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    Default Help type me please :)

    This is the questionnaire form sedecology, because this sides' crashed 2 times.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I am a pharmacist, did an experimental phD and am now in a position where i design trainings for new products in the pharmaceutical industry. This kind of job I love very much, because I a have to research a lot, work at my own pace and am also able to do some creative work, like Powerpoint etc.
    I studied pharmacy because,..
    1. my favorite poet was a pharmacist
    2. I always loved biology and chemistry and it seemed like a good mixture
    3. I have always been interested in pharmacology through my parents (both anesthesiologists)
    4. secure working places

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    I have a baby atm, so my day is ruled by him. Before that I always loved being outside, hiking, skiing. It enables me to feel my body and blow some steam at my own pace. And of course, nature is beautiful. Other than that, I write/wrote stories, poems even when I was younger. I always „see“ stories everywhere and I like to express myself via words, the rhythm of sentences and wordplay. When writing, the stories are either some light-hearted fun or something really deep symbolic metaphor-rich stuff.

    What are your values, and why?
    I greatly value reliability and fairness. I hold very high standards to myself and others in that aspect. Also I appreciate when people are just relaxed and care about their own problems. I don't like noisy and bossy people or fakery (even though I myself feel fake very often).

    Describe your relationships with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    In general, the relation to my parents and my sibling is fine. They are all very concerned with being seen as smart and being always right, which is very annoying to me. It’s not shameful to not know something. My dad is a clear-cut SEE and it is very hard to reason with him. He will just do as he likes anyway, so in regards to him I nod and proceed the same way. My older sibling is probably an ESI and stubborn as hell. We had a bad relationship for a very long time – it got better with distance and adulthood. Still we clash a lot, because they are super judgmental and physically unable to accept other peoples opinions or viewpoints. I don't know my moms type. But she was always cold and serious with me, never showed pride in achievements, very distant, for which I held a grudge for the longest time. But I am grown up now and don't need her love anymore. Since just accepting that that is her, our relationship improved massively.
    My husbands a LSE, we have the same kind of stupid childlike humor. I admire his endless energy, his stubbornness where I fold (like nodding along to get out of a situation, he just fights for his opinion) and his sociability.
    As for friends: I see most people as kind acquaintances, not friends, because of my „high standards“ I guess. I also like the feeling of distance and independence. But deep down, I would just wish for a best friend, who I can talk to all the time and share everything.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    Friends: as seen above – reliability foremost. Also I had this problem in the past, where I was the „second one“ in the relationship, the stupid side-kick so to speak. I am scared of never being taking seriously or looked down upon (I am scared that people steamroll over me and I vanish). So I generally avoid friendships. It sounds sad, but I don’t need many people to interact with and am happy in solitude.
    Relationship: some fun, some laughter, shared experiences, something easy going with total honesty - I got lucky!

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    Something that happened more often then I would like to admit: Me hiding my true feelings or anger until I explode – which comes totally unexpected to the other person, who saw me as easygoing and timid even. Friendships have ended ugly because of that. I feel like people take a lot and never give, and I am unable to confront them about that in a timely manner, because I don’t really see it for the longest time – until it is too late and I got “trespassed” (note: when its not about people -printer not working-, I show my anger quickly to get the frustration out).
    I also get accused of being insensitive. There were occasions where I still don't get why what I said was so horrible. It was just the truth and the other person should have known better. (Here’s one example: A friend said he hates homeopathy and wish it just wouldn't exist, but still sells it regularly in his pharmacy. To which I commented that he is part of the problem and keeping homeopathy alive, even if it is almost negligible at this level. He cried and stopped talking to me for days. I still don’t get it.)
    I can make more cynical, sinister remarks, which are apparently not suitable to that occasion.
    Note: This happens in more close relationships. With strangers I try to be as polite and nice and friendly as possible.

    What are your strengths? What do people like about you? What do you like about yourself?
    I guess I am a quick, creative thinker. I can always think of some way to improve or what to do. According to my husband, my biggest strength is my true iron will and endurance, if it is important, no matter the circumstances. That and my strict moral compass.
    I think people also like me being relatively uncomplicated – I don’t meddle, I don’t judge, I don’t show really bad mood (this is, of course, my social mask).
    I myself also like my endurance when I want something.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I can get anxious and depressed, if life is not moving fast enough, on the other hand I can get thrown of sth unexpected quite hard (especially if it is something I thought was done. Like doing my taxes, being done with it and then getting a notification that something is not right – I get super anxious in that case), I am very weak in building meaningful friendships.
    As stated above, I get criticized for being insensitive and – in my siblings case – selfish. Also sometimes I overlook details and move too fast from one thing to another.
    About myself I dislike my felt lack of disciple, especially around an orderly living space and being fake friendly with other people, which leaves my being overlooked, underestimated and talked over.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I can take care of my life just fine. But nothing more. I lack the drive to aspire greatness in any field – I long for motivation to overcome my huge hesitation. Other than that I dislike the usual chores like cleaning, cooking etc – it feels like a never ending responsibility.

    What things do you dislike doing? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    See above.
    I also don’t like to take care of finances etc, because of the same reason: the need to always check it and catch up is annoying.
    What I do like more than others is probably research. I love random lecture and learning new stuff. That and then putting it together nicely in a neat presentation or paper or graphic sounds like fun to me! I also like to “teach” about interesting things. When I talk to myself I sometimes talk like teacher to student, because nobody would care in real live - lol.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future, and why?
    I always dreamt of being unique in my little niche- being an expert in one field and reasonably educated in the rest But right now, my professional future is kind of blurry. If I were to choose again what to study, I would probably to something with languages or design. I loved learning pharmacy, but most jobs stink (like working a public pharmacy).

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)?
    I haven't cared about that in the longest time. My student apartments always looked very bleak. But now, thanks to my husband, I try to keep it cozy and in a reasonable color scheme – with pictures, candles etc. I would still go for the cheapest version and leave much of it to my husband.
    One thing I do: If at work or having a new phone: I HAVE to individualize it – my favorite launcher, the paper here, the stapler there.. I have to make a “working station” (if digital or not) my own.

    If you won the lottery and didn't have to work anymore, what would you do?
    Basic answer: travel more. Also I would rent/buy a huge atelier and try ALL the hobbies.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    I like people with a skewed sense of humor – nothing rude or sexist, more like super child-like and dorky, which nobody else seems to find funny.
    I don’t like super emotional people – those who always attract drama and are like actors on a stage. I don’t find them funny, I don’t think they’re unique, just chill down a bit please. On the other hand, people who show no emotion at all and act super cool are just as annoying. I don’t get the need to present oneself as something special. Either you are or you are not.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    As stated above: I am super friendly, very polite. If a bit closer I can get charming and funny, tailored to that person (but this only works with certain people, like i.e. other SEEs, because I know what will work with my dad). If someone doesn’t like me (or appears to), I stay polite and don’t try to win them over.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    I mostly avoid it. I have to think really hard, when someone insulted me the last time. I guess, I brushed it off, acting sarcastic and nonchalant. On the inside I am dying with shame and dark feelings.

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    I would be interested: being my own boss, managing my time freely (I hate having to work exactly 8 h/d. Why cant I go home if I did the work in 4 h?). I work in bursts, so working independently would suit me more. But one problem would be finding motivation and “urgency” to work.
    I guess I would definitely have a one-woman-business. Either sth like a self-employed speaker/trainer for pharmacy or sth artistic.
    As of now, I lack a good idea and have my hands full. But it is something I will hold near.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    I can, if I want to, look really good. On a day to day basis I dress simply and the same since years. I often have to ask my husband if it is okay. There are days I know I look like a rolled through garbage, but I don’t mind.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    I have a baby and it is super challenging. But I wanted a kid, because I love seeing their potential unfold, seeing them grow up to be just a good human. But for that, I have to survive the baby and toddler-phase. So I guess, I don’t really like-like kids (they are hard to reason with), but forming a new generation is exciting.

    In what situations or times in your life did you feel most fulfilled, and why?

    I always loved that sweet-spot when having started a new job: You already know how to handle everything and are not totally overwhelmed anymore, but still learn something new everyday. People start asking for your opinion, you get more done more easily.. that is awesome. And all that before it gets dull, you begin to see the faults and friction rises.
    More concretely and short-term: Having worked with my hands for a few hours or some nice movement.

    here the link for YT:

    Thanks in advance for input!

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    Lullabies, broken skies qaz00's Avatar
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    Creative in DCNH, SLI>ESI>>LII/Delta NF. I like your no-nonsense attitude.

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    Quote Originally Posted by qaz00 View Post
    Creative in DCNH, SLI>ESI>>LII/Delta NF. I like your no-nonsense attitude.

    I have considered SLI, too. When I read the descriptions, I always thought, how boring and normal that type sounds. Maybe a good indicator
    But I always saw myself as Se PolR and not Fe. I will have to read up on the DCNH if it maybe explains this difference. thinking about it, maybe what I saw as perhaps Fi Role is acutally Fe PolR
    I don't have a good grasp on F yet.

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    Shows us your word play and a poem or two.

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    make a video - body language and facial expressions are important when determining the type of a person you don't have much and reliable information about

    oops, didn't see link, will check today
    Last edited by nifl; 02-04-2024 at 01:59 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nifl View Post
    make a video - body language and facial expressions are important when determining the type of a person you don't have much and reliable information about
    There's a link at the bottom of her post.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
    Shows us your word play and a poem or two.
    Well, they are in german..
    And not really for the public eye

    Let's just say I try to combine impressions and (often dark) emotion with a certain rhythm. Like the sound of a word also has meaning, not just the word itself

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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentFace View Post
    Well, they are in german..
    And not really for the public eye

    Let's just say I try to combine impressions and (often dark) emotion with a certain rhythm. Like the sound of a word also has meaning, not just the word itself
    Hi SilentFace.

    Yeah, no prob. I was looking for Ne/Si in wordplay.

    On the net (ISTJ) SLI can have a penchant for it, like my wife SEI will play around with phrases in that game of it too.

    I think you have a larger Te focus in your OP, than other lower Te types. Methods and efficiency are what you want to get there for your goals.

    ATM it is more SLI than ILI. I think your relationship with your LSE husband puts it away from a supervisor, like a mirror type.

    You seem here and now in your presence on the planet.

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

    Taking things at face value is good only for a spell

    Watch out for the quicksand, an hour glass isn't worth watching when the cook is done

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    NT type, excluding LIE
    atm, impressions are closer to an irrational: so ILI, ILE. you report work behaviour closer to introversion. being seen as ''quick to anger'' is more usual of extraverts, and overt emotional aggression is more usual of Fe valuing types.
    easiest way to check for yourself is by typing people and analysing intertypes IRL, after reading and understanding the theory. are SEE, SLE/SEI, SLI more pleasant? do you like Se/Ni or Si/Ne more? Te/Fi or Fe/Ti?

    When I read the descriptions, I always thought, how boring and normal that type sounds. Maybe a good indicator
    you definitely seem intuitive. but ''boring'' SLIs are most often the perception of ILI among the NT types, because they are similar types.

    (ISTJ) SLI
    ISTJ is LSI. leading Si means P type

    can have a penchant for it
    S, T types are less verbally flexible and playful

    I think your relationship with your LSE husband puts it away from a supervisor, like a mirror type.
    there is no good reason to think of her husband as LSE, as she has no observable skills with typing and there is not enough and reliable info about him to potentially type confidently, and thus it's not a strong argument for SLI over ILI

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
    Hi SilentFace.

    Yeah, no prob. I was looking for Ne/Si in wordplay.

    On the net (ISTJ) SLI can have a penchant for it, like my wife SEI will play around with phrases in that game of it too.

    I think you have a larger Te focus in your OP, than other lower Te types. Methods and efficiency are what you want to get there for your goals.

    ATM it is more SLI than ILI. I think your relationship with your LSE husband puts it away from a supervisor, like a mirror type.

    You seem here and now in your presence on the planet.
    Thank you for your input

    Yeah, I don't see myself as Ni ego type.
    What pointed me away from Si base was a gross obliviuosness for sensory details. Like I dont know what someome wore yesterday or if something has changed in my neighbors garden.
    Maybe not type-related

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    Quote Originally Posted by nifl View Post
    NT type, excluding LIE
    atm, impressions are closer to an irrational: so ILI, ILE. you report work behaviour closer to introversion. being seen as ''quick to anger'' is more usual of extraverts, and overt emotional aggression is more usual of Fe valuing types.
    easiest way to check for yourself is by typing people and analysing intertypes IRL, after reading and understanding the theory. are SEE, SLE/SEI, SLI more pleasant? do you like Se/Ni or Si/Ne more? Te/Fi or Fe/Ti?

    you definitely seem intuitive. but ''boring'' SLIs are most often the perception of ILI among the NT types, because they are similar types.


    ISTJ is LSI. leading Si means P type

    S, T types are less verbally flexible and playful

    there is no good reason to think of her husband as LSE, as she has no observable skills with typing and there is not enough and reliable info about him to potentially type confidently, and thus it's not a strong argument for SLI over ILI
    Hmm..I dont think I have "overt emotional aggression". Maybe there is no difference, but me being quick to get my frustration out seems not like "aggression".

    And yeah, you have no reason to believe that I can type correctly. I dont want to infringe on my husbands privacy, so no details, but he is as LSE as someone can be. Very organisational and driven, very much appreciates "brainstormers", likes to be told what's morally right so he can better himself... Etc etc.
    And we are quite similar, which would support SLI. He is like a more sociable, outgoing and far less lazy version of me

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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentFace View Post
    Maybe not type-related
    obliviousness to sensory details is more N. details in the environment - Se. details in subjective bodily perceptions (taste, pain etc.) - Si

    Yeah, I don't see myself as Ni ego type.
    intertypes helps to decide this. Ni egos find Se egos more pleasant than Si egos etc.

    Maybe there is no difference, but me being quick to get my frustration out seems not like "aggression".
    if it's shouting, overt anger, it's extraversion/Fe valuers moreso. ILE is significantly more prone to this than ILI.

    He is like a more sociable, outgoing and far less lazy version of me
    such any extravert may be seen in comparison to an introverted mirror.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nifl View Post
    obliviousness to sensory details is more N. details in the environment - Se. details in subjective bodily perceptions (taste, pain etc.) - Si

    intertypes helps to decide this. Ni egos find Se egos more pleasant than Si egos etc.

    if it's shouting, overt anger, it's extraversion/Fe valuers moreso. ILE is significantly more prone to this than ILI.

    such any extravert may be seen in comparison to an introverted mirror.
    (Sorry, on my phone I cant split the quotes)

    Thank you!

    Se vs Si: I dont like aggressive people at all. People thinking they have the right to take what they believe is theirs, is repulsive to me (as mentioned, I have considered Se PolR before). And Si..I can push through pain very effectivly and can be very hard to myself. I like nice Environments, but often dont create them myself. I think I have a good eye for harmonious colors, fitting clothes and the like, but dont really "implement" it. On the other hand, I can feel my body quite good. Like feeling my theeth move, if I slept wrong and I often put my opinion over physicians (BUT! My parents are physicians and I know how often they are wrong and being a pharmacist myself I have quite good medical knowledge)

    Maybe you can give me some imput here: my dad is SEE ( can choose to trust me on that), so I know how to handle him, but I dont like his forceful ways (hidden under a smile) at all. He is intrusive and disrespectful often. Growing up with him could of course has shaped my disdain for "the Se way" (?)

    I dont know...anger is not the same as aggression, but I get what you mean. On tests I often score very high on Ne and Ni, but ..well..tests, right? I have considered LII and ILE. But I am not "systematic" enough for LII and most definitly xxxp (I dont strategically learn for example. I take in info at a high rate and know that a system will form on its own after some time. I dont do that conciously).

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    I dont like aggressive people at all. People thinking they have the right to take what they believe is theirs, is repulsive to me
    to take physically, to use physical force is Se. all types are aggressive in their ego functions, more overtly for extraverts.

    And Si..I can push through pain very effectivly and can be very hard to myself.
    this is against SLI. Si types prefer to avoid pain and unpleasant physical states.

    I like nice Environments, but often dont create them myself.
    N, more Ne

    I think I have a good eye for harmonious colors, fitting clothes and the like, but dont really "implement" it.
    implementation is strong functions moreso. if you care about physical harmony etc., it's closer to valued Si.

    I dont like his forceful ways (hidden under a smile) at all
    SEE are easygoing, but are adamant with physical resources. but forceful is a term that any extravert may receive.

    He is intrusive

    bad intertypes may give that impression

    On tests I often score very high on Ne and Ni, but ..well..tests, right?
    tests are usually correct to some degree. e.g. its rare that people get their conflictor on tests. i am rather sure that you are intuitive. sensors are more boring for me than you.

    I dont strategically learn for example. I take in info at a high rate and know that a system will form on its own after some time. I dont do that conciously
    correlates with N, P. assuredness in taking in info and systematising it correlates with T, your strong function.

    i will give you some examples for intertype comparison, how i see the difference between Si and Se. you can try to feel which group of people you like more by their expressions, their ''aura'', their non-verbalism. who are more pleasant? i generally trust Sol's examples, so you can try his test too.
    Si lead:
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

    Se lead:
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

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    You are well read and thorough, and detailed, and overall well armed in your reports here, just like a SLI or ISTJ in MBTI terms.

    My mother in-law is SLI and prepared and thorough, detailed, nothing is ever left vague or too abstract, everything is spelled out enough for a refined final form.

    That is my ongoing impression in post 14 in your salvo here, SilentFace.

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

    Taking things at face value is good only for a spell

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    The baby question and how you dont like handling finances is not any Logic type. Video vibe is also introverted ethical.

    Clearly EII.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nifl View Post

    to take physically, to use physical force is Se. all types are aggressive in their ego functions, more overtly for extraverts.

    this is against SLI. Si types prefer to avoid pain and unpleasant physical states.

    N, more Ne

    implementation is strong functions moreso. if you care about physical harmony etc., it's closer to valued Si.

    SEE are easygoing, but are adamant with physical resources. but forceful is a term that any extravert may receive.


    bad intertypes may give that impression

    tests are usually correct to some degree. e.g. its rare that people get their conflictor on tests. i am rather sure that you are intuitive. sensors are more boring for me than you.

    correlates with N, P. assuredness in taking in info and systematising it correlates with T, your strong function.

    i will give you some examples for intertype comparison, how i see the difference between Si and Se. you can try to feel which group of people you like more by their expressions, their ''aura'', their non-verbalism. who are more pleasant? i generally trust Sol's examples, so you can try his test too.
    Si lead:
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

    Se lead:
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    Thanks again for your extensive answer.

    I'll try to summarize a bit.

    Si > Se in function description. In the videos, the Se types seem more lively and therefore more sympathetic to me. This is of course at a great distance.
    I would still say that I value Si over Se and maybe react more positivly because of Fe? Both definitely point away from ILI.
    (Also I feel more closely connected to either alpha or delta quadrum)

    So SLI and ILE would be possible
    - se ignoring vs role: I can relate to both. For ILE: i often scold myself for not being disciplined enough and got told I seem "assertive". SLI: i just don't see any point of using force (not to myself but other people)
    - ti demo vs ti creative: Logic is very important to me, as is fairness and I often look for logical faults. Not sure of position
    - te creative vs te demo: I often look for the easiest method to do sth and are known for simplifying methods or correcting overly complicated instructions. not sure of position
    - fe PolR vs Mobilizing: I like light, funny athmospheres, but overly intense individuals turn me off (could point to introversion)

    Intro vs extroversion: I tend to conserve energy more so. But close range I can be really energetic and goofy

    (Sorry for mistakes .have I mentioned my 4 month old baby? )

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    Quote Originally Posted by idol View Post
    The baby question and how you dont like handling finances is not any Logic type. Video vibe is also introverted ethical.

    Clearly EII.

    Can you eloborate where you see Fi lead?

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    In the videos, the Se types seem more lively and therefore more sympathetic to me.
    + to introversion and Ni valuing.

    I would still say that I value Si over Se, (Also I feel more closely connected to either alpha or delta quadrum)
    it's harder to evaluate just by description. intertypes makes this more obvious, and intertypes may point to your Ni. you could try Sol's test for more data.

    So SLI and ILE would be possible
    from my point of view, SLI is excluded

    I often look for the easiest method to do sth and are known for simplifying methods or correcting overly complicated instructions
    seems closer to Te. Te types care more about objective results than Ti types, so they are more prone to expedient logical methods. But all T will generally be attentive to this.

    I like light, funny athmospheres, but overly intense individuals turn me off
    may just be subjective, what one's own valued F is seen like. especially own quadra. i find Fe atmosphere 'intense' and heavy, but Fi 'light' and pleasant. my own quadra is the 'lightest' and easiest, because intertypes in general will also have an effect on this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
    You are well read and thorough, and detailed, and overall well armed in your reports here, just like a SLI or ISTJ in MBTI terms.

    My mother in-law is SLI and prepared and thorough, detailed, nothing is ever left vague or too abstract, everything is spelled out enough for a refined final form.

    That is my ongoing impression in post 14 in your salvo here, SilentFace.
    Thank you
    Very kind words, too! *Blush*

    I will let everything stew a bit

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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentFace View Post
    Thank you
    Very kind words, too! *Blush*

    I will let everything stew a bit
    And yes, take your time in this.

    If you are into VI this might be interesting too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentFace View Post
    This is the questionnaire form sedecology, because this sides' crashed 2 times.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I am a pharmacist, did an experimental phD and am now in a position where i design trainings for new products in the pharmaceutical industry. This kind of job I love very much, because I a have to research a lot, work at my own pace and am also able to do some creative work, like Powerpoint etc.
    I studied pharmacy because,..
    1. my favorite poet was a pharmacist [That's a rather original #1 motivation for choice study !]
    2. I always loved biology and chemistry and it seemed like a good mixture
    3. I have always been interested in pharmacology through my parents (both anesthesiologists)
    4. secure working places

    Signs of Dynamic types and some Fi

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    I have a baby atm, so my day is ruled by him. Before that I always loved being outside, hiking, skiing. It enables me to feel my body and blow some steam at my own pace. And of course, nature is beautiful. Other than that, I write/wrote stories, poems even when I was younger. I always „see“ stories everywhere and I like to express myself via words, the rhythm of sentences and wordplay. When writing, the stories are either some light-hearted fun or something really deep symbolic metaphor-rich stuff.
    Signs of Irrationality and dynamic.

    What are your values, and why?
    I greatly value reliability and fairness. I hold very high standards to myself and others in that aspect. Also I appreciate when people are just relaxed and care about their own problems. I don't like noisy and bossy people or fakery (even though I myself feel fake very often) [That's probably due to a F internal conflict of values between the Super-Ego and the Super-Id blocks].

    Signs of Te valuing and "do it yourself"/ "Live and let live" Delta-ish values

    Describe your relationships with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    In general, the relation to my parents and my sibling is fine. They are all very concerned with being seen as smart and being always right, which is very annoying to me. It’s not shameful to not know something. [Note that you didn't say "to not understand" something ! Te>Ti and neither of them in your Super-Id and Super-Ego Block] My dad is a clear-cut SEE and it is very hard to reason with him He will just do as he likes anyway, so in regards to him I nod and proceed the same way. My older sibling is probably an ESI and stubborn as hell. We had a bad relationship for a very long time it got better with distance and adulthood. Still we clash a lot, because they are super judgmental and physically unable to accept other peoples opinions or viewpoints. I don't know my moms type. But she was always cold and serious with me, never showed pride in achievements, very distant, for which I held a grudge for the longest time. But I am grown up now and don't need her love anymore. Since just accepting that that is her, our relationship improved massively.
    My husbands a LSE,
    we have the same kind of stupid childlike humor. I admire his endless energy, his stubbornness where I fold (like nodding along to get out of a situation, he just fights for his opinion) and his sociability.
    As for friends: I see most people as kind acquaintances, not friends, because of my „high standards“ I guess. I also like the feeling of distance and independence. But deep down, I would just wish for a best friend, who I can talk to all the time and share everything.
    Signs of Introversion and Fi (-) in the Super-ID block and Aristocrat>Democrat (fwiw). Side note : Note being able to fulfilling the wish of having a best friend is not typical of HD Fi but rather form people with LD Fi (Polr Fi are a priori "friends" with everybody )

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    Friends: as seen above – reliability foremost. Also I had this problem in the past, where I was the „second one“ in the relationship, the stupid side-kick so to speak. I am scared of never being taking seriously or looked down upon (I am scared that people steamroll over me and I vanish). So I generally avoid friendships. It sounds sad, but I don’t need many people to interact with and am happy in solitude.
    Relationship: some fun, some laughter, shared experiences, something easy going with total honesty - I got lucky!
    Sign of introversion and social anxiety due to low F in general which often translates in low social skills. (Note that Feeling types usually don't have that kind of issues unless they are struggling with some kind of trauma and/or mental health issues)

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    Something that happened more often then I would like to admit: Me hiding my true feelings or anger until I explode – which comes totally unexpected to the other person, who saw me as easygoing and timid even. Friendships have ended ugly because of that. I feel like people take a lot and never give, and I am unable to confront them about that in a timely manner, because I don’t really see it for the longest time until it is too late and I got “trespassed” (note: when its not about people -printer not working-, I show my anger quickly to get the frustration out).
    I also get accused of being insensitive. [People want you to Fe (according to your Super-Ego block so it seems) !]There were occasions where I still don't get why what I said was so horrible. It was
    just the truth and the other person should have known better. (Here’s one example: A friend [?]said he hates homeopathy and wish it just wouldn't exist, but still sells it regularly in his pharmacy. To which I commented that he is part of the problem and keeping homeopathy alive, even if it is almost negligible at this level. He cried and stopped talking to me for days. I still don’t get it.[You said something Logical without considering his feelings (Fi faux pas !), the dude was probably a feeling type] )
    I can make more cynical, sinister remarks, which are apparently not suitable to that occasion.[the question is "are you conscious about it while you're making those remarks ?" !]
    Note: This happens in more close relationships. With strangers I try to be as polite and nice and friendly as possible.[to be polite is normal to "be friendly" implies a desire to not be seen as not friendly, the question is "Why trying to be "as nice and friendly as possible"?]
    Signs of Ip temperament and Se ignoring [which is in the inflation (problematic) block of Model G].

    What are your strengths? What do people like about you? What do you like about yourself?
    I guess I am a quick, creative thinker.I can always think of some way to improve or what to do. [sign of Ne in the Vital ring] According to my husband, my biggest strength is my true iron will and endurance, if it is important, no matter the circumstances. That and my strict moral compass.
    I think people also like me being relatively uncomplicated – I don’t meddle, I don’t judge, I don’t show really bad mood (this is, of course, my social mask).
    I myself also like my endurance when I want something. [Te]
    Signs of Se (not vulnerable) and high Te.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I can get anxious and depressed, if life is not moving fast enough [??], on the other hand I can get thrown of sth unexpected quite hard (especially if it is something I thought was done. Like doing my taxes, being done with it and then getting a notification that something is not right – I get super anxious in that case), I am very weak in building meaningful friendships.
    As stated above, I get criticized for being insensitive and – in my siblings case – selfish. Also sometimes I overlook details and move too fast from one thing to another.
    About myself I dislike my felt lack of disciple, especially around an orderly living space and being fake friendly with other people, which leaves my being overlooked, underestimated and talked over.
    Signs of Te and Fi valuing, signs of normative Ni but not valued ( side note : Ni has been present rather normatively so far, it adds dynamics to your writing and thinking process)

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I can take care of my life just fine. But nothing more. I lack the drive to aspire greatness in any fieldI long for motivation to overcome my huge hesitation. Other than that I dislike the usual chores like cleaning, cooking etc – it feels like a never ending responsibility.
    sign of Introversion. (Side note : I suspect that you might work better in emergency situations)

    What things do you dislike doing? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    See above.
    I also don’t like to take care of finances etc, because of the same reason: the need to always check it and catch up is annoying.
    What I do like more than others is probably research. I love random lecture and learning new stuff. That and then putting it together nicely in a neat presentation or paper or graphic sounds like fun to me! I also like to “teach” about interesting things. When I talk to myself I sometimes talk like teacher to student, because nobody would care in real live - lol.
    Ne valuing.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future, and why?
    I always dreamt of being unique in my little niche- being an expert in one field and reasonably educated in the rest But right now, my professional future is kind of blurry. If I were to choose again what to study, I would probably to something with languages or design. I loved learning pharmacy, but most jobs stink (like working a public pharmacy).
    Sign of Ne in the Vital Ring.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)?
    I haven't cared about that in the longest time. My student apartments always looked very bleak. But now, thanks to my husband, I try to keep it cozy and in a reasonable color scheme – with pictures, candles etc. I would still go for the cheapest version and leave much of it to my husband.
    One thing I do: If at work or having a new phone: I HAVE to individualize it – my favorite launcher, the paper here, the stapler there.. I have to make a “working station” (if digital or not) my own.
    Signs of Te and Si valuing.

    If you won the lottery and didn't have to work anymore, what would you do?
    Basic answer: travel more. Also I would rent/buy a huge atelier and try ALL the hobbies.
    Ne valuing

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    I like people with a skewed sense of humor – nothing rude or sexist, more like super child-like and dorky, which nobody else seems to find funny.
    I don’t like super emotional people those who always attract drama and are like actors on a stage. I don’t find them funny, I don’t think they’re unique, just chill down a bit please. On the other hand, people who show no emotion at all and act super cool are just as annoying. I don’t get the need to present oneself as something special. Either you are or you are not.
    Sign of Fi and Ne valuing.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    As stated above: I am super friendly, very polite. If a bit closer I can get charming and funny, tailored to that person (but this only works with certain people, like i.e. other SEEs, because I know what will work with my dad). If someone doesn’t like me (or appears to), I stay polite and don’t try to win them over.
    (You'll have to define what "super friendly" means concretely.) That's very interesting. I see signs of dynamic, and Fe not vulnerable which somewhat enters in contradiction with what I've seen so far.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    I mostly avoid it. I have to think really hard, when someone insulted me the last time. I guess, I brushed it off, acting sarcastic and nonchalant. On the inside I am dying with shame and dark feelings.
    Sign of Se ignoring (You are aware of it but don't want to engage in it. Btw in Model G the Ignoring function is the real vulnerable because it's always "on" you are always conscious about it unlike the Polr function which is "off" until someone brings it to consciousness and as a result the sociotype's psychic energy is like slowed down, hence the name "Brake" for this function in Model G. But I digress)

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    I would be interested: being my own boss, managing my time freely (I hate having to work exactly 8 h/d. Why cant I go home if I did the work in 4 h?). I work in bursts, [sign of contact Te] so working independently would suit me more. But one problem would be finding motivation and “urgency” to work.[That's what I suspected above which is a sign of Irrationality and esp Ip]
    I guess I would definitely have a one-woman-business. Either sth like a self-employed speaker/trainer for pharmacy or sth artistic.
    As of now, I lack a good idea and have my hands full. But it is something I will hold near.
    Signs of Ip temperament and Te valuing.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    I can, if I want to, look really good. On a day to day basis I dress simply and the same since years. I often have to ask my husband if it is okay. There are days I know I look like a rolled through garbage, but I don’t mind.
    Sign of Sensing>Intuitive type and not valued Se.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    I have a baby and it is super challenging. But I wanted a kid, because I love seeing their potential unfold, seeing them grow up to be just a good human. But for that, I have to survive the baby and toddler-phase. So I guess, I don’t really like-like kids (they are hard to reason with), but forming a new generation is exciting.
    Signs of Dynamic type Ne valuing.

    In what situations or times in your life did you feel most fulfilled, and why?

    I always loved that sweet-spot when having started a new job: You already know how to handle everything and are not totally overwhelmed anymore, but still learn something new everyday. People start asking for your opinion, you get more done more easily.. that is awesome. And all that before it gets dull, you begin to see the faults and friction rises.
    More concretely and short-term: Having worked with my hands for a few hours or some nice movement.

    here the link for YT:

    Thanks in advance for input!
    Signs of Fi in vital ring, valued Te, Dynamic and sensory type.

    About the video :

    You face reminds me that of women (I) like : Ashley Judd, Fran Drescher, Sophia Coppola, Susanna Hoff, Teryl Rothery .
    Your voice tone and prosody reminds me that of @Olimpia
    Ip-ish energy

    Overall, I think we can make a case for SLI-C but this info is not enough. As always, interacting with forumites will allow your type to shine with time.

    Alternative type EII-H (it's a little bit of a stretch but not impossible)

    Anyways, please note that my typing skills are not very sharp , so take all of this with a grain of salt.

    Miscellaneous :

    I like the way you quote stuff [,, stuff "] !
    Last edited by godslave; 02-05-2024 at 12:50 AM.
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    -A tendency towards ethical role. Not good at consoling, resorts to standard responses. Expressing sympathy is typical of Fi and this aspect seems to get some reluctant practice. Logic over ethics.
    -Does not like when a person does not take care of him/herself. Not a caregiver. I assume, taking care of herself is not her weak spot. Criticality towards this aspect points towards a central type.
    -Behind the scenes kind of person. Does not like responsibility. Based on the previous point, I suspect some sort of dutifulness. Responsibility is an extroverted characteristic, and behind the scenes person is not extroverted. Hence, she is introverted.

    This is enough info to type her as LSI.
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    Thank you for your detailed analysis!
    I agree with almost everything

    Some points:
    - I don't think I have any rational tendencies, so EII would be really uncommon
    - me being super friendly - I THINK I am I try to be, because it reduces fricton in everday life. But maybe I am not as friendly as I think I am? I.e. with work acquaintances my Te overrides any F. I am definitely not rude, but what needs to be done correctly needs to be done correctly. I've just recently had a situation where I thought I got along with someone and they then ignoring me on LinkdIn..well
    - what I said about homeopathy to this friend: I get that I hurt his feeling, I just don't get WHY. I am happy if someone points out my inconsistencies so I can work on them (Fi mobilizing?)
    - concerning rude remarks I make: I don't realize it was rude until I see a clear negative reaction. But I get better!
    - Fe PolR: maybe a stretch, but as a woman, this could be a bit different? I agree that I don't see Fe as my polR, too. But maybe instead the "normal" being afraid of having my feelings mocked, it appears as the pre-defensive friendliness to keep people at a distance and avoid friction where my feelings could be laid out open (?)

    Again, thank you

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    Quote Originally Posted by mr drapetomaniac View Post
    -A tendency towards ethical role. Not good at consoling, resorts to standard responses. Expressing sympathy is typical of Fi and this aspect seems to get some reluctant practice. Logic over ethics.
    -Does not like when a person does not take care of him/herself. Not a caregiver. I assume, taking care of herself is not her weak spot. Criticality towards this aspect points towards a central type.
    -Behind the scenes kind of person. Does not like responsibility. Based on the previous point, I suspect some sort of dutifulness. Responsibility is an extroverted characteristic, and behind the scenes person is not extroverted. Hence, she is introverted.

    This is enough info to type her as LSI.
    Hello and thank you

    LSI has never been a type I considered (still could be wrong though), because:
    - Ixxj temp
    - Se creative, while I clearly don't value it
    - Ne vulnerable

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
    And yes, take your time in this.

    If you are into VI this might be interesting too.
    The VI thing is funny, because I see myself mostly in the IEE (pretty sure thats not my type!). The lady in the lower left corner has the same akward Smile I have.
    Is it a thing, looking like a dual?
    SEE also looks similar.
    But I don't have any experience with VI

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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentFace View Post
    - Ixxj temp
    Yet you seem to like some sort of stability on working conditions. You gave a long list there. Your stuff, your organisation...

    Quote Originally Posted by SilentFace View Post
    - Se creative, while I clearly don't value it
    Your will?
    According to my husband, my biggest strength is my true iron will and endurance, if it is important, no matter the circumstances.
    Quote Originally Posted by SilentFace View Post
    - Ne vulnerable
    Dislike of chaos.
    Preference to solely stay with concentrate on your work.
    Also not liking humancentric delta approach like chit chat about personal matters.
    While you seem to like creative synthetic Ti approach to your work. You seem to go with your accumulated knowhow. Again, this is not about your ability to give a new spin to your polished product. How to put it... Ne would roam around and might come up with something quite new after exhausting explorations of external things that have unrelated various things outside that project, but never commit themselves to finish it.
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 02-05-2024 at 11:41 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr drapetomaniac View Post
    Yet you seem to like some sort of stability on working conditions. You gave a long list there. Your stuff, your organisation...

    Your will?

    Dislike of chaos.
    Preference to solely stay with concentrate on your work.
    Also not liking humancentric delta approach like chit chat about personal matters.
    While you seem to like creative synthetic Ti approach to your work. You seem to go with your accumulated knowhow. Again, this is not about your ability to give a new spin to your polished product. How to put it... Ne would roam around and might come up with something quite new after exhausting explorations of external things that have unrelated various things outside that project, but never commit themselves to finish it.
    Thanks for the input and you are definitly right with your observations. Especially Fi Role I can clearly see for myself.
    I would just point out that this is mostly a work thing.

    I just can't find the source anymore (will edit if), but isn't there a theory where at work you switch temperaments?
    I.e. me Ixxp acting all Exxj
    (As I am new here, would it be interesting to start a thread discussing that?)

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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentFace View Post

    Thank you for your detailed analysis!
    I agree with almost everything

    Some points:
    - I don't think I have any rational tendencies, so EII would be really uncommon
    - me being super friendly - I THINK I am I try to be, because it reduces fricton in everday life. But maybe I am not as friendly as I think I am? I.e. with work acquaintances my Te overrides any F. I am definitely not rude, but what needs to be done correctly needs to be done correctly. I've just recently had a situation where I thought I got along with someone and they then ignoring me on LinkdIn..well
    - what I said about homeopathy to this friend: I get that I hurt his feeling, I just don't get WHY. I am happy if someone points out my inconsistencies so I can work on them (Fi mobilizing?)
    - concerning rude remarks I make: I don't realize it was rude until I see a clear negative reaction. But I get better!
    - Fe PolR: maybe a stretch, but as a woman, this could be a bit different? I agree that I don't see Fe as my polR, too. But maybe instead the "normal" being afraid of having my feelings mocked, it appears as the pre-defensive friendliness to keep people at a distance and avoid friction where my feelings could be laid out open (?)

    Again, thank you

    You're very welcome !

    Undoubtedly, genders matter and have an influence on the TIM's carrier overall demeanor.

    That said, I think Fe PolR is somewhat misunderstood. First of all any polr function manifestation is both unique to each individual and mechanically the same to each TIM. Indeed, the number one factor of PolR issues is the novelty of the situation, that is to say the individual has not experienced that situation which requires him to engage (or at least pay attention) in the PolR function. In other words the TIM seems to never have "got the memo" when it comes to the PolR in such cases. Remember that in Model A it's a producing function that rely on the information aspects of a the 2D accepting function namely the Role, so the initial information related to that aspect is not complete to begin with (missing information).However, the PolR grow in experience and that's what makes it unique because every individual has his or her own story, you see ultimately in everything psychology the biography is the most important thing.

    Now, even when one has some experiences in the PolR, if the individual finds himself in a situation where it is required, its "usage" is still very slow and awkward. It feels unnatural and most often than not, what it produces is quite unique and non-standard.

    So, if we imagine a maximum score of 4D functions to be 100, the 1D functions (including the polr) are never equal to 0.
    Last edited by godslave; 02-05-2024 at 03:20 PM.

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    Both Ne bottom types SEI and SLI strive for stability and work away from changes also. They stay within the tried & true learned methods.

    Look at Fi agenda vs Role, Ne seeking vs the PoLR version.

    You seem to appreciate extraverted intuition, not disdain it, or fear the unknown around the changes it can bring. It is an unwelcome harbinger to PoLR types.

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

    Taking things at face value is good only for a spell

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
    Both Ne bottom types SEI and SLI strive for stability and work away from changes also. They stay within the tried & true learned methods.

    Look at Fi agenda vs Role, Ne seeking vs the PoLR version.

    You seem to appreciate extraverted intuition, not disdain it, or fear the unknown around the changes it can bring. It is an unwelcome harbinger to PoLR types.

    I can't really differentiate between Fi Role and Fe mobilizing, I can see both, but I would say that I value it.
    Ne is simple: def. suggestive. Though I can be hesitant to change at first, I still appreciate it very much overall.

    LSI is out of question for me, as is ILI, because I don't extensivly see Ni in myself

    I'll gladly settle for SLi

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    I missed the VI query, but i've noticed the similarities in duals, esp. the LSI EIE women in those picture tiles, they are a bit uncanny.

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

    Taking things at face value is good only for a spell

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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentFace View Post
    Thanks for the input and you are definitly right with your observations. Especially Fi Role I can clearly see for myself.
    I would just point out that this is mostly a work thing.

    I just can't find the source anymore (will edit if), but isn't there a theory where at work you switch temperaments?
    I.e. me Ixxp acting all Exxj
    (As I am new here, would it be interesting to start a thread discussing that?)
    Craftsman, SLI, performs the best as a contractor with the aid of irrationality by selecting only money producing jobs that he/she can efficiently exploit with the mastery of practical and tangible skills.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentFace View Post
    as is ILI, because I don't extensivly see Ni in myself
    it's not always easy to evaluate your own functional strengths without intertypes. you seemed to prefer Se leads to Si leads on video, at least. try to type people you know IRL and evaluate intertypes with them.

    Ne is simple: def. suggestive. Though I can be hesitant to change at first, I still appreciate it very much overall.
    Ne: holistic, irrational understanding of objects - their qualities, potentials, what possible context they could be in. e.g.: imagination/perception about what a person is capable of or may do.

    SLI understands this aspect of reality badly and needs assistance here. misjudgment of situations, characters, possibilities are not uncommon for them.

    I'll gladly settle for SLi
    you should not settle, but check intertypes. or else there's a significant chance that you're mistyped and can't get much use from the theory. SLI prefers Ne leads to Se.

    1, 2, 3, 4

    1, 2, 3, 4

    1, 2, 3, 4

    1, 2, 3, 4
    Last edited by nifl; 02-06-2024 at 12:24 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nifl View Post
    it's not always easy to evaluate your own functional strengths without intertypes. you seemed to prefer Se leads to Si leads on video, at least. try to type people you know IRL and evaluate intertypes with them.

    Ne: holistic, irrational understanding of objects - their qualities, potentials, what possible context they could be in. e.g.: imagination/perception about what a person is capable of or may do.

    SLI understands this aspect of reality badly and needs assistance here. misjudgment of situations, characters, possibilities are not uncommon for them.

    you should not settle, but check intertypes. or else there's a significant chance that you're mistyped and can't get much use from the theory. SLI prefers Ne leads to Se.

    1, 2, 3, 4

    1, 2, 3, 4

    1, 2, 3, 4

    1, 2, 3, 4
    Thanks again!
    I definitely agree that seeing ones own base can be very hard. Thats also one reason I lean towards SLI. I remember reading Gulenkos descriptions again, after some time, and with SLI I thought: "How boring. Isn't everybody like that?".. followed by a millisecond of brain silence and a big face palm.

    But I am not convinced that intertype relations are a good way to type. After all, humans are mostly drawn to whats familiar and feels safe. Also a lot of people present themselves as something they are not, as you sure know from being on this forum.
    And except a vague preference for the SEEs types in your last post and "seeming intuitive" to you, there are still no strong points towards ILI (or ILE). Did I secretly kind of wished to be an intuitive? Sure, mbti engrained this long ago.

    Actually, I think one of the reasons I am into socionics is weak Ne (and F). I am lost when seeing my own potential, have a hard time picking a career or any other long term goals and wish someone will just tell me my strenghts so I can do something meaningful.

    P.s.: the IEEs all seem super cute
    Last edited by SilentFace; 02-06-2024 at 02:33 PM. Reason: typos

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    Quote Originally Posted by SilentFace View Post
    But I am not convinced that intertype relations are a good way to type. After all, humans are mostly drawn to whats familiar and feels safe. Also a lot of people present themselves as something they are not, as you sure know from being on this forum.
    by theory and by experience humans are drawn to differing types, not the similar ones. it's why duals, conflictors etc. are interesting while identicals are boring. to circumvent the presentation of people, you need to use good ways to type. like to type by facial expressions and mannerisms, which are hard to control and censor. it's why i'm rather sure about your strong intuition, despite your doubts and perhaps motivating reasons to think of yourself as SLI (for better intertypes with your husband, for one).

    And except a vague preference for the SEEs types in your last post and "seeming intuitive" to you, there are still no strong points towards ILI (or ILE).
    preference for SEE is for Ni. SLI should prefer IEE, ILE over SEE.

    What pointed me away from Si base was a gross obliviuosness for sensory details.
    is a point against S. S types, especially S base, are well aware of sensory details.

    I studied pharmacy because,..
    1. my favorite poet was a pharmacist
    S types, especially ST types, tend to pick careers on more practical bases

    I always „see“ stories everywhere and I like to express myself via words, the rhythm of sentences and wordplay. When writing, the stories are either some light-hearted fun or something really deep symbolic metaphor-rich stuff.
    symbolic and metaphor rich stuff is mostly Ni activity. ''seeing'' stories everywhere is about transferred meaning - N. S types are more literal people.

    Other than that I dislike the usual chores like cleaning, cooking etc – it feels like a never ending responsibility.
    S types are more motivated to do this than N. Si types are the most likely to enjoy cooking as an activity.

    I haven't cared about that in the longest time. My student apartments always looked very bleak. But now, thanks to my husband, I try to keep it cozy and in a reasonable color scheme – with pictures, candles etc.
    assistance in S, F

    there's points against S in your questionnaire, and there's nothing that points towards Si, specifically.
    i still recommend trying Sol's IR test. SLI, with Te and valued Ne, are interested in much data for logical evaluation and to understand people. i remember continously testing and asking about my type when i was unsure, for example.

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    For IR typing to have a semblance of relevancy as a methodology there must be a consensus about the types images used as examples of each type so that they are all well calibrated and consensually agreed upon among all socionsts using Model A (the dominant model ). The problem with Solcionics is that it is not socionics but a reinterpretation of what socionics is supposed to be according to Sol namely : [Jung + some Aushra's Ideas (esp IR)].

    So the typing process in Solcionics is based on impression and affinities one supposedly feels at the exposition of the people Sol has personally correctly typed (using his method I guess) so the correctness of his typing assessments must not be questioned. Furthermore, Sol didn't show any openness for other opinions not even for debating different diagnosis. In fact, most of time he doesn't agree with the typings of forumites. The correctness of the typings seems to be submitted only to the subjectivity of the Solcionist (of which there is seemingly only one representative) on the basis of "Trust me Bro" which is something that is imho rather frustrating to a substantial number of people of this community to whom explanations and analysis are very important. IR typing under such conditions are de facto useless for anybody who is not a Solcionist.

    I asked Sol to explain to me Solcionics, in vain. All that I got is what everyone got namely "Socionics is Jung + IR, here are types examples, use the force !".

    Basically Sol wants people to 1) trust and don't contest his typings and 2) he expects people to use some kind of force or impression they are supposed to have at the exposure of each Solciotype. That impression or force is far from being proven to begin with. In theory, It's not even receivable as a metric because there is no real direct communication, no "I-types of information metabolism-R" i.e information exchange happening between the type example and the subject. As far as I'm concerned Solcionics Typing method relies more on faith than on logic ; It requires you to believe that the method works, and that with every types. It seems to me that asking any 1D Fi type (esp SLE and ILE) to tell you how they feel about people they don't even know doesn't seem like the most reliable metric to type them...

    There is another problem of coherence among socionics aficionados because of the cacophony induced by different interpretations at the definition level. Indeed, it's as if people use the same terms and acronyms for different phenomena, as if words don't have meanings anymore. When someone evokes a horse you don't see or think of a cow, yet this is what is happening in the typology community, some talking about horses and others think they talk about cows and vice versa... I mean there are some resemblances between a cow and a horse but when you go to the specifics they are very different animals.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nifl View Post
    by theory and by experience humans are drawn to differing types, not the similar ones. it's why duals, conflictors etc. are interesting while identicals are boring. to circumvent the presentation of people, you need to use good ways to type. like to type by facial expressions and mannerisms, which are hard to control and censor. it's why i'm rather sure about your strong intuition, despite your doubts and perhaps motivating reasons to think of yourself as SLI (for better intertypes with your husband, for one).

    preference for SEE is for Ni. SLI should prefer IEE, ILE over SEE.

    is a point against S. S types, especially S base, are well aware of sensory details.

    S types, especially ST types, tend to pick careers on more practical bases :)

    symbolic and metaphor rich stuff is mostly Ni activity. ''seeing'' stories everywhere is about transferred meaning - N. S types are more literal people.

    S types are more motivated to do this than N. Si types are the most likely to enjoy cooking as an activity.

    assistance in S, F

    there's points against S in your questionnaire, and there's nothing that points towards Si, specifically.
    i still recommend trying Sol's IR test. SLI, with Te and valued Ne, are interested in much data for logical evaluation and to understand people. i remember continously testing and asking about my type when i was unsure, for example. :)
    I decided I wanted to study pharmacy at 14. At that age deciding because youe favorite "idol" is xyz seems okay to me :D

    And IMHO writing Ni-heavy stuff doesn't mean Ni base. Don't people write mostly because they want out of their usual ways? Some even have an alter ego ;)

    For not much Si in my texts, I can think of two reasons:
    1. Growing up in a clearly si-devalueing home. If you could see the mess, the style...brrrr
    2. Si is all about inner balance, harmony, not so obervable like Se. Like I don't like cooking, but eating. But I've adopted a diet where there is an easy balance of health and treats, so I keep a good figure without deprivation. I like comfy clothes, but nothing fancy. I am often very critical/analytical of other people's styles. I comment on how something looks very often, I am confident that I can create harmonious and beautiful images (I draw sometimes) and clothes/styles, but the laziness often holds me closer. I don't care about brands at all, but quality of material, still optimizing prize and look. I know the prize of most of my clothes, even the ones I bought like 12 years ago (and still wear (I am 1.56 m, so I stopped growing young)).
    Enough Si? But it is not on my mind! Thats why I had a hard time typing myself for so long. I wasn't really surprised when the first SLI's typings came in, because I guessed it would be so easily seen from the outside.

    And I agress with @godslave... If some of sols typings are wromg, the whole thing crumbles to pieces. So I rather stick with more robust methods.

    I hope I don't sound mean. I still very much appreciate any input and you could be right in the end. But for what I see in myself, SLI is closest to being my true type.

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    Edit: I found this site:
    And think the questions are very interesting. My interest in School of system socioncs grew, because they seem to give really good and applicable ways to type. Anyway, I tried to answer, so if anyone still wants to type me

    I wrote in german (because I think my thoughts form truest in my native language) and autotranslated it. Often in the text when there is you/he/she it just bad translations I was too lazy to correct, because english misses the neutral pronoun I used in german. Sorry about that.


    A: Productive work should be effective, not just efficient: with as little use of resources as possible (money, time, goods of choice) to achieve the best possible result (subjective what that is; unless it is objectively predetermined: e.g. a precisely defined end state). Measuring such work can be done both via the end state (how much was achieved in what time/with what resources) as well as via defined intermediate steps (similar approach). The latter poses a danger between individuals who show different ways of working (e.g. in phases or in one go, sequential or from rough to detailed, etc). A person's effectiveness can be determined by an almost infinite number of factors (firstly, it is important that many things cannot be objectively measured in this regard: what is considered generally effective? One effective way of working is another's dawdling): e.g. sleep state, for Materials provided, personal stress, familiarity with the material/method, experience, training, etc. I also think that it is almost impossible to actually measure the abstract construct of “effectiveness” or to objectively take into account the influence of factors. E.g.: You observe a person who is supposed to carry out a complex method and notice that he is not making as good progress today as he did yesterday using the same method. It can be said that the effectiveness has decreased. However, this person may now place greater focus on details, which slows down the work but improves the end result, i.e. the “net effectiveness” remains the same.

    B: Difficult tasks
    How I approach a difficult task depends on my experience. In general, I think I can manage everything somehow if I'm given enough time. However, I often hesitate before particularly complex tasks where I don't even know what the necessary materials are or where I can get them (I'm thinking of my laboratory work during my doctorate. I've often resisted new methods because I I didn't know where to start. The only thing that helped was to close my eyes, push trough and ask someone for help. I don't like asking for help either. However, it has to be said that I was extremely stressed and burned out. Today I approach new methods with much more confidence and trust in my ability to figure it out.) In general, I don't tend to prepare or think everything through beforehand. I often just make a rough plan and refine it as I go along. This has often turned out to be wrong, but in most cases it works quite well and I can achieve good results in a short time (e.g. cleaning wall holes: I do little preparation, just do it, but then I have to do the extra step to get a sponge because I didn't prepare it. Nevertheless, everything went smoothly and quickly.)
    Deciding between logical and illogical steps is not that easy. Simply put, illogical steps will not lead to the desired result, or with the best efficiency possible. However, the above-mentioned objectivity comes into play here again. Depending on the person, a step may seem illogical at first. This is usually the case if you (the observer) do not yet know or master the method yourself. Real illogical steps lead away from the goal, seemingly illogical steps can be logical, but the observer is not yet aware of their meaningfulness. Well, that's my opinion.

    C: Rules/Instructions

    Instructions should be easy for everyone to follow, regardless of experience level (however, the environment applies here. So, for example, everyone working in the laboratory should be able to follow the instructions, but they do not have to be written in such a way that an elementary school student can understand them). If someone does not follow the instructions directly, it is important to decide why not and whether the goal will still be achieved. If I know the method well and an effective way, I point out illogical or ineffective ways. However, the person can decide for themselves whether to follow it or not. Just as I always find my own way (I don't think I've ever followed a protocol 100%), others should be able to do the same. This is where what I said above comes into play again: most (more complex) processes are perceived very differently and what seems easier to me can make everything more difficult for someone else and vice versa.
    You should only really intervene if the result is at risk, for example if a step is carried out so incorrectly that the result can no longer be reliably evaluated (this now mainly refers to chemical-biological experiments, since that is where I am most experienced with instructions However, the same also applies at the bureaucratic level).

    D: What should be a normal activity level? I have no idea, it's super individual. There are people I'd like to kick in the ass while I'm working on them, but I would never presume to say that their general activity level is too high or low. Likewise, an activity level does not necessarily have to be maintained all the time. Life consists of effort and periods of rest. Of course, sometimes you have to override your own need for rest to finish a job, but in my opinion you should only override your state of exhaustion in extremely rare emergencies.

    Whether someone is overdoing or underdoing it can be seen from various factors: mood, results, time spent on other things, etc. However, this always applies in context: for example, someone who is very overwhelmed can also deliver results as bad as someone who actually hardly works. Personally, I don't care whether other people work too much or too little. As a superviser, I'm only interested in whether the objective result (or the result I set) is achieved [but I don't want to overwhelm anyone], even if it's "too easy" for the person and they have a lot of free time (it's nice for them, why not).

    E: I did kung fu for 12 years, so I'll use that as an example activity. Phew, good or bad technique... I think there is a lot of experience in martial arts; you develop an “eye” for the right technique. However, you can evaluate it objectively from the start: Does the punch go in the area where it should go, e.g.; are the movements powerful and the right muscles activated? Is the position performed as described (the “norm” of the position, so to speak). I find it boring to think about it. You can see whether it's right or not. What exactly should you describe? Also whether something is effective... man, if it is done correctly and the technique fulfills the purpose (e.g. hitting the chin from below with force), then it is effective. If not, then not.
    I judge my own performance based on its effectiveness and whether it feels right. Maybe cooking would be a better example because the end point can be defined more easily (does it taste like it should? Do I like it?). When cooking, I can also evaluate how long it took me, how much of a mess I made or how much I wasted.


    A: Emotional expression
    I do think that emotional state can have a big impact on a person. If things are bad for you, then everything is bad. At least that's how it feels for me. It's very difficult for me to get out of this hole again. I also don't think you're super effective when you're feeling bad. My predominant emotion is often anger and nervousness. Both affect me a lot and I wish I didn't feel that. I rarely show this to the outside world. I often suppress my real emotions, which is probably why they torture me inside. No idea.

    B: Inspiration
    I believe that it is easier to work well/get into the flow when you are inspired and believe in the cause. But it is not absolutely necessary. Other motivators like money or pressure have a similar effect for some people. Personally, having my own emotional connection/inspiration is very important to me. I almost can't complete tasks that I don't like. Well, I do it, but it's torture from start to finish. I have absolutely no idea how to inspire other people. Except for being inspired myself So I can't force anyone to think anything is good. That's why I don't understand the question somehow.

    C: Negative emotions
    Negative emotions probably play an even greater role than positive ones, as people strive away from pain/suffering/negativity. Negative things motivate us to do something about it. Or is that wishful thinking? In any case, it often seems to me as if negative emotions predominate and many people see life (or completely insignificant little things) as extremely negative. What causes negative emotions is individual, as is whether you can get something positive out of them. As I said, sometimes they may be a motivation, but sometimes they may just be a hurdle (see depression). You can certainly learn something from everything, for example what you actually like, your own wishes, or who is good for you, or even just that you need to get your anger problem under control. Super individual.

    D: Quiet

    For me, being calm means not feeling any overflowing emotions, but rather a pleasant “feeling of nothing”, a certain detachment from the world? Does that make sense? I sometimes think you can only be truly calm if you separate yourself from your emotions and don't let them influence you. I don't know how to reduce the emotionality of others. Maybe by being the opposite? For example, someone is very angry, then you have to be very calm. But being funny when someone is sad probably won't help. No idea. You should let people have their emotions. If it affects you, you have to work on it. I remember watching my husband suffer through a complex task that tormented him for months. I couldn't cope with his bad mood at all, but I didn't know how to distance myself or help him. Hard time.

    E: expression
    You can read big emotions on ones face, for example anger or great sadness. That's why I sometimes find it very difficult to make phone calls when I can't tell from the words alone how I should react. So when people say something like “My child has grown up so much” – do you think that’s good or bad? How should I react?
    In theory, you can probably tell what someone is really feeling from so-called microexpressions, but that's really not my strength.


    A: Appearance
    For certain situations, a certain look is required - for example, you should dress well for a job interview, I find that somewhat understandable because our world places great value on presentation (unfortunately). This reminds me of the first meeting with my doctoral supervisor. I found him really nice and personable, very pleasant. My sister, who was there, told me in the car that she found it really strange that he was wearing baggy cargo shorts and sneakers - I hadn't noticed.
    I never know exactly how I look in terms of appearance and I often ask my husband. In my opinion, too much emphasis is placed on this. It sounds cheesy, but it's what's inside that counts. You can't judge intellect from your shoes. Of course, an intelligent person KNOWS that you don't come to a job interview in lederhosen. (Here's another story: Before a big oral exam, my father asked me what I was going to wear and I sent him a pic of a normal outfit. He then had to point out to me that you wear fancy things to exams like that. So I had to go shopping for fancy clothes with my father when I was 23 y.o. So I think it depends a lot on my experience.)

    B: Money

    Wow, really boring. I find this precise emphasis on money so annoying. Yes, I'm in a good situation where I don't have to worry about it too much. But...nope. I don't believe in risky investments or anything like that. The whole topic is annoying.

    C: Goals
    My goals… er. One goal was a house, which we have now. It's probably a pretty normal goal. I rarely set very specific goals. What is a right goal? Should I decide that? Don't be a dick, that would be good for everyone

    D: “Put together”
    A person or organization appears this way when it appears transparent. In my opinion. So when the goal is clear, when there are no hidden agendas, when it's not just about pure selfishness. With people there is a certain consistency I guess? So, for example, a goth who wears similar black clothes every day can also be more “put together” than someone who changes their style every day. I wouldn't give it a thought. Anyone who wants to exercise power over others has a problem anyway. Nobody really has the right to force someone to do something against the other person's will.

    E: Will

    I can also show strong will when something is important to me. I think it's important to say here that this is all about me and not about me making others do anything (since we're in the Se section). Will, like inspiration, is of course helpful in achieving a goal. It is one of the alternative motivations mentioned above.


    Personally, I think it's far too complex to talk about a general meaning of life. Meaning of an individual, of humanity, of animals, of organisms? Then what about the purpose of viruses or stones? On a human level, in my opinion, humans are so highly developed that they can define their own meaning however they want. This is probably also a reason why religions exist. The question is: Is there meaning or have we, as only living beings, developed the ability to ask ourselves this question (similar to time: it doesn't really exist, but we use it to describe a phenomenon of change). So if we couldn't ask ourselves the question: Would there be any meaning?
    Biologically speaking, one can of course say that the purpose is to reproduce and maintain the species (which is also subject to change). Here too you can ask: why? What good is it if the species continues to exist? In my personal opinion, there is no higher meaning, because that would actually mean that there is something somewhere that determines and directs that meaning. So a kind of god. I don't believe in that, I've never been able to pinpoint sth "divine" anywhere. But: Maybe there is a God, they just don't show themselves for mysterious reasons. Would this God actually be human? Or is there a general universe god who controls everything - and is not human at all?
    If you have found meaning in life for yourself, it is certainly very fulfilling. However, in my opinion the meaning should not include the exploitation of other living beings/people. Otherwise, everyone can decide for themselves (although most people probably don't decide for themselves, but rather “find” their meaning - does that come from the subconscious?)
    I could philosophize here forever.

    B: Potential
    In itself, potential (I won't look up the general definition) probably describes the chance of development/growth/skill in an area, even if this has not yet been achieved. Who decides who has potential? You would probably have to have a certain level of skill in this area yourself. For example, because I can't really carve, I might not be able to see the carving potential in someone else. However, I could perhaps tell from various factors whether someone has what it takes to pursue a doctorate in a scientific field (sorry I mention my doctorate so much, it is not to brag, but it was a very hard and defining time for me. I feel like I finally grew up during that time.).
    In my opinion, whether someone is better or worse suited for something depends primarily on their will. I don't really believe in geniuses or prodigies, just motivation, discipline, joy in creating, strict parents, etc. So actually everyone can do everything (except for certain physical limitations or something similar) - that's why I think that everyone is given the chance to try something out and be really shitty at first. Although I often want to advise some people against the above-mentioned doctor, for example, if they don't seem "suitable" to me (eg specifically low frustration tolerance), but firstly I don't have the right to tell someone what they should or shouldn't do and secondly This person can grow beyond themselves and learn something (that is probably the actual intrinsic potential in each of us).

    In order to advance yourself, the first thing you have to do is recognize that you have a deficiency. I can't improve my painting if I think it's perfect, right? In addition, there must be the will to get better (you can also think: “It’s okay, even if it’s not that good”). Although, perhaps the latter setting is even better. Because that way I just stick with it and develop on my own without destroying my self-confidence. So - I correct myself - not the will to get better, but the will to keep going. This basically also applies to all other areas, whether physical or mental.
    I would say you should know both weaknesses and strengths of a person. You can't ignore any of them. However, if some weaknesses are so pronounced that they become dangerous (e.g. someone who makes complex, dangerous tools but has no sense of detail and tends to overlook things), you should keep an eye on them. Overlooking strengths is probably more dangerous for the individual himself because he loses self-confidence and joy and therefore cannot make these actual strengths available to society.


    Good Ideas: This is very complex: sometimes a good idea is just something that makes another person happy right now (“let's go for ice cream”), sometimes a good idea is the one that will win you a Nobel Prize. This can hardly be broken down into a few adjectives. Maybe something like “useful, appropriate, appropriate to the context,” but also “progressive”? Maybe a good idea is always something positive? But then you would always need someone to evaluate the whole thing.
    The same goes for the question of whether ideas always have to be useful. I wrote it above… I think so. There are a lot of “fun” ideas out there, but if they can’t actually be realized, are they any good? Of course, they may become a reality at some point in the future. So you shouldn't immediately throw all ideas that can't be applied directly out the window. Here, further development will evaluate whether the idea was a good one. Good again in the sense of useful
    A dead end is likely to arise either because all of the prerequisites for this idea are not correct (e.g. the above-mentioned potential is not sufficient to ever be able to implement the idea), or because the development is not yet ready. Here you can look at the whole thing very globally (e.g. an idea to end world hunger: a dead end would be to give everyone more money, for example, because then everything would just become more expensive and the poor would always remain poor) or personal (e.g. I want to become a sniper now, but I'm too old and too small to be able to join the military). Both types of ideas lack potential, so to speak. This can be viewed by experts or personally or objectively. I find it very difficult to define clearly here because it is very abstract and vast. There are so many adjustments and circumstances that make something a good or bad idea. Be it just the wrong time. How should you express this in a concise and precise way?

    E: Understanding
    Actually, with these types of questions I can pick up the D part again - the essence should remain an unchangeable characteristic, the core of the whole. Usually something very simple. But our world is complex and has infinite variables. It's easier on a small scale: e.g. a 2-hour lecture that can be summarized in one sentence. Personally, I don't find it difficult to do something like that, leave out unimportant things and recognize the basic principles. Unless the question is very open.

    I think you should always prioritize understanding the core of something first. Then the transfer of knowledge becomes much easier because you no longer have to describe/learn individual cases, but can use a matrix. It then comes back to efficiency.
    In addition, individual cases are generally avoided or exceptions are made for every little thing.
    Let's talk about pharmacy: Basically, it's about the positive influence on negative physical or mental states with the help of bioactive molecules. Pharmacy itself is incredibly complex and a huge field, but it's basically about the above. And these are also the characteristics that researchers (but also of course doctors or employees in a pharmacy, etc.) should not forget - for example: Do not try to “cure” something that is not pathological (“negative condition”).


    A: Basic needs
    I believe there are several definitions of basic needs from a wide variety of researchers/scientists/philosophers. In itself, of course, it is everything we need at least to live: food, for example. I, for example, have never understood why sex is sometimes considered a basic need. You don't need it, do you? Nice, yes, but not absolutely necessary. The same could be said about a solid roof over your head or love. I also think that a basic need should be the same for every person (otherwise the term would be wrong): food, water, air, a suitable temperature and pH value, etc. In fact, all the factors that make life (of a human being) possible. (In the adult state? E.g. There are studies that show that babies who are ignored die. So you could argue that babies have a basic need for love/attention - adults certainly want this too, but you won't die from lack.)
    In today's world, most of us are definitely dependent on others for basic needs. Especially food. Very few people grow enough of their own. This may have been different in the past, in the sense of a different percentage, but it was always there. That's why humans are social animals, I think. We can specialize well, but we often fulfill each other's basic needs (especially those that philosophers like to talk about: love, sex, security, etc.). I believe that excessive dependence cannot be avoided in our western world. How should someone who works 50 hours a week and only has a small apartment in the city produce their own food? Does that make that bad? I say no, because as I said, as a social animal it's all about give and take (although these days it's very complex cycles that go through many instances and positions and no longer just mean direct exchange). I also don't think there's anything wrong with a low level of dependency. You could also say independence But you can of course argue that complete independence disrupts the “cycle of give and take” and is actually contrary to a social animal. There is probably no such complete independence. Even the worst backwoodsman won't mine and forge his own ore for tools, will he? Maybe there are also these extreme cases that fall completely outside the social structure. Then of course the question would be how these fulfill their basic „philosophical“ needs.

    B: Respect

    How do you get anything from other people? I'm honestly stumped because I'm super bad at it. In general, I would hope that a decent character, real achievements or something similar stand for themselves and you don't have to force respect. I also have no idea how to meaningfully gain “power” over others without using fear or pressure. I refuse to do both (and I can't at all. I remember how I once had to reprimand an employee on my team (long overdue). I didn't feel comfortable at all. Actually, I just wanted her to do her damn job . Why do I have to reprimand anyone? It was very stressful for me and certainly looked extremely awkward from the outside.)
    I actually reject such methods because you should respect other people's independence and boundaries from the start. Nobody should have the right to chase others around or anything like that.

    C: Everything has its place
    I love this phrase And use it a lot. But mostly more in the abstract sense (e.g. every person has a place in this world where their potential is recognized and needed. I also like to say “everything in its own time” (mostly to slow myself down if something isn’t fast enough for me)). If we talk specifically about the fact that the scissors should always be in one place, then yes, that has something to do with order. It's easier to find things again if they have a dedicated place.

    D: Hierarchies
    Hmm, I'm very ambivalent about hierarchies. On the one hand, they usually clearly define tasks and responsibilities and things run more effectively/smoothly when a good hierarchy is in place. On the other hand, hierarchies are often permeated by an underlying feeling of superiority and inferiority, which in my opinion is nonsense. So, for example, in the laboratory, the laboratory manager is above the technician, has different responsibilities, usually more pressure, more stress, more money. The technician has less “to say” because it is not his responsibility to decide things for the lab (although he can of course have his opinion). Nevertheless, the laboratory manager is not superior to the technician in a global sense. There are just different areas of responsibility that have nothing at all to do with personal value (but in my opinion this problem occurs very often. E.g. technicians who are not satisfied with their position. But what can you say: it's just this Position. Not everyone can decide how to do everything. Only chaos would result.

    That means everyone should of course be shown respect; From the lowest to the highest level, it's still all people just doing their job. So it's an unequal equality. The human inside is the same, the position is not, but this does not determine the value of the person. However, respect is linked to value and should therefore apply to everyone.
    And as has been written many times: Everyone should be treated with respect and a certain distance (i.e. no “interfering in their things”).

    E: Logic
    Logic basically describes the relationship between two or more things that makes sense. Hard to describe, I don't know the official definition. So I mean whether things are in the right place. This means that there is no logic inherent in one thing alone, only in several things, because it is about the relationship between things.
    For example, it is illogical if I say: “The sun is shining, so I'd better take my umbrella with me”. Because sun doesn't mean rain, so why use an umbrella? (Now you can of course say that the sentence is very isolated. Does the person know that it is supposed to rain later or does he not have a parasol and wants to protect himself with the umbrella, etc etc). In contrast, the logical thing would be: "It's supposed to rain, I'll take my umbrella with me" (but of course the same applies here: Why do you take your umbrella with you if you're just sitting on the train? Or you're already wearing your rain jacket, then you don't need the umbrella etc etc).
    More abstractly, most people are certainly illogical when viewed from the outside because you simply cannot see into their heads and do not know all the variables that might “make” everything logical.
    Only people who constantly contradict themselves are probably truly illogical (i.e. not those who have simply learned something new or changed their mind).


    A: Emotional distance
    Ha, my favorite topic. I have never understood this term. I think you feel closer to someone when you know and trust the person? Can you feel this distance? How the hell would you intentionally regulate it? No idea really. I'm actually equally polite to everyone I don't know and probably seem very jovial very quickly. Maybe I have some kind of default closeness where I've learned that I get along best with people? If I'm really close to someone (e.g. my husband), I allow significantly more negative emotions (poor guy, right?) - do they reduce the distance or are they more strongly expressed because of a short distance? I don't know. Help appreciated.

    B: Love and affection

    What makes a person desirable… er. What if s/he is nice, open, friendly? Personally, I don't like people who are overly obsessed with money or prestige. But does that make them any less lovable? So for me the attractiveness decreases, for others it certainly increases. But I think everyone deserves to be treated equally. (To a certain extent. Like not to criminals. Here you can get lost in the details again...)

    C: Morality
    Morality is like an internal compass to do the right thing. I would hope we all have the same moral compass, unfortunately that is not the case. In principle, everyone is good who is good to others and bad who is bad to others (I find this boring and tedious to answer). How does something good become bad or vice versa? Well, if it's not good to others. You can certainly forgive many things (I almost fall asleep at the keyboard), but some you can't (e.g. pedophilia. As an adult, you have to know that a child doesn't want that or is in pain: How can you do that to a child? ? How could one ever forgive something like that done deliberately?).

    D: Relationships
    There is a saying that you are a mixture of the five closest people around you. No idea if that's right. But most of the time you are close because you share common values ​​(or experiences). I don't think the difference between family/friendship and romantic relationships is that big. Or shouldn't be too big. Shouldn't your partner also be your best friend? It's just that romantic relationships are "bigger" well... how can you say that…: they cover more because feelings like lust, attractiveness, etc. are added. I also don't think one type is more important than the other. Only the quality of the bond is probably more important (i.e. it's better to have “just” a good friend with whom you share everything than a boyfriend who doesn't understand you).

    E: New relationships
    Sometimes you can get to know new things, new perspectives and impressions through new people. Maybe there's a greater sense of well-being because you've found someone who finally understands you (that's what happened to me with my husband). I don't presume to claim that new contacts are more important than deepening old ones or vice versa. I wouldn't even know what criteria to use to determine this.


    A: Environment
    The environment should therefore shape the lifestyle. Ugh, no idea. So of course you live differently if you only have a cardboard box or live in a villa. But other than the obvious reasons, I don't see why this would have much of an impact on us. So I think your inner core is more disconnected from your outside circumstances. If you feel good, that's great, but whether it has such an extreme impact on us subconsciously... I don't think so.

    B: Health
    I think everyone should keep an eye on their health in some way, but only “health” and not excessive obsessions like “never have sugar”. I try to stay healthy with minimal effort. For example, I eat a lot of fiber and like to exercise, but only to the extent that I enjoy it.
    Health or illness can shape your entire life (I think people with chronic illnesses are acutely aware of this), which means you should pay attention to this in order to have a good quality of life. However, what always really upsets me, or makes me somewhat angry, are people who don't pay ANY attention to their health. So when someone is extremly overweight or drink a whole lot too much. I don't even know why this bothers me so much. I find something offensive about it. Like breaking a rule.

    C: Good sensations
    Are we talking about concrete things like good food or a comfortable couch? I don't think it's all that crucial to life. Sure it makes some things more beautiful, but that's not the meaning of life (is it? Some people see it that way?). I think moderation makes sense in order to maintain your quality of life, as mentioned above.

    Sensations in the sense of psychological experiences (positive and negative) have a much stronger influence on us.

    D: Art
    I'll stick with art: I find it very individual. I don't like a lot of artists. I also think that I just have my own very special taste. What I personally like: Harmonious lines (i.e. no “unnatural” shapes or acute angles), a certain symmetry, dark colors...natural somehow. There are a lot of pictures of misty forests hanging in my apartment. I don't even know what else to say about that. How can one make a general statement here?

    E: In order to work effectively, I have to feel comfortable in some way. Last winter the heating in the office was off, I found it absolutely terrible and was counting down the minutes until I could go home. I don't know if other people would feel the same way. So I think I need a certain level of comfort. But not excessively? Like I don't have to hang my pictures or paint the walls so I can work.


    A: Relationship to the past/future/present
    I think that the past of an individual (also collectively, for example of a nation [Germans can sing a song about this]) has a very strong influence on the career and character of a person. Maybe even the sociotype. It has also been well studied that both genes and environment shape the individual. You can also notice it yourself. The question was rather whether the relationship to the past or the future shapes a person. I would also say yes to that. Someone who has a good relationship with the future (if you can put it that way), i.e. who often looks into the future, imagines it, foresees it or generally strives in that direction, is probably better able to deal with failure and is less stuck in regret and shame. Because all of life is focused on striving forward. On the other hand, being “stuck” in the past doesn’t necessarily have to be a negative thing. Sometimes the only way to learn something and move forward is to think long and hard about the mistakes and victories of the past. Most of the time, however, people are unhealthily stuck in the past and are unable to move on. So your life is going in the wrong direction because you can't really get anything out of the past. It's already over. If we manage to learn from it, it serves us, but if we only keep looking back, we won't move forward. You can see, I think that everything should strive towards the future (of course the “future” is just a construct - an abstract thought-structure onto which we project dreams/hopes/fears and other vague forcasts).

    B: Phases

    I firmly believe in phases that shape life and often suddenly change into one another. Sometimes I feel like I can “feel” these phases. For example, that it is time to look for a new apartment or that a new phase characterized by a new “background theme” will soon begin. However, this is not always super clear or reliable. Maybe my desire for change is just expressed subconsciously. Generally speaking, a phase is, by definition, an independent section that is limited in time and is associated with certain circumstances. I believe that we are all always in a phase because nothing is permanent. Each phase comes to an end and is followed by the next. This means that you can generally assume that everything that affects you now can also be over again. Maybe this is reassuring for some people, frightening for others. I find it liberating. I'm not sure how big your own influence is on the duration of a phase, or whether it is determined by external circumstances (which we may not be aware of).

    C: Development
    I feel rather passive, like an observer, as things develop/unfold. As if you can't stop it or influence it anyway (even though that's probably not true). Sometimes I just enjoy watching things evolve (whether it's the passing of the seasons or something like which driver will be with which F1 team next year). I don't think I'm prone to trying hard to make predictions (although, when I think about it, I do that quite a bit. However, this happens without "focused thought" but rather spontaneously). On the other hand, what I kind of hate and makes me very nervous are fixed appointments where I don't know exactly what will happen. (e.g. the craftsmen come and have to do something important - I don't know exactly how to deal with them, do you offer them food or drink? Do you greet them with a handshake? How do you say goodbye to them? Do you plan everything again beforehand or do they already know what to do? Can I leave the house for a moment? So I can't really say whether I'm good at following the development of events, since on the one hand I often and like to make predictions (although, difficult to describe, I wouldn't make it "predictions", it's more like a certainty that some things will happen (even if sometimes they don't)), on the other hand, I am often nervous about future developments, as if I have no sense of what will happen. Maybe I just have a very wrong self-assessment here?

    D: rhythm of life
    As I said, it often seems to me as if phases change into one another relatively suddenly. In general, I find the passage of time to be rather uneven; it mainly depends on the stress level and the number of activities. I often get nervous when I feel a kind of standstill and I like it when I have the feeling that time is flowing nicely - although I think that I don't actually mean time itself here, but a certain phase that should end - For example, during my time in the laboratory everything always went wrong. For three damn years. I found this phase to be incredibly stressful and draining because it felt like nothing had happened for three years, except that time had passed. But a lot happened in this phase. Among other things, I met and married my current husband there, moved in with him and there was also the Corona pandemic at the time. So it was actually a phase with a lot of personal upheaval and growth. But since everything was influenced enormously by the pressure in the laboratory, this dictated the “speed” of the time course, so to speak. In a negative sense. Of course, looking back you always look at it a little differently.
    I also think that time passes differently for every person (only perceived, of course). In general, however, it is probably the case that stressful, negative phases are perceived as longer than good ones (time is relative, Einstein already said that).

    E: Feelings

    It is probably the case in our western world at the moment that many people feel rushed and are chasing time. This is clearly expected, I think. It is suggested to you that you should do 1000 things, although it is obvious that no one can do that in one day/year/lifetime, yet the adjustment screws are tightened more and more and you submit to more and more pressure to live up to this expectation (that's why I think that Gen Z is definitely right with their sometimes unrealistic work demands - they go over the top, but sometimes things have to become radical before things change. I digress, but in general I think that many boundaries (whether personal or global) are often only recognized when they have been crossed). In any case, because of the pressure, a lot of people are probably feeling very rushed and stressed about the timing of their lives. One can also understand when a general pessimism spreads when, looking back, life has always been characterized by stress and there is no prospect of that changing. I'm a pessimist myself, so I often assume negative developments (which doesn't bother me - I'd rather anticipate the negative and be happy about the positive).

    Thanks to anyone who has the time to spare
    Last edited by SilentFace; 05-20-2024 at 03:31 PM. Reason: lets open this up again!

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