Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
What you said about ILIs and moral relativism reminds me — I’ve known a number of ILIs who become occasionally angry about something called “postmodernism,” by which they seem to mean an idea that truth is relative. Yet these ILIs invariably have the most relativistic outlook you’ll ever hear. It’s amazing.

I think a number of “postmodern” writers were/are ILI, and if not were another Ni ego. Something about playing with established forms and narratives seems to appeal to that kind of person. I have an idea that ILIs’ struggle against “postmodernism” is really just an expression of their self-hatred.
I too have noticed this, that the vocal anti-post-modernists are ILI, or some kind of Decisive type. I find the Betas approach somewhat forgiveable. Because even if they are wrong, they have some actual foundation where they reason from. ILIs just spit nonsense for sake of it. They actually seem to pollute the ideational pool. I have not read his stuff nor do I plan to, but possibly is Max Stirner ILI? if so.... yeah.

What you said about playing with the rules is perhaps an Irrational thing and even more likely, Decisive Irrational. It seems they are the ones who reject all structures, say life is meaningless, then say the truth is some "will to power" or "might is right", then get smoked by an ideology that disagrees with them. seems so adept at forecasting everything besides its own demise. It's stuff like this that reminds me being Judicious ain't all that bad.