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Thread: Prophecies for this amazing year, 2022!

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Default Prophecies for this amazing year, 2022!

    There are many Christian Prophets prophesizing great things for 2022! These times are Biblical!. We will see HUGE changes in our nation and the world! Revival will sweep across this nation! We wil have unity and peace! This is a time of great hope and joy. God promises that He will not act without speaking through His prophets! He is acting, and will act and we will know it was He. Much you don't see now because the media is still under Deep State control, but not for much longer. It will be exposed in 2022, and you will see what has gone on in these years, and it will be shocking. I and so many others have such hope and joy, even though it looks everything like the world is going to hell in a hand basket, but instead, God is going to act powerfully and things are going to end up great in 2022!

    This year, I told my son, who is 25, that the days of starting out in the world were harder for my generation than for my parents' generation, and for his generation, harder than mine. I am sorry for that for him (though he is a go-getter, and wise, and is doing well), but I have such great joy knowing that it will soon be much easier and so much brighter for him than for any other generation! These are GREAT days we are living in! And it will be even better for his (someday) children's generation!

    Are you worried about your huge college debt, your health, you credit debt, the cost of living, the future of your children, or your own future? Well you WON'T be by the end of this year! You will have great joy and hope and confidence in your future (and your present). You will have such joy!

    I have shared some prophecies here, to not much interest. You are asleep, and asleep by deception, but you won't stay asleep this year. God is exposing evil and deception now, and it will keep happening to higher and higher degrees. Soon EVERYONE will see things as they really are. God's hand is going to soon sweep across this world. This is the Day of Reckoning for our truly evil oppressors.

    So even though my prophecy posts have had little attention paid here, I am starting this thread anyway, because things soon are going to look very bad - our enemy will try one last effort to take us down and some will die, and things will look dire. These may be bad things may include some or all of the following: supposedly covid-related deaths, some bad event happening in NYC, CCP invading/coming into our country from the West Coast as well as down from the Canadian border, severe food shortages, bank failure, stock market crash, a ten day blackout (including a media and social network blackout) (after the blackout it will be very good!).

    So I am posting this prophesy thread especially so that when these soon coming things come and seem so frightening and devastating, you can remember and look here again or for the first time and see that they were prophesized, and ALSO it is prophesized that these things will not amount to anything. Great evil is intended, but the things that seem permanently damaging will not amount to anything. God’s hand will save. Know these things will not last long, that not much will come of them, and that you will end up better off at the end of this year than the beginning, even though it might seem at first your life could become worse in every way. It won't. It will end up better in every way.

    Much of the evil in this world, concerning how the world is run, is connected to Epstein Island*. God says EVERYTHING about this place and its tentacles to governments around the world will be exposed for all to see. Prince Andrew AND Prince Charles will be among the many world leaders whose horrific deeds related to that place will be exposed. It is the end of that monarchy. Australia and New Zealand will be freed from their current oppressions, and they will run their own countries (no longer of the monarchy). Freedom for nations throughout the world, one by one. We will see the end of the CCP -- freedom for the Chinese people!

    I see hope that the Epstein Island grand exposure will come SOON because my husband saw the news that Ghislaine Maxwell's lawyers have just agreed to release the details of the case. Watch that! I expect that will be the start of the revelations of truth that will wake up the world. Also, in 2022 there will be an earthquake at Yellowstone that reveals what evil leaders have tried to keep hidden. Also, end of the Media as we know it; new ones will arise in their place.

    God says two Supreme Court justices will be out very soon. One is probably Roberts. I wonder if it will be even this month since God said to one prophet, "January if for Justice". It sure would be justice to clean up our Supreme Court! And Roe v. wade will fall. That has to b e the start of greatness for this nation.

    The Biden regime will end this year (God calls Biden "that jackal"), with the exposures, among the many exposures will be the reality that Biden was NEVER in the White House, it was, I think, a Hollywood set...wherever the set was, the truth is that Biden was never in the real White House in Washington, DC. That was all Media-lie, and ALL of the news networks participated in that, among so many, many other lies they perpetuated. They certainly ALL sent news representatives to the "White House" to talk to Alistair Crowley's granddaughter, Jen, to that pretend White House movie set NOT in DC!

    Anotehr prophet recently told that God said that the puppet master for Biden is OBAMA, and all that Obama has done will be exposed as well. Also Nancy Pelosi will be out of office after beiong fully exposed, before she dies (this year, I think am pretty sure it was said).

    Also Donald J. Trump, the rightfully elected president, returns this year - sorry if you have been deceived to be a Trump-hater, but, good news: when he returns you will cheer along with the whole nation! But he will not preside in Washington, DC. God has said through more than one reliable and trusted prophet that He will destroy Washington DC because of the evil things that have happened in it and UNDER it. God says a new Capitol is being prepared for our nation now.

    There are so many powerful prophecy videos I could share; I don't know how to pick from this wealth, so I will pick one I saw today. I discovered Julie Green this December. There are so many prophets in these times – these are the days of Prophets foretold of in the Bible. The prophets are all so different, but they speak the ONE voice of God when they prophesy: the voice of the Shepherd. The sheep know the voice of their Shepherd! (There are false prophets as well as real, as the Lord told there would be. I ignore the false. With them, there is always a tell!)

    Just as there is Deep State in government and our whole society has been deceived systematically for years, there is Deep Church. I am well aware of it in the Catholic Church, but the Protestants have theirs, too. God will expose our leaders, and we will know who are the false shepherds and deceivers; God will expose the infiltrators who had been trusted leaders in our churches.

    The prophecies have a good introduction starting at 4 minutes, but can also just listen to the prophecy read, beginning at 8 minutes and goes to 16:10, where Julie Green reads what God spoke to her. That is an 8 minute message from God about what powerful things He will accomplish in our world in 2022!
    [Also see note below video]:

    *Also related to the evil in the world, and governing it with evil, are to three sovereign nations:
    1) The one square mile in the center of London called the City of London, that is a sovereign separate nation with its own flag,
    2) The Vatican city, also a sovereign nation with its own flag (the Holy Roman Catholic Church is infiltrated but it is still it is the spotless bride of Christ: God is the Head of the Church, not man), and
    3) Washington, DC, also a sovereign nation.
    Those three cities/independent nations are connected to the evil deep state that runs the world. But God ENDS that, THIS year: because He is able. God is the TRUE ruler of the world, and we will soon see Him assert His authority! And the government will be upon His shoulder! And He will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God, the Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 01-17-2022 at 03:17 AM.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Also Donald J. Trump, the rightfully elected president, returns this year - sorry if you have been deceived to be a Trump-hater, but, good news: when he returns you will cheer along with the whole nation! But he will not preside in Washington, DC. God has said through more than one reliable and trusted prophet that He will destroy Washington DC because of the evil things that have happened in it and UNDER it. God says a new Capitol is being prepared for our nation now.
    Well, following a rigged election, a new capital city is generally the next step towards becoming a banana republic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Well, following a rigged election, a new capital city is generally the next step towards becoming a banana republic.
    You say that like the States isn't already one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    You say that like the States isn't already one.
    It's certainly a strong contender. The general heuristic, found throughout the Americas, is that banana republics emerge following a war of independence (waged against a European mother country).
    Last edited by xerx; 01-17-2022 at 07:04 AM. Reason: .

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Well, following a rigged election, a new capital city is generally the next step towards becoming a banana republic.
    I don't klnow your politics (or news source, but yes it is obvious to anyone who cares about truth that the 2020 election was a big fraud. banana republic. America will be the greatest ever. A true democracy with the same Constitution.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    I don't klnow your politics (or news source, but yes it is obvious to anyone who cares about truth that the 2020 election was a big fraud. banana republic. America will be the greatest ever. A true democracy with the same Constitution.
    Why not get a new one? Won't the same one just lead to similar problems?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Also Donald J. Trump, the rightfully elected president, returns this year - sorry if you have been deceived to be a Trump-hater, but, good news: when he returns you will cheer along with the whole nation! But he will not preside in Washington, DC. God has said through more than one reliable and trusted prophet that He will destroy Washington DC because of the evil things that have happened in it and UNDER it. God says a new Capitol is being prepared for our nation now.
    I hope to see this
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    An excellent tip if you are clueless but wish to make profound seeming prophecies: never give a deadline, and/or be vague. It's easy to predict Washington DC will be destroyed - but to know when it will happen is difficult if not impossible unless you own a nuke.

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    Twenty centuries overdue.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post

    Study this timeline, it's extremely helpful,

    The key is to remember to divide the Word between Jews and the Church (Christians) and everything falls into place.
    The authors of Jesus in the New Testament believed the end was nigh two thousands years ago. That is a failed prophecy.

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    @Eliza Thomason,

    It's always good to feel the optimism when reading your posts.

    I can't make any comments on specifics (Biden presidency or Trump comeback lol etc)

    However, I do think overall, on a macro level trajectory, things will continue to get worse overall rather than better,

    Dont get me wrong, I'm hoping for the best in America 2022,

    But if we really are at end times, America cannot be a super-power, in order for the prophecies (Daniel 9) to be fulfilled;

    As it says in the Bible, there actually must be an apostasy (or great falling away), so that the spirit of the Anti-Christ can fully takeover:

    "The Great Apostasy" is derived from the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, in which the Apostle Paul informs the Christians of Thessalonica that a great apostasy must occur before the return of Christ, when "the man of sin is revealed, the son of destruction" (chapter2:1–12).
    Quoting Scripture:

    3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 1 Thes 3
    (I'll write an article expanding on this...)

    We are seeing this take place in America now, which is actually a good thing.

    Once the church is raptured, the restrainer of evil (the Holy Spirit) will be all but gone, and the tribulation (God's wrath) will begin.

    Regardless of what happens in America in 2022, or who takes over as leader, they will not save us

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    The authors of Jesus in the New Testament believed the end was nigh two thousands years ago. That is a failed prophecy.
    @Subteigh, I feel like we keep having the same conversation lol. We talked it about this extensively before here

    The Jewish prophetic clock took a PAUSE (with 7 years left on the clock), since they REJECTED JESUS AS MESSIAH

    Because of this, God's attention turned to the Church or Christians that believe in Jesus (via Holy Spirit @ Pentecost. We're thus in the Church age. See Book of Acts).

    Once the church is raptured (Rev 4-5), God's attention will return back to the Jews, and the prophetic clock (the final 7 years) will resume back to where it left off, the tribulation (Rev 6-19).

    During this time, Jews will be heavily persecuted by the Anti-Christ, but this will allow them to redeem themselves by finally accepting Jesus as Messiah. Non-believers will also have one last chance, although during the tribulation this will be the darkest time on earth.

    In other words,

    --The RAPTURE is for the CHURCH!!!
    --The TRIBULATION is for the JEWS!!! (and non-believers left behind)
    And at the END of the 7-year tribulation, Jesus will finally return (2nd Coming).

    So again,

    Jesus' 2nd coming WAS NOT predicted to be fulfilled 2000 years ago, since the Jews still REJECTED Jesus at the time (also note: Israel became a nation, the REBIRTH, in 1948).

    As you can see, this is why EVERYONE HATES ISRAEL and the JEWS (H I T L E R, Stalin, etc)...

    Satan wants to use other nations to DESTROY Israel so prophecy is not fulfilled.

    Do not be deluded, @Subteigh
    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    The truth is that Christians regard Jesus' birth and death and resurrection as not only the most important events in history, but events that were prophesied - and yet they cannot say with any confidence what day Jesus was born on, what day he died on...nevermind the years those events occurred. Your timeline is mostly comprised of fictional events.
    Lol @Subteigh, you do understand our entire calendar system is based off the existence of Jesus, right?

    And Bro, for a bunch of prophets and authors (that didn't have advanced technology) that lived in separate time periods and geographical locations, the historical facts (none of which contradicts anything) and timeline is pretty accurate and impressive:

    This prophecy provided the exact time frame for:

    --The arrival of Jesus' first coming (483 years). We know from Nehemiah 2:1 that in 445 BC, King Artaxerxes (@xerx) allowed Nehemiah to go and rebuild Jerusalem (beginning with the walls around the city). Nehemiah 1 tells us this happened in the month of Nisan in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes. Long story short, we can identify this exact date based on historical and archeological records. Fast-forward 483 years and we come to the spring of AD 31, the time of Jesus's triumphal entry on Palm Sunday.

    --Messiah's Death Prophesied. "After 62 sevens"

    --The AD 70 Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple prophesied. This occurred in AD 70 at the hand of the Roman military leader Titus, who would later become emperor.
    @Subteigh, since we're here (12 years later lol) still debating 1+1=2, consider accepting Jesus (the Holy Spirit) into your life.

    The Holy Spirit will help you understand and reveal the truth to you, because right now you are greatly deceived.

    Once the church is raptured, I don't want you being one of those people that will use alien / UFOs or whatever excuse for why all of a sudden people disappeared off the face of the earth.

    Seek the truth and understand this now, because

    There will be a great spirit of delusion that will overtake the people in the coming years.

    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 01-21-2022 at 07:18 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    @Subteigh, I feel like we keep having the same conversation lol. We talked it about this extensively before here

    The Jewish prophetic clock took a PAUSE (with 7 years left on the clock), since they REJECTED JESUS AS MESSIAH

    Because of this, God's attention turned to the Church or Christians that believe in Jesus (See Book of Acts).

    Once the church is raptured (Rev 4:1-2), God's attention will return back to the Jews, and the prophetic clock (the final 7 years) will resume back to where it left off, the tribulation (Rev 6-19).

    During this time, Jews will be heavily persecuted by the Anti-Christ, but this will allow them to redeem themselves by finally accepting Jesus as Messiah. Non-believers will also have one last chance, although during the tribulation this will be the darkest time on earth.

    In other words,

    And at the END of the 7-year tribulation, Jesus will finally return (2nd Coming).

    So again,

    Jesus' 2nd coming WAS NOT predicted to be fulfilled 2000 years ago, since the Jews still REJECTED Jesus at the time (also note: Israel became a nation, the REBIRTH, in 1948).

    As you can see, this is why EVERYONE HATES ISRAEL and the JEWS (H I T L E R, Stalin, etc)...

    Satan wants to use other nations to DESTROY Israel so prophecy is not fulfilled.

    Do not be deluded, @Subteigh
    Bollocks. If you make a prediction with NO conditions, you cannot adjust the prediction at a later date and claim it is the same prediction.

    The Soviet Union under Stalin was one of the first countries to recognise Israel.

    The USA gives Israel more foreign aid than it gives to any other nation (or at least, that is likely now they probably don't give the Taliban in Afghanistan anything).

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    Lol @Subteigh, you do understand our entire calendar system is based off the existence of Jesus, right?

    And Bro, for a bunch of prophets and authors (that didn't have advanced technology) that lived in separate time periods and geographical locations, the historical facts (none of which contradicts anything) and timeline is pretty accurate and impressive:

    @Subteigh, since we're here (12 years later lol) still debating 1+1=2, consider accepting Jesus (the Holy Spirit) into your life.

    The Holy Spirit will help you understand and reveal the truth to you, because right now you are greatly deceived.

    Once the church is raptured, I don't want you being one of those people that will use alien / UFOs or whatever excuse for why all of a sudden people disappeared off the face of the earth.

    Seek the truth and understand this now, because

    There will be a great spirit of delusion that will overtake the people in the coming years.

    Are you saying that the god Janus exists because the month of January is named after it?

    The gospel accounts themselves contradict each other, and sometimes even within the same book.

    No event attributed to Jesus has been confirmed independently.

    You wouldn't trust books written by pagans that mention "historical facts" as well as the miraculous deeds of their gods. So you shouldn't expect others to treat the gospels as historical documents when the include miracles that allegedly occurred.

    The Romans dates their years from the foundation of Rome by Romulus after he was raised by a she-wolf.

    The Chinese calendar is dated from the beginning of the reign of the Yellow Emperor, a deity in Chinese religion, which started about 4720 years ago. He died aged 113.

    The Buddhist Calendar is dated from the day Buddha attained nirvana.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    And Bro, for a bunch of prophets and authors (that didn't have advanced technology) that lived in separate time periods and geographical locations, the historical facts (none of which contradicts anything) and timeline is pretty accurate and impressive:
    A 7 year old today probably knows more than these prophets you speak of. Jesus was supposedly God, but he thought wrongly that the mustard seed is the smallest seed. I wouldn't trust him over elementary facts, so I'm not going to trust him regarding things that have no evidence whatsoever.

    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    @Subteigh, since we're here (12 years later lol) still debating 1+1=2, consider accepting Jesus (the Holy Spirit) into your life.
    1+1=2 isn't a meaningful question. It's either true by definition or it isn't.

    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    The Holy Spirit will help you understand and reveal the truth to you, because right now you are greatly deceived.

    Once the church is raptured, I don't want you being one of those people that will use alien / UFOs or whatever excuse for why all of a sudden people disappeared off the face of the earth.

    Seek the truth and understand this now, because

    There will be a great spirit of delusion that will overtake the people in the coming years.

    I cannot seek something that I don't believe exists. If somebody wants me to know the truth, then the onus is on them to do so, especially if they created me knowing what it would take to convince me. Aside from that, I think it stinks that a being would judge others for not believing something without evidence. Also, a God would know that "morality" is not a matter of truth, but of taste. Finally, no being could prove even to itself that it is all-powerful - it would be foolish to require others to "know" it. Your beliefs reek of the Bronze Age.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post

    Study this timeline, it's extremely helpful,

    The key is to remember to divide the Word between Jews and the Church (Christians) and everything falls into place.
    The truth is that Christians regard Jesus' birth and death and resurrection as not only the most important events in history, but events that were prophesied - and yet they cannot say with any confidence what day Jesus was born on, what day he died on...nevermind the years those events occurred. Your timeline is mostly comprised of fictional events.

    According to your timeline for example, rainbows have only existed since 2316 BC, even though rainbows are known in art from thousands of years earlier.

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    Default End Time Secrets Contained in the Story of Hanukkah

    End Time Secrets Contained in the Story of Hanukkah

    If you look at the world around us (America 2022), we can all sense that something is clearly wrong.

    Depending on who you ask, you'll get all sorts of answers.

    People of faith (Christians, Jews, etc) will tell you we're clearly at the end times.

    If we study scripture (Bible) and History, we can clearly see that God's plan for the world happens in repeating cycles;

    --A nation is sovereign and faithful towards God
    --A nation begins to depart from God
    --Evil slowly takes over and changes the natural order of things
    --The nation is destroyed
    --The nation repents and finally
    --The nation is restored, sovereign and faithful towards God
    Although the story of Hanukkah is primarily a Jewish holiday, learning its story, origin and history offers a big picture understanding of what's taking place in the world (2022)

    But first, here are some fun facts about Hanukkah:

    --Hanukkah is first prophesized in the Old testament by the prophet Daniel
    --Hanukkah is celebrated in the New testament by Jesus (Feast of Dedication) in the book of John
    --Hanukkah is mentioned by John in the New Testament as an end-time revelation in the book of Revelation
    --Without Hanukkah, Christians wouldn't be celebrating Christmas, because Hanukkah restored the faith of the Jews.


    We are between the Old and New Testament (~167 BC according to Maccabees as a historical reference)

    Israel has been restored, and they have a Temple built up.

    However, over the horizon, a new civilization rises...

    They are the GREEKS

    Now these Greeks want to make EVERYONE the SAME (a ONE-WORLD system, sound familiar???)

    The Greeks want Israel to give up their faith.

    A ruler from Greece arises; a man named Antiochus IV (his name even sounds like Anti-Christ lol).

    Antiochus and the Greeks tells Israel, they must:

    --Give up worshipping their God
    --Worship the image of Greek gods (Zeus, the face of Antiochus on Zeus' statue)
    --Desecrate the Jews' Holy temple with the blood of a pig (considered a filthy animal). This was to make their Holy Temple desolate (Abomination of Desolation)

    31 And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate. Daniel 11:31
    11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Daniel 12:11

    The Jewish temple becomes a pagan temple; inside, sexual immorality is taking place, people are running around naked, holy scriptures are being burned, what was considered sacred is now considered an abomination, etc etc.

    Many Jews, being persecuted at this time, gave into the demands on the Greeks. They simply said,

    "Eh... I guess this is simply just the times we're living in. We'll just go along with it."
    There was, however, a group of rebel Jewish warriors, hidden in the hills and mountains, called the "Maccabees" that acted as the "resistance" to all this.

    They didn't want to fall away and remained loyal to God.

    They were a minority in a society that was overtaken by the Greeks that wanted a ONE-WORLD system.

    And although they were few in number, they remained faithful, fasting and praying.

    Overtime, they overthrew the powerful Greek empire and Antiochus.

    Israel and the Jews therefore rebuilt the temple, the re-dedication of the Holy temple. And we finally get:


    So what does all this have to do with end-times in current society in AMERICA 2022?

    Well, as I've mentioned, history repeats itself in cycles.

    When we examine this biblical history, and the defilement of the Holy Temple, we clearly see parallels:

    --Apostasy, or the great falling away
    --Removing prayer from schools
    --Abortion, redefinition of marriage, redefinition of man/woman/child/etc
    --"Properity gospel" "I want to be comfortable" doctrines taking over churches
    --America once knew God, but now they are acting like they never knew God (Demonic Anti-Christ spirit)
    --A reversal of culture, a reversal of everything that was once unnatural is now considered natural.
    What was once revered is now pushed into the shadows,

    What was once in the shadows is now revered,

    What was once considered Holy is now profane,

    What was once considered sinful is now celebrated,

    A Spirit of Arrogance, Pride, and Blasphemy has taken over America 2022.
    The Word of God will be considered the enemy,

    Persecutions against Jews and Christians will increase,

    In other words,

    The same part of the cycle in God's plan is unfolding before our very eyes.

    But there's nothing to worry about.

    Like the Maccabees,

    God's side is the winning-side.

    Light always prevails over darkness.

    (Source: The Bible, Maccabees)
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 01-22-2022 at 01:05 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Well, Eliza, I do hope that the Creator hasn’t turn its back on us if ever he actually exists. It feels rough to be a neglected child.
    Keep that hope alive, you won't be disappointed! The world will rejoice at the great things God has done this year, because this year we will begin to live as He has always wanted us to live! And it will last a good while!
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Are you worried about your huge college debt, your health, you credit debt, the cost of living, the future of your children, or your own future? Well you WON'T be by the end of this year! You will have great joy and hope and confidence in your future (and your present). You will have such joy!
    Why do you believe this? The Bible gives no indication that we will ever be worry-free on this fallen Earth.

    I know that there are people with the gift of prophecy out there, but I can't discern which prophets are false and which prophets are truly voicing God's wisdom. For that reason, I'll be skeptical of your sources until/unless every single promise outlined here is fulfilled by the deadline. My Bible teacher said some similar things leading up to the 2020 election, and the prophets who she'd been relying upon for hope unsurprisingly turned out to be spouting nonsense. I don't want to put blind faith in a human falsely claiming divine foresight and end up deceived like her.

    Well, I hope the optimistic predictions are true, but I doubt they are. I'm not as well-versed in the prophecies of Revelation as I'd like to be, but one certainty is that things are going to get very, very bad. Unless the end is still far off, the idea of the world improving in 2022--while wonderful--doesn't seem to be in alignment with Biblical prophecy.

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    I'm not religious at all but I love this shit. I used to go to Christian conspiracy sites all the time and look up whatever wacky but cool-sounding shit they were talking about there.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    I'm not religious at all but I love this shit. I used to go to Christian conspiracy sites all the time and look up whatever wacky but cool-sounding shit they were talking about there.
    IKR. There's this Jewish Orthodox Christian preacher and anti-Semite (allegedly) who I used to like.

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    Default Revelation 17: The Whore of Babylon is the Roman Catholic Church

    Revelation 17: The Whore of Babylon is the Roman Catholic Church

    As 2022 progresses, watch for news regarding the Roman Catholic Church (building bridges with the rest of the world, forming a religious confederacy). According to scripture, the anti-christ will have ties with Rome and Roman Catholicism. I'm simply presenting this information, and it's not my intention to bash Catholics here.

    The picture on the back of the Greek Coin, you see the image of the Greek Goddess Europa (Europe) riding on a bull (or BEAST).

    According to Greek Mythology, this bull is actually Zeus (or Antiochus IV) in disguise. Later on, Europa and this bull have an affair (or is raped, depending on your perspective).

    What does this have to do with Bible prophecy?

    In the book of Revelation, the Apostle John identifies this mysterious woman riding the Beast, as the last world empire at end times.

    Some people mistakenly think that this Harlot, or Whore of Babylon is America.

    This is incorrect.

    The Whore of Babylon is the Roman Catholic Church
    When we read Revelation 17,

    This woman is

    --dressed in scarlet and purple
    --is holding a golden cup
    --decked with pearls, jewelry
    --drinks of the blood of the saints

    What else do the characteristics above describe?

    The Catholic Church; you will see priests wearing robes, the color purple and scarlet. The Catholic church is also extremely wealthy and has world-power. The catholic church is also associated with slaughtering millions of martyrs.

    Here's the scripture, (Revelation 17:3-6):

    So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

    Next, let's move onto to THE BEAST

    The scripture describes the Harlot riding this beast, which has:

    --7 heads
    --10 horns

    Revelation 17:9 says this about the 7 heads:

    And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
    Also Revelation 17:18

    And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

    No other city in the world can make this claim apart from Rome. The Vatican is the ONLY city (residing on a HILL or mountains) currently with world power.

    And finally,

    What about the 10 horns?

    When we examine Revelation 17:12
    we see that,

    --the 10 HORNS = 10 KINGS (or 10 POWERS)

    More clues are also in the book of Daniel.

    (side note: the book of Daniel is actually a reflection of the book of Revelation. Daniel sees some of the things that John saw in Revelation).

    In Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 we see that

    --These 10 KINGS are associated with IRON.
    --This IRON represents a Kingdom
    --Out of this IRON comes 10 TOES
    In Daniel 2:40 it says,

    And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.
    In other words, during its transitional phase, this IRON kingdom becomes 10 TOES (this empire is divided).

    What does this describe?

    The IRON represents ROME, that undergoes this transition:

    After the death and resurrection of Jesus, Rome transitioned from a pagan city to a church religion, and it NEVER lost its power, aka

    The Roman Catholic Church.

    Fun Fact:

    On Pope Leo XII's coin, it reads:

    "The Whole World is Her Seat"
    Source: The Bible, Dr. Gene Kim
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 01-20-2022 at 12:24 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    Revelation 17: The Whore of Babylon is the Roman Catholic Church

    The picture on the back of the Greek Coin, you see the image of the Greek Goddess Europa (Europe) riding on a bull (or BEAST).

    According to Greek Mythology, this bull is actually Zeus (or Antiochus IV) in disguise. Later on, Europa and this bull have an affair (or is raped, depending on your perspective).

    What does this have to do with Bible prophecy?

    In the book of Revelation, the Apostle John identifies this mysterious woman riding the Beast, as the last world empire at end times.

    Some people mistakenly think that this Harlot, or Whore of Babylon is America.

    This is incorrect.

    When we read Revelation 17,

    This woman is

    What else do the characteristics above describe?

    The Catholic Church; you will see priests wearing robes, the color purple. The Catholic church is also extremely wealthy and has world-power. The catholic church is also associated with slaughtering millions of martyrs.

    Here's the scripture, (Revelation 17:3-6):

    Next, let's move onto to THE BEAST

    The scripture describes the Harlot riding this beast, which has:

    Revelation 17:9 says this about the 7 heads:

    Also Revelation 17:18

    No other city in the world can make this claim apart from Rome. The Vatican is the ONLY city (residing on a HILL or mountains) currently with world power.

    And finally,

    What about the 10 horns?

    When we examine Revelation 17:12
    we see that,

    More clues are also in the book of Daniel.

    (side note: the book of Daniel is actually a reflection of the book of Revelation. Daniel sees some of the things that John saw in Revelation).

    In Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 we see that

    In Daniel 2:40 it says,

    In other words, during its transitional phase, this IRON kingdom becomes 10 TOES (this empire is divided).

    What does this describe?

    The IRON represents ROME, that undergoes this transition:

    After the death and resurrection of Jesus, Rome transitioned from a pagan city to a church religion, and it NEVER lost its power, aka

    Fun Fact:

    On Pope Leo XII's coin, it reads:

    Source: The Bible, Dr. Gene Kim
    The conclusion of scholars is generally that the author was possibly a drug taker, and that they were referring to their own times. They were referring to the Roman Empire and its Emperor.

    But the fact that everyone can adjust the "prophecy" to their own requirements only shows that its not precise.

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    They know when the Book of Daniel was written, because it has "prophecies" that did not come to pass because they were wrong. It is easy to make a "prophecy" after the events it mentions have already happened.

    The Bible has these liars in it. Hardly inspired or written by an omnipotent God.


    The prophecies of Daniel are accurate down to the career of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, king of Syria and oppressor of the Jews, but not in its prediction of his death: the author seems to know about Antiochus' two campaigns in Egypt (169 and 167 BCE), the desecration of the Temple (the "abomination of desolation"), and the fortification of the Akra (a fortress built inside Jerusalem), but he seems to know nothing about the reconstruction of the Temple or about the actual circumstances of Antiochus' death in late 164 BCE. Chapters 10–12 must therefore have been written between 167 and 164 BCE. There is no evidence of a significant time lapse between those chapters and chapters 8 and 9, and chapter 7 may have been written just a few months earlier again.

    Further evidence of the book's date is in the fact that Daniel is excluded from the Hebrew Bible's canon of the prophets, which was closed around 200 BCE, and the Wisdom of Sirach, a work dating from around 180 BCE, draws on almost every book of the Old Testament except Daniel, leading scholars to suppose that its author was unaware of it. Daniel is, however, quoted in a section of the Sibylline Oracles commonly dated to the middle of the 2nd century BCE, and was popular at Qumran at much the same time, suggesting that it was known from the middle of that century.

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    @peteronfireee2, Don't be ridiculous. Catholics, NO. The Catholic Church is NOT the Whore of Babylon. Ever think it might be the WHOLE EARTH? Because maybe that. The Catholic Church is NOT the most corrupt place on earth. Use your brain! But yes, many deeply corrupt people are running things everywhere especially from the top, and the Catholic Church is no exception.

    I have to get back to this thread later; I have grades due this week and i also need to get more on top of things before I sit here too long. But I will soon respond to things here, as well as read your posts above and comment, posts which you certainly spent some time on. It will take some time and focus to read it because I am already full of much info on the topic, having read SO MUCH, from every denomination and division of Christianity, over very many years.

    But truly, Christian churches of every stripe have been DEEPLY infiltratied to create a consistent and CONTROLLED NARRATIVE. Infiltration into every kind of seminary, wityh now every kind of Christian teacher, pastor and priest teaching what they learned in their seminary - which is what deep chruch/deep state/Deep elite want the minion to believe abot end Times. More than anything, they want to make people afraid, b ecause people afraid are crippled, and easier to control. And their infiltrated common teaching on the Armegeddon and the Rapture is perfect for that! First tell them to be afraid, because as bad as things are, things are going to get worse and worse and worse! Also tell them not to worry about anything, they will be raptured out before anything bad happens, so pay no attention and do your own thing.

    I believe we are already in Armegedon for the evil cabal and it's nearly over - and WE WIN. So says God (referencing the "We win" part).

    I will be back on weekend to comment more!
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 01-21-2022 at 03:46 PM. Reason: sp.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    @peteronfireee2, Don
    't be ridiculous. CatholicsSo, NO. The Catholic Church is NOT the Whore of Babylon. Ever think it might be the WHOLE EARTH? Because maybe that. The Catholic Church is NOT the most corrupt place on earth. Use your brain! But yes, many deeply corrupt people are running things everywhere especially fromt he top, and the catholic Church is no exception.

    I have to get back to this thread later; I have grades due this week and i also need to get more on top of things before I sit here too long. But I will soon respond to things here, as well as read your posts above and comment, posts which you certainly spent some time on. It will take some time and focus to read it because I am already full of much info on the topic, having read SO MUCH, from every denomination and division of Christianity, over very many years.

    But truly, Christian churches of every stripe have been DEEPLY infiltratied to create a consistent and CONTROLLED NARRATIVE. Infiltration into every kind of seminary, wityh now every kind of Christian teacher, pastor and priest teaching what they learned in their seminary - which is what deep chruch/deep state/Deep elite want the minion to believe abot end Times. More than anything, they want to make people afraid, b ecause people afraid are crippled, and easier to control. And their infiltrated common teaching on the Armegedon and the Rapture is perfect for that! First tell them to be afraid, becaus as bad as things are, things are going to get worse and worse and worse! Also tell them not to worry about anything, they will be raptured out befr anything bad happens, so pay no attention and do your own thing.

    I believe we are already in Armeggedon for the evil cabal and it's nearly over - and WE WIN. So says God (referencing the "We win" part.)

    I will be back on weekend to comment more!
    Hahaha! I am become understanding! As an ILI I am your benefactor after all. You too get things like Controlled Narratives, Infiltration by the great enemy in regards to the clergy/hierarchy, etc. You are right about "the rapture" being a big fat false narrative meant to ensure good devout followers of Christ just sit back and do nothing except be good little patsies who don't do anything meaningful against the PTB. Essentially, they are being convinced to put the Lord their God to the test. Surely I'll be raptured up into heaven! I'm going to get out of life alive! Yet they seem to not realize that not even the lamb himself was able to do so. Jesus died for our sins. Really, truly died. He ascended into heaven, but he died a human death first! The heretical rapturists think they will escape the same fate. The fate of dying...

    Also, there is no "WE WIN" here far as the doctrine of the church is concerned. We have ALREADY won! Satan's final and ultimate humiliation/defeat was consummated at Calvary. When Christ died upon the Cross Satan leaped with joy in his dark heart thinking he finally defeated God. Yet in death he conquered it by rising again into his full glory. The Devil's tears of dark joy turned to unending rivulets of blood and rage as he realized how badly he fucked up. Everything after that is just Satan being a sore loser and God exploiting that fact to double bitch slap/humiliate him by bringing about even greater goods than would have resulted from his utter purging from reality.

    God wanted a moral universe. Yet he also wanted that to do greater glory to him thereby. This was not a selfish desire, but a benevolent one. He loves us, his creation in his own image. So much so that he took the entire penalty of a covenantal violation upon himself with no cost to us mere mortal humans despite our frequent and gleeful violations of it. If we could only but grant our own children but a fraction of that infinite benevolent love...
    Last edited by End; 01-20-2022 at 04:57 AM.

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    Default The Rapture: The Role of the Holy Spirit as the restrainer of evil

    The Rapture: The Role of the Holy Spirit as the restrainer of evil

    In response to my previous post, this article I'm posting because I think people in general do not understand the whole point of the rapture.

    I'll admit, even as a Christian, it sounds ridiculous. However, when you study WHY God designed a rapture for His Church, it makes sense.

    One way you can look at the rapture is that it will result in,

    The absence of the Holy Spirit on earth.
    Now why is this significant?

    Looking at the lawlessness that is increasing around the world in our day, can you imagine what it would be like when the Church, which through the power of the Holy Spirit within is said to be the light and salt of this world, is removed at the rapture?

    Here's a visual:

    If things are bad now, those days will be ABSOLUTE CHAOS. There will be no push-back on the works of the enemy and his evil agenda and the vast majority will fall into line, thoroughly deceived and wondering in awe at the Antichrist.

    "The Church Age" began @ Pentecost. After the rapture, the Holy Spirit's restraining will depart and the Church Age will end.

    The Holy Spirit’s role (for JEWS) in the tribulation

    We need to be clear that the removal of the restrainer in relation to the coming of the Antichrist does not mean that the Holy Spirit is no longer on the earth. The Holy Spirit, being God, is omnipresent and will always be present on earth. However, his present day restraining work through the Church will be removed at the rapture before the tribulation and the Spirit’s specific role in restraining the man of lawlessness (and the spirit of lawlessness) will be removed.

    So in the tribulation period the Holy Spirit is still operating in His role to save and empower but He is not restraining the man of lawlessness and the spirit of lawlessness. With the restraining hand upon the Antichrist removed, Satan, through the Antichrist, will finally be able to perform all the signs and wonders he desires to deceive the whole world.

    …the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10
    But at the same time, the Holy Spirit will still perform His role of saving and empowering. The 144,000 (JEWS or TRIBULATION SAINTS) will be empowered by the Holy Spirit in a radical way as will the 2 witnesses. Through the ministry of the 144,000 countless people will be saved as seen in Revelation 7:9-17. But it will be an unspeakably terrible time and these believers will nearly all lose their lives. This is why, in the book of Revelation, we see the Holy Spirit encouraging the tribulation saints that though they will lose their lives, rest and rewards await!

    Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.” Rev 14:13
    Here's a visual for God's prophetic timeline. Keep this timeline in mind when processing current world events and America 2022 news.

    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 01-23-2022 at 10:36 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    An excellent tip if you are clueless but wish to make profound seeming prophecies: never give a deadline, and/or be vague. It's easy to predict Washington DC will be destroyed - but to know when it will happen is difficult if not impossible unless you own a nuke.
    That's why Nostradamus is still hailed as a prophet. I never gave that quack much credit but I know of far too many who put an almost religious faith in his "prophecies" as it were. I like to counter that I myself am plenty capable of issuing accurate prophecies and I have no divine gift (that I know of) or anything. Hell, I got a better track record BTW. I have repeatedly cashed in on the phrase "Hear me now. Believe me later!"

    Namely because I only claim to be able to do it within the context of my own time and place. I cannot and will not prophecy with absolute certainty what will be 1000 years from now (though it is fun to speculate). I can, however, pretty much tell ya what's gonna happen within the next few months to few years though provided Black Swans or Divine Interventions don't come into play though...

    Also, @peteronfireee2, you've torpedoed your entire argument using that initial image from a persuasion/rhetorical standpoint. FF6 is a great game and all but that's what most nerds and savvy individuals who know how reverse image search works will think of upon seeing that image. The pope/Catholic Church is many things, but some FF tier "BBEG" it is not. Objectively not. The mystical body of Christ at best (as Catholics believe), and a sadly mistaken yet ultimately well-meaning organization bound by the anthropological leanings of those who founded it at worst (ie. the whole common bent of Western Civilization to value and at the same time and boy does that play out even in the Pagan religions from said geographical location).
    Last edited by End; 01-20-2022 at 04:54 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    That's why Nostradamus is still hailed as a prophet. I never gave that quack much credit but I know of far too many who put an almost religious faith in his "prophecies" as it were. I like to counter that I myself am plenty capable of issuing accurate prophecies and I have no divine gift (that I know of) or anything. Hell, I got a better track record BTW. I have repeatedly cashed in on the phrase "Hear me now. Believe me later!"

    Namely because I only claim to be able to do it within the context of my own time and place. I cannot and will not prophecy with absolute certainty what will be 1000 years from now (though it is fun to speculate). I can, however, pretty much tell ya what's gonna happen within the next few months to few years though provided Black Swans or Divine Interventions don't come into play though...

    Also, @peteronfireee2, you've torpedoed your entire argument using that initial image from a persuasion/rhetorical standpoint. FF6 is a great game and all but that's what most nerds and savvy individuals who know how reverse image search works will think of upon seeing that image. The pope/Catholic Church is many things, but some FF tier "BBEG" it is not. Objectively not. The mystical body of Christ at best (as Catholics believe), and a sadly mistaken yet ultimately well-meaning organization bound by the anthropological leanings of those who founded it at worst (ie. the whole common bent of Western Civilization to value and at the same time and boy does that play out even in the Pagan religions from said geographical location).
    FFVI > Christ

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    FFVI > Christ
    Very Edgy, much wow. Still, a random question I gotta ask. Who is this year's Kefka in your mind? Who is worth of that identification in your mind?

    Also, @peteronfireee2, I'll answer you soon. I know heresy worthy of the Saint Nicholas response when I see and hear it and "The Rapture" is worthy of such a response. You're spouting off as if you're a modern day Arius. Literally Santa Clause knew the one and only true and proper response to such heresy. For now, however, I gotta sleep and attend to other matters. Rest assured though, I'll get you later and clean your clock in a most wonderful way .

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Also, @peteronfireee2, I'll answer you soon. I know heresy worthy of the Saint Nicholas response when I see and hear it and "The Rapture" is worthy of such a response. You're spouting off as if you're a modern day Arius. Literally Santa Clause knew the one and only true and proper response to such heresy. For now, however, I gotta sleep and attend to other matters. Rest assured though, I'll get you later and clean your clock in a most wonderful way .

    I can assure you the opposite; nothing that I've presented is heresy. It's all backed in the Bible. (Also backed by via pastors, scholars, early church writers, etc).

    Since we're living in the church age, the Word of God is both quick and powerful (Heb 4:12). The Word is the #1 thing we prioritize, as it's God inspired (2 Tim 3:16), NOT signs & wonders from today's man. As a matter of fact, revering man and prioritizing those things over God's Word will lead us down to heresy.

    1/3 of the Bible is prophecy dude, but unfortunately its a layer of the Bible most aren't taught. Nor understand.

    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    The insanity escalates.
    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    You're spouting off as if you're a modern day Arius.
    I'm "spouting off" because we're literally living in the last days;

    Wars and lawlessness are increasing, wacky metaverse technology with the "all-seeing eye" is being implemented, etc etc.

    This is CREEPY AF, if you think otherwise, I'm sorry bro

    But don't take my word for it, at least some scientists agree:

    Again, The gospel message (John 3:16) IS most important, but since we're actually in end times now,

    I thought it'd be highly relevant to zoom in on end times things (like the rapture), applying books like Daniel and Revelation in light of everything that's happening; for they offer not only insight, but


    Don't be one of these delusional people that think all is going well around us.

    NO!!! IT SUCKS!!!

    But that's OKAY, because we have HOPE in God's promises.

    And because we have HOPE, we share this hope with the world around us.

    It's not about doom-and-gloom and pulling the alarm screaming like the boy who cried wolf,

    No, it's about sharing HOPE and illuminating LIGHT, despite the darkness around us.

    My apologies if this is "Spouting off" to you.

    I'm curious, how do YOU make sense of everything that's happening in a biblical context???

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Rest assured though, I'll get you later and clean your clock in a most wonderful way .
    "Cleaning my clock" means fighting the Word itself lol - you can't "clean" The Truth, sorry!!

    As for me, *I'm* just a mere man simplifying these concepts for the masses.

    I'm also not trying to argue with anybody here, especially you @End .

    However, if you feel it's appropriate to do so for educational purposes, that's fine, providing that you don't endlessly,

    "Strawman me to death" *cough* @Subteigh *cough*

    PS: @End, I do agree that the Pagan-y part of Christmas (Santa Claus) IS stupid. But we're stupid humans living in a Satanic world and pagan stuff will inevitably creep in. Happens with every fallen society. This includes both Christians and Catholics. And I believe this is exactly why the Roman Catholic church will play a huge role.

    Again, I'm not saying you Roman Catholics are evil, but you guys DO have power and influence and Satan loves that. Satan will use Roman Catholicism's power when the anti-christ is revealed.

    Don't let political correctness taint your perspective on what is true.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post

    Also, @peteronfireee2, you've torpedoed your entire argument using that initial image from a persuasion/rhetorical standpoint. FF6 is a great game and all but that's what most nerds and savvy individuals who know how reverse image search works will think of upon seeing that image. The pope/Catholic Church is many things, but some FF tier "BBEG" it is not. Objectively not. The mystical body of Christ at best (as Catholics believe), and a sadly mistaken yet ultimately well-meaning organization bound by the anthropological leanings of those who founded it at worst (ie. the whole common bent of Western Civilization to value and at the same time and boy does that play out even in the Pagan religions from said geographical location).

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post

    I'm not American, so that won't affect me so much. The heavy Republican skew makes it less likely that any specific judge will be the bogeyman figure.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teslobo View Post
    I took the liberty of making a bingo card of all the tangible-ish claims. How confident are you that this year will yield a full line?

    False Prophet Bingo

    Prince Andrew AND Charles will have Epstein-related info come to light There will be an earthquake at yellowstone which will reveal some kind of political ramifications Nancy Pelosi will be removed from office and/or die
    Biden's presidency will end Vague and unfalsifiable claims
    (Free Space)
    Australia & New Zealand will lose their ties to the British monarchy
    Washington DC will be "destroyed" or at
    the very least cease to be the seat of government power
    The CCP in China will be removed or otherwise lose control of the country At least one supreme court justice will be out
    On the topic of pop culture (games / movies) with current world events,

    I also see parallels between the United States and the Star Wars series.

    Going from a Republic to an evil Empire.

    We even got a creepy old dude.

    Cell = Anti Christ
    Android 18 = Whore of Babylon (Roman Catholic Church)
    Android 16 = @End @Eliza Thomason

    Quote Originally Posted by Dreymagine View Post
    Why do you believe this? The Bible gives no indication that we will ever be worry-free on this fallen Earth.

    I know that there are people with the gift of prophecy out there, but I can't discern which prophets are false and which prophets are truly voicing God's wisdom.
    While not exactly a "prophet" here's an example of a watchman sharing some of his dreams/visions. I think he's pretty cool.

    Like you mentioned, I'd stay skeptical with "the hype" kinda stuff. Always test it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    In science, a prediction must be clear and precise. It must also be time-bound unless it predicts something that is true or false all the time.

    That even Christians cannot agree on the terms of the so-called prophecies shows they are useless.

    This is why I can't argue with you @Subteigh; THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING

    What does "coming into agreement" have to do with the validity of something?

    What if a bunch of dumb people can't come into agreement on something? Does that automatically mean that something is false?

    "Scientists" have said climate change would have destroyed the planet DECADES AGO, and their predictions have been wrong MULTIPLE times. Does that make automatically mean there's no validity to everything "climate change". Or that now suddenly the scientists' expert opinion on things have no validity to them?

    Christians aren't free from heresy and studying wrong doctrine, since they're human as well. That's why it's important to take the Word of God literally (unless the passage actually tells you not to), or else you get 4943959043858 different interpretations.

    God's word is NEVER wrong, and they have / will ALWAYS come into fruition.

    Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Proverbs 30:5
    yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it. Isaiah 46:11
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 01-22-2022 at 04:15 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    "Strawman me to death" *cough* @Subteigh
    Death won't stop me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Very Edgy, much wow. Still, a random question I gotta ask. Who is this year's Kefka in your mind? Who is worth of that identification in your mind?

    Also, @peteronfireee2, I'll answer you soon. I know heresy worthy of the Saint Nicholas response when I see and hear it and "The Rapture" is worthy of such a response. You're spouting off as if you're a modern day Arius. Literally Santa Clause knew the one and only true and proper response to such heresy. For now, however, I gotta sleep and attend to other matters. Rest assured though, I'll get you later and clean your clock in a most wonderful way .
    It is unlikely we'd agree on who would qualify as a Kefkaqesue figure.

    Trump seems to be waiting until the midterm elections this year before he starts trolling again, or possible uncertainty about legal action against him means he had been quieter recently.

    Putin is the biggest troll against the West at the moment.

    It seems that it is expected that Roe v. Wade will be overturned by the Supreme Court this year:

    I'm not American, so that won't affect me so much. The heavy Republican skew makes it less likely that any specific judge will be the bogeyman figure.

    In the UK, I can easily see Boris Johnson doing things contrary to what is expected of a politician who respects our unwritten constitution in order to cling on to power.

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    Default The Rapture isn't a narrative, it's in the Bible

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    You are right about "the rapture" being a big fat false narrative meant to ensure good devout followers of Christ just sit back and do nothing except be good little patsies who don't do anything meaningful against the PTB.
    @End, @Eliza Thomason,

    The rapture isn't "a narrative," it's in the Bible:

    --1 Thessalonians 4:17 (From Paul)

    17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
    --1 Thessalonians 5:2,4,7,9-10 (From Paul)

    2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
    4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
    7 For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.
    9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,
    10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.
    (Note: "DAY OF THE LORD" here is NOT the rapture. It's the 2ND COMING. "Thief in the night" means tribulation/wrath will come when the world does not expect it.)

    --2 Thessalonians 2:12-14 (From Paul)
    12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 13 But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    --Luke 21:21-23,34 (From Jesus)

    21 Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto.
    22 For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.
    23 But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.
    34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.
    (Note: This verse is referring to the JEWS during the tribulation. They are to flee and go hiding during this time since they won't be raptured until AFTER the wrath.)

    Other references:
    Matthew 24–25; ; 1 Corinthians 15; and Revelation 3, 6–18

    The rapture is also mentioned by current scholars and the early church writers:

    Irenaeus, Ephraim, Apostolic Brethren, Denysvan Leewen, Darby, Scofield, Ruckman

    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    But truly, Christian churches of every stripe have been DEEPLY infiltratied to create a consistent and CONTROLLED NARRATIVE. Infiltration into every kind of seminary, with now every kind of Christian teacher, pastor and priest teaching what they learned in their seminary - which is what deep chruch/deep state/Deep elite want the minion to believe about end Times. Also tell them not to worry about anything, they will be raptured out before anything bad happens, so pay no attention and do your own thing.
    @Eliza Thomason,

    The rapture = permission to be lazy?

    Nowhere in the Bible are we commanded to sit back to be lukewarm and lazy. Not sure where you're getting that from. (The modern day Christian church IS lukewarm, but that has to to do with apostasy during end times, not what the Word actually teaches).

    The Word of God tells us to be watchful until he comes, as it says in Rev. 16:15,

    “Behold, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake, keeping his garments on, that he may not go about naked and be seen exposed!”
    Again, the rapture isn't "a narrative" from "the deep church" but an actual prophecy mentioned in the Bible that will happen during end times. We ARE at end times, are we not?

    God designed the rapture and tribulation for specific purposes in His plan.

    The church is not appointed to God's wrath and will be raptured before tribulation happens. And again, the tribulation is so the Jews can be redeemed, fulfilling Daniel's final week prophecy.

    Now, while believing in the RAPTURE or not ISN'T essential for our salvation, IT IS correct doctrine that we ought to be educated on, especially during these times.

    It brings everything together and helps us process current day events / news and prophecy in America 2022 correctly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    First tell them to be afraid, becaus as bad as things are, things are going to get worse and worse and worse! Also tell them not to worry about anything, they will be raptured out befr anything bad happens, so pay no attention and do your own thing.
    @Eliza Thomason,

    It's also very important that rapture is not to be conflated with the (2nd Coming / Armeggedon) - these are two SEPARATE events.

    Because of the rapture, Christian's are NOT afraid, but rather COMFORTED (however, you and @End are correct in that we win either way, regardless of what end times doctrine we believe in)

    Again, Christians aren't commanded to do nothing because things are getting worse and worse (although many have fallen away). Rather, we are comforted and always need to be ready, saving as many souls as we can; why do you think I'm posting here? Lol

    Anyway, back to my original point on Rapture vs 2nd Coming,

    Dr. Gene Kim breaks this down, as these two separate events are often conflated.

    I'll write an article expanding more on the Rapture (not the 2nd Coming) next...
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 01-21-2022 at 01:51 PM.

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    The insanity escalates.
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    I took the liberty of making a bingo card of all the tangible-ish claims. How confident are you that this year will yield a full line?

    False Prophet Bingo

    Prince Andrew AND Charles will have Epstein-related info come to light There will be an earthquake at yellowstone which will reveal some kind of political ramifications Nancy Pelosi will be removed from office and/or die
    Biden's presidency will end Vague and unfalsifiable claims
    (Free Space)
    Australia & New Zealand will lose their ties to the British monarchy
    Washington DC will be "destroyed" or at
    the very least cease to be the seat of government power
    The CCP in China will be removed or otherwise lose control of the country At least one supreme court justice will be out

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teslobo View Post
    I took the liberty of making a bingo card of all the tangible-ish claims. How confident are you that this year will yield a full line?

    False Prophet Bingo

    Prince Andrew AND Charles will have Epstein-related info come to light There will be an earthquake at yellowstone which will reveal some kind of political ramifications Nancy Pelosi will be removed from office and/or die
    Biden's presidency will end Vague and unfalsifiable claims
    (Free Space)
    Australia & New Zealand will lose their ties to the British monarchy
    Washington DC will be "destroyed" or at
    the very least cease to be the seat of government power
    The CCP in China will be removed or otherwise lose control of the country At least one supreme court justice will be out
    The median weighted prediction at Metaculus for when the next Supreme Court vacancy will arise is January 1st 2023 - so about 50:50 it will happen before then.

    They give a 61% chance that Xi Jinping will still be leader of China in 2030.

    On Smarkets, there's about a 70% chance given that Biden will serve a full term.

    Metaculus give a 10% chance there will be a major earthquake (at least magnitude 7.0) for the whole of the United States by 2023

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    @peteronfireee2 if you believe with absolute confidence what scientists say, that would be unwise. And if you believe what Bronze and Iron Age theologians say with absolute confidence, that would be even more unwise. If you have been indoctrinated from a young age or have poor critical thinking skills, I can sympathise somewhat.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    Man, this is exactly why some people need to stay away from hyper-"intellectualism" raising it on a pedestal like it's some idol.

    After observing this forum for awhile now, it's clear that Jungian psychology is especially spiritually dangerous.

    I'd tell orthodox Christians to stay clear away from things like socionics, as it encourages this occultish/science-idolatry type thinking. Most likely opens up demonic portals and invokes (invites) demons.

    Before his death, Jung even admitted that his theories and investigations brought him no closer to understanding the true nature of existence. Jung also hated Christianity

    There's just this demonic arrogance associated with over-intellectualism, which blind many from the truth, which further lead to the eternal damnation of their souls if they continue walking down that dark path
    From my perspective, Christianity is "occultish" as astrology etc.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    Man, this is exactly why some people need to stay away from the hyper-"intellectualism" stuff, raising it on a pedestal like it's some idol.

    After observing this forum for awhile now, it's clear that Jungian psychology is especially spiritually dangerous.

    I'd tell orthodox Christians to stay clear away from things like socionics, as it encourages this occultish/science-idolatry type thinking. Most likely opens up demonic portals and invokes (invites) demons.

    Before his death, Jung even admitted that his theories and investigations brought him no closer to understanding the true nature of existence. Jung also hated Christianity

    There's just this demonic arrogance associated with over-intellectualism, which blind many from the truth, which further lead to the eternal damnation of their souls if they continue walking down that dark path
    I'm supposed to reject scientific explanations, as well as metaphysical and psychoanalytic explanations in favor of a religious text that doesn't contain justifications but narratives, or I will be invoking demons and spirits who will take possesion of me and lead me to eternal fire.

    I am supposed to believe that in a world where negative spiritual entities exist (Hey, I'm not claiming such thing exist) the true cause for movement and objects wants me to reject any form of understanding and study of his creation, wants to wash my head with holy water so I'm forgiven for the sin of defining ethics without his intake, then needs me to symbolically eat his flesh and drink his blood while granting him my soul in a ceremony...

    It's a little macabre I think.

    ¿Why would a "God" want me to derive truth from a scripture while punishing me for researching it myself?

    If you claim to give birth to reality, it is absurd to punish studying reality, or pondering over it, as it should lead back to you. The idea that a superior power wants you to only trust the scriptures he's written in, reject any other explanation and blindly follow the book's word and interpreters or you will be punished eternally with the worst kind of suffering points towards an evident goal.

    Edit; It notifies me that someone has answered then deleted the post ¿Why? ¿What were you trying to tell me?
    Last edited by RBRS; 01-22-2022 at 02:47 PM.

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