an optimist and I hope for better future.
    3. My mood often changes and I can't help passing it on to others; I start and end arguments easily.
    4. I often perceive people and events in a romantic way.
    5. I love to share my experiences and make others respond to them. I can show how much I love and hate.
    6. I tend to see the world through pink-coloured glasses.
    7. I'm always interested in moods of others and I know how to influence people, make them experience certain emotions and feelings.
    8. I love daydreaming without any practical purpose.
    9. My mood is often characterised by swings between fear and hope.
    10. For the sake of peace of mind, an opportunity to find rest and dream, I'm willing to sacrifice a lot.
    Section H

    1. I prefer to make peace with people, avoid conflict and disputes.
    2. I easily/quickly to adapt to new conditions and requirements.
    3. I prefer to be a homebody.
    4. I would like to be able to rest whenever I want.
    5. I like to provide special assistance to people, to be useful, selfless and to please others.
    6. I can feel for people who experience failures and troubles as if they were my own.
    7. I agree that I'm a malleable person: I often yield to pressure of people and circumstances.
    8. Calm and not very hard/tiresome work suits me best.
    9. I'm trying to iron out misunderstandings, to reconcile opponents.
    10. I prefer to meet in private.

  16. #136
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    socionics test -
    Section A

    1. I am very interested in solving complex issues and unraveling a tangle of contradictions.
    2. Thanks to my imagination and seeing different solutions to the problem, I quickly find a way out of difficult, complicated situations and troubles that seem hopeless to others.
    3. I love everything unusual, mysterious and enigmatic.
    4. I always consider the problem from an unexpected side.
    5. Completely new and unusual insights occur to me often and I try to convince others to see my point of view.
    6. I love to argue, as I instantly notice the weaknesses in interlocutor's statements (or reports, speeches, proposals, projects, works of art or machines and equipment) and I can find good counterarguments.
    7. I quickly discover imperfections/flaws of almost any person.
    8. I hardly tolerate being subordinate or given orders.
    9. I perfect myself, my abilities and skills, in order to increase the chances of achieving my goals quickly.
    10. I think and compare things a lot, noticing contradictions and inconsistencies.
    Section B

    1. I am prone to create beautiful/harmonious images in my mind.
    2. I'm very curious, I try to imagine various scenarios and often intuitively anticipate the consequences of any actions or changes; I believe in fate.
    3. My ideal is a life in an atmosphere of art, in beautiful surroundings, comfort and well-being; I would like to live in the last century or in the future.
    4. I could not work in a hospital, because I cannot stand the hospital environment (odour, the appearance of patients etc.).
    5. I like anything unusual, beautiful, informative, food for though: I love music, art, theater, books.
    6. My opinion of myself matters more than opinions of other people. love music, art, theater, books.
    7. I treat people with irony, but I don't humiliate them.
    8. I am internally inconsistent and unpredictable in my decisions.
    9. I need to engage in art, as it is a means of expression.
    10. I act in order to surround myself with beautiful things (harmony, elegance, aesthetics, works of art).
    Section C

    1. I am an impulsive person looking for trouble.
    2. At any moment I am ready to immediately respond to any attack against me and I love to answer the opponent with a crushing blow.
    3. When I am humiliated, I am hurt and I feel a strong desire to take revenge.
    4. I prefer struggle and difficulties to stagnation and monotony: I mobilise quickly, take control of the situation. I can be strong and steadfast, the victory should be mine.
    5. I can confidently coordinate actions of others, as well as sense weak points of every situation.
    6. I'm in my element during fights, arguments, rivalry, competition or war.
    7. I make active efforts against all that is not consistent with my feelings and views.
    8. I would like to be the first and break all records.
    9. I'm a risk taker, but if I have to, I can bring myself to the most severe self-discipline.
    10. My mind works better when someone opposes or resists me.
    Section D

    1. I willingly do work which is connected with the need to convince people, to raise their spirits, instruct, assign tasks, manage, give commands.
    2. I become more active during the work program that increases respect or sympathy that my associates give me.
    3. If I have to chastise people for mistakes or wrongdoing, I do it in a "fatherly" way (without anger and humiliation.)
    4. I like to participate in various public meetings where I can make an impression on others.
    5. I am attracted to flashy and noisy spectacles, like battle scenes, races, sports (hockey, football etc.).
    6. I love to take care of others and I'm willing to find solutions to their material, business, and physical problems, but I prefer to take care of myself on my own, because I know what I need.
    7. I prefer more earthly pleasures, which include: contact with nature, food, work, love, rest.
    8. I love to please others, to be the centre of attention, to infect people with optimism.
    9. I easily make impact on others, I can manage them flexibly and efficiently.
    10. I act diplomatically to earn a good reputation of credibility and to maintain high position.
    Section E

    1. I try to be a competent person. I do everything at my own pace and high quality and don't like hacks.
    2. I treat people harshly, but fair.
    3. I have an interest in various technologies and constantly improve my work to make sure of its high quality.
    4. I am rational in spending money, and I always save for unforeseen occasions.
    5. I find it difficult to accept other people's ways of working. I know better how to make it easier, better and more profitable.
    6. I see no reason in enthusiasm for things that don't bring material benefit.
    7. I am confident that I can overcome difficulties in my work and get the best results.
    8. I often have a passion for the work that decreases fatigue and leaves me in a good mood.
    9. I don't change my lifestyle even if people don't agree with it.
    10. I get the most pleasure from doing useful and necessary things.
    Section F

    1. I'm a mature and principled person, guided by logic and common sense, not feelings and moods.
    2. I love order, systems and sequences.
    3. I'm believed to be secretive and reserved, because I'm wary and distrustful towards people.
    4. I'm good at work that requires classification and systematisation. I'm able to work with figures, tables, graphs, I can clearly systematise accumulated information.
    5. I always know how to logically justify my conclusions and decisions.
    6. I love strict analysis. I can identify contradictions in arguments and reasoning of others.
    7. I like solving problems with the help of my knowledge, resulting in harmonious, consistent, orderly system.
    8. I love solving problems that require consistent, strictly logical approach.
    9. I can easily understand algebra.
    10. I am uncompromising in defending my views, intentions, plans and projects.
    Section G

    1. I'm a very emotional person, feelings mean so much to me that because of them I'm capable of great sacrifices.
    2. I'm an optimist and I hope for better future.
    3. My mood often changes and I can't help passing it on to others; I start and end arguments easily.
    4. I often perceive people and events in a romantic way.
    5. I love to share my experiences and make others respond to them. I can show how much I love and hate.
    6. I tend to see the world through pink-coloured glasses.
    7. I'm always interested in moods of others and I know how to influence people, make them experience certain emotions and feelings.
    8. I love daydreaming without any practical purpose.
    9. My mood is often characterised by swings between fear and hope.
    10. For the sake of peace of mind, an opportunity to find rest and dream, I'm willing to sacrifice a lot.
    Section H

    1. I prefer to make peace with people, avoid conflict and disputes.
    2. I easily/quickly to adapt to new conditions and requirements.
    3. I prefer to be a homebody.
    4. I would like to be able to rest whenever I want.
    5. I like to provide special assistance to people, to be useful, selfless and to please others.
    6. I can feel for people who experience failures and troubles as if they were my own.
    7. I agree that I'm a malleable person: I often yield to pressure of people and circumstances.
    8. Calm and not very hard/tiresome work suits me best.
    9. I'm trying to iron out misunderstandings, to reconcile opponents.
    10. I prefer to meet in private.

  17. #137


    socionics test -
    Section A

    1. I am very interested in solving complex issues and unraveling a tangle of contradictions.
    2. Thanks to my imagination and seeing different solutions to the problem, I quickly find a way out of difficult, complicated situations and troubles that seem hopeless to others.
    3. I love everything unusual, mysterious and enigmatic.
    4. I always consider the problem from an unexpected side.
    5. Completely new and unusual insights occur to me often and I try to convince others to see my point of view.
    6. I love to argue, as I instantly notice the weaknesses in interlocutor's statements (or reports, speeches, proposals, projects, works of art or machines and equipment) and I can find good counterarguments.
    7. I quickly discover imperfections/flaws of almost any person.
    8. I hardly tolerate being subordinate or given orders.
    9. I perfect myself, my abilities and skills, in order to increase the chances of achieving my goals quickly.
    10. I think and compare things a lot, noticing contradictions and inconsistencies.
    Section B

    1. I am prone to create beautiful/harmonious images in my mind.
    2. I'm very curious, I try to imagine various scenarios and often intuitively anticipate the consequences of any actions or changes; I believe in fate.
    3. My ideal is a life in an atmosphere of art, in beautiful surroundings, comfort and well-being; I would like to live in the last century or in the future.
    4. I could not work in a hospital, because I cannot stand the hospital environment (odour, the appearance of patients etc.).
    5. I like anything unusual, beautiful, informative, food for though: I love music, art, theater, books.
    6. My opinion of myself matters more than opinions of other people. love music, art, theater, books.
    7. I treat people with irony, but I don't humiliate them.
    8. I am internally inconsistent and unpredictable in my decisions.
    9. I need to engage in art, as it is a means of expression.
    10. I act in order to surround myself with beautiful things (harmony, elegance, aesthetics, works of art).
    Section C

    1. I am an impulsive person looking for trouble.
    2. At any moment I am ready to immediately respond to any attack against me and I love to answer the opponent with a crushing blow.
    3. When I am humiliated, I am hurt and I feel a strong desire to take revenge.
    4. I prefer struggle and difficulties to stagnation and monotony: I mobilise quickly, take control of the situation. I can be strong and steadfast, the victory should be mine.
    5. I can confidently coordinate actions of others, as well as sense weak points of every situation.
    6. I'm in my element during fights, arguments, rivalry, competition or war.
    7. I make active efforts against all that is not consistent with my feelings and views.
    8. I would like to be the first and break all records.
    9. I'm a risk taker, but if I have to, I can bring myself to the most severe self-discipline.
    10. My mind works better when someone opposes or resists me.
    Section D

    1. I willingly do work which is connected with the need to convince people, to raise their spirits, instruct, assign tasks, manage, give commands.
    2. I become more active during the work program that increases respect or sympathy that my associates give me.
    3. If I have to chastise people for mistakes or wrongdoing, I do it in a "fatherly" way (without anger and humiliation.)
    4. I like to participate in various public meetings where I can make an impression on others.
    5. I am attracted to flashy and noisy spectacles, like battle scenes, races, sports (hockey, football etc.).
    6. I love to take care of others and I'm willing to find solutions to their material, business, and physical problems, but I prefer to take care of myself on my own, because I know what I need.
    7. I prefer more earthly pleasures, which include: contact with nature, food, work, love, rest.
    8. I love to please others, to be the centre of attention, to infect people with optimism.
    9. I easily make impact on others, I can manage them flexibly and efficiently.
    10. I act diplomatically to earn a good reputation of credibility and to maintain high position.
    Section E

    1. I try to be a competent person. I do everything at my own pace and high quality and don't like hacks.
    2. I treat people harshly, but fair.
    3. I have an interest in various technologies and constantly improve my work to make sure of its high quality.
    4. I am rational in spending money, and I always save for unforeseen occasions.
    5. I find it difficult to accept other people's ways of working. I know better how to make it easier, better and more profitable.
    6. I see no reason in enthusiasm for things that don't bring material benefit.
    7. I am confident that I can overcome difficulties in my work and get the best results.
    8. I often have a passion for the work that decreases fatigue and leaves me in a good mood.
    9. I don't change my lifestyle even if people don't agree with it.
    10. I get the most pleasure from doing useful and necessary things.
    Section F

    1. I'm a mature and principled person, guided by logic and common sense, not feelings and moods.
    2. I love order, systems and sequences.
    3. I'm believed to be secretive and reserved, because I'm wary and distrustful towards people.
    4. I'm good at work that requires classification and systematisation. I'm able to work with figures, tables, graphs, I can clearly systematise accumulated information.
    5. I always know how to logically justify my conclusions and decisions.
    6. I love strict analysis. I can identify contradictions in arguments and reasoning of others.
    7. I like solving problems with the help of my knowledge, resulting in harmonious, consistent, orderly system.
    8. I love solving problems that require consistent, strictly logical approach.
    9. I can easily understand algebra.
    10. I am uncompromising in defending my views, intentions, plans and projects.
    Section G

    1. I'm a very emotional person, feelings mean so much to me that because of them I'm capable of great sacrifices.
    2. I'm an optimist and I hope for better future.
    3. My mood often changes and I can't help passing it on to others; I start and end arguments easily.
    4. I often perceive people and events in a romantic way.
    5. I love to share my experiences and make others respond to them. I can show how much I love and hate.
    6. I tend to see the world through pink-coloured glasses.
    7. I'm always interested in moods of others and I know how to influence people, make them experience certain emotions and feelings.
    8. I love daydreaming without any practical purpose.
    9. My mood is often characterised by swings between fear and hope.
    10. For the sake of peace of mind, an opportunity to find rest and dream, I'm willing to sacrifice a lot.
    Section H

    1. I prefer to make peace with people, avoid conflict and disputes.
    2. I easily/quickly to adapt to new conditions and requirements.
    3. I prefer to be a homebody.
    4. I would like to be able to rest whenever I want.
    5. I like to provide special assistance to people, to be useful, selfless and to please others.
    6. I can feel for people who experience failures and troubles as if they were my own.
    7. I agree that I'm a malleable person: I often yield to pressure of people and circumstances.
    8. Calm and not very hard/tiresome work suits me best.
    9. I'm trying to iron out misunderstandings, to reconcile opponents.
    10. I prefer to meet in private.

  18. #138

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    socionics test -
    Section A (Ne - 20)

    1. I am very interested in solving complex issues and unraveling a tangle of contradictions.
    2. Thanks to my imagination and seeing different solutions to the problem, I quickly find a way out of difficult, complicated situations and troubles that seem hopeless to others.
    3. I love everything unusual, mysterious and enigmatic.
    4. I always consider the problem from an unexpected side.
    5. Completely new and unusual insights occur to me often and I try to convince others to see my point of view.
    6. I love to argue, as I instantly notice the weaknesses in interlocutor's statements (or reports, speeches, proposals, projects, works of art or machines and equipment) and I can find good counterarguments.
    7. I quickly discover imperfections/flaws of almost any person.
    8. I hardly tolerate being subordinate or given orders.
    9. I perfect myself, my abilities and skills, in order to increase the chances of achieving my goals quickly.
    10. I think and compare things a lot, noticing contradictions and inconsistencies.
    Section B (Ni - 13)

    1. I am prone to create beautiful/harmonious images in my mind.
    2. I'm very curious, I try to imagine various scenarios and often intuitively anticipate the consequences of any actions or changes; I believe in fate.
    3. My ideal is a life in an atmosphere of art, in beautiful surroundings, comfort and well-being; I would like to live in the last century or in the future.
    4. I could not work in a hospital, because I cannot stand the hospital environment (odour, the appearance of patients etc.).
    5. I like anything unusual, beautiful, informative, food for though: I love music, art, theater, books.
    6. My opinion of myself matters more than opinions of other people. love music, art, theater, books.
    7. I treat people with irony, but I don't humiliate them.
    8. I am internally inconsistent and unpredictable in my decisions.
    9. I need to engage in art, as it is a means of expression.
    10. I act in order to surround myself with beautiful things (harmony, elegance, aesthetics, works of art).
    Section C (Se - 3)

    1. I am an impulsive person looking for trouble.
    2. At any moment I am ready to immediately respond to any attack against me and I love to answer the opponent with a crushing blow.
    3. When I am humiliated, I am hurt and I feel a strong desire to take revenge.
    4. I prefer struggle and difficulties to stagnation and monotony: I mobilise quickly, take control of the situation. I can be strong and steadfast, the victory should be mine.
    5. I can confidently coordinate actions of others, as well as sense weak points of every situation.
    6. I'm in my element during fights, arguments, rivalry, competition or war.
    7. I make active efforts against all that is not consistent with my feelings and views.
    8. I would like to be the first and break all records.
    9. I'm a risk taker, but if I have to, I can bring myself to the most severe self-discipline.
    10. My mind works better when someone opposes or resists me.
    Section D (Si - 6)

    1. I willingly do work which is connected with the need to convince people, to raise their spirits, instruct, assign tasks, manage, give commands.
    2. I become more active during the work program that increases respect or sympathy that my associates give me.
    3. If I have to chastise people for mistakes or wrongdoing, I do it in a "fatherly" way (without anger and humiliation.)
    4. I like to participate in various public meetings where I can make an impression on others.
    5. I am attracted to flashy and noisy spectacles, like battle scenes, races, sports (hockey, football etc.).
    6. I love to take care of others and I'm willing to find solutions to their material, business, and physical problems, but I prefer to take care of myself on my own, because I know what I need.
    7. I prefer more earthly pleasures, which include: contact with nature, food, work, love, rest.
    8. I love to please others, to be the centre of attention, to infect people with optimism.
    9. I easily make impact on others, I can manage them flexibly and efficiently.
    10. I act diplomatically to earn a good reputation of credibility and to maintain high position.
    Section E (Te - 16)

    1. I try to be a competent person. I do everything at my own pace and high quality and don't like hacks.
    2. I treat people harshly, but fair.
    3. I have an interest in various technologies and constantly improve my work to make sure of its high quality.
    4. I am rational in spending money, and I always save for unforeseen occasions.
    5. I find it difficult to accept other people's ways of working. I know better how to make it easier, better and more profitable.
    6. I see no reason in enthusiasm for things that don't bring material benefit.
    7. I am confident that I can overcome difficulties in my work and get the best results.
    8. I often have a passion for the work that decreases fatigue and leaves me in a good mood.
    9. I don't change my lifestyle even if people don't agree with it.
    10. I get the most pleasure from doing useful and necessary things.
    Section F (Ti - 25)

    1. I'm a mature and principled person, guided by logic and common sense, not feelings and moods.
    2. I love order, systems and sequences.
    3. I'm believed to be secretive and reserved, because I'm wary and distrustful towards people.
    4. I'm good at work that requires classification and systematisation. I'm able to work with figures, tables, graphs, I can clearly systematise accumulated information.
    5. I always know how to logically justify my conclusions and decisions.
    6. I love strict analysis. I can identify contradictions in arguments and reasoning of others.
    7. I like solving problems with the help of my knowledge, resulting in harmonious, consistent, orderly system.
    8. I love solving problems that require consistent, strictly logical approach.
    9. I can easily understand algebra.
    10. I am uncompromising in defending my views, intentions, plans and projects.
    Section G (Fe - 7)

    1. I'm a very emotional person, feelings mean so much to me that because of them I'm capable of great sacrifices.
    2. I'm an optimist and I hope for better future.
    3. My mood often changes and I can't help passing it on to others; I start and end arguments easily.
    4. I often perceive people and events in a romantic way.
    5. I love to share my experiences and make others respond to them. I can show how much I love and hate.
    6. I tend to see the world through pink-coloured glasses.
    7. I'm always interested in moods of others and I know how to influence people, make them experience certain emotions and feelings.
    8. I love daydreaming without any practical purpose.
    9. My mood is often characterised by swings between fear and hope.
    10. For the sake of peace of mind, an opportunity to find rest and dream, I'm willing to sacrifice a lot.
    Section H (Fi - 16)

    1. I prefer to make peace with people, avoid conflict and disputes.
    2. I easily/quickly to adapt to new conditions and requirements.
    3. I prefer to be a homebody.
    4. I would like to be able to rest whenever I want.
    5. I like to provide special assistance to people, to be useful, selfless and to please others.
    6. I can feel for people who experience failures and troubles as if they were my own.
    7. I agree that I'm a malleable person: I often yield to pressure of people and circumstances.
    8. Calm and not very hard/tiresome work suits me best.
    9. I'm trying to iron out misunderstandings, to reconcile opponents.
    10. I prefer to meet in private.

  19. #139
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    Ne - 23
    Ni - 17
    Se - 4
    Si - 4
    Te - 17
    Ti - 27
    Fe - 9
    Fi - 8

    ? Could be.

  20. #140
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irime View Post
    Ne - 23
    Ni - 17
    Se - 4
    Si - 4
    Te - 17
    Ti - 27
    Fe - 9
    Fi - 8

    ? Could be.
    According to the test result, would definitely be the best fit. I wouldn't rely too much on socionics tests though, especially not this one. This test needs alot of improvement. Mainly in that several of the questions appear to be assigned to the wrong functions.

    Have you looked into / LII type descriptions? How well do they fit you?
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  21. #141
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    I know socionics from circa 2 years, and since then I tried many types, but always in the end I decided that LII fits me best. Over few months I am sure of it, then I start to read about socionics, overanalyze and end up with different sociotype. After 1-2 weeks I return to LII typing. And so on... Recently I had ILI phase, but I felt wrong with it.
    Descriptions suit quite good, information elements too. I can see myself as Ti leading, creative Ne fits better than Se, but sometimes I have doubts when I think how my Ne works as creative.

  22. #142

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    Quote Originally Posted by Irime View Post
    I know socionics from circa 2 years, and since then I tried many types, but always in the end I decided that LII fits me best. Over few months I am sure of it, then I start to read about socionics, overanalyze and end up with different sociotype. After 1-2 weeks I return to LII typing. And so on... Recently I had ILI phase, but I felt wrong with it.
    Descriptions suit quite good, information elements too. I can see myself as Ti leading, creative Ne fits better than Se, but sometimes I have doubts when I think how my Ne works as creative.
    Figure out the suggestive function too

    Also, would your Ne be PoLR or would that be your Se or Fe.

  23. #143
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    socionics test -
    Section A

    1. I am very interested in solving complex issues and unraveling a tangle of contradictions.
    2. Thanks to my imagination and seeing different solutions to the problem, I quickly find a way out of difficult, complicated situations and troubles that seem hopeless to others.
    3. I love everything unusual, mysterious and enigmatic.
    4. I always consider the problem from an unexpected side.
    5. Completely new and unusual insights occur to me often and I try to convince others to see my point of view.
    6. I love to argue, as I instantly notice the weaknesses in interlocutor's statements (or reports, speeches, proposals, projects, works of art or machines and equipment) and I can find good counterarguments.
    7. I quickly discover imperfections/flaws of almost any person.
    8. I hardly tolerate being subordinate or given orders.
    9. I perfect myself, my abilities and skills, in order to increase the chances of achieving my goals quickly.
    10. I think and compare things a lot, noticing contradictions and inconsistencies.
    Section B

    1. I am prone to create beautiful/harmonious images in my mind.
    2. I'm very curious, I try to imagine various scenarios and often intuitively anticipate the consequences of any actions or changes; I believe in fate.
    3. My ideal is a life in an atmosphere of art, in beautiful surroundings, comfort and well-being; I would like to live in the last century or in the future.
    4. I could not work in a hospital, because I cannot stand the hospital environment (odour, the appearance of patients etc.).
    5. I like anything unusual, beautiful, informative, food for though: I love music, art, theater, books.
    6. My opinion of myself matters more than opinions of other people. love music, art, theater, books.
    7. I treat people with irony, but I don't humiliate them.
    8. I am internally inconsistent and unpredictable in my decisions.
    9. I need to engage in art, as it is a means of expression.
    10. I act in order to surround myself with beautiful things (harmony, elegance, aesthetics, works of art).
    Section C

    1. I am an impulsive person looking for trouble.
    2. At any moment I am ready to immediately respond to any attack against me and I love to answer the opponent with a crushing blow.
    3. When I am humiliated, I am hurt and I feel a strong desire to take revenge.
    4. I prefer struggle and difficulties to stagnation and monotony: I mobilise quickly, take control of the situation. I can be strong and steadfast, the victory should be mine.
    5. I can confidently coordinate actions of others, as well as sense weak points of every situation.
    6. I'm in my element during fights, arguments, rivalry, competition or war.
    7. I make active efforts against all that is not consistent with my feelings and views.
    8. I would like to be the first and break all records.
    9. I'm a risk taker, but if I have to, I can bring myself to the most severe self-discipline.
    10. My mind works better when someone opposes or resists me.
    Section D

    1. I willingly do work which is connected with the need to convince people, to raise their spirits, instruct, assign tasks, manage, give commands.
    2. I become more active during the work program that increases respect or sympathy that my associates give me.
    3. If I have to chastise people for mistakes or wrongdoing, I do it in a "fatherly" way (without anger and humiliation.)
    4. I like to participate in various public meetings where I can make an impression on others.
    5. I am attracted to flashy and noisy spectacles, like battle scenes, races, sports (hockey, football etc.).
    6. I love to take care of others and I'm willing to find solutions to their material, business, and physical problems, but I prefer to take care of myself on my own, because I know what I need.
    7. I prefer more earthly pleasures, which include: contact with nature, food, work, love, rest.
    8. I love to please others, to be the centre of attention, to infect people with optimism.
    9. I easily make impact on others, I can manage them flexibly and efficiently.
    10. I act diplomatically to earn a good reputation of credibility and to maintain high position.
    Section E

    1. I try to be a competent person. I do everything at my own pace and high quality and don't like hacks.
    2. I treat people harshly, but fair.
    3. I have an interest in various technologies and constantly improve my work to make sure of its high quality.
    4. I am rational in spending money, and I always save for unforeseen occasions.
    5. I find it difficult to accept other people's ways of working. I know better how to make it easier, better and more profitable.
    6. I see no reason in enthusiasm for things that don't bring material benefit.
    7. I am confident that I can overcome difficulties in my work and get the best results.
    8. I often have a passion for the work that decreases fatigue and leaves me in a good mood.
    9. I don't change my lifestyle even if people don't agree with it.
    10. I get the most pleasure from doing useful and necessary things.
    Section F

    1. I'm a mature and principled person, guided by logic and common sense, not feelings and moods.
    2. I love order, systems and sequences.
    3. I'm believed to be secretive and reserved, because I'm wary and distrustful towards people.
    4. I'm good at work that requires classification and systematisation. I'm able to work with figures, tables, graphs, I can clearly systematise accumulated information.
    5. I always know how to logically justify my conclusions and decisions.
    6. I love strict analysis. I can identify contradictions in arguments and reasoning of others.
    7. I like solving problems with the help of my knowledge, resulting in harmonious, consistent, orderly system.
    8. I love solving problems that require consistent, strictly logical approach.
    9. I can easily understand algebra.
    10. I am uncompromising in defending my views, intentions, plans and projects.
    Section G

    1. I'm a very emotional person, feelings mean so much to me that because of them I'm capable of great sacrifices.
    2. I'm an optimist and I hope for better future.
    3. My mood often changes and I can't help passing it on to others; I start and end arguments easily.
    4. I often perceive people and events in a romantic way.
    5. I love to share my experiences and make others respond to them. I can show how much I love and hate.
    6. I tend to see the world through pink-coloured glasses.
    7. I'm always interested in moods of others and I know how to influence people, make them experience certain emotions and feelings.
    8. I love daydreaming without any practical purpose.
    9. My mood is often characterised by swings between fear and hope.
    10. For the sake of peace of mind, an opportunity to find rest and dream, I'm willing to sacrifice a lot.
    Section H

    1. I prefer to make peace with people, avoid conflict and disputes.
    2. I easily/quickly to adapt to new conditions and requirements.
    3. I prefer to be a homebody.
    4. I would like to be able to rest whenever I want.
    5. I like to provide special assistance to people, to be useful, selfless and to please others.
    6. I can feel for people who experience failures and troubles as if they were my own.
    7. I agree that I'm a malleable person: I often yield to pressure of people and circumstances.
    8. Calm and not very hard/tiresome work suits me best.
    9. I'm trying to iron out misunderstandings, to reconcile opponents.
    10. I prefer to meet in private.

  24. #144

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    lol @Capvt

    You scored virtually equal in all sections so you would be any and all types. Rare

  25. #145

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    socionics test -
    Section A

    1. I am very interested in solving complex issues and unraveling a tangle of contradictions.
    2. Thanks to my imagination and seeing different solutions to the problem, I quickly find a way out of difficult, complicated situations and troubles that seem hopeless to others.
    3. I love everything unusual, mysterious and enigmatic.
    4. I always consider the problem from an unexpected side.
    5. Completely new and unusual insights occur to me often and I try to convince others to see my point of view.
    6. I love to argue, as I instantly notice the weaknesses in interlocutor's statements (or reports, speeches, proposals, projects, works of art or machines and equipment) and I can find good counterarguments.
    7. I quickly discover imperfections/flaws of almost any person.
    8. I hardly tolerate being subordinate or given orders.
    9. I perfect myself, my abilities and skills, in order to increase the chances of achieving my goals quickly.
    10. I think and compare things a lot, noticing contradictions and inconsistencies.
    Section B

    1. I am prone to create beautiful/harmonious images in my mind.
    2. I'm very curious, I try to imagine various scenarios and often intuitively anticipate the consequences of any actions or changes; I believe in fate.
    3. My ideal is a life in an atmosphere of art, in beautiful surroundings, comfort and well-being; I would like to live in the last century or in the future.
    4. I could not work in a hospital, because I cannot stand the hospital environment (odour, the appearance of patients etc.).
    5. I like anything unusual, beautiful, informative, food for though: I love music, art, theater, books.
    6. My opinion of myself matters more than opinions of other people. love music, art, theater, books.
    7. I treat people with irony, but I don't humiliate them.
    8. I am internally inconsistent and unpredictable in my decisions.
    9. I need to engage in art, as it is a means of expression.
    10. I act in order to surround myself with beautiful things (harmony, elegance, aesthetics, works of art).
    Section C

    1. I am an impulsive person looking for trouble.
    2. At any moment I am ready to immediately respond to any attack against me and I love to answer the opponent with a crushing blow.
    3. When I am humiliated, I am hurt and I feel a strong desire to take revenge.
    4. I prefer struggle and difficulties to stagnation and monotony: I mobilise quickly, take control of the situation. I can be strong and steadfast, the victory should be mine.
    5. I can confidently coordinate actions of others, as well as sense weak points of every situation.
    6. I'm in my element during fights, arguments, rivalry, competition or war.
    7. I make active efforts against all that is not consistent with my feelings and views.
    8. I would like to be the first and break all records.
    9. I'm a risk taker, but if I have to, I can bring myself to the most severe self-discipline.
    10. My mind works better when someone opposes or resists me.
    Section D

    1. I willingly do work which is connected with the need to convince people, to raise their spirits, instruct, assign tasks, manage, give commands.
    2. I become more active during the work program that increases respect or sympathy that my associates give me.
    3. If I have to chastise people for mistakes or wrongdoing, I do it in a "fatherly" way (without anger and humiliation.)
    4. I like to participate in various public meetings where I can make an impression on others.
    5. I am attracted to flashy and noisy spectacles, like battle scenes, races, sports (hockey, football etc.).
    6. I love to take care of others and I'm willing to find solutions to their material, business, and physical problems, but I prefer to take care of myself on my own, because I know what I need.
    7. I prefer more earthly pleasures, which include: contact with nature, food, work, love, rest.
    8. I love to please others, to be the centre of attention, to infect people with optimism.
    9. I easily make impact on others, I can manage them flexibly and efficiently.
    10. I act diplomatically to earn a good reputation of credibility and to maintain high position.
    Section E

    1. I try to be a competent person. I do everything at my own pace and high quality and don't like hacks.
    2. I treat people harshly, but fair.
    3. I have an interest in various technologies and constantly improve my work to make sure of its high quality.
    4. I am rational in spending money, and I always save for unforeseen occasions.
    5. I find it difficult to accept other people's ways of working. I know better how to make it easier, better and more profitable.
    6. I see no reason in enthusiasm for things that don't bring material benefit.
    7. I am confident that I can overcome difficulties in my work and get the best results.
    8. I often have a passion for the work that decreases fatigue and leaves me in a good mood.
    9. I don't change my lifestyle even if people don't agree with it.
    10. I get the most pleasure from doing useful and necessary things.
    Section F

    1. I'm a mature and principled person, guided by logic and common sense, not feelings and moods.
    2. I love order, systems and sequences.
    3. I'm believed to be secretive and reserved, because I'm wary and distrustful towards people.
    4. I'm good at work that requires classification and systematisation. I'm able to work with figures, tables, graphs, I can clearly systematise accumulated information.
    5. I always know how to logically justify my conclusions and decisions.
    6. I love strict analysis. I can identify contradictions in arguments and reasoning of others.
    7. I like solving problems with the help of my knowledge, resulting in harmonious, consistent, orderly system.
    8. I love solving problems that require consistent, strictly logical approach.
    9. I can easily understand algebra.
    10. I am uncompromising in defending my views, intentions, plans and projects.
    Section G

    1. I'm a very emotional person, feelings mean so much to me that because of them I'm capable of great sacrifices.
    2. I'm an optimist and I hope for better future.
    3. My mood often changes and I can't help passing it on to others; I start and end arguments easily.
    4. I often perceive people and events in a romantic way.
    5. I love to share my experiences and make others respond to them. I can show how much I love and hate.
    6. I tend to see the world through pink-coloured glasses.
    7. I'm always interested in moods of others and I know how to influence people, make them experience certain emotions and feelings.
    8. I love daydreaming without any practical purpose.
    9. My mood is often characterised by swings between fear and hope.
    10. For the sake of peace of mind, an opportunity to find rest and dream, I'm willing to sacrifice a lot.
    Section H

    1. I prefer to make peace with people, avoid conflict and disputes.
    2. I easily/quickly to adapt to new conditions and requirements.
    3. I prefer to be a homebody.
    4. I would like to be able to rest whenever I want.
    5. I like to provide special assistance to people, to be useful, selfless and to please others.
    6. I can feel for people who experience failures and troubles as if they were my own.
    7. I agree that I'm a malleable person: I often yield to pressure of people and circumstances.
    8. Calm and not very hard/tiresome work suits me best.
    9. I'm trying to iron out misunderstandings, to reconcile opponents.
    10. I prefer to meet in private.

  26. #146

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    I'm sorry, how is D Si? And why are my top 2 results Se and Ni?

    Man these questions are all over the place...

    For the record my order would be(not that I agree with it due to questions asked/examples given which are very faulty imo):

    Se > Ni > Fi > Te > Fe = Ne >> Si > Ti

  27. #147

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post test

    Read the statements and write down to what extent do you agree with each (the authors suggested the scale of 0-3, where 3 - strongly agree, 2 - agree, 1 - most likely agree). Then count points from each section (see the spoiler tag at the end).

    Section A -> Ne // ST (it's chaos I tell you!)

    1. I am very interested in solving complex issues and unraveling a tangle of contradictions. (clear TeNi)
    2. Thanks to my imagination and seeing different solutions to the problem, I quickly find a way out of difficult, complicated situations and troubles that seem hopeless to others. (clear NeTi)
    3. I love everything unusual, mysterious and enigmatic. (pure and clear Ni)
    4. I always consider the problem from an unexpected side. (clear TiNe)
    5. Completely new and unusual insights occur to me often and I try to convince others to see my point of view. (NiFe I guess)
    6. I love to argue, as I instantly notice the weaknesses in interlocutor's statements (or reports, speeches, proposals, projects, works of art or machines and equipment) and I can find good counterarguments. (clear SeTi)
    7. I quickly discover imperfections/flaws of almost any person. (clear TiSe)
    8. I hardly tolerate being subordinate or given orders. (clear SeTi)
    9. I perfect myself, my abilities and skills, in order to increase the chances of achieving my goals quickly. (clear TeNi)
    10. I think and compare things a lot, noticing contradictions and inconsistencies. (pure Ti with some Se/Ne)

    Section B -> Ni with a lot of Si mixed in
    1. I am prone to create beautiful/harmonious images in my mind. (Ni/Si??? unclear)
    2. I'm very curious, I try to imagine various scenarios and often intuitively anticipate the consequences of any actions or changes; I believe in fate. (clear NiTe)
    3. My ideal is a life in an atmosphere of art, in beautiful surroundings, comfort and well-being; I would like to live in the last century or in the future. (clear SiFe)
    4. I could not work in a hospital, because I cannot stand the hospital environment (odour, the appearance of patients etc.). (pure Si)
    5. I like anything unusual, beautiful, informative, food for though: I love music, art, theater, books. (chaos embodied!!! It's FiSiTiNi lol!)
    6. My opinion of myself matters more than opinions of other people. (SeTi)
    7. I treat people with irony, but I don't humiliate them. (NiFe)
    8. I am internally inconsistent and unpredictable in my decisions. (pure Ne)
    9. I need to engage in art, as it is a means of expression. (pure Si with some Fe)
    10. I act in order to surround myself with beautiful things (harmony, elegance, aesthetics, works of art). (pure Si)

    Section C -> Se // SeTi
    1. I am an impulsive person looking for trouble. (clear SeTi)
    2. At any moment I am ready to immediately respond to any attack against me and I love to answer the opponent with a crushing blow. (clear and pure Se)
    3. When I am humiliated, I am hurt and I feel a strong desire to take revenge. (clear SeFi)
    4. I prefer struggle and difficulties to stagnation and monotony: I mobilise quickly, take control of the situation. I can be strong and steadfast, the victory should be mine. (SeTi)
    5. I can confidently coordinate actions of others, as well as sense weak points of every situation. (TeSe??? Unclear)
    6. I'm in my element during fights, arguments, rivalry, competition or war. (clear SeTi)
    7. I make active efforts against all that is not consistent with my feelings and views. (clear FiSe)
    8. I would like to be the first and break all records. (clear TiSe)
    9. I'm a risk taker, but if I have to, I can bring myself to the most severe self-discipline. (SeTi I guess)
    10. My mind works better when someone opposes or resists me. (TiSe)

    Section D -> Fe
    1. I willingly do work which is connected with the need to convince people, to raise their spirits, instruct, assign tasks, manage, give commands. (FeTeSe???? Another mr.Chaos)
    2. I become more active during the work program that increases respect or sympathy that my associates give me. (FiSe)
    3. If I have to chastise people for mistakes or wrongdoing, I do it in a "fatherly" way (without anger and humiliation.) (clear FeSi)
    4. I like to participate in various public meetings where I can make an impression on others. (pure Fe)
    5. I am attracted to flashy and noisy spectacles, like battle scenes, races, sports (hockey, football etc.). (yeah like extroversion? FeSe??? Unclear)
    6. I love to take care of others and I'm willing to find solutions to their material, business, and physical problems, but I prefer to take care of myself on my own, because I know what I need. (Fe/Te + Si)
    7. I prefer more earthly pleasures, which include: contact with nature, food, work, love, rest. (clear and pure Si! Come on! Just read that!!!)
    8. I love to please others, to be the centre of attention, to infect people with optimism. (clear and pure Fe)
    9. I easily make impact on others, I can manage them flexibly and efficiently. (pure Te)
    10. I act diplomatically to earn a good reputation of credibility and to maintain high position. (pure Fe with some Te)

    Section E -> Te + some Ti
    1. I try to be a competent person. I do everything at my own pace and high quality and don't like hacks. (clear TiSe)
    2. I treat people harshly, but fair. (clear Te with some Fi)
    3. I have an interest in various technologies and constantly improve my work to make sure of its high quality. (clear and pure Te)
    4. I am rational in spending money, and I always save for unforeseen occasions. (clear and pure Te with some Ni)
    5. I find it difficult to accept other people's ways of working. I know better how to make it easier, better and more profitable. (pure Ti)
    6. I see no reason in enthusiasm for things that don't bring material benefit. (clear and pure Te)
    7. I am confident that I can overcome difficulties in my work and get the best results. (TeSe??? Unclear at best)
    8. I often have a passion for the work that decreases fatigue and leaves me in a good mood. (clear TeSi)
    9. I don't change my lifestyle even if people don't agree with it. (clear TiSe)
    10. I get the most pleasure from doing useful and necessary things. (clear TeNi with some Si)

    Section F -> Ti // TiSe + TiNe
    1. I'm a mature and principled person, guided by logic and common sense, not feelings and moods. (TiSe)
    2. I love order, systems and sequences. (Clear and pure Ti)
    3. I'm believed to be secretive and reserved, because I'm wary and distrustful towards people. (unhealthy introversion? Paranoia? Anyhow, I guess TiNe)
    4. I'm good at work that requires classification and systematisation. I'm able to work with figures, tables, graphs, I can clearly systematise accumulated information. (clear TiNe)
    5. I always know how to logically justify my conclusions and decisions. (clear TiSe)
    6. I love strict analysis. I can identify contradictions in arguments and reasoning of others. (clear and pure Ti)
    7. I like solving problems with the help of my knowledge, resulting in harmonious, consistent, orderly system. (clear and pure Ti)
    8. I love solving problems that require consistent, strictly logical approach. (clear and pure Ti)
    9. I can easily understand algebra. (clear TiNe)
    10. I am uncompromising in defending my views, intentions, plans and projects. (clear TiSe)

    Section G -> general F // Fi
    1. I'm a very emotional person, feelings mean so much to me that because of them I'm capable of great sacrifices. (clear and pure Fe)
    2. I'm an optimist and I hope for better future. (no IE? It's a general attitude. If I had to say, I'd say general F)
    3. My mood often changes and I can't help passing it on to others; I start and end arguments easily. (FiSe)
    4. I often perceive people and events in a romantic way. (clear and pure Fi)
    5. I love to share my experiences and make others respond to them. I can show how much I love and hate. (clear and pure hm?)
    6. I tend to see the world through pink-coloured glasses. (general attitude again? Plus even more naive now! No IE, general F attitude)
    7. I'm always interested in moods of others and I know how to influence people, make them experience certain emotions and feelings. (clear and pure Fe)
    8. I love daydreaming without any practical purpose. (clear and pure Ni come on! Guess you could say NiFe due to it having Te PoLR)
    9. My mood is often characterised by swings between fear and hope. (ANOTHER general attitude??? STOP with this ****! This is called ANXIETY! ABSOLUTELY NO IE here!)
    10. For the sake of peace of mind, an opportunity to find rest and dream, I'm willing to sacrifice a lot. (pure Si, maybe SiFe due to it having Te PoLR)

    Section H -> Si // SiFe
    1. I prefer to make peace with people, avoid conflict and disputes. (clear SiFe)
    2. I easily/quickly to adapt to new conditions and requirements. (Te??? Wtf)
    3. I prefer to be a homebody. (SiFi??? Unclear)
    4. I would like to be able to rest whenever I want. (Clear and pure Si)
    5. I like to provide special assistance to people, to be useful, selfless and to please others. (clear SiFe)
    6. I can feel for people who experience failures and troubles as if they were my own. (clear and pure Fe)
    7. I agree that I'm a malleable person: I often yield to pressure of people and circumstances. (clear and pure FeSi)
    8. Calm and not very hard/tiresome work suits me best. (clear and pure Si)
    9. I'm trying to iron out misunderstandings, to reconcile opponents. (FeSi I guess)
    10. I prefer to meet in private. (introversion in general? Si I guess)

    A - Ne - Fantasist -> ok, it's chaotic enough for Ne
    B - Ni - Foreteller -> ok
    C - Se - Winner -> clear as a day
    D - Si - Epicure -> yeah, like, how about one frikkin NO? Just read the questions, it's very clear this is Fe not Si!
    E - Te - Professional -> ok, it fits
    F - Ti - Logician -> ok, it fits
    G - Fe - Romantic -> Come on! What IE is an archetype of a romantic? Fe??? Hm? How about Fi? Well, of course! This is pretty chaotic as well, but it is Fi NOT Fe)
    H - Fi - Peacemaker -> Likewise, this is OBVIOUS that it is Si! Just read the damned questions!
    So, I compiled what these questions really ask you. Get ready for some hard ass truth spanking! Here(actually it's up there, but wth): < Answers/explanations in teal >

    So, according to my reviewed list, I'd be:

    Se -> Ni -> Si -> Te -> Ne = Fi -> Fe -> Ti

    But! This needs to be further refined! Stay tuned!

  28. #148

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    So, I compiled what these questions really ask you. Get ready for some hard ass truth spanking! Here(actually it's up there, but wth): < Answers/explanations in teal >

    So, according to my reviewed list, I'd be:

    Se -> Ni -> Si -> Te -> Ne = Fi -> Fe -> Ti

    But! This needs to be further refined! Stay tuned!
    So, I promised you to clarify things and I intend to see it through. This final leg involves eliminating senseless(NiFiTiSi lol) items that serve mostly as padding so every option could have equal # of items. This is not alright. What I will as well is cherry pick things and mix them together. Which means that I'm going to tally up all Si answers, all Fi answers under their respective category. Here goes nothing!

    Ne section:

    1. Thanks to my imagination and seeing different solutions to the problem, I quickly find a way out of difficult, complicated situations and troubles that seem hopeless to others.
    2. I am internally inconsistent and unpredictable in my decisions.
    3. I always consider the problem from an unexpected side.
    4. I think and compare things a lot, noticing contradictions and inconsistencies.
    (that's it! 4 Ne items!)

    Ni section:

    1. I love everything unusual, mysterious and enigmatic.
    2. Completely new and unusual insights occur to me often and I try to convince others to see my point of view.
    3. I am prone to create beautiful/harmonious images in my mind.
    4. I'm very curious, I try to imagine various scenarios and often intuitively anticipate the consequences of any actions or changes; I believe in fate.
    5. I treat people with irony, but I don't humiliate them.
    6. I love daydreaming without any practical purpose.
    7. I am prone to create beautiful/harmonious images in my mind.
    (not even 10...)

    Se section:

    1. I hardly tolerate being subordinate or given orders.
    2. My opinion of myself matters more than opinions of other people.
    3. I am an impulsive person looking for trouble.
    4. At any moment I am ready to immediately respond to any attack against me and I love to answer the opponent with a crushing blow.
    5. When I am humiliated, I am hurt and I feel a strong desire to take revenge.
    6. I prefer struggle and difficulties to stagnation and monotony: I mobilise quickly, take control of the situation. I can be strong and steadfast, the victory should be mine.
    7. I'm in my element during fights, arguments, rivalry, competition or war.
    8. I'm a risk taker, but if I have to, I can bring myself to the most severe self-discipline.
    9. I am attracted to flashy and noisy spectacles, like battle scenes, races, sports (hockey, football etc.).
    10. I love to argue, as I instantly notice the weaknesses in interlocutor's statements (or reports, speeches, proposals, projects, works of art or machines and equipment) and I can find good counterarguments.

    Si section:

    1. My ideal is a life in an atmosphere of art, in beautiful surroundings, comfort and well-being; I would like to live in the last century or in the future.
    2. I could not work in a hospital, because I cannot stand the hospital environment (odour, the appearance of patients etc.).
    3. I need to engage in art, as it is a means of expression.
    4. I prefer more earthly pleasures, which include: contact with nature, food, work, love, rest.
    5. For the sake of peace of mind, an opportunity to find rest and dream, I'm willing to sacrifice a lot.
    6. I prefer to make peace with people, avoid conflict and disputes.
    7. I prefer to be a homebody.
    8. I would like to be able to rest whenever I want.
    9. I like to provide special assistance to people, to be useful, selfless and to please others.
    10. Calm and not very hard/tiresome work suits me best.
    11. I prefer to meet in private.
    12. I act in order to surround myself with beautiful things (harmony, elegance, aesthetics, works of art).
    (12! See?)

    Fe section:

    1. If I have to chastise people for mistakes or wrongdoing, I do it in a "fatherly" way (without anger and humiliation.)
    2. I like to participate in various public meetings where I can make an impression on others.
    3. I love to take care of others and I'm willing to find solutions to their material, business, and physical problems, but I prefer to take care of myself on my own, because I know what I need.
    4. I love to please others, to be the centre of attention, to infect people with optimism.
    5. I act diplomatically to earn a good reputation of credibility and to maintain high position.
    6. I'm a very emotional person, feelings mean so much to me that because of them I'm capable of great sacrifices.
    7. I'm always interested in moods of others and I know how to influence people, make them experience certain emotions and feelings.
    8. I can feel for people who experience failures and troubles as if they were my own.
    9. I agree that I'm a malleable person: I often yield to pressure of people and circumstances.
    10. I'm trying to iron out misunderstandings, to reconcile opponents.
    (10 / 10! Not bad!)

    Fi section:

    1. I make active efforts against all that is not consistent with my feelings and views.
    2. I become more active during the work program that increases respect or sympathy that my associates give me.
    My mood often changes and I can't help passing it on to others; I start and end arguments easily.
    4. I love to share my experiences and make others respond to them. I can show how much I love and hate.
    (yeah that's it! FOUR ITEMS!)

    Te section:

    1. I am very interested in solving complex issues and unraveling a tangle of contradictions.
    2. I perfect myself, my abilities and skills, in order to increase the chances of achieving my goals quickly.
    3. I can confidently coordinate actions of others, as well as sense weak points of every situation.
    4. I easily make impact on others, I can manage them flexibly and efficiently.
    5. I treat people harshly, but fair.
    6. I have an interest in various technologies and constantly improve my work to make sure of its high quality.
    7. I am rational in spending money, and I always save for unforeseen occasions.
    8. I see no reason in enthusiasm for things that don't bring material benefit.
    9. I often have a passion for the work that decreases fatigue and leaves me in a good mood.
    10. I get the most pleasure from doing useful and necessary things.
    11. I easily/quickly to adapt to new conditions and requirements.

    Ti section:

    1. I quickly discover imperfections/flaws of almost any person.
    2. I would like to be the first and break all records.
    3. My mind works better when someone opposes or resists me.
    4. I try to be a competent person. I do everything at my own pace and high quality and don't like hacks.
    5. I find it difficult to accept other people's ways of working. I know better how to make it easier, better and more profitable.
    6. I don't change my lifestyle even if people don't agree with it.
    . << (ru laser ru Ti section goes here)
    (yeah, wtf! 16, SIXTEEN ITEMS!)

    Sum of sections:

    S: 22
    N: 11
    F: 14
    T: 27

    Yeah...ok! N section has barely got enough of one section, F has for some 1 1/2, but T has enough for 2 1/2(and more!). No, it's not slanted. NOT AT ALL! WHERE WOULD IT BE! (did an ST write it?)

    Solution: Answer my consolidated version and see what you get. Because Fi and Ni have got disgustingly few items, you'll have to do it via percentages ( % ). You do it like this: answer, add the points, then divide those points with max points available to get your % . Let's see how I go when in this, correct version:

    (be back soon)

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    So, my results, as promised:

    Ne: 15 / 25 = 60%
    Ni: 17 / 30 = 56,66%
    Se: 40 / 50 = 80%
    Si: 50 / 60 = 83,33%
    Fe: 21 / 50 = 42%
    Fi: 19 / 20 = 95%
    Te: 30 / 55 = 54,5%
    Ti: 47 / 80 = 58,75%

    Fi > Si ~= Se > Ne ~= Ti >= Ni >= Te > Fe
    compared to:
    Se > Ni > Si > Te > Ne = Fi > Fe > Ti

    (analysis of change: Fi jumped THREE places, Si jumped half a place, Se dropped one and half a place, Ne jumped half a place, Ti jumped two and half places, Ni dropped three and half places, Te dropped one and half a place, Fe got stomped. ...everything's as it should be, FI FIrst, S Second, Fe...who cares about whimpering at the sunset??? !)

    And I'd say that is shockingly true! Well done myself! <3

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    So, my results, as promised:

    Ne: 15 / 25 = 60%
    Ni: 17 / 30 = 56,66%
    Se: 40 / 50 = 80%
    Si: 50 / 60 = 83,33%
    Fe: 21 / 50 = 42%
    Fi: 19 / 20 = 95%
    Te: 30 / 55 = 54,5%
    Ti: 47 / 80 = 58,75%

    Fi > Si ~= Se > Ne ~= Ti >= Ni >= Te > Fe
    compared to:Se > Ni > Si > Te > Ne = Fi > Fe > Ti

    (analysis of change: Fi jumped THREE places, Si jumped half a place, Se dropped one and half a place, Ne jumped half a place, Ti jumped two and half places, Ni dropped three and half places, Te dropped one and half a place, Fe got stomped. ...everything's as it should be, FI FIrst, S Second, Fe...who cares about whimpering at the sunset??? !)

    And I'd say that is shockingly true! Well done myself! <3
    Congratulations! Did it help you in any way to sort this in a way that you understand it? It was long so I did not read it yet but may give it a try later to see if I understand your restructuring. I gave up on this test for typing long ago since most people I asked to take it regardless of type didn't think it was an accurate measurement of personality traits.

    I like this one better if you want to give it a try too.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Congratulations! Did it help you in any way to sort this in a way that you understand it? It was long so I did not read it yet but may give it a try later to see if I understand your restructuring. I gave up on this test for typing long ago since most people I asked to take it regardless of type didn't think it was an accurate measurement of personality traits.

    I like this one better if you want to give it a try too.
    Yes, yes it did. It made me fully aware that an ESI Si is...well 4D while its Se is 3D...hence the higher development of Si.

    As for D.Nardi and Linda and his bright co: IEs can't be applied to MBTI, no matter how hard you try. I've done that test numerous times and I always got something akin to this(keep in mind that Si in Socio and MBTI are DRASTICALLY different, hence the difference in results):

    Ne: unused(13,7)
    Ni: limited use(17,2)
    Se: excellent use(48,2)
    Si: excellent use(39,8)
    Fe: unused(15,5)
    Fi: excellent use(55,4)
    Te: average use(28,1)
    Ti: limited use(22,5)

    Fi > Se > Si >> Te > Ti > Ni > Fe > Ne reviewed to:
    Fi > Si > Se > Ne > Ti > Ni > Te > Fe

    The difference in the results can also be explained by the difference in items/questions provided. Everything's mostly the same except the weird swap of Te < - > Ne places. Weird.

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    Ti: 27

    Ne: 24

    Ni: 22

    Fi: 20

    Te: 18

    Fe: 16

    Si: 11

    Se: 9

    I usually get INTP when I take other tests, and indeed my 1st and 2nd highest functions are Ti and Ne respectively. It seems like I'm a little heavy on introverted functions in general. Also heavy on judging functions. And my sensing is apparently in the toilet lol. I'm not sure what to think about this. Any suggestions?
    Last edited by roundsquare; 06-08-2015 at 12:21 AM.

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    Fuck it, I'm doing it.

    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post test

    Read the statements and write down to what extent do you agree with each (the authors suggested the scale of 0-3, where 3 - strongly agree, 2 - agree, 1 - most likely agree). Then count points from each section (see the spoiler tag at the end).

    Section A

    1. I am very interested in solving complex issues and unraveling a tangle of contradictions.
    If I rewrite this as making complex issues simple by breaking it down into the essence, then sure., 3.


    2. Thanks to my imagination and seeing different solutions to the problem, I quickly find a way out of difficult, complicated situations and troubles that seem hopeless to others.
    I wouldn't always use the word quick. But I can find the way out of complicated problems sometimes; and if things are hopeless to others there is no choice. So 3.

    3. I love everything unusual, mysterious and enigmatic.
    1. I don't really like unusal. Although I have tastes.

    4. I always consider the problem from an unexpected side.
    Often I seem to think of problems rewriting them slightly. I find a lot of problems come from people thinking they know what a problem is, and working from that assumption. When their whole awareness of what the acutal problem is, is wrong. And so from that point of view, I consider things from an unexpected side, because I remove preconceptions of problems. So 3.

    5. Completely new and unusual insights occur to me often and I try to convince others to see my point of view.
    Sort of. I think differently sometimes. Although I don't really try to convince other people to see my point of view unless it's going to help. So I'll put 2.

    6. I love to argue, as I instantly notice the weaknesses in interlocutor's statements (or reports, speeches, proposals, projects, works of art or machines and equipment) and I can find good counterarguments.
    Sort of. I don't really like to argue, I prefer to dsimiss people if they have too many weaknesses. I more judge people by such.. so I'll go with 2.

    7. I quickly discover imperfections/flaws of almost any person.
    Apparently I'm very critical of people. And I dismiss people over their slightest flaws, and can't get past such. But hey, it's subconscious. I'll go with 2.

    8. I hardly tolerate being subordinate or given orders.
    I tolerate such. I can be kind of insubordinate. And I don't like people trying to control me. But if people are working with me rather than against me I'm ok with it because it can simplify things. So uhh, 2.

    9. I perfect myself, my abilities and skills, in order to increase the chances of achieving my goals quickly.
    Sort of, a little streamlining. I'll go with 2. I don't want perfection, I just don't want to get stuck.

    10. I think and compare things a lot, noticing contradictions and inconsistencies.

    Yeah, I do. Maybe 2, maybe 3. I'll go with... hmm.. 2.5.

    Section B
    1. I am prone to create beautiful/harmonious images in my mind.
    Not really. 1.

    2. I'm very curious, I try to imagine various scenarios and often intuitively anticipate the consequences of any actions or changes; I believe in fate.
    Sort of. 2?

    3. My ideal is a life in an atmosphere of art, in beautiful surroundings, comfort and well-being; I would like to live in the last century or in the future.
    It sounds kind of nice. But I would rather live in the present. Or bring the future into the present. I'll go with 2.

    4. I could not work in a hospital, because I cannot stand the hospital environment (odour, the appearance of patients etc.).
    I'll go with 2. I hate hospitals, but being sick sucks. And if I could make it better, maybe that'd be good?

    5. I like anything unusual, beautiful, informative, food for though: I love music, art, theater, books.
    Sometimes, although I do think such can be indulgent, I'll go with 2.

    6. My opinion of myself matters more than opinions of other people.
    I'm not sure here. I think I'll go with 2.

    7. I treat people with irony, but I don't humiliate them.
    I don't fucking know. Some people are easily humiliated. I'll go with 1.5.

    8. I am internally inconsistent and unpredictable in my decisions.
    I'm pretty predictable in my decisions. I think "what would I do", and come back with the same answers. Although I can change my decisions based on different interpretations of a situation for a slightly diferent situation. I'll go with 1.5.

    9. I need to engage in art, as it is a means of expression.
    1. I don't really need to. Art is an indulgence.

    10. I act in order to surround myself with beautiful things (harmony, elegance, aesthetics, works of art).
    Hmm, 1.5?

    Section C
    1. I am an impulsive person looking for trouble.
    What the fuck is this shit. I can be. I'm not always looking for trouble, but trouble can find me. And being impulsive in itself can create trouble. Oh fuck it, I love trouble. 2.5.

    2. At any moment I am ready to immediately respond to any attack against me and I love to answer the opponent with a crushing blow.
    I don't really care to defend myself. That sounds way too egotistic for me. I can respond to attacks against other people though. I can answer, but I can also sidestep, and look for a better solution. I'll go with 2. I am ready to respond, but it doesn't mean I need to.

    3. When I am humiliated, I am hurt and I feel a strong desire to take revenge.
    Yeah sure, 3. Although I wouldn't use the word hurt. I am angry, and my adrenaline rises.

    4. I prefer struggle and difficulties to stagnation and monotony: I mobilise quickly, take control of the situation. I can be strong and steadfast, the victory should be mine.
    Most of the time. Although it can wear one out. BUT WHAT IF THE VICTORY DOES NOT COME. WHERE NOW?

    Fuck it I'm going with 3.

    5. I can confidently coordinate actions of others, as well as sense weak points of every situation.
    Some people. I'm not good with large groups of people., or including everyone. I'll go with 2.5. I don't really want to coordinate people though. But if no-one else wants to.

    6. I'm in my element during fights, arguments, rivalry, competition or war.
    I'll go with 2. I'm not a big fan of war and manuevering. But I have a pretty good idea.

    7. I make active efforts against all that is not consistent with my feelings and views.
    2. Sometimes.

    8. I would like to be the first and break all records.
    4. Hah, shit, it's up to 3 only. All or nothing, First or last. True or false, black or white.

    Ok 3, I'll play along.

    9. I'm a risk taker, but if I have to, I can bring myself to the most severe self-discipline.
    I'm uhh.. in between... I take calculated risks sometimes. I can be quite risk averse, but can be risk taken. Risk is exciting, but it's not always prudent. I'll go with 2.5.

    10. My mind works better when someone opposes or resists me.
    5. Fuck. 3. Ok

    Section D
    1. I willingly do work which is connected with the need to convince people, to raise their spirits, instruct, assign tasks, manage, give commands.

    2. I become more active during the work program that increases respect or sympathy that my associates give me.
    0. What the fuck does this even mean. 1.

    3. If I have to chastise people for mistakes or wrongdoing, I do it in a "fatherly" way (without anger and humiliation.)

    4. I like to participate in various public meetings where I can make an impression on others.
    1. Fuck that.

    5. I am attracted to flashy and noisy spectacles, like battle scenes, races, sports (hockey, football etc.).
    1. Not really.

    6. I love to take care of others and I'm willing to find solutions to their material, business, and physical problems, but I prefer to take care of myself on my own, because I know what I need.
    1.2. What the fuck is this.

    7. I prefer more earthly pleasures, which include: contact with nature, food, work, love, rest.
    0.6. Fuck it, I'm cheating. This just sounds lae.

    8. I love to please others, to be the centre of attention, to infect people with optimism.
    Sometimes. 1.8.

    9. I easily make impact on others, I can manage them flexibly and efficiently.

    10. I act diplomatically to earn a good reputation of credibility and to maintain high position.
    1.8. I try to, but I'm slack.

    Section E
    1. I try to be a competent person. I do everything at my own pace and high quality and don't like hacks.
    Do do doo... I can do hacks hah. As long as it's working, but I do think things should be cleaned up sometime. Perfection can be a bitch though. 2.1.

    2. I treat people harshly, but fair.

    3. I have an interest in various technologies and constantly improve my work to make sure of its high quality.

    4. I am rational in spending money, and I always save for unforeseen occasions.

    5. I find it difficult to accept other people's ways of working. I know better how to make it easier, better and more profitable.

    6. I see no reason in enthusiasm for things that don't bring material benefit.
    1.4. Sometimes, depends what it's towards.

    7. I am confident that I can overcome difficulties in my work and get the best results.

    8. I often have a passion for the work that decreases fatigue and leaves me in a good mood.

    9. I don't change my lifestyle even if people don't agree with it.

    10. I get the most pleasure from doing useful and necessary things.

    Section F
    1. I'm a mature and principled person, guided by logic and common sense, not feelings and moods.

    2. I love order, systems and sequences.

    3. I'm believed to be secretive and reserved, because I'm wary and distrustful towards people.

    4. I'm good at work that requires classification and systematisation. I'm able to work with figures, tables, graphs, I can clearly systematise accumulated information.

    5. I always know how to logically justify my conclusions and decisions.

    6. I love strict analysis. I can identify contradictions in arguments and reasoning of others.

    7. I like solving problems with the help of my knowledge, resulting in harmonious, consistent, orderly system.

    8. I love solving problems that require consistent, strictly logical approach.

    9. I can easily understand algebra.

    10. I am uncompromising in defending my views, intentions, plans and projects.

    Section G
    1. I'm a very emotional person, feelings mean so much to me that because of them I'm capable of great sacrifices.

    2. I'm an optimist and I hope for better future.

    3. My mood often changes and I can't help passing it on to others; I start and end arguments easily.

    4. I often perceive people and events in a romantic way.

    5. I love to share my experiences and make others respond to them. I can show how much I love and hate.

    6. I tend to see the world through pink-coloured glasses.
    What the fuck is pink-coloured? That's gross. Make everything girly? Fuck no. 1.

    7. I'm always interested in moods of others and I know how to influence people, make them experience certain emotions and feelings.

    8. I love daydreaming without any practical purpose.

    9. My mood is often characterised by swings between fear and hope.
    2.1. I don't know if it's fear or hope, but things can be going well or going badly... reining things in when things are stormy... and going out when things are fine..

    10. For the sake of peace of mind, an opportunity to find rest and dream, I'm willing to sacrifice a lot.
    I don't know what this means. Peace of mind isn't really something I experience. 1.

    Section H
    1. I prefer to make peace with people, avoid conflict and disputes.
    Placate! I kind of like to, .. because conflict can be messy, and I'd rather just do my own thing. But conflict can be a way to have peace 1.9.

    2. I easily/quickly to adapt to new conditions and requirements.
    1.8. Sort of.

    3. I prefer to be a homebody.

    4. I would like to be able to rest whenever I want.

    5. I like to provide special assistance to people, to be useful, selfless and to please others.

    6. I can feel for people who experience failures and troubles as if they were my own.

    7. I agree that I'm a malleable person: I often yield to pressure of people and circumstances.
    2. I don't know, I don't care. I'm going for the middle.

    8. Calm and not very hard/tiresome work suits me best.

    2. If I don't wnat to burn out then probably yes. But what is hard, what is easy?

    9. I'm trying to iron out misunderstandings, to reconcile opponents.
    1. I'm bored now.

    10. I prefer to meet in private.
    With whom? I'll go with 2. As I prefer one on one.

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    Ne - 22.5
    Ni - 16.5
    Se - 25.5
    Si - 16.1
    Te - 22.4
    Ti - 22.1
    Fe - 19.4
    Fi - 17.8

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    Why don't yall just do my version? It's...better if you take your time to switch the brain on.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post

    Se -> Ni -> Si -> Te -> Ne = Fi -> Fe -> Ti

    Ne: unused(13,7)
    Ni: limited use(17,2)
    Se: excellent use(48,2)
    Si: excellent use(39,8)
    Fe: unused(15,5)
    Fi: excellent use(55,4)
    Te: average use(28,1)
    Ti: limited use(22,5)
    Wow maybe you are really gamma SF...

    Anyway, your categorizations aren't really... verified.

    Quote Originally Posted by roundsquare View Post
    Ti: 27

    Ne: 24

    Ni: 22

    Fi: 20

    Te: 18

    Fe: 16

    Si: 11

    Se: 9

    I usually get INTP when I take other tests, and indeed my 1st and 2nd highest functions are Ti and Ne respectively. It seems like I'm a little heavy on introverted functions in general. Also heavy on judging functions. And my sensing is apparently in the toilet lol. I'm not sure what to think about this. Any suggestions?
    I don't see what your issue is? Too much F? I don't think that this result goes against LII at all

    Quote Originally Posted by Jelenasik View Post
    Try on ILE

    Quote Originally Posted by Satan View Post
    Ne - 22.5
    Ni - 16.5
    Se - 25.5
    Si - 16.1
    Te - 22.4
    Ti - 22.1
    Fe - 19.4
    Fi - 17.8
    And you, SLE, sure

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Wow maybe you are really gamma SF...

    Anyway, your categorizations aren't really... verified.

    I don't see what your issue is? Too much F? I don't think that this result goes against LII at all

    Try on ILE

    And you, SLE, sure
    They are verified based on induction, not deduction. Can't be arsed about deduction. . What I am trying to say, they are based on common sense. Like how they were trying to link rest with...what was it then? " I would like to be able to rest whenever I want. " they linked that with Fi???

    ...Common sense, a god dam fkkin superpower!

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    They are verified based on induction, not deduction. Can't be arsed about deduction. . What I am trying to say, they are based on common sense. Like how they were trying to link rest with...what was it then? " I would like to be able to rest whenever I want. " they linked that with Fi???

    ...Common sense, a god dam fkkin superpower!
    Some of the test is weird though some of it does make sense if assuming it's asking about entire Ego block

    But anyway, that induction or whatever process you used was nowhere near complete.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Some of the test is weird though some of it does make sense if assuming it's asking about entire Ego block

    But anyway, that induction or whatever process you used was nowhere near complete.
    It is complete. I cut out the riff raff.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    It is complete. I cut out the riff raff.
    OK, I don't want to argue here about this.

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