This thread is... hm...

... @Eliza Thomason I'm a little concerned that you are being lied to, perhaps not on purpose. Are these the same people that said last November was going to see massive changes? If so, I would strongly suggest you stop listening to them or at least take a break. There's lots of interesting things in the world, and not all of it even bad (such as genealogies and numbers), but they can all too easily start overshadowing other more fundamental callings, like loving our neighbors and growing a closer relationship with God. I am thankful that what you are learning seems to be encouraging you and giving you hope, and I don't want that part to diminish. But the best lies are mostly truth, so please be alert and test any instructions they give against the simplest foundations of our faith. False prophets might not be trying to deceive, but they nonetheless can be extremely destructive.