View Poll Results: Does Disturbed seem more LSI or ESI?

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  • Disturbed seems more LSI

    1 33.33%
  • Disturbed seems more ESI

    2 66.67%
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Thread: Disturbed's type from what you know about him?

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    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    EIE or ESI 6w5sx/sp
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    Default Disturbed's type from what you know about him?

    I'm still not sure about whether I'm more Ti or Fi valuing, although I think myself much stronger in Fi, but was wondering by what people here thought about how strong I was in Ti. Going by what Aushra Augusta's definitions of information elements in the dual nature of man, which, along with V.I. is the best source I would go by when trying to decide my type; about how I fit her definition of Fi:
    I have strong dislikes and likes and attraction and repulsion, I'm pretty average at telling when someone is attracted or repulsed by me, I feel what's repulsive and attractive to me immediately and strongly and it varies by the situation. What I pursued most in my own most in life were 1) my friendships with beautiful intelligent people and those people themselves, but only sometimes being around the people I loved and 2) good, immersive video games more than anything else, really, . There were a lot of things I hated, there were only a few people who annoyed me so much that I hated them, I didn't separate my anger from hatred much.

    I think I fit her definition of Ti less, because I don't think I see objective relationships between objects, the values of things easily, definitely not as each situation comes and I'm poor at size discrimination.

    However, I seem to value Ti and Fi equally (according to the definitions in the dual nature of man).

    I'm definitely strong and valuing of Se--I really need people and myself to be internally and externally strong and I'm an esthete--notice beauty quite quickly, can lose control when I see someone or something beautiful, and I love am fascinated with beautiful things; I feel whether I have volition or am weak and unmobile and pretty much instinctively pick up on other peoples' volition or willpower, as long as I'm not in my head, although I'm not all that able to resist other peoples' will against me.

    According to her definition of Fe, I don't value others' emotional states all the time although I usually notice them; I mainly only value it when I think it will keep a relationship I want going or get me what I want or bring attention to me, I like attention sometimes. I'm don't feel like I seek the EIE's Fe, for sure, especially not the EIE-Ni's Fe and really don't like it... they tend to misunderstand how I feel, blowing things way out of proportion and EIE-Ni's emotional expression usually looks just well, not ugly as it's not objective, but i don't like the way it looks, and it's usually about what they want, not about pleasing the other person. I tend to see EIE-Ni as putting too many conditions on things they give you, not telling you about those conditions, then taking everything they gave you back unexpectedly or even intentionally causing unhappiness based upon what they want their emotional state to be. EIE-Ni ultimately treat everybody the way the EIE-Ni wants to get the emotional state the EIE-Ni wants, not because they care about the person. EIE-Fe are more fair and much less reliant on their emotional state when dealing with people.

    According to her definition of Si, mine seems average; I have average awareness of what's going on in space (i'm often in my head due to mental illness), but am unhappy when I'm confused about what's going on in space.

    According to her definition of Te, mine also seems weak but valued no more nor less than Fe.

    According to her definition of Ne, mine seems weak (I'm very unaware of possibilities of objects and my own capabilities), although I value them because if I don't then I miss out.

    I meet Grigory Reinin's description of LSI moderately well, except 1) I tell someone if I love them, 2) I don't drive, 3) I don't do well with objects and 4) I don't really fit most of his dichotomies; but I had the most inner peace when I was in college; it seems like according to him it would be because my relationship needs were met, and that was when I felt most stable, although not perfectly so. I don't see much of myself in Vera Stratiyevskaya's descriptions of ESI or LSI well other than some of what she says about LSI's sensing reactions, about what is pain and pleasure, and my need to educate the public. But since I'm going by information elements, that was what I needed to read before I jumped into socionics, I think my Fi is more valued and stronger than my Ti (Ti, for me, seems better in concepts and words and numbers, but not all that great and not at all well in what's physical e.g., machines) and Fe seems in service to it.

    According to model A, My Fi seems to be more dependent on the situation than my Ti (I don't think that I have good Ti based on the situation, so that's kind of why I think 2d--which would be social norms and experience, but would exclude situation). My Fi seems valued but that's because I need a good emotional state. My 4 heart fix is weird for an LSI, but one of my key motivations is to have a good emotional state and to be surrounded by and create original beauty. My emotional states are usually quite strong, and I become more aware of them as I get older. I've never controlled by emotions well, although other people said I seem autistic or emotionally over-controlled. They think my affect varies on the situation, people think my affect is either flat or extreme. LSI-Ti have stronger affect than LSI-Se and LSI-Ti more internally emotional and don't control their emotions as well as LSI-Se do.

    I don't know if this is a Fi or Ti thing, but it seems Ij to me--My communication style has been somewhat eccentric if that's the right word, informal is better; I've always been pretty informal and I really love informality and familiarity in communication much more than informality, although working women in company or military uniforms can make them look kind of sexy; my EIE-Fe dad hates it when someone seems familiar with him although he's okay with certain informalities and dislikes others.

    Anyway, I'm either ESI or LSI or EIE.

    I'd love for as many people as possible to vote, although I may not be able to decide. But I'm not going to do a video, mainly because I don't feel like taking the time to do a video. Also, for those who vote, explanations would be appreciated, but not really expected. I really don't even expect many votes.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 01-19-2024 at 03:15 PM.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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