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Thread: My case for SCS and John Beebe in a highly traumatized person

  1. #41
    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    16T has a nasty bug, and it is pissing me off, I only coped half of what I wrote and the rest is lost..

    Anyhow, rewriting the first half..

    My esoteric ability has always been there, I had psychical happenings since two years of age, I would always predict the winning race horse track in San Diego, and garner my parents 800 dollars each time this had been.. Then, I had recurrent dreams of Gargoyles spewing frequencies at me from 4-5 and onwards till 8 ish.. And I’d never been exposed to such a thing.. There are other things, I do not feel comfortable in writing of. So when you say my intuition is an adaptation and was something I have developed, you couldn’t be more wrong.

    I had intuited all the patterns of letters, numerous and words to where I could read baby books under one by myself and started becoming a fluent reader at the age of 2 1/2..

    This is myself as baby

    There has been a baby picture with myself having all these endless baby books and elementary school books around me, but I cannot find it as of now, it was a very Ne ish picture from my infancy, with all the potentials of various books, intuiting their patterns, even the way I turnt them upside down was rather Ne ish, looking at them from all possible angles.

    On the other hand, my sensory stuff has developed artificially, such as my intense focus on aromatherapy, which is more of a coping mechanism to cover my deficits in those areas.. Same with drawing, I am trying learn and suck with the details of it all.

    I haven’t escaped myself, I have escaped the world, so you are inaccurate there. I am too into myself, the opposite of “escaping” this, but I’ve escaped the world and my surrounds. Now, some of your post is very ableist and doesn’t look at the inherent deficits and disabilities I have, relevant to most environments. I have the executive capacities of self-monitoring and organization of a child’s. I have caught things on fire with my inability to keep track of my surroundings (then you tell me I’m an Se dom in mbti, when they are automatically aware of what’s around them in their hands and in their environment and notice physical qualities)..

    Now this is what is adaptive and a coping skill in me—extreme fixation on Si topics. This is why I thought I could have mental Si in scs, but it’s probably a super Id fantasy, as it is unconscious
    @qaz00 ^ couldn’t reply to your message because of the 16T bug. I can’t upload from camera roll either.
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  2. #42
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    Unfortunately with how 16T is acting from my internet, I’m going to have to continue in bursts, freelance can merge them if he wants. I had forgot rewrite in the first part, that my Se is something that I also try compensate in, for instance, I am trying learn how to draw, and yet have an immense lot hard time, as I can’t easily grasp the physical details of objects, and I frustrate at it all. I don’t have it on me at moment, but if you were to look at my sketchbook, you’d see half or quarter completed drawings, as I irritate by all the details, and then I had said something else, I forget now.. But even with my athleticism, my parents beat me to that, forced me into 7 sports and I failed miserably at them. I to this day can do no push up, and I got made fun of and bullied for how awkwardly coordinated I am and couldn’t keep up with, and also because I couldn’t wear bra for long time, and so my boobs jiggled as my parents miserably tortured me into their enforcing me of all those sports and I made fresh soph and hated that and cried one of the hardest times I had in life, tormented by my ineptitude physically and envying other girls.
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    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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  3. #43
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    I may experiment with a different version of 16T, to see if this lets up.
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  4. #44
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    My parents had forced me into volleyball, running, swimming, tennis, gymnastics, and ballet and tap dancing.. Ladder two are bordering art.. And also plyometeics.

    This is far from what my parents had only done me, they indirectly abusive things to me, which you’d see if you have watched other videos, but even all the athletic bs, this hit my Se super ego so hard..

    They forced me into one of my weakest areas— competence in physical movement and action, proper body technique.. They overlooked all my psychical gifts and of all my poetic ability. I had to sign my own self up for writing contests, and I’d won awards, judged a few years older, when I scored “very superior” in the written portion of my IQ test (do not think my writing on the forum is my artistic form of writing), they took to it a bit more serious, and I was put in a few writing summer camps, but most my summers drilled with my father, once 8, drilling me into volleyball Monday-Friday for 5-7 hours each day, and then they made me go to work night where there was another hour of added physical activity. Being from my body, I barely noticed, but sometimes I did notice my legs felt of Jelo, and tingled and felt like they weren’t apart of my body.. They put me through all that shit, and even abused me physically and emotionally for autism meltdowns pertaining to overload from those activities, for me to never even get vastly good in a physical sense.

    One polymeric instructor told my parents I was untrainable, as I’d resist and go off in my fantasies instead and talk with them, and would also have autism meltdowns and complain and resist doing all that.. Nate..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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  5. #45
    Light leading the blind qaz00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    I haven’t escaped myself, I have escaped the world, so you are inaccurate there. I am too into myself, the opposite of “escaping” this, but I’ve escaped the world and my surrounds. Now, some of your post is very ableist and doesn’t look at the inherent deficits and disabilities I have, relevant to most environments. I have the executive capacities of self-monitoring and organization of a child’s. I have caught things on fire with my inability to keep track of my surroundings (then you tell me I’m an Se dom in mbti, when they are automatically aware of what’s around them in their hands and in their environment and notice physical qualities)..
    I think you failed to understand my post, at least in some parts, but it wasn't made with an intention of being understood by others, it was just a flow of my thoughts, so that's expected. The part about escaping myself (1st sentence) was about me, not you, I contrasted our stances. Then I tried to describe what's your inability to escape yourself about, what kind of mistakes I think you're making. To summarize it in a clearer way... I think you're exaggerating the negative impact of things that happened to you and try to use it as an excuse not to engage with the world normally. Everyone has some weaknesses, but you're acting like you're barely able to function, while what I see from your posts is an intelligent and communicative person. For example, your autism seems very mild to me, and I think you shouldn't have much problem with things like having a job, just by trying to start it with an optimistic outlook, but you're looking at it like it's something that makes you forever disabled, something that makes staying in your safe bubble of thoughts justifiable. You're underestimating the attitude, how much you can do with motivation and believing in yourself, you chose to go in the opposite direction, to search for things that make you "defective" (I have so many conditions, so many people bullied me, etc.) At this point, it's not even about whether that's true or not, it's about what you focus on. This is just one of misconceptions that I see in you, and I'd like to describe more of them and in more detail, but: 1. it takes a lot of time for me, 2. it feels futile, 3. I suck at describing my thoughts clearly.

    Also, about Se, you need to know I have a very personal and innovative way of looking at typology, and one of my innovations took a big part in my idea about you being SEE. The following description will be far from perfect because I'm a hurrying perfectionist right now (I'm very slow at developing theories and describing them, and in quick responses I'm completely out of my element). I think sensing, especially Se, was much easier to identify in the past, as engaging with the outside world was the norm, and clumsy intuitives stood out and tried unusual activities like books that distanced them from real worlds compared to their peers. The problem is, with the rising popularity of forms of escapism from the physical realm (books, TVs, computers, the internet, smartphones), currently the situation is reversed. It's not like in the past, that some brave intuitives decided to have an unusual unphysical lifestyle, that unphysical lifestyle became the norm and now it's the sensors who often escape the more addictive virtual world to return to reality that have become unpopular. I mean, in the past many intuitives lived in a stereotypically sensoric environments, because that was the norm. Now, it's the opposite. Many sensors, from a young age, are surrounded by the virtual world, not by their choice. What are the effects? In the past many intuitives were forced to live like sensors, and that caused them to become competent in some sensoric actions. Now, now sensors are forced to live like intuitives, and the environment causes them to develop intuitive skills and their sensoric skills remain undeveloped. You give your sensoric child a ton of books at an young age, then a computer, the child engages with these more than with the outside world and what is the result? Clumsiness, uncoordinated movements, weak pheripheral vision, problems with multitasking etc., because how can you develop this by looking at a static object near your face for hours? Due to this, Se is the function that I think can be the most hidden because of how the world changed, and also because the popular Se descriptions may be simply outdated. That's why I'm trying to identify Se in unusual areas.

  6. #46
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    16T is absolutely slow and awful today, but the problem with what you’re describing, is I literally come from a family of all 4D Se types, an ESE mother, an SLE father and LSE sister. I have literally been forced to live like a sensor from a very young age, and if I was actually a 4D Se type, let alone add ego at all, I would’ve thrived in what my parents put me in. I was forced into endless sports from a young age, starting at 5, and I failed in these all. My parents literally never gave me any opportunity to intuitively develop, and I have always had these abilities in my own. I have shown a vivid imagination since early childhood, that even teachers noticed in me, but my family ignored this, and tried turn me into the competitive athlete I never was designed to be. My parents put me in cooking and knitting classes, and I sucked at these all, my grandmother in seeing. I was given VERY little intuitive stimulus, I had an intuitive childhood outlook, because I am intuitive, and I was literally forced to grow up in an excess by it sensory environment, and by the way, my parents didn’t give me internet access until way later, because of autism developmental delays. @qaz00 .. can’t reply because of the 16T issue
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    If anything, me looking more sensory may have do with my family that I’ve been around for 20+ years (am in my early twenties) has made me look like a pseudo sensor. And then ABA therapists and whatnot, also bear out some of my intuitive communication, because it was resulting in me to get badly bullied and not have any friends, and I didn’t have any friends. So I had no exposure to anything “intuitive” growing up. I was forced into volleyball, dance, swimming, tennis, equine, plyometrics, etc.. And I failed in every one of these areas and never picked up them well or developed in them, because my sensory functions are so low. I got put in all sensory outlets— sports, knitting classes, sewing with my grandma, cooking, parks… When I had my motor development ensue, biking. My family absolutely never inspired anything intuitive out of me, I never had any friends growing up, and didn’t have the internet until later and didn’t even have any online friends, and I have been forced into sensory things that may have impacted me to look more sensory and maybe learn how to communicate more like a sensor on a shallow level, especially because I got trained by ABA therapists who would’ve been esi, sei and ese… And with all the sports, virtually all those people were sensors. My mother is a marathon racer of 25+ races and my father an elite volleyball coach. I had no intrusive around me growing up, and outside of my early childhood, I actually hated reading and didn’t read any books, other than two fairy books in elementary school. I regained my ability to read a few years ago. My attention span difficulties made reading hard for me, and teachers enforcing me to read things made me despise books for a long time. It wasn’t until a counselor put me in the artist’s way, I decided to pick it up a bit..
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    I would create alternative realities in my head and speak them aloud in class, and would get chided for these things. Sensory teachers, ABA therapists and my family tried beat my intuition out of me. My father even to this day will get angry, when I ask “why”? He always shut down my intuitive questions.. They selfishly tried train me like an athlete and deprived my intuitive preferences with their 4D Se and being the parents they are, my mother would have covert narcissism and my father is harder to pin, they made my childhood all around their ego, and not only this, but directly abused me and even my mother enabled sexual abuse.

    Outside of online, I’ve literally only been around sensors my entire life and with being stuck at home in their communication, this may have rubbed off on me, and especially because 9 years of ABA and both my parents undercutting my intuitive communication and being bullied for my intuition would’ve impacted my communicative development.
    I am in my head; not society.

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    I would create alternative realities in my head and speak them aloud in class, and would get chided for these things. Sensory teachers, ABA therapists and my family tried beat my intuition out of me. My father even to this day will get angry, when I ask “why”? He always shut down my intuitive questions.. They selfishly tried train me like an athlete and deprived my intuitive preferences with their 4D Se and being the parents they are, my mother would have covert narcissism and my father is harder to pin, they made my childhood all around their ego, and not only this, but directly abused me and even my mother enabled sexual abuse.

    Outside of online, I’ve literally only been around sensors my entire life and with being stuck at home in their communication, this may have rubbed off on me, and especially because 9 years of ABA and both my parents undercutting my intuitive communication and being bullied for my intuition would’ve impacted my communicative development.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    This is my father:

    He is an elite volleyball coach and club owner and director. He was a national player, and my mother is as equally a former competitive runner. They gave me absolutely no intuitive allowance of my own essence and stuffed down endless sensory shit I never could develop in or get good at, because I do not have those functions. The only thing my mother did was buy me a lot of books in infancy and toddler years, but I lost interest in reading by the time I got put in elementary.

    I would edit and include it in above post, but with how 16T is right now, edits don’t often go through.
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    It seems like you’ve me flipped, Qaz. My sensory focuses and reactivity came as the adaptation, and my childhood was me being forced to live like a sensor. Every day of the summer Monday-Friday from 8 and onwards, I was put in 7-8+ hoirs of physical activity a day. I showed a video of my parents admitting that on this thread and how I had breakdowns and how I literally made a trainer cry by my resistance to this and my difficulty with this sensory element athletic shit. I didn’t even have a chance to day dream much as I naturally would’ve, other than on the sidelines in the volleyball court…
    I am in my head; not society.

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    I just wouldn’t argue with someone who calls you delusional, because you’re not

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    I literally had been put every summer Monday-Friday in 7-8+ hours of physical activity and in this spite, I still had and have to this day, the most always physical coordination.. Mt parents started at 5, to put me in this physical activity, but it was 4-5 hours, rather than 7-8 in the summer. When I had complained that video, of my mother and father interfering with my daydreaming, writing and video game play, they just said it was “good” for me. It absolutely wasn’t. I hated this and always had autism tantrums and meltdowns because of this, I made numerous coaches and trainers irritated and one even cry… And he told my parents I’m not fit to be an athlete. Hahah, sort of a pun.. It made me get more bullied than I already was for how awkward I was in my movement and also for being unable to wear a bra and so it made my bra less self more exposed and visible. My parents and their narcissistic parenting had just made my childhood all the more hell, with this, and this isn’t even counting their direct abuse.
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    If you don’t believe me, just literally please watch this, and how I never even developed the sensory skills that needed for that, how I made an athletic trainer cry for my resistance and autism meltdowns for not wanting do it and for always talking about characters I made in my head and alternate realities:
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    I can’t put this in an edit so I have to write a new one, until the bug lifts: my parents are so narcissistic in that, they talk over me… And push their own ego and agenda.. And my mother even admits that I was “never that caliber”.. They just try force the idea it was right for me, maybe because their 4D Se can’t see anything past this way for raising a child, but they’ve done a lot of abusive things to me, more so my father, like pull and shake me by my hair, bite my body, speed and threaten crash car, call me names like a worthless piece of shit and worse… And my mother I am pretty sure has covert npd, because she views things in a split or gain mentality, throw away:
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    I am fed up with 16T’s internet slow progress today, but I was trying to reply @qaz00, that my autism is also more severe than it looks. Asperger’s was dismissed as a diagnosis, as it was recognized that this in spite of above average to average intelligence can still leave you severely impaired and unable function on your own.

    I cannot self-monitor, which inhibits me to drive a car or live on my own. I cannot track my surroundings (which goes against the entire ideas of me being Se ego, as autistic Se types wouldn’t have this issue. I can’t notice what is around my physically). I get injured weekly from this, and I one time even nearly blinded myself, unaware I had a safety pin in my hand and touched it to my face. I currently have a bruising on my right finger as my most recent injury:

    I have the self-monitoring and executive capacities of an elementary child, and the social functioning is also behind, but apart of this is from having been ostracized and environmentally more delays induced in this area. But the self-monitor and executive is a permanent deficit. I would die if left on my own, a few years ago I was put to live independently, and the house nearly caught fire, from me not noticing I’d thrown a blanket by a floor heater. I have also been put to live for some time in long stay hotels and I lost my room keys and got locked out my room and couldn’t get inside.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    So let me just explain my childhood developments and what I was exposed to: Infancy and toddler years: books, lots of baby toys and shows, my father’s volleyball girls on his teams, a foreign country 3-4: Tap dance, ballet (there are many pictures of me where I am pouting and am unhappy in these, that I won’t be able find until tomorrow).5: volleyball, a peacock Jane story I made up on my head, my father would continue to think out, gymnastics 7: swimming 8-15: intensive volleyball 11: horseback riding and Christian horse camp 7ish years old: a few fairy books, also onset of father’s abuse, unless you count him biting my body11: autistic obsession on parasols and dolls 11: when I had brief computer access at my father’s work, fanfiction, but I barely got to use it, and it was like less than a month. 13, one month short of 14: my first iPhone (my parents sheltered me from this because of my autism and my sister got her own when she was in 1st grade). 16: abusive facility, aromatherapy exposure, I found astrology on my own Infancy-15: father biting my body7: Nintendo DS, but didn’t play overly many games 17: crystals 8-17: ABA therapy in speech language pathology and autism behavioral interventionist11: creative writing camp, after I was deemed very gifted in writing and it was only for a week 17: writing summer camp for one week18: writing summer camp two weeks 14: I signed my own self up for a poetry contest and won a state award judged a year older for PTA Reflections Program16: signed my own self up for the Laramie Boomerang winter writing contest and I got chosen be in newspaper for my writing, whilst I was in Cathedral Home5: Grandma’s sewing13: grandma crochet 8: knitting after school club8: martial arts and yoga after school club8: visual arts after school club 8 or 9: cooking after school club 7-14: park night physical activity and arts and crafts several times throughout childhood: kids clubs on vacation and I had frequented Hawaii a lot 19: screenwriting summer camp I only for be in 3 days, because there was a fire evacuation. 5-17: bullying Most of what I got forced to be around was sensory, or was tried to force me into a sensor and everything intuitive I had make on my own. My parents gave very little allowance for my giftedness in writing, only put me things once at 11 and a few things in my later teens… They never developed my psychical gifts and my vast analytical ability in psychology, I tried hard to go to an arts boarding school… and make it happen for my own self..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    How my post went there is a glitch of the site^ I am going to have to delete it and rewrite it out. I spaced it all out and it made it garbage like that. And doesn’t allow any edits.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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  19. #59
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    I’ll delete the original one later, it was all spaced out like this, and when I tried save an edit, it did that cluttered in one crap.

    So let me just explain my childhood developments and what I was exposed to: Infancy and toddler years: books, lots of baby toys and shows, my father’s volleyball girls on his teams, a foreign country

    3-4: Tap dance, ballet (there are many pictures of me where I am pouting and am unhappy in these, that I won’t be able find until tomorrow).

    5: volleyball, a peacock Jane story I made up on my head, my father would continue to think out, gymnastics

    7-11 or 12 swimming

    8-15: intensive volleyball

    11: horseback riding and Christian horse camp

    7ish years old: a few fairy books, also onset of father’s abuse, unless you count him biting my body

    11: autistic obsession on parasols and dolls

    11: when I had brief computer access at my father’s work, fanfiction, but I barely got to use it, and it was like less than a month.

    13, one month short of 14: my first iPhone (my parents sheltered me from this because of my autism and my sister got her own when she was in 1st grade).

    16: abusive facility, aromatherapy exposure, I found astrology on my own

    Infancy-15: father biting my body

    7: Nintendo DS, but didn’t play overly many games

    17: crystals

    8-17: ABA therapy in speech language pathology and autism behavioral interventionist

    11: creative writing camp, after I was deemed very gifted in writing and it was only for a week

    17: writing summer camp for one week

    18: writing summer camp two weeks

    14: I signed my own self up for a poetry contest and won a state award judged a year older for PTA Reflections Program

    16: signed my own self up for the Laramie Boomerang winter writing contest and I got chosen be in newspaper for my writing, whilst I was in Cathedral Home

    5-9: Grandma’s sewing

    13:grandma crochet 8: knitting after school club

    8: martial arts and yoga after school club

    8:visual arts after school club 8 or 9: cooking after school club

    7-14: park night physical activity and arts and crafts several times throughout childhood: kids clubs on vacation and I had frequented Hawaii a lot

    19: screenwriting summer camp I only for be in 3 days, because there was a fire evacuation.

    5-17: bullying

    13: bully plots take my life

    14: a sexual abuse incidence

    15: my uncle who is in prison life long for holding a woman ransom with a gun, and is a pedophile, was around me every week as I was put in an outpatient psychiatric ward (was put inpatient later too)

    11-13: lots of wizard101

    All throughout my life: sporadic fantasies and living in my own sphere when could, also wrote short stories and poems

    Most of what I got forced to be around was sensory, or was tried to force me into a sensor and everything intuitive I had make on my own. My parents gave very little allowance for my giftedness in writing, only put me things once at 11 and a few things in my later teens… They never developed my psychical gifts and my vast analytical ability in psychology, I tried hard to go to an arts boarding school… and make it happen for my own self..
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    Oh, I forgot the running and some athletic things, but won’t be able edit or it will clump like that thing I need to delete..

    5K marathon (5 mile): I had to run a few because mt
    mother enrolled me in them when I was like 5-7..

    Running club after school: 11 and 12 and possibly the first semester I was in that middle school in 8th grade/13..

    plyometrics: 11-14.

    My sister’s physical illness: start at 15 (she couldn’t walk for three years)
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    Tennis summer program, I was like 7 or something

    Note: all these activities were forced on me, other than the writing, and other than I had asked my grandma to teach me how crochet to make my own plush dolls I could play with, and I absolutely sucked and failed at it.
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    For Christian horse camp, I need to edit that as I put it for the start at 11. I had went at 11, 12, 15 and 17. I was so shoddy at it, I always got put in the beginner’s, because I could never learnt to post and sync to the physical movement. And track the horse’s leg with my eyes.

    Also, I was put in Christian vacation Bible school and youth groups, but forget exact age, 10-11 for Bible school
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    I had absolutely no allowance to actively express my 4D intuition… Other than on the sidelines in all the sports I got enforced into, and in my reading and imagining fanfictions and writing poetry and short stories. I forgot write that I started writing a novel at 14, as well, based on my own fantasy of myself. I had my parents roping me into all this 3D+ needed Se shit and was always discouraged by others to communicate in my metaphors and images and imagination.. I got ridiculed by peers, as I showed paperwork, my peers taunted me when I communicated this way, and the therapist adults enforcing speech and language pathology and ABA tried to completely cut that from my communication style to avoid me getting further bullied, and my father irritated by my inquisitive, always asking deep, philosophical question nature.

    so if anything about my seems “sensory” this is of why.
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    I remember writing, before, it was as if others incised with a rusted scalpel, my essence “vocal cords” and infected me with their own view.
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    All in all, I am sorry, @qaz00, but I’ve had every opportunity in my life to develop Se, and if I was actually Se ego, I would’ve succeeded in every Se domain I was put into, and it doesn’t have do with self-esteem, as I was put into Se domains since 5 years old, and didn’t become psychiatric until 15.. It doesn’t make sense for a person to be put into 7 sports with addition to plyometrics, cooking and needlework and never succeed in any of these things and actually never improve in any of these areas, to be a sensor… Nor does it for my imaginative abilities to have always been there and be strong enough they won me awards, and there was no influence making me develop that intuition, as 98% of my exposure was all sensing, even Monday-Friday I didn’t have a childhood in the summer, outside of sports and just a few hours to myself at night..

    What does make sense if for all they crap to maybe make me develop superficial sensory skills..
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    I remember awhile back, I had seen a video by personality hacker (Antonia dodge and her husband Joe) talk about how intuitive can become fluent in sensing if they’re raised around all sensors and sensors can if they’re intuitive.. I wouldn’t call myself “fluent” in any sensing, but I’ve developed just mediocre Si. My Se still isn’t there; no cognizance of my surroundings, no willpower, ineptitude with details and surface physical qualities. I can look at something and not notice a stain, my mother will point out this, the former user rice had met me with guac all over my shirt on video id no idea I had, I hadn’t noticed this tennis place by my house until one day, and at time I’d lived there 3 1/2 years..

    Well, I certainly got raised in the athletic scene, which is pure Se. I was only around really, 4D Se types. No friends made. My family and all my father’s coaches and the girls.. Maybe swimming had a few intuitive, but I never noticed them and I was roped primarily into volleyball. Never caught up, never enjoyed it, always sucked and got made fun of by girls for how I ran and moved my arms and for how slow my movements are. And of course my boobs.
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    It makes more sense by your own classification the G thread of me being balanced intuition and sensing, to be intuitive, as if I was a sensor, with how I got raised and drilled into all 4D Se activities for 98% of my childhood, I would’ve been a pure sensor with no intuitive development.
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    I’d be editing and adding if the site allowed me to edit without glitches, but I believe that being raised around all 4D Se people who bullied me for my ineptitude in Se may have made my Se super ego more neurotic and fueled me to become an image enenagrammatic core.
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    I had also forgot say that at 4 I had been exposed to Spanish in preschool, and I picked it up exceedingly fast..
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    Quote Originally Posted by necrosebud View Post
    I just wouldn’t argue with someone who calls you delusional, because you’re not
    And I shouldn't argue with her, because my attempts to show her how her view of herself and how she interprets various happenings may be distorted are clearly ineffective, and her communication style makes her an easy target for me, something about it triggers the need to correct... There won't be any benefit from continuing this.

    From now, Braingel is on my ignore list.

  31. #71
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    Btw, whenever someone gets so upset about a typing, it just makes it seem even more like there could be truth to it.

    Because, if it was really so absurd or besides the mark, why would you be upset about it? You would shrug and not take it seriously.

    But it hits a nerve. For a good reason, usually.
    Not really, no. Basically everyone gets upset when you tell them their type is wrong. It makes them uncomfortable at least.

    That said, I do think it's pointless to argue about typings until you come to a consensus with the other person as to type images.

    Edit: I would like to add that it is annoying to me when someone tries to constantly convince you they are a certain type. I don't think getting upset about a typing is necessarily revealing about the truth of that typing but I do find it super cringe when someone goes around trying to force a typing (about themselves) down yours' or everyone's throats. It's almost a form of gaslighting because they don't allow you to have your own impression of them as a person. I understand this is a very vulnerable topic where you are kind of "seen" for who you are (or at least many things about yourself are exposed/revealed), and if you feel too vulnerable, then don't expose yourself. It's an unhealthy loop to get into to try and constantly expose yourself type-wise and then try to get people to agree with that type, and get upset when they don't. It comes across as immature at best, and as gaslighting at its worse.

    Another edit: People aeren't always benevolent in their intentions, especially online where assholes can hide behind some degree of anonymity. It's not your fault that people have ill intentions or want to gaslight you, Braingel, but you also don't need to convince them of anything. There is not necessarily anything wrong with being typed something you don't relate to, even if it is a bit upsetting. Maybe the person has a point and maybe they don't. Maybe this is condescending, but guard yourself and don't let every person on the internet into your mindspace.
    Last edited by Ave; 04-20-2024 at 11:56 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by WVBRY View Post
    Not really, no. Basically everyone gets upset when you tell them their type is wrong. It makes them uncomfortable at least.

    That said, I do think it's pointless to argue about typings until you come to a consensus with the other person as to type images.

    Edit: I would like to add that it is annoying to me when someone tries to constantly convince you they are a certain type. I don't think getting upset about a typing is necessarily revealing about the truth of that typing but I do find it super cringe when someone goes around trying to force a typing (about themselves) down yours' or everyone's throats. It's almost a form of gaslighting because they don't allow you to have your own impression of them as a person. I understand this is a very vulnerable topic where you are kind of "seen" for who you are (or at least many things about yourself are exposed/revealed), and if you feel too vulnerable, then don't expose yourself. It's an unhealthy loop to get into to try and constantly expose yourself type-wise and then try to get people to agree with that type, and get upset when they don't. It comes across as immature at best, and as gaslighting at its worse.

    Another edit: People aeren't always benevolent in their intentions, especially online where assholes can hide behind some degree of anonymity. It's not your fault that people have ill intentions or want to gaslight you, Braingel, but you also don't need to convince them of anything. There is not necessarily anything wrong with being typed something you don't relate to, even if it is a bit upsetting. Maybe the person has a point and maybe they don't. Maybe this is condescending, but guard yourself and don't let every person on the internet into your mindspace.
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    Quote Originally Posted by qaz00 View Post
    And I shouldn't argue with her, because my attempts to show her how her view of herself and how she interprets various happenings may be distorted are clearly ineffective, and her communication style makes her an easy target for me, something about it triggers the need to correct... There won't be any benefit from continuing this.

    From now, Braingel is on my ignore list.
    I think you should look at her dad’s behavior more closely before you start assuming stuff. Probably took more than a year to figure it out. He is manipulative

    I think it’s fucked up to tell someone who is likely a victim of psychological abuse that they are delusional in what they see (namely, that there’s something clearly wrong with the way their parents treat them). Triggers come from all this stuff.

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    *and to blame their constitutional self for it instead of the gaslighting and manipulation (the dad seemingly provokes her into becoming vulnerable, taunts her, and goes see? She’s insane - whatever variation on the same behavior)
    triggers are just unprocessed stuff

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    Quote Originally Posted by necrosebud View Post
    I think you should look at her dad’s behavior more closely before you start assuming stuff. Probably took more than a year to figure it out. He is manipulative

    I think it’s fucked up to tell someone who is likely a victim of psychological abuse that they are delusional in what they see (namely, that there’s something clearly wrong with the way their parents treat them). Triggers come from all this stuff.
    Her dad being manipulative and abusive doesn't make anyone who criticizes her wrong. The fact she has an abusive dad and what qaz wrote doesn't really connect in my mind. I agree that telling someone they "distort things" is gaslighting but I'm not sure this refers to her father or to something else so for me it doesn't connect with your father argument.
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    Quote Originally Posted by WVBRY View Post
    Her dad being manipulative and abusive doesn't make anyone who criticizes her wrong. The fact she has an abusive dad what qaz wrote doesn't really connect in my mind.
    He called her delusional (not able to see things clearly) and exaggerating the impact of her negative experiences essentially putting the blame of her inherent constitution instead of the psychological manipulation/gaslighting, or taking away justified blame from it

    if he didn’t mean it that was I would be glad to be wrong but that’s how it reads

    I’m not commenting on him essentially saying she isn’t trying hard enough since I don’t approach people that way. Do I think there might be truth to her holding on or potential learned helplessness? Possible, again I’m not saying one way or another. But I am careful before making such accusation

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    Quote Originally Posted by necrosebud View Post
    He called her delusional (not able to see things clearly) and exaggerating the impact of her negative experiences essentially putting the blame of her inherent constitution instead of the psychological manipulation/gaslighting, or taking away justified blame from it

    if he didn’t mean it that was I would be glad to be wrong but that’s how it reads

    I’m not commenting on him essentially saying she isn’t trying hard enough since I don’t approach people that way. Do I think there might be truth to her holding on or potential learned helplessness? Possible, again I’m not saying one way or another. But I am careful before making such accusation
    His comment about her "distorting events" around her sounds like gaslighting to me as well, I added that in my former post lol.
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    What is very annoying is that Qaz is 100% convinced his own self-views of me are correct and that mine are automatically all “wrong”. He has made in his head of me, that I am exaggerating things about myself, have an inaccurate view of myself, mostly because he’s never liked I’m an emotional person, and then because now in his head, he’s convinced himself I am an SEE, and even by his own reasoning of how a sensor today can be pseudo intuitive with their upbringing makes zero sense for my own case, because since early childhood, I was literally put in all sensorial activities by my 4D Se family, and only exposed to 4D Se types.

    Whilst I don’t agree that I’m an EIE, @WVBRY, it would be a much more reasonable typing for myself. I hope you realize he is trying type me SEE and not EIE.

    Somehow I do not feel @qaz00 is being malicious, but he is completely ignorant on Fe, and is very arrogant and wrong in some of his views, and he is the one with distortions in regards to emotionality, and projects his incompetence in this area as others being distortful. And yes, this triggers my own trauma immensely, as rose has stated. That’s responsible for most of my reactivity in this, though I don’t take well in general when someone invalidates things about myself and never have, but didn’t used to react with as much vitriol..
    Last edited by Braingel; 04-20-2024 at 07:24 PM.
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    I don’t believe he’s honestly aware of how traumatizing his own behavior is to me, with his weak Fe, Fi and Ni.. And Ne considering possibilities.. I just believe he is fixated in his own need be right, and doesn’t like it when I defend how I actually am, because it basically states his own interpretation and experience and views of how people are, are inaccurate, and perhaps with his polr Fe, this is his weakest area, he probably would be an SLI as by SCS, even, I considered LSI modern because of how much of a perfectionist he is, but he doesn’t seem all that Ti.
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    All he’s gone off on about me are assumptions, and I’ve had this ENOUGH in my life.

    -assuming I am exaggerating and distort my self-view
    -assuming my autism is mild, without even understanding the condition or even of why Asperger’s was removed from the dsm to begin with.
    -assuming I am an SEE because I don’t fit “his experience” of intuitive observable characteristics
    -assuming I had an intuitive exposure childhood

    When it’s literally all the opposite, he has me flipped in his head, and when I tell him these things, even from a cool head, he fucking dismissed it under the narrative I have “distortion”, it’s a huge asshole move, and he’s probably not even aware of how toxic his own mindset is. As distortions don’t allow you to see it all the time, but he’s the one with distortions, projecting them unto me.
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