Elizabeth Holmes - LSI(-Se?) 3w4 so/sx the social subtype

sounds like she couldn't overcome the typical e3 slip: "The emotional drive of type 3 is called deceit and refers to “living for the eyes of others” and needing to be seen in a positive light. The pressure to succeed leads to the root sin of the 3. While they don’t generally go around telling lies, they do embellish the truth and put the best face on everything. They create an image that looks good, can be sold, and can win. The person they deceive the most is their own self. They have often been so spoiled by success that in the end they believe everything they do is good and great."

Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
I find it funny how ppl in general and MBTI ppl consider LSI to be some kind of type 1 xSTJ... except for Putin... everyone seems to agree that Putin is both ISTP and LSI lmao.

Its almost as if the LSI descriptions somehow are badly translated or something.
It started with MBTI taking "highest order extraverted function" as the defining descriptive features of types, which for introverts happened to be their second function (aux or creative). Their authors then went to draft profiles for every introvert based primarily on creative function. So MBTI descriptions for Ti/Fi-Se type come from irrational Se, this is where they got the impulsive free-spirit, the creative artist, and so on. While Socionics descriptions were based on leading function, Ti/Fi for LSI/ESI, thus socionics profiles read much more rational and SJ-like in MBTI terms. Typically people will pick one set of descriptions as preferable over the other and argue for that set, but in actuality they are complimentary and completing of each other, describing the same type from pov of both ego functions.

Quote Originally Posted by raTG13 View Post
What's with this guy's dilated pupils? If you can zoom in you will see what I'm seeing. What's this dude rolling on?

I'm getting a kind of INTj vibe here on roids.
Could be generic medication


Other Reasons for Enlarged Pupils:
Illicit drug use isn’t the only cause of dilated pupils. This symptom may occur as a result of taking prescription drugs, using Botox, experiencing emotional stress, or sustaining an injury to the eye or brain. Some of the prescription and over-the-counter drugs associated with mydriasis include:

- Anticholinergics used to treat overactive bladder, nausea, urinary incontinence, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder
- Drugs to treat epilepsy and other seizure disorders
- Antihistamines to treat allergies
- Dopamine drugs that treat Parkinson’s disease
- Decongestants
- SSRI antidepressants by interacting with serotonin and adrenergic receptors in the brain