Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
IEIs, what does your Si role look like in action? Do you have trouble focusing on your body and the present moment?
Weak Si for me mostly takes the form of diffuse and vague memories, feelings, and perceptions that lack in specificity and concreteness. Reading between the lines. Passively searching for what's implicit, what wasn't overly shown or expressed. Absorbing themes and contexts, discarding the actual individual perceptions that came along with them after they have been 'summed up' into themes by Ni. Perceiving what could be rather than what directly is. Feeling "at home" when the situation is vaguely defined, when there is little information to go by, when conversation is understated and fewer words are exchanged. Filling in the gaps if needed.

Si-leading and to some extent Si-activating types in contrast seem to have rather concrete, solidified inner perceptions. There is no diffusion and blending of their perceptions, no intuitive 'smearing' in how they comprehend written material. When they express themselves, it makes them sound more confident of their perceptions and experiences than Ni-valuers. And they don't want anyone else encroaching on those experiences.

esper also made an interesting post comparing Si-valuing to valuing "inner stability": http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...ted-sensing-Si

This I see as innately different from what Si is seeking, a difference in the way they walk and talk and think, in what they desire out of life. They seem to approach stimulai with a desire to create a sense of "okayness" (which is all good and dandy for them), while I desire to create a definite sense of stimulation in one direction or another, not content with just internal stability and feeling rather frustrated by it after a time. They can wallow in environments where there is not alot of definite stimulation one way or another and still be present to the situation and active in it, which I admire them for and wish I could be content with; in such a situation, I feel like I am drowning, and must escape.
That is how I feel, too. If there is no external stimulation, no activity around me, I start to shut down, feel bored and disengaged. I've noticed that Si/Ne types are able to create this kind of engagement and stimulation in each other through conversation. A fine day spent talking. This is fine initially but over the long run starts to feel dull to me, like a distant hum of a neighborhood highway, since nothing happens beyond the discussion. I end up feeling restless and jittery from all the energy that I've built up that finds no outlet through the mere interplay of words.

Things I've seen attributed to Si that are NOT role Si related imo:
- Enjoying cooking/being able to cook. I'm acquainted with an IEI and an ILI both of whom love to cook and show off their signature dishes if they have guests (both of them are sp/so coincidentally).
- Becoming aware of falling sick. I feel it right away if my temperature is slightly elevated and my throat is getting sore, and take steps to recover quicker e.g. leave for home earlier to get more rest, dress warmer, eat more fruits and veggies, etc. I suspect this has more to do with devalued self-preservation instinct of so/sx and sx/so stackings than Si.
- Weird sleeping habits. I remember posting about this in of the ILI threads and Park replied that he has the same issue, but there is hardly anyone who would disagree with his SLI self-typing. Having lived with Si egos I've noted that they can have wonky sleeping schedules.
- Poor dietary habits. I've known many Si egos who wouldn't watch what they eat, eat junk food or not check the ingredients, and it would be me pointing this out to them.
- Kinesthetic synesthesia. Sometimes I get physical sensations from how something feels, like a concept or some string of words, and it helps me to remember it better. Not related to Si afaik.