Turns out, ENTj.

We have finished the analysis of your video and the result is as follows. You are indeed a bright representative of intuitive group of types, and in accordance to our methodology it is quite obvious that you are logic-intuitive type from Gamma (so INTP type version is quite close to our result), since you mostly manifest extraverted logic (or black logic — it is the logic of the objective world, the logic of natural and applied sciences) + introverted intuition, so our choice was among two intuitive types from Gamma — ILI and LIE. Also we found out that your type is extraverted (due to dominance of logic over intuition, + a quite significant black sensation answers + some other significant attributes), and you are definitely from central quadra (Beta or Gamma) with valued black sensation (and ability to struggle, to overcome difficulties) and white intuition (the value of time as an important life resource), so our result is Logical-Intuitive Extravert «Jack London» or «Pioneer».
Intuitive-logical introvert has a bit different set of aspects in his speech — there should be dominance of introverted aspects (white intuition + white ethics and little black sensation), while you have the whole set of extraverted aspects: black logic + black sensation + black ethics (ILI ignores that info due to black ethics on blind spot function, or PoLR as it’s calles in western socionics).
You will find attached our description of logical types from Gamma. Attached you will also find some brief terms that are used in Modern Socionics.

Best regards,

Timur Protskiy
Head of Modern Psychology Center «Archetype»