Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
This is why I can't argue with you @Subteigh; THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING

What does coming into agreement have to do with the validity of something?

What if a bunch of dumb people can't come into agreement on something? Does that automatically mean that something is false?

"Scientists" have said climate change would have destroyed the planet, and their predictions have been wrong multiple times. Does that make their expert opinions on science therefore totally useless?

Christians aren't free from heresy and studying wrong doctrine, since they're human as well. That's why it's important to take the Word of God literally (unless the passage actually tells you not to), or else you get 4943959043858 different interpretations.

God's word is NEVER wrong, and they will ALWAYS come into fruition.
Ideally, a prediction should be made on the best available evidence and qualified in proportion to the strength of the evidence. When a scientist says they believe there is a 5% chance of rain, that does not mean that it won't rain.

Your biblical "prophecies" are not based on evidence. There is no evidence that those who wrote them were informed by a being who knows what will happen in the future. There is however clear evidence that verses were written as "prophecies" after the events mentioned had already happened, and also that verses were written prophesying things that did not happen and can never happen. Also, many of the "prophecies" claimed to have been fulfilled in the New Testament were written based on misunderstandings of Old Testament verses, and thus do not even qualify as prophecies. This is in conjunction with the scientific, historical, and grammatical and spelling errors in the work.



