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Thread: Hey guys, tell me your type and try this Life Trap test!

  1. #1

    Question Hey guys, tell me your type and try this Life Trap test!

    I think it would be fun to try and find patterns between life traps and type. Here's my result as an ILI-Te, click on the image to access better resolution (i'm not familiarized with this forum's html SORRY). I took another test one months ago and the results were similar, Subjugation being my lowest (first time I took it, it was 0%). I truly don't want to have anything to do with others, and it's extremely difficult and against my values to act like the person I'm not to others (ie: smiling or sending a laughing emoji when I really didn't find it funny, although I understand there are many reasons for one to act like this, such as not spoiling the "mood". I couldn't care less honestly. But this has been also a plus, people trust me and I come across as the genuinely sincere girl I am.)



    Here's a description of the Life Traps: And here is the test! (there are many others though)

    You feel that you need to please your loved ones, friends, colleagues and even strangers. You do not want to be tricky, but nice and comfortable, so you easily agree to things that do not seem to be particularly important to you. You may find it difficult to stand for yourself in both small and large matters. You let others control you more or less, because you want to avoid unpleasant consequences. You do not openly express your needs, because you do not see them important enough. You hide your anger to evade a conflict. However, the suppression of anger leads to accumulation of anger inside of you, which is usually dissolved either in a passive expression of anger as a small-scale revenge, gossip, slowing down, whining; or surprising aggressive temper tantrums. Anger can give rise to the desire to rebel and defy those who you consider as authorities (e.g. managers, spouse). You may attract people who are dominant and bossy, who will decide for you on how to act, behave or feel.


    You have difficulty expressing your feelings and emotions spontaneously. You are embarrassed to express positive feelings of affection or caring to other people. You believe that emotions are better to be withheld and it is better to control yourself, especially in the company of others. You probably have a lot of accumulated anger and resentment, which has not been openly expressed. You may feel that you are like a pressure boiler that could erupt at any time, therefore you are trying control your feelings. In generally, you trust more your reasoning and logic than your emotions.


    You think you are doomed to failure, as if you are lacking some essential skills or abilities. You may have learned to avoid challenges or difficult tasks in the fear of failure. You might believe that you do not know enough or you are not able to do something, and that is why you are not taking tasks seriously. You might compare yourself to others and consider yourself a failure, inferior, or less talented than others. You think that the others have been more successful, and you do not appreciate your own achievements - there is always someone who has succeeded or done better. The effect of this lifetrap can be seen especially at the workplace. You might avoid career progress, taking challenges, promotion, committing or taking initiative. You may be trying to compensate for the feeling of failure with perfect performance and accuracy. The belief of being a failure will increase with each experience of failure.


    Fear of loss of controls your life - you are worried about being left alone. You believe that your loved ones will die or leave you one way or another. You fear being left alone and will probably stick to your close people, but at the same time expel them from you – your worst fear is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Loss of fear induces a lack of confidence that comes out as control, possessiveness and jealousy. Addictions can be a coping mechanism for solitude making the anxiety seem more bearable. You will experience the the normal severance situations of relationships distressing and you do not feel confident that the relationship would last any breaks. You easily make wrong interpretations of other people’s intentions, based on which you may overreact, like when someone is not answering your call or text. Although the relationship is stable, it feels only temporary - as if it were constantly at stake. When you get desperate you might threaten with separation, as if to test your expectations - will the relationship come to an end this time. Losses you experience strengthen your beliefs that you can’t find any lasting relationship.


    It is important for you that all people like you, even strangers. You strive to please other people. Even if you would not like some person, you want that he or she likes you. You may make decisions thinking how your parents, your partner or your friends accept them. You may be afraid to do things on your own way, because you are afraid that might be accused or criticized. In a group you are trying hard to belong and you might transform yourself, depending on what you think others want from you. You hope that you would be liked, and therefore you aim to avoid conflict or hurting other people. You do not put forward your own opinions in fear of rejection, or you present strong opinions to test how others accept you. You may dress in a very conservative or acceptable way not to feel yourself different from others and to avoid becoming an outsider. You make a lot of effort in ensuring the people would appreciate you. You might acquire success, achievements, status, wealth or beauty, so that others could appreciate you. It is difficult for you to appreciate yourself for who you are, rather other people are a mirror of your dignity.


    You fear that other people will hurt, cheat, be violent, abuse or take advantage of you in some way. You probably don't feel confident and safe but rather you see threats in in your relationships. It is usually hard for you to trust other people. You might have doubts about the intentions of others and you believe they will deceive you one way or another, sooner or later. You will not let anyone get close to you and you do not dare open up to in your relationships. You are careful and you may test whether other people are worthy of trusting. However, you may be attracted by people who are abusers and you let others treat you badly. Repeated emotional experiences of exploitation tend to confirm the lifetrap. This eats out your self-esteem, and you find it hard to get out of a relationship where you are mistreated.


    You feel that you are so enmeshed with your parents or partner, that you no longer know who you are. It is hard for you to disagree with the parents’ or partner's opinion, so generally you agree with them. You may feel that your parents or your partner live through you, as if you do not have your own life at all. You do not know what you want, what you need or what you feel yourself, everything is enmeshed with the other. If there is something you don’t tell your parent or your partner, you will feel guilty because it can offend or hurt the other. You have not been able to become independent enough of your parents.


    You view yourself as special and therefore legitimate for non-standard operating procedures. Your needs are more important to you than the needs of others. You are demanding and controlling toward others, and you want to do things the way you want. You have difficulty accepting resistance when you want something. You want to make sure that you get what you want, how you want and whenever you want. You get bored easily; the routine tasks are just not for you - you should not have to do them. You may break the law or the rules - for example, speeding in the traffic, by cheating in commercial transactions or taxation - because you believe that you entitled to do so. You like how you feel with this lifetrap, therefore, you may not see your own behavior as problematic, but people close to you see and feel it. Before long, however, may get you into trouble because of your selfish behavior. You may get into a relationship with a partner that you can dominate and mistreat. This lifetrap offers in many cases compensation for another lifetrap – usually defectiveness, emotional deprivation, social alienation or subjugation.


    You are a pessimist, and you pay more attention to negative than positive things in life. You tend to worry a lot about future events or situations. If things seem to go well, it seems only temporary. If something good happens you’ll expect that something bad is going to happen next. You fear that you may make wrong decisions that can lead to a crisis or a disaster. You worry about mistakes and therefore you aim to be as careful as possible.


    You are very hard on yourself and punish yourself if you act incorrectly. You are often angry at yourself and criticize yourself for your mistakes. You might think feel guilty or ashamed of how you've acted. You may be angry at yourself because you are sometimes weak, sentimental, or needy. If something bad happens to you, you might think that it was deserved, and you do not need sympathy or compassion. You may also be punitive to those around you. Your children may get an earful if things do not go as you please. You find it hard to forgive yourself and others you do not accept excuses too easily.


    You feel that you are somehow unable to take care of yourself. You do not trust your own judgment. You need, therefore, other people to support you and to take care of you. You are dependent on friends and family - you are not an independent adult coping on your own. Probably you are still in close contact with your parents, who affect your life dramatically. Making decisions is difficult for you, you might be asking for advice and confirmation from others; you would change your mind many times, and still be unsure of your decision. You might avoid responsibility, initiative and challenging situations. You feel anxiety and despair if you have to take more responsibility than what you feel capable of having. Perhaps the only chance for you to survive is to team up with a strong partner, which will eventually make you even more dependent on others.


    You are impulsive, you give your impulses the control of your life. You find it hard to concentrate for any length of time, because your mind creates impulses and would like to do something else. You have difficult time trying to control your emotions and your mind. You do not always think about the consequences of your actions, which will put you in to problems. You may run into problems with the authorities. Your life is more or less in chaos. You may find it difficult to express your anger constructively, which results in raging and other inappropriate behavior. Self-discipline and lack of boundaries can easily lead to addictions: drinking, smoking, excessive eating, sex addiction, internet addiction or other problematic behaviors. You start projects on a whim, but they are often left half-finished, and you have a number of them going on at the same time. In working life, your impulsiveness can lead you to repeated failures when you do not reach your goals. In relationships you may alienate people close to you with your behavior. You might feel drawn to demanding, systematic, and discipline people who bring a counterbalance to your lack of discipline.


    You are often scared and feel insecure. You worry excessively about your health, accidents or financials. You might choose a partner who is strong enough to protect you from the risks. You suffer from anxiety or panic attacks; you are constantly more or less anxious, which makes it difficult to enjoy everyday life. You might rely on addictions in order to facilitate anxiety. You strive to ascertain that you are safe. Therefore, you have learned to evade risks: elevators, cars, travelling in the city or abroad, investments, or career opportunities; you would rather stick to the old which is familiar and safe. Fears are limiting your life and your loved ones who have to adapt to your fears. Constant worry and risk avoidance further enhance the feeling of vulnerability.


    You feel that no one will or can satisfy your need for love and care, and probably you feel often that no one really listens and understands you. You might avoid love relationships, relationships tend to be short or you protect yourself with falling in love with a person who is not available. You might fall in love with cold, rejecting and inhibited persons. Something in them attracts you strongly. Relationships often end after the high expectations with bitter disappointment. Perhaps the great desire that your partner will change and someday be able to fulfill your needs keeps you in relation with an unsatisfying partner. You might expect that the loved one should be able to read your mind and automatically satisfy your needs for affection and intimacy. You may not have ever considered expressing your needs, on the other hand you may withdraw from or be hurt if one is unable to meet your need for feeling loved. Repeated deprivation confirms the beliefs that you will never find a life partner and you will never get the love you need.


    You've learned to pay attention to the needs of others and your own needs can easily be left aside. If you put your own needs first, is likely that you feel guilt. You sacrifice your own needs so that you don’t have to feel guilty about the fact that you have not noticed enough the needs of others. You sacrifice your needs voluntarily, simply because the needs of others are above your own. You are empathetic by nature, and do not want others to feel any discomfort, you'd rather feel it yourself. You are strong and take a lot of responsibility and support the well-being of others. It easy for you to be compassionate and understanding towards others. You are usually listening to other people’s problems and you tell about yours just a bit.


    You often feel anxiety in social situations and it makes you avoid them. You feel different and therefore not fitting in. With new people you feel uncomfortable and nervous and you do not really know what to say. You might be nervous about the situation and afraid of getting into the spotlight. Feeling anxious you are wondering what others might think of you. When you are upset you are unable to use your social skills, so you will feel insecure and withdraw. You may be accustomed to avoid social situations to the extent that it seems quite natural - but at the same time you need inside a closer contact with fellow human beings. In a group you may pretend you're more like the others and you want to give a good impression of yourself. You might get into working positions, which does not require a lot of interaction. In Close relationships you'll feel more confident and calm - you can be more truly yourself. The repeated experience of being an outsider makes you avoid more and more unpleasant social situations.


    You are highly demanding on yourself, although you will probably see your standards quite reasonable. You feel that you have to do something all the time, to get results, be efficient and keep things in order. You can’t be happy with yourself if you do not meet your requirements. Nothing ever seems to be sufficient; there is always something worth pursuing. The feelings of inadequacy, failure, inferiority and shame lurk nearby and strike hard if you can’t reach your requirements. You strive to avoid these unpleasant feelings, and it causes you anxiety and stress. Stress may arise in various physical symptoms - insomnia, fatigue, high blood pressure, ulcer or panic attacks. You find it hard to relax and just enjoy life. You may be mostly frustrated and irritated with yourself and others. To you, life is performing, and you believe that at the end it will bring to you a prize - freedom or perfection. The achievements, however, feel empty after all and you need to look for the following tasks and challenges. If you choose to succeed at something, you will probably succeed - however, you can’t stop to enjoy the success. Maybe you neglect your friends or loved ones - because you do not have the time to relax and give your time to the others.


    Your existence is characterized by worthlessness which is based on the belief of defectiveness. You might talk about yourself with a degrading tone; you are critical, harsh and angry at yourself. As if you would have within you something shameful and disgusting, which needs to be kept hidden. Probably you hide your problems and mistakes, and avoid talking about them not to fell shame. You have to keep the real feelings and thoughts in secret, you do not want to others to see you as a sentimental or a needy human being. You present to people other than you really are and at the same time you are afraid of the disclosure. You are sensitive to criticism and critique, which may make you angry. Maybe you attack against your feelings of inferiority by being critical and dismissive of others - including your partner or your children. You may feel attracted to critical people who further increase you feeling of worthlessness.

  2. #2
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    LIE-Te 8w7 sx/so

    Subjugation and Entitlement, that's me.

  3. #3
    sullutac's Avatar
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    ILE 6w5- i think
    mistrust 71%
    defectiveness 63%
    reading that hurt

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    double post

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    IEI 4w5 soc

    83% emotional deprivation
    54% defectiveness
    50% unrelenting standards

    sounds about right.

    edit: i already knew what was "wrong" with me (for lack of a better word!!), but it's interesting to see what is not "wrong" with me
    edit edit: 100 posts!!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    LIE-Te 8w7 sx/so

    Subjugation and Entitlement, that's me.

    It's truly interesting the difference between us!
    We both value the same functions to different degrees.
    Although in my opinion, I think the "subjugation" aspect relates a lot to Fe, which you have it as Role while I have it as Vulnerable/PoLR.

    By the way, could you suggest me an accurate enneagram test that tells me the wings too?

  7. #7
    Sir that's my emotional support gremlin ApeironStella's Avatar
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    Huh, got higher on entitlement than I expected, though social exclusion/emotional deprivation following sounds fair. Part on having trouble with discipline to get routine tasks done/always having an excuse ready on hand certainly rings true, though. Humiliating others, eh, not really, not as far as I'm aware anyway.

    LII-Ne 5w6 for the record, who knows the instinctual stack at this point lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by CowboyBibimbap View Post
    It's truly interesting the difference between us!
    We both value the same functions to different degrees.
    Although in my opinion, I think the "subjugation" aspect relates a lot to Fe, which you have it as Role while I have it as Vulnerable/PoLR.

    By the way, could you suggest me an accurate enneagram test that tells me the wings too?
    @CowboyBibimbap, the first enneagram test I took was on a site that is no longer working. However, this one has a test that gives wings and instincts.

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    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Your primary feeling is one of loneliness. You feel excluded from the rest of the world because you feel undesirable and/or different. As a child, it is likely that you felt inferior to other children because of some observable quality (e.g. looks, height, etc.). It is possible that you were rejected or humiliated as a child. Now you feel you have nothing to offer in relationships.
    I'm not lonely [I'm more likely to abhor being dependent on company than strongly wanting to be part of it] but otherwise this is not bad.
    You feel different or inferior to the people around you. You exaggerate the differences between you and others and minimize the similarities. You feel lonely, even when you are around people. At work or in school, you are on the periphery. You are likely to keep to yourself.

    Maybe partly.

    You are nervous and self-conscious around others. You cannot just relax and be yourself. You worry about doing or saying the wrong thing. You do not let most people see the unconventional parts of you. You have a secret life or feelings that you believe would lead other people to humiliate or reject you if they knew. You have never accepted certain parts of yourself because you think other people would think less of you if they knew them. You compare yourself to other people who have the hallmarks of popularity that you think you lack. In this way, you keep sending yourself the message that you will never be accepted for who you truly are.

    This part is not even close. I'm opposite in many aspects. I don't give a poop.
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 04-08-2020 at 10:35 AM.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

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    Quote Originally Posted by COVID 007 View Post
    Interesting how functions play a role in this, I see clear presence of Fe HA in these graphs.

  11. #11
    fka mrrrmaid SaveYourself's Avatar
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    EIE 3w4

    75% unrelenting standards
    67% entitlement
    54% emotional deprivation
    "I take back like half of the exclamation points.....they make me look....eager to please. Which I AM....but I don't want anyone to KNOW that"
    - Carrie Fisher

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    Abandonment - I worry about my woman being taken advantage of, ignored, falling through the cracks, etc causing me to lose her if I don't step in. I can be very possessive and aggro. I worry that I will drive her away if I don't dial it back

    Mistrust/Abuse - I'm not sure how capable I am of trust. I give people the stiff-arm very quickly.

    Social Exclusion - I feel like a different species. Like either I'm not human, or some of you are food.

  13. #13
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Lifetrap Test

    Your lifetrap is:


    The emotion most recurring in you is shame. Shame is what you feel when your defects are exposed. You will do almost anything to avoid this shame. Consequently you go to great lengths to keep your defectiveness hidden. You feel that your defectiveness is inside you and not immediately observable. You feel like you have to pretend to be someone you are not to be accepted. You hide your true self to fit in, but that also means that many people in your life will never know the real you.

    At your core you feel completely unworthy of love. It is possible that you struggle with feelings of depression – a kind of low-level depression always lurking in the background. You may be drawn to partners who are critical of you and put you down. They generate high chemistry, but reinforce your feelings of defectiveness.

    It is likely that you spend a lot of time comparing yourself unfavorably to others and feel inadequate as a result. You feel like an impostor when you are successful. You are anxious that you cannot maintain your success. Your sense of well-being is fragile, and even small setbacks or failures may be enough to make you nervous and stressed. To feel humiliated and inadequate, as if the whole world is about to catch sight of your defectiveness.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  14. #14
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    Your lifetrap is:

    Unrelenting Standards (92%)

    Your primary feeling is one of pressure. You feel as if you can never relax and enjoy life. That you must always push to get ahead. For you, life is only doing. It is having to work or achieve all the time. You feel frustrated and irritated with yourself for not meeting your own high standards.

    Physical stress is common with you. You may have headaches, digestion or bowel problems, as well as high blood pressure and/or insomnia. At root, you probably feel chronically angry, but with no apparent object to direct that anger towards. Instead of staying with that anger, you channel it outwards to your surroundings. Everything has to be perfect. You need to feel in control.
    Most likely you are successful. But you rarely stop and enjoy your success. The balance between work and pleasure feels lopsided. You turn many forms of activity into work and it enslaves you. You seem to have lost touch with your basic self. You go through the motions, but no longer know what makes you happy.
    One of your parents may have used shame or criticism when you failed to meet their high expectations. As an adult, you feel you cannot let go of your need for perfect order, achievement, or status. But your excessively high standards are in fact impinging on your quality of life. You are successful, but not fulfilled. You need to learn that you can lower your standards without feeling like a failure.

    I'd say my highest ones are abandonment, vulnerability, failure-impairment and unrelenting standards, not in order.

  15. #15
    fka mrrrmaid SaveYourself's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrrrmaid View Post
    EIE 3w4

    75% unrelenting standards
    67% entitlement
    54% emotional deprivation

    Interestingly, I just got into serious shit at work for basically these three things. I saw my manager as breaking protocol and asking me to do the same, which I took as a slight against my integrity and I refused to do it [unrelenting standards]. But then I sent her an email telling her all about how she was wrong to ask me the thing and how dare she do that when I was such a good worker and had such a productive output [entitlement + unrelenting standards]. The whole thing was also a huge overreaction because I'm sensitive to criticism and any perceived slight against me [emotional deprivation]. Alternatively, it was 3 + out of control Fe ego and Se HA. Anyway it did not go well
    "I take back like half of the exclamation points.....they make me look....eager to please. Which I AM....but I don't want anyone to KNOW that"
    - Carrie Fisher

  16. #16
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    Your primary feeling is one of pressure. You feel as if you can never relax and enjoy life.

    Physical stress is common with you. You may have headaches, digestion or bowel problems, as well as high blood pressure and/or insomnia.

    At root, you probably feel chronically angry, but with no apparent object to direct that anger towards. Instead of staying with that anger, you channel it outwards to your surroundings. Everything has to be perfect. You need to feel in control.

    You seem to have lost touch with your basic self. You go through the motions, but no longer know what makes you happy.

    You need to learn that you can lower your standards without feeling like a failure.
    I agree somewhat with the above but it is unsettling to think of the root being chronic anger. That's the point, I suppose - that I disown it.

  17. #17
    Sah Kel Plaisir's Avatar
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    Failure-Impairment and Subjugation , quite true
    ILI 9w8 sp/sx

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    Mistrust-Abuse 75%
    Unrelenting standards 71%
    Abandonment 67%

    You are characterized by powerful feelings of defectiveness. They make you ashamed of who you are and you feel unworthy, as if not entitled to have any rights or to stand up for yourself. You may have volatile moods where you suddenly become very upset – crying, anxious, or enraged. You are likely to space out and disassociate, and have a hard time connecting with your emotions and your true needs and wants.


  19. #19
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    Social exclusion

    Your primary feeling is one of loneliness. You feel excluded from the rest of the world because you feel undesirable and/or different. As a child, it is likely that you felt inferior to other children because of some observable quality (e.g. looks, height, etc.). It is possible that you were rejected or humiliated as a child. Now you feel you have nothing to offer in relationships.You feel different or inferior to the people around you. You exaggerate the differences between you and others and minimize the similarities. You feel lonely, even when you are around people. At work or in school, you are on the periphery. You are likely to keep to yourself.
    You are nervous and self-conscious around others. You cannot just relax and be yourself. You worry about doing or saying the wrong thing. You do not let most people see the unconventional parts of you. You have a secret life or feelings that you believe would lead other people to humiliate or reject you if they knew. You have never accepted certain parts of yourself because you think other people would think less of you if they knew them. You compare yourself to other people who have the hallmarks of popularity that you think you lack. In this way, you keep sending yourself the message that you will never be accepted for who you truly are.

    This seems generally true to an extent.

    As for the rest of what I got: 63% abandonment, 71% mistrust-abuse, 75% social exclusion, 67% emotional deprivation, 46% dependence, 25% vulnerability, 67% defectiveness, 54% failure-impairment, 54% subjugation, 67% unrelenting standards, 67% entitlement. I’m not sure how to interpret any of this.

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    Your lifetrap is:
    Emotional Deprivation

    At root, you have a feeling of being chronically disappointed in other people. That they will let you down. We are not speaking about a single case of disappointment. Your conclusion, as a result of past relationships, is that you cannot count on people to be there for you emotionally. It is a sad and heavy sense of knowledge.

    Because you have faced so much deprivation in your life, you feel that it is frightening to make yourself vulnerable to others and ask for what you need. You may protect yourself from closeness by choosing partners who are unavailable, or someone who is physically there but mentally cold and ungiving. In this way, you perpetuate your sense of being neglected. It feels as if no matter where you turn, you encounter deprivation.

    Emotional neglect is part and parcel of intimate relations for you. But, at least in part, this neglect also arises because it is dangerous for you to ask for what you truly want. You have become very invested in doing the opposite; that is, keeping yourself invulnerable in close relations to protect yourself from disappointment.

    To avoid the hurt of the deprivation you have felt, you focus on how others have let you down and disappointed you. You can easily access anger about past relationships, but it is difficult for you to feel the pain.

    Emotional Deprivation: 58%
    Unrelenting Standards: 50%
    Social Exclusion: 50%
    Defectiveness: 42%
    Abandonment: 38%
    Entitlement: 13%
    Dependence: 4%
    Vulnerability: 0%

  22. #22
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    You are indifferent to social expectations and consider yourself above the rules. Other people should be punished when they violate social norms, but not you.
    You have a hard time disciplining yourself to complete routine tasks and goals. But you can always come up with excuses, no matter what you did. It was never really your fault.

    You have trouble controlling your impulses. You act on your desires and feelings without regard for the consequences. When your needs are not met, you become angry and abusive. Many of the people in your life are way too willing to tolerate criticism and humiliation from you. They allow you to take advantage of them. You get your needs met at their expense.

    You have difficulty empathizing with others. You unfairly impinge upon their rights. Your demands become a drain on them. But to you, this does not feel painful.
    Your life is chaotic. Most likely there have been times where you have failed to complete the tasks necessary to make progress in your career. At some level, you know this and feel inadequate because you know you could do more. You compensate by splitting your self-image in two: Either you are perfect or you are defective; adored as an idol or rejected like a hobo. You internalize the belief that there is no middle ground. As a result, you spend a lot of time trying to cover up your bad sides on the one hand, and impressing people on the other.
    Idk what type I actually am, but these results were actually pretty interesting to me. Thought I was going to get Emotional Deprivation as my top result, if I'm honest but that was second, so close enough. Then Mistrust-Abuse. I disagree with a fair amount of the "Entitlement" part, to be honest about rules not applying to me, and about other people being punished. I don't make excuses either.

    Yes, I am bad at empathy and I could definitely do more in regards to putting in more effort. I act on regards sometimes and am mean to others. I disagree with the idol/defective statement. And I could find a better middle ground but care less about impressing people.

  23. #23
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    SEI: got Mistrust-Abuse.

    You are characterized by powerful feelings of defectiveness. They make you ashamed of who you are and you feel unworthy, as if not entitled to have any rights or to stand up for yourself. You may have volatile moods where you suddenly become very upset – crying, anxious, or enraged. You are likely to space out and disassociate, and have a hard time connecting with your emotions and your true needs and wants.
    Because you feel unworthy, you may send out signals that encourage partners to treat you badly. Without knowing it, you send out messages that you are not worth treating well. You do this because you feel you must tolerate abuse in order to be worthy of having a connection with others. While you may have a hard time recognizing these feelings in yourself, your true experience of relationships is likely to be one of danger and pain. You find it hard to trust people and may struggle with anxiety and depression. You are likely to have a deep sense of despair about your life, accompanied by low self-esteem and feelings of defectiveness. For these reasons, you feel you have to let the people in your life use you and take advantage of you. It feels as if abuse is all you deserve.2621CA5E-6B10-42F9-B4A4-A75EEE726C9E.png

  24. #24

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