I watched about 3 minutes of the video. @Suedehead he seems unlike my EII friends. Even when they are passionate about something, there is a holding-back quality to their language. Wikisocion describes it as Ni demonstrative with Se-polr: a combination of a willingness to consider they might be wrong, and opposition to use of power, for lack of a better word. An EII friend told me that there might always be another possibility out there, so he never comes down forcefully when sharing a belief. They might have a firm internal stance on an issue for their own behavior, but don't value Fe or Se in selling their idea or making something important happen. They sort of radiate this unspoken strong desire, as opposed to persuasive language. He is much more exhorting with his points. Not sure of his type, but even just a still shot looks EP to me (at 2:36.)