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Thread: VI this girl please

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    Default VI this girl please

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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    She's cute, but then I'm partial to redheads with freckles.

    Except for the choker, I'd say she might be LIE. She also looks like she's 17.

    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

    Maybe it's some kind of self-love thing, me finding her to be attractive, but when I was born, I had red hair and I had freckles until my late teens. I also have blue eyes with a yellow ring in them, which can make them look green from a distance and under certain lighting.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    She's cute, but I'm partial to redheads with freckles.

    Except for the choker, I'd say she might be LIE. She also looks like she's 17.
    Your "age detector" seems to be malfunctioning, which explains some things. I'd say 20-21.

    Unsure if she is ILI-Te or LIE-Ni. Seems sx/sp and 4w3 or 9w1.

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Your "age detector" seems to be malfunctioning, which explains some things. I'd say 20-21.

    Unsure if she is ILI-Te or LIE-Ni. Seems sx/sp and 4w3 or 9w1.

    Whether 17 or 21, she's off-limits to me. I don't begin to "see" women until they are about 26.

    If you have more pics of her, I can venture an opinion on ILI vs LIE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Whether 17 or 21, she's off-limits to me. I don't begin to "see" women until they are about 26.

    If you have more pics of her, I can venture an opinion on ILI vs LIE.
    That is honorable of you. Sadly, I don't have more pictures of her; she's just a random red-haired model I found on Bing. I searched her because I had the intuition that the 21yo lesbian girl that I had a romance with and never saw(and probably will never see), looked like her.

    Do you believe there is an age range that marks whether a person is off-bounds for romance (apart from 18yo adult age)?

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    That is honorable of you. Sadly, I don't have more pictures of her; she's just a random red-haired model I found on Bing. I searched her because I had the intuition that the 21yo lesbian girl that I had a romance with and never saw(and probably will never see), looked like her.

    Do you believe there is an age range that marks whether a person is off-bounds for romance (apart from 18yo adult age)?
    I've always heard (older person's age)/2+7=minimum acceptable age
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    I've always heard (older person's age)/2+7=minimum acceptable age
    That's as old as Tutankhamen.

    I believe love has no age. Note I say love, not sex.

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    That is honorable of you. Sadly, I don't have more pictures of her; she's just a random red-haired model I found on Bing. I searched her because I had the intuition that the 21yo lesbian girl that I had a romance with and never saw(and probably will never see), looked like her.

    Do you believe there is an age range that marks whether a person is off-bounds for romance (apart from 18yo adult age)?

    Conventional wisdom says that you should look for someone within eight years of your own age. This seems to be because beyond that range, the cultural markers shift. The older person will have different favorite songs and will remember different significant events than the younger person.
    My ex-wife was seven years older than I was, and we really had no problems in that area.

    I can say that ITRs don't seem to "see" age differences. I have been propositioned by a 22 yo Dual when I was older than her father, and I think we'd have gotten along really well, but at the time, she was the first ESI I'd known and I didn't understand the landscape.

    Yesterday, a 27 yo ESI-Se told me that I was now definitely out of the running, whatever that meant. The fact that I was even being considered is kind of astounding, when you think of it.

    Most unions with great age differences are frowned upon by society for the protection of the participants. A younger person can take advantage of an older person, and vice-versa, if there are power or cognitive differences between them. It is generally better to see matches between people of similar ages, because that means that each person will probably have as much power as the other person, and equal power equates to better outcomes.

    Most good matches are between people with equal "numbers". That is, you add up points for all your good features, and they add up points for all of their good features, and you both subtract points for the negatives, and the resulting numbers should match.
    What this means is that you might see a happy union between a poor but young and beautiful woman and a rich but old and ugly man. Or vice-versa.
    Alternately, you might see a mixed race couple, and almost invariably, the person of the "socially lesser" race will be smarter or richer than the person of the "socially advantaged" race. Although this difference is diminishing as the races in the US become more equal.
    Couples like this are successful because they have both looked at the numbers and they decided that they could trade on equal terms.

    Most women ideally want a man who is within about three to five years of their own age. When young, they want three years older, and when old, they want three years younger.

    Most men want a woman who is twenty-two. This has been suggested to indicate that thinking with two heads is not, actually, better.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Conventional wisdom says that you should look for someone within eight years of your own age. This seems to be because beyond that range, the cultural markers shift. The older person will have different favorite songs and will remember different significant events than the younger person.
    My ex-wife was seven years older than I was, and we really had no problems in that area.

    I can say that ITRs don't seem to "see" age differences. I have been propositioned by a 22 yo Dual when I was older than her father, and I think we'd have gotten along really well, but at the time, she was the first ESI I'd known and I didn't understand the landscape.

    Yesterday, a 27 yo ESI-Se told me that I was now definitely out of the running, whatever that meant. The fact that I was even being considered is kind of astounding, when you think of it.

    Most unions with great age differences are frowned upon by society for the protection of the participants. A younger person can take advantage of an older person, and vice-versa, if there are power or cognitive differences between them. It is generally better to see matches between people of similar ages, because that means that each person will probably have as much power as the other person, and equal power equates to better outcomes.

    Most good matches are between people with equal "numbers". That is, you add up points for all your good features, and they add up points for all of their good features, and you both subtract points for the negatives, and the resulting numbers should match.
    What this means is that you might see a happy union between a poor but young and beautiful woman and a rich but old and ugly man. Or vice-versa.
    Alternately, you might see a mixed race couple, and almost invariably, the person of the "socially lesser" race will be smarter or richer than the person of the "socially advantaged" race. Although this difference is diminishing as the races in the US become more equal.
    Couples like this are successful because they have both looked at the numbers and they decided that they could trade on equal terms.

    Most women ideally want a man who is within about three to five years of their own age. When young, they want three years older, and when old, they want three years younger.

    Most men want a woman who is twenty-two. This has been suggested to indicate that thinking with two heads is not, actually, better.
    On old movies, you know with Humphrey Bogart, Charlton Heston, Clark Gable, always the pairing was with a 20's woman. A guy in his 40's or 50's with a young woman. I wonder if culture has changed or we have turned stupidier or something.

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    On old movies, you know with Humphrey Bogart, Charlton Heston, Clark Gable, always the pairing was with a 20's woman. A guy in his 40's or 50's with a young woman. I wonder if culture has changed or we have turned stupidier or something.

    I'm pretty sure this preference is baked in to humans, from about 100,000 B.C.

    Men's "numbers" are based on how good a provider and protector they are. These two virtues tend to stay about equal over a certain time and age range. The male is a better protector when younger and a better provider when older, but the sum of the two remains about equal. I'd say the period of time when these two factors are high is from age 18 to 50.

    Women's numbers are based on how good a reproducer and caregiver they are, and the time when these two traits are best is when the woman is younger than the man's peak band. I'd say a woman's band is between 16 and 35.

    So the woman is more desirable, from a primitive perspective, when she is younger. But a lot depends on what each person is looking for.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I'm pretty sure this preference is baked in to humans, from about 100,000 B.C.

    Men's "numbers" are based on how good a provider and protector they are. These two virtues tend to stay about equal over a certain time and age range. The male is a better protector when younger and a better provider when older, but the sum of the two remains about equal. I'd say the period of time when these two factors are high is from age 18 to 50.

    Women's numbers are based on how good a reproducer and caregiver they are, and the time when these two traits are best is when the woman is younger than the man's peak band. I'd say a woman's band is between 16 and 35.

    So the woman is more desirable, from a primitive perspective, when she is younger. But a lot depends on what each person is looking for.
    The neat thing about evopsych is that you can use it to explain almost anything.

    My hot take is that it's not physical youth so much men are attracted to, but a lust for life that tends to be drained from older women (and men) as they grow older. People generally become more cynical and less joyful. Men want a woman who makes them feel good, not one who adds to their own worries.

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    I remember an evopsych claim that the 20th century's sexual revolution was caused by the lack of eligible, slightly older men (because so many were killed during the world wars), and that this gender imbalance incentivized women to become more promiscuous. All that sex-positive feminism was actually premised on an underlying biological reality. Seems fascinating. Replication crisis in psychology is a thing, unfortunately.

    Personally, I wouldn't rule out natal exposure to lead paint and/or leaded gasoline as the cause of the boomers' culture of impulsivity.

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    I agree with Adam, I'd have a hard time believing that girl is in her 20s. In fact, she looks just like a girl I remember from my early 20s who was 17 at the time and I typed her as LIE.

    I'm fairly sure the negative sentiment toward an age gap comes from older women trying to exclude younger women from being their direct competition. Older women know they can't compete so they resort to shaming and guilt-tripping men into dating them over younger women.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    I agree with Adam, I'd have a hard time believing that girl is in her 20s. In fact, she looks just like a girl I remember from my early 20s who was 17 at the time and I typed her as LIE.

    I'm fairly sure the negative sentiment toward an age gap comes from older women trying to exclude younger women from being their direct competition. Older women know they can't compete so they resort to shaming and guilt-tripping men into dating them over younger women.
    OK, I loaded the girl's picture into three face/age recognition programs, and they all said she was female. One said she was a minor, a second said she was between 24 and 31, and the third said she was 27.

    She still looks like a minor to me.

  15. #15


    Looks like a minor imo. The makeup she's wearing should be adding age, yet she still looks like one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    Looks like a minor imo. The makeup she's wearing should be adding age, yet she still looks like one.
    And you're full of shit. If you think your opinion will make me doubt my usually very accurate perception you are mistaken. I know a 20-21 year old when I see one, since my sister is one. Not to mention it is irrelevant for VI purposes if she is 17 or 20. It would be relevant... if somebody in this thread was asserting that they want to bang her, and she is a minor. But that hasn't happened. Or has it?

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    And you're full of shit. If you think your opinion will make me doubt my usually very accurate perception you are mistaken. I know a 20-21 year old when I see one, since my sister is one. Not to mention it is irrelevant for VI purposes if she is 17 or 20. It would be relevant... if somebody in this thread was asserting that they want to bang her, and she is a minor. But that hasn't happened. Or has it?
    Why are you so threatened by someone else having a different opinion? Lol. Jeez.

    Grow the fuck up.

    How do you get this defensive "you're trying to change my opinion" stance from me simply saying "this is my opinion" anyway? Seems like some CP 6 kind of shit. You aren't the only one allowed to have a voice or perspective, you know.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    OK, I loaded the girl's picture into three face/age recognition programs, and they all said she was female. One said she was a minor, a second said she was between 24 and 31, and the third said she was 27.

    She still looks like a minor to me.
    Well I wouldn't call her a "minor" but I guess that depends on where you live.

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    I place her in that 17-24 age group. She's very beautiful in my opinion. I'm not sure about her type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by qaz00 View Post
    Fi ego, maybe ESI

    I wish there were more pictures of her, or a video. I can see ILI, LIE, and ESI in that picture.

    If I mentally strip away the choker, the makeup, and the long flowing hair, she looks LIE. If I mentally emphasis her skepticism, then ILI. If I just see her beauty, then ESI.

    More data is needed.

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    It's an edited photo of this girl:

    More extraverted than I expected, I still think Fi ego, idk which one.

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    Nice catch. Between ILI-Te and ESI-Fi now. @qaz00, what would you say of this woman? I also had a vision prior I would meet somebody important who looked like her (the lesbian girl I believe). I'm just trying to determine what type this lesbian girl could be. Trying to move on and stuff...

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Nice catch. Between ILI-Te and ESI-Fi now. @qaz00, what would you say of this woman? I also had a vision prior I would meet somebody important who looked like her (the lesbian girl I believe). I'm just trying to determine what type this lesbian girl could be. Trying to move on and stuff...

    The photo alone vibes ILE>ESI to me, but I'm not good at typing from single photos, especially with heavy makeup and posed.
    Last edited by qaz00; 11-15-2021 at 10:16 AM. Reason: mistake lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by qaz00 View Post
    The photo alone vibes ILE>ESI to me, but I'm not good at typing from single photos, especially with heavy makeup and posed.

    Found some videos, it's clear she uses a lot of Fe and Se... I'm not sure but I think ESE>SEE>ILE.

    They are not the same person lol

    That's not a heavy make up + pose difference, thats a whole another person difference.

    They are both named Clara Alonso, that's all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    They are not the same person lol

    That's not a heavy make up + pose difference, thats a whole another person difference.

    They are both named Clara Alonso, that's all.
    Oops, I rushed with that, however having two people with the same name, surname, similar age, appearance and both famous is very rare.

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    Quote Originally Posted by qaz00 View Post
    Oops, I rushed with that, however having two people with the same name, surname, similar age, appearance and both famous is very rare.
    They seem very different to me.

    Here is the videos of real Clara, both videos are short, second one is in her native language:

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    Here is the original of the picture on the OP:

    It appears this picture was taken in 2018, when the model was 20-21 years old (born in 1997). Am I not awesome?

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    Someone made her brown eyes blue.


    Not this way:

    Last edited by Adam Strange; 11-15-2021 at 08:18 PM.

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    I suspect both girls are ILI-Te.

  31. #31
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    First pic looks ESI. Second one looks IEI or EIE.

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