Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
I thought I remembered posting in this thread but I can't find it. The only two games I've gotten really into as an adult are:

League of Legends - but really only because I played with friends over Skype and I was never good at it. It was just fun to work together and accomplish things as a tight knit team and joke around and whatever. After people stopped playing or got too high ranked to play with me I'd go by myself only into ARAM just to zone out on the fight and quiet my mind of other things.

Skyrim - I've played through it twice and I can't think of anything I don't like about it except for maybe the repetitiveness of some things like the dialogue (maybe that's every rpg and I only noticed cuz I played so much). And it's kind of boring doing a bunch of enchanting and potion making but I think that's every rpg? I really liked the plots and the characters and the fighting and the visuals and alla that. When I first started I felt weird about stealing and murdering and then those became my favorite things, lol.

Ive played a few other rpgs but just didn't get into them as much for some reason. I thought wow was kinda boring. There was one I played with @munenori and @Hitta for awhile that I liked but I can't remember the name of it.

The type of game I don't like at all is fps, especially like war games. Just don't see the appeal.

I just started dragon age origins and so far there are things about it i really like such as the focus on developing relationships and the fact that what you say and do really matters and affects how the plot progresses. I think I like the level of immersion into the story but I'm kinda iffy about it, like sometimes I'm like ok let's stop talking and move along. I'm nervous about how the combat aspect will play out because it will require a lot of strategizing. Honestly id rather just go in and hit stuff until it's dead, skyrim was like that. But with dao you have to manage the skills and abilities for an entire party and move them all around during the fight and stuff and that's super overwhelming to me. Even having to decide how to level up one character is mildly anxiety inducing, lol. We'll see.
pretty cool that ur into league of legends.ive been playing that game on and off for about 5 years now, it never really got tiring (although i mainly play overwatch now)

games id always used to play or enjoy were racing games (with cars), real time strategy games (where u build a military base and command armies from birds eye view), league of legends (which is a moba, kind of a combination of real time strategy and role playing games), and first person shooters. Currently hooked on overwatch, perfect combination of role playing, team work, tactics/strategy and just crazy all out shooting requiring lightning speed reactions and precision.

games i used to play:

call of duty titles (2, 4, mw2, mw3, black ops 2)
team fortress 2
total annihilation
age of empires (all of them + mythology)
supreme commander 1 and 2 (2 sucked tho)
battle realms
project gotham racing 2