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Thread: Prophecies for this amazing year, 2022!

  1. #41
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    This is why I can't argue with you @Subteigh; THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING

    What does coming into agreement have to do with the validity of something?

    What if a bunch of dumb people can't come into agreement on something? Does that automatically mean that something is false?

    "Scientists" have said climate change would have destroyed the planet, and their predictions have been wrong multiple times. Does that make their expert opinions on science therefore totally useless?

    Christians aren't free from heresy and studying wrong doctrine, since they're human as well. That's why it's important to take the Word of God literally (unless the passage actually tells you not to), or else you get 4943959043858 different interpretations.

    God's word is NEVER wrong, and they will ALWAYS come into fruition.
    Ideally, a prediction should be made on the best available evidence and qualified in proportion to the strength of the evidence. When a scientist says they believe there is a 5% chance of rain, that does not mean that it won't rain.

    Your biblical "prophecies" are not based on evidence. There is no evidence that those who wrote them were informed by a being who knows what will happen in the future. There is however clear evidence that verses were written as "prophecies" after the events mentioned had already happened, and also that verses were written prophesying things that did not happen and can never happen. Also, many of the "prophecies" claimed to have been fulfilled in the New Testament were written based on misunderstandings of Old Testament verses, and thus do not even qualify as prophecies. This is in conjunction with the scientific, historical, and grammatical and spelling errors in the work.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    This is why I can't argue with you @Subteigh; THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING

    What does "coming into agreement" have to do with the validity of something?

    What if a bunch of dumb people can't come into agreement on something? Does that automatically mean that something is false?

    "Scientists" have said climate change would have destroyed the planet DECADES AGO, and their predictions have been wrong MULTIPLE times. Does that make automatically mean there's no validity to "climate change"

    Christians aren't free from heresy and studying wrong doctrine, since they're human as well. That's why it's important to take the Word of God literally (unless the passage actually tells you not to), or else you get 4943959043858 different interpretations.

    God's word is NEVER wrong, and they have / will ALWAYS come into fruition.
    You claim "God" wrote or inspired the books of the bible - I can only tell you that the author/s of the text are less wise than the average person today. They are certainly not all-powerful.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    This is why I can't argue with you @Subteigh; THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING

    What does "coming into agreement" have to do with the validity of something?

    What if a bunch of dumb people can't come into agreement on something? Does that automatically mean that something is false?

    "Scientists" have said climate change would have destroyed the planet DECADES AGO, and their predictions have been wrong MULTIPLE times. Does that make automatically mean there's no validity to "climate change"

    Christians aren't free from heresy and studying wrong doctrine, since they're human as well. That's why it's important to take the Word of God literally (unless the passage actually tells you not to), or else you get 4943959043858 different interpretations.

    God's word is NEVER wrong, and they have / will ALWAYS come into fruition.
    You quote verses from the bible such as "Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him." and "yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it." but I have no reason to treat it as a work of fact, anymore than I don't treat the Harry Potter books as fact even if they mention real places in them. Other religious texts say similar, but I doubt you have even considered them as true. Don't then expect me to simply believe what you apparently believe. I was once a Christian, but stopped in part because there was no evidence. I think if you had any actual primary evidence of the existence of "God", you would have presented it by now in one of the many threads you have posted in. I bet you cannot even describe a tangible property of "God" that is uniquely a property of "God".

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    @peteronfireee2 if you believe with absolute confidence what scientists say, that would be unwise. And if you believe what Bronze and Iron Age theologians say with absolute confidence, that would be even more unwise. If you have been indoctrinated from a young age or have poor critical thinking skills, I can sympathise somewhat.

  5. #45
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    I will just leave this here. What a wonderful world...
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
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  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    Man, this is exactly why some people need to stay away from hyper-"intellectualism" raising it on a pedestal like it's some idol.

    After observing this forum for awhile now, it's clear that Jungian psychology is especially spiritually dangerous.

    I'd tell orthodox Christians to stay clear away from things like socionics, as it encourages this occultish/science-idolatry type thinking. Most likely opens up demonic portals and invokes (invites) demons.

    Before his death, Jung even admitted that his theories and investigations brought him no closer to understanding the true nature of existence. Jung also hated Christianity

    There's just this demonic arrogance associated with over-intellectualism, which blind many from the truth, which further lead to the eternal damnation of their souls if they continue walking down that dark path
    From my perspective, Christianity is "occultish" as astrology etc.

  7. #47
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    > These may be bad things may include some or all of the following: supposedly covid-related deaths, some bad event happening in NYC, CCP invading/coming into our country from the West Coast as well as down from the Canadian border, severe food shortages, bank failure, stock market crash, a ten day blackout (including a media and social network blackout)

    >(after the blackout it will be very good!).

    Do you realize that after such events you mention, things cannot go well for a long time right?

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    Man, this is exactly why some people need to stay away from the hyper-"intellectualism" stuff, raising it on a pedestal like it's some idol.

    After observing this forum for awhile now, it's clear that Jungian psychology is especially spiritually dangerous.

    I'd tell orthodox Christians to stay clear away from things like socionics, as it encourages this occultish/science-idolatry type thinking. Most likely opens up demonic portals and invokes (invites) demons.

    Before his death, Jung even admitted that his theories and investigations brought him no closer to understanding the true nature of existence. Jung also hated Christianity

    There's just this demonic arrogance associated with over-intellectualism, which blind many from the truth, which further lead to the eternal damnation of their souls if they continue walking down that dark path
    I'm supposed to reject scientific explanations, as well as metaphysical and psychoanalytic explanations in favor of a religious text that doesn't contain justifications but narratives, or I will be invoking demons and spirits who will take possesion of me and lead me to eternal fire.

    I am supposed to believe that in a world where negative spiritual entities exist (Hey, I'm not claiming such thing exist) the true cause for movement and objects wants me to reject any form of understanding and study of his creation, wants to wash my head with holy water so I'm forgiven for the sin of defining ethics without his intake, then needs me to symbolically eat his flesh and drink his blood while granting him my soul in a ceremony...

    It's a little macabre I think.

    ¿Why would a "God" want me to derive truth from a scripture while punishing me for researching it myself?

    If you claim to give birth to reality, it is absurd to punish studying reality, or pondering over it, as it should lead back to you. The idea that a superior power wants you to only trust the scriptures he's written in, reject any other explanation and blindly follow the book's word and interpreters or you will be punished eternally with the worst kind of suffering points towards an evident goal.

    Edit; It notifies me that someone has answered then deleted the post ¿Why? ¿What were you trying to tell me?
    Last edited by RBRS; 01-22-2022 at 02:47 PM.

  9. #49
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    "My first positive utterance of a sceptical nature probably occurred before my fifth birthday, when I was told what I really knew before, that "Santa Claus" is a myth. This admission caused me to ask why "God" is not equally a myth." - H.P. Lovecraft

  10. #50
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    It's the arrogance that gets me in the original post. The self-aggrandizing way of claiming to know the truth and claiming to know that God has appointed or selected certain people (Trump? One of the most narcissistic, immoral, unempathetic, greedy, selfish people - "grab her by the pussy"? He was friends with Epstein. He wished Ghislaine Maxwell well. Politics aside, really??).

    Personally, I would prefer someone more Jesus-like to save the world. But the radical Christian right isn't that interested in humility and kindness and more interested in their own "salvation" and the punishment of everyone else.
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    Ever since the fall of man (Adam and Eve), sin entered the world.

    And because of this sin, we've been separated from God.

    God is Holy and Just, we are not; therefore we're all eternally destined for Hell (whether "we" think it's "fair" it doesn't matter)

    But because He loved humanity so much, He sent his son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins, so that we may be saved.

    As you know, looking at this world around us,

    We can't go on like this much longer, either morally or scientifically.

    The technology that was supposed to save us is ready to destroy us.

    This world is filled with terror and hopelessness, because in this world, it's ruled by Satan.

    Yet, when we invite Jesus into our hearts, we'll never live in terror, and we'll always be filled with hope.

    The outcome of the battle has been decided. The victory has already been won.

    Because as Christians, we put our faith and hope in Jesus Christ.

    There is more to life, than this fallen world we live in,

    Get out of your rational head, open up your heart, and secure your eternal salvation through Jesus Christ.
    So essentially, Christianity punishes the innocent for the invented crimes of others.

    It claims to save people from "sin" after punishing someone innocent for less than 3 days.

    Then, after the debt has been paid, it still threatens everybody with the most evil act imaginable: eternal torture.

    I cannot follow a being that acts so terribly, and takes no responsibility for the mess it created. That is aside from the lack of evidence.

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    I thought that the whole point of male-dominated religions was to gaslight women into serving as obedient baby-makers to a few, self-selected men?

    Really, when you try to analyze religion in any other context, you start to run into contradictions.

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    Default Revelation: The Beast System will incorporate Mind-Reading Technology

    Revelation: The Beast System will incorporate Mind-Reading Technology

    This probably won't fully roll out in 2022... Possibly some years down the line.

    But during the tribulation/antichrist period,

    I believe the mind-control (+mind-reading) technology that's being tested / used today (V2K/RNM/EMF etc) will be more widely used / or implemented into the metaverse system.

    Again, when we look into the book of Revelation, God, having looked wayyy into the future, left some clues ("play on words") for us;

    We see the Greek words for "meta" such as

    "hereafter,” “along with,” etc etc
    all over Revelation (1:19, 17:12, 18:3)

    "Meta" means changing/transcending; in the metaverse one will be able to transcend above this world by interacting in a digital world.

    I also believe via Rev 13 the "leopard spots" may point toward NFTs(+QR codes), which could play into the "Mark of the Beast," for buying/selling things.

    And sadly, during this time,

    Instead of worshipping the true almighty God,

    People during this time will be worshipping idols (Rev 9:20) in the form of Avatars (or graphic representations), with Satan creating a world where one can be whoever they want.

    If you thought a bunch of strangers watching u on social media wasn't creepy enough,

    This will take creepiness (and evil) to the next level.

    As a dream when one awaketh; so, O Lord, when thou awakest, thou shalt despise their image. Psalm 73:10
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 01-25-2022 at 01:17 PM.

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    I still just don't understand how you determine which prophets are trustworthy. I'm more than willing to admit that a god may exist, though I can't determine that with certainty one way or another and so withhold my belief, but I am pretty confidant that these "prophets" don't communicate with that god assuming they do exist. They're just con artists taking advantage of others' fears and insecurities during very stressful times. If you believe yourself to have a relationship with your god then why do you go to these mortal humans for insight instead of asking him yourself or reading the bible? How can you be so sure they are reliable?
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
    — James Russell Lowell

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    Default A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: The False Prophet will have Christian and Muslim ties

    A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: The False Prophet will have Christian and Muslim ties

    Here is some general information I wrote on the False Prophet here

    The False Prophet is an interesting character and will deceive many, with his false signs and wonders.

    Here are some characteristics of the false prophet

    --Like the Anti-Christ, He will be from Syria (Numbers 23:7)
    --He will have a Christian background. (Mark 13:22)
    --Possibly famous Christian Pastor
    --Like Billy Graham and Benny Hinn, will have ties with Catholics, secular world and government
    --He will be a great speaker, most likely Charismatic
    --He will also be considered a Muslim Prophet(Mahdi)
    --Is represented as a Lamb with 2 horns (Rev. 13:11)
    Now how will the False Prophet have both Christian and Muslim ties?

    He may possibly have ties with the growing Chrislam movement, a movement that is trying to alleviate the tensions growing between the 2 largest religions

    Now lets look at Revelation 13:18:

    “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.
    Here is some interesting information pertaining this 666 number:

    The new Testament was translated from Hebrew (John’s language) into Greek and then into English. Studying the manuscript evidence, in the “Codex Vaticanus” dated 350 AD those three letters (that were translated 666) are not Greek in that sentence, but were translated that way wrongly. They are actually Arabic letters.John wrote what he saw the bible says, so when it came to 666, it was not Greek text. Even in the original manuscript in Greek when you turn the three letters, they become and look exactly like the Arabic letters
    666 = "In the name of Allah"

    Furthermore, as we read from Rev. 19:20, Rev. 16:13, 2 Peter 2:15 and Numbers 22, he will perform divinations and cult-practices/false signs and wonders to deceive many (similar to charismatics) since he will come out of hell with the Spirit of Balaam within him. (Remember the Anti-Christ carries the spirit of Judas Iscariot):

    But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. Rev 19:20
    And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. Rev 16:13
    They have left the straight way and wandered off to follow the way of Balaam son of Bezer, who loved the wages of wickedness. 2 Peter 2:15
    The elders of Moab and Midian left, taking with them the fee for divination. When they came to Balaam, they told him what Balak had said. Numbers 22:7

    Remember John the Baptist paved the way for Jesus Christ.

    However, with the Anti-Christ / False Prophet, the order they are introduced will be reversed:

    --The Anti-Christ will first be introduced during the tribulation
    --The Ant-Christ will die
    --The False Prophet will emerge and act as a comforter and pave way for the resurrection
    --The Anti-Christ will resurrect (+People will think this person is Jesus and be deceived)
    Then this Anti-Christ and False Prophet will:

    --Try to rule the world and take back Jerusalem
    --Will force people to take the Mark of the Beast (666 / "In the name of Allah")
    --Will persecute and behead by the sword
    !!! The False Prophet will basically be a wolf in sheep's clothing !!!
    Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Matthew 7:15
    Remember Satan tries to copy and is an imitator


    Satan - Anti-Christ - False Prophet
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 01-24-2022 at 06:35 PM.

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    What happened to the profit Joan of Arc? She was a miracle. A woman leading an entire army to victory as a teenage girl and during those times. How was she even real?
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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    Matthew 7:15“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

    Galatians 5:2 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

    I use the above philosophies to discern whether a spirit or what someone is saying is positive or negative.

    If a message inspires fear, I disregard it. After all, the Bible says God is love and in perfect love, there is no fear.

    Also, I am of the belief that scriptures, prophecies, and the like, are easily used to manipulate and control people.

    When I was in high school, I got deep into the whole Christian doomsday thing and read a lot of alleged prophecies and what have you. All it did was make me fearful to the point I had to reckon the hypocrisy of my position. If I was trying to be a good Christian because I was afraid, then what was the point? I went on to study other religions, dabble with atheism and agnosticism, but ultimately approach the Bible and other scriptures using my own discernment. If it resonates, great. If it causes imbalance and unease, I move on to something more productive, like living life and trying to do the right thing and to do good to others, even when it is not convenient, which can take quite a bit of guts and is quite challenging at times, especially when people who go by conventional but outdated wisdom and are stuck looking through a narrow lens of egoism and want to convert you to their worldview, which is what many people do anyway (human nature) whether they talk of religion or not.

    It's all about trying to have power over people's minds. It's not just the media and government that may try to influence people. It's your parents, your neighbors, your partner, your friends, your boss, and so on. I just choose what is authentic and to not get into the trap of falling into my own BS, which is probably the biggest challenge in being a "free thinker." And that, I believe is very helpful if one would manifest Christ and bring the kingdom of heaven to earth.

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    Default God’s Appointed Time 2021-2022; The Shemitah (Sabbath) Year.

    The following information is from Pastor Mark Biltz, an American Pastor that uses the Biblical or Jewish Calendar for his analysis and theories.

    (Now as Christians, although we do not practice Judaism, Christianity is connected to it, and being familiar with certain fundamental Jewish things (such as the Biblical calendar) can offer some perspective, especially in regard to end time things.)

    The Shemitah year is a Sabbath year, every 7th year is a Shemitah or Sabbath year where God commanded the Israelite’s to rest the land. Every 7 years is a Shemitah cycle. God told Israel that the land that they were to inherit needed to rest every 7 years because it was holy.
    Leviticus25:1-4 The Lord said to Moses at Mount Sinai, 2 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you enter the land I am going to give you, the land itself must observe a Sabbath to the Lord. 3 For six years sow your fields, and for six years prune your vineyards and gather their crops. 4 But in the seventh year the land is to have a year of Sabbath rest, a Sabbath to the Lord. Do not sow your fields or prune your vineyards.
    Exodus 23:10-12 “For six years you are to sow your fields and harvest the crops, but during the seventh year let the land lie unplowed and unused. Then the poor among your people may get food from it, and the wild animals may eat what is left. Do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove. 12 “Six days do your work, but on the seventh day do not work, so that your ox and your donkey may rest, and so that the slave born in your household and the foreigner living among you may be refreshed.
    The Hebrew word Shemitah literally means release. People were no longer supposed to be indebted to each other. This is where the 7 year bankruptcy came from! Rabbi Jonathan Cahn wrote a book about the Shemitah and how throughout history you can see that every 7 years the stock market is affected with either a crash or some kind of downward slide. For example the Great Depression started on a Shemitah year. Rabbi Cahn also discusses how nations can rise to power or fall from power during a Shemitah year.
    Deuteronomy 15:1-2 At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. 2 This is how it is to be done: Every creditor shall cancel any loan they have made to a fellow Israelite. They shall not require payment from anyone among their own people, because the Lord’s time for canceling debts has been proclaimed.
    Since the Shmita year was a year of release, slaves were supposed to be released to freedom too! If the Israelite’s did not follow the commands of the Lord about the Shmita year they would be punished.
    Jeremiah 34:13-17 “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: I made a covenant with your ancestors when I brought them out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. I said, 14 ‘Every seventh year each of you must free any fellow Hebrews who have sold themselves to you. After they have served you six years, you must let them go free.’ Your ancestors, however, did not listen to me or pay attention to me.15 Recently you repented and did what is right in my sight: Each of you proclaimed freedom to your own people. You even made a covenant before me in the house that bears my Name. 16 But now you have turned around and profaned my name; each of you has taken back the male and female slaves you had set free to go where they wished. You have forced them to become your slaves again. 17 “Therefore this is what the Lord says: You have not obeyed me; you have not proclaimed freedom to your own people. So I now proclaim ‘freedom’ for you, declares the Lord—‘freedom’ to fall by the sword, plague and famine. I will make you abhorrent to all the kingdoms of the earth.
    Leviticus 26:18-25 I will punish you for your sins seven times over. I will break down your stubborn pride and make the sky above you like iron and the ground beneath you like bronze. 20 Your strength will be spent in vain, because your soil will not yield its crops, nor will the trees of your land yield their fruit. 21 “‘If you remain hostile toward me and refuse to listen to me, I will multiply your afflictions seven times over, as your sins deserve.22 I will send wild animals against you, and they will rob you of your children, destroy your cattle and make you so few in number that your roads will be deserted. 23 “‘If in spite of these things you do not accept my correction but continue to be hostile toward me, 24 I myself will be hostile toward you and will afflict you for your sins seven times over. 25 And I will bring the sword on you to avenge the breaking of the covenant. When you withdraw into your cities, I will send a plague among you, and you will be given into enemy hands.
    Leviticus 26:27-28 “‘If in spite of this you still do not listen to me but continue to be hostile toward me, then in my anger I will be hostile toward you, and I myself will punish you for your sins seven times over.
    Leviticus 26:33-35 I will scatter you among the nations and will draw out my sword and pursue you. Your land will be laid waste, and your cities will lie in ruins. Then the land will enjoy its Sabbath years all the time that it lies desolate and you are in the country of your enemies; then the land will rest and enjoy its Sabbaths. 35 All the time that it lies desolate, the land will have the rest it did not have during the Sabbaths you lived in it.
    Leviticus 26:43-45 For the land will be deserted by them and will enjoy its Sabbaths while it lies desolate without them. They will pay for their sins because they rejected my laws and abhorred my decrees.44 Yet in spite of this, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them or abhor them so as to destroy them completely, breaking my covenant with them. I am the Lord their God. 45 But for their sake I will remember the covenant with their ancestors whom I brought out of Egypt in the sight of the nations to be their God. I am the Lord.’
    Jeremiah 19:7-9 ‘In this place I will ruin the plans of Judah and Jerusalem. I will make them fall by the sword before their enemies, at the hands of those who want to kill them, and I will give their carcasses as food to the birds and the wild animals. I will devastate this city and make it an object of horror and scorn; all who pass by will be appalled and will scoff because of all its wounds. 9 I will make them eat the flesh of their sons and daughters, and they will eat one another’s flesh because their enemies will press the siege so hard against them to destroy them.’
    Daniel 9:1-2 In the first year of Darius son of Xerxes (a Mede by descent), who was made ruler over the Babylonian kingdom— 2 in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the Lord given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years.
    Daniel 9:24-27“Seventy ‘sevens’ are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the Most Holy Place. “Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. 26 After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed. 27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.
    When Daniel says 70 weeks he is referring to 70 weeks of years. He’s referring to Shemitah cycles. Historically and prophetically all these scriptures have been fulfilled, but there’s still one week left. One week of 7 years left. The 7 year tribulation is the last “week” that needs to be fulfilled, it will be the last Shemitah cycle. The 7 year tribulation cannot start in the middle of a Shemitah cycle, or towards the end of the Shemitah cycle. It has to start at the very beginning, the 1st year, of the Shemitah cycle. (I go into more detail in my blog about Rosh Hashanah if you want to understand more on Daniel’s 70 weeks.)

    Believers need to understand the significance of the Biblical Feasts or Moedim (God’s appointed times). The Spring and Summer feasts have already been fulfilled by Jesus/Yeshua, with His first coming, and show God’s plan for salvation. The Fall feasts will be fulfilled with His 2nd Coming.

    1) Passover (Leviticus 23:5) – Pointed to the Messiah as our Passover lamb (1 Corinthians 5:7) whose blood would be shed for our sins. Jesus was crucified during the time that the Passover was observed (Mark 14:12). Yeshua is a “lamb without blemish or defect” (1 Peter 1:19) because His life was completely free from sin (Hebrews 4:15). As the first Passover marked the Hebrews’ release from Egyptian slavery, so the death of Jesus marks our release from the slavery of sin (Romans 8:2).

    2) Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23:6) – Pointed to the Messiah’s sinless life (as leaven is a picture of sin in the Bible), making Him the perfect sacrifice for our sins. Jesus’ body was in the grave during the first days of this feast.

    3) First Fruits (Leviticus 23:10) – Pointed to the Messiah’s resurrection as the first fruits of the righteous. Yeshua was resurrected on this very day, which is one of the reasons that Paul refers to him in 1 Corinthians 15:20 as the “first fruits from the dead.”

    4) Shavuot/Pentecost (Leviticus 23:16) – Occurred fifty days after the beginning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The gift of the Holy Spirit for both Jew and Gentile, was outpoured on the 200 in the upper room Acts 2 and is continued to be outpoured on those baptized in the Holy Spirit.

    5) Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah (Leviticus 23:24) – The first of the fall feasts. This day points to the 1st Resurrection (Revelation 20:4-6) of the Bride of believers when the Messiah Jesus/Yeshua will appear coming on the clouds in heaven. A.K.A The Harpazo (Greek) or Rapture (latin) is always associated in Scripture with the blowing of a loud trumpet (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:52).

    5b) The Days of Awe. The 10 days in between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. During these days a Jew would traditionally have a time of introspection and repentance. In the future this will be when the believers who were a part of the 1 resurrection A.K.A the rapture spend their time with Yeshua during the Millennial reign.

    6) Day of Atonement/ Yom Kippur (Leviticus 23:27) – Traditionally the Jews would fast this day and make confession and atonement for there sins. This was the only day that The High Priest was able to go into the Holy of Holies. This feast has been partially fulfilled with Jesus/Yeshua’s death, burial, and resurrection. When Jesus died the Parokhet (curtain) that separated the Holy of Holies in the temple was torn in two, allowing any believer direct access to God. Yeshua is also the Great High Priest. In the future this will be when the 2nd Resurrection or Judgment of the dead described in (Revelation 20:11-15) occurs.

    7) Tabernacles or Booths/Sukkot (Leviticus 23:34) – When we will dwell or “tabernacle” with Him and His people In the New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 21).

    So where are we in a Shemitah cycle?

    Since Rosh Hashanah is considered the civil New Year, Shemitah year’s and Shemitah cycle’s always starts on Rosh Hashanah. This year is a Shemitah year starting at sunset on 9-6-2021 or Tishrei 1, 5782. Next year Rosh Hashanah will start the beginning of a new Shemitah cycle.

    So if the tribulation does not start next year we will have to wait another Shemitah cycle or 7 years. Below is an image of Shemitah Cycles, the red arrow is a “you are here”.


    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 01-25-2022 at 01:26 PM.

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    Default Mark of the Beast and Microchips: Satan wants your SOUL

    Mark of the Beast and Microchips: Satan wants your SOUL

    What's the whole point of the beast system that will be fully implemented during the 7-year tribulation?

    !!! Satan wants your SOUL !!! (see post: Ghost in the Shell for the HOW)

    According to the Bible, humans are unique in that they are composed of 3 main components;

    Other beings, such as angels and devils, are composed of only 2 main components;

    You see, Satan does not have a Soul, which is a part of why he hates humans so much.


    The SOUL is the part of us that makes us, US. It's the REAL US.

    Psychology, as many of you guys here know, is the study of the SOUL.

    Technology will NEVER be able to create a human soul, only God can.

    Satan doesn't have a Soul and

    Satan wants to take over YOUR soul, turn you into a MINDLESS ROBOT then take your Soul to hell FOREVER

    There's this misconception that God wants to punish people by sending them to hell.

    This is incorrect, God along with many others (such as myself), wants everyone to go to heaven (but not the main topic of this article)

    You see, throughout history,

    Satan has tried REALLY HARD, to obtain a soul;

    1. The days of Noah (Devils intermingling with humans)
    2. Tower of Babel (Devils intermingling with humans)
    3. Jesus' ministry (Demon-possessed humans)
    However, as Satan is not God, he cannot create souls, he can only contaminate or imitate a soul.

    That is,

    Until the Tribulation.

    Everyone that will be here on earth during the 7-year Tribulation will witness Satan's last resort to take over a soul.

    Many have speculated that "mind-control technology" and perhaps the use of "microchips" will be used to takeover a human soul and ultimately send the person to hell.

    This is why Tribulation-Saints (JEWS) and those left behind on earth are commanded in Revelation NOT to take the Mark of the Beast, because taking this Mark (whatever it will end up as) WILL automatically ensure your Soul's eternal damnation in hell. Since these people didn't accept Jesus; The ONLY way to avoid this would be to resist the Mark and endure to the end.

    9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. (Revelation 14:9-11)
    13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. Matthew 24:13
    If that doesn't sound appealing to you, get saved today; those that are saved by Faith (Christians) are SEALED by the Holy Spirit and will not have to worry whether or not to take the Mark of the Beast.

    Trust me, you don't want be around during this hell on earth, and you certainly don't want to be a mindless robot when your soul gets taken over and eventually taken to hell:

    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 02-04-2022 at 03:02 AM.

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    Default Tribulation Survival Guide

    Tribulation Survival Guide

    This guide is for those left behind during the tribulation. (I hope nobody will have to resort to this guide)

    So how can a person without the mark survive and still buy and sell? Again, this will almost be impossible, but there will be people who are part of the anti-christ’s regime who don’t believe in the anti-christ; they are just “survivors” who pick the “winner” and seek to profit from that relationship. Therefore, save up for yourself gold; gold has always had value as money and always will, even in a cashless society. Identify one of these profiteers and seek to purchase food and living supplies from him. However, don’t ever disclose to him how much gold you have and where it is. You want to be more valuable to him as a dealer than as a bounty. By the way, you will have a price on your head for not taking the mark. Obviously you won’t be living an open life, as you will be in hiding somewhere at a remote location or in the forest on the outskirts of a large city.

    Your only goal will be to eat to live and hope to escape the militia hunting for you and those like you. Should you get caught, your fate will be either death or slavery.

    If you receive this manual before the rapture and plan to be around after the rapture, then start storing up food and living supplies and put them into hiding in some remote and difficult to access area. You should include weaponry to defend yourself and medical supplies as part of your living supplies.

    Safety Concerns

    This era will be the most violent of times in the history of the world. Death, brutality and destruction will be part of everyday life. One of the defining characteristics of the last days following the rapture will be a lack of peace. There will be civil wars throughout the world: people will kill one another indiscriminately. Random acts of violence will fill people with fear. Car-jackings, home invasions, drive by shootings, and bombings will all increase with an intensity that will leave people with absolutely no sense of security.

    In order to survive this time, you will need to remove yourself from society and live in a remote area that is difficult to access. Getting together with a group of like-minded people would provide additional support and safety.

    As mentioned earlier, stock up on food, medicines, living supplies, weaponry and gold. You will need enough for 7 years. Don’t plan on being able to supplement your food with hunting and fishing because the stocks of wild animals and fish will have been depleted and destroyed by the 3 1/2 year worldwide drought and three successive meteor-like or comet-like objects that strike the earth sometime after the rapture.

    The 3 1/2 year drought is brought on by the two witnesses. The first object from outer space to strike the earth will destroy 1/3 of all trees and all the green grass on earth. The second object, more like a meteor, strikes the sea and destroys 1/3 of all sea creatures and 1/3 of all shipping. The third object turns 1/3 of all fresh water poisonous and kills many people. Needless to say, all of this will also seriously deplete the food supplies for the world’s population, causing food prices to skyrocket. Those people in the world who never before missed a meal or worried about food will become very familiar with hunger pangs and the feeling of going without food for long periods of time. This will be one of the causes of the increased violence as people become more self centered, short-tempered, and competitive for the food sources in short supply. As Jesus spoke to His disciples about these days, He said, “people will betray one another and hate one another…the love of many will grow cold.”

    Health Concerns

    Prior to the rapture, the world experienced an increase in health-related catastrophes, an increase in new infectious diseases and an increase in the return of diseases thought to have been eradicated or brought under control. The past few decades have brought on AIDS, EBOLA virus, flesh-eating bacteria, the return of tuberculosis, incurable gonorrhea, herpes and many other virtually incurable sexually transmitted diseases. After the rapture, things do not get better, as one quarter of the world’s population will die as the result of wars, famine and plague. Sometime after the two witnesses are murdered and after people are required to take the mark on the right hand or forehead, there will be a terrible plague causing a loathsome and malignant ulcer on the bodies of those who have taken the mark. This will be a very ugly and very painful sore that will make life miserable for those who have it.

    In addition to all this, because of the poor economic situation worldwide and the 3 1/2 year drought that depletes the world’s supply of water, sanitation practices will deteriorate even in what were advanced nations in Europe and North America. With the short supply of water, there won’t be sufficient water for flushing toilets, taking baths, washing clothes and transporting wastewater to treatment facilities. This will result in the increase of typhus, cholera, salmonella and E.coli infections.

    Therefore, since you have decided to reject Christ’s offer to join in the rapture, your concern is how to maintain good health in the post rapture era. You must build a supply of multiple vitamins with particular emphasis on anti-oxidants such as C and E and minerals. It will also be necessary to have a supply of disinfectants, particularly one that can be added to water to make it potable.

    Above all, do not accept the mark of the beast on your right hand or forehead. If you do take the mark then nothing can be done for you. You will suffer the malignant ulcer making the rest of your life almost unbearable. Did you ever have a canker sore in your mouth? If so, then you know how painful that one little canker sore was. Now think of having canker sores all over your body, on your genitalia, in your mouth. Think how painful and unbearable your life will be. Then follow that misery with eternity in hell. Don’t take that mark.

    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 01-27-2022 at 07:34 PM.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    So essentially, Christianity punishes the innocent for the invented crimes of others.

    It claims to save people from "sin" after punishing someone innocent for less than 3 days.

    Then, after the debt has been paid, it still threatens everybody with the most evil act imaginable: eternal torture.

    I cannot follow a being that acts so terribly, and takes no responsibility for the mess it created. That is aside from the lack of evidence.
    Ehhhhh (frustrated sigh), this is why I get so frustrated with Protestants. Especially the "Sola Scriptura" types that... misguided individual almost certainly is.

    The punishments of sin are both morally and logically self-evident and self-fulfilling. To reject God is to reject Truth, logic, and reality. Even hardcore Atheists like Sartre (who believed in Original Sin because it was, to him, self-evident) and Ayn Rand (who rightfully said that one can reject reality, but not the consequences of rejecting reality) got this in their own roundabout ways.

    God does not punish you in a malicious sense. He takes no joy in delivering unto you the consequences of your negative actions (i.e. sins). Yet, while he is love he is also justice. Justice demands you suffer a negative consequence for your negative actions. Love, however, would open up the possibility that no matter how horrible the punishment you warrant due to your horrendously negative actions, you could still be saved because the love given is unconditional.

    Well, almost. C.S. Lewis put it best. In the ultimate end you either say unto God "Thy will be done" or God, upon hearing your ultimate and final rejection of him for reasons I cannot even wrap my head around give him the finger with sadistic glee get his response. "Thy will be done!"

    You essentially want to be rid of the one true and almighty God eh? He can put you in such a place. It has no doors or windows. It is merely a place he is not. No whips or torture chambers. No "true" fire or brimstone. Those were but metaphors for the more primitive minds that existed around his time so that they could actually grasp and understand what was being told to them (and us centuries later). A metaphor that is actually preferable to the full reality of this concept. There you will languish forever, and you chose that end freely and willingly. An end that's far worse than you can actively imagine that you chose with both eyes open.

    A reality that's far worse than the truth. To merely be where the Almighty God with his infinite love and justice merely and simply is not? Yeah, bring on the fire and brimstone instead!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I thought that the whole point of male-dominated religions was to gaslight women into serving as obedient baby-makers to a few, self-selected men?

    Really, when you try to analyze religion in any other context, you start to run into contradictions.
    Sounds to me like a PUA analysis of the phenomenon. I forget which work of Jung went into that but it was worth the read.

    Freud's major fuck up was assuming it was all about sex as only a twisted dom ever could. Jung wasn't perfect either, but at least he knew he might be a bit screwy and that matters quite a lot.

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    Default Revelation 11: The Two Witnesses and 144,000

    Revelation 11: The Two Witnesses and 144,000

    Looking back at these ~3 years, I can say they've been pretty,


    Not exactly because of the external events taking place in America,


    Because I've observed how dangerous people become once they're thoroughly deceived (their god is their belly)

    19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. Phillipians 3:19

    When human emotions override everything else, whether it's due to mainstream media / authorities, immersing in worldly things, being thoroughly brainwashed by propoganda, etc

    The IQ gets cut in half, and now suddenly you have;

    --Mass hysteria and psychosis
    --Stupid COVID lockdowns and narratives
    --Creepy PsyOP experiments (+creepy gaslighting ) on unwilling U.S law-abiding civilians:

    --A country going down the dumpster via lawlessness and poor leadership
    --Apostasy, betrayal, confusion and division, ghost-mode antics, scoffers
    --Increased "demonic agent" activity (their demons HATE hearing truth)
    --etc etc

    They say past behavior is a good predictor of future behavior;

    If you thought the mass zombie-like hysteria was bad, it'll be MUCH WORSE during the Tribulation. Many will be throughly deceived by false signs and wonders and caught up in Satan's lies.

    Many will believe the "Two Witnesses" are "The Anti-Christ" and "False Prophet"

    and vice versa

    The Two Witnesses

    These two men are God’s gift to the people of the earth who refused to submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ prior to the rapture, but who will recognize the error in their life and seek God knowing the terrible mistake they have made. These two men will proclaim the gospel and provide hope for those left behind. Their message is for the salvation of the soul. They will have no message as to how you can avoid the hell that life on earth has become, because there is no hope to avoid that tribulation. If you are left on earth, then your destiny is to suffer and more than likely die. But you still have the hope of salvation. Listen to what these two men are preaching and turn to God.
    The Bible does not say who these two men are. Many speculate that they are Elijah and Enoch, two ancient prophets of God who never died. Regardless, they will be responsible for many of the natural catastrophes that will wreak havoc on the property and economy of the earth. They will have the power to prevent rain, and there will be a 3 1/2 year drought on earth until they die. They will turn water into blood and cause all kinds of plagues on earth and, in general, make life miserable for those who are living on earth. Also, they will be invincible, as many will try to kill them only to be killed by their own hands. Those who attempt to blow them up will themselves be blown up; those who attempt to shoot them will have their guns explode in their hands; those who attempt to poison them will be poisoned by their own efforts. Only the world dictator will be able to kill them and only when God allows it.

    The purpose of all the misery that these two witnesses inflict on the earth dwellers is to turn people back to God in repentance. The misery will be so great that when the world dictator does finally kill these two, the world will rejoice in a Christmas-like celebration, giving gifts to one another. Three and one-half days after their death, they will be resurrected and, in full view of the entire population of the world, ascend to heaven at the command of God when He calls them to “Come up here.” Shortly after he kills the two witnesses, the world dictator will declare himself to be God. He is the anti-christ.
    3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. 4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. Rev 11: 3
    The 144,000 Jewish Witnesses

    Shortly after the rapture, God will call His army of 144,000 Jewish believers into service to provide a voice of hope for Jews throughout the world. The best friends and most staunch supporters of Jews have always been true, believing Christians. It was this element of the world’s population that provided help and support for Israel and Jewish people. The rapture removed the Christian people from the earth and awakened the 144,000 to their purpose. These 144,000 preach to Jews worldwide that Jesus is the Messiah. These 144,000 will be spread out worldwide and more than likely go about in pairs, two by two, as Jesus instructed His disciples to do. It will be these 144,000 who will oppose Israel signing a peace treaty for protection; it will be the 144,000 who will identify the anti-christ for who he is; it will be the 144,000 who will warn Israel of the treachery of the anti-christ, and it will be the 144,000 who will lead the Jews worldwide to the hiding place prepared for them by God in the Judean desert. These 144,000 Jews are going to be strange people by normal standards: they will be celibate, very bold, fearless, spiritually strong and probably very much like John the Baptist. You can read more about the 144,000 witnesses in Revelation 14.
    “And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and
    four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.” Rev 14:1

    Detailed Notes/PDF on Two-Witnesses
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 01-28-2022 at 12:04 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Ehhhhh (frustrated sigh), this is why I get so frustrated with Protestants. Especially the "Sola Scriptura" types that... misguided individual almost certainly is.

    The punishments of sin are both morally and logically self-evident and self-fulfilling. To reject God is to reject Truth, logic, and reality. Even hardcore Atheists like Sartre (who believed in Original Sin because it was, to him, self-evident) and Ayn Rand (who rightfully said that one can reject reality, but not the consequences of rejecting reality) got this in their own roundabout ways.

    God does not punish you in a malicious sense. He takes no joy in delivering unto you the consequences of your negative actions (i.e. sins). Yet, while he is love he is also justice. Justice demands you suffer a negative consequence for your negative actions. Love, however, would open up the possibility that no matter how horrible the punishment you warrant due to your horrendously negative actions, you could still be saved because the love given is unconditional.

    Well, almost. C.S. Lewis put it best. In the ultimate end you either say unto God "Thy will be done" or God, upon hearing your ultimate and final rejection of him for reasons I cannot even wrap my head around give him the finger with sadistic glee get his response. "Thy will be done!"

    You essentially want to be rid of the one true and almighty God eh? He can put you in such a place. It has no doors or windows. It is merely a place he is not. No whips or torture chambers. No "true" fire or brimstone. Those were but metaphors for the more primitive minds that existed around his time so that they could actually grasp and understand what was being told to them (and us centuries later). A metaphor that is actually preferable to the full reality of this concept. There you will languish forever, and you chose that end freely and willingly. An end that's far worse than you can actively imagine that you chose with both eyes open.

    A reality that's far worse than the truth. To merely be where the Almighty God with his infinite love and justice merely and simply is not? Yeah, bring on the fire and brimstone instead!
    I don't believe in "God" simply because there is no evidence that "God" exists. But further to that, theists cannot describe one observable property their God has which is unique to it.

    "Sin" is merely one interpretation of what constitutes unacceptable behaviour. One unacceptable behaviour in the bible is killing, but the biggest killer in the bible is God.

    I do not consider "sin" a useful concept. It is merely someone's worldview from the Bronze Age. I would be a fool to act and think like Bronze Age folk did.

    C.S. Lewis wrote that "Christ either deceived mankind by conscious fraud, or He was Himself deluded and self-deceived, or He was Divine." But that assumes that Jesus existed. Aside from that, it is far more likely that he was a fraud or deluded than he was God.

    Aside from the lack of evidence for "God", the reason I cannot follow the Christian God is because I think torturing someone for eternity is the greatest evil a being could do. I guess that is something I consider sinful. If God wanted to convert more people in the modern age to its philosophy, then it would have been wise to not have such an abhorrent philosophy. Just a thought.

    I find it odd that Christians say there God is both just and merciful, when: I think that everyone should ideally be responsible for their own actions; that punishing someone for their beliefs is unreasonable; that eternal torture is absolutely not merciful. In short: if I am more reasonable than "God", then what is so great about it?

    If you think God is omni-this or that - how could "God" know that, nevermind you?

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    Tribulation Survival Guide

    This guide is for those left behind during the tribulation. (I hope nobody will have to resort to this guide)

    So how can a person without the mark survive and still buy and sell? Again, this will almost be impossible, but there will be people who are part of the anti-christ’s regime who don’t believe in the anti-christ; they are just “survivors” who pick the “winner” and seek to profit from that relationship. Therefore, save up for yourself gold; gold has always had value as money and always will, even in a cashless society. Identify one of these profiteers and seek to purchase food and living supplies from him. However, don’t ever disclose to him how much gold you have and where it is. You want to be more valuable to him as a dealer than as a bounty. By the way, you will have a price on your head for not taking the mark. Obviously you won’t be living an open life, as you will be in hiding somewhere at a remote location or in the forest on the outskirts of a large city.

    Your only goal will be to eat to live and hope to escape the militia hunting for you and those like you. Should you get caught, your fate will be either death or slavery.

    If you receive this manual before the rapture and plan to be around after the rapture, then start storing up food and living supplies and put them into hiding in some remote and difficult to access area. You should include weaponry to defend yourself and medical supplies as part of your living supplies.

    Safety Concerns

    This era will be the most violent of times in the history of the world. Death, brutality and destruction will be part of everyday life. One of the defining characteristics of the last days following the rapture will be a lack of peace. There will be civil wars throughout the world: people will kill one another indiscriminately. Random acts of violence will fill people with fear. Car-jackings, home invasions, drive by shootings, and bombings will all increase with an intensity that will leave people with absolutely no sense of security.

    In order to survive this time, you will need to remove yourself from society and live in a remote area that is difficult to access. Getting together with a group of like-minded people would provide additional support and safety.

    As mentioned earlier, stock up on food, medicines, living supplies, weaponry and gold. You will need enough for 7 years. Don’t plan on being able to supplement your food with hunting and fishing because the stocks of wild animals and fish will have been depleted and destroyed by the 3 1/2 year worldwide drought and three successive meteor-like or comet-like objects that strike the earth sometime after the rapture.

    The 3 1/2 year drought is brought on by the two witnesses. The first object from outer space to strike the earth will destroy 1/3 of all trees and all the green grass on earth. The second object, more like a meteor, strikes the sea and destroys 1/3 of all sea creatures and 1/3 of all shipping. The third object turns 1/3 of all fresh water poisonous and kills many people. Needless to say, all of this will also seriously deplete the food supplies for the world’s population, causing food prices to skyrocket. Those people in the world who never before missed a meal or worried about food will become very familiar with hunger pangs and the feeling of going without food for long periods of time. This will be one of the causes of the increased violence as people become more self centered, short-tempered, and competitive for the food sources in short supply. As Jesus spoke to His disciples about these days, He said, “people will betray one another and hate one another…the love of many will grow cold.”

    Health Concerns

    Prior to the rapture, the world experienced an increase in health-related catastrophes, an increase in new infectious diseases and an increase in the return of diseases thought to have been eradicated or brought under control. The past few decades have brought on AIDS, EBOLA virus, flesh-eating bacteria, the return of tuberculosis, incurable gonorrhea, herpes and many other virtually incurable sexually transmitted diseases. After the rapture, things do not get better, as one quarter of the world’s population will die as the result of wars, famine and plague. Sometime after the two witnesses are murdered and after people are required to take the mark on the right hand or forehead, there will be a terrible plague causing a loathsome and malignant ulcer on the bodies of those who have taken the mark. This will be a very ugly and very painful sore that will make life miserable for those who have it.

    In addition to all this, because of the poor economic situation worldwide and the 3 1/2 year drought that depletes the world’s supply of water, sanitation practices will deteriorate even in what were advanced nations in Europe and North America. With the short supply of water, there won’t be sufficient water for flushing toilets, taking baths, washing clothes and transporting wastewater to treatment facilities. This will result in the increase of typhus, cholera, salmonella and E.coli infections.

    Therefore, since you have decided to reject Christ’s offer to join in the rapture, your concern is how to maintain good health in the post rapture era. You must build a supply of multiple vitamins with particular emphasis on anti-oxidants such as C and E and minerals. It will also be necessary to have a supply of disinfectants, particularly one that can be added to water to make it potable.

    Above all, do not accept the mark of the beast on your right hand or forehead. If you do take the mark then nothing can be done for you. You will suffer the malignant ulcer making the rest of your life almost unbearable. Did you ever have a canker sore in your mouth? If so, then you know how painful that one little canker sore was. Now think of having canker sores all over your body, on your genitalia, in your mouth. Think how painful and unbearable your life will be. Then follow that misery with eternity in hell. Don’t take that mark.

    Give a date for when this will happen. Otherwise, we can safely ignore you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    To reject God is to reject Truth, logic, and reality.
    Te types are interesting, especially with a weird Fi value system. it's like gamma's Fi wants so badly for the people who think differently, who think in the wrong way, to be punished. it's the reason why I can't get along with them for a prolonged period of time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    Te types are interesting, especially with a weird Fi value system. it's like gamma's Fi wants so badly for the people who think differently, who think in the wrong way, to be punished. it's the reason why I can't get along with them for a prolonged period of time.
    The broken, godless, and likely vengeful Gammas might, but while it wasn't in this thread I made reference to a quote by Ayn Rand: "You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality"

    For Gammas like myself it is not that I wish for those who "think the wrong way" to be punished somehow. Rather, I can very clearly see how their erroneous choices and assumptions will lead not only to their own suffering but the suffering of those close to them down the line. If you reject truth, logic, and reality you will suffer. Not because I or other Gammas will make you, but because you will then experience the consequences of avoiding reality and they are harsh let me tell you.

    Thus I will beg, plead and, if pushed, demand you stop avoiding/rejecting objective reality because whether or not you believe me I actually give a damn about you on a level you may not fully comprehend. and are inextricably linked for this and many other reasons. If you value one you necessarily value the other. It is because we care () that we are so focused and concerned with how the world works on a practical level () and get pissed off if anyone suggests we're "doing it wrong" somehow.

    Your feelings amount to jack shit if you cannot act upon them in a manner that will affect concrete reality. The same logic works in reverse and why you do what you do. It matters not how perfect, logical, and fully fleshed out your ideal system is () if you cannot also relate its intricacies and workings to others in a way they can both digest and get on board with ().

    It's really hard for me to put myself in the space necessary to make the case for my diametrically opposed quadra but hopefully I've shed some light here. We, the unbroken (well mostly unbroken as I've not fully fixed myself as of yet) and actually caring about others Gamma types, don't exactly want or desire you to be punished. If we are punishing you, it's because we foresee an even worse reckoning in your future as the result of your avoiding reality. Would you rather us sprain your ankle or let you jump around in a minefield and let you lose the ankle or even full-on leg we sprained as well as the foot it was attached attached to? And that's being optimistic. If you trigger a landmine you're lucky if you manage to even survive that experience.

    If you can honestly say yes than by all means, be an abject fool and get your legs blown off by a mine and likely die shortly afterwards. Don't tell us we didn't warn you or were being actively and hatefully malicious in not stopping you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    Te types are interesting, especially with a weird Fi value system. it's like gamma's Fi wants so badly for the people who think differently, who think in the wrong way, to be punished. it's the reason why I can't get along with them for a prolonged period of time.
    You shouldn't take one zealot guy as an example for entire quadra dude. I would say that most Gamma tend to take things personal, which mean they would want to punish you if you did something wrong to them personally more than other thing (there could be some SF who big mouth about punish some random bad guy, but they are just being big mouth). Gamma SF personal revenge theme is very easy to see in fictions.

    Gamma is democratic and individualism.
    Last edited by Tarnished; 01-30-2022 at 05:43 AM.

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    This thread is... hm...

    ... @Eliza Thomason I'm a little concerned that you are being lied to, perhaps not on purpose. Are these the same people that said last November was going to see massive changes? If so, I would strongly suggest you stop listening to them or at least take a break. There's lots of interesting things in the world, and not all of it even bad (such as genealogies and numbers), but they can all too easily start overshadowing other more fundamental callings, like loving our neighbors and growing a closer relationship with God. I am thankful that what you are learning seems to be encouraging you and giving you hope, and I don't want that part to diminish. But the best lies are mostly truth, so please be alert and test any instructions they give against the simplest foundations of our faith. False prophets might not be trying to deceive, but they nonetheless can be extremely destructive.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    Default Satan's Repeating Pattern: First One World Order = Tower of Babel

    Satan's Repeating Pattern: First One World Order = Tower of Babel

    As I've shared,

    During the tribulation, Satan will be trying to steal your soul.

    I want to support this further by illustrating

    "Satan's repeating pattern," or what he does over and over throughout history, which is:

    Satan wants to get rid of ANYTHING related to God's image and replace it with his own image one day

    Repeating Pattern = Conjuring and intermingling with the "sons of god" or Demons (Genesis 6)
    When we look at biblical history this is pretty evident:
    --The Serpent beguiled Eve (Genesis 3)
    --Fallen angels
    (Genesis 6)
    --Giants (Nephilim) as a result of intermingling with the Fallen angels (Ham's Lineage)
    (Genesis 6:4)
    --Sodom and Gomorrah
    (Genesis 19)
    And for this post,
    The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11)
    Now what were these people trying to accomplish building a tower so HIGH?

    They, again, were trying to reach the HEAVENS. Why?
    If we study the bible carefully, it describes 3 heavens;
    First heaven= above earth/land (cloud area)
    Second heaven=
    the firmament (aka outer-darkness or outer-space)
    Third heaven=
    beyond the firmament where God and angels dwell
    These people, equipped with "special knowledge" were "on a mission," to reach a portal / door in the first heaven (as it was understood that the 1st and 3rd heavens were connected. (Revelation 4:1) Side Note: Some theorize there's a connection here with "Black Holes").

    This entailed:

    Conjuring (calling) the fallen angels (or devils) to intermingle with beautiful woman (1 Cor 11)

    Quote Originally Posted by Teslobo View Post
    but there's less than 0 evidence for it
    (Colossians 2:18, Judges 19:24, Deut 22:24,25. Jude 1:6-7, 1 Cor 11)
    Quote Originally Posted by Teslobo View Post
    When I got round to reading the bible, babel was a matter that bothered me because everyone that told the story secondhand gave this as the reason god punished these people
    At the top of the Tower of Babel, Beautiful women were there to seduce these fallen angels to come down from heaven. These fallen angels / sons of god would then come down and "intermingle with them" aka temple prostitution (Colossians 2:18, Judges 19:24, Deut 22:24,25. Jude 1:6-7, 1 Cor 11)
    “Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” Jude 1:6-7
    Quote Originally Posted by Teslobo View Post
    The less charitable (and more likely explanation imo) was that he realized he was unnecessary and that humans could collectively rival his power unless he intervened.
    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    I didn't ask you to repeat what apologists say. I asked you to prove it.

    In actual fact, "the morning star" is Venus. Venus is also "the evening star", but the bible treats "the morning star" and "the evening
    star" as two independent phenomena, and thus is even more wrong..
    These people @ The Tower of Babel had forgotten about God, and created their own gods and setup a system of idolatry. "Sun god" worship originally started from Nimrod (Noah's great grandson, Genesis 10) while setting up his Babylonian Kingdom.

    But this shouldn't come to surprise to us,

    As humans always had this demonic infatuation to conjure demons:
    --Praying to dead spirits ("saints"), attributing Jupiter with Peter, Venus with Mary, which is actually Nimrod/Samiramis !!!

    --Lost atheists/secular people/scientists/NASA/Evolutionists; "We gotta find alien life out there!!!"

    --Mainstream news talking about pentagon admitting that they've built stations and programs to contact ALIENS out there and UFOS

    --Satanism/ occultism / witches- Contacting evil spirits
    And guess what?

    During the tribulation it will be no different. Like the Tower of Babel, the "False Prophet" will manipulate the world into worshipping the false image of the anti-Christ thus ONE-WORLD-RELIGION. (Isa 9. Rev 12:3-4,9. Rev. 13)

    3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. 4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. Rev. 12:3-4
    Dragon= Satan
    Heads of Dragon= Anti-Christ
    Tail= False Prophet
    Third part of stars of Heaven = Devils (demons)
    Science will finally merge with religion via One-World-Religion during the Tribulation

    No wonder people are so obsessed with UFOS and weird Alien encounters.
    No wonder people are so obsessed with worshipping celebrities, money, status, hedonism
    No wonder people are so obsessed with things like creating your own image (metaverse)

    It's simply the Tower of Babel all over again

    And in the end,

    If you think you can "punk God," you are greatly mistaken.

    When God knows people won't stop their madness; God responds himself with mockery, disruption and intervention (halting) (Genesis 11:7-9)

    Babel in Hebrew = Confusion
    Babel in Nimrod's Culture = Gates of the gods
    Quote Originally Posted by Teslobo View Post
    scholars appear to agree this wasn't the reason.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teslobo View Post
    Your response seems to lean on very liberal interpretation
    Dr. Peter S Ruckman. Bible-believing Baptist are actually one of the most literal (scripturally) of all denominations.

    Trying to "interpret" the bible in a million different ways is a heresy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teslobo View Post
    The less charitable (and more likely explanation imo) was that he realized he was unnecessary and that humans could collectively rival his power unless he intervened.
    This is incorrect. In Genesis 11, God stopped them bc he knew people weren't going to stop from fulfilling Genesis 6 all over again.

    5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5
    7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. 8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. 9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. Genesis 11:7-9
    It's like ur younger sibling trying to beat you in a game of basketball.

    You see that he's delusional, and he trash talks all day long. And he won't ever stop. So you teach him a lesson.

    Back in Noah's day, God responded with destruction if something like this was happening

    Quote Originally Posted by Teslobo View Post
    Stop editing your posts to respond to posts after yours
    if you have a genuine question (and aren't rude about it), I'll comment.

    if you make a comment on something inaccurate or wrong, I'll comment if I think it'll be helpful for future reference.

    if u make a comment that's just plain dumb (or a waste of time / trolling), i'll probably not respond

    I'd say ~90% of the time, these "questions" are usually just attacks / snarky comments disguised as "questions" These "logical debates" are pointless because the person has already made the decision in their hearts not to believe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teslobo View Post
    and I do not find it compelling.
    1. idc
    2. u have an anime avatar
    3. the truth is never compelling
    Quote Originally Posted by Teslobo View Post
    You are ultimately just a heretic in the plainest sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post

    If the Towerl of Babel existed, it is unlikely to have been much greater in size than this (and it may have been smaller):

    Compelling new evidence may prove the Tower of Babel really existed (

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    This is not provable.

    Satan created the universe dude. Prove me wrong.
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 02-03-2022 at 04:32 PM.

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    Now what were these people trying to accomplish building a tower so HIGH?

    They, again, were trying to reach the HEAVENS.
    When I got round to reading the bible, babel was a matter that bothered me because everyone that told the story secondhand gave this as the reason god punished these people - but there's less than 0 evidence for it, and scholars appear to agree this wasn't the reason. The most charitable explanation in reality is that building a city where everyone congregates goes against the covenant with Noah of "spread out over the entire earth". The less charitable (and more likely explanation imo) was that he realized he was unnecessary and that humans could collectively rival his power unless he intervened.


    1) Stop editing your posts to respond to posts after yours. That's not how forums work holy shit.
    2) Your response seems to lean on very liberal interpretation and I do not find it compelling.
    Last edited by Teslobo; 02-02-2022 at 01:06 AM.

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    Default 1 Peter 1:23: The Word of God is Literal and Authoritative

    1 Peter 1:23: The Word of God is Literal and Authoritative

    Quote Originally Posted by Teslobo View Post
    The most charitable explanation in reality is that ...
    Quote Originally Posted by Teslobo View Post
    The less charitable (and more likely explanation imo) was that...
    Quote Originally Posted by Teslobo View Post
    Your response seems to lean on very liberal interpretation and I do not find it compelling.
    23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. 1 Peter 1:23
    You either believe the Word of God is authoritative or not.

    There is no "in between."

    In reality, there is no "conservative interpretation" vs "liberal interpretation," although apostasy and corruption has created this perception

    I also understand I'm in a mostly liberal atheist forum, so I exercise patience; even when that involves answering / debating questions that appear to involve "interpretation" to non-believers

    In actuality,

    The Bible, God's Word, was given to interpret itself

    If you actually believed in the Bibles authority, and took the Word as it is written, instead of trying to filter it through your own lens, you wouldn't have 10293210938123 different interpretations and fall into heresy - a huge problem we have today.

    You see,

    God didn't make / send his Word for confusion, He designed it to be straight-forward.

    Of course, the Devil and his servants aren't going to allow this. They are going to try to plant seeds of doubt to both believers and non-believers alike, to confuse and divide everyone.

    When these little seeds of doubt begin "to grow" in our minds,

    We begin to "get smart and intellectual," "proud and haughty,"

    Telling ourselves,

    "Hmmmmm, but what does THIS mean???"

    "You know what .... let me check here and there.... Oh, what does THIS SOURCE say hmmm"

    "Oh, I see... it's not a LITERAL hell God is talking about!!!"

    etc etc
    It's easy to fall into this trap if you don't put God's Word as the final authority. The final standard.

    If the Bible wasn't the final authority,

    We could believe in anything. This is how CULTS start.

    You will be thoroughly deceived if you don't put the Word of God as the final authority.

    You'll be stuck on forums for 20+ years getting into pointless debates on what X passage means and how you won't believe because it doesn't neatly check all the boxes on your worldly standards. Because Y passage "seems mean" and "unfair" to you so you slam the Bible shut and pout, NO!!!!

    If you're a preacher, you'll have no POWER when you preach because you don't believe in the PERFECT Word of God.

    If you're a believer, you'll start questioning your faith.

    There is no between in this game.

    There is no "oh I guess I kinda believe"

    There needs to be 100% conviction.

    Check your faith. Do you have 100% conviction?

    Do you find yourself in a mega-church, listening to things that make you feel comfortable? Listening to things you WANT to hear instead of something you NEED to hear? Listening to WATERED-DOWN truth and feel-good cliches, while you sip on your fresh coffee?

    Look, I get it,

    Nobody wants to listen to their sin problems or that they're damned to Hell

    --It's UNPOPULAR
    A church or preacher or teacher that teaches the REAL WORD OF GOD will be ignored, hated, and unliked.

    That's reality.

    Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. Luke 6:22
    If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. John 15:18
    Quote Originally Posted by Teslobo View Post
    You are ultimately just a heretic in the plainest sense.

    The Word of God wasn't designed to "entertain you" "seek your approval" or "have interesting intellectual thought discussions and debates" (although these things can happen too)


    The Word of God was designed to PRICK your HEART by the Holy Spirit.

    12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
    This only happens when you put His Word as the final authority.

    Listen, we can have these little "debates" you intellectuals love, but I want to reiterate,

    This is NOT about intelligence.

    Back in Jesus' day, people were living amongst him, EYE TO EYE,

    MIRACLES were being performed.

    And people STILL DIDN'T BELIEVE; that's just human nature.


    I do want to end by stressing these points which are essential:

    If you don't want to fall into heresy,

    1) God's Word has to be Authority

    16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 2 Timothy 3:16
    2) God dealt with different people, during different time periods, through different plans. The Word must be rightly divided accordingly. There's a REASON why we don't do things like sacrifice animals and burn chickens like the people in the OLD TESTAMENT. Attend a church to study the Bible and His Word.
    15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Your Ne PoLR is showing. Lol.

    I think people's approach to religion reveals a lot about their thought process.
    It's called believing the Word of God bro

    Yo @FreelancePoliceman im gonna write up another post on Kingdom of God vs Kingdom of Heaven later. I think you'll find it insightful
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post

    "Hmmmmm, but what does THIS mean???"

    "You know what .... let me check here and there.... Oh, what does THIS SOURCE say hmmm"


    It's easy to fall into this trap if you don't put God's Word as the final authority. The final standard.
    Your Ne PoLR is showing. Lol.

    I think people's approach to religion reveals a lot about their thought process.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    In reality, there is no "conservative interpretation" vs "liberal interpretation," although apostasy and corruption has created this perception
    In case it wasn't clear when I say "liberal interpretation" I mean you have taken liberties with the text to make it say things it doesn't, not this meaning of liberal. You are ultimately just a heretic in the plainest sense.

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    Default Why the COVID Vaccine Isn't the Mark of the Beast (By: John Chandler)

    Why the COVID Vaccine Isn't the Mark of the Beast (By: John Chandler)

    Why the Covid-19 Vaccine is not the Mark of the Beast:

    1. The Rapture has not yet happened.
    2. The Restrainer is not yet removed from His restraining role.
    3. 70th week of Daniel, i.e., the seven-year tribulation period, has not yet officially begun.
    4. The man of sin, the anti-Christ / aka the beast, has not yet officially appeared on the scene.
    What I Believe Is Happening Right Now in Real-Time:

    Our Most High God, the Lord Jesus, is very busy with a whole lot of stage-setting events. The Lord Jesus is at work, causing events to trend and progress toward fulfillment. He is gathering the elements and the players and coalescing them into the soon-to-come perfect last days’ storm.

    Recall that we have learned: the shadow of the thing falls upon us and strikes us long before the thing that causes the shadow arrives on the scene. That shadow is now upon us, and its menace continually grows.

    When we consider that we are seeing more and more events in our current day building that will see their total official fulfillment within that seven-year period of tribulation known as Daniel’s 70th week, then we know that the Mark thing is close, but not yet officially here.

    People Are Being Conditioned for What Is Coming:

    For the foreseeable future, deceptive forces in our world will continue to condition and manipulate us in multiple ways

    • Psychologically
    • Intellectually
    • Emotionally
    • Socially
    • Physically
    • And Spiritually
    Every day, we are hammered by the lies and deceptions that swirl around us. A good “global” citizen will comply. A good global citizen won’t question or push back against the authorities. A good citizen won’t hold a different opinion or idea than that of the authorities. A good citizen will believe and accept that his “benevolent leaders” have his best interest in mind.

    It has become an endless stream of brainwashing and psychological warfare.

    The people of the world are being hypnotized via mass psychosis. And if one forsakes, or abandons, or fails to remain anchored to the unfailing truth of God’s word, then you too will become increasingly drowsy.
    We’ve corporately and individually become like Igor capitulating to Count Dracula:

    "Yesss, master, I must obey."

    Humankind is being corralled little by little. Like a herd of cattle, the people of the world are being driven and pushed to the point of being totally surrendered to the global elite, the power-brokers, and the evil disobedient, defiant, and rebellious supernatural powers that control these elite.

    The people of the world, generally speaking, are willingly surrendering control of their lives, liberties, and freedoms to those global leaders and global organizations that tell us they know better how we should all live our lives.
    Wicked people with an evil agenda that are motivated, inspired, and energized by fallen supernatural powers are gladly taking the control that people are giving up. Their master requires it. And these wicked leaders are ready and willing to do so.

    It’s classic Hegelian Dialectic:

    They create the problem or crisis; they allow us to stew in it for a while. Then they tell us how bad and untenable the current situation is. They then point us to the pie-in-the-sky utopian desired condition, as they envision it. And finally, they tell us how we should follow their plan to achieve and arrive at utopia, as they say.
    They won’t let a crisis go to waste. Klaus Schwab, the publicly presented mastermind of this mass deception, tells us we have a limited window of fleeting opportunity to build back better.

    “Come on, man! Get with it!”
    Like lemmings, we all excitedly shout out the refrain:

    “Oh goody, I want to see the cliff, too!”
    It does not end well for humankind. It will go from bad to worse to totally catastrophic.

    There Is Hope:

    Those of us hidden in the Lord Jesus Christ have the promise from Him, because He is our Blessed Hope, that He will evacuate His church-age believers from this world in the Rapture long before the Mark thing that already casts its shadow upon us officially arrives. We will likely experience some rocky times while we wait. That shadow may strike us mighty hard.
    But we ultimately are spared the Most High God’s wrath.

    As I mentioned early, believers should not panic or become anxious. Our Lord Jesus is at work. In spite of all the ugly things we see happening in the world and maybe even experience, the Lord Jesus has everything fully in His hand and under His control. The pieces are all falling into place.

    All that we see happening, to include the exponential increase of incredible wickedness, lawless leaders, the Great Reset, the Great Narrative, and the rise of godless pagan globalism, all serve the Most High God’s plan and purposes.
    The Lord Jesus is at work shaping, molding, fashioning, crafting events that will bring Him glory, honor, and praise. He is setting the stage. He is choreographing and orchestrating world events, circumstances, and environments that will ensure the maximum number of people will call upon His name before the Rapture and also call upon His name and trust Him during Daniel’s 70th week, i.e., the seven-year tribulation period.

    Our Lord Jesus does not wish that any should perish but that all will come to repentance. Calling upon His name and trusting Him by faith now is smarter and preferred over doing this later.

    Unfortunately, a large majority of people need a heavy hand of rebuke to incentivize them to call upon the Lord Jesus in faith. Here’s praying and hoping they do call upon Him before it’s too late. Maranatha!
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 02-04-2022 at 03:20 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    God created the universe dude.
    This is not provable.

    Satan created the universe dude. Prove me wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    That's not going to fit neatly into your little "scientific evidence" requirements that comes out of your limited human brain / understanding.

    "Science" can't explain everything, especially when it comes to things beyond this realm, yet people like you idolize it, like the tower of babel.

    Science will not save you
    The story of the Tower of Babel is most likely fiction. In any case, the Great Pyramid of Giza would have been at least twice as tall, and a thousand years older. Why did "God" allow this to stand, along with other tall buildings such as municipal carparks?

    If the Towerl of Babel existed, it is unlikely to have been much greater in size than this (and it may have been smaller):

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    How do you know it's the "Word of God", rather than some Bronze Age goat-herders?
    Things like fulfilled prophecy (1 in a bazillion chances of them being fulfilled);

    Mathematics & Astronomy Professor Peter W. Stoner has made the statement that the chances of just 8 prophecies (like these) coming true by sheer chance is 1 in 1017(100,000,000,000,000,000). That would be equivalent to covering the whole state of Texas with silver dollars two feet deep and then expecting a blindfolded man to walk across thestate and on the very first try find the ONE coin you marked (roughly equivalent to the Province of Ontario being 1.5 feet deep). And if we were to add only 8 more similar prophecies, for a total of 16, the odds would be 1 x1028 x 1017 or 1 in 1045 (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ,000,000,000)

    Using the same type of illustration as above, if we were to press this many silver dollars(1045) into a ball and place the center of this ball where the center of our Sun is, this silverball's outer edge would be in approximately the same area as the orbit of Neptune (almostto Pluto.). One man fulfilling all 16 prophecies by sheer chance would be like sending ablind-folded person out to find one specific silver dollar that has been marked and has been mixed up somewhere in this huge ball and actually finding it the first time! (Keep in mind that this is a three-dimensional BALL, not a disk like our Solar System.)
    From this thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    What are you talking about? What evidence is there?
    you have different prophets, that don't know each other.

    these prophets made prophecies, that were very specific.

    and these prophecies did not contradict each other.

    you also have different authors of the bible, living in different times, living in different continents, writing books of the bible, that come together.

    that is, pretty damn impressive (they didn't have internet either).

    ~50% of the prophecies have been fulfilled, ~50% are supposed to occur in the future.

    39 writers. 3 continents. 1500 years.

    1 story.
    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Not at all impressive.

    It is limited by the Iron Age times it was written in.
    @Subteigh but it is impressive lol


    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 02-04-2022 at 10:59 AM.

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    4 Thread(s)


    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    Again, from this older thread,

    As far as archaeological evidence, there is much:

    Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, James the brother of Jesus, the high priest Caiaphas, Herod Agrippa, Moses and Pharaoh, Joshua, the prophet Balaam, King David, King Hezekiah, Jeremiah the prophet,

    Pontius Pilate, Tiberius Caesar, Quirinius, Sergius Paulus, King Herod, the high priest Annas, The Flood, The Tower of Babel, The Ark of the Covenant, the prophet Jeremiah’s enemy, King Cyrus, King Jehu, King Uzziah, Manasseh, King Ahaz

    Queen Esther, Mordecai, Agrippa and his sister Bernice, Sergius Paulus, the Plague of Boils on Egypt, the Exodus, the Hebrews, King Joash, King Menahem, Josiah’s battle with Necho, Tirhakah king of Ethiopia, the men who tried to kill Jeremiah the prophet

    Pontius Pilates’ letter to Tiberius Caesar about the God-Man, The Biblical Giants, Chedorlaomer and the Kings of the north, Joseph and the famine, Easu’s son Jeush, Moses and the Parting of the Red Sea, Isaiah the prophet, The prophet Daniel, The Fall of Nineveh, Pharaoh Hophra, Nathan-Melech servant of Josiah, the real Tattenai and Shethar Boznai of the Book of Ezra

    You can check these out on amazon @Subteigh. John Argubright does a good job presenting the data.
    What are these letters from Pontius Pilate you speak of? I am very doubtful. The historical record shows that Pilate was a brutal man, a total bastard - not the sort of person who would have dithered about what to do with Jesus or cared about offending Jews by executing someone on the Sabbath. That is one instance which shows the bible to be false.

    The bible also claims that the Romans ruled Judea at the time of Jesus' birth and held a census - this is a lie.

    There is no evidence for a global flood.

    No evidence for the story of the Tower of Babel.

    No evidence of the Exodus. According to the bible if I recall, the Israelites were such a large group that they outnumbered the rest of the Egyptian population about 5:1 according to what the historical record shows us.

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