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Thread: Member Questionnaire (ILI)

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    Default Member Questionnaire (ILI)

    Member Questionnaire 1 (ILI)
    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is everybody living in harmony and helping each other live their best lives. Short-sighted competition that hurts the community is ugly.

    Love is treating somebody else as if they are the most important person or people in your life. While a certain amount of brotherly love is needed in a community for the community to perform its best, familial and romantic love are far deeper, and involve a much closer connection.
    What are your most important values?
    Socialism, environmentalism, and anti-racism are all near and dear to my heart, as is keeping active in politics. A strong community demands active participation from the community's inhabitants, and I am deeply saddened by how toxic political discourse has become, given the importance of political discourse.
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I am a former Jehovah's Witness, now an atheist. The Jehovah's Witnesses did a good job of debunking other religious groups, and given I was born into the Jehovah's Witnesses, I once took the Jehovah's Witness organization (called the Watchtower Society) very seriously. When their doomsday predictions didn't come to pass, however, I looked into their history. I found they had a corrupt history of failed predictions, and were guilty of most of what they accused other religions of. I left the Jehovah's Witnesses, and have since not been convinced by any other religion.
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    War is something that should only be used in self-defence, but is often used to further capitalistic imperialism at the expense of the working class. The only war I think would be just in this day and age would be the working class waging war on the capitalist class, but I know that will never happen.
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    I speak at length about politics. There is so much in this world that can be improved upon, and I see politics as one of the most noble fields one can work in, though it saddens me the corruption that often plagues politics. Politics should be reclaimed by the common people from the wealthy elites, and democracy should be more universal, including in our workplaces!
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    I am interested in good food and drink, but often neglect my health. I overeat and oversleep, and tend to be inactive.
    What do you think of daily chores?
    I am often behind on my chores as its often difficult for me to get started on any kind of work. I procrastinate often. As a result, my dwelling often goes without necessary cleaning or repairs for a long time. I live alone.
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I have been binge watching shows on Netflix like "The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina the Teenage Witch" and "The Good Place". I enjoy the themes these shows explore, even if they feel a little "goofy" sometimes.
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I cry when I think about how cruel people in the world are to one another. Humans exploit other humans. This isn't good. I also cry thinking about how the universe will eventually end and everything everybody ever worked for will end along with it.

    I smile when I see people supporting socialism, as well as when I see them organizing to help the community--soup kitchens, acts of charity, ect. I also like seeing more young people getting involved in politics.
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    I feel a sense of belonging among other socialists, environmentalists, and intellectuals.
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I'm often very slow-moving and not attentive to my physical surroundings. I've been bullied all my life for my slowness and inattention. I have one speed at which I do everything and I'm often so lost in my own thoughts that I have problems and frustrate people.
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    I'm very academic and all though grade school, college, and graduate school, I was able to understand topics with such ease that I seldom studied and still graduated with honors. I'm also very patient with other people, and can put people at ease. For a living, I work with the disabled community to help them get the resources they need.
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    If I had a housemate who could cook for me and clean, and generally help care for me, I'd like that. Also, we could go on drives together and talk with each other.
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    I sometimes feel as though my activism isn't being successful, and yes, that sometimes feels like being "in a rut".
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I like people who are altruistic and wish well for others, and I dislike people who are tribalistic and cruel.
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    I'm a middle-aged virgin. I've never been approached by anybody and my own feelings surrounding romance and sex confuse me. I'm probably asexual.
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I'd want to raise my children to be upstanding citizens of the world and to be willing to help others.
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    I'd feel very deeply hurt, but I'd try to bring them around to my point of view, if the clash of beliefs was over beliefs I find important. If the clash is over something important, and I can't bring them to believe as I believe, we probably wouldn't remain friends very long. If they aren't important beliefs, I'm more likely to let the disagreement go and "agree to disagree".
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I see people as a whole as hurting and victimized by a malevolent capitalist elite. Some people (environmentalists, socialists, and anti-racists) understand this, but others have directed their hurt and anger at the wrong targets. I think most people would be good if given the chance, but capitalism and environmental destruction bring out the worst in people.
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I choose my friends on the basis of if they align with my politics. We like to meet over food and drink and discuss our activism projects, and what we plan to do next to help our community. We are a generally quiet bunch, and discuss serious topics.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    I am polite, reserved, and distant, but still warm.

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    I see a whole lot of Fi and anti Se.
    Also, the things you wrote of in the "areas of your life you need help with" seem Te/Si caregiver-like seeking.

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    Not a gamma type, especially not ILI (your name?)
    IxFx. SEI or EII
    Last edited by Tarnished; 02-01-2021 at 05:00 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Raven Song View Post
    I see a whole lot of Fi and anti Se.
    Also, the things you wrote of in the "areas of your life you need help with" seem Te/Si caregiver-like seeking.
    Quote Originally Posted by Moharu View Post
    Not a gamma type, especially not ILI (your name?)
    IxFx. SEI or EII
    I'd consider myself an intuitive type before I would consider myself any kind of sensor. In terms of dimensionality, my Se is so 1D that its painfully obvious that it has to be either my vulnerable or suggestive function. I could see Si as my mobilizing function, though.

    After I made my account here, but before posting this thread, I took this test:

    I'm actually a bit hesitant to call myself an ethical type since people have made comments towards me over my life about being "quirky", and "strange", and "inappropriate". In my defense, though, they would often do this after trying to normalize something monsterous. I'm very much a political, religious, and ideological minority where I live, and what's "common knowledge ethics" here is often diametrically opposed to what I consider ethical and good. That's why I stay close with the few people who agree with me, and have been forming a political chapter for other eco-socialists who live in this area. I may not be very intimidating on my own, but with a movement of like-minded people, we can collectively protect the weak and innocent from the powerful.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ILI View Post
    I'd consider myself an intuitive type before I would consider myself any kind of sensor. In terms of dimensionality, my Se is so 1D that its painfully obvious that it has to be either my vulnerable or suggestive function. I could see Si as my mobilizing function, though.

    After I made my account here, but before posting this thread, I took this test:

    I'm actually a bit hesitant to call myself an ethical type since people have made comments towards me over my life about being "quirky", and "strange", and "inappropriate". In my defense, though, they would often do this after trying to normalize something monsterous. I'm very much a political, religious, and ideological minority where I live, and what's "common knowledge ethics" here is often diametrically opposed to what I consider ethical and good. That's why I stay close with the few people who agree with me, and have been forming a political chapter for other eco-socialists who live in this area. I may not be very intimidating on my own, but with a movement of like-minded people, we can collectively protect the weak and innocent from the powerful.
    "political, religious, and ideological" Could be IEI?
    ILI and other gamma type value their own freedom (of choice) and focus on personal gain, very business-like, individualistic. So I still can't think of you as an gamma. Their point of view are kind of "the weak must have the will (fighting spirit) to fight for themself in order to become the strong"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moharu View Post
    "political, religious, and ideological" Could be IEI?
    I could see that, possibly, but I relate more towards the Judicious dichotomy now that I've looked at this in more depth.
    An enneagram teacher, schooled in traditional enneagram, typed me as a So/Sp 6w5 (Tritype 614), if that helps any. My mother is still living, and using the material the enneagram teacher used with me, my mother typed herself as an ESTJ Sx/Sp 1w2, and I think that fits her. She's very critical of everybody close to her, including me. I'm glad I have my own seperate house now, since she was a little too controlling/critical sometimes and followed an ideology at odds with my ideology. I still invite her down to my house to help fix things, though. I can use her as a relations benchmark, possibly, when it comes to hammering out my own type.

    While my enneagram (So/Sp 6w5) does seem to fit, my sociotype is less clear beyond being intuitive and more-than-likely introverted. Admittedly, though, being a social-dominant enneagram subtype balances out some of my withdrawing tendencies.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ILI View Post
    I could see that, possibly, but I relate more towards the Judicious dichotomy now that I've looked at this in more depth.
    An enneagram teacher, schooled in traditional enneagram, typed me as a So/Sp 6w5 (Tritype 614), if that helps any. My mother is still living, and using the material the enneagram teacher used with me, my mother typed herself as an ESTJ Sx/Sp 1w2, and I think that fits her. She's very critical of everybody close to her, including me. I'm glad I have my own seperate house now, since she was a little too controlling/critical sometimes and followed an ideology at odds with my ideology. I still invite her down to my house to help fix things, though. I can use her as a relations benchmark, possibly, when it comes to hammering out my own type.

    While my enneagram (So/Sp 6w5) does seem to fit, my sociotype is less clear beyond being intuitive and more-than-likely introverted. Admittedly, though, being a social-dominant enneagram subtype balances out some of my withdrawing tendencies.
    How did your mother criticize you?

    I read your first post again, and now it's pretty clear you are a Fe user.

    "I cry when I think about how cruel people in the world are to one another. Humans exploit other humans. This isn't good. I also cry thinking about how the universe will eventually end and everything everybody ever worked for will end along with it."
    "I see people as a whole as hurting and victimized by a malevolent capitalist elite..."
    "I'd want to raise my children to be upstanding citizens of the world and to be willing to help others"


    If you really think you are an N user, IEI is the most likely answer.
    Last edited by Tarnished; 02-01-2021 at 03:49 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moharu View Post
    How did your mother criticize you?

    I read your first post again, and now it's pretty clear you are a Fe user.

    "I cry when I think about how cruel people in the world are to one another. Humans exploit other humans. This isn't good. I also cry thinking about how the universe will eventually end and everything everybody ever worked for will end along with it."
    "I see people as a whole as hurting and victimized by a malevolent capitalist elite..."
    "I'd want to raise my children to be upstanding citizens of the world and to be willing to help others"


    If you really think you are an N user, IEI is the most likely answer.
    My mother would criticize me for being slow-moving, lazy, disorganized, and being a sloppy dresser. When I was very young, like under 8, my mom would also criticize me for preferring to read my books (a mix of Jehovah's Witness religious literature, encyclopedias, almanacs, and science books) rather than interact with other children my age. I got much more social/humanistic/friendly after age 8, and developed an interest in writing poetry and prose. I was a precocious reader who could read from the age of 2, so its no wonder I'd eventually start writing my own material. My mother would also criticize me because I took my Jehovah's Witness religious leader's orders and my mother's mother's religious advice over the advice of my mother, who was more moderate. I was a zealous child, and would very forcibly try to convert other children to "the one true religion", because, according to the church leader and my grandmother, anybody who I failed to convert before "God's Day of Wrath" would die and their deaths would be my fault. Also, neglecting to convert people would call my loyalty to God into question, and would prevent me from seeing my dead father again and prevent me from serving God for eternity on a "paradise earth". I was born into the 2nd highest caste of Jehovah's Witness, and would have been 5th generation in the religion had I stayed in, as my maternal line stretched all the way back to the first women to join the religion. My mother has also criticized me for being "very feminine" since I am male, and my "passive, feminine nature" was "ungodly". Its actually funny that as much as my mother criticized me for being overzealous as a Jehovah's Witness growing up, she now criticizes me for not respecting nor caring about Jehovah's Witness doctrine. I'm actually embarrassed nobody else in my family saw through the Jehovah's Witness organization over the past 4 generations my maternal family was in before I was born: Jehovah's Witnesses are obvious charlatans.

    My mother also criticizes my political zeal I now have: I switched the passion I once had for religion to a passion for leftwing politics. I'm planning on returning to my literary hobby I once enjoyed, soon, as people used to really enjoy what I wrote, but I've been out of practice for about a decade.

    I'm now very "live and let live" with religion, and am a member of the nontheistic religion called Unitarian Universalism to reflect this very relaxed attitude I have towards religion. I'm now very strict in my politics, however. I'm a staunch eco-socialist.

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    @Moharu @Raven Song

    Physically, I'm short, about 60 pounds overweight, have a short haircut, and have permanent dark circles under my eyes. I also have disproportionately small legs, arms, hands, and feet compared to my torso and head. My torso and head are very large compared to the rest of my body.

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    Obvious serious/objectivist quadra for me.
    You seem also really "anti-beta" and you seem introtim
    Since you are really academic and delta-ish I can suggest EII .

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sah Kel Plaisir View Post
    Obvious serious/objectivist quadra for me.
    You seem also really "anti-beta" and you seem introtim
    Since you are really academic and delta-ish I can suggest EII .
    I could see EII. I also considered LII, but, honestly, Ti seems better for role function than Fi does.

    What is meant by LII being merry but EII being serious, anyway? Are Ti-leads more likely to be goofy/playful than Fi-leads?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ILI View Post
    I could see EII. I also considered LII, but, honestly, Ti seems better for role function than Fi does.

    What is meant by LII being merry but EII being serious, anyway? Are Ti-leads more likely to be goofy/playful than Fi-leads?
    Much of how Socionics tries to describe people is rather difficult to get a sense of in abstraction, but this in particular is easy to spot once you've seen it a few times. LxIs can come off as serious initially, and LSIs in particular might come off as acerbic, but under the surface they don't really tend to make harsh judgements of people* and are fairly tolerant and easygoing, or at least are open to being easygoing. You can also spot introverted merry types by looking at their smiles. Again, it's difficult to explain, but I would describe Merry types' smiles as generally 'softer' than Serious types'. They also seem quicker to laugh or to smile; introverted Merry types' faces also revert to 'normal' much quicker. When Serious types smile it seems like more of an effort is involved, and they seem to have larger smiles, as if they do it almost consciously. Finally, Merry types' eyes seem to get brighter, warmer, and more 'engaged' when they smile or laugh, as if they're more caught up in the emotion they're expressing than Serious types. SEEs, for instance, I think smile like sharks -- typically very socially extraverted, and they give wide, toothy smiles and loud laughs, but their eyes even when they smile look cold and as if they're hunting for someone or something.

    *though LSIs are Aristocrats, I think it's generally easier to "prove yourself" to an LSI than, for instance, an EII. With LSIs you mostly have to just establish rapport; with EIIs it feels more like you have to prove you're a certain type of person.

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    Ti focus on having a logical system to understand "the world", how it work or should work.

    Fi focus on personal relationships between you and other people/object, it very subjective.
    Exp: I like A, I like B more than I like A, How does D feel about me? I hate C... but I hate F even more, should I kill F becasue he disgusts me? (lol) blah blah

    I would say Fi lead people are not idealistic, they focus on their own relationships, how they feel about things, how to improve their relationship with someone they love. They focus on each individuals whose they care about, not ideas, or mankind as a whole. Idealistic people usually have Ni and Ti, they have a mindset of how this world should become, and they use Fe to affect other people, convert people to have the same point of view like them.

    The most zealous people I known are LSIs (Ne polr), IEIs come close, but they are more open with their ideas.
    Last edited by Tarnished; 02-02-2021 at 03:13 AM.

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    Both Fi and Ti are subjective because it’s rooted from the person’s ideology (Ti) or principles (Fi).

    Quote Originally Posted by Moharu View Post
    Fi focus on personal relationships between you and other people/object, it very subjective.
    Exp: I like A, I like B more than I like A, How does D feel about me? I hate C... but I hate F even more, should I kill F becasue he disgusts me? (lol) blah blah
    Wrong perception. If you’re the Fi person, the leveling of how others feel about you doesn’t even make the equation unless it’s EII. But how others think and feel about you, that’s Fe shit.

    Should be more like:
    I like A. I like B. I hate C. I hate F.

    They all exist as their own categories and don’t get mixed together because they don’t got nothing to with each other. Unless it’s EII. They like to mix random bs together that don’t ever make sense.
    Last edited by Lolita; 02-02-2021 at 03:47 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiana View Post

    Should be more like:
    I like A. I like B. I hate C. I hate F.

    They all exist as their own categories and don’t get mixed together because they don’t got nothing to with each other. Unless it’s EII. They like to mix random bs together that don’t ever make sense.
    I think you are right about this. But my closest "Fi" friend is an EII, so ...yeah

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moharu View Post
    I think you are right about this. But my closest "Fi" friend is an EII, so ...yeah
    RIP I feel sorry for you

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Much of how Socionics tries to describe people is rather difficult to get a sense of in abstraction, but this in particular is easy to spot once you've seen it a few times. LxIs can come off as serious initially, and LSIs in particular might come off as acerbic, but under the surface they don't really tend to make harsh judgements of people* and are fairly tolerant and easygoing, or at least are open to being easygoing. You can also spot introverted merry types by looking at their smiles. Again, it's difficult to explain, but I would describe Merry types' smiles as generally 'softer' than Serious types'. They also seem quicker to laugh or to smile; introverted Merry types' faces also revert to 'normal' much quicker. When Serious types smile it seems like more of an effort is involved, and they seem to have larger smiles, as if they do it almost consciously. Finally, Merry types' eyes seem to get brighter, warmer, and more 'engaged' when they smile or laugh, as if they're more caught up in the emotion they're expressing than Serious types. SEEs, for instance, I think smile like sharks -- typically very socially extraverted, and they give wide, toothy smiles and loud laughs, but their eyes even when they smile look cold and as if they're hunting for someone or something.

    *though LSIs are Aristocrats, I think it's generally easier to "prove yourself" to an LSI than, for instance, an EII. With LSIs you mostly have to just establish rapport; with EIIs it feels more like you have to prove you're a certain type of person.
    Hmmm. I always have a "staid" look in my eyes, never smile with my teeth (its always a closed lipped smile), and when I do smile, I've been told I "smile with my eyes", so people have been able to tell I'm smiling even with my mask on.

    As far as the aristocratic/democratic divide goes, I really only prejudge people based on political/religious groupings, but especially political. Other groups people may belong to don't seem to tell me as much about a person.

    If I find out somebody is Republican, or a "conservative", or a "libertarian", or a "capitalist", or "proud to be white", though, I can pretty quickly tell I'm not going to like that person. If I "libertarian" clarifies themselves to be a "libertarian socialist", they might still have a chance at reaching one of my inner circles. I am also going to not get along with members of high-control religions, where the religion has taken over somebody's life and makes them want to convert others, since I had enough of that in my life as an ex-Jehovah's Witness.

    When it comes to what school somebody went to, though, at most that just tells me how much money they have. Also, somebody's favorite sports teams tells me basically nothing about somebody, so I've never really had an interest in sports.

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    @Moharu @Kiana @FreelancePoliceman @Sah Kel Plaisir @Raven Song
    I will say this, though, the S-type that reminds me most of myself is probably the SLI, but mainly the part about being really lazy and liking comfort. Being so bad at Se shoots that thought right out of my head, though.

    When I try to think what my role function would be, I think back to my job duty filing paperwork for the special needs children and other disabled people I work to help. While its a simple enough task: classifying and sorting paperwork into the correct part of the correct folder, then putting the correct folder into the correct drawer in the correct filing cabinet, I find this, as well as finishing filling out whatever blanks are left on the paperwork, stressful if I need to do this more than a few minutes. I have a mound that needs filed again, and I seriously may need to enlist one of my coworker's help to get it all done efficiently. I'll reward them with food and drinks if they help me. This problem with filing, though, is role Ti, isn't it?

    If I'm EII, though, that makes my mother my dual, which only makes a little sense. She's an Sx-dom 1w2, so of course she's openly critical of everybody (not just me), and of course our ideological differences also causes some conflict, but I'd expect my dual to maybe less outright critical of me.

    I'll also say that since I've gotten more politically active, I've come to value the concept of a partner who could play hardball with my enemies and help me bring never-do-wells to heel. They would usually be pretty caretaking, of course, but I also like the idea they could intimidate people if they needed to. I'd also like them to be more the ones to take the lead in a relationship since I'm super-passive in that area of my life, and am often unsure of my own attractions.

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    Welp. If you’re EII or any delta, then you neither want the assertiveness of Se nor impulsiveness.

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    Can you share an example of your prose/poetry, or tell us what you like to write about?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiana View Post
    Welp. If you’re EII or any delta, then you neither want the assertiveness of Se nor impulsiveness.
    Se as a demonstrative function could be useful, maybe, when it was needed. Bonus points if they can handle the logistics of running a household and help me with the logistics of my social movement. I've done decently well getting people excited about my ideas and values, but actually running an organization has been very difficult for me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Raven Song View Post
    Can you share an example of your prose/poetry, or tell us what you like to write about?
    Sure, I used to write short story fantasy, sci-fi, and horror anthologies, and I once wrote and self-published a science fiction novella set on Mars and centered around the first Martian explorers there. None of my older works had much significance beyond the conflict the characters in the story experienced, and there is a lot that I'd do differently if I wrote them again, but my I think I'll stay in the same genre, albeit with more of a focus on writing for a middle-school-age audience.

    Its been so long since I've created any prose or poetry that I feel a tad rusty getting back into the art, but I can probably find some of my old work when I get home, and I can copy it here. I won multiple awards for my writing growing up, as my teachers would enter what I wrote in state and national contests. I often would win 1st prize for my age group and would at least place for all age groups combined. It really used to stroke my ego that people liked what I wrote.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ILI View Post
    Se as a demonstrative function could be useful, maybe, when it was needed. Bonus points if they can handle the logistics of running a household and help me with the logistics of my social movement. I've done decently well getting people excited about my ideas and values, but actually running an organization has been very difficult for me.
    Se demo exert dominance/power over specific areas but since it’s not overt, it can come out as being aggressively passive aggressive. Delta energy is like traditional British culture that was shaped by the Victorian era even though Queen Victoria was very likely ESI. Her legacy is Delta. Running organization is more of a Te thing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ILI View Post
    Se as a demonstrative function could be useful, maybe, when it was needed. Bonus points if they can handle the logistics of running a household and help me with the logistics of my social movement. I've done decently well getting people excited about my ideas and values, but actually running an organization has been very difficult for me.
    This vaguely sounds like you are seeking help with comfort sensing and business logic, along with other things you wrote about previously.

    Quote Originally Posted by ILI View Post
    Sure, I used to write short story fantasy, sci-fi, and horror anthologies, and I once wrote and self-published a science fiction novella set on Mars and centered around the first Martian explorers there. None of my older works had much significance beyond the conflict the characters in the story experienced, and there is a lot that I'd do differently if I wrote them again, but my I think I'll stay in the same genre, albeit with more of a focus on writing for a middle-school-age audience.

    Its been so long since I've created any prose or poetry that I feel a tad rusty getting back into the art, but I can probably find some of my old work when I get home, and I can copy it here. I won multiple awards for my writing growing up, as my teachers would enter what I wrote in state and national contests. I often would win 1st prize for my age group and would at least place for all age groups combined. It really used to stroke my ego that people liked what I wrote.
    The story you wrote about the "first explorers on Mars" reminded me of a question in a socionics test I once took. There's a question in it that's something like: "would you rather time travel, or space travel?" It's differentiating Ni and Ne.

    Here's the test if you'd like to try it.
    It's quite long.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Raven Song View Post
    This vaguely sounds like you are seeking help with comfort sensing and business logic, along with other things you wrote about previously.

    The story you wrote about the "first explorers on Mars" reminded me of a question in a socionics test I once took. There's a question in it that's something like: "would you rather time travel, or space travel?" It's differentiating Ni and Ne.

    Here's the test if you'd like to try it.
    It's quite long.
    I did the entire test, then when I hit send at the bottom, the website crashed. I didn't get a result.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiana View Post
    Se demo exert dominance/power over specific areas but since it’s not overt, it can come out as being aggressively passive aggressive. Delta energy is like traditional British culture that was shaped by the Victorian era even though Queen Victoria was very likely ESI. Her legacy is Delta. Running organization is more of a Te thing.
    I could see that. I'm not usually one to break etiquette, except in cases where etiquette is changing so quickly I haven't been able to keep up.

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    I actually really appreciate politeness and etiquette. I think people should be polite, greet each other, treat others the way they want to be treated. I mean, I actually would prefer Victorian era over current times because it was so serious and Fi. I like that there were social structure and people adhered to it. I just don’t like how now, people keep broadcasting a bunch of pointless things to get attention (Fe). Social media is a huge cancer as it blurs the lines between between me and you, and where you stop and where I begin. My thing is, I just don’t expect politeness from others, and usually I’m taken aback when people do behave nice and are aware of their social surroundings. I think Deltas get wrapped up in the social etiquette part and once it get violated, it sort of messes up the social interaction. They don’t like Se, so they don’t want to deal with the conflict directly so we can just move on. Rather, it’s more like “We don’t agree” and then silence.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiana View Post
    I actually really appreciate politeness and etiquette. I think people should be polite, greet each other, treat others the way they want to be treated. I mean, I actually would prefer Victorian era over current times because it was so serious and Fi. I like that there were social structure and people adhered to it. I just don’t like how now, people keep broadcasting a bunch of pointless things to get attention (Fe). Social media is a huge cancer as it blurs the lines between between me and you, and where you stop and where I begin. My thing is, I just don’t expect politeness from others, and usually I’m taken aback when people do behave nice and are aware of their social surroundings. I think Deltas get wrapped up in the social etiquette part and once it get violated, it sort of messes up the social interaction. They don’t like Se, so they don’t want to deal with the conflict directly so we can just move on. Rather, it’s more like “We don’t agree” and then silence.
    Working with school children as a high school teacher, I scold my students by telling them why what they do hurts others. If they continue, our school has an on-site police officer, and I summon that officer to come escort the troublemaker away. I am VERY strict with masks in this time of COVID, and I'm very irate they have us at work in person. I've cared an awful lot about making people do as I say and exerting power over others lately. In fact, sometimes I fantasize about being the unquestioned ruler of the world, with only my council of advisors even able to question me. I see a breakdown of public order and public decency, and I'm at the point I wish I had the authority to step in via a very paternalistic manner and set everything right for everybody (while bringing the never-do-wells to heel).

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    LOL sounds like you’d really do well with LSE. Have you read the type portraits from Stratiyevskay?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiana View Post
    LOL sounds like you’d really do well with LSE. Have you read the type portraits from Stratiyevskay?
    Yes. I read the portraits. The female LSE portrait sounds a lot like my mom. The male EII portrait sounds like me.

    Looking at subtypes, I'd say my mom is probably the Si subtype and I'm probably the Ne subtype.

    We are a pretty good pairing in most respects as long as we avoid discussing politics or religion. She's a zealous Jehovah's Witness who has conservative political ideas, whereas I'm an atheist with Communist ideas. Also, I'm a Social 6w5 and she's a Sexual 1w2, so she picks on me a lot, but, as I said, she's critical of everybody she cares about or is close to.

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    xII, most likely EII.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    xII, most likely EII.
    I looked at the type profiles, looking for my dual, and LSE seems the most complimentary to me, though, interestingly, ESE also looked tantalizing.

    When I looked at "role Te" and saw that ESE may not be good at keeping everything in order, though, that was a red flag to me.

    I feel like me and an ESE would have lots of fun and get really close, but the moment logistics/scarcity issues came to the forefront, neither of us would be willing/able to handle that.

    Also, I'm male. Everybody thinks I'm female for some reason.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aciaradh View Post
    Oh my gosh, I'm sorry you have to be teaching in-person right now. That's awful. Hopefully you've been able to stay safe despite that.

    On a bit of a separate note, how do your beliefs/ideals inform what you teach your students? Do you allow yourself to infuse them into what you teach (in order to introduce different ideas they may not be exposed to), or do you try to be more normative and in keeping with core curriculum standards, etc?
    The answer I'm SUPPOSED to give is that I remain normative and in line with core standards. That said, I can't help but infuse my views into how I teach. I believe what I believe is good, and that exposing students to some of my ideas helps them be more well-rounded. I always have a more "default" lesson ready to go in case I'm being observed, though.

    Given how fast news travels in the school, though, I'm probably being over-cautious about getting "caught".

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Internationale View Post
    "cry on the inside".
    I think every one does a little bit. Not being facetious when I say that.

    If we are going to talk in terms of socionics, I'm wondering, do you think that crying on the inside is type related, and what do you think it means for you?

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    I think every one does a little bit. Not being facetious when I say that.

    If we are going to talk in terms of socionics, I'm wondering, do you think that crying on the inside is type related, and what do you think it means for you?
    I was thinking it might be Fi vs Fe.

    I'm so unexpressive with my emotions that I get called "robotic", but I'm actually very sensitive and care a lot about the people around me and their well-being. When my favorite grandmother of all time died who I was really close to died, I think I shed a single tear, but otherwise only reacted by withdrawing and wanting to avoid people a while.

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    You are EII.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Raven Song View Post
    You are EII.
    Once or twice a decade, I may "snap" and get really hysterical, but that's the exception, not the norm.

    I can take abuse for years without getting angry, but when I finally do get angry, I go from 0 to 100 really quickly and scare the hell out of everybody around me.

    I'm consumed by righteous indignation right now at how poorly regular people are being treated, but my response to this righteous indignation is very controlled: I formed a socialist political action committee to put pressure on local politicians and create local positive change...and I made extra sure to vote this last election.

    I'm aware of my anger, but I don't look angry from the outside, nor have I looked angry the last several months, despite having carried slowly smoldering rage inside of me the last few months.

    I'm mostly Te and Si valuing, sure, but Se seems like something useful I'd like to borrow sometimes, too, especially when dealing with incorrigibly bad people.

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