lilith iris, I had some pretty strange impressions of my duals from reading the descriptions on the web. It took me a long time to see through the described weirdness and find the essence in the descriptions.
When I did, I realized that my best friend from HS was a dual, and our "duality" "just happened".
When I look at how and why it happened, I'd say that both of us were trying very hard to do something which is very difficult (establish the courses of our lives) and we provided support to each other toward those goals.
If I had to describe him, I'd say he was loyal, super intelligent but didn't think so, seemed kind of awkward around strangers, and had an ironic sense of humor. If he had any bad points, I didn't see them. The only thing that bothered me about him was that he really seemed to believe that he wasn't smart, although it was obvious to me that he was smart. He simply would not self-promote or make claims of greatness, although he did sometimes make oblique fun of some of the cliques at school. (He's now a PhD Astrophysicist.)
That differs somewhat from the standard descriptions, and only partly because I'm fairly dense at personality descriptions.